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RESUME (Willing to Train) S. H. MWABIRA-SIMERA "MWAHS'S" P.O.BOX.1405 WASHINGTON D.C. 20013 (240)-4634363/240463-4363/2026410556 Fax(202)483-0064/2026350595 sm1caf59a@westpost.

n et Objective: To become an experienced engineering professional in planning, sur veying, Transportation, Traffic and highway engineering & construction of bridge projects & technology Education: 2007-09 Morgan State University: Undergraduate (GPA:3.60) and Graduate Applicat ion in process 1999-2002 Howard University: Graduate studies-Master of Engineering Program (ME) in Civil Engineering-Transportation Engineering Systems-Graduation Disrupted

1989-94 Ryerson University: BS-Graduated in 1994. Major courses Included engine ering surveys, highways, statistical analysis adjustments, industrial surveying, mining engineering, geodesy, satellite geodesy (GPS), analytic photogrammetry, & Cadastral surveying& CAD etc

Employment:2007-08: Research in transportation projects with Dr.Anthony Saka, Mo rgan State University 2003-5 Research experience with Dr,F.Wilson Morgan State University on Satellit e/GIS National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-chesapeake Bay Project

2001-5 Research in Intelligence Transportation Systems (ITS) with Dr. David Love ll University of Maryland College Park

2000-2001 Howard University library-Redesigning the library Departments using CA D 14&2001

1998-2000 Howard University-Teaching Assistant, teaching undergraduate & Gradua te Students in Urban transportation, principles of economics and Seminar in Urb an Economics.

1998-2002 Howard University- I worked on Transportation Engineering Systems in Incident Management.

1999 to 2006 Vyfhuis & Associates- Washington, D.C. Maryland & Virginia-Design Engineer and Surveyor- Construction Stakeout, Engineering Design- Storm Water Ma nagement and Parking lot deign.

1989-1999 Currie & Associates- Washington, D.C. & Maryland -Surveying /Engineeri ng and Photogrammetric Mapping.Stakeout, building lay-out, etc.

1996-1997 R.M.Jones Engineering Constultants, Washington,D.C. Maryland &Virgini a -Surveyor- engineering, highway construction, land planning for storm water ma nagement, stake out, building layout design and mapping.

1994-96 Shiu Construction Engineers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.- Surveyor/Engine er in charge of four crews- Surveying, designing, planning and construction of h ighways using global positioning system satellites, stake out, inspection of hig hway engineering projects and land planning for storm management.

1989-1990 Ryerson University.-Research Assistant Surveyor

1978-1988 Ministry of Lands and Surveys, Kampala, Uganda-Surveyor:In-charge of the ongoing activities of 15 survey crews. Duties included topographical, cadast ral engineering, and photogrammetry. Supervision, coordination and inspection o f cartographic section, district and municipal planning, highway and water cons truction. Publications & Memberships - Author of -Pearl of Africa-, and -Elements of Satel lite Surveying and Mapping.- Manuscripts send for publication. October 2008-Presented a paper;: -Urban applications of intelligence transportat ion systems (its) improves traffic safety, saves time, lives, and enhances produ ctivity- ESRI MUG Annual Conference, -Analyzing Our Changing World- Clayton Hal l Conference Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, October 28-30th,2 008 . November 2005-Presented a paper;: -Integration of GPS and- GIS for planning mana gement of transport services and infrastructure- at the 12th, ITS World Congress , Mosecone Center, San Francisco USA June 2004-Presented a paper; -Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS for Planning management of environmental Ecosystems of sustainable development- the America n Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Summer Meeting at International T rade center, Savannah, Georgia, USA June 2003-Presented three papers; (1) -GIS: a tool for Rural-Urban-Rural Plannin

g and Infrastructures- (2)- -Limitations of GPS Satellite Data for Traffic Safet y- (3)-Intelligence Transportation Systems- A Decision Making Tool- - at 16th An nual Reflections of the Past, and Solutions to the Present Geographic Informatio n Science Conference at Towson University, Maryland, USA Nominated for Best Professional Award and Student awards. All these papers are p ublished in magazines, and website

July 2001-Presented a paper "GIS: Urban Transportation planning tool for managem ent, services and infrastructure" at the Historically Black Colleges and Univer sities 18th, Annual Summer GIS Faculty workshop, at the National Planning Commis sion, Washington DC, 15-21st July 2001. Awarded for the best student paper

Printed in the Strathmore WHO'S WHO 2001-2002 magazine. Included in the 2002-3/ 2003-2004/2005/06;2007/08;2008/09 American Registry of Outstanding Professional, Metropolitan, Marquis and Madison which has been published in Library of Congre ss.

May 1997-Presented a Paper on Satellite Mapping at Center for Terrestrial and Ex trerrestrial Atmospheric Study (Howard University-NASA), and a Paper on Applicat ions of Satellites to US Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.

April 1997- Presented a Paper on Transportation Objectives crossroads, Local /Re gional Economic Goals in St.Louis,Illinois.

July 1996 presented a paper -Influence of Topography on GPS/Thermatic Mapper Sat ellite data for Mapping- at the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Commission VIII Sy mposium in Vienna, Austria.

1996 This paper is published in the ISPRS archive, Vienna, Austria and I was aw arded the Netherlands First Order.

Oct.3-7 1994 I presented a paper-Influence of Topography on Thermatic Mapper Sat ellite data for Geobotanic Mapping at the International Society of Photogrammetr y and Remote Sensing Commission VII Symposium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

September 1992 Our paper on L\GIS was published by Canadian National Geographic Magazine. 1994- Accepted Canadian Geomatics (CLS) as member (Candidate) and passed the Ass ociation`s Land Surveyors/Canada Geomatics exams in Legal and Land Planning and

Environmental Management. 2000-2 Certified member of National Professional Surveyors, and Association of D istrict of Columbia Land Surveyors. Certified member of Traffic engineers with the State of Maryland. Associate member of Institute of Transportation Engineers Student membership in American Society of Civil Engineers. 1994-Certified as Photogrammetrist-In-Training with American Society of Photogr ammetry and Remote sensing. Membership with American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, and Ameri can Congress of Surveying and Mapping. Volunteered and attended the Workshop/Annual Conference on GIS/GPS-Photogramme try of Nov.1995 ACSM/ASPR in Nashville and Convention at Baltimore USA in April 1996. Volunteered and attended the Workshops/Annual Conference on GIS/GPS- in Wa shington DC, June 2000 Volunteered and attendingInternational Federation of Surv eyors (FIG), International Congress and Appraisal Institute conference on Survey ing and Geodesy:include Maintenance. Photogrammetry: Lidar Sensors and Applicati ons, Washington DC 2002 INTERESTS: -Exchange of Technological and International ideas -Sports, Church . volunteering and related activities References Available on request

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