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IPad Agreement - Canadian International School- Bangalore

Canadian International School Bangalore wishes to ensure that all teachers have ready access to adequate mobile computing resources in order to provide high quality education to the students at the school. This Agreement is between CIS and ___________________________________________________________ (Name of teacher and designation) The following are the conditions under which the teacher will accept the provision of a mobile computer/iPad for his/her use from the School. This Agreement will start on receipt of the device from the school. The school reserves the right to transfer the iPad to another eligible teacher if the teacher does not, or is unable to, for any reason, fulfill the requirements of this Agreement.

Under this Agreement the School will: 1. Provide the teacher with: a. an iPad equipped with the necessary software to prepare educational materials; b. ample instruction in how to use their iPads. c. ongoing technical support both for hardware and software to keep the iPad working well. 2. Provide access to server space to backup all school related data from each teachers iPad.
However, the school will not take responsibility for backing up personal data such as music and pictures. It is recommended the teacher also uses a USB device or home storage to backup work. Provide a 1 year warranty from Apple upon purchase of the iPad by CIS. Please familiarize yourself with the warranty conditions. Any charges for damage or loss are the responsibility of the teacher. Provide computers in the staffroom, to allow syncing and access to iTunes.

3. 4.

Conditions of Use 1. It is expected that teachers who are issued with iPads a. agree to participate in the PD program which is designed to: i. familiarize teachers with their iPads and how to use them for learning in the ii. outline sensible procedures to safeguard the schools property. b. agree to the Schools Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), in particular that inappropriate content
is not be placed on the iPad. classroom

2. Teachers who participate in the iPad program must make a commitment to achieving the ICT/ELearning goals of the School and take part in the ICT/E-Learning professional development activities provided for you by the School.

3. The iPad is for work use. Teachers are encouraged to use the iPad outside work hours. 4. The iPad remains the property of the school at all times. 5. Teachers are both permitted and encouraged to take their iPads home and to work from home.
The iPad is always to be available and charged at school for work.
CIS 2011- iPad Agreement

IPad Agreement - Canadian International School- Bangalore

6. The iPad is to be returned to the school at the end of each academic year, or earlier if
employment is terminated. With approval from the Head of School the iPad may be borrowed for summer holiday use. 100% responsibility for the iPads care is placed on the teacher during this use. A separate holiday use contract will be issued.

7. Teachers are held responsible for any loss or damage to the iPad and may be asked to pay
servicing and/or replacement costs if damages occur. The total cost will decided upon by the Head of School.

8. Teachers must take adequate care and security precautions when using their iPad. For example,
teachers will not leave their iPad in an unlocked room, unsecured overnight at school, or in any car while the car is unoccupied.

9. Teachers will immediately report any damage or loss of the iPad to the School. 10.
CIS. Teachers will refer any problems in using the iPad to a member of the IT Department at

11. Teachers will be responsible for syncing their iPad to their personal Itunes account. This must

occur to one computer only. You may choose a particular computer in the secondary staffroom or your home computer/laptop. Apps purchased by the school will be gifted to staff iPads and to the teachers iTunes account. These Apps may not be shared onto other non-CIS personal devices. Apps must be shared back to CIS or to the next teacher using the iPad at the end of a teachers contract. If the Apps cannot be shared back to CIS, the leaving teacher will have to purchase these apps from CIS at cost. Teachers are welcome to customize their iPad (System Preferences...) and must use the provided iPad cover when transporting and using their iPads.


___________________________________________________________ (Name of teacher and designation) accepts the conditions, as outlined in the iPad Agreement, for provision of an iPad by Canadian International School Bangalore

The teacher has been provided with a __________________________________iPad2 (Make and model) with serial no. _________________________, an iPad charging cable, a projector adaptor, and an iPad cover. ____________________________ SIGNED (TEACHER) ______________________________ SIGNED (IT DEPARTMENT))

DATED __________________
Office Use Model Number: Date borrowed CIS 2011- iPad Agreement

IPad Agreement - Canadian International School- Bangalore

Mac Address: Barcode Number: Date returned

CIS 2011- iPad Agreement

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