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The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

20th January 2012

Music Exams
Congratulations to the following children who passed their music exams last term. Olivia Campbell Grade 1 Singing Distinction Grade 2 Violin Tom Edwards Grade 1 Singing Distinction Aditi Mehendale Grade 1 Singing Darren Banks Grade 1 Piano

Request from Lower School

The Lower School would love any second hand dolls house furniture and dolls for our dolls house. The children have rediscovered playing with it and we would love any items to go in it. So, if you are having a post Christmas clear out we would be very grateful!

Awards for Year 8

Congratulations to all the children in Year 8. They have gained the John Muir Discovery Award in recognition of awareness and responsibility for wild places. They gained this award during their Geography Field Study Week in Pembrokeshire in November. During their stay in Stackpole they conducted a beach clean at Barafundle Bay and lived in a more sustainable way at the Eco Centre.

Ski Trip 2012/2013

If you are interested in a school ski trip at the end of the year please contact Mrs Wakeling.

Fixture Change
The Under 9 and Under 11 netball matches at Kings Gloucester on Wednesday 25th January will now start at 2.00 pm.

New Baby
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Martin. We are pleased to announce the arrival of Rosalie Martin who was born on Monday 16th January weighing 4lb 7oz.

Chinese New Year Workshop

All the children in school (including the Owls) will be taking part in a Chinese New Year Workshop with Andy Warn on Thursday 26th January. These spectacular workshops mix Chinese instrument playing with dragon and lion dances and are a wonderful opportunity for the children. Parents are welcome to come along to get a flavour of the day at 3.00 pm for a 15 minute performance by Years 6-8). M Warn

Presentation Evening
We hope many of you will be able to join us on Tuesday 24th January for our Presentation Evening in the hall from 6.00-7.30 pm. The evening is entitled Tips on getting your child into the Secondary School of your choice. Guest speakers are Mrs Mary Henderson, Headmistress, Westonbirt School and Dr Steven Connors, Headmaster, Monmouth School. Please come along promptly to hear the Performance Choir sing at 6.05pm. Children in the choir will be able to stay for supper and will be looked after until the presentation finishes at 7.30 pm. Please return your reply slips to the office as soon as possible.

Please could all children in the orchestra remember to be in school with their instruments for 8.20 am on a Wednesday morning. This will really help us maximise rehearsal time. Many thanks for your help. M Warn

Year 2 Trip
Year 2 will be taking part in an Exploratory Maths Workshop on Thursday 26th January.

Long Exeat
Long Exeat begins at 4.00 pm on Friday 27th January (no evening activities).

2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

The Weekly Newsletter of Tockington Manor School

20th January 2012

The Matthew
On Monday 30th January Year 5 will visit The Matthew as part of their history project.

Year 6 History
Following their visit to the Imperial War Museum on Thursday, Year 6 had a visit from Mrs Barwick, Grandmother of Larry Williamson. The children had a chance to check that what Mr Cann had been telling them in history lessons was correct! They had an interesting time asking questions about Mrs Barwicks first hand experiences during WWII, which included air raids, school, rationing and the blackout. The class would like to say thank you to Poppy for giving up her time and bringing the past to life. A Cann

Boarding House
The boarders took part in a fun quiz last Saturday and went bowling on Sunday. The new children are settling in well and a fun time was had by all.

Year 7 Geography Mall Study

Congratulations to Year 7 who interviewed 397 people at The Mall, Cribbs Causeway on Friday, 20th January. The children were complimented by many of the customers on their politeness, smart uniform and maturity during their 50-minute interview session. They are working towards their enquiry on Out of Town Shopping. They focused on 2 questions: What was your main reason for coming to shop at the Mall today? Where did you come from to get to the Mall today? The variety of shops was cited as the main reason shoppers went to the Mall (78/397). The greatest number of people had travelled from the city of Bristol (183/397). A great time was had by all. The graph below was produced by Tanguy Sautjeau from the data collected.

Reasons people shop at The Mall

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2012 Tockington Manor School, Washingpool Hill Road, Tockington, Bristol, BS32 4NY.

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