ASM - QNR - Reviewedand Corrected

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Route No.

Household serial No.

JANAAGRAHA CENTRE FOR CITIZENSHIP AND DEMOCRACY AREA SURAKSHA MITRA PRE-PROGRAM SURVEY Namaste, I am _______________________________ from Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. We are a not-for profit organisations that works towards improving the quality ofurban infrastructure and services and the quality of citizenship. We are currently conducting study to understand the perceptions of security and threats of people living across the city. All opinions collected will be kept confidential and are presented as a collective response. No individual responses will be revealed to anyone. Speak to any adult above 18 years of age in the Household. Name of the person who opened the door Name of the Selected Respondent House. No. Address Street Name Landmark Beat No. Landline Phone No. Mobile No. of selected respondent Email address (if any) Yes 1 1 No 2 2 DATAVALIDATION Name Sign D D D D M M M M Date Y Y Please see attached document for selecting sample Bldg name Area Name PIN-CODE

Scrutinized Crosschecked


A. I would like to talk to you about your family, May I know how many members live in this household permanently, excluding guests and maid who stay here? And, of them how many members are above 15 years age in completed years only. HH members - __________ Male- ____ Female- ____

Total Members above 15 Years of age _________ B. I would like you to mention all the members of the household with their names and ages in the ascending order please include you too. Please mention the names in the order youngest to the oldest

Serial no.

Name of the HH Member



Now I will ask you a set of questions. Please provide your answer after I read the question out to you.

Q 1- I am going to read out some examples of unlawful activities. Please tell me which of these threatens you most in your area . Activities No Threat Some Threat High Threat (1) (2) (3) a Chain snatching b Pickpocketing c Burglary d Theft e Eve-teasing f Molestation g Kidnap h Murder i Rash/ negligent driving j Drunken Brawl k Hooliganism l Any Other-------------------

Q 2- In your street/ colony/ locality, which of the following people make you feel vulnerable/ insecure? Its better not to include BBMP, BESCOM in our list of categories. If people have to comment on it, we have given the option of ANY OTHER Activities No Threat Some Threat High Threat (1) (2) (3) a Strangers in the locality b Housemaids/ househelp c Construction

d e f g h i j k

workers Hawkers/ vegetablefruit vendors Newspaper vendors Private Security guards in houses Night watchmen Delivery boys Salesmen Beggars Any Other--------------------

Q 3- In your neighbourhood, which of the following areas make you feel vulnerable/ insecure? Activities No Threat Some Threat High Threat (1) (2) (3) a Crowding around liquor/ pan shops b No streetlights in your area c Unknown people seen regularly around your house We can delete this category, because if unknown people are seen regularly around your house, you will surely take come action to stop thatand we can not consider a regular phenomenon d Any Other-------------------Q 4- I will read out a list of unlawful activities. Please tell me if any of these have taken place in the past one year in your area? Activities Yes (2) No (1) a Chain snatching b Pick-pocketing c Burglary d Theft e Eve-teasing f Molestation g Kidnap h Murder i Rash/ negligent driving j Drunken Brawl k Hooliganism

Any Other--------------------

Q 5- In your neighbourhood, how regularly does the police come for rounds? Codes Thrice a day 1 Twice a day 2 Once a day 3 Once in 2 days 4 Once a week 5 Sometimes- not regular 6 Rarely/ Does not come at 7 all

Q 6- If there are unlawful activities taking place in your neighbourhood, would you report it to the police? Codes Yes 1 Maybe 2 No 3 a) If Yes or Maybe, Which of these activities would you report to the police Activities Not report Maybe report Definitely report (3) (2) (1) a Chain snatching b Pick-pocketing c Burglary d Theft e Eve-teasing f Molestation g Kidnap h Murder i Rash/ negligent driving j Drunken Brawl k Any Other-------------------b) If No, why will you not report these activities to the police? Reason to be recorded________________________________________________________ Suggestions for Q 6If someone else has fallen victimQ 6- If any of your neighbours has fallen a victim to unlawful activities taking place in your neighbourhood, would you help him/ her and report about it to the police? (all codes and sub-questions remain the same.) If the respondent has fallen victim-

Q 7- If you have fallen a victim to unlawful activities taking place in your neighbourhood, would you report it to the police? (all codes and subquestions remain the same, and this becomes Q 7)

Q 7- When you report an unlawful activity to the police, how early do you expect a resolution from them? Codes Within 2 days 1 Within 1 week 2 Within 1 month 3 Later than 2 months 4 No expectation of 5 resolution Q 8- Have you personally encountered a situation when the police failed to attend to their duty/ responsibility? Codes Yes 2 No 1 a) If Yes, please elaborate_________________________________________________ Q 9- In your family till what time does the head of the household feel is comfortable for the family members to stay out of the house? If there is no person in that category the code will be (0)
Till 6 pm (5) Till 8 pm (4) Till 10 pm (3) Till 12 midnight (2) No problem whatever time they come (1)

Adult Members Children (till 10 yrs) Children (between 1015yrs) Children (15-20 yrs) Young adults (20 yrs and above) Senior citizens Respondent

Male Fema le Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

Q 10- If you are faced with a security threat in your house, who would you call or ask for help first?

Immediate Neighbour Relative/ Friend who is not immediate neighbour Respond in any other way------------------------------

Codes 1 2 3

Q 11- Let us assume that there has been a crime in your area and you are a witness to it. Even though you are not the victim (or victims kin) will you go and report it to the police? Codes Yes 1 No 2 If No, why- ______________________________________________________________________ If Q11 should follow Q6 and should be put in two points then Q 11 and Q 6 will be asking the same thing. Since the new Q 6 has been split into Q 6 and Q 7, we can skip Q 11 altogether. Q 12- According to you, what is the main cause of prevalence or increase of crime? Codes Non-reporting of crime 1 Police apathy 2 Understaffed police station 3 Political pressure to hush cases 4 Lack of civil defence/ community policing 5 Long duration of judicial trials/ 6 proceedings Any other7 ------------------------------------------------

Q 13- Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy has started a program of community policing called Area Suraksha Mitra. Are you aware of it? If (1), go to Q 13 (a), if (2) go to Q 13 (b) Codes Yes 1 No 2 Ok. You can give information in about 2 sentences and then a) can follow. Example: Q 13- Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy has started a program of community policing called Area Suraksha Mitra. This program Since this project is being established in your neighbourhood, would you reach out to them incase you are faced with some security concerns? If Yes or Maybe go to Q 13 (a) else go to Q 13 (b) Codes

Yes Maybe No

1 2 3

a) If yes or maybe, would you or any of your family members be willing to be a part of the program? Codes Yes 1 Maybe 2 No 3 b) If No, why not- ____________________________________________________________ Q 14- Do you think community policing is an effective method of improving safety and security in your locality? Codes Yes 1 Maybe 2 No 3 c) Can you recommend one person from your neighbourhood who will be best suited for ASM- _____________________________________________ Q 15- According to you what are the possible outcomes if community policing program is introduced in an area? Yes No Dont Know/ Cant (2) (1) say (8) a Crime rates will decrease b Citizens awareness will increase c Police apathy will increase d Police responsiveness will increase e It will assist police in becoming more effective Q 16- What are the two most important things that you would expect the community policing program to address a) _____________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________ Q 17- Please suggest some measures to reduce the unlawful activities in your neighbourhood. a) _____________________________________________ b) _____________________________________________

SOCIO-DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS 1. What is your age? (In completed years) ______________________


Gender of the Respondent? 1 Male 2 Female 3 Third Gender


What is your marital status? 1 Married 2 Unmarried 3 Live-in Relations 4 Divorced/Separated 5 Widowed/ Spinster

4. For how long have you been living here in Bangalore? 5. .For how long have you been living in this ward/ locality/ neighbourhood? Bangalore Less than 1 year 1-5 years 6-10 years more than 10 years entire life 1 2 3 4 5 Ward 1 2 3 4 5 Neighbourhood 1 2 3 4 5

6. What is your education qualification? ____________________________________

7. What is your main occupation? _________________________________________ Grid for 6 and 7EDUCATION Illiterate Literate but no formal education School: up to 4 years : 5-9 Years SSC/ HSC Some College (incl. diploma) but not graduate Grad/ Post Graduate- General (BA, MA, MSc) Grad/ Post Graduate- Professional (BE, ME, MBBS, MBA) Respondent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Unskilled workers Skilled workers Petty traders Shop owners Businessmen/industrialists Self employed professional

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D

Clerical/salesman Supervisory level Officers/executives-junior Officers/exec-middle / senior Unemployed, Retired Female/ Housewives Student Unemployed, Retired male

To be filled by investigator after interview

CWE education code Illiterate Literate but no formal education School up to 4 years 3 E2 E1 D D C B2 B1 D D D C B1 School 5-9 Years 4 E1 D D C B2 B2 A2 D D C C B1 School SSC/ HSC 5 D C C B2 B1 B1 A2 B2 C C B2 B1 Some college but not grad 6 D C C B1 A2 A2 A1 B1 B2 B2 B1 A2 Grad/ Postgrad gen 7 D B2 B2 A2 A2 A1 A1 A2 B1 B1 A2 A1 Grad/ Postgrad Prof. 8 D B2 B2 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 B1 A2 A2 A1

CWE occupation 1 2 code Unskilled workers 1 E2 E2 Skilled workers 2 E2 E1 Petty traders 3 E2 D Shop owners 4 D D Businessmen/industrialists with number of employees: - None 5 D C -19 6 C B2 - 10+ 7 B1 B1 Self employed 8 D D professional Clerical/salesman 9 D D Supervisory level A D D Officers/executivesB C C junior Officers/exec-middle / C B1 B1 senior

10. Please look at this card and tell me which of these groupings do you belong to? a b c d e f General SC ST OBC Other Refused/ No response 1 2 3 4 5 8

11. Which religion do you follow?

a b c d e f

Hindu Muslim Christian Jain Other- _________ Refused/ No response

1 2 3 4 5 8

12. What is your monthly household income? a b c d e f Till Rs. 5000 Rs. 5000 to 10,000 Rs. 10,000 to 20,000 Rs. 20,000 to 50,000 Rs 50,000 and above Refused/ No response 1 2 3 4 5 8


END PAGE (For the Surveyors) How many visits were made where the interview took place?

First Visit Three Visits Q2.

1 3

Second Visit More than 3 visits

2 4

Language used for conducting the interview? 1 3 Hindi Tamil 2 4

English Kannada


How often did the respondent check with others for information to answers for questions? 4 2 Frequently Never 3 1

Very Frequently Sometimes

Q4. What was the respondent's attitude towards you during the interview?
Interested In between Bored 3 2 1

Cooperative In between Un-cooperative

3 2 1

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