Muslims in America

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Muslims in America: What Do They Think?

When polls coming out of the UK showed that a substantial minority of Englands Muslim population sympathized with the 7-7 bombers, others in western countries began to wonder: is that the attitude of Muslims here? Pew Research recently published a report entitled: Muslim Americans- Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream. The report is already generating commentary. On the Glenn Beck show (5-23-07) the report was cited as a concern in terms of the numbers of Muslims who believed that suicide bombing in defense of Islam was sometimes justified. The research survey is the first of its kind in the United States. Therefore, it becomes of interest to anyone who is concerned not only with our society in general, but with the very continuity of American life and liberty. According to Pew Research and other sources, the estimated Muslim population within the United States is 2.35 million. Of that number, most appear to have immigrated to the U.S. Some 65% of those surveyed stated they were foreign born, with 24% of those coming from Arab countries and with the majority having immigrated here between 1990-1999. Of those who are native-born (which constitutes 35% of all Muslims in America) some 21% were converts, or reverts to Islam. And most of those (20%) are African-American. This demographic is disconcerting to some people. Especially in a post-911 world and, more specifically, given the fact that those who assaulted our country on 9-11 were of Arab descent. But theres also concern about the conversion ratio amongst African-Americans who seem to be predominantly recruited from prisons. According to an article in the Milwaukee JournalSentinel, one out of every three African-Americans in federal prison are Muslim and converted while they were in prison. According to RELIGIONLINK: Today, African-American Muslims are among the fastest-growing segments of Islam, accounting for about 30 percent of all American Muslims.

Radical Islam and the American Muslim

The Pew survey found that more American Muslims reject radical Islam than do their counterparts in other countries. Yet oddly enough, the survey also noted that there was more acceptance of extremism among certain groups within the U.S. than within other U.S. groups of Muslims. The survey noted that fewer native-born African-American Muslims were willing to totally condemn Al Queda than other Muslims. Part of the reason for the unwillingness to condemn a radical faction of Islam could have something to do with the type of Islam with which most African-American converts adhere. Nation of Islam and Wahhabism (which is spread by the Saudis) seem to be the two sects which draw mainly from the African-American community. Both groups are known for their in your face history of violence. The survey also found, however, that younger Muslims (15%), regardless of color or sect, are more likely than older Muslims (6%) to express a strong sense of Muslim identity and that suicide bombing, in defense of Islam, is sometimes justified. The data becomes even more disconcerting. Of the Muslims under the age of thirty, not only do

they show to be more religious than their older counter-parts, but 60% of younger respondents consider themselves to be MUSLIM FIRST, American, second. In contrast with French Muslims (46%) and British Muslims (50%), this is startling. THE YOUTH OF ISLAM IN AMERICA? The next generation of any group determines what their society will be like for many years to come. According to the research, 50% of Muslims between 18-29 attend Mosque on a regular basis. Some 8% of those in the 18-29 bracket hold a positive view of Al Queda. This isnt a coincidence. With most being Sunni and most (80%) believing the Koran is the Word of God and 50% opting for a literal reading of its text, theres a potential making for terrorist attacks on U.S. soil again. It should be noted that of the 19 who carried out the attacks on 9-11, fourteen were between the ages of 19-29. It should also be noted that Lindsey Germaine, a convert to Islam was only 19 when he carried out his 7-7 plans with co-conspirators Mohammed Siddique Khan (barely 30), Shezad Tanweer (22), and Hasib Hussein (18). If we look at the attacks it becomes clear that, with but a few exceptions, suicide bombers tend to be male, between 18-29, and very religious. The survey also noted that of those between the ages of 18-29, some 61% believe the government should be involved in protecting morality. This shows a marked trend towards acceptance and integration of Shariah Law for a majority of the younger Muslims surveyed. LETTING THE NUMBERS SPEAK. While its obvious that most American Muslims do not approve of the acts of terrorism going on today; and while many seem to genuinely like their lives in the United States, it also seems markedly clear that there is a potential danger facing us, not only from outside the United States, but from within our own borders. Whittling down the numbers: of the estimated 2.3 million adult Muslims some 30% (or 705,000) fall between 18-29 years of age. Of that, 8% (or 56,000) believe suicide bombings in defense of Islam are warranted. That may not sound like many. And of course, there may well be those who believe this but would never act on it. But how can we tell who will or will not? Condemning all Muslims because of the few is unjustified. But to shrug off as insignificant the numbers of potential terrorists- all true believers in Islam (so they say) who believe they are doing Allahs will, would be a grave mistake. We have to be right 100% of the time. They only have to be right once. Whether youre Muslim or non-Muslim, if its the shopping mall your wife is in; if its the daycare your child attends; or the business office your husband works in; one time is one time too many.

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