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Computer Awareness Test

Name: Date: Marks:

1. Which of the following is not an integral part of a PC? a. Mouse b. Pen Drive c. Keyboard d. Hard Drive 2. Which of the following is not a version of an Operating System? a. XP b. Linux c. MAC d. Server 2000 3. It is necessary for a person to know the version of the operating system he/she is using? a. Yes b. No 4. Of the following which is not a way to check the version of an operating system? a. Start / Run / winver b. Right click on My Computer / Properties c. My Computer / Help / About Windows d. Start / Control Panel / OS Version 5. Which of the following is not a key component of an operating system? a. My Computer b. Device Manager c. Control Panel d. Command Prompt 6. Which part of a Windows operating system controls its various functions? a. Control Channel b. Function Control c. Control Panel d. Hard Drive 7. Which of the following statements define the Device Manager? a. It controls the various devices of a computer b. It is the heart of the computer c. It manages all the hardware components of a computer d. It manages the functions of the key computer components 8. Of the following which is the correct path to launch the command prompt? a. Start / Command Prompt b. Start / Run / cmd c. Start / Search


Start / Control Panel

Which of the following is the function of Error Checker? a. It checks each and every error of the softwares installed in the computer b. It checks the hard drive errors c. It checks and corrects the browser errors that occur when a person is online d. It checks the volumes of errors in the files / drives of a computer 10. The program that removes all the clutters of the different drives in a computer is known as? a. Disk Cleanup b. Disk Cleaner c. Disk Drive Cleaner


Disk Checker

11. Which option will defragment the files present on the computer? a. Disk Defragmenter

b. PC Defragmenter c. Hard Drive Defragmenter d. File Defragmenter 12. What do you mean by the word "PC" ? a. Private Computer b. Personal Computer c. Private Component


Personal Component

13. WXP is a latest OS launched by Microsoft. a. False b. True 14. Which are the 2 versions of Vista launched by Microsoft? a. 12 bits and 24 bits b. 32 bits and 64 bits c. 64 bits and 128 bits d. 16 bits and 32 bits 15. Which of the following is not a version of WXP? a. Home Server b. Professional c. Home Edition


Media Center

16. What is used to connect external hardware devices to the computer to transfer data from them and vice versa? a. Ethernet Port b. USB Port c. Serial Port

d. b. b.

Hard Drive Port False False

17. W98 is different from W98 SE. a. True 18. It is impossible to go online using any type of internet connection on W95. a. True 19. Which company manufactures MAC operating systems? a. Apple b. Dell c. Toshiba d. HP 20. Which of the following is a not a type of computer hardware? a. Mouse b. Keyboard c. Windows


USB Drive

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