The Ulverstone: "What She Has To Say... "

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Anniversary Celebrations!
Report by Lt Kathleen Pearce

On the 13th of November, The Salvation Army in Ulverstone held celebrations for their 125th Anniversary (in lieu of the actual anniversary date 16th December 1986). It was a wonderful time of reection, celebration, praise, prayer, inspiration and fellowship. Commissioners Brian & Carolyn Morgan (R) took to the stage in special support of the event prayerfully engaging us, passionately energising us and prophetically activating us for present and future salvation and service. The mercy seat was the place to be. Majors Graeme & Helen McClimont took the opportunity to install Lieutenant
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What she has to say...

In preparation for the 125th Celebrations Kat & Kathleen had the pleasure of looking through articles and photographs from this Corps incredible life story. One of the favourites, gave a glowing description of the very rst Corps Ofcer, Captain Georgina Edwards and her helpers. Is this somewhat prophetic in this new season of the Corps life? "A small detachment of The Salvation Army is now located at the Leven, consisting of Captain Georgina Edwards, and two assistants, male and female. This small party hold services nearly every night near the river side and succeed in attracting pretty good audiences, the singing being a pleasing feature in the programme. The captain has a good voice both for singing and speaking. What she has to say she says unmistakably, whilst her demeanour is courteous and conciliating."

Smile for the Camera!

Cutting the Cake!

Happy Snap in the Kitchen!

Kathleen Pearce into her new position as Associate Corps Ofcer. The Launceston Timbrel Brigade invigorated the congregation through their items, which helped us to praise God with a sense of awe and joy. Corps Soldiers, Marion Johnston & Mary Viney gave representative talks during the meeting covering the entire 125 year history of the Corps many hilarious photos ensued! Peter Johnston wowed the congregation with a moving arrangement of I need thee for solo cornet. After the meeting, a yummy fellowship lunch was enjoyed by all. An anniversary cake was cut by the longest serving soldier, Max Johnston, and his grandson Taylor Johnston. Lunch also gave those in a gift to the Corps on the Overwhelmingly, the celebration meeting and luncheon were lled with warmth, smiles and good stories. There was a Holy Spirit energy felt by the 100 in attendance a good opportunity to occasion of the Anniversary but also given in dedication to peruse the extensive historical Lieutenant Jonathan Dent in display put together by Max & Marion Johnston - the oldest Articles of War on display, dated 1893. Perhaps the most signicant contribution to the celebrations came from Captain Jennifer Wheatley (Lieutenant Katherine memoriam. The quilt was

developed from a photograph of a attendance that has, God-willing, mural that had been encouraged all who participated, commissioned by the Corps members many years previous which had since been painted over. This gift was a moving onward to love and good deeds in increasing measure. God bless the Ulverstone Corps. God bless The Salvation Army.

tribute to the Corps and its Dents mother) who created a Soldiers and Ofcers past, quilt/wall hanging. This quilt was present and future.

Notice Board
The Divisional Youth Break-Up and the INSANE Carnival. The Perspectives study program. The JUSTSalvos Christmas Projects. Child Sponsorship.
Please come prepared on the 4th of December to give in a special Christmas Cheer Oering. We need your help to buy Chickens from the JustGifts catalogue. A chicken can produce eggs for a family as well as meat for meals. Chickens can also provide an income source for a family or community.

Did you miss out on getting a mug for yourself or your friends and family?! Thats ok, we have lots left. Just talk to us, and you can have one for free, or you can give us a kind donation!


This cartoon by Dave Walker originally appeared in the Church Times.

Christmas in Ulverstone

Creative Friends Breakup

See Karen Groom for more details.


LifeTime Christmas Lunch @ The Salvos, 12noon Christmas Carols @ The Salvos, 7pm Leadership Team Meeting @ The Salvos, 7pm Carols By Candlelight @ Bicentennial Park, 8pm





Staff/Volunteer Dinner
@ Bass & Flinders, 6pm
Must conrm attendance with Lt. Kat.


Christmas Morning @ The Salvos, 9.30am


Outside Banjos Reibey Street @ 10am Outside Banjos Reibey Street @ 10am


Hosted by the Combined Churches of Ulverstone.

Sunday 4th December

at The Salvation Army, Ulverstone 23 Victoria Street
(03) 6425 5382

C ols!


COLLECTING 17th & 19th-24th

9am - 1pm
Find the Sign-up Sheet in December.

@ 7pm

CORPS OFFICERS Lt. Katherine Dent Lt. Kathleen Pearce CONTACT 23 Victoria Street PO Box 63 Ulverstone, TAS 7315 (03) 6425 5382

Please bring something dessert-like to share for supper after the Carols Service.
CONTRIBUTE Contributions for the December Newsletter will be received until 16th Dec. ONLINE

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