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Name: Verdum Bonestaff Class: Mage Race: Human Alignment: N Level: 18 XP: 3.187.500 Next Level: 187.

500 Age: 53 Gender: M Height: 6 8 Weight: 220 Eyes: Blue Hair: Bald ABILITY STR: 12 DEX: 18 CON: 16 (-1 por Permanency: Protection from Normal Missiles) INT: 20 WIS: 21 CHA: 10 HP: 88 AC: -11 Thaco: 15 Armor: None

WEAPONS Weapon | dmg Staff | 1d6 / 1d6 ___________________________________ SPELLS: Spheres Known All Spells per day: 1st to 5th 5 6th 3 7th 3 8th 2 9th 1 Memorized: (default) 1st: Color Spray, Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Identify, Magic Missile 2nd: Glitterdust, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, Melfs Acid Arrow 3rd: Dispel Magic, Fireball, Fly, Lighting Bolt, Wraithform 4th: Confusion, Enervation, Ice Storm, Improved Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer 5th: Chaos, Cloud Kill, Cone of Cold, Feeblemind, Wall of Force 6th: Chain Lightning, Continency**, Globe of Invulnerability, Otilukes Freezing Sphere 7th: Banishment, Bigbys Grasping Hand, Finger of Dead 8th: Mass Charm, Mind Blank 9th: Weird ___________________________________ SAVING THROWS PPDM RSW PP 3 -2 0 BW 2 S -1

PROFICIENCIES Weapon 4 Nonweapon 10 Proficiency | Check | Slot Agriculture | 20 | 1 Riding | 23 | 1 Weather Sense | 20 | 1 Astrology | 20 | 2 Herbalism | 18 | 2 Spellcraft | 18 | 1 Religion | 21 | 1 Common | 20 | 0 Reading/Writing | 20 | 1 Money: ???????

Imune: Int - 1 e 2 level ilusions Wis - Cause Fear, Charm person, Command, Friends, Hypnotism, Forget, Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Scare, Fear

Magical Itens: 29000 xp - Ring of Protection - 4000 xp + 4 AC + 2 ST - Ring of Spell Turning - 2000 xp - Pearl of Wisdom - 500 xp - Pearl of Power 1, 3, 9 200, 600, 1800 - Gem of Insight - 3000 xp - Cloak of Protection +5 - 5000 xp - Brooch of Shielding - 1000 xp - Bracers of Defense AC 2 - 4000 xp - Necklace of Adaptation 1000 xp - Winged Boots 2000 xp - Ioun Stone pearly white Reg 1 HP/turn 300 xp - Ioun Stone vibrant purple stores 2d6 levels of spells 600 xp - Hewards Handy Haversack 3000 xp Potions: 3000 xp - 4x Extra healing 1600 xp - Fire Resistance 250 xp - Vitality 300 xp - Oil of Acid Resistance 500 xp - Elixir of Health 350 xp Scrolls: 3000 xp - Protection Undead 1500 xp - Wish 900 xp - True Seeing 600 xp

1 Detect Magic, Color Spray, Feather Fall, Identify, Magic Missile 2 Detect Evil, Detect Invisibility, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Ray of enfeeblement 3 Invisibility 10 Radius, Nondetection, Fireball, Lighting Bolt, Wraithform 4 Detect Scrying, Hallucinatory Terrain, Leomunds Secure Shelter, Ice Storm, Improved Invisibility 5 Mordenkainens Faithful Hound, Avoidance, Feeblemind, Cloud Kill, Wall of Force 6 Legend Lore, Chain Lightning, Globe of Invulnerability 7 Sequester, Finger of Dead, Bigbys Grasping Hand 8 Screen, Mass Charm 9 Time Stop

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