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Article review Students Name Name of Institution 19th May 2011

Article review Review of Evidence-based Practice: Impact on Nursing Administration

Brown J. Barbara. (2006). Evidence-based Practice: Impact on Nursing Administration. Nursing Administration Quarterly 30 (3): 189-190. According to Brown, the responsibility of nursing lies in identifying its product and program output clearly in relation to nursings mission. Several strategies should be put in place to help in coping with the changing economics of acute care facilities. Some of these strategies include; enhancing of the services offered application of new technologies in a discreet manner, cost reduction, communication and education improvement, risk identification and analysis to monitor performance and use of superior information systems which will integrate clinical cost accounting and also provide decision support systems that are computerized (Brown, 2006). The leaders of nursing administration are using various ways to show the value of nursing and measure its productivity. In a bid to prove and confirm this, they had put forward authentic facts and data. By doing this they are trying to come up with evidence based management data. Currently, effort is being put in achieving knowledge in evidence-based nursing administration that will aid in developing solutions in management. These management solutions will help in supporting the goals and outcomes of the healthcare systems and the nursing workforce. Decision making in practice environments is supported by measurement and evaluation of outcomes. This is also the basis of best practices in nursing administration (Brown, 2006). Great emphasis has been put on the importance of evidence-based practice in all healthcare industry aspects. However, information in the area of nursing administration has been quite limited. Tim Porter, a senior partner in an international healthcare consulting firm that focuses on service recruitment for a changing environment, has continuously challenged Nursing Administration Quarterly readers to come up with content that can be used in the evolution of

Article review Evidence-based practice: Impact on Nursing Administration. This is in an attempt to come up with changes that are innovative in practice environments and lead in the development of management practice outcomes that are evidence-based. It is quite difficult to establish the best administrative practices are. This has resulted

from several failures which are based on outcome data. Also, there has been very little success in management practices. An earlier article in the Nursing Administration Quarterly had given evidence-based outcomes in several patient care scenarios. Understanding different kinds of situations will help with coming up with management and administration practices that are better. Increased data knowledge and expertise can also help in developing strategies that will enhance nursing administration practice (Brown, 2006). Situations that exist in nursing practice are quite broad based. Measuring nursing productivity is critical especially with the continued nursing shortage. Positive administrative outcomes rely on flexibility and anticipation of challenging changes. Evidence-based decision making which is pro-active is more preferred to that which is defensive. It is also necessary to consider the differences that exist between rural healthcare settings and urban healthcare settings. Providing data as evidence is essential in changing the way nursing is perceived. This will help in improving and nurturing the administrative practices. Dedicated nursing leadership is essential if these changes are to be achieved any time soon (Brown, 2006). If nursing practice continues to rely on a conservative mentality of do it my way, no changes are going to be achieved. The nursing fraternity ought to evaluate their systems, strive to be effective, efficient and accountable in order to achieve the much needed changes. These changes have to be evidence-based and the values of the patients should be core. Whether or not evidence-based practice is fully achieved or not depends on the effective application of these

Article review

strategies. Brown has clearly laid down the strategies, but the question remains, how practical are they?

Article review Reference

Brown J. Barbara. (2006). Evidence-based Practice: Impact on Nursing Administration. Nursing Administration Quarterly 30 (3): 189-190.

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