English Thesis

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Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan College of Nursing Survey Questionnaire Part I. Profile of the Respondents 1.

1 Course: 1.2 Year level: 1.3 Age: 1.4 Gender: Male Female

Part II. The stressors and stress management. Direction: Please check the provided box provided based upon your response Rate: 3-Highly stressful 2-Moderately stressful 1- Stressful Level of Stress Moderately stressful 2

Stressful Factors

Highly stressful 3

Stressful 1

1.Struggling with quizzes and examinations 2.Time management worries 3.Clinical duty requirement (e.g. output/homework 4.Long study hours 5.Fear by making mistakes on duty 6.Worrying about giving the patients wrong information 7.Meeting the demand of clinical instructor 8.Critism and judgement of clinical instructor 9.Financial worries 10.Preparation for return demonstration/case presentation 11.Concern over grades 12.High expectation of family member 13.Lack of free time to respond to other

work 14. Other personal commitment 15.Unpleasant environment Part III. Coping mechanisms of Nursing Student of Bulacan State University How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of the following: (Please check one) Strongly Agree 1. Understands fully the use of diversional activity (watching television, listening music, surfing the net, reading magazines, going to mall and etc) 2. Relieves stress after talking the problem to someone like family, members, and friends or fellow. 3. Coping techniques like praying helps to decrease feeling of stress. 4. Resting helps to decrease of feelings of stress. Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree

Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan College of Nursing

January 24, 2012

Mrs. Loida O. Crespo, RN, MSN, MaEd Dean, College of Nursing Bulacan State University

Dear Maam,


As part of the requirements in English 123 Communication Skills II, we BSN 4Aspecial class B will be having a research regarding the topic Stressors and Stress Management of Nursing Students in Bulacan State University.

Regarding this matter we would like to ask your permission to conduct our study and gather data to nursing students to identify regarding the subject matter.

We are looking forward for your positive response.

Respectfully Yours, BSN 4A- Special Class B Joyce Marie S. Sacdalan Gladys DC. Lopez Warlyn B. Batac Noted by: Ms. Benedicta Buenaventura English Instructor

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is How do the stressors and stress management relate to the performance of the nursing students in Bulacan State University?

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of the following: 1.1 Course 1.2 Year level: 1.3 Age: 1.4 Gender: 2. What are the stressors and stress management techniques of the student respondents? 3. What is the level of academic performance of the students? 4. How do the profile, stressors and stress management of the students respondents? 5. What are the possible solutions of the students respondents that can relate to their performance?

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