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AG targets criminals who prey on children

New steps

We are going to find these child molesters and put them in jail
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWines new Crimes Against Children Initiative is a comprehensive plan to target sex offenders who prey on kids.
These people are predisposed to prey on children, Attorney General DeWine said. Theyre literally like sharks, and theyre going to hit just as fast as they can. Were going to hit back. We hope to impact all of the evilness the sexual abuse of children as well as illegal child porn swapping and viewing. Five components of the initiative are highlighted at right.
Continued on Page 7

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BCI is creating 15 positions and reassigning other staff members to form a new Crimes Against Children Unit that will pursue child predators. Two attorneys in the Special Prosecutions Unit will help local prosecutors build cases against sex offenders who prey on kids. The office is assembling a Rapid Response Team of child victim advocates, special prosecutors, and BCI agents to help victims and jump-start investigations. BCI and OPOTA are expanding training on sexual predator investigations and providing local agencies with high-tech resources. The AGs office will conduct a public awareness campaign targeting sex offenders wanted on outstanding warrants.

* Among those sought on outstanding warrants when initiative announced

Law enforcement agencies urged to submit kits

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine urges agencies to follow these guidelines: If a sexual assault occurred, the kit should be submitted for testing, regardless of whether a case is ever prosecuted. The kit should be submitted unless it is clear no crime was committed. Law enforcement agencies that have old kits should submit them now as long as they are linked to a probable crime, regardless of when they were collected. To view the Recommended Policy on Submission of Sexual Assault Kits or see a list of Sexual Assault Kit Commission members, visit www.OhioAttorney

BCI ramps up sexual assault kit testing

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine encourages law enforcement agencies to submit for testing all sexual assault kits tied to cases in which they believe a crime occurred. Submitting all kits, even old ones, helps ensure that available sex offender DNA is added to state and federal databases. The appeal follows a recommendation by the Attorney Generals Sexual Assault Kit Commission that agencies adopt policies favoring the submission of all kits unless they determine no crime occurred. The thinking should be that even if you dont have an immediate direct match, that kit still has value, the Attorney General said, noting the benefit of expanding the Ohio and Federal Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). To test old kits without delaying work on current cases, Attorney General DeWine authorized a new Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) unit of four forensic scientists who will work exclusively on old kits. The unit is expected to handle 1,500 cases the first year and 3,000 cases annually after that. BCI estimates only about 50 percent of kits
Continued on Page 7

As the parent of eight and grandparent of 17, I know how precious the gift of children is their smiles, their laughter, their curiosity, their innocence. Yet, tragically, too many of Ohios more than 2.7 million children arent experiencing the safe, loving childhoods they deserve. An alarming number face abuse, neglect, and exploitation by strangers, acquaintances, and even family members. I know you share my outrage. As noted in this issues cover story, my office has launched a tough Crimes Against Children Initiative to crack down on sexual predators who target children. Of nearly 20,000 registered sex offenders in our state, more than half have victimized kids. Many of them are not reporting, and no doubt many others have never been caught. With additional staff, training, and focus, my office is intensifying its efforts to root out and

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine will conduct Child Safety Summits across the state in 2012. For information, contact Director of Childrens Initiatives Melinda Sykes at or 614-995-0328.

help prosecute these child molesters and child pornographers. I ask you to join us in that fight, and I implore you to call on us whenever we can be of assistance in your investigations and prosecutions. Also alarming are the situations of many children entrusted to the care of Ohios child welfare system. Between 2005 and 2009, 160 Ohio children 85 percent of them under the age of 5 died of abuse or neglect while in the care of their parents or caretakers. More than a third had a prior history of being abused, and a fifth had an open child protective services case at the time of their death. I recently held a Child Safety Summit in Cincinnati, where dozens of representatives of

the child welfare and juvenile justice systems gathered to discuss how we can better protect Ohios children. I will hold similar events across the state this year. My goal is simple, just as it was when as a U.S. Senator I fought to make the safety of children the highest priority in the federal Adoption and Safe Families Act. What is best for children in any given situation must be paramount. No matter what. Very respectfully yours,

Mike DeWine Ohio Attorney General

Law enforcement officers have an ethical and legal duty to impartially disclose all evidence in a case. Failing to do so compromises the integrity of the criminal justice system and exposes officers and their agencies to civil liability. In Brady v. Maryland, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1963 that prosecutors suppression of evidence favorable to an accused individual violates due process if the evidence is material to the defendants guilt or punishment. While Brady only discussed the prosecutions obligation to turn over such evidence, subsequent cases have established that peace officers share equally in this obligation. Failure to comply can jeopardize criminal cases and potentially result in overturned convictions. It also can subject officers and their jurisdictions to civil liability. In 2010, in Elkins v. Summit County, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals denied qualified immunity for officers who failed to turn over a police report to prosecutors. In that case, plaintiff Clarence elkins won a judgment after being exonerated of

raping and murdering his mother-in-law, Judy Johnson, and assaulting and raping his niece. While police were investigating the crimes, earl mann was arrested in an unrelated robbery. mann asked the arresting officer, Why dont you charge me with the Judy Johnson murder? The officer noted this statement in his report, which he forwarded to detectives investigating the case. However, the report was never turned over to the prosecutor. eventually, elkins was released, and mann was convicted.

Attorney General Mike DeWine announces his offices recommendation on sexual assault kit testing.



Criminal Justice Update typically is published four times a year by the Ohio Attorney Generals Office, primarily for members of Ohios criminal justice community. To share story ideas or alert us to address changes, contact editor mary Alice Casey at 614-728-5417 or Volume 3, Issue 1 Winter 2012 Copyright 2012 by Ohio Attorney Generals Office 30 e. Broad St., 17th Floor Columbus, OH 43215 CriminalJusticeUpdate

Training addresses Brady issues

The Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy recently updated its curriculum for Peace Officer Basic Training to cover this requirement. It also addresses it in Legal update Training sessions offered across the state. For a list of trainings in your area, visit www.Ohio and click the Regional link.


Interstate summit pools info

Representatives of eight states took part in the Ohio Attorney Generals Interstate Prescription Drug Abuse Summit this past fall to share strategies for fighting the epidemic and foster collaboration. A look at who participated and whats ahead: The states: Ohio, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia The objective: To share information about what works and what doesnt and, when appropriate, to communicate about specific cases The future: The Ohio Attorney Generals Office will facilitate regular conference calls with criminal justice leaders from participating states.

Steve Schumaker oversees the law enforcement functions of the Ohio Attorney Generals Office. Here, he shares thoughts on his job, his background, and the office.

On the law enforcement arm of the AGs office:

I want law enforcement agencies to think of us as their force multiplier. We have assembled many assets to assist them. Were not here to take over their cases, but we can be of assistance to them with investigations and prosecutions. Thats the main goal here: to make local law enforcement more effective by bringing our assets in line with theirs.

The Steve Schumaker file

Position: Deputy attorney general for law enforcement Last job: Clark County prosecutor, 19852010 Education: Bachelors degree in political science, Wittenberg University; law degree, The Ohio State University Professional affiliations: Ohio Prosecuting Attorneys Association (past president, Outstanding Prosecuting Attorney of 1996, Leadership Award recipient) and Association of Government Attorneys in Capital Litigation (past president and current member of the board of directors) Family: Wife of 33 years, Robyn Koch-Schumaker; sons, Alexander and Ryan; daughter, Laura On the side: Steve is a certified divemaster with the Wright State University Scuba Program and a member of the dive crew at Newport Aquarium in Newport, Ky. I find it similar to law enforcement: You plan your dive and dive your plan, but you have to be ready for anything. Its just been fascinating to me, and its very relaxing.

Take Back Day nets 9 tons of drugs

Ohioans turned in more than 9 tons of unwanted or expired medications during this past falls Drug Take Back Day events. The 18,672-pound total was up more than 4,000 pounds from the fall 2010 collection. nationally, the u.S. drug enforcement Administration (deA) reported Americans turned in more than 188.5 tons of drugs at 5,327 Take Back Day sites in October. The deA logged these totals for Ohio regions: Cincinnati: 3,654 pounds Cleveland: 8,728 pounds Columbus: 1,455 pounds dayton: 1,114 pounds Toledo: 2,103 pounds Youngstown: 1,618 pounds The Ohio Attorney Generals Office will continue to work with local law enforcement, the deA, and others to organize future Drug Take Back Day events.

On his role as deputy AG for law enforcement:

My job entails coordinating the law enforcement efforts of the office and working with local agencies, seeing how the Attorney Generals Office can assist them in their functions. I also help the Attorney General determine our law enforcement priorities and bring together assets not only from the AGs office, but from throughout state government to help address law enforcement problems.

On the road ahead:

Weve got the opportunity to forge tremendous partnerships around the state, and those partnerships will affect peoples lives. I see cases being developed that were not previously being developed. And those cases all involve real people, real victims, who were able to assist. Thats going to grow, and together with local law enforcement, I think we can make a real impact.

On his introduction to the criminal justice system:

my first law enforcement exposure, so to speak, was at the end of a gun when I was 16 years old. I was a victim of an aggravated robbery when I was working my very first job at a dry-cleaning business. That got me interested in the criminal justice system.

HIDTA expands to rural counties

Adams and Scioto counties have been designated as High Intensity drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTAs) based on their high rates of prescription drug abuse. The Attorney Generals Office pushed for the designation, which opens the door to federal resources to fight the problem and allows local agencies to benefit from HIdTA initiatives.

On how being a prosecutor prepared him for this post:

I tried my first felony case in the fall of 1978 and tried them constantly until I came here in January. When I took this job, I told the attorney general there was one case I had to go back to try for that victims family. So I returned in September and tried that case with the Clark County prosecutor and one of my retired former assistants. The jury and judge found the appropriate sentence was death.

Trends worth noting

BCIs prescription drug seizures have risen dramatically in the past year. The bureau seized 53,000 pills valued at more than $1.4 million in 2011. That compares to 10,131 pills worth $348,000 the year before. In december, the Attorney Generals Office, Scioto County officials, and the Ohio Board of Pharmacy shut down the last pill mill in Scioto County, where at one point more than a dozen pill mills were operating. WINTER 2012 3

When you are a prosecuting attorney and youre active with the victims, youre active with the police, youre at the scenes, when you see first-hand peoples pain, when you see quite frankly death and the destruction of families and some of the worst things that can happen to individuals, you cant help but know how important this work is. Its not an academic exercise. Its real world. Its real people.

In the line of duty

Distinguished Law Enforcement Awards recognize officers contributions
On the day morrow County deputy Brandon moore was shot five times while investigating an alleged marijuana plot, the hospital waiting room was shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement. There were so many cops you could barely walk through, Moore said, relating his wifes description. That camaraderie was evident again in October when Moore and dozens of his peers were presented with distinguished Law enforcement Awards at the Ohio Attorney Generals Law enforcement Conference. Time and again, the crowd of officers, co-workers, and family members rose to applaud the bravery, dedication, and professionalism of the 57 honorees.
Brandon Moore

Heres a recap of the accomplishments of all of the 2011 honorees:

VALOR AWARD Sheriff Gene Kelly Major Russell Garman Lt. Dustin White Sgt. Christopher Clark Detective Richard Brumfield Detective Ethan Cox Detective Perry Roeser Deputy Chad Eubanks Deputy Robert Wagner Clark County Sheriffs Office Officer Jeremy Blum German Township Police Division Clark County Deputy Suzanne Hopper answered her last call on New Years Day 2011, when she responded to a report of shots fired at a local campground. Her fellow officers attempted several times to get her shooter to surrender. But when he fired on them, wounding one officer, they engaged in a firefight in which the shooter was killed. VALOR AWARD Detective Brandon J. Moore Morrow County Sheriffs Office (See story at left) MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD Sgt. Robert Chalfant Morrow County Sheriffs Office detective Brandon moore was shot five times while investigating a report of a marijuana grow. He returned fire despite his injuries, striking the shooter four times. Sgt. Robert Chalfant responded to the scene, disarmed the shooter and his wife, and placed them under arrest. Investigators recovered 103 weapons, 29,500 rounds of ammunition, numerous swords and knives, and 1,700 marijuana plants from the shooters property. VALOR AWARD Deputy Matt Henry Union County Sheriffs Office MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD Deputy Richard Crabtree Deputy Shawn Waller Union County Sheriffs Office Officer Robert Bartholomew Officer Amy Findley Officer Joseph Petzinger Marysville Division of Police

Its really great to see and experience the brotherhood of law enforcement, Moore said. Its awesome to have the connection with and support of people you dont even know. That network has helped him endure 15 surgeries and remain focused on returning to detective work full-time, which he hopes to do in the spring. If a desk job turns out to be the only option in law enforcement, he plans to enter the ministry. moore said the shooting reinforced his belief that peace officers need to make sure they have the right training, equipment, and mindset to face the worst every day. Theres no room for complacency, he said, adding, You get thrown into a situation, and its either fight or die.

Attorney General DeWine congratulates Clark County Deputy Chad Eubanks on his Valor Award.

About the awards

The Ohio Attorney Generals Office has presented Distinguished Law Enforcement Awards annually since 1987. They recognize officers valor, service to their communities and profession, team accomplishments, and commitment to training. The 2011 honorees 57 in all were honored at the Ohio Attorney Generals 2011 Law Enforcement Conference.

Sgt. Mike Hasson Trooper James Bryner Ohio State Highway Patrol eight law enforcement officers from three jurisdictions worked together in August 2010 to subdue an enraged, intoxicated man who led them on a highspeed chase and opened fire. When the suspect drove into a more populated subdivision, Deputy Matt Henry attempted a pursuit termination technique that caused the mans truck to spin out. He exited the truck and began firing. Officers returned fired, and the suspect was killed. VALOR AWARD Central Vice Control Section Cincinnati Police Department When officers of the Cincinnati Police departments Central Vice Control Section observed members of the Iron Horsemen Motorcycle Gang at a Cincinnati bar in September 2010, they took notice. At least two law enforcement fliers had warned that the gangs enforcer was in town. As they approached the establishment, the enforcer opened fire. One officer was shot in the lower back, another in the thigh; the enforcer died in the ensuing shootout. VALOR AWARD Trooper Jason Bonar Warren Post 78, Ohio State Highway Patrol Trooper Jason Bonar was out for an off-duty motorcycle ride on Oct. 10, 2010, when his attentiveness prevented the rape of a 66-year-old woman along the road he was traveling. He attempted to capture the suspect, but the man drove off, striking Trooper Bonar with his vehicle. The trooper called 911 and stayed with the woman until other responders arrived to transport her to a local hospital. GROUP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Special Agent Ed Carlini Special Agent Joe Dietz Special Agent Mark Kollar Special Agent Ed Lulla Special Agent George Staley Special Agent Gary Wilgus Special Agent Dan Winterich Bureau of Criminal Investigation Sheriff David Barber Capt. David Shaffer Detective Lt. Gary Rohler Detective Sgt. Roger Brown Detective David Light

Detective Doug Turpen Knox County Sheriffs Office Seven special agents from the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and six officers with the Knox County Sheriffs Office are credited with solving a case that represents, in the words of Sheriff David Barber, the darkest days of Knox Countys history. In November 2010, authorities quickly labeled a home in Howard, Ohio where a mother, her two children, a friend, and the family dog were missing as a probable homicide scene. Their skillful investigation and teamwork allowed them to promptly solve the crime and rescue a 13-year-old girl, the tragedys lone survivor.

SERVICE AWARDS Lt. Nick DiMarco Garfield Heights Police Department When Lt. nick dimarco retired in February 2011 after 45 years with the Garfield Heights Police department, he left a legacy of programs and services that will benefit the community for years to come. Among them: Neighborhood Block Watch and McGruff the Crime dog programs and the local FOP Lodges Shop with a Cop program for underprivileged kids. Chief Albert P. Schaefer Mount Healthy Police Department In his 39 years with the Mount Healthy Police Department, Albert P. Schaefer had served in every capacity possible, including 19 years as chief, when he retired in 2011. The city of Mount Healthy has Chief Schaefer to thank for many programs and services, including the dARe and School Resource Officer programs, a wellness program, and K-9 and Bike Patrol programs. Chief Robert Taylor Genoa Township Police Department Chief Robert Taylor has given 38 years to the field of law enforcement, including 13 in his current position with the Genoa Township Police Department in southern Delaware County. He also served the Franklin County Sheriffs Office for 24 years, including five as chief deputy of the patrol division. Known for his uncompromising personal character, he often represented the department in policy, negotiation, and community relations matters. TRAINING AWARD Officer Charles D. Dave King Westerville Division of Police Officer Charles d. dave King believes in keeping it real. Thats why the training program he oversees for the Westerville Division of Police is so effective. Drawing on his 23 years with the department and past military experience, King has upgraded the type and quality of scenario-based training available to full-time officers and reserves since he began leading training efforts in 2007.

BCI agents pose with the Group Achievement Award they earned for their work in a Knox County case.

GROUP ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Operation Traverse Task Force Senior Special Agent Gabriel Hagan U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Sgt. Don Sylvis Cleveland Metroparks Ranger Department Postal Inspector Paul Suboyu U.S. Postal Inspection Service Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan Assistant U.S. Attorney Carol Skutnik U.S. Attorneys Office, Northern District of Ohio An undercover international sex tourism operation dubbed Operation Traverse demonstrated how far some people will go to commit unspeakable crimes. In September 2009, task force members created an undercover website offering secure travel from Cleveland to Canada to people interested in having sex with minors. Special agents acted undercover as facilitators of sex tourism, which victimizes an estimated 2 million children a year. In about a year and a half, the website logged 142,700 visits and inquiries from 330 individuals. Two Ohioans and two Germans were convicted.

Steve Raubenolt sings the national anthem.

SaVE tHE datE

Mark your calendar now for the 2012 Law Enforcement Conference, set for Oct. 2526 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus.
WINTER 2012 5

BCI earns casino duties

The Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) will provide investigative and security services for casinos expected to open this year in Cleveland and Toledo. The Ohio Casino Control Commission tapped BCI for the role, which it will carry out through a Casino Gaming Unit. Kurt Shearer, who has been with BCI since 1985, is head ing the new unit. His previous posts with the bureau include special agent Kurt Shearer in charge of investigations, special agent supervisor of the Major Crimes Unit, and special agent in Narcotics. BCI has a wide range of capabilities from trained special agents to forensic accountants and computer crimes analysts to help the Ohio Casino Control Commission, Attorney General Mike DeWine said. And, as always, BCI will be working in partnership with local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies on this effort. The Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) has lined up training for the BCI agents who will serve as gaming agents. executive director Bob Fiatal said OPOTA will conduct the training in cooperation with casino operators Rock Gaming and Penn national. It will be led by James edwards, who worked for more than 30 years as an agent with the nevada Gaming Control Boards enforcement Division and recently retired as a senior agent and training coordinator.

Check out a short video highlighting the work of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation and learn how BCI can help your department. Youll get a close look at BCIs work and hear some impressive stats, such as: The Investigations division assisted 412 Ohio law enforcement agencies with 1,394 cases last fiscal year. The Identification division maintains more than 1.8 million sets of fingerprints. The Laboratory division annually processes more than 100,000 pieces of evidence.

Lights. Camera. BCI.

To view a new video on the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation as well as videos on other topics, visit the Ohio Attorney Generals website at

Task force to broaden focus on mental illness

Ohios Advisory Committee on Mental Illness and the Courts has evolved into the Attorney Generals Task Force on Criminal Justice and mental Illness, allowing the group to expand its focus to topics beyond the court system. Attorney General mike deWine approached Ohio Supreme Court Justice evelyn Stratton, who formed the committee in 2001, about taking the groups work to the next level. The two now co-chair the task force, which held its first meeting in december. Its goal is to address the problem of people with mental illness becoming trapped in the criminal justice system and to increase public safety. The group has had many successes, including helping to establish 37 mental health courts, promoting the training of 4,580 crisis intervention team law enforcement officers in 76 of 88 counties, making recommendations for changes to Medicaid, and advocating for a new juvenile competency statute. In related news, the Attorney Generals Office has provided a $60,000 grant to the Ohio Chapter of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, which will design an evidence-based curriculum to train law enforcement throughout the state in responding to incidents involving people with mental illness.

Law enforcement leaders asked to update contact info

In order to improve communications, the Attorney Generals Office asks that law enforcement leaders and officers throughout Ohio share their e-mail addresses and update their contact information. The process involves just a quick visit to www.Ohio

121 surrender at Richland Fugitive Safe Surrender

The first Fugitive Safe Surrender overseen by the Ohio Attorney Generals Office took place in Richland County in the fall, prompting 121 people to turn themselves in. Officials cleared 182 warrants. Launched in Cleveland in 2005 by u.S. marshal Pete elliott, the program has led about 35,000 fugitives to surrender nationwide since its inception. Attorney General Mike DeWine, then a U.S. Senator, served as the lead sponsor of legislation that authorized funding for the program. To arrange a Fugitive Safe Surrender in your area, e-mail Jeffrey.Oleksiak@OhioAttorney or call 216-787-3275. For more information on the program, view a video at

Visit us online or on OHLEG

See something in Criminal Justice update youd like to share with a colleague or perhaps your whole department? The newsletter is available online at www. JusticeUpdate. It also can be accessed from the Ohio Law enforcement Gateway simply by clicking on the link on the welcome page after signing in at www. We welcome your suggestions and feedback on the newsletter. To share your thoughts, e-mail Mary.Alice.Casey@ or call 614-728-5417.

Dont miss Two Days in May

The Ohio Attorney Generals Two Days in May Conference on Victim Assistance is set for may 1011 at the Hyatt Regency Columbus. The annual conference brings together more than 1,000 victim service providers. This years theme is mission Possible: Let no Victim Stand Alone. Registration will begin in march at

The Ohio Attorney Generals Office is working with the Ohio legislature to push for passage of the following bills, which are aimed at supporting local law enforcement. For more information on these efforts, contact Scott Corbitt, the offices director of policy and legislation, at 614-728-2279 or

(Senate Bill 223) Sponsor: Sen. Kevin Bacon (House Bill 329) Sponsor: Rep. Ross McGregor Status: Passed Senate unanimously; now being considered by House.* This legislation would give the Attorney General more power to assist local law enforcement in fighting fraud carried out via the Internet, telephone communications, or financial wire transfers. It would: Give the Attorney General subpoena power, allowing the office to build cyber fraud cases and present them to local prosecutors Commit Attorney Generals Office resources to local cyber fraud investigations and prosecutions Increase criminal penalties for cyber fraud and tie them to the dollar value of the fraud

Cyber fraud bills

(Senate Bill 285) Sponsors: Sens. Gayle Manning and Tom Patton Status: Passed Senate unanimously; now being considered by House.* This legislation would permit local law enforcement to request a statewide Blue Alert when a law enforcement officer has been severely injured or killed or to aid in locating a suspect or missing officer. Specific criteria would have to be met, such as: Local law enforcement agency would have to confirm an officer has been killed or severely injured and the suspect has not been apprehended, or a law enforcement officer went missing while on duty. There must be sufficient description of the suspect or the circumstances surrounding an officers injury, death, or disappearance to believe that an alert could help locate the suspect or missing officer.

Blue Alert bill

(House Bill 195) Sponsors: Reps. marlene Anielski and Nan Baker Status: Being considered by House, then expected to head to Senate.* The bill would clarify what constitutes sweepstakes/Internet cafes and slot machines as well as: Require licensing and testing by a stateapproved laboratory funded by owners and distributors, making it easier for law enforcement to determine if an operation is complying with the law Limit the number of licenses per county and owner Restrict the number of machines per location Limit merchandise prizes to a value of $10 and prohibit cash payouts

Sweepstakes bill

* Indicates status of the legislation as of press time in mid-January.

Crimes Against Children Initiative

Continued from Page 1

Sexual assault kits

Continued from Page 1

Chief says initiative needed

Westerville Police Chief Joseph morbitzer and other law enforcement officials joined the Attorney General for a news conference detailing the plan. Morbitzers department ran an operation targeting predators from 2003 to 2009, when it joined with other agencies to form the Franklin County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Weve been working extremely hard in the past, but independently. This demonstrates that were all working in the same direction, he said. Its a cooperative effort, and thats what we need. Morbitzer said a statewide initiative will bring more resources to the fight. It also offers the potential for a deconfliction tool that would help local agencies coordinate rather than unknowingly interfere with one anothers investigations. In addition, he said, assistance and training available through BCI and the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) will help local departments keep up with the ever-evolving technology used by offenders. This brings this heinous crime to the forefront where it should be, Morbitzer said. With the Attorney General leading the way, there will be renewed interest and the potential for stronger sentencing and court-ordered treatment.

throughout the state eight with an investigations focus and two with a cyber crime focus as well as a special agent supervisor, two computer forensic specialists, a criminal intelligence analyst, and a support staff member. BCI will troll the Internet for predators, increase its forensic analysis capabilities, and help local law enforcement serve arrest warrants. A Rapid Response Team will be comprised of victim advocates, special prosecutors, and BCI agents. We will expand our existing efforts to assist local prosecutors in sexual abuse cases, Attorney General DeWine said. Whatever they need, we are here for them and ready to assist.

are currently submitted for testing. With the new recommendation, up to 90 percent could be forwarded for processing, doubling BCIs caseload to 2,000 kits per year, The bureau plans to keep turnaround times in check through increased staffing and greater reliance on robotics. In addition, the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy will enhance sexual assault courses to emphasize interaction with victims, victim advocates, and medical personnel. It also is working with the Crime Victim Section on an eOPOTA course that stresses a victim-focused response to sexual assaults.

OPOTA, BCI stepping up training

Using the resources of both OPOTA and BCI, the Attorney Generals Office also will provide more training on how to conduct child porn and online predator investigations. The initiatives final component is a public awareness campaign that will publicly display pictures of Ohios most wanted child sex offenders. As of Dec. 30, Ohio had 19,050 registered sex offenders, 10,527 of whom committed offenses against children. Of those, 109 offenders who victimized children were sought on outstanding warrants. during my time in this office, I will not relent, Attorney General DeWine said. We are going to find these child molesters and put them in jail.

Questions on this topic? Contact:

Matt Kanai at 614-466-9595 or Matthew.Kanai@OhioAttorneyGeneral. gov with questions about the policy Ron dye at 740-845-2554 or Ronald. about lab submissions, testing, or CODIS Bob Fiatal at 740-845-2700 or Robert. or John Green at John.Green@Ohio about training Sandy Huntzinger at 614-466-4797 or Sandra.Huntzinger@OhioAttorney to learn about Sexual Assault Response Team Training
WINTER 2012 7

BCI hiring more agents

BCI is filling 15 new positions and reassigning current staff to the Crimes Against Children Unit. The unit will include 10 special agents assigned


Ohio Peace Officers Memorial Ceremony When: May 3 Where: Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy in London For information: Call 740-845-2684. Two Days in May Conference on Victim Assistance When: May 1011 Where: Hyatt Regency Columbus For information: Visit www.OhioAttorney or e-mail TDIM@Ohio Ohio Attorney Generals Law Enforcement Conference When: Oct. 2526 Where: Hyatt Regency Columbus For information: Visit www.Ohio or call 740-845-2684.

Photos by Mary Alice Casey

Attorney General Mike DeWine accepts unneeded medication from a citizen during a 2011 Drug Take Back Day. For details on the fall event, see Page 3.

Special Poster Insert:

Please consider displaying in a public area of your agency or office.
dear Readers, The abuse of prescription drugs in this state is epidemic. Since 2007, unintended drug overdoses have exceeded car crashes as Ohios leading cause of accidental death. The death rate from overdoses jumped 320 percent in one decade, from 327 deaths in 1999 to 1,373 in 2009, an increase largely driven by prescription drug abuse. To raise public awareness of the problem, we have included a poster in this issue of Criminal Justice update (on the opposite side of this message) alerting Ohio citizens that they can report those they suspect are improperly dispensing or prescribing pharmaceutical drugs. I want to stress that only a very small minority of professionals are contributing to Ohios prescription drug problem. However, we will not hesitate to investigate and bring to justice those who are part of the problem. I know you share this commitment. I ask you to consider displaying this poster in a public area of your agency or office. If you would like additional copies of the poster, please contact my office at or 614-466-4320. If my office can be of assistance in addressing prescription drug issues in your community, please contact the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation at 855-BCI-OHIO (224-6446). Very respectfully yours,

Mike DeWine Ohio Attorney General

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