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(A Videocon group company)


Submitted by
Ankit Mittal

VISION To develop an ultramodern consumer durables manufacturing facility, producing world class quality products for all the Videocon group brands. A big hub in Northern India to cater to Indian and oversees markets. This will be a multi-utility plant, manufacturing CTV, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners and other home appliances PHILOSOPHY To build a strong team of competent people, willing to work with passion and dedication and therefore providing internal growth opportunities. WORLD CLASS SYSTEMS AND MANUFACTURING TECHNIQUES Ultramodern plant with hi-tech facilities having world class manufacturing practices like w w w w Lean Manufacturing Six Sigma 5S Fully automized systems on my SAP

PLANT AREA AND MANPOWER STRENGTH It is spread over a total land area of 13 acres [53,000 sq. m.] Employing 500 workers and 750 staff PRODUCTS PLANNED AND CAPACITY Products Per Annum Television Refrigerator 1.5 Mn 0.6 Mn Washing machine 0.3 Air Conditioner 0.3

Mn Mn

KASHIPUR : PLANT LOCATION Located 5kms from Kashipur, 50 kms from Nainital,225 kms from New Delhi.

Firstly I wish my best gratitude towards CTV department which gave me this opportunity to present this report. While preparing our report, we were helped and assisted by many individuals. This report is the result of their kind help also. We would like to acknowledge their help and support and express our heartfelt gratitude .

We are thankful to Mr. Ritesh Kumar, Mr. Ankur Sharma, Mr. Krishna Chand for guiding us to pursue this report & for there precious time during which he helped us for troubleshooting the various problems in our report . Last but not the least we are thankful to our friends for their help and cooperation.

Ankit Mittal

CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction C.T.V. line process Maintenance Quality


CONTENTS CTV Paint shop CTV cabinet assembly

F/C inspection B/C inspection B/C preparation Mask assembly1 Mask assembly2 Mask assembly3 Speaker wiring

Speaker fitting CPT placing Washer fitting Auto CPT Place CPT screwing Yoke wiring Aesthetic checking


Chassis placing Chassis docking 1 Chassis docking 2 Harnessing 1 Harnessing 2 Switch ON B+ adjustment Screen & focus adjust Purity patch checking Auto geometry (PAL) Auto white balance Picture QC1 Back cover docking Back cover fitting High voltage test AV in & OUT checking NTSC alignment Sound quality check Picture QC2 Aesthetical checking2 Sticker pasting

Bar code scanning Packing


Paint shop Front cabinet inspection Mask Assembly 1,2,3 Speaker Fitting Auto CPT Placing CPT Preparation 1,2,3 Washer Fixing CPT Placing Front Cover Placing


CABINET ASSEMBLY A B I N E T FINAL ASSEMBLY B+ Adjustment Switch ON Harnessing 1, 2 CHASSIS Docking 1, 2 CHASSIS Placing Aesthetic checking 1 YOKE Wiring AUTO Set Standing CPT Screwing

Shocking Line REPAIR LOOP 2

FINAL ASSEMBLY Auto Geometry (PAL) AV IN & OUT Checking HV Testing Back Cover Docking Picture QC 1 Auto White Balance Purity Patch Check Screen & Focus Adjust FINAL ASSEMBLY REPAIR LOOP 3 3333

& Fitting

Packing BAR CODE Scanning Sticker Pasting Aesthetical Checking2

Picture QC 2 Sound Quality Check NTSC Alignment

Take the front cover and check Aesthetically, scratches & other defects. Check speaker grill holes should be open. Check the printing on the front cover , it should be sharp and proper. Check the rear edges of front cover should be cover in painting. Paste the blue bop tape at the corners of F/C (in which required).

Take the back cover and check aesthetically, scratches & other defects like breakage etc.

Fix the felt tape on three side of the B/C ribs. Fix the AV sticker on the B/C properly. Fix woofers in back cover with pneumatic tool in woofer model. Place the back cover in trolley.

Fix the spring to the power knob. Fix the power knob in the F/C .

Fix the function (operation) key to front cover with screw given as per annexure.

Fix the IR/LED lens to the front cover with screw as per given annexure. If the model has eye care lens then fix it to F/C with screw as per given annexure.

Wrap the speaker connector to speaker terminal. Solder the speaker connector to speaker terminal properly. If the model has tweeters then solder the tweeters & speakers with wire having eleco(electrolytic capacitor) .


Fix the speakers to proper position in front cover with screw as per given annexure. Fix the tweeters to proper position in front cover with screw as per given annexure.

Pick the CPT from CPT area. Place it on the conveyor & remove the plastic from the screen.

Inspect the CPT for scratches, spots etc, if found any then reject the CPT. If found ok, fix the earth wire around the CPT. Discharge C.P.T. with the earth wire.

Put the degaussing coil on CPT. Insert the plastic tie in the lug provided at the corners of the CPT and fix the degaussing coil using those ties.


Fix the degaussing coil on the CPT with help of Scotch tape at the bottom side of the CPT . Stretch the ties to tighten the coil, & cut the extra tie with cutter.

Fix the washer ,as per given annexure, on four corners of CPT fitting area .

Place one by one screw ,as per given annexure, on four corners of CPT & tighten gently, so that washer should not misplace. Screwing should be on diagonally fitting basis.



Lock the set into the locking pin placed on pallet.

Take the yoke connector as per CPT. Wrap the tinned portion of yoke connector wires to the metallic strips on yoke assy . Ensure the color coding of connector wires before wrapping as per the CPT. Take solder gun. Add sufficient solder on wrapped part of yoke connector.


Check the front cover aesthetically and check for the scratches, paint peel off ,CPT gap etc. If CPT cap is found, tighten the screw manually. If paint problem is there, then give a touch up with paint to remove that.

Take PCB from trolley & check for model name,CPT on sticker of PCB then place it on pallet. Fix the yoke wire connector to the gt pins on chassis. Fix the degaussing coil connector to gt pin chassis.

Fix the speaker connector on chassis. If the model has AV connector, then connect it on chassis. If the model has IR/LED/eye care connector then, fix it on the chassis.


Dock the chassis into the front cabinet properly. Fix the anode cap to its position on CPT at 90 degrees.


Take the crt board and fix it on the neck of CPT. Take ground wire & solder it to crt base ground.


Dress the speaker wire, AV wire with cable tie properly. Put flower on anode wire of fbt.

Insert the power cord into socket in pallet. Dress the bunch of wires to the crt board properly. Cut the extra tie with cutter. Check for the raster of set.

Connect the RF signal to tuner. Connect the positive terminal of the instrument to the c vd841. Set the +B voltage by varying the preset according to the given chart.

If any problem found then send the set to repair


Select service mode. then go to vcj adjustment. Select the vif vco & s-trap option one by one & press vol+ key till it shows end. Now press menu key & select raster adjustment. Now select the h vco option and do the same. Press menu and select the crt adjustment option.


Press '0'(zero),then a thin horizontal will be display on screen. Adjust screen pot of fbt ( lower pot) so that ' horizontal line is just visible and press '0'(zero) again to return to menu and then call to come out of service menu.

Select lion head pattern.( eu 4ch) . Adjust the focus knob (upper pot) on fbt using insulated screw driver, so that '30' and '50' on lion head pattern will get as sharp as possible.


Select green purity(eu6ch). Press the 'e' button from the given remote & check for the patch. If patch is there then degauss it. Now repeat the steps 2&3 by pressing 'w','n','s, button from remote. Now select the red purity(eu36ch). Now repeat the steps 2,3 & 4 for red purity. If patch remains after degaussing then use magnets chips to remove the patch. If even after that patch doesnt disappear, then reject the CPT.

Select the cross hatch pattern (eu 10 ch). Check for the convergence on the pattern. all the line should be white. If found misconverged, then adjust it either using 4 & 6 pole for static adjustments & use ferrite strip or magnetic strip for dynamic adjustments.

Select monoscope pattern(eu 4 ch). Go to the service menu and adjust height of the circle using

'v-pos50' & ' v-size50, to 3.5 level at top & 4.5 level at bottom. Adjust the 'h-pos50' to place the circle at center of the screen. Adjust the shape of circle, if nessecary,using 'vlin50' & 'v-core50' 5.if any problem occurs then send the set for repairing.


Select color bar + circle pattern(eu 49ch). Go to the service menu and adjust height of the circle using 'v-pos60' & ' v-size60' , such that distance of circle from top and bottom of screen is same. Now adjust the 'h-pos60' to place the circle at center of the screen. Adjust the shape of circle,if nessecary,using 'vlin60' & 'v-core60' . If any problem occurs then send the set for repairing.

Select white balance pattern (eu2ch) & check for white balance , if needed then adjust it manually. Check for sub brightness alignment on channel ( eu 2ch) . sub brightness should be such that 5 &

bars on white balance pattern, with picture mode standard are visible. Check for the sound be such that 5 & 1/2 bars on white balance pattern , with picture mode 'standard' ,are visible. Check for the sound on the white balance pattern. Select channel "eu 4ch" .check for geometrical alignments. Lion head pattern should look linear and symmetrical. Check for focus adjustment at diagonal centre of picture tube, "30" and "50" digits on lion head pattern should be sharp.

AV cord from AV out of TV set(set 1), which has RF input, is to be inserted in front or back AV port of testing set. AV cord from the back AV out of testing set is to be inserted in AV in of another TV set(set 2). Put the testing set and set2 into AV mode. Now check for picture and sound in testing set. It should be same as of set1. Again repeat the step 4 for set2. Now change the channel of set 1 and ensure that all three TV sets (set1 , testing set and set2) should have same pattern.

Setting parameter : Testing voltage:- 1.2 kv Testing cut off current :- 3 ma to 6 ma Duration of test :- 1 second

Select eu 4 ch(monoscope pattern). Enter in service mode by pressing the service mode button. Go to the raster adjustment option and press vol+. Go to the zoom option on screen and adjust the value of zoom so that the level of screen is '2.5 2.5'. If the model has wide option then adjust wide parameter so that only 75% of full screen is seen. Press menu followed by call/demo from remote to exit.

Select the music pattern (eu2ch), and check for the sound. Check for the buzzing sound, sound distortion, low sound etc.

Select the monoscope pattern(eu4ch) and check the sweep sound. Select the NTSC pattern( eu 49 ch) and check for the 1khz sound & check the wave pattern on CRO. Bang the set with the prepared mallet for dry solder. Check for the working of keys.


Select the white balance pattern( eu2ch) & check for the white balance and sub-brightness. Select the monoscope (eu4ch) & check for the geometry of the set. Select the green & red purity channel( eu 6ch & eu 36ch) & check for the patch. Select the cross hatch pattern( eu 10 ch) & check for the misconvergence. Select the live channel & check it for geometry, wihte balance, sound. If in any case problem is sound then send teh set for repairing.

Enter in to service mode & goto shipping option. Make it '1' from '0' by pressing vol+ key. Wait till set comes in stand by mode. Switch off the set using power switch. Again switch on the set for checking the proper working of power switch & led.

Lock the pots of the fbt with red automotive paint. Fix the power cord holder to the f/c slot properly. Take the b/c from trolly and inspect it for defects. Dock the back cabinet in front cabinet. Check for proper fixing of both front & back cabinet.

Fix the B/C to the front cover with the screw as per the given annexture. Fix the B/C to av with the screw as per the given annexture. Fix the B/C to fbt with screw as per given annexture and as per the model.



Do the cleaning of the set properly with air pressure first . then use soft cotton ,min cream for cleaning. check for proper painting.

check for the cpt gap. check whether there are any scratches in the front and back cover, if any then reject the set. check whether the logo is straight and good in appearance or not.

Paste the bar code sticker in appropriate position in the back cover. Paste the small sized sticker on the B/C or F/C. Fix the mains cord to the set with rubber band

Check "wait" on monitor of vpots system. Take the scanner & make the position of scanner infront of barcode sticker. Press the button on scanner to scan & make ensure red laser Rays should be on barcode. Check "go" on monitor & also displays set If scanner scan the same set then on monitor displays "duplicate entry". Release the set for next stage.

Take the packing box & fold bottom flaps Fix the flaps using the transparent bop tape. Place the lower buffers properly in the packing box. Now place the packing box on the conveyor.

Take the poly bag from trolley & hold it for the set. Now make the lifter down and place the set into bag.

Fix the top buffers properly to the set. Fix the bar code sticker to the packing box Put the accessory bag in the box. Fix the accessory pouch right top side of the packing box. Pass the set to packing machine.

Punch the accessory bag at the center and tie thread.


Paste the hologram sticker on warranty card as per the given annexture and as per the model. Insert the materials according to the list given as per the model and given annexture. Seal the bag with heat sealing machine.

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