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Mirpur, Dhaka

Assignment of Industrial Market Subject: Role of Advertisement in industrial market in the context of Bangladesh.

Submitted To :
M. Nijhar Rahman
Associate Professor Prime University. Department of Business Administrative.

Submitted By:
Name : Md. Mazharul Islam
ID No Dept Batch Sub. : 101020102004 : MBA : 23rd : Industrial Marketing (MKT-617)

Submitted Date: 18/01/2012

Role of Advertisement in industrial market in the context of Bangladesh.

Nature of Industrial goods:

For consumers` goods, the "traditional" channel is Manufacturer -> Wholesaler -> Retailer -> Consumer, but in industrial goods, the "traditional" and most widely used channel is directly from manufacturer to user. This channel accounts for the largest dollar volume of industrial sales. Industrial goods can be defined according to the market in which they are used, by the methods used in marketing them, or by the purpose for which they are used. The Definitions Committee of the American Marketing Association emphasizes purpose in their definition: "The distinguishing characteristic of these goods is the purpose for which they are primarily destined to be used, in carrying on business or industrial activities rather than consumption by individual ultimate consumers or for resale to them." Thus, a pencil used by a writer to take an order is an industrial good. Usage is the key to classification!
Industrial goods classified:

Industrial goods are classified into six distinctive groups: (1) Raw materials, (2) Fabricating materials and parts, (3) Operating supplies, (4) Installations, (5) Accessory equipment, and (6) Services. The nature of this classification indicates that the market for industrial goods is very broad. It includes all types of manufacturing industries, mines and quarries, farms, public utilities, government institutions, the construction, transportation, and service industries, and many others.

Manufacturer -> Industrial User. This is the major route-channel for industrial goods. Industrial goods, in the form of machinery or equipment, are also called capital goods. Many firms buy capital goods late in a calendar year to reduce tax liabilities and increase asset levels. Changing tax legislation often attempts to control the level of expenditures on capital goods by adjusting the pace and rate of depreciation. Industrial goods buyers often require that a piece of equipment be tailored to their specific needs. Also, if technical know-how is required, a manufacturer`s representative or salesperson may have to make the sale. Finally, with most largeticket items, personal selling is almost always required to convince the buyer that the expenditure is justified. This is most obvious in the sale of locomotives, airplanes, heating and air-conditioning plants, and large machinery. Manufacturer -> Merchant Wholesaler -> User. This channel is heavily used by manufacturers of smaller industrial goods such as construction equipment, building materials and industrial supplies. The title, merchant wholesaler, whether used in consumer or industrial goods, merely implies that the wholesaler assumes title to the goods and operates as a full-function wholesaler. Manufacturer -> Agent Wholesaler -> User. Agents in this group are most frequently called manufacturer`s agents. Their activities are quite different from those of selling agents in consumer goods. First, a manufacturer may have several agents and also a marketing department. Second, the manufacturer`s agent may have a part of the product line in a part of the market. Third, where the selling agent in consumer goods has great leverage over the firm`s decisions, the manufacturer`s representative usually accepts the prices and conditions of the sale as given. The manufacturer`s representative is also used in the introduction of new products to the market. The representative will often have an established clientele or distribution system that can get the new product introduced more efficiently than the firm`s own sales force. Manufacturer > Agent > Merchant Wholesaler > User. Usually, in this longer channel combination, the unit sales are too small for a manufacturer to sell directly to users. With smaller unit sales there is also a need to maintain a decentralized inventory or supply. The additional intermediary in this channel performs the storage and warehousing functions where these services are required.

What we have seen so far of consumer good`s and industrial goods` channels, and the various alternative of each, is only the bare bones of the channel choice problem. Further reflection on channel choice involves at least the following additional factors.

Role of Advertising of in Industrial Marketing:

While personal selling is the dominant tool in most industrial marketers communication strategy, advertising also play important role. Through the properly planned and controlled advertising can enhance the company image, build recognition for its products and services, reach unknown or inaccessible buying influencers, and generate new sales prospects. 1. Integrated Communication Program: The challenges for the industrial marketer are to create an advertising and sales promotion strategy that effectively blends with personal selling efforts to achieve sales and profit objectives. In addition, the advertising and sales promotion tools must be integrated, that is a comprehensive program of media and sales promotion methods must be co-coordinated to achieve the desired result. 2. Enhancing Sales Effectiveness: Effective advertising can make personal selling more productive. Effectively planned advertising enhances the sales by stimulating interest in the suppliers offering and by helping to create supplier preference. When buyers are aware of company, its reputation, its products and its records in the industry, sales people are more effective. 3. Increasing Overall Sales Efficiency: For some industrial producers, particularly producers of industrial supplies, advertising may be the only way of efficiently reaching broad groups of buyers. Because little or no differentiation exists between many industrial supplies, marketers of such products frequently need to remind users and potential users of their firms unique capabilities such as dependability and reliability of service or make them aware of new products or services. Advertising appears to make all

selling activities more effective; therefore, there may be economics of scale associated with industrial marketing. 4. Creating Awareness: Industrial advertising is an effective means of creating awareness of the industrial supplier as well as suppliers market offerings. Effective advertising creates awareness or alerts potential purchasers to problems within their operations and identifies the suppliers company and its products as offering possible solutions to those problems, which help to assure that the advertising is given favorable consideration when specifications are written and suppliers are selected. 5. Self Selection: It is often impossible to determine exactly which company could be potential users of industrial products. As a result advertising can prompt unknown prospects to seek product information. If a media or direct mail advertisement can effectively illustrate important product benefits, potential prospect will self select, that id respond to the advertisement by requesting additional information. 6. Reaching Buying Influencer : Buying influencers are constantly moving out of their areas of responsibility, moving up in the organization, or changing jobs. These influencers, however, do read trade magazines and general business publications and can be reached through advertising. 7. Supporting Channel Members : Manufacturers when use middlemen must support those intermediaries effort by ensuring that ends markets are aware of their products.

Limitations of Advertising in Industrial Marketing:

To develop an effective communication program the industrial marketing manager must blend all communication tools into the integrated program. After that industrial advertising has some limitations, these are as follows :

1. It is not suitable: In industrial marketing the advertising cannot be the substitute for effective personal selling. It is the supplementary, supportive and complementary for the personal selling. It is not possible to increase sales of industrial products through advertising only. It helps the personal selling to be more effective. 2. It Can Not Create Product Preference: Industrial advertising cannot create product preference. For creating product preference, this requires demonstration, explanation and operational testing, which is not possible through adverting. Purchase certainty can only be ensured by personal selling. 3. Supporting Role: Advertising has a supporting role creating awareness, providing information and uncovering important leads for salespeople that are how the marketing manager must use it to be effective.

The End

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