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Analytical analysis of different usage of data(sim card): For CDMA & GSM



MB A-2 YEAR 032070029 1


This is to certify that Mr. SANJEEV KUMAR MISHRA student of MBA III Semester in our institute has successfully completed his/her summer training project entitled Analytical analysis of different usage of data: For CDMA & GSM for the partial fulfillment of the Master of Business Administration degree.



The project titled Analytical analysis of different usage of data(simcard): For CDMA & GSMis an outcome of my summer training project as a part of my MBA from INVERTIS INSTITUTE OF

To familiarize with the company as corporate world and its various aspects of functioning, salient features, growth strategies. I have taken utmost care to prepare the project. I hope that analysis and summary will certainly help the organization to make an effort to innovate their work culture and functioning.


I am fortunate to have an opportunity to undergo the Summer Training at AIRTEL The training has been useful for me in understanding the various pragmatic aspect of the management function in practice in the real world. A work is never the work of individual. It is a combination of ideas, suggestion and contribution of supporting people.


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in this report and entitled as Analytical analysis of different usage of data(simcard): For CDM A & GSM is an authentic record of my work This matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me for the award of any to degree.

History of AirTel 1.1 Introduction 1.2 General profile of organization 1.3 History ,performance, structure Introduction to GSM

2.1 Meaning of GSM 2.2 History of GSM 2.3 GSM Growth in India 2.4 GSM (Players in Bareilly) Introduction to CDMA 3.1 Meaning of CDMA 3.2 History of CDMA 3.3 CDMA Segment Overview 3.4 CDMA Growth Drivers 3.5 CDMA Operators SWOT Analysis of Telecom Industry Growth of GSM & CDMA till 2007 5.1 Objective of Research 5.2 Scope of the Study 5.3 Research Methodology 5.4 Analysis and Interpretation 5.5 Conclusion based on survey conducted 5.6 Recommendation 5.7 Limitation of the study Bibliography Annexure



The project is an extensive report on how the Airtel company markets its strategies and how the company has been able in tackling the present

tough competition and how it is cooping up by the allegations of the quality of its products. The report begins with the history of the products and

the introduction of the Airtel Company. This report also contains the basic marketing strategies that are used by the Airtel Company of manufacturing process, technology, production policy, advertising, collaboration, export scenario, future prospect and government policies. The report includes some of the key salient features of market trend issues. In todays world of cutthroat fierce competition, it is very essential to not only exist but also to excel in the market. Todays market is enormously more complex . Hence forth, to survive in the market, the company not only

needs to maximize its profit but also needs to satisfy its customers and should try to build upon from there. Sunil Bharati Mittal is the Chairman & MD of Bharti Group, India, The largest Telecommunication player of India having its presence in more than 19 Circles of India. Today, Airtel has a national network with a presence in nearly every major sector. The Company is one of the Indias Largest Telecomm sector Company having a Market Capitalization of more than Rs.60, 000 Crores.

Sunil Mittal & his brothers own 32% of the Company and are therefore worth something like above Rs.20, 000. - Sunil Mittal was born on 23rd October, 1957. Sunil Mittals Net worth is US $ 11.5 Billions according to Forbes 2008 Data. and he is Indias Top 10 Richest person. - Sunil Mittal was born in Rajasthan, India and he has 3 Children. - His monthly Salary is Rs.1,25,000 per Month - He lives in Delhi, India. Here is a History of How Sunil Mittal has founded Bharti AirTel Group - Sunils father was Satpaul Mittal, a well-respected and much liked politician of Ludhiana, India. - Satpaul Mittal has 3 sons, one is Sunil Mittal. All of the 3 sons went into business and all the brothers are still partners in AirTel. - Sunil has started small, both in terms of Age & Vision. - Sunils first Venture was to import scrap and then moved it into bicycle parts at the age of 19 only. - Sunils second venture was to manufacture stainless steel sheets. And this Business took him to Mumbai from Ludhiana. Sunil Mittal was used to sit on low stools in small cubicles in Pydhonie and Abdul Rehman Street, trying to persuade traders to buy his sheets.

- Bombay Experience taught Sunil 2 things. First, that he was a natural salesman and Second, that he had to get out of Ludhiana. He needed to move to Mumbai, a big city to think big and to take bog actions in his life. - In 1979, Sunil moved to small MPs flat that his father had been allotted in Delhi. At a time when everybody dreamed of being an exporter, Sunil moved into imports instead. He made huge profits importing steel and zip fasteners till one day, he ran into a harassed Japanese salesman in the Capitals Bengali Market.The salesman worked for Suzuki and had been sent to India to find a dealer for the Companys generators. Suzuki operated on the assumption that the Indian market would mirror the rest of the world where generators were used to power fairs, outdoor exhibitions and hot-dog stands. Sunil knew better. He realized that in a country that was always short of power, he could sell generators to households that wanted an alternative during electricity cuts. So this was Sunils Third Venture. - So Sunil Mittal became a dealer of Suzuki in its generator Business. Sunil quickly created the Consumer genset market and in no time at all was the largest importer of Suzuki generators in the whole world. This experience was the turning point in his life. By this experience, he learned to do Business with Foreigners and moved into the branded product sector. - By early 1980s, Sunil was a Millionaire. The genset Business was booming, He had a flair of trading and hed made a fortune from property development. Inevitably, the Big Boys (Birlas & Shrirams) enter into the market and his Business close.

How well, in the early 1983, The Birlas & the Shri rams were given licenses to manufacture gensets in India. To protect this developing Industry, the government promptly banned all generator products And thus Sunil was out of Business. - So Sunil had started finding alternative Income source. The Japanese company Suzuki had a Sympathy on his so the company recommended that he would be appointed as a dealer for the nwe Maruti Suzuki Car. Sunil Mittal Says, All the other dealers were appointed on the basis of political influence. The only single request that Suzuki made was that I should be given a dealership. Even then, they turned me down and gave it to somebody else. - The Big Break Sunils 4th Venture Well, well the story doesnt end here. The 4th Venture of Sunil Mittal was not the Bharti Airtel but it was the Push Button Phone from Taiwan. He decided that this was the future and began to import the components for the phone, entirely illegally. Yes, the 4th venture of Sunil Mittal was an entirely illegal venture. He launched this phone in the Indian market with the brand name of Mitbrau which was looking like a German name. But in reality it means Mittal Brothers. He has chosen this name just to attract the Indian customers. Basically he wanted to sound it like a foreign brand name because Indian consumers didnt like Desi brands at that time. - Fortunately, Government opened up the telecom market and Mittals were among the top 5 businesses chosen to manufacture handsets. His business uses the brand name,

Beetel And the Beetel did the sales of Rs.25 Crores and that was huge sales in those days.But Sunil was not satisfied. - The Big break came in 1992, when the Government invited bids for mobile telephony. Sunil saw the story about bids in The Economic Times news paper. When he was in Goa for a New Year holiday and decided that he was going to become among the bidders. Sadly, his father died within days. Even though he had worked hard, took a break of 6 months from the business to put together his master plan for mobile telephony. - When the Government of India first opened up the telecom sector, nearly every global telecom player made a beeline for India. And among them, Mittals seemed like Pygmies. The problem was that he didnt have much money and he didnt have much reputation in the market. So What he did? Well, he pushed Vivendi into going with him after a single meeting. Later, after the deal had been signed, the Company sent a team to India to check out exactly who the Mittals were. The team reported back that they were small-timers and likely to remain so. Vivendi pulled the plug days before the bid was to be submitted. After that Sunil did a phone to Vivendi. He called the Company in the Paris and said, When you agreed to go with me, you sensed something. You saw something in me. Remember that something. Go with your instincts. Forget what your team has told you.

Against the odds, Vivendi stuck with him.- AirTel did well in the Delhi Circle but when the 2nd round of licenses were awarded, the Company only won Himachal Pradesh, with the multinationals still in the game, and such players as HFCL (Himachal Futuristics) on the rise. And rumors run in the market that weather the single family run company (Bharti Group) will survive? - After that in 1999, the mobile telephone industry was in a bad shape. The telephone players couldnt pay the huge license fees. So government came with new policies but for that, government asked operators to clear all existing dues. So Sunil has talked with bakers and somehow cleared all the dues. So when many operators could not clear the dues, Sunil swooped down and bought up their licenses. And thus at a stoke, he acquired Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chennai & Punjab. Later on Kolkata. After that during the 4th round of Licenses, Airtel won 8 new circles. Gujarat, MP, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, Western UP & Mumbai. - But now the another trouble comes.And the trouble was, The Big Boys (Ambanis/Reliance Group) wanted to enter in the Mobile Telephony market. The general market view was that, Airtel is in trouble. Because, The Ambanis were Big. The Ambanis were Smart. They had never failed at anything they had tried. And they had the Government of India wrapped up no matter which party was in power.

Not only this but the government policies were also in favour of Reliance (CDMA operators). Government had allowed Reliance/CDMA Players to enter into the market at very low cost and this is the reason why they claim that CDMA was a cheaper technology. - And after that, another trouble, BSNL has announced that it would set up its own low price network. The general view was that the mobile telephony market would now be transformed. This bad phase was lasted a year and Sunil Mittal says, It was one of the most difficult periods of my Life.Because morale was so low, I went around meeting our people and giving them hope, I began to watch movies in which the underdog won, the sort of story where guerillas defeated a big army. Everywhere I went, I told my people that I knew that we were not expected to win. But I would tell them, if we can win against the odds, then we make history. And at the end, The Reliance Venture is not a failure by any standards. It has around 10-12 Million subscribers against Airtels 14 Million. And thus 2 distinct markets have been developed. One is dominated by AirTel and the other was dominated by Reliance.

- Sunil Mittal was planning to enter in the politics by the time he was fifty in 2007.But afterwards, he changed his plans. He has lost his fascination for politics. He has seen other businessman enter the Parliament and does not believe that they have been able to make a significant difference.

- He quotes, Christopher Bland, The Chairman of British Telecom. Once upon a time, Christopher told Sunil that, Do yourself a favour. Each time you feel like joining politics, go and take a shower. Sunil today says that, his achievements are attributed to God and some Divine Intervention has played a role in his success!!!!!!!!!! Worldwide presence

Coverage map of Bharti Airtel across 19 countries

Airtel is the 5th largest mobile operator in the world in terms of subscriber base and has a commercial presence in 20 countries. Its area of operations include:

3 countries in the Indian Subcontinent: Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka

16 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo,

Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.

Airtel owns 70 % of Warid Telecom in Bangladesh through a joint venture.

Bharti Airtel Limited will take management control of the company and its board, and will relaunch the company's services under its own Airtel brand. The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission approved the deal on January 4, 2010.

In India, the company's mobile service is branded as Airtel. It has nationwide presence and is the market leader with a market share of 30.07% (as of May 2010). On 19 October 2004, Airtel announced the launch of a BlackBerry Wireless Solution in India. The launch is a result of a tie-up between Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited and Research In Motion (RIM). The Apple iPhone 3G was rolled out in India on 22 August 2008 by Airtel & Vodafone. Both the cellular service providers rolled out their Apple iPhone 3GS in the first quarter of 2010. However, high prices and contract bonds discouraged consumers and it was not as successful for both the service providers as much as the iPhone is successful in other markets of the world. On May 18, 2010, 3G spectrum auction was completed and Airtel will hav to pay the Indian government Rs. 12,295 crores for spectrum in 13 circles, the most amount spent by an operator in this auction. Airtel won 3G licences in 13 telecom circles of India: Delhi, Mumbai, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh (West), Rajasthan, West Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, North East, Jammu & Kashmir. It plans to launch 3G services in October 2010.

Subscriber base in India

The Airtel subscriber base according to Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) as of May 2010 was: Metros

Chennai - 2,704,067 Delhi - 6,204,025 Mumbai - 3,066,905 Kolkata - 2,821,065

"A" Circle

Andhra Pradesh - 13,547,616 Gujarat - 5,760,204 Karnataka - 13,209,270 Maharashtra - 6,701,424 Tamil Nadu - 8,423,702

"B" Circle

Haryana - 1,554,034 Kerala - 3,185,876 Madhya Pradesh - 7,202,200 Punjab - 4,921,266 Rajasthan - 10,802,138 Uttar Pradesh (East) - 9,671,973 Uttar Pradesh (West) - 4,317,918 West Bengal - 6,001,669

"C" Circle

Assam - 2,570,283 Bihar - 9,652,206 Himachal Pradesh - 1,346,666 Jammu and Kashmir - 1,976,568 North Eastern States - 1,538,853 Orissa - 4,373,802


Introduction To GSM
(Global System for Mobile)

Chapter 1.1 Meaning of G.S.M

(Global System for Mobile) GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications, originally Groupe Spcial Mobile), is a standard set developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to describe technologies for second generation (or "2G") digital cellular networks. Developed as a replacement for first generation analog cellular networks, the GSM standard originally described a digital, circuit switched network optimized for full duplex voice telephony. The standard was expanded over time to include first circuit switched data transport, then packet data transport via GPRS. Packet data transmission speeds were later increased via EDGE. The GSM standard is succeeded by the third generation (or "3G") UMTS standard developed by the 3GPP. GSM networks will evolve further as they begin to incorporate fourth generation (or "4G") LTE Advanced standards. "GSM" is a trademark owned by the GSM Association. The GSM Association estimates that technologies defined in the GSM standard serve 80% of the world's population, encompassing more than 5 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories, making GSM the most ubiquitous of the many standards for cellular networks.

Chapter1.2 History of GSM

The development and success of GSM has been an outstanding example of international enterprises in action. Below you will find a brief history of GSM, describing how it all comes about and how the Association was born, has grown and evolved. We also include the many people who contribute to the associations tremendous growth and highlight the major achievements and milestones along the way. This history is complete from 1987 through 1997, a further update will be available in due courses. The ultimate out come of the battle for dominance between these two competing cellular data transmission technologies may lie more in their history then their respective merits ton understands the current prevalence of GSM, one need of a foundation in the forces that converged to push one technology ahead of their other. One of the most contentions battles being waged in the wireless infrastructure industry is the debate over the efficient use and allocation of finite airwaves. For several year, the words two methods Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and Global System for

Mobile Communications (GSM) have divided the wireless world into opposing camps Ultimately, the emergence of a CDMA is relatively new, and the network is not as mature as GSM.CDMA cannot offer antinational roaming, a large GSM advantage. Early European analogue cellular networks employed an uncoordinated mix of technologies and protocols that varied from country to country, preventing interoperability of subscriber equipment and increasing complexity for equipment manufacturers who had to contend with varying standards from a fragmented market. The work to develop a European standard for digital cellular voice telephony began in 1982 when the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications

Administrations (CEPT) created the Groupe Spcial Mobile committee and provided a permanent group of technical support personnel, based in Paris. In 1987, 15 representatives from 13 European countries signed a memorandum of understanding to develop and deploy a common cellular telephone system across Europe. The foresight of deciding to develop a continental standard paid off, eventually resulting in a unified, open, standard-based network larger than that in the United States. France and Germany signed a joint development agreement in 1984 and were joined by Italy and the UK in 1986. In 1986 the European Commission proposed to reserve the 900 MHz spectrum band for GSM. By 1987, basic parameters of the GSM standard had been agreed upon and 15 representatives from 13 European nations signed a memorandum of understanding in Copenhagen, committing to deploy GSM. In 1989, the Groupe Spcial Mobile committee was transferred from CEPT to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).

Phase I of the GSM specifications were published in 1990. The historic world's first GSM call was made by the Finnish prime minister Harri Holkeri to Kaarina Suonio (mayor in city of Tampere) in July 1 1991. The first network was built by Telenokia and Siemens and operated by Radiolinja. 1992, the first short messaging service (SMS or "text message") message was sent and Vodafone UK and Telecom Finland signed the first international roaming agreement. Work had begun in 1991 to expand the GSM standard to the 1800 MHz frequency band and the first 1800 MHz network became operational in the UK in 1993. Also in 1993, Telecom Australia became the first network operator to deploy a GSM network outside of Europe and the first practical hand-held GSM mobile phone became available. In 1995, fax, data and SMS messaging services became commercially operational, the first 1900 MHz GSM network in the world became operational in the United States and GSM subscribers worldwide exceeded 10 million. In this same year, the GSM Association was formed. Pre-paid GSM SIM cards were launched in 1996 and worldwide GSM subscribers passed 100 million in 1998. In 2000, the first commercial GPRS services were launched and the first GPRS compatible handsets became available for sale. In 2001 the first UMTS (W-CDMA) network was launched and worldwide GSM subscribers exceeded 500 million. In 2002 the first multimedia messaging services (MMS) were introduced and the first GSM network in the 800 MHz frequency band became operational. EDGEservices first became operational in a network in 2003 and the number of worldwide GSM subscribers exceeded 1 billion in 2004 By 2005, GSM networks accounted for more than 75% of the worldwide cellular network market, serving 1.5 billion subscribers. In 2005, the first HSDPA capable network also

became operational. The first HSUPA network was launched in 2007 and worldwide GSM subscribers exceeded two billion in 2008. The GSM Association estimates that technologies defined in the GSM standard serve 80% of the global mobile market, encompassing more than 5 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories, making GSM the most ubiquitous of the many standards for cellular networks.

The Euro-Asian alternative: GSM

Analyst consider Qualcomms major competitive disadvantage to be its lack of access to the European market now controlled by global system for mobile communications (GSM). The wireless world is now divided into GSM ( much of western Europe ) and CDMA ( north America and parts of Asia ). Bad timings may have prevented the evolution of one, single global wireless standard. Just two years before CDMAs 1995 introduction in Hong Kong, European carriers and manufacturers chose to support the first available digital technology Time division multiple access (TDMA). GSM uses TDMA as its core technology. Therefore, since the majority of wireless users are in Europe and Asia, GSM has taken the worldwide lead as the technology of choice. Mobile handset manufacturers ultimately split into two camps, as Motorola, lucent and Nextel chose CDMA, and Nokia and Ericsson eventually pushed these companies out and dominant GSM players.

Advantages of GSM:
GSM is already used worldwide with over 450 million subscribers. International roaming permits subscribers to use one phone throughout Western Europe. CDMA will work in Asia, but not France, Germany, the U.K. and other popular European destinations. GSM is mature, having started in the mid-80s. This maturity means a more stable network with robust features. CDMA is still building its network. GSMs maturity means engineers cut their teeth on the technology, creating an unconscious preference. The availability of subscriber identity modules, which are smart card that provide secure data encryption give GSM m-commerce advantages.


GSM has the highest cellular mobile subscriber base, worldwide (76%) crossed one billion in Feb. 2004. one billion of the worlds 1.5 billion of mobile phones are of the

GSM system (fixed phones world-wide are 1.2 billion). GSM services are available in 206 countries with a total of 616 GSM networks.

Advantages of GSM

GSM is mature; this maturity means a more stable network with robust features.

Less signal deterioration inside buildings.

Ability to use repeaters.

Talktime is generally higher in GSM phones due to the pulse nature of transmission.

The availability of Subscriber Identity Modules allows users to switch networks and handsets at will.

GSM covers virtually all parts of the world so international roaming is not a problem.

The much bigger number of subscribers globally creates a better network effect for GSM handset makers, carriers and end users.

Tools for unlocking GSM phones are widely available. Meaning it is easier to keep the same phone and go with another carrier using the same technology.

GSM Overall Efficiency

For Subscriber For operators

Low cost Entry Handset Wide Choice and availability of handset Internal Roaming Easy Subscription

Economies of scale due to dominant market share in India Choice of multiple vendors Capex optimization Lower subscriber acquisition cost Seamless interoperability

Chapter -1.4 GSM ( Global System for Mobile communication ) Player in Bareilly AIRTEL BSNL IDEA TATA DOCOMO UNINOR AIRCEL RELIANCE GSM VODAFONE

Brand Name: Industry Founded Founder Headquarters Products Airtel Telecommunications 7 July 1995 Sunil Bharti mettle New Delhi India Fixed-line and telephony, broadband And fixed-line internet services, Digital television, IPTV and network services Subscriptions: Employee Post Paid, Pre Paid 22858 (June 2011)

Bharti Airtel Limited (NSE: BHARTIARTL, BSE: 532454), commonly known as Airtel, is an Indian telecommunications company that operates in 20 countries across South Asia, Africa and the Channel Islands. It operates a GSM network in all countries, providing 2G or 3G services depending upon the country of operation. Airtel is the fifth largest telecom operator in the world with about 230.8 million subscribers across 19 countries at the end of June 2011. It is the largest cellular service provider in India, with

over 171.85 million subscribers as of August 2011. Airtel is the 3rd largest in-country mobile operator by subscriber base, behind China Mobile and China Unicom. Airtel is the largest provider of mobile telephony and second largest provider of fixed telephony in India, and is also a provider of broadband and subscription television services. It offers its telecom services under the Airtel brand and is headed by Sunil Bharti Mittal. Bharti Airtel is the first Indian telecom service provider to achieve this Cisco Gold Certification. To earn Gold Certification, Bharti Airtel had to meet rigorous standards for networking competency, service, support and customer satisfaction set forth by Cisco. The company also provides land-line telephone services and broadband Internet access (DSL) in over 96 cities in India. It also acts as a carrier for national and international long distance communication services. The company has a submarine cable landing station at Chennai, which connects the submarine cable connecting Chennai and Singapore. It is known for being the first mobile phone company in the world to outsource everything except marketing and sales and finance. Its network (base stations, microwave links, etc.) are maintained by Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Network and Huawei, business support by IBM and transmission towers by another company (Bharti Infratel Ltd. in India). Ericsson agreed for the first time, to be paid by the minute for installation and maintenance of their equipment rather than being paid up front. This enabled the company to provide pan-India phone call rates of Rs. 1/minute (U$0.02/minute). Call rates have come down much further. During the last financial year [200910], Bharti has roped in a strategic partner Alcatel-Lucent to manage the network infrastructure for the Telemedia Business

Airtel is the market leader in India with about 152,495,219 out of the total 745,000,000 subscribers in India or about December 2011 20.46% market share as of

BSNL Mobile
Industry Founded Headquarters Key people Products Employees Subscriptions: Telecommunication 19th century, incorporated 2000 New Delhi rakesh Kumar upadhyay fixed line and telephony, Internet services, Digital television, IPTV 281635 march 2011 Post Paid, Pre Paid

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (abbreviated BSNL) is a state owned telecommunications company headquartered in New Delhi, India. BSNL is one of the largest Indian cellular service providers, with over 90 million subscribers as of July 2011, and the largest land line telephone provider in India. However, in recent years the

company's revenue and market share plunged into heavy losses due to intense competition in Indian telecommunications sector. BSNL is India's oldest and largest communication service provider (CSP). It had a customer base of 90 million as of June 2008. It has footprints throughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and New Delhi, which are managed by Maha nagar Telephone Nigam (MTNL). As of June 30, 2010, BSNL had a customer base of 27.45 million wire line and 72.69 million wireless subscribers.

Idea cellular

Industry Founded Headquarters Key people Products Employees Subscriptions:

Telecommunication 1995 Santacruz East, Mumbai, India. Kumar Mangalam Birla Mobile telephony, Wireless Internet service 6,481 march 2010 Post Paid, Pre Paid

Idea Cellular, usually referred to as Idea, is an Indian wireless telecom company based in Mumbai, India. Idea is the 3rd largest mobile services operator in India, in revenue terms, and recorded of over 98.4 million customers as of August 2011 In 2000, Tata Cellular was a company providing mobile services in Andhra Pradesh. When Birla-AT&T brought Maharashtra and Gujarat to the table, the merger of these two entities was a reality. Thus Birla-Tata-AT&T, popularly known as Batata, was born and was later branded as !dea.

Then Idea set sights on RPGs operations in Madhya Pradesh which was successfully acquired, helping Batata have a million subscribers, and the licence to be the fourth operator in Delhi was clinched. In 2004, Idea (the company had by then been rechristened) bought over the Escorts groups Escotel gaining Haryana, Uttar Pradesh (West) and Kerala and licences for three more UP (East), Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh. By the end of that year, four million Indians were on the companys network. In 2005, AT&T sold its investment in Idea, and the year after Tatas also bid good bye to pursue an independent telecom business. And Idea was left only with one promoter, the AV Birla group. Rs 2,700 crore adding Punjab and Karnataka circles. Modis joint venture partner, Telekom Malaysia, invested Rs 7,000 crore for a 14.99% stake in Idea. Just around then, Ideas subsidiary, Aditya Birla Telecom sold a 20% stake to US-based Providence Equity Partners for over Rs 2,000 crore.

Customer service
The company has its retail outlets under the "My Idea" banner. The company has also been the first to offer flexible tariff plans for prepaid customers. It also offers GPRS services in urban areas. Idea Cellular won the GSM Association Award for "Best Billing and Customer Care Solution" for 2 consecutive years. IDEA Cellular has been recognized as the 'Most Customer Responsive Company' in the Telecom sector, at the prestigious Avaya Global Connect Customer Responsiveness Awards 2010

Tata docomo

Type Industry Founded Headquarters Service Subscriptions:

joint venture Telecommunication Nov 2008 New Delhi India mobile network. Pre Paid

TATA DoCoMo, referred to as DoCoMo (not to be confused with NTT Docomo), is a Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) owned cellular service provider on theGSM and CDMA platform-arising out of the Tata Group's strategic joint venture with Japanese telecom giant NTT Docomo in November 2008. Tata Teleservices received a license to operate GSM telecom services in 19 telecom Circles and has been allotted spectrum in 18 of these circles, under the brand "TATA DoCoMo". Tata Docomo launched GSM services on 24 June 2009. It first launched in South India and currently operates in 18 of 22 telecom circles. It has licence to operate in Delhi but has not been allocated spectrum from the Government. Tata Teleservices is the country's fifth largest operator in terms of wireless subscribers (including both CDMA and GSM), after Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications and Vodafone and state run playerBSNL. Tata

DOCOMO offers both prepaid and postpaid GSM cellular phone network in 18 circles. It has become very popular with its one second pulse especially in semi-urban and rural areas. On 5 November 2010, Tata DOCOMO became the first private sector telecom company to launch 3G services in India . Tata DOCOMO had about 42.34 million users at the end of December 2010. On October 2011,Tata Indicom was named as Tata DoCoMo

Type Industry Founded Headquarters Key people Service Employees Subscriptions:

joint venture Telecommunication 2009 Gurgown India Sigve Brekke mobile telephony 2,000 Pre Paid

Uninor is a mobile operator in India. The company holds Unified Access Service(UAS) licences . to offer mobile telephony services in each of Indias 22 telecom circles, and has received spectrum to roll out services in 21 of these (excluding Delhi). The company is a joint venture between Telenor Group, a telecommunications company headquartered in Oslo, Norway, and Unitech Group, an Indian real estate company. Telenor owns a controlling majority stake in the company (67.25%), which has been branded Uninor in the Indian market. Uninor offers mobile voice and data services based on the GSM technology, currently on a 4.4 MHz spectrum. Uninor services are commercially available in 13 circles across

India. With a value for money proposition in the market, Uninor targets youth and other communities within the Indian mass market. As of 2011, Uninor had 26 million customers, 2,200 employees and a sales force of 7,000 people. Uninor products and services are available from a more than 330,000 retail outlets serviced by 1,600 distributors all over the country. The company Unitech Wireless was until 2009 a subsidiary of Unitech Group, holding a wireless services licence for all 22 Indian telecom circles since 2008. In early 2009, Unitech Group and Telenor agreed to enter a joint venture where Telenor Group would inject fresh equity investments of INR 61.35 billion into Unitech Wireless to take a majority stake in the company. This was operating capital invested directly in Unitech Wireless by Telenor Group. Telenor Group conducted these investments in four tranches, and subsequent to approvals from the Indian Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and the Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs (CCEA) took 67.25% ownership of Unitech Wireless.[2] In September, the company announced its brand name as Uninor. Uninor launched its first eight circles on 3 December, 2009, after completing one of the worlds largest GSM Greenfield launches which was also one of the fastest telecom rollouts ever in India. The brand was built around an ambition to serve the young, aspiring India. Six months later, five additional circles were launched including metros like Mumbai and Kolkata, making the brand commercially operational in 13 telecom circles of India. These circles together account for over 75% of Indias population. Uninor has facilitated rapid scaling of the company through a lean operation model, where a large share of the network infrastructure is outsourced to business partners. With a relatively recent infrastructure in place, Uninor operates one of the most modern GSM networks in the country. Uninors modern equipment has enabled it to introduce targeted offerings and serve a large audience with limited spectrum. As the first mobile operator in India, Uninor introduced Dynamic Pricing, a concept that gives consumers discounts that are based on current network traffic at an individual site and change with location and time. About 40% of Uninors customers are on a Dynamic Pricing plan. Over the summer of 2010, the company further simplified its strategy with a focus on three core areas excellence in mass market distribution, basic services and cost efficient

operations. Changes were also made to the product mix and marketing communication making them simpler, more direct and clearly positioning Uninor as an affordable mass market service. Uninor has grown from 0 to 26 million customers (as of Q2, 2011) within less than two years, and is now emerging as the most successful of the new entrants that obtained licenses in 2008. The company has more subscribers than all of the other entrants combined.

Type Industry Founded Headquarters Key people Products Subscriptions:

joint venture Telecommunication 1999 Chennai India Sandip Das CEO, Gurdeep Singh COO mobile telephony And internet services Pre Paid

Aircel group is a mobile phone service provider in India. It offers both prepaid and postpaid GSM cellular phone coverage throughout India. The Aircel group is a joint venture between Maxis Communications Berhad of Malaysia and Sindya Securities & Investments Private Limited, whose current shareholders are the Reddy family of Apollo Hospitals Group of India, with Maxis Communications holding a majority stake of 74%. Aircel commenced operations in 1999 and is today the leading mobile operator in Tamil Nadu, Assam, North- East and Chennai. It is Indias fifth largest GSM mobile service provider & seventh largest mobile service provider (both GSM and CDMA) with a subscriber base of over 51.83 million, as of January 31, 2011. It has a market share of 6.72% among the GSM operators in the country.

Additionally, Aircel has also obtained permission from Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to provide International Long Distance (ILD) and National Long Distance (NLD) telephony services. It also has the largest service in Tamil Nadu.

Type Brand Name: Industry Founded Founder Headquarters Area served Products Subscriptions: Key people Employee

public limited company Vodafone Telecommunications 1984 Sunil Bharti mettle London United kingdom worldwide Fixed-line and telephony, Internet services, Digital television, Post Paid, Pre Paid Gerard Kleisterlee (Chairman) Vittorio Colao (CEO) 83862 (march 2011)

Vodafone Group Plc is a global telecommunications company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the world's largest mobile telecommunications company measured by revenues and the world's second-largest measured by subscribers (behind China Mobile), with around 341 million proportionate subscribers as of November 2010. It operates networks in over 30 countries and has partner networks in over 40 additional countries. It owns 45% of Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile telecommunications company in the United States measured by subscribers. The name Vodafone comes from voice data fone, chosen by the company to "reflect the provision of voice and data services over mobile phones".

Vodafone has its primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It had a market capitalisation of approximately 93 billion as of 9 March 2011, making it the third-largest company on the London Stock Exchange.


(Code division multiple access)

Chapter 2.1 Meaning of C.D.M.A

(Code division multiple access) TATA RELIANCE MTS Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a form of multiplexing and a method of Multiple accesses that divides up a radio channel not by time, nor by frequency (as in frequency-division multiple access), but instead by using different pseudo-random code sequences for each user. CDMA is a form of "spread-spectrum" signaling, since the modulated coded signal has a much higher bandwidth than the data being communicated. CDMA also refers to digital cellular telephony systems that make use of this multiple access scheme, such as those pioneered by Qualcomm, and W-CDMA by the International Telecommunication Union or ITU. CDMA has been used in many communications and navigation systems, including the Global Positioning System and in the OmniTRACS satellite system for transportation logistics.

Chapter 2.2 History of CDMA

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is both a modulation And multiple access schemes. Researches started even from 1950s Claude Shannon and Robert Pierce had provided CDMA framework in 1949. De-Rosa-Rogoff defined the direct sequence spread spectrum method in 1950. Rake receiver was first patented by Price and Green in 1956 Cellular spread-spectrum application was suggested by Cooper and Nettleton in 1978. IS-95, the narrow band CDMA mobile network, has been standardized in 1993 and commercial networks were introduced in 1995. 3G wideband CDMA systems, such as CDMA2000 in U.S. and European WCDMA developed from 1990s and still ongoing.

Chapter 2.3 CDMA Segment overview

Present Standard: CDMA 2000 1x Started in March 2003 Offered by 6 operators LG and Samsung hold majority device Market share Streaming media options Always on internet connectivity @ 114 kbps

Chapter 2.4

CDMA growth drivers

Nationwide roaming Bundled internet facility CDMA phones come with a data port where consumers can connect to internet at 14kbps Easy subscription availability, starting from Euro 10 only Huge variety of content Online bill view SMS based service activations Aggressive launch
There was a big debate in India just before the launch of CDMA services that will it Succeed or not? Recent trends reveal that CDMA is here to stay, but that doesn't mean that it is going to overpower GSM. Nationwide roaming helped to boost subscribe base, option of connecting to internet using a simple data cable proved as a catalyst in promoting CDMA services in India. The call tariffs over CDMA were initially lower as compared to GSM but today CDMA and GSM call tariffs are moreover same. The calls are tariffed again on the distance parameter, which is already explained

earlier. Reliance Infocomm was the first private operator to start with the CDMA services in India. However, BSNL and MTNL offered CDMA before Reliance they were unable to tap subscribers. Reliances strategic alliance with LG and Samsung to offer their handsets along with their subscriptions proved to be a catalyst in the process. Tata Indicomm, which was the second private operator to offer CDMA services initially, failed to attract consumers but since early 2004, it has revived its strategy and has been able to gain some market share.



Brand Name: RIMIndustry Founded Founders Headquarters Key people Products Reliance India Mobile telecommunications 2004 Dhirubhai ambani navi Mumbai Maharashtra india hasit shukla Fixed-line and telephony, broadband And fixed-line internet services, Digital television, IT and network services Subscriptions: Post Paid, Pre Paid

Late Dhirubhai Ambani built Reliance from scratch to be in the reckoning for a place in the global fortune 500 lists the achievement is even more significant due to the fact, that the entire growth was achieved in an organic manner and in a span of just 25 years. Dhuribhai was not just firmly rooted in traditional Indian values, but was also a quintessentially modern man the man of the new millennium. This was clearly reflected in his passion for mega-sized projects, the most advanced technology and highest level of productivity.

The corporate philosophy he followed was short simple and succinct- Think big. Think differently. Think fast. Think ahead. Aim for the best. He inspired the Reliance team to do better than the best not only in India but also in the world.

Dhirubhai Ambani, Founder & Chairman of the Reliance Group, had an acute sense that education alone empowers people. He was the great communicator. He communicated to inspire, to guide, to educate and to motivate. He employed telephone as a powerful tool to achieve these goals. He used telephone to defeat distance, to compress time and to remain abreast of events. He was acutely aware of the power of information and communication. He would often say: make the tool of infocomm available to people at an affordable cost, they will overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility. He wanted a telephone call to be cheaper than a postcard. This, he believed, would transform every home, empower every Indian, remove the roadblocks to opportunity and demolish the barriers that divide our society. Dhuribhai Ambani was of the conviction that infocomm would energize enterprises, galvanize governance, make livelihood an enjoyment, learning an experience, and living an excitement. Reliance infocomm is a fascinating outcome of this conviction. It is a major initiative to translate his inspiring dream into reality.

Brand Name: TATA or TATA Indicom Network: CDMA 2000-1x Network Coverage: 6 Telecom circles Subscriber base: > 2 million Market Share: 8 10% ARPU (Mar. 03-04): Euro 10-12 Subscriptions: Post Paid, Pre Paid

Tata Teleservices is part of the INR 64,350 Crore (US$14.3 billion) Tata Group, that has over 90 companies, over 210,000 employees and more than 2.16 million shareholders. With an investment of over INR 9,000 Crore (US$ 2 billion) in Telecom, the Group has a formidable presence across the telecom value chain. The Tata Group plans an additional investment of around INR 9000/- Crore (US$ 2 billion) in this sector in the next two years. Tata Teleservices spearheads the Group's presence in the telecom sector. Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices was the first to launch CDMA mobile services in India with the Andhra Pradesh circle. Starting with the major acquisition of Hughes (India) Limited [now renamed Tata Teleservices (Maharashtra) Limited] in December 2002, the company has swung into expansion mode. Tata Teleservices operates in 20 circles i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Chennai, Gujarat, Karnataka, Delhi, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Bihar, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh (E), Uttar Pradesh (W), Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. The company has a customer base of over 3 million. The investment in the company as of March 2004 totals INR 5995 Crore (US$ 1200 million). Having pioneered the CDMA 3G1x technology platform in India, Tata Teleservices has established a robust and reliable telecom infrastructure that ensures quality in its services. It has partnered with Motorola, Ericsson, Lucent and ECI Telecom for the deployment of a reliable, technologically advanced network. The company, which heralded convergence technologies in the Indian telecom sector, is today the market leader in the fixed wireless telephony market with a customer base of 1.8 million. Tata Teleservices' bouquet of telephony services includes Mobile services, Fixed Wireless Phones, Public Booth Telephony, and Wireline services. Other services include value added services like voice portal, roaming, post-paid Internet services, 3-way conferencing, group calling, Wi-Fi Internet services and data services. Tata Teleservices has recently, marked its entry into the Prepaid segment by launching 100 % Sacchai True Paid, across all its existing 20 circles. With the latest initiative, Tata

Indicom has opened up new frontiers for the Indian prepaid customers by offering 1second pulse and 100 % talktime on True Paid.

The company will be shortly launching a new service for Corporate called Push-ToTalk (first across the world to partner with Qualcomm for BREW Chat). This service will be available for the masses across the country. Tata Indicom has also launched a collection of 1000 mobile games one of the largest collections of mobile games in the world. The company has launched prepaid FWP and public phone booths, new handsets, expand Wi-Fi across public hotspots, new voice & data services such as BREW games, picture messaging, polyphonic ring tones, interactive applications like news, cricket, astrology, etc. Tata Teleservices has a strong workforce of 5500. The company is in the process of recruiting personnel for its new circles and will create more than 20,000 jobs by March 2005, which will include 10,000 indirect jobs through outsourcing of its manpower needs. Today, the company serves more than 3 million customers in over 824 towns. With an ambitious rollout plan both within existing circles and across new circles, Tata Teleservices will offer world-class technology and user-friendly services to over 1000 cities in 20 circles by March 2005.

Chapter 3 SWOT Analysis of Telecom Industry

Huge wireless subscriber potential Fastest growing mobile market in the world Consumers are ready to pay for cutting edge services Government proposes to hike FDI limit in Telecom to 74% Unified license regime

Lowest call tariffs in the world Market strongly regulated by Government body Governing both ISP and Telecom sectors Too many authorities ruling the sector Huge potential for low end and cheap handsets Wide scale Consumer churn in Telecom and ISP Wide spread VAS deployment is restricted due to language and literacy problems Primarily a voice based market

To offer value added services on GSM, CDMA and IP Language independent services Mobile Marketing concepts Content influenced buy local culture and Global success stories M-Commerce Unified messaging platforms Foreign investment in form of equity or technology

Low cost service providers no possibility of breaking even in short term Weak IPR protection Software and digital content Piracy Political instability Regulatory interference

Chapter 4 Growth of GSM & CDMA

Chapter 5.1 Objective of the Research

To make a comparative study of GSM & CDMA mobile service in Bareilly. To study and analysis the positioning and strategy of leading service provider of telecom industry in Bareilly. To study and analysis the market share of Major Player in service provider. To analysis the factor that affect in choosing the service. To analysis the major services uses by consumer. To analysis the Satisfaction level of consumer from there service provider. To collect the suggestion of Consumer regarding there service provider.

Chapter 5.2 Scope of the Study

Scope defines the units to be covered and the practical implications of the study. To get good results there must be a specific area and a respondent to which yours study is concerned. There fore we covered following areas for our study Butler Rajendra nagar

I met the peoples of all ages groups with any type of demographical profiles because mobile is today a service which is used by everyone for convenience of the study. I divided the respondents in following segments. Students Businessman Serviceman Youth

In the study we have included the following service providerGSM Airtel BSNL Vodafone Aircel Uninor Reliance GSM Tata docomo

CDMA Reliance infocom

Tata indicom MTS

The finding of the survey will be useful for the above mentioned service providers. They will be able to know about where they stand in the market and how to reposition themselves to gain a differential advantaged.

Chapter 5.3
Research Methodology
Sampling Design Sampling design is a definite plan, which is determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. I have used convenience-sampling techniques. In this type of sampling technique data is collected as per the convenience of the researcher. Sampling unit A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample sampling unit of my study includes Students Businessman Serviceman Youth Sample Size Sample size refers to the number of times to be selected from the universe to constitute a sample. It should be optimum and must lead to the population so that it leads to reliable results. In our study the sample size of respondent I have

100 peoples.

Data Collection Method I have used primary as well as secondary data in my study. Primary Data to collect consumers response. Secondary Data to study the positioning strategy of leading players in telecom industry. Data collection Instrument A structured schedule was administered for primary data collection. For secondary data collection various magazines, newspapers and Internet were used for study.

Chapter 5.4
Analysis and interpretation
Q1. Do you have a mobile? Yes Yes No Total no. of respondent 100 0 100 No

In my survey of 150 peoples I find that 96% people have mobile and rest of 4% have no mobile. So I can say that today all most people have mobile.

Q2. Which service you are using? Yes No

By the analysis of the market I come to know that 84% peoples are using GSM Service. And the rest 16% using CDMA. So I can say that GSM is ruling our telecom market.





Q4. Are you prepaid or postpaid user?

pos tpaid prepa id

Prepaid is a big phenomenon in India. Although detailed statistics are not available for each operator but on an estimate 60-70% of the subscribers (of all the Operators) are prepaid customers. The reasons for prepaid being so successful in India are: During the days when incoming calls were not free, it was difficult to control the Individual expense limit which prepaid easily solved. To avail a postpaid connection one needed documentation like address proof etc. Roaming on prepaid further boosted the prepaid subscriber base. Teenage users whose parents wanted them to exercise restrain, founded easier To give them prepaid connections. Retail channels earned good commission selling prepaid coupons to consumers and therefore, they invested more on promoting prepaid. Research Says Prepaid mobile service in both case GSM & CDMA have a great share in the market. In my research I have found that the 73% of the mobile are using the

Connection of prepaid basis and t 27% peoples are using the post paid Connections. But one another thing I have find that those peoples are the heavy user of the mobile is prefer to the CDMA connection.

he rest


90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 cos t s ervice airtel idea tata docom o reliance vodafone uninor bs nl aircel reliance cdm a tata indicom MTS

There are many factors which affect the preference the preference of the customer in choosing a particular mobile service these is the following factors. Cost Service Regular connectivity Reloaded with fixed value Choice of handset Advertisement Friends & peer groups Among all these factors I have realized that the customer is affected most by

the service of the service provider then after the cost customer gave preference to the cost and then after this customer gave preference to the regular connectivity and there is also a big effect of friends & pear groups on customer choice. Other factor have also effect on the consumer choosing but they have little bit less effective.

Q6.From how long you are using mobile service?





3 to 6

6 to 12

More than 1 year

In my survey I have find that the most of the peoples are using mobile from more than one year.


As shown in this chart I have also studded that which service attract the Customer more and we have found that the most liked service by the customer is SMS service and the other services are also attract the customer like GPRS, Roam service, Tariff plans, Customer care and Internet etc.. But other services like VAS, Handset choice less attract the customer.

Q8. Mark the point on scale indicating the overall satisfaction level? Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor

C u s to m e r S a tis fa c tio n L e v e l


S e rie s 1

E xc e lle nt

G ood

A ve r a g e


V e ry P o o r

S c a le s o f S a tis fa c tio n

Q9. Are you satisfy with customer care services. Yes No

Q10. Are you using value added services? Yes Q11. If yes, than you satisfy with this service. No



Chapter 5.5

Consumer is a king

Problem and complaints of Customers:

Problem relating to delivery:

Some customers face problems relating to delivery. The problem is non-time delivery and because of that problem it put stress on customers to take info products of some other brands. Problem relating to replacement:

Some customer face problems relating to replacement of spare parts because of this they never gives order of mobile to the main dealer or distributor, which will also affected the

goodwill of the distributor or dealer. And customers and distributors place the order of some other brands or switch to other technology cellular phones. Complaints relating to schemes:

Mostly customers have the same complaints regarding the schemes. Firstly, they dont get the information about new schemes of the products. Secondly, the schemes material is not provided to them in time.

Chapter 5.6.Recommendation
There is a large untapped market which is around 55% of the total population especially in rural market there fore the marketers should try to penetrate the rural market. To cover the rural market marketers should educate the rural peoples about the services, which are provided by the service provider. And market should realized the rural peoples the need and the benefits of the telecommunication so that they attract toward their services. Most of the service user is prefer the best services and they shift to the company, which provide them better service than other. So it is the big weapon for the service provider that in order to increase their market share they have to provide the more as well as better services than the other

Competitors. The other thing, which influences the service user more, is the cost of the service. Indian consumer is very cost concisions and like to prefer the Services which are more economical for them so service provider should try to provide the services at the minimum cost. The other thing I found that the family & friends of a consumer are also effects the choice of the consumer about choosing a particular Service of a service provider. Advertisements have a huge effect on the perception of the consumer about the service of a particular service provider. Advertisement helps in creating a brand image of the company in the mind of the consumer so it effect their choice about the service. Other thing which I have found that the heavy user would like to prefer the post paid connection and the light user like to choose the prepaid Connection. I have also find that the GSM service in popular among peoples those are using mobile for general purpose and the business class like to use the CDMA mobile service. SMS service is the most popular service among the mobile users and other services like Roaming service, Tariff plans, customer care and GPRS services are also very popular in the mobile users. Present service user of mobile are looking almost satisfied from the

services that they are getting from their service provider. The new tariff plans which are launched time to time by the telecom companies are become very popular these days.

Chapter 5.7 Limitation of the study

The respondent may be biased while giving their views. The project study is limited to bareilly and hence generalization of findings cannot be done. It is difficult to measure, exactly, the advertisement effectiveness in quantitative term.


Principle of Marketing Research Methodology

By Philip Kotler

- by C.R. Kothari Internet Websites


A study on consumer response towards services provided By GSM& CDMA mobile companies in Bareilly ===============================================================



Age: Occupation: Phone No. : Address:

1) Do you have a mobile? YES NO 2) Which service you are using? GSM CDMA 3) Which companies service you are using?

Airtel BSNL Vodafone Aircel Uninor Reliance Tata docomo 4) Are you prepaid or postpaid user?

Reliance TATA Indicom MTS

5) Why you choose this service? I. Cost


Service Regular Connectivity Reloaded with fixed value Choice of handset Advertisement Friends or Pear groups Family

6) (A). How many members of your family are using Mobile?

(B). Which Service they are using? GSM CDMA Both 7) From how long you are using Mobile service? I. 0-3 Months II. 3-6 Months III. 6-12 Months IV. More then one year

8) Which Service Attract you more? I. SMS II. MMS III. GPRS

IV. Internet V. Roaming Service VI. Tariff Plans VII. VAS (value added Service) VIII. Handset IX. Customer care X. Any other

9) Mark the point on scale indicating the overall satisfaction level? Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor

10) Any suggestion recommended by you? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[I thank you for your kind cooperation, valuable inputs and time]

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