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23 Fat-Burning Foods
Planning matters. If theres nothing but junk in your workplace vending machines, buy the foods you needstring cheese, granola bars, trail mix, whateverand keep a stash of low-calorie snacks at your desk.

11. 250 calories: Clif energy bar 12. 250 calories: Ready-made reducedfat smoothie, such as Stonyfield Farm

13. 14. 15. 16.

250 calories: 1

cup of reduced-fat handful of pear, or banana

250 calories: Small 260 calories: Apple, 275 calories: 2

chopped pecans over a cup of fruit salad

1. 80 calories: Stick of string cheese 2. 100 calories: Hard-boiled egg with

a handful of grape tomatoes

smeared with peanut butter or 3 small handfuls of trail mix


150 calories: 5

cups of Jolly Time

light microwave popcorn sprinkled with hot sauce

17. 275 calories: 2-ounce Snickers bar 18. 290 calories: Kelloggs Nutri-Grain
bar with a handful of pistachios or almonds

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

150 calories: 1

cup of cocoa made with Cheddar

skim milk
160 calories: Reduced-fat 175 calories: 5


300 calories: Slice

of whole grain

cheese melted on apple halves Laughing Cow cheese Valley granola wedges
180 calories: Nature 200 calories: Root

bread topped with peanut butter and banana slices

20. 21.
beer float with

300 calories: Small 300 calories: Cup 340 calories: 2 350 calories: 1

bagel with

2 slices of Muenster cheese, melted of chickpeas with a dash of cumin and fresh mint

bar 2 scoops of frozen vanilla yogurt

foods that burn fat and foods that grow muscle

9. 200 calories: 2 handfuls of olives 10. 210 calories: Half a container

of Cracker Jack

22. 23.

ounces of roasted nuts cup each of fat-free

milk and frozen yogurt blended with a spoonful of peanut butter

Prostate Protection
Carve a pumpkin, and cut your prostate cancer risk. Eating a large slice of pumpkin pie (or 13 baby carrots) daily will give you about 8,000 mcg of beta-carotene, an amount that research from Roswell Park Cancer Institute shows may halve a mans risk of the disease. Top your pie with whipped cream to boost your absorption of the nutrient.

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Muscle-Building Foods
the superfood Youve never heard of
Packed with protein, loaded with fiber, and older than Peru, quinoa [pronounced KEEN-wah] is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet, and its certainly the worlds most nutritious grain. Quinoa is a true wonder food, says Daniel Fairbanks, Ph.D., a professor of plant and animal science at Brigham Young University. It has about twice the protein of regular cereal grains, fewer carbohydrates, and even a dose of healthy fats. Plus, its considered a complete protein, which means that, like meat, eggs, and dairy, it packs all of the essential amino acids your body needs to build muscle. Quinoa has an addictive nutty flavor, cooks up quicker than rice, and can be used to make pilafs, risottos, salads, soups, and even desserts. Typically, you can find it in the rice aisle or the health food section of your grocery store. As for preparation, the simplest way is to cook quinoa like pasta: Fill a large pot or saucepan with water, and bring it to a boil. Add just about any amount of quinoa, turn the heat to low, and cook until tender, about 20 minutes. Drain the water, and allow the quinoa to cool.

Cook up a big batch, and store it in a plastic container in your refrigerator.

olives (pitted and coarsely chopped), 4 tablespoons of chopped sun-dried tomatoes, tablespoon of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of balsamic or red wine vinegar. Season with salt and pepper to taste. It makes 4 servings. Serve it with grilled pork tenderloin or roast chicken.

brain Candy
Wheeling Jesuit University researchers have found that milk chocolate improves memory and thinking better than other sweets. The mix of protein and antioxidants may make the difference.

Youll have a ready-to-eat side dish like rice or pastathat goes with just about any meal. (To warm it, microwave it for 60 seconds.) Or you can be far more creative. Try using quinoa in the following ways.

Best Breakfasts on the Go

Power uP your breakfast: Combine

You usually sacrifice a good breakfast for anything else that needs your attention. But if you had to rank the six meals in order of importance, the first meal would rank first. Breakfast wakes up your metabolism and tells it to start burning fat, decreasing your risk of obesity. These quick starts are rich in both protein and good carbs: 2 tablespoons of peanut butter on whole grain toast and 2 slices of Canadian bacon 13/ 4 cups of Shredded Wheat Bran with 1 cup of 1% milk, 3 links of turkey sausage, and cup of berries 2 scrambled eggs, 2 slices of whole grain toast, 1 banana, and 1 cup of 1% or fat-free milk. 8-ounce smoothie (see recipe on p. 28) Cereal made with 3/ 4 cup of high-fiber cereal, cup of Capn Crunch, and 2 tablespoons of almonds with cup of 1% or fat-free milk 1 slice of whole grain bread with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 medium orange, cup of All-Bran with cup of 1% or fat-free milk, and cup of berries

1 cup of cooked quinoa with cup of milk and cup of frozen blueberries, and microwave for 60 seconds. This makes a great alternative to oatmeal.
redefine dessert: In

a blender, puree

2 very ripe bananas with 2 cups of whole milk. Combine the mix with 2 cups of cooked quinoa, cup of raisins, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and simmer for 10 minutes. If youre celebrating, add a glug of dark rum at the last second. Creamy and sweet, its a healthier version of rice pudding.

Hangover Helper
Wake up refreshed by swallowing 1,600 IU of prickly pear cactus extract 4 hours before you start drinking. Tulane University researchers have found that this herbal supplement may lessen the hell of a hangover. The scientists gave 55 people either a prickly pear cactus extract or a placebo before letting them booze. When the drinkers rated their hangovers, those who swallowed the supplement reported 50% fewer symptoms than those who popped a placebo. One theory is that compounds in prickly pear cactus boost the bodys production of heat-shock proteins, which limit the inflammation caused by overimbibing. Look for a supplement that contains Tex-OE, the patented extract used in the study, and take it with a low-carb meal. The fiber in grains can inhibit absorption.

toss a salad: Preheat

the oven to

400F. Remove the woody ends of 8 asparagus spears by gently bending each one until it breaksitll naturally snap off at the right place. Lay the spears on a baking sheet, and drizzle with olive oil and a pinch of salt. Place in the oven, and roast for 10 minutes. Then chop the asparagus into bite-size pieces, and add them to 1 cup of cooked quinoa, 2 ounces of crumbled goat cheese or feta cheese, cup of green

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believe that as selenium concentrations

transport the carotenoids in the bloodstream.

tHe take-Home message: Any

banana split smoothie

Smoothiesblended mixtures of milk, fruit, low-fat yogurt, whey powder, ice, and other good stuffact as meal substitutes and potent snacks. They satisfy a sweet tooth, boost your fiber and protein intake, and fill you up. This recipe takes less than 3 minutes to make two 8-ounce servings. Put all of the ingredients in a blender, and blend until smooth: 1 banana, cup of low-fat vanilla yogurt, cup of frozen orange juice concentrate, cup of 1% milk, 2 teaspoons of whey powder, and 6 crushed ice cubes. (Add more ice for more volume, if preferred.) Per serving: 171 calories, 8 g pro, 33 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 2 g fat (1 g sat fat), 94 mg sodium

in your cells rise, the ability of sulforaphane to elevate TR-1 increases.

tHe take-Home message: Eat

time you

meat with

eat colorful vegetableswhether raw or cookedhave some fat, too. And it doesnt have to be an avocado: One ounce of cheese, two pats of butter, or 2 tablespoons of full-fat ranch dressing will have the same effect, says Schwartz.

vegetables regularly. In addition to fish, foods such as beef, turkey, Brazil nuts, and mushrooms are excellent sources of selenium. And cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbageare loaded with sulforaphane.

salsa + avocado
tHe benefit: Your

nuts + Beer
tHe benefit:

idea of health food is and vividly colored

These two pub staples can studies have

about to become tastier.

decrease your risk of a heart attack.

tHe sCienCe: Numerous

the protein powerhouses

You know you need protein to build muscle tissue, but all protein isnt equal. The more amino acids a protein contains, the higher its quality and the better your body can utilize it

FOOd (3-oz servings) Chicken breast Turkey breast Beef (eye round) Salmon Canned tuna

PROTEIn (g) 27 25 25 23 20

FAT (g) 3.0 0.8 4.9 6.4 2.5

CALORIES 142 113 149 156 220

tHe sCienCe: Bright

vegetablessuch as the ones used in salads and salsasare rich in carotenoids, powerful plant pigments that reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and cataracts. But heres a little-known secret: To fully benefit from these disease-fighting compounds, you need to eat them with fat. In fact, Ohio State University researchers found that people who ate a salad topped with half an avocado absorbed 5 to 10 times more beta-carotene and luteincarotenoids

shown that nuts boost HDL (good) cholesterol levels while reducing the LDL (bad) cholesterol. And its thought that alcohol acts as a blood thinner, helping prevent the formation of clots that can block blood flow to your heart. Whats more, Swedish researchers have found that the fat and fiber in nuts slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. This can help smooth out the effects of moderate alcohol consumption. For best results, try to eat about 15 minutes before taking your first libation.
tHe take-Home message: Moderation

to build muscle, says Cyndi Thomson, Ph.D., R.D., a clinical nutritionist at the University of Arizona. The foods in the

chart above deliver high amounts of all nine essential amino acids. The numbers are based on 3-ounce servings.

Power Pairs
Several years ago, researchers made the surprising discovery that the combination of caffeine and exercise may shield you from skin cancer. Heres how three more simple nutrition duos can multiply health benefits.

tHe sCienCe: Tuna

and halibut contain

found in carrots and spinach, respectivelythan those who had salads sans the fatty fruit. And eating avocado with salsa boosted the absorption of lycopenea carotenoid in tomatoesby almost five times. Fatty acids are needed to help carotenoids dissolve in the intestines, says lead study author Steve Schwartz, Ph.D. These lipids are also an essential part of creating lipoproteins, which

selenium, a mineral that raises your levels of a cancer-fighting enzyme called thioredoxin reductase (TR-1). Likewise, broccoli provides sulforaphane, a plant chemical that also boosts TR-1. When British researchers combined these two nutrients, they noticed that the tag team was 13 times more effective at slowing the growth of cancer cells than each was individually. The scientists


the key here. Up to 3 ounces of nuts and 1 or 2 glasses of beer or wine a day have been shown to reduce heart-disease risk without leading to weight gain.

fish + Broccoli
tHe benefit: You

can sock it to cancer

with this one-two punch.

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