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Transitional Period Policy Research in Syria Call for Papers

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In light of the current events in Syria, the Strategic Research and Communication Centre (SRCC) is launching a competitive call for papers to support innovative, multi-disciplinary, rigorous and high-quality research in the field of transitional governance. The research will be policy-focused and will be used by the transitional government, civil society groups and activists in Syria as sources of knowledge and information to help set evidence-based policy and reform for the transitional period and beyond. The competition is open to all individuals and organizations who have an interest and desire to contribute to Syrias future, and may be based anywhere in the world. Only concept notes in Arabic or English will be reviewed. The SRCC invites submissions that address the focus areas detailed below:
1 . Rule of Law: Judicial, constitutional and legal reform including election laws, separation of powers, political participation, freedom of the press, human rights laws, and constitutional courts system reform. 2. National Reconciliation: Developing a process for national reconciliation, fact-finding investigations on crimes committed during Assads rule and the revolution, issues relating to transitional justice and crimes against humanity. 3 . Armed Forces and Security Services: Restructuring the armed forces, security agencies breakdown, reintegration of security agents and militarized loyalists and setting accountability standards for security services. 4. Economic Development: Addressing a wide range of economic issues including poverty, unemployment, trade agreements, FDI, transparency, labour laws and investment. 5 . Political Development and Civic Education: Building a vibrant civil society, social media and its role in building a democratic society and other areas as well as developing political parties and accountability of public servants. 6. Foreign Policy: Reforming the foundations of Syrias foreign policy with regard to regional and international relations including the peace process. Redefining Syrias regional positioning as well as outlook. 7 . Energy Sector Policies: Reforming oil, natural gas and electricity sectors, transportation, ports, operation, upstream and downstream, securing energy sources and renewable and green energy policies. 8. Health System Reform: Reforming public health policy and laws governing medical practice and services, improving service delivery at public and private medical facilities, provide high quality care according to international standards, implementing universal health coverage for citizens. 9. Education System Reform: Reforming the educational system including university undergraduate and graduate programmes to match international standards. Improving curriculums, infrastructure and teaching methods. 1 0 . Water and Agricultural Policy: Water governance, managing Syrias limited water sources through demand and supply approaches, regional water politics, trans-boundary water issues, improving food production, reforming agricultural subsidies, building new rural institutions and support for farmers, developing adaptation and mitigation approaches to climate change. 1 1 . Environment: Reforming environmental protection policies, setting standards for industrial and commercial emissions from factories and vehicles, promoting policies of reduce, reuse, and recycle, setting national standards for research, preservation and promoting a culture of environmental awareness. 1 2 . Tourism: Restructuring the tourism sector within the national interest and within fair economic practices, refurbishing historical sites, protecting national architecture and historical artefacts, and tourism marketing.

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Submission Process

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1 . Submit a short, concise concept note - not to exceed 2 pages - withyourresume/CVto The policy paper guidelines are available at: 2. The concept notes will be peer reviewed by SRCCs research team and approved or rejected based on quality, feasibility, and potential policy impact. 3 . Once approved, the proponent will be required to sign a contract which commits him/her to complete the first draft of the paper within 4-6 weeks depending on the field of research. 4. The paper will be peer reviewed and the proponent will have one month upon receiving feedback to revise the paper, based on the comments of the reviewers. 5 . Researchers will also be requested to draft three policy analysis articles, related to their paper, between 800-1200 words in length. The articles will be released prior to the research paper and highlights the importance and relevance of the research. 6. After final review and editing, the policy paper, and the articles, will be published by SRCC in both Arabic and English. 7 . Authors will be compensated.

The Centre The Strategic Research and Communications Centre (SRCC) was founded in 2010 to provide high-quality research and media services to governments, academic and research institutions, media outlets, civil society groups and individuals interested in Syria today and its future. It conducts and supports research and provides information, analysis and commentary on Syria. SRCC has already produced a series of innovative studies examining the political and socioeconomic challenges in Syria such as poverty, unemployment and social and political repression. We thank all applicants for their interests and we will ONLY contact those proponents whose background and quality of submission best match the criteria of the award. For more information about this call, please contact:

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