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My Mind, Speech and Body are full of bad and dirty smell since eternal time with the

bondage of Karmas, passions, attachments, anger, pride, deceit and greed, to remove them from my mind, speech and body, oh! Lord I perform this Pushpa puja as pushpa is full of fragrance and sweet smell. Further your mind, speech and body are full of fragrance and sweet smell. Your body and breathing smelt like Lotus when you were moving on this earth. 6 Once again let us see what Shri Gyan Vimal suri has to say about Pushpa-puja in one of his melody stavan: Lakh ghanu fal kusum ni mala paherave; Anant ghanu fal tehthi Geet-gan karave. 1. Learned saint Vajraswami brought entire garden of flowers for Pushpa-puja.

2. Paramahrat Kumarpal went on fast till all kinds of flowers did not flourish in his royal garden for Pushpa-puja after listening to the discourses of the great Hemcandracarya. 2. 6. It is mentioned in Ashta Pratiharya, that gods of heavens showers flowers upon Lord Jineshwara, so only Pushpa-puja. 7. In the Snatra puja Virvijayji M.S. also states pushpadik puji ne chhante means in the Snatra puja all the gods of celestial palaces perform only Pushpa-puja and no Aangi business.

Four Dharma, Daan, Sheel, Tap and Bhav (Charity, Chastity Penance and Bhav respectively)

ay not become hellish being 2. We may be saved from violence 3. We can observe non-violence 4. We may attain salvation sooner or later 5. There may not be demerits 6. Health remains in good condition 7. Saved from various diseases 8. There will be more spare time for other activities

9. Most important may be, our Tirthankaras and Preceptors had told to do so, hence we should observe. But does this teaching agreed and accepted by our souls? We may get good rebirths In future births we shall obtain more worldly pleasures. We may not go to Hellish We may go to heavens We may get good families in future births. And so many our types of Dharma proclaimed by Shree Tirthankaras, are included in Ratribhojan Tyag. It can be explained as under:

1. Daan: There are four types of Daan. Gyan, Abhay, Supatra and Anukampa. Out of which Abhaydaan is prominently figured here, as one observes non-violent approach. 2. Sheel: Passions are subsided as there is renunciation of four kinds of eatings. 3. Tap: Since one is observing no eating from sunset to sunrise excluding 48 minutes before and after respectively one is in Tap (Penance) 4. Bhav: There are feelings of compassion in action; giving Abhaydan together with the wish, one may get Samyag Dharma. Hence one will achieve salvation in future.

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