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Event Management Tool Web Services



The service used for authenticating the user. Input : {reg id, password} Output : {status, error{code,message} data{securityToken,event ids[event id, role],preferences{share_contact, share_calendar, visible, dev_pref(0110110)},userId} eg data : URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/user/Authenticate Input : {"regId":"Jake88","password":"e2a79383c1347633461eb9fb56cf4972a0155919}

Output : { "status": "success", "userAuth": { "eventIds": [ { "eventId": "1", "role": [ "SPEAKER" ] } ], "hashcode": "pEHbcO3Rgc", "qrCodeUrl": "/fileServer?image=null", "userId": "5", "userPreference": "{\"SHARE_CONTACT\":1,\"AUTO_CHECK_IN\":0,\"SHARE_CALENDAR\":1,\"VISIBLE\":1,\"SHARE_CHECK_I N_STATUS\":0,\"DISABLE_NEWS\":0}" } }

{"error":{"errorCode":"202","errorMessage":"Invalid user"},"status":"invalid"}

Data in QR CODE Jake Philip;98564;0;;32/2026F,Kerala;TCS;Mr;1;ORG;FP Twitter Authentication URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/user/getTwitterAuthURL INPUT : {"twitterId":"","appCode":"EVENT_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE"} OUTPUT : {"status":"success","twitter":{"authURL":" Lk18l6WI9MxAxweK8","authCode":"xCSii4Qc0KPC3HehHfiyisLuoA4Uzw8CDinoWNgc"}} .0



Gives the list of event offerings. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken}} Output : {status, error{code,message} data{event role[],event_type[]} eg data : URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/event/getEventOfferings INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234}} OUTPUT : {"eventDetail":{"endDateTime":"2011-07-30 13:30:00.0","startDateTime":"2011-06-30 11:30:00.0","timeZoneId":"Asia/Kolkata"},"eventOfferings":[{"eventRole":"SESS","offeringType":"E"},{"eventRole": "SPEAKER","offeringType":"R"},{"eventRole":"EXHIBITOR","offeringType":"R"},{"eventRole":"ATTENDEE","offeri ngType":"R"}],"status":"success"} PS: event detail refers to master event details.



The service returns the event list (eg: session) Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},event type,role} Output : {status, error{code,message} data{eventList : [{title,role [{first name, last name,speaker id}], pic url,start date, end date, location,isAdded}]} isAdded = is the current schedule added to the user appointments or not role = the ids and name of the participants for the particular role for the event eg data: Input : {clientContext:{"eventId":2344, "userId":12, "securityToken":"" }, "eventType":"Session", "role":"Speaker" } Output : {"status":"Success", data{"eventList":[{"eventId":15, "title":"Blacberry App", "picUrl":"/BlackberryApp15.gif", "startDate":"2011-05-31 16:30:00", "endDate":"2011-05-31 17:30:00", "location":"1s2 Gems Hall", "role":[{"firstName":"James",

"lastName":"Roy", "id":1}], "isAdded"="true"}]}

URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/event/getEventList INPUT : { "clientContext": { "userId": 1, "eventId": 1, "securityToken": 1234 }, "userType": "SPEAKER", "eventType": "SESS" } OUTPUT : { "eventDetail": { "endDateTime": "2011-07-30 00:00:00.0", "startDateTime": "2011-06-30 00:00:00.0", "timeZoneId": "America/Cancun", "title": "Blackberry World Conference", "todaysDate": "2011-07-22 20:21:26.0" }, "eventList": [ { "event": { "category": [ "Blackberry", "Mobile Computing" ], "eventId": "2", "eventType": "SESS", "startDateTime": "2011-06-13 11:30:00.0", "title": " Trends in Mobile computing" }, "userList": [ { "companyName": "Microsoft", "designation": "Senior Manager", "firstName": "Aswathy", "lastName": "Rajendran", "userId": "4" } ] }, { "event": { "category": [ "Mobile Computing" ], "eventId": "3", "eventType": "SESS", "startDateTime": "2011-06-14 11:30:00.0", "title": "Application Category" },

"userList": [ { "companyName": "TCS", "designation": "Asociate Consultant", "firstName": "Binoy", "lastName": "Sundaran", "userId": "5" }, { "companyName": "Microsoft", "designation": "Senior Manager", "firstName": "Aswathy", "lastName": "Rajendran", "userId": "4" } ] } ], "status": "success" } PS: For getting meeting list give eventType as MEET and userType as ATTENDEE.



This service is used to return the various user types.(eg: speaker, exhibitors, attendees) Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},user type} Output : {status, error{code,message} data{participantList:[{user id,first name,last name,designation,eventInfo[], company, designation}]} eg data for speaker Ouput : {status:Success, data{participantList:[ {userId:12,firstName:Mary,lastName:Milan,designation:Tech Lead,eventInfo: [{id:52,eventType:Session,startDate:2011-05-31 16:30:00}], company:IBM} ] } for exhibitor Ouput : {status:Success, data{participantList:[ {userId:22, firstName:Ann, lastName:Mary, designation:Tech Lead, eventInfo: [{id:52,eventType:Booth,location:1s2 gems}], company:IBM} ] }

for attendees Ouput : {status:Success, data{participantList:[ {userId:22, firstName:Ann, lastName:Liya, designation:Tech Lead, eventInfo: [], company:IBM} ] }

URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/user/getUserList INPUT: {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"userType":"SPEAKER","eventType":"SESS"} OUTPUT : { "status": "success", "userList": [ { "eventList": [ { "category": [ "Mobile Computing", "Blackberry Topics" ], "eventId": "2", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Lecture Hall 1", "startDateTime": "2011-07-13 09:30:00.0", "title": "Trends in Mobile Unified Communications and Fixed Mobile Convergence " }, { "category": [ "Cloud Technology" ], "eventId": "3", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Lecture Hall 1", "startDateTime": "2011-07-13 13:30:00.0", "title": "Cloud Technologies in the Enterprise" }, { "category": [ "Unified Communication" ], "eventId": "12", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Photon", "startDateTime": "2011-07-02 11:30:00.0", "title": "Enterprise Social Technologies and the Impact of Mobility"

} ], "userInfo": { "companyName": "Microsoft", "designation": "Senior Manager", "email": "", "firstName": "Aswathy", "lastName": "Rajendran", "profilePicUrl": "/fileServer?image=4.gif", "userId": "4" } }, { "eventList": [ { "category": [ "Unified Communication" ], "eventId": "4", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Crystal M", "startDateTime": "2011-06-30 11:30:00.0", "title": "Trends, Predictions and Realities in Fixed Mobile Convergence" }, { "category": [ "Telecom" ], "eventId": "13", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Jupiter", "startDateTime": "2011-07-02 11:30:00.0", "title": "BlackBerry PlayBook and Super App Interactive Demo (Demo Theater)" } ], "userInfo": { "companyName": "TCS", "designation": "Associate Consultant", "email": "", "firstName": "Binoy", "lastName": "Sundaran", "profilePicUrl": "/fileServer?image=6.gif", "userId": "5" } }, { "eventList": [ { "category": [ "Mobile Computing" ], "eventId": "9", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Grand 8B", "startDateTime": "2011-07-01 11:30:00.0", "title": "The Rising Tide of Mobile Commerce" }, { "category": [

"Blackberry Topics" ], "eventId": "18", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Grand 8B", "startDateTime": "2011-06-25 00:00:00.0", "title": "Using mobile recording to manage risk and compliance among a mobile work force" } ],

] } for attendee, give user type as ATTENDEE and event type as CONF for exhibitor give user type as EXHIBITOR and event type as BOOTH for speaker give user type as SPEAKER and event type as SESS (5) getUserById()

This web service returns the user specific info for each user. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},participantId} Ouput : {status, error{code,message} data{user id,first name,last name,eventInfo[],designation, company,additional info:[],title,middle name, sex, date-of-birth, contact no, email,years_of_experience} eg data {status:Success, data{participantList:[ {userId:22, firstName:Ann, lastName:Liya, designation:Tech Lead, eventInfo: [{id:52,eventType:Booth,location:1s2 gems}], company:IBM, date-of-birth:08/03/1988, contactNo:9037511475,,years_of_experience:12, additional info:[{type:Past Talks:International Conference,2011},{type:biography:Studied at Baroda University }],' title:Ms, middle name:Marea} ] } URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/user/getUser INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"userId":4,"eventType":"SESS"} OUTPUT : {

"status": "success", "user": { "eventList": [ { "category": [ "Mobile Computing", "Blackberry Topics" ], "categoryList": [ "Mobile Computing", "Blackberry Topics" ], "endDateTime": "2011-08-23 13:30:00.0", "eventId": "2", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Lecture Hall 1", "startDateTime": "2011-07-23 11:30:00.0", "title": "Trends in Mobile Unified Communications. " }, { "category": [ "Blackberry Topics" ], "categoryList": "Blackberry Topics", "endDateTime": "2011-07-15 15:00:00.0", "eventId": "10", "eventType": "SESS", "location": "Grand 7A", "startDateTime": "2011-07-15 13:00:00.0", "title": "Whats Happening in Mobile Networks" } ], "userInfo": { "additionalInfoList": [ { "infoText": "4G Data Transmission Protocols for Mobile,Ultra wide Band Radars OverView.", "infoType": "1" }, { "infoText": "In his nearly 15 years of experiences Gerald has benefited from lessons and learning opportunities with roles beginning in operator level IT work, progressing to Administrator level responsibilities and finally to his current position ", "infoType": "2" } ], "address": { "country": "India", "line1": "86, LM Street", "line2": "Trivandrum", "state": "Kerala", "zip": "652348" }, "companyName": "IBM", "contactNumber": "45465465", "dateOfBirth": "1984-03-15", "designation": "Analyst Engineer", "email": "", "firstName": "Divya ", "lastName": "AS",

"middleName": "", "profilePicUrl": "/fileServer?image=25.jpg", "sex": "F", "userId": "3", "yearsOfExperience": "3" } } } infoType=1 for Past Talks infoType=2 for Biography (6) getEventById()

Gets the event details for the id specified. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},eventIdToBeQueried} Output : {status, error{code,message}, data{location, startDateTime, endDateTime, title, description, logo-url, vennue-map-url, addtional_info[] } eg data Output : {status:Success, data{"eventId":15, "title":"Blacberry App", "picUrl":"/BlackberryApp15.gif", "startDate":"2011-05-31 16:30:00", "endDate":"2011-05-31 17:30:00", "location":"1s2 Gems Hall", "isAdded"="true", desc:Meeting, category:Blackberry} }

URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/event/getEvent INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"userType":"SPEAKER","eventType":"SESS","eve ntId":3} OUTPUT : { "eventDetail": { "eventInfo": { "category": [ "Cloud Technology" ], "categoryList": "Cloud Technology", "description": "This pannel discussion will explore the impact of cloud computing on the enterprise. Looking broadly at cloud technologies and providing special focus to issues around mobility, this session will explore deployment considerations and best practices within the enterprise.",

"endDateTime": "2011-07-24 14:00:00.0", "eventId": "3", "eventType": "SESS", "hostName": "", "isAdded": "false", "location": "Lecture Hall 1", "logoUrl": "/fileServer?image=null", "organiserId": "1", "organizerName": "Jake Philip", "startDateTime": "2011-07-24 09:00:00.0", "title": "Cloud Technologies in the Enterprise" }, "userList": [ { "companyName": "Microsoft", "designation": "Senior Manager", "firstName": "Aswathy", "lastName": "Rajendran", "userId": "4" } ] }, "status": "success" } For meetings : Input :{"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"fdsjalkfd"},"userType":"ATTENDEE","eventType":" MEET","eventId":118} Output : { "eventDetail": { "eventInfo": { "description": "hi,this is regarding to important discussion ", "endDateTime": "2011-01-20 18:31:00.0", "eventId": "118", "eventType": "MEET", "isAdded": "false", "location": "tejomaya", "logoUrl": "/fileServer?image=null", "organiserId": "21", "organizerName": "Jake Philip", "startDateTime": "2011-01-20 18:19:45.0", "status": "D", "title": "meetiong on technical session" }, "userList": [ { "companyName": "TCS", "designation": "Systems Engineer", "firstName": "Liya", "lastName": "Jacob", "status": "A", "userId": "2" }, { "companyName": "IBM",

"designation": "Analyst Engineer", "firstName": "Divya ", "lastName": "AS", "status": "D", "userId": "3" } ] }, "status": "success" }



The service returns the survey questions specific to an event. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},event type, eventIdForSurveyQuestion } Output : {status, error{code,message} data{questNo,questType,desc,options[]} eg data Output : {status:Success, data{questNo:1, questType:3, desc:How was the session rendering, options:[{ansCode:1,desc:Excellent}, {ansCode:2,desc:Good}, {ansCode:3,desc:ok}, {ansCode:4,desc:bad}]}

URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/survey/getSurveyQuestions INPUT :{'clientContext':{ 'userId':1,'eventId':1,'securityToken':1234},'eventId':2} OUTPUT :{ "status": "success", "surveyQuestionList": [ { "optionList": [ { "optionCode": "1", "text": "DOT NET" }, { "optionCode": "2", "text": "JAVA" } ], "optionListId": "1", "questionNr": "1", "questionText": "What are your Strengths", "questionType": "1" }, { "optionList": [ { "optionCode": "1",

"text": "No" }, { "optionCode": "2", "text": "Yes" } ], "optionListId": "2", "questionNr": "2", "questionText": "Was the session informative", "questionType": "2" }, { "optionList": [ null ], "optionListId": "0", "questionNr": "3", "questionText": "Briefly describe the session", "questionType": "3" }, { "optionList": [ { "optionCode": "1", "text": "Poor" }, { "optionCode": "2", "text": "Satisfactory" }, { "optionCode": "3", "text": "Good" }, { "optionCode": "4", "text": "Excellent" } ], "optionListId": "3", "questionNr": "4", "questionText": "Rate the session", "questionType": "4" } ] } Incase the survey is already submitted : {"error":{"errorCode":"606","errorMessage":"Survey has already been submitted for this event."},"status":"error"}

PS: the question types are specified below :



The participants can post their survey using this web service. Input:{clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken} ,detailsList : [{event id, question no, answer text, answer code}]} Output : {status, error{code,message} }

eg data Input:{clientContext:{"eventId":2344,"userId":12,"securityToken":"}" , answer:{event id:1,ansList : [{ question no:6, answertext:, answercode:4,multiAnsSeq:1}]} Output : {status:Success } URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/survey/postSurveyResult INPUT: { "clientContext": { "userId": 1, "eventId": 1, "securityToken": 1234 }, "answers": { "eventId": 2, "answerList": [ { "optionListId":1, "multiAnsSeq": 1, "questionNo": 1, "answerText": "", "ansCode": 1 } ] } } OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} getSurveySubmittedEvents() URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/survey/getSurveySubmittedEvents INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234}} OUTPUT : {"ids":["2"],"status":"success"} (9) postUserQueries()

The user can ask questions or post feedbacks for the sessions attended. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},event id,query type, description} Output : {status, error{code,message} }

eg data queryType = Feedback/Questions to the speaker Input : {clientContext:{eventId:2234, userId:13, securityToken:}, eventId:1, queryType:Feedback, desc:The session rendering was good.} Output : {status:Success } URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/survey/postQuery INPUT : {'clientContext':{ 'userId':1,'eventId':1,'securityToken':1234},'eventId':3,'queryType':'F','queryText':'The session rendering was good'} OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} PS : For posting query, pass the input query type as Q and for feedback F. (10) getUserQueries()

The speaker can Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},event id,query type} Output : {status, error{code,message} data{[feedbacks/queries]} } eg data Input : {clientContext:{eventId:2234, eventType:Session, queryType:Feedback} userId:13,securityToken:},

Output : {status:Success data{[The session was excellent,The session touched all the areas]} } URL : INPUT:{'clientContext':{ 'userId':1,'eventId':1,'securityToken':1234},'eventId':3,'queryType':'F'} OUTPUT :{"queryList":["The session rendering was good"],"status":"success"} PS : For posting query, pass the input query type as Q and for feedback F.

getFeedbackSubmittedEvents() URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/survey/getFeedbackSubmittedEvents INPUT :{"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234}} OUTPUT :{"ids":["2","3"],"status":"success"}

(11) (1)

Meetings organize meeting

(a) checkAvailability () This web service checks if the user is available for a particular date. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},participantlist[],date} Output : {status, error{code,message}, data{[participant id,busy[start date, end date]} } URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/meeting/checkAvailability INPUT:{"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"participantIds":[3,2],"date":"2011-06-13"} OUTPUT: {"meetingResultList":[{"endDateTime":"2011-06-13 15:00:00.0","privateSwitch":"false","startDateTime":"2011-06-13 14:00:00.0","title":"Talk on Generation Uprising Banking Policies","userId":"3"},{"endDateTime":"2011-06-13 13:30:00.0","privateSwitch":"false","startDateTime":"2011-06-13 11:30:00.0","title":" Trends in Mobile computing","userId":"2"}],"status":"success"} (b) addMeeting() This web service adds a meeting. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},participantlist[],eventype,location,start date time, ende date time,title,desc,category} Output : {status, error{code,message} } } eg data Input : {clientContext:{ eventId:2234, userId:13, securityToken:}, participantlist:[1,12,34], eventType:Meeting, "startDate":"2011-05-31 16:30:00", "endDate":"2011-05-31 17:30:00", "location":"1s2 Gems Hall","Blacberry App", desc:Meeting, category:Blackberry} Output : {status:Success } URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/meeting/addMeeting INTPUT: "{"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"startDateTime":"2011-06-13 11:30:00","endDateTime":"2011-06-13 11:30:00","title":"meeting","desc":"abc","locationId":0,"location":"lec1","participantIds":[3,4]}" PS : For location, you can either pass a location id of the existing location or use a new location. For using a new location, provide the locationId as 0 and location as the new location.

OUTPUT : {"status":"success"}

getLocations() URL : INPUT :{"clientContext":{ "userId":2,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234}} OUTPUT : {"locationList":[{"locationName":"MG University","locationId":"1"},{"locationName":"Lecture Hall 1","locationId":"2"},{"locationName":"Crystal M","locationId":"3"},{"locationName":"Grand 8B","locationId":"4"},{"locationName":"Grand 7A","locationId":"5"},{"locationName":"Grand 8A","locationId":"6"},{"locationName":"Ballroom- Demo Thatre","locationId":"7"}],"status":"success"}

getUsers() URL : INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234}} OUTPUT : {"status":"success","userInfoList":[{"companyName":"TCS","designation":"Systems Engineer","firstName":"Jake","lastName":"Philip","title":"Mr","userId":"1"},{"companyName":"TCS","designation":" Systems Engineer","firstName":"Liya","lastName":"Jacob","title":"Ms","userId":"2"},{"companyName":"IBM","designation":" Analyst Engineer","firstName":"Divya ","lastName":"AS","title":"Ms","userId":"3"}]} setStatus() service used for accepting the meeting. URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/schedule/setStatus INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"QxPB2c9pEk"},status="0",eventId=110} OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} PS : status can be A accept , D - deny (12) (1) User Appointment addUserAppointment()

The service adds a user appointment Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},event type,eventIdAdded} Output : {status, error{code,message} } eg data Input : {clientContext:{ eventId:2234, userId:13, securityToken:}, eventType:Session, eventIdAdded=56} Output : {status:Success

} URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/schedule/addUserAppointment INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":2,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"eventId":2,"privateSwitch":"false"} OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} (2) deleteUserAppointment()

The service deletes a user appointment Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},eventId} Output : {status, error msg, error code, } eg data Input : {clientContext:{eventId:2234, userId:13, securityToken:},eventId:15} Output : {status:Success }

URL : INPUT: {"clientContext":{"userId":2,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"eventId":2} OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} (3) getUserAppointments() The service gets the user appointments as a list for a particular event type. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},event type} Output : {status, error{code,message} data{event id} } eg data Input : {clientContext:{eventId:2234, userId:13, securityToken: }, eventType:Session} Output : {status:Success data{eventList:[1,3,56]} URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/schedule/getUserAppointment INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"QxPB2c9pEk"},eventType="MEET"}

{"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"dZxzuNXdsF"},eventType="SESS"}

OUTPUT: {"status":"success","userAppointmentList":[{"eventId":"110","status":"A","title":"Meeting on EventApp"},{"eventId":"111","status":"A","title":"Meet On NEW TECHNOLOGY"},{"eventId":"118","status":"N","title":"meetiong on technical session"}]}

PS: status has an initial value of N, it can be updated to either A ( accept) or D (deny) (in case of meetings)



The service is used to update the preference for a user. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},preferences{"SHARE_CONTACT":0,"AUTO_CHECK_IN":0,"SHARE_CALENDAR":0,"VISIBLE":0 ,"SHARE_CHECK_IN_STATUS":0,"UserId":1,"DISABLE_NEWS":0}} Output : {status, error{code,message} } URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/user/updateUserPreference INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"preference":{"SHARE_CONTACT":1,"AUTO_CHE CK_IN":0,"SHARE_CALENDAR":1,"VISIBLE":1,"SHARE_CHECK_IN_STATUS":0,"DISABLE_NEWS":0}}"} OUTPUT :{"status":"success"} getUserPreference() URL: /EventManagementService_V2/webServiceuser/getUserPreference INPUT: {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234}} OUTPUT: {"preference":"{\"AUTO_CHECK_IN\":1,\"VISIBLE\":1,\"SHARE_CALENDAR\":1,\"SHARE_CONTACT\":1,\"SHA RE_CHECK_IN_STATUS\":0,\"DISABLE_NEWS\":0}","status":"success"}

(14) getEventsNearMe() This service will return the list of events for all the locationId passed in the request URL: /EventManagementService_V2/webService/event/getEventsNearme Input : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":4,"securityToken":1234},"userType":"SPEAKER","eventType":"SESS","bea conIds":[43707,3333]} OUTPUT : {"eventList":[{"beaconId":"43707","eventInfo":{"description":"Review about Insurance","endDateTime":"2011-0618 16:00:00.0","eventId":"5","startDateTime":"2011-06-12 15:00:00.0","title":"Insurance Review"},"userList":[{"designation":"Senior Manager","firstName":"Aswathy","lastName":"Rajendran","middleName":"","title":"Ms"}]}],"status":"success"}

Output: {status, error{code,message} data{eventList : [{title,user [{first name, last name,speaker id}], pic url,start date, end date, location,isAdded}]}

(15) checkingIn() The service makes an entry to user_checkedIn table for every check in done by the user to a location. URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/schedule/checkingIn

Input : {{"clientContext":{ "userId":2,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"1234"},"eventId":2} Output: {"status":"success"} (16) getCheckedInUsers() The service returns all the checked in (present) users for a particular event. Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},},eventId{}} Output: {status, error{code,message}, userlist[]}

URL :/EventManagementService_V2/webService/schedule/getCheckedInUsers INPUT :{ "clientContext": { "userId": 1, "eventId": 1, "securityToken": 1234 }, "eventId": 2 } OUTPUT :{ "eventDetail": { "eventInfo": { "description": "Historically most embedded systems were purpose-built, closed, stand-alone devices. The evolution of computing and communications technology means that an increasing number of these devices are becoming connected. One of the M2M markets where this is having the greatest impact is automotive.", "endDateTime": "2011-06-30 22:30:00.0", "eventId": "2", "startDateTime": "2011-06-30 11:30:00.0", "title": " Trends in Mobile computing" } }, "status": "success", "userList": [ { "userInfo": { "designation": "Systems Engineer", "firstName": "Liya", "lastName": "Jacob", "middleName": "", "title": "Ms", "userId": "2" }

}, { "userInfo": { "designation": "Senior Manager", "firstName": "Aswathy", "lastName": "Rajendran", "middleName": "", "title": "Ms", "userId": "4" } }, { "userInfo": { "designation": "Associate Consultant", "firstName": "Binoy", "lastName": "Sundaran", "middleName": "", "title": "Mr", "userId": "5" } } ] }

(17) getLocationDetails() This service returns the location details for a particular locationkey(mappingkey) Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},},locationId{}} Output: {status, error{code,message}, location{}} (18) getMessageBox() This service returns the message box of the user for the main/parent event URL :webService/message/getMessageBox Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, securityToken},}} Output: {status, error{code,message}, userMessageList[]} eg: { "messageWrapper": { "userMessageList": { "message": { "message": "test", "messageId": "250", "receivedDateTimeString": "2011-07-07 11:56:37.0", "status": "0", "subject": "Test" }, "user": { "email": "", "firstName": "Liya", "lastName": "Jacob", "middleName": "", "profilePicUrl": "/fileServer?image=32.jpg" }

} }, "status": "success"} }


updateMessageStatus This service updates the unread status to read Input :{"clientContext":{ "userId":34,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"server"},"messageId":251} Output: { "status": "success" } (19) addMessage() This service adds the message & also would be sending the push notification

Input : {clientContext:{ user id,event id, messageDetails{}}} Output: {status, error{code,message}}



This service searches for the keyword entered and returns list of events and users obtained as a result of the relevance search methodology. URL: Input : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"keyword":"binoy"} Output: {"status":"success","userList":[{"userInfo":{"firstName":"Binoy","lastName":"Sundaran","role":["SPEAKER"],"userI d":"5"}}]} input :



Returns the vennue map of the particular event in byte array format. URL : INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":1234},"eventId":1} OUTPUT : {"eventDetail":{"venueMapUrl":"/fileServer?image=vennueMap.gif"},"status":"success"}

( 22) Bump

(1) register() URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/shake/register INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"QxPB2c9pEk"}}

OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} (2) getRegisteredUsers() URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/shake/getRegisteredUsers INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"QxPB2c9pEk"},"timeInterval":15} OUTPUT: {"status":"success","users":[{"firstName":"Jake","lastName":"Philip","userId":"1"},{"firstName":"Divya ","lastName":"AS","userId":"3"}]} (3) accept()

URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/shake/confirmDataExchange INPUT : { "clientContext": {"userId": 3,"eventId": 1,"securityToken": "1BlEEHcXnG"}, "toUserIds": [{ "userId": 3, "status": "A"}, { }]} OUTPUT : {"status":"success"} (4) getInfo() URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/shake/getInfo INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":1,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"XaYBoexRfg"}} OUTPUT : {"status":"success","users":[{"companyName":"TCS","contactNumber":"212154546","designation":"Systems Engineer","email":"","firstName":"Liya","lastName":"Jacob","userId":"2"}]} 23) URL : /EventManagementService_V2/webService/schedule/getUserAppointmentForParticipants
INPUT : {"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":1,"securityToken":"tBHvxI2HwO"},"userId":2,"eventType":"SESS"} OUTPUT :

"userId": 4, "status": "R"

{"status":"success","userAppointmentList":[{"endDateTime":"2011-07-10 13:30:00.0","eventId":"5","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:30:00.0","title":"The Future of Enterprise Mobility"},{"endDateTime":"2011-06-22 13:30:00.0","eventId":"6","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:30:00.0","title":"The Role of Mobile Tablets in Amplifying the Workf"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-22 13:30:00.0","eventId":"7","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:30:00.0","title":"Leveraging Mobile Ubiquity to Drive Strategic Obje"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-17 13:30:00.0","eventId":"8","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:30:00.0","title":"The Internet of Things"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:00:00.0","eventId":"12","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 09:00:00.0","title":"Enterprise Social Technologies and the Impact of M"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:00:00.0","eventId":"13","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 09:00:00.0","title":"BlackBerry PlayBook and Super App Interactive Demo"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-16 13:30:00.0","eventId":"14","startDateTime":"2011-07-16 11:30:00.0","title":"Enable Enterprise Mobility with Oracle Application"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-19 13:30:00.0","eventId":"15","startDateTime":"2011-07-19 11:30:00.0","title":"Making Customer Experience Management Matter Acros"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-21

13:30:00.0","eventId":"17","startDateTime":"2011-07-21 11:30:00.0","title":"Get proactive with GSX Monitor"},{"endDateTime":"2011-07-26 00:00:00.0","eventId":"18","startDateTime":"2011-07-15 00:00:00.0","title":"Using mobile recording to manage risk and complian"}]}

Session Rescheduling

Message Request {"clientContext":{ "userId":3,"eventId":4,"securityToken":1234},"eventId":66,"newSt artDate":"20110625","newEndDate":"20110626"}

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