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Character Education and Professional Ethics Roselle Lara G.

Raon Marayag Professional Code of Ethics for Nurses Ethics is about making choices that are best for the individual or society at certain times and in particular situations. As people make judgment with regards to the right or wrong decision and actions in our daily lives, nurses are not an exception to this. The Professional Code of Ethics for Nurses provides direction for the nurses to act morally. It is composed of 7 articles including the preamble and 18 sections. There were many revisions before we were able to have the latest Code of Ethics for Nurses. This code was adopted under Republic Act 9173 or the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002 after having it consulted to the Philippine Nurses Association (PNA) and other accredited nurses organizations in Iloilo on October 23, 2003. It emphasizes their responsibility to the people they serve, to their co-workers and to their profession as well. As members of the health care team, nurses have to make independent decisions in the performance of their daily duties. Knowledge of ethical principles enables them to enhance their skills in decision-making regarding their patients life and death issues and integrate these principles into their practice. Without the Nursing Code of Ethics, nurses will be at the wrong track since they are not guided properly and accordingly on what is expected of them to act whenever they are in front of the patients, who are the primary receivers of nursing care, and whenever they are also facing other members of the health care team and of the community wherein the belong. As far as I can see on the Nursing Code of Ethics, it is not just focused on the individuals per se; it is also focused on the society and the environment. In fact on Article V, it is entitled Registered Nurses, Society and Environment. Perhaps this code wants to point out that nurses should not just focus on what they can do as part of the health care team in preserving the life of individuals but the code also wants to say that nurses should always be aware of their duties and responsibilities as citizens of the this country. In the same manner, the code also wants to say that nurses should think that as part of their duties and responsibilities, they should also be concerned for the environment their working on BSN IV-1 December 10, 2010 Prof.

and to the community where they render their service. These provisions written in the Nursing Code of Ethics are all speaking on how to be ethically and morally upright when the time comes that nurses have to practice their profession. It is not easy to get that license thats why without this code, nurses license are somehow not protected from being at stake whenever a nurse commits an unethical act. As a nursing student and an aspiring member of the health care team, I should be knowledgeable enough of my obligations and responsibilities I owe to the people I serve. Facing ethical dilemma in my chosen profession in the near future, I am aware that this field of health care should be adopted in light of moral values and principles for me to accomplish my duties effectively.

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