Army of 2 40th Day

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Army of T.W.O.

the 40th Day Guide

Life is cheap -- but your weapons aren't. Get the best gear and most devastating firepower with IGN's free Army of T.W.O. strategy guide, so you too, can afford to spend $1000 USD (about 700 EUROs) a day on your hobbies. With IGN's guide, you can expect to finish the game on the hardest difficulty (Contractor) and cut your work down by quite a lot. BASICS // In case you skipped the previous operation. WALKTHROUGH // For Contractors who've gone through the campaign already. EXTRAS // Known as Targets of Opportunity in the business. TROPHIES & ACHIEVEMENTS // Self-explanatory ... for the lazy. Q & A // About common game problems (note technical PC issues are not covered).
2010, IGN Entertainment, Inc. May not be sold, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast, in whole or part, without IGNs express permission. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. All rights reserved.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Trophies & Achievements

Story Related Softcore Hardcore Meatbag Charge The Beast Grenadier Pistolier Old Faithful One Shot One Kill Quickdraw Open Hand Slap Unbreakable Not so bad after all Healer Co-Op Sniper Attention Whore In Synch Pumpkin Patch Rock, Paper, Scissors Total Fist Bump Destruction Total Fist Bump Deflation Truth is Right Here Loot and Pillage. Completing the game on Normal or Casual will unlock six accolades. Complete at least half the game on Contractor difficulty. Complete the entire game on Contractor difficulty; you cannot change difficulties mid-way through. Take 15 enemies hostage. Sprint charge through 20 enemies (cumulative total). In campaign mode, neutralize 6666 enemies. Kill at least three enemies in one grenade explosion. Neutralize 150 enemies with handguns. Neutralize 400 enemies with primary class weapons (these weapons may be slotted temporarily to the special slot as well). Neutralize 100 enemies with marksmanship rifles. Neutralize 25 enemies (cumulative) with the quick draw. Neutralize 50 enemies using melee blows or bayonet attachments. Complete a stage without being revived -- on Normal or Contractor only. Capture and arrest 15 enemies instead of executing them. Resuscitate your partner 10 ten times. Co-op snipe five enemies (cumulative total). Allow partner to snipe 5 enemies while you are in mock surrender. Neutralize two enemies simultaneously in quick draw mode (a human partner is recommended). Neutralize 2 enemies with one bullet through their heads. Beat partner at this game three times in a row. Complete the last level (finish game) as best friends. The status should read, "Ambiguous". Complete the last level (finish game) as enemies. The status should read, "Hateful". Collect all radio objects in the campaign. Collect one million dollars (this is cumulative; you can spend the money as the total is tracked in the stat-shot). Collect all weapons and parts (this includes having a save game from Army of TWO to get the extra weapons). Shoot all Neko cats in a campaign (this is tracked in stat-shot and in a stage completion result). Customize a primary class weapon to high degree of Aggro. Customize an assault rifle with three homemade parts. The rusty stock, pipe bomb launcher, and the kitchen knife. Make a good morality choice. Make all good moral choices in a single campaign (required to unlock the Glock G-18). Make a single bad moral choice. Make all bad moral choices in a single campaign (note this unlocks more weapons). Save all hostages (and collect all ID Cards). Unlock all possible outcomes (for the final good morality choice, you need to play Rios and Salem to get their respective endings). Versus Mode: Revive partner and do a partner reload on a public match. Versus Mode: Invite a friend before joining a public match. Versus Mode: You must kill both players of a single partnership during a public match.

Full Arsenal Touch Not a Cat with a Glove Hate Monger Scavenger Optimist Purist Pessimist Heartless Humanist Future Visions Fresh Meat Fancy Meeting You Here Big Game Hunting

Job Seeker DIY PMC Death Dealer Power Couple All Guns Blazing Bound For Life King of the Hill Survival of the Fittest

Versus Mode: During a public match, kill a player with the primary (or secondary) weapon from each weapon load-out. Versus Mode: Go to, create a custom face mask and use it during a public match. Versus Mode: During a single public match, kill ten players with head shots. Versus Mode: Earn the highest partnership score during a public Co-Op Deathmatch, Control or Warzone match. Versus Mode: During a public match, kill a player with every weapon (including special weapons). Extraction Mode (Bonus): During a public match survive the whole map without a single death on your team. Extraction Mode (Bonus): Win a public match on every map in Co-Op Deathmatch, Warzone and Control. Extraction Mode (Bonus): Complete all 16 rounds of a public extraction game.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Q&A

PROBLEM How do I unlock these weapons?


Most of the weapons are unlocked by rescuing hostages, finding them in campaign, making the correct moral choice, and simply by stage progression.


How do I access the AS-KRI and S0-Z?


Have a saved game from a retail Army of T.W.O. (the first game) attached to your same profile or gamertag. You still need to buy the damn things once they're in the shop.


My computer controlled partner won't do what I expect.


Re-issue the order (to move, stop, follow). When the allied A.I. is in the middle of a scripted action, some orders are ignored. Additionally, in some situations, your partner will do his own thing (open a gate, etc.). If you want some intelligence with your partner, get a real buddy.


What's the best weapon?


The best weapon is the one that works for you at the moment.


I keep getting discovered when trying to take enemies hostage.


Let your ally do it (they are perfect with their approach) or crouch and move slightly slower than a full run to sneak up on enemies. Make sure no one can see you either, or an alarm will sound.


I'm having problems saving a hostage.


Keep in mind detection, enemy line of sight, and silenced weapons. While you can neutralize enemies with silenced weapons, if patrolling enemies see a dead body or see their allies die, they will become alerted and execute the hostages.


How do I defeat the Super-Heavy soldiers?


For the Grenade, Mini-Gun, and Flame-thrower super-heavy soldiers, you need to destroy the explosive ammunition bags they carry. There are three grenade bags on the grenadier and a single backpack on the mini-gunner and flamethrower.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Basics

Play through the first stage (Shanghai Streets) and J.B. (and the game) will introduce you to the concept of "Aggro", firing, movement, and reloading. Alice Murray will also activate the War-Chest so you can change weapons and upgrade weapons on the fly. You even get some pointers on how to control your A.I. partner if you are playing alone. There are some fine points to keep in mind though.
Keep together.

Unless absolutely required, keep your partner near by so he can resuscitate you if you are downed (and vice versa). Stay in the "blue" follow/regroup command and break out the guns when enemies are firing. Switch to hold/less aggro when your partner is about to expire from wounds.
Put silencers on all weapons.

While you cannot do this from the start, putting silencers on all your weapons makes your character harder to spot initially and you can safely take out enemies in hostage situations without initiating a deadly fire-fight.
Build a weapon with big "Aggro" gain.

Having a weapon that generates a large amount of "Aggro" is handy so you can quickly get attention of enemies with one or two shots instead of hosing them down. When your partner is in danger of dying, this can quickly get attention on you and thus allow your partner to regenerate life.
Eye your partner's orders.

Always be cognizant of your partner's orders. The A.I. will make way to switches and gates without regard to its safety. Order it to HOLD when it runs off, or you'll be down a man very quickly. In fact, flick the orders on the D-PAD quickly if required to keep the A.I. under control.
Damage first -- Precision second -- Handling last.

The goal of a weapon is to neutralize a target as fast as possible, and this it won't do when it does zilch damage. When modifying weapons, use parts that do the most damage first (barrel parts generally). Afterwards, upgrade the precision to insure you can hit what you aim at (stock parts generally). While handy, the handling characteristic only comes into play during blind fire, and if you are sniping or making slow advances, you can eschew this statistic and focus on damage, precision, aggro, and magazine capacity.
Unless operated by a human, your partner is A.I.

Your computer controlled partner is only so smart. It cannot take reasonable initiative by itself, so keep it on a tight leash. The A.I. is good at covering, shooting, sniping (it has infinite ammo), but it cannot do certain tasks well, especially if left alone. When faced with doing some tasks after doing a step-jump, consider only sending your A.I. to do short tasks (i.e., anything that's not the long battle across the skyscraper in the second mission). Give us feedback! Next Page...

Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

Radios Parts Cats

M ission 1

The first radio is next to your contact, J.B. If you start running (hold your Context Action button), you went too far ahead.

The second radio is after you make your first "moral choice" in regards to J.B. After the plane crashes into the building, the radio is visible just before you open the next gate.

The third radio is the gate control room above where the Shotgun Heavy appears (from the level exit). Note that just outside the window from the radio is a weapon part.

M ission 2

The first radio is where you have the co-op surrender tutorial and cut-scene.

The second radio is after you make your way down the skyscraper (on different sides). Enemies near a PMC strongbox will allow you do another mock surrender; the radio is near the strongbox.

M ission 3

The first radio is right after you rescue the first group of hostages (past the gate). Check the side-alley (or workshop area) for the radio before you encounter a cut-scene for the second group of hostages.

The second radio is in the zoo's loading dock (after the ambush) and before you enter the zoo proper. If you activated the zoo's tram, you just screwed yourself.

M ission 4

The first radio is in the basement where the generator is in. Can't miss it unless your eyes have melted off your face from the Call of Cthulhu spell Strike Blind or you injected your eyeballs with sulphuric acid.

The second radio is in the hallway right the step-jump with the kid at the hospital, and before the hostages in the surgery theater.

M ission 5

The first radio is next to the PMC strongbox after battling the APC, Flamethrower Super Heavy, and Shotgun Heavy in the first alley.

The second radio is in the alleyway when Alice Murray contacts T.W.O. a second time about going to the shopping mall.

M ission 6

The first radio is at the start of the stage.

The second radio is by the PMC strongbox at the second underground checkpoint.

M ission 7

The last radio is in the hallway after battling the Mini-Gun Super Heavy (on the stairs) but before you enter the next small courtyard with the emplaced gun.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

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Go up and meet the contact, J.B. He will start giving you tutorials on movement and introduce you to shooting in the game (taking out the alarms), as well as run a video about "Aggro" and how to exploit the enemy's focus on the more aggressive character in T.W.O.

Notice that the A.I. can take the enemy by surprise 100% of the time so long as they are not spotted. When trying to capture enemy officers (use your mask's enhanced reality to show how many stripes an enemy has -- the more stripes, the more important the enemy is) for hostage situations, have the computer A.I. do it. If you need to sneak in, crouch and move the stick just a shade under a full run and you can sneak up on the enemy. Press the "Partner Command" button to take the enemy hostage (at close range, this is something your character does for himself). Afterwards, point at the enemies you want tied down and have your partner do the restraining. Note if you tie down your own hostage, enemies immediately forego surrender and fight if they are not restrained.
Mission 1 Neko Cat

In the zone where you place the second beacons and get the "Aggro" tutorial video (every damn time!), there is a Neko cat. Stand on the top of the ladder leading down to the lower roof and look right. If the door J.B. opens is in the bottom corner of your screen, the Neko Cat is visible in the center of your screen. It's atop the roof infrastucture in the above illustrations.

Soon after neutralizing the police force on the roof, you will have your chance to play judge, jury, and executioner. Co-op choices are more like "Moral Choices" as they affect your world positively or negatively. Naturally, weapons and other goodies are available for the taking if you are morally questionable. Unless you are going for the "Purist" accolade (and the Glock G-18), you might as well go evil and take all there is to take. It's a good thing anyway, as you will unlock more weapons and weapon parts if you do (for your next replay).
Moral Choice: The Contact Spare J.B. This is the positive choice and you get nothing. This is a negative choice and you get $7,500. Whoever said human life is priceless never worked as a mercenary, a contract killer, a life insurance salesman, an insurance investigator, or a property damage assessor.

Execute J.B.

Make your moral choice and move to the next area. Don't miss the second radio before you use the metal door. Along the way, you will get the G14 Thunderstrike from the PMC Strongbox tutorial. It's recommended you fit it immediately to your H&K G-36 (nice gun, but doesn't do enough damage in most videogames). The next section is a construction yard with an emplaced gun and hordes of enemies. When fighting, set your partner to Aggro Regroup to actively cover you as you advance (yes, you can do this even on Contractor). Have your partner Aggro Hold once you have a good spot overlooking the first construction pit.

The catwalk area above the emplaced gun has a weapon part (Slanted G5 Grip) . Secure the immediate zone and head upstairs to nab it. Note that this foregrip can be fitted to a variety of weapons (not just the starting G-36). Move to the second part of the construction yard and neutralize all hostiles there. If you want to wander around the lower construction yard, there is a Rusty Stock placard near the second emplaced gun. If you miss it, you can buy it (very cheaply) later in the game.
Mission 1 Neko Cat

In the construction yard, you will encounter an emplaced gun shortly after a cut-scene of a building blowing up (this is after the one of Alice's building blowing up). There is a Neko Cat on the ductwork next to the catwalk with the Slanted G5 Grip placard.

The hostages in the next zone are easily rescued provided you don't f*&# it up. Hit your BACK or SELECT button to get enhanced reality and tag the targets. This lets you identify the officer (more chevrons in his icon). Have your computer ally take him hostage. If you have to do it, crouch and move just a shade under a full run, and grab him when the button command appears. Tie up the enemies and rescue the hostages. Note how you rescue hostages, treat your partner, and what moral choices you make are completely separate things. You can rescue all hostages and still be the most evil person in the world to get the Heartless accolade. Outside the hostage room (the upper door is safer), take out the marksman on the roof and have your computer partner Aggro Hold. He should be able to distract the shield soldiers long enough for you to take them out. Have your dronepartner take up a shield and Aggro Advance (select regroup then advance if he gets stuck). This will attract the attention of the other enemies and you can safely cack their ass from the upper walkway.

For the final zone, you can initiate the step-jump and have your computer drone open the gate. If you opt for this, do the step-jump on the left side (when you face the locked gate) to avoid the rocket sniper on the right side. Once the gate is

opened, hold position in the control room and get ready to blast the Shotgun Heavy after wiping out the intial enemies. Shotgun Heavy soldiers are vulnerable all over, although shooting them in the head will knock off their helmets and allow you to kill them instantly with a headshot. However, if you have a high-powered shotgun (as you would on a replay), you can simply hose the bastard down and be done with it. The AA-12 modified with a high-damage barrel is recommended for Contractor difficulty. Otherwise, work with what you have and lower the difficulty (you can do this by quitting and resuming the game with a different difficulty) to unlock your gear first. Before ending the chapter, hop out the window in the gate control room to pick up the weapon part Custom Shield. Give us feedback! Next Page...

Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

1 2 3 4 M ission 2 5 6 7

The initial strongbox seems to always lock-down, so skip it and head outside. Whether or not you take the enemy hostage or not won't matter. Simply neutralize them all as the building explodes from external impact. Work through the rubble of the building, whack enemies, and head downstairs to the next area.

After the brief cut-scene on the stairs, drop down the hole and take the weapon part Soda Can Silencer from the row of yellow chairs. While it looks cheesy (and cheap), equip it to your handgun immediately since you still use it for silenced shots from your handgun. The mock-surrender tutorial should occur shortly after this. The radio is there, so pick it up after you deal with the two enemies at that point.

After the mock-surrender tutorial, you will fight on top of a skyscraper (fallen on its side). For the record, heavy masonary

buildings of this type are seldom seen in Shanghai (the load-bearing masonary wall is more of an American thing). In any case, your computer partner will be tempted to split with you and advance on his side of the building.
Mission 2 Neko Cat

In the zone where you go across a toppled skyscraper, stop right before you leave the area. Stand either at the exit (or where the sniper was) and look back towards where you came from (i.e., uphill). To your left is an array of office windows. The Neko Cat is at the end of the curtain wall (as seen in the above illustrations).

Splitting up is fine if you remember where and when enemies will appear (even on Contractor). You just need to remember to tell the drone to Hold or Aggro Hold when either of you are too injured to continue. Take up a temporary weapon for some more ammunition (although this is seldom necessary). Get across the street using the collapsed skyscraper and head inside. When opening the next door, either spam the melee or fire buttons and you may be able to foil the enemy from taking your character hostage (in open areas, you can lob grenades and flush enemies to prevent this from happening). Otherwise, you will need to have your partner kill your captor before your neck is snapped.

After the enemy capture incident, you will have a chance to snipe two enemies and rescue hostages. Equip a weapon with stable, long-ranged firing capabilities -- the starting SVD is fine. Bring up enhanced reality, tag the enemies, and pay attention which enemy your computer drone is aiming it. Aim at the other target and fire when you have a clear shot (or the hostages are killed). When the hostages are rescued, it's suggested you let your computer partner boost you up over the wall; there are too many enemies on the other side of the building to have a drone handle (especially on Contractor). Once separated, remember that if you are incapacitated, your game is over. This in mind, take things slowly and leave your partner on Aggro Advance or Aggro Hold Position to have it cover you.

There is nothing but ammunition packs on the "sniping" side of the skyscraper; however, the enemy-riddled side of the building has a EZ Muzzle Enhancer on the floor just above the emplaced gun turret. Check the dark corner where enemies come out from and you should see the weapon placard on a concierge desk. For the enemy emplacement, simply have your partner draw its fire and waste the operator when the turret turns to the side.

Push the concrete pillar over to regroup with your combat drone. Use a mock surrender at the PMC strongbox (three enemies) so you can secure some more money (from the box -- this money reappears with each replay). While you are here at the strongbox area, don't forget the radio and the Z1 Muzzle Reducer on the nearby desk (same room as the strongbox -- can't miss it if you brush against everything and press the context action button).

If this is your first time through the game, take the weapons. Make sure to equip a silenced weapon before leaving the room after making your choice.
Moral Choice: The Weapons Locker Put weapons back This is the positive choice and you get nothing, except a harsh life lesson -- that being nice is for suckers like children and Polly Anna.

Take the weapons

This is a negative choice and you unlock the HM Shotgun -- a weapon you will likely keep using until you buy the AA-12. Here's an important lesson kids: don't index a gun's trigger unless you're sure you're going to fire it. Also: don't let Nathan Drake (Nolan North voices Elliot Salem, the Prince of Persia, Nathan Drake, and a few other obnoxious videogame douchebags) slap your weapon hand.

After you make your choice, equip a silenced weapon to take out the next two enemies threatening a hostage. While you can neutralize both enemies quickly (and loudly), there are more enemies who come in (unrelated to the hostage takers) and their gun fire may kill the hostage before you rescue him.

Using silenced weapons will forestall the enemies from coming in too early and you can detain or neutralize the kidnappers and rescue the package before you have to deal more unpleasant mercenaries.

Fight your way out and try to keep the HM shotgun around (as your special weapon) in case a Shotgun Heavy appears. Taking the shotgun heavy's MCS1870 shotgun is also a good idea. Start increasing your grenade count as well. You will need the maximum capacity of four grenades before long.

Head into the consulate office and fetch Alice Murray. Since she's a special hostage, she will not be shot when you attack the room. Simply waste everyone, then turn around and fight your way back out. Because of the chopper crash, the emplaced gun on the second level is protected from most attacks.

Consider sending your partner to Aggro Hold the emplaced weapon and use a shotgun to waste the Shotgun Heavy at the stairs. To be frank, you can actually run (both characters) to the hole made by the helicoptor. Once there, Alice actually teleports to your position and you can move on.

Aboard the crane Alice brings in, you will enter "butt-to-butt" mode and proceed to hose down enemies with infinite ammunition from your primary weapon. If you want to use a shotgun for this sequence, swap it into your primary slot otherwise, you will likely use a SMG or Assault Rifle. Hose down enemies in the surrounding area, and take note of red explosive barrels to take down enemies in groups. Also watch for enemy soldiers with rocket-propelled grenades. If any explosive connects with your party of two (neither of you can move, only turn) nothing will save you. Ride the stack of crap down to the next zone and hop off.

Outside, hose down the three sets of enemies and stock up on "special ammo" for your sniper rifle. You will need it for the Super Heavy enemy. If you have the option to increase the SVD's magazine, it would be good to do that before you get the save point after pushing the van out of the way. We recommend using the .50 Caliber M107 (on a replay) to deal with the Super Heavy on the Contractor difficulty.
Mission 2 Neko Cat

At the last checkpoint on the highway (the one before you meet Mr. Mini-Gun), there is a highway sign showing the Shanghai City Zoo exit. To the left of this sign is the Neko Cat. You may have seen it while sniping the enemy marksmen up there.

You will need to have your computer drone lure the enemy Mini-Gun soldier with Aggro Regroup or Aggro Hold (somewhere off to your side). This is to reveal the ammo pack on the back of the enemy. You can just snipe the backpack and nick the corner. Once the backpack is destroyed, the enemy Super Heavy is slain and you can clear the chapter. Give us feedback! Next Page...

Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

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Right after you cack the first few enemies, there are hostages. For this hostage situation, order your computer drone to take the officer (in the medium combat armor) hostage and tie down the rest of the unit. If you have to do it, remember to crouch and move at less than a full run. Don't miss the radio in the side alley before moving on. The radio is right next to the hostages you save.

For the second set of hostages, have your computer drone boost you up. Don't attack the enemy. Instead, go down the ladder without provoking them and open the door to let your drone through the door. Once you've regrouped, you can both take out the guards without trouble. For the extra trouble you put forth, you will unlock the Desert Eagle .44. You may want to immediately put a silencer on the weapon and equip it before moving on.

For the next encounter, your drone will be on automatic (regardless of the orders given to it). If you take the low road, the computer partner will the high road and attack enemies while you mock surrender; if you take the stairs overlooking the

block, your computer drone will attempt a mock surrender. Apart from the Shotgun Heavy, the only enemies are two lightly armored soldiers. Take them out and move to the zoo's loading dock. The loading dock fight is fairly simple. Enemies climb over the wall and shoot. Occasionally, you will see a soldier pop-up over the wall and fire (but he will not mantle over and attack). Blast the hangers-on and when enough enemies are neutralized, the door to the zoo is open. Head inside and lock out the enemies, or finish the fight and pick up the ammo and money drops from defeated enemies.

Take the radio from the zoo's loading dock and move out. Activate the tram and wait for the insane Chinese zookeeper to finish his diatribe. When the tram starts moving, clear out the enemies in the hippo pit and move back up top across the hippo exhibit.
Mission 3 Neko Cat

There is an emplaced machinegun on the roof of the tram control room. Fixate on it and follow the roofline to the left. Neko Cat shoot. PETA blows chunks!

To activate the tram again, hit the control panel (this spawns a Shotgun Heavy and enemies from the exit). Before you can get close, take your time to clear out the enemies from the control panel building. Notice there is an emplaced gun on its roof, so you will get hosed on Contractor and die. Enemies are finite until you activate the tram, so return fire and take the weapon part Chepznaz Redstar for the sniper rifles. Be sure to equip it on your SVD, as you will need it in about five minutes. Restart the tram, neutralize the Shotgun Heavy and move to the next section.

The animal pit with the crashed PMC chopper is tricky business. Order your computer ally to hold position. After the cut-scene reveals the enemies, head to the ground and jig right at the rock arch (above illustration, left). You should be able to sneak up on the enemy officer and take him hostage. Remember to crouch and move a shade less than a full run to get close enough to grab him. Either you or your partner can grab the officer and then proceed to detain the rest of the unit (if you want your ally to do the initial capture, have it follow on regroup only). After taking the whole enemy unit, you can take the PCG Delta EX sniper scope from the enemy strongbox.

Once you shut off the automated S.O.S. in the crashed chopper, you will be attacked by the second type of Super-Heavy soldier -- the Grenadier. If you think getting close is a good idea, think again. Apart from the usual retinue of assault rifle escorts, the Grenadier Super-Heavy has a DE.44 for a back-up weapon and he can easily down you on Contractor. What you want to do is play the range game to the Super-Heavy's disadvantage. The grenades are destructive, but the A.I. doesn't really know how to aim them for splash damage (note enemy grenades are always timed and not impacttriggered like Rios' and Salem's grenade shots). Get on top of the rocks near where you dropped into the animal exhibit and use a sniper rifle and scope to pick apart the three bags of grenades the Super-Heavy soldier has on his sides and ass. A few good shots and he dies, clearing the way forward.

In the next zone, the zookeeper will ask if you want to spare a rare white Siberian tiger (which incidentally, aren't as endangered as you may think). Whacking it unlocks more parts, and not whacking it generates parts (of a different sort).
Moral Choice: Tigi Has Been Waxed Spare the tiger This is the positive choice and you get nothing but a nice sack of body parts, chiefly in the tiger's poop. This is a negative choice and you unlock several (unspecified) parts including the FR Elite Model 3 buttstock for sniper rifles. If T.W.O. wasn't busy, they should've carved the carcass up for spare parts on the rarities market as well

Execute the tiger

The next zone has a hostage you must rescue. While the guy is invulnerable to the enemies (until he's rescued, then you protect him), the bright sunlight in the area will make it hard to tell where enemies are unless you use enhanced reality.

Waddle your way towards the hostage and take down the four enemies threatening to kill his ass. On your way there, there are two ladders leading atop an animal cage across from the hostage. Atop this cage is the very handy Pipe Bomb Launcher for assault rifles. Note that this attachment and the 40 mm Grenade Launcher (something you can buy) are identical in everything except appearance. Take down the enemies, rescue the hostage, and escort him to the door with the red panda face. Unlike Alice Murray, this "third buddy" will not try to revive you (although you can revive him), nor will he shoot. The hostage will only open the red panda doors when all enemies are neutralized, so get to it.

Do a mock surrender once the doors open (to rescue the last hostage of the stage). Blast the soldier holding his gun at the hostage first, then the red barrel on the right (near the strongbox). The strongbox here only holds money (a lot of money), so it's a good idea to try for it. Fight up the stairs, and down enemies. There is an emplaced gun on the left at the top of the stairs. You can flip to face the other way if you want. Once all the initial enemies are gone, a Grenadier Super-Heavy will appear from the zone's exit. Defeat the Grenade Super-Heavy and his buddies and move to the final zone. After discovering Rios committed bestiality at the San Diego zoo, proceed to clear this final area. An APC will crash through the chapter's exit gate and bring along three Shotgun Heavy soldiers. Waste them and their allies and you can clear out.

Mission 3 Neko Cat

When you've cleared the zone to the chapter's exit, stop before you leave the zoo's back entrance. Look up at the gate and you can see the Neko Cat taunting your sorry ass like a Helghast Emblem. Oh yes. We hated looking for this in Killzone 2 as well.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

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While you can mock surrender to the troops at the PMC APC, it's better to snipe the turret gunner and take down the rest of the trash. Equip a silenced weapon now. You need to make a quick shot to rescue the next set of hostages (past the gate).

This hostage situation is one of the more difficult ones. Your parnter (especially if computer controlled) needs to be kept on a tight leash. Begin by identifying the officer on the left side of the street -- he should be the one in the medium combat armor under the guy on the stairs. Sic your computer drone the officer and once your A.I. partner starts moving, use a silenced gun and blow the brains out of the PMC private in the small courtyard to the right. This insures that no alert is sounded when the officer is grabbed. Note that if you do start a fracas, the hostages will likely be killed not by the four enemies in the initial patrol, but by enemies who spawn on the rooftops down the street.

Restrain the rest of the enemy patrol and rescue both hostages. Save your progress by moving on and climbing either ladder (on the side of the street) to the rooftop towards the PMC antennae. Shoot up the rooftop and access the commsstation. Before you actually use the comm-station panel (this will lock you to the next zone), head back downstairs (from the comms room) towards the rooftop. From the stairs to the comms array, go straight until you hit the side of a tenement with two windows, a lantern, and a small table with a crate on it. To the table's left is a placard for the 7337 Defender shotgun barrel.
Mission 4 Neko Cat

The easiest method is to locate the spot where you picked up the 7337 Defender shotgun barrel placard; if not, simply locate the spot again. From the placard, look directly across the alley. You should see a tenement building emitting black smoke between two other buildings doing the same thing (a red tiled building and the comm-station building). This tenement building has a Neko Cat on its top-most balcony though, as seen in the above illustrations.

When you've processed this crap, you can proceed using the control panel and wind up blacked out on a hospital table. At least there's no one saying, "Aaargh -- I be a doctor," and giving you a rectal exam when you regain consciousness.

When you start at the hospital, your previous three moral choices affect your next weapon pick-up. If you've been totally evil (as recommended for your first run), you will find the weapons locker (above left, the blue door) locked. You will lose out on the Glock G-18 if your negative moral choices out-weigh the positive ones you made; however, you shouldn't worry about it, since the G-18 is inaccurate. You chiefly want it as a PDW as a secondary weapon (with 33 rounds). Step-jump and take care of the next hostage, who will unlock a free M636 Scope (2x zoom) part for assault rifles. Silently take down the lone guard in the hallway and send your partner to nab the officer in the surgery ward. If you're the one doing the grab, hold the action button down to slowly open the door and enter the ward. Once the officer is grabbed, restrain the remaining soldier and rescue the hostage.

Take it easy after this hostage -- there's a second hostage when you head down the hallway. Be ready to ruthlessly blast the enemy soldier as he comes through the doorway after his quarry. Remember enemies can perform a "last stand" and

kill the hostage while on the ground. Head downstairs and take the radio before activating the generator (so you save your progress).

Head back upstairs and you'll find the way back blocked. You will have detour through the hospital's main ward. Waste the shield soldiers and Shotgun Heavy, but check the side rooms. One of the side rooms (room #157) has a HL Reflex Core buttstock for assault rifles. Open a closed blue door to find this weapon plan. Keep going to meet the kid (Chin) in the storage room. After getting a step-jump to reach the operation theater, grab the radio. A hostage situation is up ahead, so you may want to equip a silent weapon just in case; however, that's not necessary if you know who to grab first.

Send your computer ally to grab the officer at the top of the stairs, then detain the rest of the enemies and rescue hostages (you unlock the D56 Suppressor for your trouble). Once that's done, you will have to make a quick moral choice. IGN recommends taking the gear first -- people are replaceable (and re-trainable) but good gear is expensive.

Moral Choice: Children or Guns Have the kid stay in cover This is the positive choice and you get $30,000 when the kid is presented to the doctor.

Have the kid grab the weapon

This is a negative choice and you unlock the M107 Barrett rifle. This is the most destructive rifle in the game (outside of the grenade launcher). Since only bullet weapons can destroy a Super-Heavy's vulnerable spots, this weapon is critical to your survival on Contractor difficulty.

Sadly, you won't be needing the M107 immediately (not until the next stage anyway). The enemies across the street are vulnerable to your assault rifle and the M636 scope you unlocked. Use this weapon and stock-pile special ammo (for your shotgun). You will need to make mince-meat of a new type of Super-Heavy: the Flamethrower.
Mission 4 Neko Cat

In the surgical amphitheatre, enemies will attack from two inaccessible buildings after you deal with the hostages (and the moral choice). The right building has an emplaced machinegun. Fixate on it and track to your right by one room. The Neko Cat is atop some appliances.

After the operating theater shoot-out, head down the ladder and confront the Flamethrower Super-Heavy. Get your partner to distract him and shoot the fuel pack on the enemy's back to ignite him. The HM Shotgun (or AA-12) is the key to fast neutralization here. After defeating the first flamethrower soldier, there will be a second Super-Heavy. Lure and defeat him as well. Before leaving the laundry area, check the air ducts. Unlike the money stashes in earlier levels, this pile of money is hidden well inside the air ducts of the laundry room. Exit the laundry area once you're done.

Past laundry, there's a hallway with enemies. At the end of the hallway is a room with the T6-400 Shield. Take it, meet the doctor, and defend the front area from several waves of enemies. Nothing special to mention about the defence mission save that you can wait in the hallways where enemies appear and get the drop on them as they appear. Note that the computer drone has a problem following you inside, but human players are capable. Aside from the enemies in the hallways, there are marksmen in the balcony. If you've cleared the ground level of enemies, you can focus on the enemies in the balcony overlooking the foyer. A second set of enemies (several waves) will appear after the save/checkpoint in this defend-the-base area. When you're done with the hospital, head outside and blast the snipers (left side) and infantry (right side). The mini-gun Super-Heavy will appear and destroy the gate to the exit soon after. Have your partner lure his attention and either use the sniper rifle or the shotgun to blast his pack. The final area to the chapter exit is the alleyway behind the mini-gun Super-Heavy. Clear the zone and consider equipping a silenced assault rifle with scope before ending the chapter (this is for the next level). Give us feedback! Next Page...

Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

1 2 3 4 M ission 5 5 6 7

The starting area is a deathtrap if you incite enemies. There is a Shotgun Heavy, a Flamethrower Super-Heavy, and several enemies (medium and light) fully ready to combat your ass. It's all easy if you have a silenced weapon though. Start by nicking the first patrolling enemy in the head with a silenced headshot. Turn left and follow the next patrolling enemy into the alley. Nick him in the head with a quiet gunshot when he stops. Head back the way you came and go down the the "right" side of the street. There, you can brain a third enemy in the head. From the slain third guard, turn left and brain the fourth enemy near the enemy APC. That done, head back to where you dropped the first guard. You should be able to see a ladder going up to a balcony. Just past the ladder is a street covered by the enemy APC, emplaced guns, the Shotgun Heavy and Flamethrower Super-Heavy. Shoot the Shotgun Heavy (or any other soldier) and fall back to the starting area. Using the alley and the streets, you can now run circles around the Heavy soldiers and get behind them (you would have problems if enemies were alerted). Destroy the Shotgun Heavy and Flamethrower SuperHeavy, then nick the APC gunner around the corner. Now you can climb the ladder to the balcony. From the balcony overlooking the alley, you can fire on the enemies at the emplaced gun as well as the rocketsoldiers across the street. Before you exit this intial alleyway, locate the enemy APC. On the opposite end of the alley, there should be a burned out truck-tractor cab. A large trash dumpster is next to this tractor rig. Near the dumpster will be a placard for the Trueshot Mk.1 rifle barrel.

Past the APC and its continent of support troops in the first alley, you will go through an alley where Alice tries to contact you. Past that is a PMC strongbox (mock surrender) with the stage's first radio. Take everything and get ready for one of the hardest battles you've fought so far. There are rocket soldiers and an emplaced gun in the second story of the building across from you. You may want to use the Pipe Bomb Launcher you found at the zoo to blast the backwall of the second story to get rid of enemies. Use a scope and chip/nibble away the enemies from the alleyway. While the cover is imperfect (it eventually gets destroyed) and the firing angles are awful, you don't want to step out into the street with so many enemies still active. If you do step out into the street, not only do you have to deal with the emplaced gun on the right, but a Shotgun Heavy will appear (ground floor) near the stairs in the middle of the block.

When you do step out and take down the emplaced gunner and the Shotgun Heavy, don't wander too far to the left (above left). If you do, you will trigger the mini-gun Super-Heavy and likely die. Instead, take what ammo and money you can, then head up the second level of the block. You can down four or five soldiers who jump down as you approach the easement on the second level. These enemies will appear when the Super-Heavy does, so killing them early spares you some surprise. If you are with a computer drone, put it into normal regroup so the A.I. focuses on following you (rather than fighting). Your plan here should be simple -- you spawn the mini-gun Super-Heavy by going near the dumpsters, then retreat to the emplaced gun down the street. You put your computer drone on the gun and order it to Aggro Hold Position to draw attention. When the Super-Heavy is distracted, you sneak up behind with a silenced shotgun (or far away with a sniper rifle) and destroy its backpack. When you've dealt with the Super-Heavy, you will go through another alleyway where Alice tries contacting you by radio again. There's a radio in this alley. Take it and equip a silenced assault rifle with a scope (preferably 3X). You can exploit the game up ahead and IGN will tell you how.

Take the contents of the strongbox (it's just money). Then start zooming in to the yellow crane's left as you climb the stairs. There'll be an enemy soldier you can take out (silently -- even from a checkpoint) and reduce the number of enemies hassling the hostage by one. This is a very helpful exploit, as you can easily take down the two remaining enemy kidnappers with little trouble. Should you miss the enemy as you crest the stairs (note, you must shoot the enemy before the cut-scene of the hostage crisis occurs), you can simply restart from the checkpoint to get it right. Otherwise, you will have a difficult time downing all three enemies.

Rescuing this hostage (the final one in the game) is a good thing, since he unlocks the Grenade Launcher. Note that the grenade launcher can have a shotgun masterkey attachment (same one as the assault rifle), making it a pretty nifty weapon.
Mission 5 Neko Cat

Get to the construction yard and clear the zone up to the emplaced gun. Stand so the two construction cranes are to your right. A detached bulldozer shovel/blade will be on the ground. Look past it to an inaccessible tenement building. This building has a hanging bathtub (similar to Cleveland's tub on Family Guy); below the tub is a doorway with the Neko Cat.

Hose down the Shotgun Heavy and the soldiers using the emplaced weapons at the barricade. From the enemy barricade, you can walk up the ramps to the wrecked building. Note there's another well-hidden pile of cash in the bombed out building (top level). From the upper level, you can hose the enemies at the second barricade with ease.

You can ignore most of the enemies at the next zone by simply making a quick bee-line to the yellow bulldozer. Before you follow it, modify your primary weapon so you're comfortable shooting it at enemies at medium range (meaning if scopes throw you off, remove them). You will do another "butt-to-butt" firing sequence before both Rios and Salem are captured by the enemy.

Tyson Rios vs. Elliot Salem Salem will need to wait for the A.I. Brezhnev to spring him. While you cannot order Brezhnev, he is an allied bot. Although he can revive Salem, becoming incapacitated before meeting with Rios still means game over. Rios will need to get out by himself. He will not have any assistance -- just like a Splinter Cell. He will need to make his way to the rendezvous alone ... again, just like Fisher.

Playing Salem

Playing Rios

The character you play will determine how you will be sprung. Players using Salem will need to wait for Brezhnev to open the cage while those players using Rios will need to break the neck of the "Johnny Akiba" prison guard and shoot his way out. Either character will have it tough on Contractor -- if Brezhnev is downed, you need to revive him, but he will not do the same until Salem and Rios regroup.

Since we're going to do things the hard way, let's use Rios, as Salem just needs to pick up a gun and shoot his way out (and activate the same gate on the other side) for his escape. Rios needs to press "Action" near the inattentive guard and snap his neck. Open the gate and take the Chinese handgun. Head out and see how far you can get by snapping necks (which is a silent attack). Use the switch as ordered by Brezhnev and head towards Salem. Note that if you die, you will need to either locate a pre-placed weapon or kill a guard with your bare hands to get his weapon (temporary weapons are deleted when you re-try). So if you get a good weapon (the DE.44 and SCAR-L spawns randomly) try not to drop dead.

Meet your partner (at this point, it's the same for both characters -- not that the initial escape was hard or differed much anyway) in the mall's main thoroughfare and switch him between Aggro Advance and Hold. You need him to draw fire so you can neutralize enemies. By now, you more than likely have picked up the SCAR-L (Mk.17) and are working over the idiots at the bottom of the escalator (the ones holed up in the pillbox). Blow their s@!% apart and you can get your gear and move to the next zone.

After Brezhnev shows you the bombs and the spots where to blow the mercs' comms-dish, you should do some elective exploration and enemy elimination. Pick-up a bomb to trigger enemies (you'll need to walk out a bit more), set it down (anywhere) and proceed to run all over the floor where the bombs are and the one above it. On the floor with the bombs, circle counter-clockwise and locate a small boutique (actually there are several, but you get the idea). Inside one boutique, you should find a weapon placard behind the counter with the weapon part Kitchen Knife (the boutique is pictured above and right). Provided you take down all the enemies, you can simply walk around, triggering other hostiles and clearing the way for you and your bombing partner.
Mission 5 Neko Cat

Meet at Brezhnev's bombs. The Neko Cat is on top of the communications tower.

When you've cleared most (but not all) the enemies, you can actually have your partner take up a second bomb and both of you can place them on the red X's marked by Brezhnev. Fight the final batch of enemies (spawned when at least two bombs are placed) and you can place the final bomb in relative peace. With all three bombs placed, head back to Brezhnev and he will blow the charges.

Head down the escalator to the next level and snipe the enemies there. Stay up top, as there is a Grenadier Super-Heavy who spawns once the initial wave of enemies are destroyed. Waste this tough enemy and move on. The remaining enemies in the level are nothing (all peons) although there is a rocket soldier here and there. The end of the level has a moral choice for you to commit to.

Moral Choice: The Victim Shoot Brezhnev Leave Brezhnev alone This is the positive choice and you get nothing. This is a negative choice and you get $75,000, which is what's recommended unless you're unlocking the Future Vision accolade. The aggressor isn't always obvious at a glance.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

1 2 3 4 M ission 6 5 6 7

Despite the crap you're in, the stage starts off good. You get a radio right off the bat. Take it and head outside. If you have a silenced sniper rifle, you may want to take it out -- otherwise, you can use the free VSS (nine shots) near the supply crates. Place your computer idiot on Hold Position (passive) and he will co-op snipe with you. Unfortunately, there's no real way to determine if your drone will use a silenced weapon or not (it generally does). If you cause an alert, it's not a big problem -- not with so much space between you and the enemy. Use sniper rifles to down the enemies at emplaced turrets. You can even place good shots using a 3X scope and an assault rifle. Against emplaced gun operators, you can switch to an explosive front mount (Pipe Bomb launcher or similar) and fire directly at the faceplate of the emplaced gun. It should kill the operator. If not, you can always aim to the side and neutralize him that way.

There is a single weapon (only weapon pick-up in this chapter) at the starting pier. Locate the circular plaza in the middle of the pier (the one with the columns around some ammo boxes). There is a passageway under this area. Go down below decks and check out the hallway. In the middle of the hall (directly under the plaza in fact) is a placard near some cables for the Red Dot Sight 3X. No matter how the wharves look, your goal is to reach the revolving doors at the end of each section. Do what you can to kill the hostiles and take your time to get to the end of each pier section. Before leaving, rummage through the battlefield and pick up grenades and ammo. You should have all your "extra" upgrades (20% more primary ammo and maximum grenades) by now. With all parts you've been picking up, you no doubt have plenty of money to squander on nifty weapon parts. Remember to buy the ones that do the most damage first, then the ones that add precision and ammunition. The HM Shotgun can use the AA-12 Shotgun's 20 round magazine -- making it a good boomstick against Shotgun Heavies and certain SuperHeavies.

Silently down the soldier near the strongbox in the underground checkpoint. There should be another radio nearby. Take it and clean out the money in the strongbox. Before boosting yourself or your partner to open the gate, see if you can soft-toss a grenade past the gate, where the bottom of the stairs are; this should flush out the enemy who tries to take people hostage. Open the gate and head to the second area of the Shanghai pier. You will be tasked with a collorary objective (that's not that collorary). This will put a crimp on your kick-ass crime-spree in China since you can't just kill everyone and leave.

The anti-aircraft guns are a hassle. Use your assault rifle (with scope) for short and medium range tagging. Save your sniper rifle for long-range targets. Once you've cleared out most of the enemies, head to the weapons crate marked in your enhanced reality. Sabotage the crate and use the nearby crane's control panel to dump the mess on the freighter.
Mission 6 Neko Cat

At the weapons ship pier. There're some containers near its stern. Zoom in from the beginning or at the zone's exit to spot this Neko Cat. This is just like the blue emblem in area 6-1 in Resident Evil 5.

Regroup with your partner and be ready to take on some more enemies. Note that once the ship (and its AA-gun) is destroyed, you can simply leave by using the revolving doors and avoid fighting all the enemies who try to hassle you.

The second underground checkpoint is another gate opening "puzzle". This time, you can fire through the fence to cover your partner. Get to the final (third) part of the Shanghai wharves (the 'Bund') and waste the Shotgun Heavies, emplaced guns, and other enemies as they wander towards you.

Deactivate the final AA-gun (using the panel) and hose the enemies at the end of the pier. After the cut-scene (to paraphrase a marine, Alice is pretty -- but not suicide pretty), aim at the set of double doors that lead back into the safety of the wharf. You can cack all four enemies as they come through. Push through the doors and you're done with this chapter. Give us feedback! Next Page...

Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Walkthrough

1 2 3 4 M ission 7 5 6 7

Your moral decisions from the first three stages (the sixth chapter had no moral choice) will determine if you have allies here. If you've been good, you will have allies who will fire at enemies. Otherwise, you're alone. Since it's never good to depend on the goodness of humanity, let's go about this alone. At the beginning, pull out a silenced weapon and wait. You can down the first three enemies (except the Shotgun Heavy) without raising an alarm. See if you can down the emplaced gunner down the street. Once the enemies are slain, you can provoke the Shotgun Heavy with little impunity. Gather yourself and have your partner put you over the wall into Jonas' compound.

Clear out the enemies pouring through and wait for the coast to clear (it'll be approximately 20 enemies -- leaving plenty of guns and ammo around). When the coast is clear, head to the gate switch and open it for your partner. Nearby, there is an equipment hut with a green sign (and Chinese calligraphy) over it. Inside is the J37 Defender Mk.IV stock. Take it before moving on. Neutralize the next few enemies past the gate (or you get killed opening it). Pass the gate and get ready for a big fight in the next plaza.

The fight at the plaza is dangerous only if you don't stay near where you drop in. You can quickly tag the emplaced gunner down the avenue with little trouble. Everyone else will run up towards you and die. Watch for enemies on the balconies and simply wear people down as they approach. As the enemy numbers dwindle, head out and collect ammo. You want to be full (or nearly full) when you hit the checkpoint.
Mission 7 Neko Cat

In the second courtyard with an emplaced gun, four enemy spawn corridors, and a fence segregating the courtyard from the stairs. To leave this area, you need to neutralize a Mini-Gun Super-Heavy (and if you're in the corridor with the radio, you went too far ahead). The Neko Cat is on top of the temple with the emplaced gun.

When the checkpoint hits, move up. Get up the stairs (within reason). This is because you want to seize and hold the right side of the area to distract the mini-gun Super-Heavy (he drops in from the left). When your partner has held his attention, sneak by and shotgun his bullet pack until he detonates. Move on, but keep in mind you cannot bring along any temporary weapons to the next zone.

Take the final radio (in the game) in the next hallway. Because of the cinematic crap, you will drop any temporary weapons. That's fine -- boost up and hose the next room from the windows. When it's clear move in and secure the area.

Do a step-jump to the second floor and thin out the enemies in the next small courtyard. The emplaced gun is only an "okay" place to hold (after you clear it) since enemies will appear from behind it. Do open the gate near the turret though, so you can go back and forth as you please. After you clear this courtyard, you can quickly access the $50,000 cash pile in the small cage area nearby. Take the money and move to the next area.

The final battle is up a very wide set of stairs. Aside from the emplaced turret on the right and the shield soldiers, you only need to worry about the Shotgun Heavy who appears with the Grenadier Super-Heavy towards the end. They both appear (regretably almost at the same time), so you need to retreat down the stairs, cack the Shotgun Heavy, and then return uphill to snipe the Grenadier Super-Heavy. This of course, sounds easier than it really is -- you will do more fighting than reading here. Just note that once the Super-Heavy and Heavy troopers are defeated, you can consider yourself relatively invulnerable (even on Contractor) when you're behind the rotation arc of the emplaced turret. Clean up and regroup with your partner. Do you want some extra accolades (trophies and achievements)? Before placing the C4 charge on the door to end the mission, either slap or hug your partner to get the best/worst states you can be in (Hateful and Ambiguous). Place the C4 once you've reached that level of partner trust and you automatically get an accolade after the credits roll.

The final moral choice of the game determines the ending.

Moral Choice: The Contact Shoot partner (as Rios) This is the positive choice and you unlock the "good" ending for Rios. You must be playing Rios for this ending. This is the positive choice and you unlock the "good" ending for Salem. You must be playing Salem for this ending. This is a negative choice and you unlock the "bad" ending. Note that the nuclear deadman's switch is a dud in all three endings.

Shoot partner (as Salem)

Shoot Jonah in the face

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Extras

Radios Parts Cats

Note -- if you earn parts from clearing stages (or purchased after they are unlocked) will not be covered here. It's the simplest thing in the world (to complete the game).
M ission 1

G14 Thunderstrike Slanted G-5 Grip

Right after making the moral choice, you will encounter the PMC strongbox (a tutorial if this your first time); otherwise, it'll be an unguarded box. The square catwalk above the first mounted gun turret in the construction yard. Take it before going through to the next area. In the construction yard, near the second emplaced gun. You can purchase this later (for a song) if you miss it. If you do, the placard will no longer appear in the stage. At the gate control room, it's just outside the window. If you grab the radio, you may even see it.

Rusty Stock

Custom Shield

M ission 2

Sodacan Silencer

On the yellow seats just after dropping into the first hole in "Descent. This is before the Co-op surrender tutorial ... which you cannot skip even if you've done it before. During the skyscraper fight where Rios and Salem fight through several floors after being separated, there will be an emplaced gun on one side of the building. Check the floor above it. You can locate a counter for this placard (it'll be by some non-interactive elevators). Actually, right after the separated battle in the skyscraper, you will encounter a second PMC strongbox (with a radio nearby). A desk near where you enter this room will have this placard on it. For the moral choice, take the weapons and give the finger to security. Consulate security is barely above Paul Blart - Mall Cop --- and cheaper to hire.

E2 Muzzle Enhancer

Z1 Muzzle Reducer

HM Shotgun, M416, FN-P90

M ission 3

Desert Eagle .44 Chepznaz Redstar

The second batch of hostages in the chapter will unlock this weapon. The sniper rifle barrel (for the SVD only) is in the control room when you restart the zoo tram. This is the control room past the hippo pit. This sniper scope (6X zoom) is in the enemy strongbox at the crashed chopper. Simply take down the officer (he's under the rock arch), restrain everyone, and loot the place. For the moral choice, shoot the tiger and take the parts. According to Dateline NBC, the process of inter-species cloning should rectify this small problem of extinction. In the area where you need to rescue the zoo worker from the enemy mercs, locate the ladders leading to the top of the animal cages. A placard will be atop the cage across from the one where the zoo employee was held in.

PCG Delta Scope

FR Elite Model 3, V17 Bayonet

Pipebomb Launcher

M ission 4

7337 Defender

This shotgun barrel is found right after you rescue/kill the first group of hostages. Take the ladder to the rooftop. From the comms-radio room door, go down the stairs and head straight. When you are face to face with a tenement wall with two windows, a lantern, and a crate on a table, check to the table's left for the placard. This maschinepistole is unlocked at the start of the hospital only if your previous three moral choices were positive two out of three times. It's in the weapon locker the doctor unlocks for T.W.O.

Glock G18

M636 Scope HL Reflex Core

This handy scope is unlocked from the first hostage saved in the hospital. After the generator is started, look for "room 157" in the hospital hallway. Inside is another door you can kick down for this placard. Note if you meet the damn weiner kid (cut-scene), you went too far ahead. Saving all the hostages in the lecture hall (same place where the kid is gunned down because we want to unlock the .50 Caliber Barrett) unlocks this part. From the moral choice. Have the kid grab the gun. This should teach him to use hard cover in a small arms engagement. After neutralizing the Flamethrower Super-heavies, you will be in a short hallway. Check the end of this hallway for this placard.

D56 Suppressor .50 Caliber Barrett T6-400 Shield

M ission 5

TrueShot Mk.1

This rifle barrel is found in the first alley (where the APC, Shotgun Heavy, and Flamer Super-Heavy are). After you clear this zone but before moving on, locate the APC. Down the alley, there is a burned out truck tractor. Near that wreck is a large trash dumpster. The placard is near the dumpster. Rescue the hostage at the construction yard. Remember if you can zoom in, you can kill one of his captors before the cut-scene is triggered, giving you an easier time of things. At the mall's comms array "tower", you start on the floor with Breznhev's bombs. Go counter-clockwise on that floor (this assumes you are looking down at the place from a bird's eye view) and check the boutique at the end of the floor. There is a placard behind the counter for this weapon part.

Grenade Launcher

Kitchen Knife

M ission 6

Red Dot Sight 3X

At the first pier, there is a conspicuous circular plaza. Check the passageway under this area for the placard. The item will be near some power cables strung out on the floor.

M ission 7

J37 Defender Mk4

This shotgun stock will be in a small supply room near the first gate switch in the chapter. After you break into the temple, look around for a doorway with a green sign and Chinese characters above it; that's the room with the part.

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Army of T.W.O. the 40th Day Extras

Radios Parts Cats

M ission 1

In the zone where you place the second beacons and get the "Aggro" tutorial video (every damn time!), there is a Neko cat. Stand on the top of the ladder leading down to the lower roof and look right. If the door J.B. opens is in the bottom corner of your screen, the Neko Cat is visible in the center of your screen. It's atop the roof infrastucture in the above illustrations.

In the construction yard, you will encounter an emplaced gun shortly after a cut-scene of a building blowing up (this is after the one of Alice's building blowing up). There is a Neko Cat on the ductwork next to the catwalk with the Slanted G5 Grip placard.

M ission 2

In the zone where you go across a toppled skyscraper, stop right before you leave the area. Stand either at the exit (or where the sniper was) and look back towards where you came from (i.e., uphill). To your left is an array of office windows. The Neko Cat is at the end of the curtain wall (as seen in the above illustrations).

At the last checkpoint on the highway (the one before you meet Mr. Mini-Gun), there is a highway sign showing the Shanghai City Zoo exit. To the left of this sign is the Neko Cat. You may have seen it while sniping the enemy marksmen up there.

M ission 3

There is an emplaced machinegun on the roof of the tram control room. Fixate on it and follow the roofline to the left. Neko Cat shoot. PETA blows chunks!

When you've cleared the zone to the chapter's exit, stop before you leave the zoo's back entrance. Look up at the gate and you can see the Neko Cat taunting your sorry ass like a Helghast Emblem. Oh yes. We hated looking for this in Killzone 2 as well.

M ission 4

The easiest method is to locate the spot where you picked up the 7337 Defender shotgun barrel placard; if not, simply locate the spot again. From the placard, look directly across the alley. You should see a tenement building emitting black smoke between two other buildings doing the same thing (a red tiled building and the comm-station building). This tenement building has a Neko Cat on its top-most balcony though, as seen in the above illustrations.

In the surgical amphitheatre, enemies will attack from two inaccessible buildings after you deal with the hostages (and the moral choice). The right building has an emplaced machinegun. Fixate on it and track to your right by one room. The Neko Cat is atop some appliances.

M ission 5

Get to the construction yard and clear the zone up to the emplaced gun. Stand so the two construction cranes are to your right. A detached bulldozer shovel/blade will be on the ground. Look past it to an inaccessible tenement building. This building has a hanging bathtub (similar to Cleveland's tub on Family Guy); below the tub is a doorway with the Neko Cat.

Meet at Brezhnev's bombs. The Neko Cat is on top of the communications tower.

M ission 6

At the weapons ship pier. There're some containers near its stern. Zoom in from the beginning or at the zone's exit to spot this Neko Cat. This is just like the blue emblem in area 6-1 in Resident Evil 5.

M ission 7

In the second courtyard with an emplaced gun, four enemy spawn corridors, and a fence segregating the courtyard from the stairs. To leave this area, you need to neutralize a Mini-Gun Super-Heavy (and if you're in the corridor with the radio, you went too far ahead). The Neko Cat is on top of the temple with the emplaced gun.

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