Microsoft Word

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Asas Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (UTM 1013) SEM II 2009/2010

Microsoft Word Assignment 1

Your assignment is to make a one page flyer for UTM Central hardware (or the company of your choice). Your advertisement should try convince a customer that your products and /or services are the best in town! The following requirement must be met: Each of these eleven items are worth 10 points:

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________ 11. ________

7 top margin, 7 bottom margin and 7 left and right margin. Use at least two different fonts in your flyer. Use at least two different font sizes (one of them must be 12). Insert two pieces of clipart or online pictures. Insert Borders and Shading somewhere in the flyer. Use Bold, Italics, underline somewhere in the flyer. Place your name at top right in font size 10. Use WordArt for title of your business. Centre the title. Use a bulleted list and a numbered list in your flyer. Insert a table (at least 2x2) in your flyer with background color. Bonus Points: for the clarity of your flyer (font that not hard to read)

Save flyer as (yourfullname(matric number).wordflyer.doc) in CD.

After completing your flyer, (BEFORE PRINTING), use the checklist page above

to map your progress. Types the word (yes) or (no) on the lines of each one of the checklist above and save your progress. Note, this checklist is to ensure that you are double checking your work and to guarantee that you have completed all the required items. Be sure to save your checklist page as the following (Word Assignment 1 checklist) Print out 1 copy for your instructor to grade.

This checklist is to be printed out along with your flyer. Without this

checklist, no grade will be given.

Asas Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (UTM 1013) SEM II 2009/2010

Good Luck!

Asas Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (UTM 1013) SEM II 2009/2010

Microsoft Word Assignment 2

With using Microsoft Word, create a Web Site by choosing ONE of the titles as following: 1. My Family 2. My Best Friends 3. My Pet 4. My Collection (eg: books, batch, car, etc) 5. My School (eg:secondary, primary, university) The Web Sites will be given 10 points bases on these criteria: 1. Insert hyperlink 2. Appropriate pictures, color 3. Appropriate arrangement of design 4. Material suitable with the chosen title 5. Effort

The Web Site should at least have 5 sites connected (min) Web Site can be written in Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Inggeris.

Save completed Web Site with (yourfullname(Matric No.).website.doc) in CD

Good Luck!

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