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Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF NORTHERN SAMAR Catarman


Sangguniang Panlalawigan
RESOLUTION NO. ___ Series of 2011 Introduced by:

Member, Sangguniang Panlalawigan Co-sponsored by:

Member, Sangguniang Panlalawigan

WHEREAS, the emblazonry of the Coat of Arms represents the political, geographical description, historical, economic, and social representation and allegorical ideas of the province; WHEREAS, the statement of Significance of the Emblazonry is as follows: A. POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE: N S. The letters represent Northern Samar. The island of Samar was divided into three geographical provinces Northern Samar, Eastern Samar and Samar (Western) by virtue of Republic Act 4221 authored by Congressmen Eladio T. Balite, Fernando R. Veloso, and Felipe J. Abrigo. B. GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION: Map of Northern Samar. It represents the geographical and political subdivisions comprising the twenty-four (24) municipalities of the province, including the five (5) island towns.
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C. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Galleon. Spanish conquistadores used it to reach the land of the Ibabao to preach the gospel of Christianity, spread the Creed of Roman Catholicism and introduce civil governance thru the Royal Port of Palapag in the Year 1640. Mt. Bubuya on (Palapag Mesa). This highest mountain range in Palapag was where Agustin Sumuroy and his men (the insurrectos) retreated to and encamped after killing Fr. Miguel Balberan, thus starting the Sumuroy Rebellion. D. ECONOMIC REPRESENTATIONS: Rice Field. It symbolizes lowland rice production, a source of livelihood and income generation. The Catubig valley in the province is the rice granary of the island of Samar. Coconut. Northern Samar is a copra-producing province, copra, being another source of livelihood and income generation. Abaca. Growing abundantly in the towns of Las Navas, Silvino Lobos, Pambujan, Mondaragon, Lope de Vega, Catarman, and Victoria, it is also a bounty source of livelihood in the province. Timber. The province is richly endowed with forest products, a secondary source of livelihood and income generation. E. ALLEGORICAL IDEAS: Blue. The color is symbolic of vast marine and aquatic resources, a source of livelihood for the fisher folks of the coastal towns. Tangerine. This bright color of the province represents the cheerfulness, high spirits, and optimism of the people of the province. Yellow. It represents golden harvest, and abundance of resources. White. Free from color, it symbolizes transparency in governance. Torch. It is meant to illuminate the province and set it afire with quality education, a primary thrust of the provincial government.

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Rope. Tying the emblems together in a circular shape, it represents equality in rights and justice, and unity for peace and development. WHEREAS, it is an utmost need of the province to have an approved coat of arms for use in its official representations, transactions, and functions; WHEREFORE, Panlalawigan upon motion, duly seconded, this Sangguniang

RESOLVES, as it is hereby resolved, to request, as it hereby requests the Honorable Sangguniang Panlalawigan to approve and adopt the Provincial Seal and the meanings of the emblazonry to be used in its official functions and transactions. RESOLVE FINALLY, that copies of this resolution be furnished the Honorable Paul R. Daza, Governor, Province of Northern Samar, the Honorable Mayors of the twenty-four municipalities of Northern Samar, the National Government Offices and concerned Departments for information and guidance. Approved: October 28, 2011

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