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20, 2012 DATE

NR # 2654

Lawmakers push for the creation of a fisheries and aquatic resources management authority
Bicolano lawmakers are strongly pushing for the creation of the San Miguel BayFisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Authority (SMB-FARMA) that will promote optimal management of fisheries and other natural resources of the bay. Rep. Diosdado Macapagal Arroyo (2nd District, Camarines Sur), author of House Bill 4644, said there is an urgent need to pass this measure to empower the fisher folk sector in the provinces of Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte. As a fitting complement to Republic Act 8550 otherwise known as the Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998, the establishment of the SMB-FARMA will strengthen the existing structure of the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council (FARMC) which was created under said republic act and mandated to recommend and participate in the management, conservation, protection and sustainable development of the fisheries and aquatic resources of San Miguel Bay, Arroyo said. Arroyo said the intention of the bill is to sustain all efforts and programs to effectively manage fisheries and aquatic resources and ultimately alleviate fisher folk and other stakeholders from poverty. Rep. Elmer Panotes (2nd District, Camarines Norte), another author of the bill, said the proposed creation of the SMB-FARMA is geared towards policy directions that cover ecological, economic, social and political aspects. Panotes said the ecological aspect covers sustainable exploitation and habitat protection while the economic side includes maximized benefits from the utilization of fishery resources. Panotes said the social aspect deals with the equitable distribution of the benefits from fishing and other uses of the fishing ground by stakeholders and the political aspect comprises how to maximize the cost of management, upgrade the capability of institutions and streamline management operation by formation of the SMB-FARMA. Under the measure to be known as the San Miguel Bay Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Authority (SMB-FARMA) Act, the SMB-FARMA shall be primarily responsible in the management, conservation, utilization, protection and sustainable development of the bay. The Department of Agriculture through the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources is mandated to take initial steps to demonstrate scientific, technical and

JAN. 20, 2012 DATE

NR # 2654

institutional skills in the formation of the SMB-FARMA, adopting the organization structure of the FARMC. The SMB-FARMA shall consider the San Miguel Bay Integrated Coastal Fisheries Management Plan as a strategy in managing the bay. Under the bill, the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources is directed to assist in the formulation of the implementing rules and regulations including but not limited to its technical and institutional capabilities to fully operationalize the SMB-FARMA. The amount of P15 million as initial funding for this purpose shall be sourced out of the budget of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA). (30) lvc

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