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Power Symbol uses

The power symbol can be thought of as the initiator and the sealer. In other words when you intend to use Reiki, in any situation, use the Power Symbol to start with. Do whatever it is you are going to do with the Reiki, for example empowering your

goals, and then finish the session by using the power symbol once more. Okay then lets list a few uses Draw a couple out on some paper and put them in your shoes to help re-energize you. Stand your food on one to empower it. Draw one out over your food to bless it. Do the same with any drink. Draw one out over your list of goals to energize and empower them. Draw one out over each Chakra to cleanse and empower yourself. Visualize one in your palm when shaking someones hand to give them a blessing. Visualize one in each palm whilst holding a dead battery. It can re-energize it. Visualize one covering the doorway to the room of an important meeting. As you walk through - the Symbol will fill you with confidence and presence. Draw it out over your mail shots to bless and empower them. Draw it out onto the walls ceilings and floors of rooms to bless and empower them. Draw it out over the doors and windows of your house to help protect them from unwanted entry. Draw one out over the palms of your hands, then whilst holding a quartz crystal, visualize the Symbol melting into it. This empowered crystal can be used for protection. Place in cars, houses, pockets anywhere. Incidentally, just in case you were wondering. When we say draw out the Symbol we dont mean draw it out literally. If youre using it on your goals list for example then yes, of course, draw it out with a pen or pencil

You have one-sided complaints such as a painful left knee and shoulder. It will balance the energy out. directly on the list. But dont go painting it out on the walls of your house - unless, of course, you really want to. Just draw it out in the air with your fire finger or palm etc. and then visualize it sinking in.

Mental/Emotional Symbol uses

Right, lets move on to - uses for the

This Symbol is all about balance and harmony use it on any situation where this is required. In healing it helps address and balance the mental and emotional reasons behind the physical ailment. Use it when and if Feeling under stress of any kind. It helps you to relax and take a balanced view. Struggling to balance your feelings about money. When your heart says yes and your head says no. You are in conflict with someone and seem to be constantly arguing. Place the symbol between you to harmonize and balance the negative feelings. Your self-image needs improving or any time you feel out of balance. Just imagine the Symbol above your head and let it sink down into you. You have a headache brought on by mental or emotional stress. Draw the Symbol on both your palms and place them on the temples until the pain begins to ease. Needing to remember something. Visualize the Symbol above your head, allow it to sink

down into you, then relax and let go. The answer will pop into your mind quite quickly. Reciting your affirmations. Visualize the Symbol above your head again, let it sink down and then run through your list. Needing to concentrate. Let the Symbol sink into your head (as written above) wait for a few minutes - then attend to the task. In fact you can use it whenever and wherever you need to bring balance and harmony. There are literally hundreds of uses for this Symbol. As there are for all the Reiki Symbols. You are only limited by your own imagination. And, then again, you can even use the Mental/Emotional Symbol to enhance your imagination!

Distance Symbol uses

The Distance Symbol is quite a remarkable one. It is generally used for sending healing to anyone or anything that you are not able to touch right now. This happens if the person is on the other side of the room or the other side of the world. Time is no barrier either. The use of this Symbol can send Reiki into the past or the future. So if you want to send healing to an event that occurred in the past, nows your chance. If you are not sure why you would want to do this consider An emotionally traumatic event that may have occurred many years ago but which still causes upset today.

Perhaps the loss of a loved one who youve been unable to let go. Sending the Distance Symbol to the time when this happened, along with the Mental/Emotional Symbol, can be very healing For both of you. Sending Reiki to a future event also falls within the capabilities of the Distance Symbol. Whats this good for? Well, if you have an exam, an important meeting etc. Or even some sort of hospital operation lined up sending Reiki can help everything go much more smoothly. How do you do this? Write down on a piece of paper exactly when and where the event did, or is going to, take place. Draw out the Power Symbol over the paper. Follow this with Distance Symbol and, if you think it will help, the Mental/Emotional Symbol too. Seal the process with another Power Symbol and then hold the paper in your hands. Intend that the Reiki travels to this point in time, and it will be so. Now, if you directed the Reiki to a future time it will be there to help everything go smoothly when you arrive. If you sent it into the past you will begin to feel more relaxed about whatever trauma that was affecting you. Keep on repeating the process until you feel the hold it had on you has been released. Sending healing to another person follows a similar method

Write out the name of the person on a piece of paper. Draw out the Power Symbol over it, followed by the Distance Symbol and then seal it with another Power Symbol. Not forgetting to say the Sacred Names of the Symbols three times each, as you draw them out. Yes, you can include a Mental/Emotional Symbol, within the Power Symbol sandwich as well, if you feel it will help. Hold the paper between your palms. Say the name of the person along with the address, if you know it, three times. Intend that the Reiki energy flows to the person and it will be so. Allow the energy to flow for as long as you feel comfortable. Ten minutes, twenty, thirty its entirely up to you. If you are intending to send Reiki to more than just one person, it is not necessary to send to just one person at a time. Simply write all their names down on the paper, then... Carry out the same process as above and the Reiki will flow to everyone on the list. If you dont know their addresses, dont worry God the bigger part of you - knows them all. By the way, you can also use a photograph of the person instead of writing their name. Draw out the Symbols on the back of the photo and hold this in your hands.

Usui Master Symbol

This Symbol is generally used just for initiating others into Reiki. It is the first symbol used when beginning the initiation ceremony. As for its other uses, what can we say? Use it for anything and everything. Whatever you want to positively influence and empower use the Usui Master Symbol. There are no limitations as to its use.

Tibetan Master Symbol

As with the Usui Master Symbol this one is also used mainly in the initiation ceremonies. Only this time, obviously, it is used for attuning people to the Tibetan Reiki energies. It is generally accepted, nonetheless, that this Symbol is good for clearing blocked or negative energy. So any time you feel like a

good clear out, use it. And we do mean for all kinds of clearing from constipation to unwanted ghostly apparitions.

Fire Serpent Symbol

This is essentially a symbol for centering energies, such as the aura or Chakras. And, once again, is used mainly during the Tibetan initiation ceremony. It can, of course, also be used during a healing treatment if you think it would be beneficial. For example if your client is feeling frazzled, uncoordinated

or disorientated etc. Its kinda like the pull yourself together Symbol. Draw it out along the whole length of the persons spine - from the top of the head down to the tailbone. This will balance, cleanse and harmonize the Chakras.

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