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CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Date of Birth: Birthplace: Social Security Number: Marital Status: Current Position: EDUCATION Undergraduate:

Queens College, Flushing, New York 1953 - 1955 University of Chicago, Illinois 1955 - 1956 State University of New York Upstate Medical School at Syracuse 1956 - 1960: M.D. Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center San Francisco, California 1960 - 1961 Resident in Diagnostic Radiology Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 1961 - 1964 Fellow, American Cancer Society: 1962 - 1963 Fellow, USPHS in Cardiovascular Radiology, Stanford University: 1963 - 1964 Advanced Fellow in Academic Radiology of the James Picker Foundation, Cardiovascular Research Unit, Postgraduate Medical School, London, England: 1966 - 1967 Audited courses in Health Policy and Health Economics at Stanford University taught by Victor Fuchs and Alain Enthoven - 1979 -1982 Married, 3 children Professor Emeritus of Radiology Lewis Wexler, M.D. January 16, 1938 Brooklyn, New York

Medical School:



Postgraduate Training:

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 2 Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow, Washington, DC: 1982 - 1983 Research Methods Workshop University of California, San Francisco Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics August - October 1989 (10 week course) Fellowship in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Body and Heart, University of California, San Francisco, Directors: Charles B. Higgins and Hedvig Hricak July -December 1992 Licenses: State of California G7866 July 31, 1962 District of Columbia 137-04 December 20, 1982 - Inactive State of Maryland D-29173 March 14, 1983 - Inactive Board Certification: Diagnostic Radiology American Board of Radiology June 18, 1965 U.S. Air Force, Captain, Chief Radiologist USAF Hospital, Ankara, Turkey 1964 - 1966 Distinguished Achievement Award of the Council on Cardiovascular Radiology of the American Heart Association November 9, 1993 Listed in "The Best Doctors in America" 2nd Edition, Woodward/White, Inc., 1994; 3rd Edition, 1996; 4th Edition, 1998 For Outstanding Service as Chairman of the Squibb Fellowship Committee of the Society for Angiography and Interventions: A Tribute Efforts of Dr. Lewis Wexler. Cathet 34:373, 1995 Physician Volunteer of the Year-1996: For outstanding achievement and distinguished commitment to of the American Heart Association, Recipient of the First Gold Medal of the North American Society of Cardiac Imaging, 2002.

Military Experience:


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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 3 PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS: Assistant Professor of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1967 1972 Chief, Section of Cardiovascular Radiology, Division of Diagnostic Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine,1967 - 1991 Associate Professor of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1972 1980 Visiting Associate Professor, Tel Aviv University Medical School, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Israel, Jan. - June 1974 Co-Director, Cardiac Catheterization and Angiographic Laboratories, Stanford University Hospital, 1974 - 1989 Professor of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1980 1999 Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) - by courtesy, Stanford University, School of Medicine, 1984 - 1985 Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Physician Affairs, Stanford University, Hospital, 1985 -July, 1986 Acting Chief of Staff, Office of Physician Affairs, Stanford University Hospital, July, 1986 - December, 1986 Assistant Dean for Clinical Affairs, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1985 - 1986 Member, Section of CardioThoracic Radiology, Division of Diagnostic Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1991 - 1999. Director, Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME) Reaccreditation Project. Stanford University School of Medicine, June 1996 - Dec. 1997. Professor Emeritus of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 1999 Present. Radiologist, Locum Tenens: Menlo Medical Clinic, Jan. 2004 - Present. CONSULTANT: Consultant in Radiology to Health Service Office, Community Action Program, Office of Economic Opportunity, Washington, DC, 1968 - 1970 Consultant in Cardiovascular Radiology, Travis Air Force Base Hospital, 1969 1970 Consultant in Radiology, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Palo Alto, California, 1967 - Present Consultant in Cardiovascular Radiology, Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center,

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 4 San Francisco, California, 1970 - 1984 Consultant in Radiology, Family Health Foundation of Alviso,1968 - 1987 Special Assistant on Health: Congressman James R. Jones, 1st District, Oklahoma, U.S. House of Representatives, Chairman, Budget Committee, Member, Health Subcommittee, Ways and Means Committee, December 1982 - April 1983 Special Assistant on Health: Senator Dan Quayle, U.S. Senate, Indiana, Member, Health Subcommittee of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, April August 1983

1983 -

COMMUNITY SERVICE: Member, Board of Directors, Santa Clara County Health Systems Agency (HSA), 1980 - 1986 Ad Hoc Member, National Institutes of Health Committee for Review of Clinical, Investigative Awards and Institute Training Grants in Heart and Vascular Diseases, October 29-31, 1980 American Heart Association, California Affiliate: Member, Board of Directors, 1987 - Present. Public Affairs Committee, 1987 - 1993, Chairman 1989 - 1992. Component Relations Committee, 1992 - 1993. Multicultural Task Force, 1992 - 1994. Budget Committee, 1993 - Present. President-Elect, June 1993. President, June 1994-May 1995. Delegate to National Delegate's Assembly, 1994. Immediate Past-President, June 1995 Chair, Task Force on Physicians and Scientists, 1995. Student Research Committee, 2000-2004, 2006 - Present. American Heart Association, Santa Clara County Chapter: Member, Board of Directors, 1985 - 1993. President, Santa Clara Component, 1992 - 93. Panelist, NHLBI Workshop for Cardiovascular Research in Laser and Fiberoptic Technology, Washington DC, September 26-27, 1985 California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development: Chairman, Technical Advisory Committees for Freestanding Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Pilot Project, 1984 - 1994 and for the Mobile Cath Lab Project, 1988 - 1994 Member, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Physician Advisory Panel to HCFA, 1987 Member, Advisory Committee to California Department of Health Services to Revise Title 22 Regulations Governing Cardiac Services, 1989 Reviewer: Agency for Health Policy Research (AHCPR) - Medical Treatment Effectiveness Program (MEDTEP) projects concerning Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms and Coronary Arteriography, 1990 - 91. Member: CPEP Panel to advise HCFA on Medicare pricing for Radiology procedures, 1995.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 5 Member:: Data and Safety Monitoring Board of the MultiEthnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) Trial, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH. 1999 - Present

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 6 UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES: Faculty Sponsor, Stanford Workshop on Political and Social Issues (SWOPSI), Undergraduate Special 182-Radiation and the Environment, 1970 Secretary, Dean's Committee on Community Medicine, 1968 - 1969 Member, Stanford Community Health Council, 1969 - 1972 Member, Cardiovascular Research and Training Center Subcommittee, Member, Panel of Radiological Hazards Control, 1971-1973, 1979 Chairman, Radiation Protection Committee, 1972 Undergraduate Pre-Medical Advisor, 1969 - 1982 Member, Medical School Faculty Senate 1972 Medical School Admissions Panel 1977 - 1979 Medical School Admissions Committee 1980 - 1982 Member, Committee to Study a Heart Center, 1979 Chairman, Stanford University Medical Center, Legislative Committee, 1983 - 1986 Member, Steering Committee, Kaiser Foundation Study of the Future of the Academic Medical Center, 1984 - 1987 Chairman, Stanford University Hospital, Ad Hoc Committee on Medical Ethics, 1985 Member, Stanford University Medical Center Committee on Ethics, 1985 - 1990 Member, Baxter-Travenol Task Force on Cost Control: Coronary Bypass Surgery Project and Uncomplicated Myocardial Infarction Project, 1985 - 1986 Member, Medical School Faculty Affirmative Action Committee, 1988 - 1991 Member, Lane Library Committee, 1989 - 1996 Member, Administrative Panel on Radiological Safety, 1991 - 1998 Chairman, Medical School Radiation Producing Machines Committee, 1991 - 1992, 1994 - 1998 Member, Medical School Commencement Committee, 1992 - 1998 Chairman, Medical School Commencement Committee, 1994 - 1998 Member, Executive Quality of Care Committee, Stanford University Hospital, 1993 - 1998 Member, Stanford University Hospital Board of Directors Quality Assurance Committee, 1993 - 1995 Alternate Department Representative, Medical School Faculty Senate, 1993 - 1994. Member, Medical School Faculty Council, 1997 - 1998. Member, Faculty Senate of the Academic Council of Stanford University, 1994 1998. Member, Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate, January - June 1996. Chairman, Medical School Ad Hoc Committee to Investigate a Charge of Sexual Harassment, 1995 Member, Stanford Health Services (SHS) Quality Task Force, 1995 - 1996 Member, Stanford Health Services (SHS) Stanford Faculty Practice Group, Practice Operations Committee. 1995 - 1997 Chairman, Stanford Medical School's Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME) Steering Committee for Reaccreditation. June 1996-- Dec. 1997. Member, UCSF-Stanford Health Care, Strategic Support Team, 1997 Freshman Advisor, 1996 - 2000 Member, Stanford University Committee on Committees of the Academic Council, 1997 1998 Member, Stanford University Committee on Land and Building Development, 1998 2000, Chairman, 2000 2001. Member, Stanford University Trustees Committee on Land and Buildings, 2000 2002.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 7 Member, Stanford Medical School Admissions Committee, 1998 2001 DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES: Advisory Committee on Promotions, 1984 - 1988 Diagnostic Radiology Credentialing Committee, 1984 - 1988, 1995 - 1998 Diagnostic Division Advisory Board, 1994 - 1996 Quality Assurance Committee, Chairman, 1992 - 1998 Chairman, Diversity Task Force, 1992 - 1994 Resident Selection Committee, 1993 - 1995 Appointments and Promotions Committee, 1994 - 1999 Faculty Mentoring Committee, 1995 1999 CARDIOVASCULAR RADIOLOGY FELLOWS * and SCVIR (Society of CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology) MEMBERS WHO TRAINED UNDER DR. WEXLER: *Steven Adler, MD *Richard B. Baxter, MD *Peter T. Beatty, MD *Charles R. Bowles, MD *Fred Burbank, MD *Henry Chang, MD *Larry-Stuart Deutsch, MD *Randall J Enstrom, MD *Albert G. Grabb, MD *Diana F. Guthaner, MD *Antoinnette S. Gomes, MD *Robert Henretig, MD *Cheryl Hoffman, MD *Ducksoo Kim, MD *Joel Lipman, MD *Daniel Lucas, MD *William R. Martin, MD *Thomas O. McNamara, MD *Ivo Obrez, MD (deceased) *Patricia Randall, MD *Michael T. Ricci, MD *Seyed A. Rooholamini, MD *Jesse F. Sanderson, MD *Peter M. Selzer, MD *James F. Silverman, MD *Suzanne M. Slonim, MD *David C. Swanson, MD *Patricia E. Thorpe, MD *Chandrasekar Venugopal, MD Robert M. Bernstein, MD Michael Brant-Zawadzki, MD Steven B. Brown, MD Douglas M. Cassel, MD Ronald A. Castellino, MD Edward Drasin, MD N. Reed Dunnick, MD Robert Feldman, MD Thomas A. Freed, MD Harvey M. Goldstein, MD William G. Hayden, MD Charles B. Higgins, MD Paul D. Kamin, MD Catherine A. Kusnick, MD Martin J. Lipton, MD Jozsef Lukacs, MD Randell L. McKenzie, MD John Michal, MD Robert L. Pakter, MD Mahmood K. Razavi, MD Barry Robbins, MD Jonathan D. Rubin, MD Mark K. Sarkisian, MD Benjamin Signer, MD Joseph L. Skeens, MD Robert M. Steiner, MD Keith Terasaki, MD Howard Torman, MD Allan M. Wright, MD

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 8 SOCIETIES AND ORGANIZATIONS: American College of Cardiology: Fellow Member of Peripheral Vascular Committee, 1988 - 1994 American College of Radiology: Fellow Member, Committee on Government Relations of the Commission on Interventional Cardiovascular Radiology, 1991 - 1994 Member, Expert Panel on Cardiovascular Imaging, 1994 American Heart Association: Council on Cardiovascular Radiology, Fellow - Member of Executive Committee, 1976 - 1993 - Delegate to AHA National Delegate's Meeting, 1976 - 1988, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999 - Nominating Committee, Chairman, 1978 - 1979 - Vice-Chairman of Council, 1983 - 1985 - Chairman of Council on Cardiovascular Radiology, 1985 - 1987 - Chairman, Committee on New Imaging Technologies, 1990 - 1993 - Chairman, Long-Range Planning Committee, 1988 -1990 Council Affairs Committee, Member: 1985 - 1987, Representative: 1995, 1996 Member, Cardiovascular Study Section, 1982 - 1984 Member, Anesthesiology, Surgery, Radiology Study Section, 1993 - 1996. Member, Scientific Councils Fellowship Peer Review Committee, 1994 - 1997. Member, Research Program and Evaluation Committee, 1996 - 1999. Participant, EBCT Workshop, July 30, 1998 Member, Writing Group on Atherosclerotic Burden. Prevention V Conference. Beyond Secondary Prevention: Identifying the High Risk Patient for Primary Prevention Oct. 29 28, 1998, San Francisco Member, Distinguished Scientist Selection Committee, 2002-2005. American Medical Association: Member American Physician's Fellowship, Israeli Medical Association: Member American Roentgen Ray Society: Member Association for Health Services Research: Member Association of University Radiologists Member of Finance Committee, 1984 - 1986 Bay Area Society of Thoracic Radiology, Member International Society for Heart Transplantation: Member North American Society of Cardiac Imaging: Charter Member Chairman, Nominating Committee Representative to InterSociety Commission of American College of Radiology 1985, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1993, 1994 President, 1993 - 1995 Physicians for Social Responsibility: Member


Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 9 Radiological Society of North America: Member Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology: Charter Member Society for Magnetic Resonance (in Medicine): Member Society of Cardiac Angiography and Interventions: Charter Member and Fellow Member, Board of Trustees, 1983 - 1994 President-Elect, 1985 - 1986 President, 1987 - 1988 Chairman, Squibb - SCAI Fellowship Committee, 1988 - 1994. Member, Laboratory Performance and Standards Committee Member, Laboratory Survey Committee Member, Peripheral Vascular Interventions Subcommittee Member, Nominating Committee Member, Training Program Standards Committee Society of Thoracic Radiology: Charter Member Member, Education and Fellowship Committees South Bay Radiologic Society: Member Western Angiography and Interventional Society: Charter Member Secretary-Treasurer, 1973 President, 1975 PROFESSIONAL JOURNALS: Member, Editorial Review Board: International Journal of Cardiac Imaging Current Medical Imaging Reviews Editorial Reviewer for the Journals: Radiology Radiographics American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) Circulation Investigative Radiology Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis New England Journal of Medicine Journal of the American College of Cardiology American Journal of Cardiology American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 10 GRANT SUPPORT: Squibb Gift for Research ($53,015). Hancock Laboratories Gift for Research ($2,000). Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute ($20,000). NHLBI, Cardiovascular Radiology Research Training Program HL07415, L Wexler, PI, 7/1/79-6/30/85, renewed at $148,767 annually, HL07425, 7/1/85 - 5/31/90. Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute ($50,000). NHLBI: Coronary Artery Disease, Risk Factor Grant HL28292, EL Alderman, PI, 9/30/86 - 9/29/88. NHLBI: BARI, Central Radiographic Laboratory HL38642, EL Alderman, PI, L Wexler, Co-Investigator, 6/1/87 - 11/30/95. Kellogg Foundation: Patient Care Provider Involvement in Hospital Cost Containment. JF Silverman, PI, 9/1/85 - 6/30/87, L Wexler, PI, 7/1/87 - 12/31/87, Award to Stanford: $244,460. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: A Multi-Hospital Study of Variations in Medical Practices and Clinical Outcomes, BJ McNeil, Coordinator (Harvard Medical School). L. Wexler, PI. Grant Award to Stanford University: $102,019, 6/1/86 - 4/30/88. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Developing Clinician-Centered Cost Management at Four Community Non-Teaching Hospitals, L Wexler, PI. Grant Award: $600,000, 1/1/88 - 12/31/90. Winthrop Pharmaceuticals: Omnipaque Multicenter Nephrotoxicity Study OMN-WP-140, L Wexler, PI, Grant Award: $124,340, 7/1/88 - 6/30/91. Berlex Laboratories, Inc.: Double-Blind Study of the Safety, Tolerance, and Diagnostic Efficacy of Iopromide and Iohexol in Cardiac Angiography. L Wexler, PI, Grant Award: $87,559, 2/1/90 8/30/90. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: (Contracted through Johns Hopkins University) Improving the Quality of Hospital Care, L Wexler, Technical Consultant, (15% salary support): $110,447, 1/1/90 - 10/31/91. Renewed: $50,994, 11/1/90 - 10/31/91. Kellogg Foundation: The Co-Step Hospital Network: A Program for Creating Hospital Leadership in Cost Effective Care. L Sommers, PI, L Wexler, Consultant, Grant Award: $122,819, 1/1/90 - 3/1/91. Cook Imaging Co.: Comparison of Ioxilan (350 mgI/ml) with Iohexol (350 mgI/ml) in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Catheterization and Left Ventriculography/ Coronary Angiography. L Wexler, PI, Grant Award: $178, 492, 9/15/90 - 8/31/91. Berlex Laboratories, Inc.: Study of the Safety, Tolerance and Diagnostic Efficacy of Iopromide 370 mg/mL in Patients Undergoing Coronary Arteriography and Left Ventriculography. L Wexler, PI, Grant Award: $57,418, 3/1/91 - 8/31/91. Pharmacyclics, Inc.: Evaluation of Intravenous and Oral Paramagnetic MRI Contrast Agents. L Wexler, PI, Grant Award: $182,622, 3/1/93 6/15/95.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 11 PUBLICATIONS: 1. Baum S, Bron KM, Wexler L, Abrams HL: Lymphangiography, cavography and urography: Comparative accuracy in the diagnosis of pelvic and abdominal metastases. Radiology 81:207-218, August 1963. Wexler L, Abrams HL: Hamartoma of the spleen. Angiographic observations. Am J Roentgenol 92:1150-1155, November 1964. Wexler L, Bergel DH, Gabe IT, Makin GA, Mills CH: Velocity of blood flow in normal venae cavae. Circ Res 23:349-359, September 1968. Marshall WH, Steiner RM, Wexler L: Tumor vascularity in left atrial myxoma demonstrated by selective coronary arteriography. Radiology 93:815-816, October 1969. Maloney JE, Rooholamini SA, Wexler L: Pressure-diameter relations of small blood vessels in isolated dog lung. Microvasc Res 2:1-12, January 1970. Wexler L, Silverman JF: Traumatic rupture of the innominate artery: A seat belt injury. N Engl J Med 282:1186-1187, May 1970. Steiner RM, Bull MI, Kumpel F, Wexler L, Kriss JP: The diagnosis of intracardiac metastasis of colon carcinoma by radioisotopic and roentgenographic studies. Am J Cardiol 26:300304, September 1970. Steiner RM, Harell GS, Glatstein E, Wexler L: Repeat lymphangiography in Hodgkin's disease. Radiology 97(3):613-618, December 1970. Goldstein HM, Castellino RA, Wexler L, Stinson EB: Roentgenologic aspects of cardiac transplantation. Postoperative pulmonary infections. Am J Roentgenol 3(3):476-482, March 1971. Wexler L: Simplified serial coronary arteriography. Am J Roentgenology 61(4):780-781, April 1971. Kriss JP, Enright LP, Hayden WG, Wexler L, Shumway NE: Radioisotopic angiocardiography. Wide scope of applicability in diagnosis and evaluation of therapy in diseases of the heart and great vessels. Circulation 43:792-808, June 1971. Steiner RM, Wexler L: Renal arteriovenous fistula--unique finding in the Marfan syndrome. J Urol 106:631-634, November 1971. Kriss JP, Freedman GS, Enright LPL, Hayden WG, Wexler L, and Shumway NE: Radioisotopic angiocardiography. Pre- and postoperative evaluation of patients with diseases of the heart and aorta. Radiol Clin North Am 9(3):369-383, December 1971. Wexler L, Silverman JF, DeBusk RF, and Harrison DC: Angiographic features of rheumatic and nonrheumatic mitral regurgitation. Circulation 44:1080-1086, December 1971. Kriss JP, Enright LP, Hayden WG, Wexler L, Shumway NE: Radioisotopic angiocargiography. Findings in congenital heart disease. J Nucl Med 13:31-40, January 1972. Wexler L: Coronary arteriography: Complications and indications. Questions and answers. JAMA 219:918, February 1972.

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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 12 17. Castellino RA, Silverman JF, Glatstein E, Blank N, Wexler L: Splenic arteriography in Hodgkin's disease. A roentgenologic-pathologic study of 33 consecutive untreated patients. Am J Roentgen 114(3):574-582, March 1972. Kerber RE, Green RA, Cohn LH, Wexler L, Kriss JP, Harrison DC: Multiple left ventricular outflow obstructions. Aortic valvular and supravalvular stenosis and coarctation of the aorta. J Thorac Cardiovascular Surg 63(3):374-379, March 1972. Silverman JF, Wexler L: Primary intraluminal tumor of the aorta: Case report with preoperative and angiographic diagnosis. Radiology 102(3):581-582. Schroeder JS, Stinson EB, Bieber CP, Wexler L, Shumway NE, Harrison DC: Papillary muscle dysfunction due to nonpenetrating chest trauma: Recognition in a potential cardiac donor. Br Heart J 34:645-647, June 1972. Griepp RB, Wexler L, Stinson EB, Dong E Jr, Shumway NE: Coronary arteriography following cardiac transplantation. J Can Assoc Radiol 23:207-213, September 1972. Matlof HJ, Buhl J, Wexler L, Harrison DC: Serum enzymes and electrocardiograms following coronary arteriography. N Engl J Med 288:142-143, January 1973. Alderman EL, Matlof HJ, Wexler L, Shumway NE, Harrison DC: Results of direct coronary artery surgery for the treatment of angina pectoris. N Engl J Med 288:535-539, 1973. Marlon AM, Adams MH, Wexler L, Harrison DC: Angiographic demonstration of collateral development in experimental coronary artery occlusion with Ameroid constrictors. Invest Radiol 8(3):131-137, May-June 1973. Matlof HJ, Alderman EL, Wexler L, Shumway NE, Harrison DC: What is the relationship between the response of angina to coronary surgery and anatomical success? Circulation 48(3):168-172, July 1973. Mattila S, Ingels NB Jr, Daughters GT, Adler SC, Wexler L, Dong E Jr: The effects of atrial pacing on the synergy and hemodynamics of the orthotopically transplanted canine heart. Circulation 48:386-391, August 1973. Koops B, Kerber RE, Wexler L, Greene RA: Congenital coronary artery anomalies. JAMA 226(2):1425-1429, December 1973. Daughters GT, Ingels NB, Carrera CJ, Wexler L, Smith NT: Regional myocardial dynamics from single-plane coronary cineangiograms. J Biomech 6:25-30, January 1973. Silverman JF, Griepp RB, Wexler L: Radiographic changes in cardiac contour following cardiac transplantation. Radiology 111:303-306, May 1974. Deutsch V, Wexler L, Deutsch H: Takayasu's arteritis. An angiographic study with remarks on ethnic distribution in Israel. Am J Roentgenol 122:13-28, September 1974. Itzchak Y, Wexler L, Deutsch V: Duplication and paired inferior vena cava with an absent right kidney. Angiology 25:746-751, October 1974. Silverman JF, Lipton MJ, Graham A, Harrison S, Wexler L: Coronary arteriography in longterm human cardiac transplantation survivors. Circulation 50:838-843, October 1974.


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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 13 33. 34. Dunn RP and Wexler L: Systemic-to-pulmonary fistula in intrapulmonary Hodgkin's disease. Chest 66:590-594, November 1974. Obrez I, Wexler L, Silverman JF: Aortono-koronarni venski transplantati: Primerjava angiografskih znacilnogti s klinicnimi rezultata. Zdrav Vestn (Medical Journal of Slovenia) 43:491-494, 1974. Higgins CB and Wexler L: Reversal of dominance of the coronary arterial system in isolated aortic stenosis and bicuspid aortic valve. Circulation 52:292-296, August 1975. Deutsch V, Wexler L, Blieden LC, Yahini JH, Neufeld HN: Ebstein's anomaly of tricuspid valve: Critical review of roentgenological features and additional angiographic signs. Am J Rontgenol 125:395-411, October 1975. Guthaner D, Higgins CB, Silverman JF, Hayden WG, Wexler L: An unusual form of the transposition complex. Uncorrected levo-transposition with horizontal ventricular septum: Report of two cases. Circulation 53:190-195, January 1976. Higgins CB and Wexler L: Clinical and angiographic features of pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas in children. Radiology 119(1):171-175, April 1976. Higgins CB, Wexler L, Silverman JF, Schroeder JS: Clinical and arteriographic features of Prinzmetal's variant angina: Documentation of etiologic factors. Am J Cardiol 37:831839, May 1976. Guthaner D, Higgins CB, Wexler L: Angiographic demonstration of a thoracic aortic aneurysm with rupture into the pulmonary artery. Journal de L'Association Canadienne des Radiologistes 27:96-98, June 1976. Higgins CB, Wexler L, Silverman JF, Hayden WG, Anderson WL, Schroeder JS: Spontaneously and pharmacologically provoked coronary arterial spasm in Prinzmetal's variant angina. Radiology 119:521-527, June 1976. Silverman JF and Wexler L: Complications of percutaneous transfemoral coronary arteriography. Clin Radiol 27:317-321, July 1976. Guthaner D and Wexler L: The radiologic evaluation of patients with coronary bypass. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol 6(6):1-32, November/December 1976. Ingels NB Jr, Daughters GT, Wexler L: Quantitative velocity-asynergy analysis of singleplane cineventriculograms: A clinical evaluation of left ventricular myocardial function in man. Proceedings of the San Diego Biomedical Symposium 15:327-335, 1976. Higgins CB, French JW, Silverman JF, Wexler L: Interruption of the aortic arch: Preoperative and postoperative clinical hemodynamic and angiographic features. Am J Cardiol 39:563-571, April 1977. Cipriano PR, Silverman JF, Perlroth MG, Griepp RB, Wexler L: Coronary arterial narrowing in Takayasu's aortitis. Circulation 39:744-750, May 1977. Guthaner DF, Silverman JF, Hayden WG, Wexler L: Intra-arterial analgesia in peripheral arteriography. Am J Roentgenol 128:737-739, May 1977. Harell GS, Guthaner DF, Breiman RS, Morehouse CC, Seppi EJ, Marshall WH, Wexler L: Stop-action cardiac computed tomography. Radiology 123(2):515-517, May 1977.

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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 14 49. Schroeder JS, Bolen JL, Quint RA, Clark DA, Hayden WG, Higgins CB, Wexler L: Provocation of coronary spasm with ergonovine maleate. New test with results in 57 patients undergoing coronary arteriography. Am J Cardiol 40:487-491, October 1977. Robert EW, Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Alderman E: Six-year clinical and angiographic followup of patients with previously documented complete revascularization. Circulation Cardiovascular Surgery Suppl 59:194-199, September 1978. Lipton MJ, Barry WH, Obrez I, Silverman JF, Wexler L: Isolated single coronary artery: Diagnosis, angiographic classification, and clinical significance. Radiology 130:39-47, January 1979. Cipriano PR, Guthaner DF, Orlick AE, Ricci DR, Wexler L, Silverman JF: The effect of ergonovine maleate on coronary arterial size. Circulation 59(1):82-89, January 1979. Orlick AE, Hultgren HN, Stoner JD, Barry WH, Wexler L, Dong EV Jr: Traumatic pulmonary artery-left atrial fistula: An unusual case of cyanosis in an adult. Am Heart J 98:366-370, September 1979. Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Harell GS: CT demonstration of cardiac structures. Am J Roentgenol 133:75-81, July 1979. Guthaner DF, Robert E, Alderman E, Wexler L: Long-term serial angiographic studies after coronary artery bypass surgery. Circulation 60:250-259, August 1979. Guthaner DF, Miller DC, Silverman JF, Stinson EB, Wexler L: Fate of the false lumen following surgical repair of aortic dissections: An angiographic study. Radiology 133:1-8, October 1979. Guthaner DF, Brody WR, Ricci DR, Oyer PE, Wexler L: The use of computed tomography in the diagnosis of coronary artery bypass graft patency. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 3:38, 1980. Michal JA, Brody WR, Walter JF, Wexler L: Transcatheter embolization of an esophageal artery for treatment of a bleeding esophageal ulcer. Radiology 134:246, January 1980. Guthaner DF and Wexler L: New aspects of coronary angiography. Radiol Clin North Am 18(3):501-514, December 1980. Smith NT, Ingels NB Jr, Daughters GT, Wexler L: Contribution of asynergic contraction to halothane-induced myocardial depression. Anesth Analg (Cleve) 59(3):178-185, March 1980. Sadeghi AM, Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Shocat SJ, Downing TP, Blank NE, and Reitz BA: Healing and revascularization of the tracheal anastomosis following heart-lung transplantation. Surgical Forum, 1982, Vol. 33, 236-238. Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Enzmann DR, Riederer SJ, Keyes S, Collins WF, Brody WR: Evaluation of peripheral vascular disease using digital subtraction angiography. Radiology 147:393-398, 1983. Shapeero LG, Guthaner DF, Swerdlow CD, Wexler L: Rupture of a coronary bypass graft aneurysm: CT evaluation and coil occlusion therapy. Am J Roentgenol 141:1060, November 1983.



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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 15 64. Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Sadeghi AM, Blank NE, Reitz BA: Revascularization of tracheal anastomosis following heart-lung transplantation. Invest Radiol 18:500-503, NovemberDecember 1983. Kim D, Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Gonzalez-Lavin L: Isolated total occlusion of the left main coronary artery. Am J Roentgenol 141:1304-1306, December 1983. Kim DS, Guthaner DF, Wexler L: Transcatheter embolization of a leaking pseudoaneurysm of saphenous vein aortocoronary bypass graft. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 9:591594, 1983. Ginsburg R, Wexler L, Mitchell S, Profitt C: Percutaneous transluminal laser angioplasty for treatment of peripheral vascular disease. Radiology 156:619-624, 1985. Selzer PM, Murphy-Chutorian D, Ginsburg R, Wexler L: Optimizing strategies for laser angioplasty. Invest Radiol 20:860-866, November 1985. Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Bradley B: Digital subtraction angiography of coronary grafts: Optimization of technique. Am J Roentgenol 145:1185-1190, December 1985. Murphy-Chutorian D, Selzer P, Wexler L, Ginsburg R: Practical issues in laser angioplasty. Contemp Surg 27:13, 1985. Murphy-Chutorian D, Selzer P, Wexler L, Kosek J, Quay S, Huestis W, Shaw J, Ginsburg R: Cardiovascular laser research at Stanford University. Seminars in Interventional Radiology 3:61-63, March 1986. Guthaner DF, Schnittger I, Wright A, Wexler L: Diagnostic challenges following cardiac transplantation. Radiologic Clinics of North America 25:367-376, March 1987. Cameron J, Buchbinder M, Wexler L, Oesterle S: Thromboembolic complications of percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty for myocardial infarction. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 13:100-106, March/April 1987. Bookstein JJ and Wexler L: Angioplastic Treatment of Impotence. To the Editor: A Hard Look at Soft Data. Cath Cardiovasc Diagn 1987;13:425-426. Burbank F, Parish D, Wexler L: Echocardiographic-like angled views of the heart by MR imaging. J Computer Assisted Tomography 1988;12(2):181-195. Wexler L, Ginsburg R, Mitchell RS, Mehigan JT: The vascular war of 1988. JAMA 1989;261:418-419. Yamaguchi T, Guthaner DF, Wexler L: Natural history of the false channel of Type A aortic dissection after surgical repair: CT study. Radiology 1989;170:743-747. Wexler L: Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of peripheral vascular occlusion: A clinical perspective (editorial comment). J Amer Coll Card 1989;13:1555-1557. Ginsburg R, Thorpe P, Bowles C, Wright A, Wexler L: The pull-through approach to percutaneous angioplasty of totally occluded common iliac arteries. Radiology 1989;172:111-112.

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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 16 80. 81. Alderman EL, Wexler L: Angiographic implications of cardiac transplantation. American J Card 1989;64:16E-21E. Guthaner DF, Wyatt JO, Mehigan JT, Wright AM, Breen JF, Wexler L: Monorail system for percutaneous repositioning of the Greenfield vena cava filter. Radiology 1990;176:872874. Wexler L, Dorros G, Levin DC, et al. Subcommittee on Peripheral Interventions. Guidelines for performance of peripheral percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. The Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions. Cath. and Cardiovasc. Diagn. 1990;21:128-129. Wexler L, Levin DC, Dorros G, Ring EJ, Katzen BT, Spittell JA Jr., King SB III: Training standards for physicians performing peripheral angioplasty: New developments. Radiology 1991178:19-21. Cleary PD, Greenfield S, Mulley AG, Pauker SG, Schroeder SA, Wexler L, McNeil BJ: Variations in length of stay and outcomes for six medical and surgical conditions in Massachusetts and California. JAMA. 1991;266:73-79. DiBiase A, Tak-Ming Tse, Schnittger I, Wexler L, Stinson EB, Valantine HA: Frequency and mechanisms of bradycardia in cardiac transplant recipients and need for pacemaker. Amer J Card. 1991;67:1386-1389. Sommers LS, Silverman JF, Wexler L. Clinician involvement in practice analysis and change in three teaching hospitals. Academic Medicine, 1991;66:S46-S48. Battilana C, Zhang H, Olshen R, Wexler L, Myers BD: PAH extraction and estimation of plasma flow in the diseased human kidney. Amer J Physiol, 1991;261:726-733. Clark DA, Moscovich MD, Vetrovec GW, Wexler L: Guidelines for the Performance of Outpatient Catheterization and Angiographic Procedures. Cath and Cardiovasc Diagn. 1992;27:5-7. Levin DC, Becker GJ, Dorros G, Goldstone J, King SB III, Seeger JM, Spies JB, Spittell JA Jr.,Wexler L. Training Standards for Physicians Performing Peripheral Angioplasty and Other Percutaneous Peripheral Vascular Interventions. Circulation, 1992;86:1348-1350. Cleary PD, Reilly DT, Greenfield S, Mulley AG, Wexler L, Frankel F, McNeil BJ: Using patient reports to assess outcomes after total hip replacement. Quality of Life Research, 1993;2:3-11. Spittell JA Jr, Craeger MA, Dorros G, Isner JM, Nanda NC, Ochsner JL, Wexler L, Young JR: Recommendations for Peripheral Transluminal Angioplasty: Training and Facilities. American College of Cardiology Peripheral Vascular Disease Committee.JACC, 1993;21:546-548. White RD, Boxt LM, Wexler L: Cardiac Radiology: A Survey of its Current Status. Invest Radiol, 1993;28:545-549. White RD, Boxt LM, Wexler L: Cardiac Radiology: An Asset to Radiology? Invest Radiol, 1993;28:550-556. Spittell JA Jr, Nanda NC, Creager MA, Ochsner JL, Dorros G, Wexler L, Isner JM, Young JR: Recommendations for Training in Vascular Medicine. American College of Cardiology Peripheral Vascular Disease Committee. J Amer Coll Cardiol, 1993;22:626-628.





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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 17 95. Hill JA, Winniford M, Cohen MB, Van Fossen DB, Murphy MJ, HalpernEF, Ludbrook PA, Wexler L, Rudnick MR, Goldfarb S. For the Iohexol Cooperative. Multicenter trial of ionic versus nonionic contrast media for cardiac angiography. The Iohexol Cooperative Study. Am J Cardiol, 1993;72:770-775. Rubin GD, Dake MD, Napel S, Jeffrey RB Jr, McDonnell CH, Sommer FG, Wexler L, Williams DM: Spiral CT of renal artery stenosis: Comparison of three-dimensional rendering techniques. Radiology, 1994;190:181-189. Levin DC, Abrams HL, Castandeda-Zuiga WR, Fellows KE, Grollman J Jr., Mitchell WA, Smith DC, Wexler L: Lessons From History: Why radiologists lost coronary angiography and what can be done to prevent future similar losses. Invest Radiol, 1994;29:480-484. Duerinckx AJ, Wexler L, Banerjee A, Higgins SS, Hardy CE, Helton G, Rhee J, Mahbouvi S, Higgins CB: Postoperative evaluation of pulmonary arteries in congenital heart surgery by MR imaging: Comparison with echocardiography. Amer Heart J. 1994;128:1139-1146. Bergelson B, Bettmann MA, Wexler L, Wilson R, Dyet J: Comparison of iopromide with iohexol and iopamidol in coronary arteriography and left ventriculography. Invest. Radiol, 1994;29: Suppl 1:S107-111.





100. Wexler L, Higgins CB, Herfkens RJ: Magnetic resonance imaging in adult congenital heart disease. J Thorac Imaging, 1994;9:219-229. 101. Wexler L, Higgins CB: The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Adult Congenital Heart Disease. Amer J Cardiac Imaging, 1995;9:15-28. 102. Rudnick MR, Goldfarb S, Wexler L, Ludbrook PA, Murphy MJ, Halpern EF, Hill JA, Winniford M, Cohen MB, VanFossen DB, for the Iohexol Cooperative Study: Nephrotoxicity of ionic and nonionic contrast media in 1196 patients: A randomized trial. Kidney International. 1995;47:254-261. 103. Wexler L, Brundage B, Crouse J, Detrano R, Fuster V, Maddahi J, Rumberger J, Stanford W, White R, Taubert K: Coronary artery calcification: pathophysiology, epidemiology, imaging methods and clinical implications. A statement for health professionals from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 1996;94:1175-1192. 104. Eghtesady P, Skarsgard ED, Smith BM, Robbins RC, Wexler L, Rhine WD: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with aortic coarctation. J Ped Surg, 1998;33:943-945.

105.Greenland P, Abrams J, Aurigemma GP, Bond MG, Clark LT, Criqui MH, Crouse JR 3rd,
Friedman L, Fuster V, Herrington DM, Kuller LH, Ridker PM, Roberts WC, Stanford W, Stone N, Swan HJ, Taubert KA, Wexler L: Prevention Conference V: Beyond secondary prevention: identifying the high-risk patient for primary prevention: noninvasive tests of atherosclerotic burden: Writing Group III. Circulation 2000;101(1):E16-22. 106. Polak JF, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Unilateral upper extremity swelling and pain. American Collegte of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Crtieria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:107-112.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 18 107. Gomes AS, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Hematemesis. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:113-119. 108. Hessel SJ, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Recurrent symptoms following lower extremity arterial bypass surgery. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:89-93. 109. Henkin RE, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Chronic chest pain without evidence of myocardial ischemia/infarction. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:85-88. 110. Stanford W, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Acute chest pain no ECG evidence of myocardial ischemia/infarction. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:79-84. 111. Higgins CB, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Suspected bacterial endocarditis. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:73-77. 112. Kelley MJ, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Suspected congenital heart disease in the adult. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:67-72. 113. Boxt LM, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Pagan-Marin H, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L: Shortness of breath suspected cardiac origin. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:23-27. 114. Grollman J, Levin DC, Bettmann MA, Gomes AS, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Recurrent symptoms following lower extremity angioplasty: claudication and threatened limb. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:95-99. 115. Bettmann MA, Levin DC, Gomes AS, Grollman J, Henkin RE, Hessel SJ, Higgins CB, Kelley MJ, Needleman L, Polak JF, Stanford W, Wexler L, Abbott W, Port S: Sudden onset of cold, painful leg. American College of Radiology. ACR Appropriateness Criteria. Radiology 2000;215 Suppl:101-105. 116. Illes J, Glover GH, Wexler L, Leung ANC, Glazer G: A model for faculty mentoring in academic radiology. Acad Radiol, 2000; 7:717-724. 117. Kazerooni EA, Collins J, Reddy GP, Nath HP, Batra PV, Boxt LM, Duerinckx AJ, Erasmus JJ, Fishman JE, Leung AN, Tarver RD, Wexler L, Winer-Muram HT: A curriculum in Chest Radiology for diagnostic radiology residency, with goals and objectives. Acad Radiol, 2000; 7:730-743.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 19 118. Miro SP, Leung AN, Rubin GD, Choi YH, Kee ST, Mindelzun RE, Stark P, Wexler L, Pleveritis SK, Betts BJ. Digital storage phosphor chest radiography: an ROC study of the effect of 2K versus 4K matrix size on observer performance. Radiology 2001;218:527-532. 119. Collins J, Reddy GP, Mullan BF, Nath HP, Green CE, Batra PV, Wexler L, Boxt LM, Duerinckx AJ, Erasmus JJ, Kazerooni EA; The Training Committee of the Society of Thoracic Radiology. A curriculum in cardiothoracic radiology for medical students, with goals and objectives. Acad Radiol 2001;8:1247-1251. 120. Wexler L: Ethical considerations in image-based screening for coronary artery disease. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2002;13(2):93-104. 121. Kinney JB, Rovira MJ, Sahn DJ, Lupinetti FM, Gilman MD, Wexler L: MRI of congenital heart disease: a paradigm of collaboration. New suggestions for a team approach from Madigan Army Medical Center. J Cardiovasc Magnetic Resonance 2002;4(3):369372. 122. Choi YH, Rubin GD, Pitlick PT, Paik DS, Wexler L: Virtual aortic angioscopy by perspective volume rendering of electron beam CT data sets: Early experience in coarctation of the aorta and patent ductus arteriosus. Radiology, submitted, 2001.

123.Levin DC, Becker GJ, Dorros G, Goldstone J, King SB 3rd, Seeger JM, Spies JB, Spittell JA
Jr, Wexler L; Councils on Cardiovascular Radiology, Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, and Clinical Cardiology, American Heart Association.: Training standards for physicians performing peripheral angioplasty and other percutaneous peripheral vascular interventions. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2003 Sep;14(9 Pt 2):S359-61. 124. Wexler L. Invited Commentary: Re: Nakanishi T, Kayashima Y, Inoue R, Sumii K, Gomyo Y. Pitfalls in 16-Detector row CT of the coronary arteries. RadioGraphics 2005;25:425 -440.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 20 CHAPTERS: 1. Kriss JP, Enright LP, Harden WG, Wexler L, Shumway NE: Radioisotopic Angiocardiography: Pre- and Postoperative Evaluation of Patients with Congenital and Acquired Cardiovascular Disease. In: Clinical Dynamic Function Studies with Radionuclides. Croll MN, Brody LW, Tatem HR, Honda T, eds. Appleton-Century- Crofts, Chapter 5, 1971, pp. 67-84. Guthaner DF and Wexler L: Cardiac Catheterization. In: Surgical Radiology. JG Teplick, ME Haskins, eds. WB Saunders Co., Vol. II, Chapter 26, 1981, pp. 1725-1741. Guthaner DF, Obrez I and Wexler L: The Coronary Circulation. In: Surgical Radiology. JG Teplick and ME Haskins, eds. WB Saunders Co., Vol. II, Chapter 26, 1981, pp. 1805-1833. Guthaner DF and Wexler L: Bypass Graft Angiography. In: Surgical Radiology. JG Teplick and ME Haskins, eds. WB Saunders Co., Vol. II, Chapter 26, 1981, pp. 1834-1845. Guthaner DG and Wexler L: Ventricular Aneurysm. In: Surgical Radiology. JG Teplick and ME Haskins, eds. WB Saunders Co., Vol. II, Chapter 26, 1981, pp. 1846-1857. Cipriano PR, Martin RP and Wexler L: Cardiac Neoplasms. In: Surgical Radiology. JG Teplick and ME Haskins, eds. WB Saunders Co., Vol. II, Chapter 26, 1981, pp. 1858-1869. Guthaner DF and Wexler L: Peripheral Arteriography and Therapeutic Techniques. In: Diagnosis and Management of Peripheral Vascular Disease. DC Miller and AJ Roon, eds. Addison Wesley Publishing Co., Chapter 3, 1982, pp. 44-60. Guthaner DF and Wexler L: Coronary Arteriography Following Bypass Surgery. In: Angiography-Vascular and Interventional Radiology. HL Abrams, ed. Little, Brown and Co., Chapter 29, 1983, pp. 693-704. Guthaner DF and Wexler L: Coronary Arteriography Following Bypass Surgery. In: Coronary Arteriography. A Practical Approach. HL Abrams, ed. Little, Brown and Co., Chapter 11, 1982, pp. 301-312.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



10. Wexler L: Impact of DRG Systems on the Quality of Care. In: The Use of Case Mix Based Prospective Payment for Inpatient Pediatric Hospital Care: Conference Proceedings, NACHRI-MCH, Pub: Cardinal Printing Company, Merrifield, Virginia, June 14-15, 1984, pp. 73-80. 11. Wexler L, Selzer P, Murphy-Chutorian D, Ginsburg R: Laser Angioplasty. In: Modern Vascular Surgery. JB Chang, ed. PMA Publishing Corp., NY, Chapter 14, 1987, pp. 164-173. 12. Wexler L: Clinical Aspects of Intravenous DSA: Challenges for SYRDA to Overcome. In: Synchrotron Radiation Applications to Digital Subtraction Angiography (SYRDA), Conference Proceedings, E. Buratini and A. Rinki, eds., Italian Physical Society, Vol. 10, 1988, pp. 53-59. 13. Wexler L: Argon Laser Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty. In: Proceedings of PTA Symposium in Nurenburg. March 1988. 14. Crosat S, Kennedy EK, Morris B, Sommers L, Wexler L: Special Projects. In:Assertive Utilization Management for Nurses, Physicians and Hospital Administrators. EK Kennedy, ed. MAGE Corp., San Mateo, CA., 1990, Chapter 17, pp. 103-123.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 21 15. Wexler L: Current Status of Laser Assisted Angioplasty of Peripheral Vascular Disease. In: Current Practice of Cardiology (Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery), A. Oto, ed., Futura Media Services, Inc., Mount Kisco, NY, 1991, Chapter 21, pp. 193-200. 16 Thorpe PE, Kusnick CA, Wexler L, Mehigan JT, Ginsberg RS, Jenkins N, et al: The Auth Rotablator. In: Percutaneous Revascularization Techniques. 1st ed.WR CastanedaZuniga and M Maynar, eds., Thieme, New York, 1992;187-203 17. Signer B, Dake MD, Wexler L. Angioplasty of Peripheral Blood Vessels. In: Hurst's The Heart, Arteries and Veins, 8th Ed., RC Schlant, Ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1993, Chapter 126, pp. 2207-2214. 18. Madwed D and Wexler L: Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Thoracic Aorta. In: Current Review of M R I. 1st ed. Beltran J., ed., Current Medicine, Philadelphia, 1995, Chapter 26, pp. 341-352. 19. Skibo LK and Wexler L: Pulmonary Arteriography. In: Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention. 5th ed. DS Baim and W Grossman, eds., Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1996, Chapter 15, pp. 233-253. 20. Slonim SM and Wexler L: Image Production and Visualization Systems: Angiography, US, CT, and MRI. In: Peripheral Endovascular Interventions. RA White and TJ Fogarty. eds., Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, 1996, Chapter11, pp.140-157. 21. Wexler L, Strauss HW, Merchant N, Hu B: Advances in cardiac imaging. In: Pulmonary and Cardiac Imaging. C Chiles and CB Putman eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1997, Chapter 22, pp. 571-601.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 22 PUBLISHED ABSTRACTS AND SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS: 1. Bergel DH, Gabe IT, Makin GS, Mills CJ, Wexler L: Blood flow patterns in arteries and veins studied with a catheter tip electromagnetic velocity probe. Presented at the British Microcirculation Society Scientific Meeting, February 11, 1967. Abstract: Biorheology 5:93, 1968. Wexler L, Bergel DH, Gabe IT, Makin GS, Mills CJ: Vena caval blood flow patterns in normal humans. Presented at the 49th Annual Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, October 22, 1967. Abstract: Circulation Suppl II 36:269, October 1967. Bergel DE, Gabe IT, Makin GS, Mills CJ, Wexler L: Measurement of vena caval blood velocity in normal humans. Presented at the Physiological Society, London, England, March 22-23, 1968. Makin GS, Bergel DH, Gabe IT, Mills CJ, Wexler L: Velocity in the venae cavae of normal humans. Presented at the Surgical Research Society, July 19, 1968. Abstract: Brit J Surg 55:859, November 1968. Wexler L and Maloney JE: Pitfalls in the measurement of small structures with magnification radiography. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, San Francisco, May 8-10, 1969. Wexler L, Maloney JE, Rooholamini SA: Pressure-diameter relations of small blood vessels in isolated dog lung. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, San Francisco, May 8-10, 1969. Ingels NB, Daughters GT, Smith NT, Wexler L: Stereometric measurements of heart motion. Proceedings SPIE, Houston, Texas, May 10-12, 1971. Steiner RM, Glatstein E, Harell GS, Wexler L: Repeat lymphangiography in Hodgkin's disease. Presented at the Radiologic Society of North America, 55th Scientific Assembly, Chicago, December 5, 1969. DeBusk RF and Wexler L: Angiographic diagnosis of nonrheumatic mitral regurgitation. Circulation Suppl II 40:68, 1969.






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10. Wexler L, Daughters GT, Ingels NB: Segmental myocardial shortening derived from single plane cine coronary arteriography. Presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, Durham, NC, May 12-15, 1971. Abstract: Invest Radiol 6:362-363, September-October, 1971. 11. Wexler L, Silverman JF, DeBusk RF, Harrison DC: Angiographic features of rheumatic and nonrheumatic mitral regurgitation. Circulation Suppl II 44:239, October 1971. 12. Ingels NB, Daughters GT, Smith NT, Wexler L: A comparison of directly measured and hemodynamically inferred indices of myocardial performance. Biomedical Engineering Society, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, April 7-8, 1972. 13. Hayden WG, Wexler L, Kriss JP: Radionuclide coronary arteriography. Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, Albuquerque, NM, May 11-13, 1972. Abstract: Investigative Radiology .

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 23 14. Hayden WG, Wexler L, Kriss JP: Radionuclide coronary arteriography in man. Society of Nuclear Medicine, July 1972, Boston, MA. 15. Obrez I, Silverman JF, Wexler L: Angiographic evaluation of the coronary circulation following aortocoronary venous bypass surgery. Presented at the Sixth Congress of the Hungarian Radiological Society, Budapest, October 1972. 16. Wexler L, Silverman J, Lipton MJ, Graham A, Schroeder JS: Coronary arteriography in longterm human cardiac transplantation survivors. Presented at the 45th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 16, 1972. Abstract: Circulation Suppl II 46:19, October 1972. 17. Hayden WG, Wexler L, Kriss JP: Computer analysis of myocardial blood flow and distribution employing isotopes. Presented at the Second Symposium on Radiocardiography, Dallas, TX, November 19, 20, 1972. 18. Harrison DC, Matloff HJ, Wexler L: Serum enzymes following coronary and other forms of cardiac angiography. Presented at the 45th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 16, 1972. Abstract: Circulation Suppl II 46:21, October, 1972. 19. Adler SC, Wexler L, Ingels N, Daughters G: Myocardial asynergy induced by intracoronary injection of contrast medium. Presented at American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 16, 1972. Circulation Suppl II 46:21, October 1972. 20. Matlof HJ, Alderman EL, Wexler L, Shumway NE, Harrison DC: What is the relationship between clinical angina response to coronary surgery and anatomic success? American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 16, 1972. Abstract: Circulation Suppl II 46:50, October 1972. 21. Hayden WG, Wexler L, Kriss JP: Radionuclide coronary arteriography in man. American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 16, 1972. Abstract: Circulation Suppl II 46:167, October 1972. 22. Matilla SP, Ingels NB, Daughters GT, Adler S, Dong E, Wexler L, Shumway NE: The response of the transplanted heart to electrical pacing. European Society of Experimental Surgery, Eighth Congress, May 2-5, 1973, Oslo, Norway. 23. Higgins CB and Wexler L: Reversal of dominance of the coronary arterial system in isolated aortic stenosis and bicuspid aortic valve. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, San Diego, CA, April 30-May 3, 1975. 24. Higgins CB, Wexler L, Silverman J, Schroeder J: Coronary arteriography in Prinzmetal variant angina: Documentation of coronary arterial spasm. Circulation Suppl II 52-58, October 1975. 25. Higgins CB, Wexler L, Silverman JF, Hayden WG, Anderson WL, Schroeder JS: Coronary arteriography in Prinzmetal variant angina: Documentation of spontaneous and pharmacologically provoked coronary arterial spasm. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1975. 26. Silverman JF, Higgins CB, Rider A, Griepp R, Wexler L: The present status of cardiac transplantation including analysis of 3-5 year survivors. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1975.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 24 27. Wexler L, Silverman JF, Hayden WG, French J, Higgins CB: Methods for the angiographic evaluation of double aortic arch. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 1975. 28. Cipriano PR, Guthaner DF, Orlick AE, Ricci DR, Wexler L, and Silverman JF: Effects of ergonovine maleate on coronary arterial size. Presented at the 50th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, November 28-December 1, 1977, Miami, FL. 29. Guthaner DF, Robert EW, Alderman EL, and Wexler L: Long-term serial angiographic studies after coronary artery bypass surgery. Presented at the 50th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Miami, FL, November 28-December 1, 1977. 30. Rakowski E, Martin RP, Schapira JN, Wexler L, Silverman JF, Cipriano PR, Guthaner DF, and Popp RL: Left ventricular aneurysm: Detection and determination of respectability by twodimensional ultrasound. Presented at the 50th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Miami, FL, November 28-December 1, 1977. 31. Robert EW, Guthaner DF, Wexler L, and Alderman EL: Six-year clinical and angiographic follow-up of patients with previously documented complete revascularization. Presented at the 50th Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Miami, FL, November 28December 1, 1977. 32. Guthaner DF, Miller C, Silverman JF, Stinson EB, and Wexler L: The effect of surgery on the false lumen in aortic dissections: Presented at the 51st Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 13-16, 1978. 33. Guthaner DF, Pitlick PT, French JW, Stinson EB, Shumway NE, and Wexler L: Angiographic studies following insertion of conduits and intracardiac baffles. Presented at the 51st Scientific Session, American Heart Association, Dallas, TX, November 13-16, 1978. 34. Guthaner DF, Brody WR, Oyer PE, Ricci M, and Wexler L: Preliminary studies of computed tomography in the diagnosis of patent coronary artery bypass grafts. Presented at the 28th Annual Scientific Session, American College of Cardiology, Miami Beach, FL, March 11-15, 1979. 35. Wexler L: Combined multisystem angiographic examinations. Presented at Workshop on Pulmonary Arteriography, 4th Annual Meeting and Course, Society of Cardiovascular Radiology, Puerto Rico, March 21-25, 1979. 36. Guthaner DF, Ricci M, Brody WR, Miller DC, and Wexler L: The use of computed tomography in the evaluation of aortic dissection. Circulation Suppl II 59:95, October 1979. 37. Guthaner DF, Ricci M, Brody WR, Oyer PE, and Wexler L: Noninvasive evaluation of coronary artery graft patency by dynamic computed tomography. Circulation Suppl II 59:624, October 1979. 38. Guthaner DF, Brody WR, Ricci M, and Wexler L: Computed tomography as a new method for the evaluation of aortic dissection. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America, November, 1979. 39. Ricci M, Guthaner DF, and Wexler L: Combined multisystem angiography: An efficient, safe and economical approach for evaluation of diffuse vascular disease. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America, November 1979.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 25 40. Goris ML, Guthaner DF, Gordon E, Steinberg D, Wexler L: Techniques in cardiovascular image processing. Computers in Cardiology, October, 1983. 41. Sadeghi AM, Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Shocat SJ, Downing TP, Blank NE, Reitz BA: Healing and revascularization of the tracheal anastomosis following heart-lung transplantation. American College of Surgeons, October, 1982. 42. Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Brody WR: Evaluation of aortic and peripheral vascular disease using digital subtraction angiography. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America, November, 1982. 43. Guthaner DF, Goris ML, Steinberg D, Alderman EL, Wexler L: Left ventriculography using intravenous digital subtraction angiography. Presented at the Radiological Society of North America, November, 1982. Guthaner DF, Wexler L, Sadeghi AM, Blank NE, Reitz BA: Revascularization of tracheal anastomosis following heart-lung transplantation. Association of University Radiologists, March, 1983. Guthaner DF, Goris ML, Wexler L: The influence of processing methods in ventriculography. 21st International Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, September, 1983. Yamaguchi T, Guthaner DF, Wexler L. Natural history of the false channel of Type A aortic dissection following surgical repair: A study, RSNA, November 31, 1987. Thorpe P, Bowles C, Ginsburg R, Wright A, Wexler L: Total iliac occlusions: Introduction of pull-through technique for establishing access for balloon angioplasty, ARRS, May 10, 1988. Thorpe P, Ginsburg R, Jenkins N, Wright A, Wexler L: Stanford experience with the laser probe and Kensey catheter in superficial femoral artery occlusions. ARRS, May 10, 1988. American Heart Association: 61st Scientific Sessions, Washington Convention Center, November 14-17, 1988. Abstract: Circulation Suppl II 78:270, Oct. 1988. Transluminal peripheral vessel angioplasty: Clinical experience with new therapeutic devices. American Heart Association: 61st Scientific Session, Washington Convention Center, November 14-17, 1988. Abstract: Circ Suppl II 78:415, Oct. 1988. Transluminal rotational atherectomy: Clinical experience in 20 patients. Kusnick C, Wright AM, Ginsburg R, Thorpe PE, Jenkins N, Wexler L: High speed rotary atherectomy in the lower extremities: Early results with the Rotablator. 74th Scientific Assembly of the RSNA, Chicago, November 27-December 2, 1988. Thorpe P, Wittich G, Kusnick C, Baxter R, Wright AM, Wexler L: Percutaneous fine needle biopsy in patients with lymphoproliferative disorders - new focus on cytological diagnosis. 74th Scientific Assembly of the RSNA, Chicago, November 27-December 2, 1988. Thorpe P, Ginsburg R, Wright A, Kusnick C, Baxter R, Wittich G, Wexler L: Evaluation of lower extremity angioplasty: Stanford experience comparing the use of laser, Kensey catheter, Rotablator and atherectomy catheter as adjuncts to balloon angioplasty for vascular occlusions. 74th Scientific Assembly of the RSNA, Chicago, November 27December 2, 1988.



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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 26 54. Dake MD, Zemel G, Wexler L, Katzen BT, Wittich GR, Benenati JF, Becker GJ: The Use of Vascular Stents for the Management of Malignant Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. 64th Scientific Sessions American Heart Association, Anaheim, CA,Nov. 13, 1991. Dake MD, Zemel G, Wexler L, Katzen BT, Wittich GR, Benenati JF, et al.: Percutaneous Treatment of Malignant Superior Vena Cava Syndrome with Vascular Stents. 77th Annual Scientific Sessions, RSNA, Chicago, Dec.3, 1991. Wexler L, Rudnick MR, Cohen MB, Murphy MJ, Halpern E: Multicenter Trial of Ionic and Nonionic Contrast Media: Nephrotoxicity Following Cardiac Angiography. 77th Annual Scientific Sessions, RSNA, Chicago, Dec. 6, 1991. Dake MD, Oesterle SN, Robertson GC, Eisenhauer AC, Wexler L, Wittich GR: Percutaneous Directional Atherectomy for Treatment of Renal Artery Stenosis. 77th Annual Scientific Sessions, RSNA, Chicago, Dec. 6, 1991. Dake MD, Becker GJ, Benenati JF, Wexler L, Katzen BT, Zemel G, Wittich GR: Percutaneous Placement of Stents for Managing Complications of Aortic Dissection. Society for CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology, Washington, DC, April 6, 1992. Dake MD, Wexler L, Wittich GR, Sarkisian MK, Lukacs J, Signer B: Intravascular US in the Evaluation of Aortic Dissection. SCVIR, Washington, DC, April 7, 1992. Dake MD, Wexler L, Wittich GR, Cooke JP, Signer B, Sarkisian MK, Lukacs J: Transjugular Regional Thrombolysis of Iliofemoral Venous Occlusions. SCVIR, Washington, DC, April 9,1992. Dake MD, Oesterle SN,Robertson GC, Eisenhauer AC, Wexler L, Wittich GR, Selman MR, Simpson JB, Hinohara T: Percutaneous Directional Atherectomy of Renal Artery Stenoses. SCVIR, Washington, DC, April 9, 1992. Dake MD, Wexler L, Walker PJ, Mitchell RS, Miller DC: Clinical Use of Intravascular Ultrasound in Stenting Ischemic Complications of Aortic Dissection. 65th Scientific Sessions, American Heart Association, New Orleans, Nov. 17, 1992. Dake MD, Signer B, Wexler L, Sarkisian MK, Lukacs J, Wittich GR: Intravascular Stents for the Treatment of Vascular Obstructions. Am. Heart Assoc., New Orleans, Nov. 18, 1992. Dake MD, Signer B, Wexler L, Sarkisian MK, Lukacs J, Wittich GR. Intravascular stents for the treatment of venous obstruction. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, December 1992 Daniels GF, Dake MD, Wexler L, Signer B, Wittich GR. Use of metal stents for treatment of benign ureteral and ureteroenteric strictures. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, December 1992 Dake MD, Wexler L, Walker PJ, Mitchell RS, Miller DC. Clinical use of intravascular ultrasound in stenting ischemic complications of aortic dissection. Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, December 1992 Rees MR, Wexler L, Sivanathan UM, Fischell R, Dake MD. Treatment of peripheral vascular disease with the pullback atherectomy catheter - assessment by intravascular ultrasound and angioscopy. International Congress VI: Endovascular Interventions American College of Angiology / Arizona Heart Institute & Foundation Scottsdale, AZ, January 1993





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Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 27 68. Shiffrin RY, Rubin GD, Wexler L, Vincent J, Shari L, Pitlick PT. Evaluation of Cardiac-gated Electron-Beam CT in the Assessment of Congenital Anomalies of the Heart and Great Vessels. Radiology suppl 1997;205(P):298. RSNA, Chicago, IL, December 1997.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 28 INVITED LECTURES: 1969 1970 1972 Atrial septal defects in adults. University of California, San Francisco. Radiology of mitral disease. University of California, Irvine. Radiologic approach to the diagnosis of cardiac lesions and mitral insufficiency. American College of Cardiology.

1973. Dissecting and traumatic aneurysms of the aorta. The Radiologic Society of Southern California. Results of aortic coronary bypass surgery. The Radiologic Society of Southern California. 1975. Ischemic heart disease: A critical overview. American College of Cardiology. Pulmonary vascular malformations. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. A rational approach to the roentgen diagnosis of acquired and congenital heart disease in the adult patient. Uber Aktuelle Probleme der Rontgendiagnostic des Herzens, Bern, Switzerland. Peripheral vascular disease. Western Angiography Society . Radiology of post-surgical heart disease: Coronary artery bypass surgery. American Heart Association. 1976. Radiological evaluation of patients with coronary bypass. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. Place of pulmonary angiography in the management of suspected pulmonary embolus. California Chapter of American College of Chest Physicians. 1977. Congenital heart disease. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. Congenital heart disease. Ninth International Diagnostic Course in Davos, Switzerland. 1978. Crummy A, Bron K, and Wexler L: Peripheral arterial disease. Society of Cardiovascular Radiology. Plain film diagnosis during infancy. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. Optimization of angiocardiographic equipment. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. Heart versus lung disease in the newborn. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. Heart diseases of children and newborns. 10th International Diagnostic Course in Davos, Switzerland. Heart disease in the newborn period. University of California, Davis.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 29 1979. Cardiac computed tomography. Israeli Cardiac Society, Herzliya, Israel. Aortic dissections and traumatic aneurysms. Visiting Professor: Haifa University Medical School, Israel. Arterial angioplasty. American College of Surgeons, Northern California Chapter. Coronary disease and its angiographic analysis. Cardiac angiography 1979: Harvard Medical School. CT and angiography of dissecting aneurysms. European Society of Angiography, Dublin, Ireland. Coronary arteriographic findings in cardiac transplant recipients. A generation of coronary arteriography: An International Symposium, Cleveland Clinic. 1980. Cardiac and pulmonary imaging: Angiographic aspects of valvular heart disease. University of California San Diego. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA): History and peripheral PTA. Good Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles. Optimization of radiographic equipment for cardiac catheterization. North American Society for Cardiac Radiology. Coronary and bypass graft angiography. Cardiac Angiography 1980, Harvard Medical School. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. San Jose Hospital, San Jose, CA. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). History of peripheral PTA. Providence Hospital, Oakland, CA. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Kaiser Hospital, Hayward, CA. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. East Bay Radiological Society. 1981. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. Merritt Hospital, Oakland, CA. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. American Heart Association Course, Sarasota, FL. Techniques of peripheral angioplasty. Society of Cardiovascular Radiology. Diseases of the pericardium. North American Society of Cardiac Radiology. Workshop in Angiographic Equipment. North American Society of Cardiac Radiology. Pulmonary vascularity in Congenital heart disease. Refresher Course in Cardiac Radiology, Stanford University. Coronary and bypass graft angiography. Cardiac angiography 1981. Harvard Medical School.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 30 Interventional Radiology: Technological Advances. An In-Depth Seminar Approach to Selected Topics in Diagnostic Imaging: Stanford University School of Medicine. Coronary Bypass Angiography. An In-Depth Seminar Approach to Selected Topics in Diagnostic Imaging: Stanford University School of Medicine. Radiology of Aortic Dissections. An In-Depth Seminar Approach to Selected Topics in Diagnostic Imaging: Stanford University School of Medicine. Moderator: Current status of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. American Heart Association, 54th Annual Scientific Session. 1982. Digital radiography, spot film digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and dual energy subtraction. North American Society of Cardiac Radiology. 1984. DRGs: A physician's perspective. Santa Maria Hospital, Santa Maria, CA. Laser angioplasty: The Stanford Experience. Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. DRGs: A physician's perspective. Doctors Medical Center, Modesto, CA. DRGs: A physician's perspective. Petaluma Valley Hospital, Petaluma, CA. Laser angioplasty: The Stanford experience. North American Society of Cardiac Radiology. Effect of DRG on capital equipment purchase in radiology. North American Society of Cardiac Radiology. DRGs: A physician's experience. Rio Hondo Hospital, Rio Hondo, CA. Impact of the DRG system on quality of care and access to care. The National Association of Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions. Panel discussion in the use of animals in research. Channel 2, KTVU, Oakland, CA. Stanford experience in laser angioplasty of peripheral vessels. Western Angiography Society. Physician's role in the prospective payment system. Twin Cities Hospital, Santa Maria, CA. 1985. Humane use of animals in research. KGO talk show. Laser angioplasty of human peripheral vessels. Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. Lasers: technology and potential use in atherosclerosis. Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology. Plain film diagnosis of cardiac disease. 17th International Course in Diagnostic Radiology, Davos, Switzerland.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 31 1986 The plain chest film. Diagnosis of cardiac diseases. 18th International Course in Diagnostic Radiology. Davos, Switzerland. Anatomic variations and anomalies of the coronary arteries. Coronary Angiography 1986, Harvard Medical School. Cranial and caudal views in coronary angiography. Coronary Angiography 1986, Harvard Medical School. Cath lab problems, techniques, and equipment. Coronary Angiography 1986, Harvard Medical School. DRGs and other economic issues in operating cardiac cath labs. Coronary Angiography 1986, Harvard Medical School. Progress in contrast imaging of the aorta. Cardioimage 1986, Monaco. 1987. Clinical aspects of intravenous DSA -- Challenges for SYRDA to overcome. Synchroton Radiation Applications to Digital Subtraction Angiography (SYRDA) Conference. Frascati, Italy. Indications for non-ionic contrast agents. Society for Cardiac Angiography. Stanford experience with adjunctive devices for angioplasty. Western Angiography and Interventional Society. 1988. Argon-laser PTA. Nurenberg Post-Graduate Course in Radiologic Diagnosis. Adjunctive therapies in angioplasty. Invited Guest Lecturer: Jean-Louis Levesque Foundation, Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal. Stanford experiences with adjunctive devices for angioplasty. Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe: Joint meeting with the Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, Berlin. Laser assisted angioplasty, Texas Heart Institute, Houston, TX. 1989. Plain film evaluation of cardiomyopathies. 22nd International Course in Diagnostic Radiology, Davos, Switzerland. Lasers and other new devices for vascular intervention - symposium: New interventions for treatment of peripheral vascular disease. American Heart Association. 1990. Health Care System Restructuring: Quality Issues. Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellowship Alumni Workshop. Plain film evaluation of cardiomyopathies. 23rd International Course in Diagnostic Radiology, Davos, Switzerland. Current status of laser assisted angioplasty for treatment of peripheral vascular disease. Mediterranean Association of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery, Antalya, Turkey. Aortic dissection: Diagnosis and management - symposium: Newer radiologic diagnostic aspects: CT, Cine CT, MRI, and Angiography. American Heart Association, 63rd Scientific Sessions.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 32 1991. Current Experience with the Pullback Atherectomy Catheter. Western Angiographic and Interventional Society. 1994. Coronary Angiography in Ischemic Heart Disease. International Congress of Radiology-'94, Singapore. Left Ventriculography in Acquired Heart Disease. International Congress of Radiology-'94, Singapore. Why keep the "Cardiac" in SCVIR (Society for Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology). SCVIR Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Angiocardiography. NASCI Teach-the-Teachers Course, Burlingame CA. Cardiovascular Interventional Procedures in Children. Vascular Disease 1994: Diagnosis and Treatment, Monterey, CA. 1995. Coronary Artery Disease. University of California, San Francisco Radiology Board Review. Congenital Heart Disease. UCSF Radiology Resident's Board Review Course. MRI of Cardiac Disease. UCSF Radiology Resident's Board Review Course. Non-invasive Imaging of the Coronary Arteries. Indonesia STAR Symposium. Newest Directions in Imaging of Thoracic Aneurysms, Dissections and Ulcerations. Indonesia STAR Symposium. Modern Imaging of Acquired Heart Disease. Indonesia STAR Symposium. Coronary Calcification and Non-Invasive Imaging of the Coronary Arteries. SouthBay Radiological Society. Visiting Professor - Baylor University Department of Radiology. Lectures: Radiology of Congenital and Acquired Heart Disease: Plain Films, CT and MRI; Coronary Angiography. Left Ventricular Angiography. NASCI Teach-the-Teachers Course, New York City Coronary Anatomy and Angiography. NASCI Teach-the-Teachers Course, New York City. Multimodality Approach to Thoracic Aortic Disease. American College of Radiology Categorical Course on Cardiovascular Imaging, Boston. Cardiac Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures. Physical and Technical Aspects of Angiography and Interventional Radiology, RSNA Categorical Course in Physics, Chicago. 1996 Congenital and Acquired Diseases of the Thoracic Aorta: CT and MRI, Combined NASCI and Soc. Thoracic Radiology Course, Hawaii.

Lewis Wexler, M.D. Page 33 Coronary Artery Calcium Detection. A Statement of the American Heart Association. NASCI Scientific Sessions, New Orleans. 1997 Mike Bewist Memorial Lecture: Edinburgh Radiological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, Sept. 3. Significance of Coronary Artery Calcification Detected with EBCT. 3D Cardiac Imaging with EBCT. Current Role of Pulmonary Angiography for Pulmonary Embolus. Society of Thoracic Radiology. San Juan Puerto Rico, March 10, 1998. Overview of Cardiac Problems and Evaluations. RSNA Categorical Course in Diagnostic Radiology Physics: Cardiac Catheterization Imaging. Chicago. Non-Invasive Methods for Evaluating Atherosclerosis: American Heart Association Consensus Statement. Health Management. American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Denver. 2004 Charles T. Dotter, M.D., Memorial Lecture, Council on Cardiovascular Radiology and Interventions, American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, New Orleans, LA. Past, Present, and Future of Cardiac Imaging., Nov. 7, 2004


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