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The Substitutes for Herbs Have you ever thought of deforestation, pollution and excessive use of herbs has

developed a scarcity of herbs? If you intend to get any herb you will certainly face the problem of getting it. Ayurveda has a big drawback of the availability of the herbs. Many of the herbs mentioned in various texts are not available today. So there ere some substitutive herbs. This substitution is said as pratinidhi dravya. Meaning representative drug of the original drug. The original drugs efficacy is altered by the use of substitute but for the extinct drugs there is no way at all. Now a days the original Ashtavarga is extinct so the so propagated Ashtavarga yukta Chavyanprasha (Chavyanprasha is confectionary based preparation of amla with ashtvarga (octate) included is containing the representative drugs in it. Thus representative drugs are useful for Ayurveda pharmacy. Here is a list of representative drugs. Some times a drug is not available at that times the use of another herb or drug is essential that s why one must have knowledge of representative herbs and drugs to have command over herbal therapy and ayurveda. Alphabetical listing Original drug / Herb Representative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Chitrak - Danti 2. Chitrak - Apamarga 3. Dhanyavas - Duralabha 4. Moorva - Jingine twak 5. Tagar - Kushta 6. Arinhnsa - Mankaarda 7. Laxmana - Mayurshikha 8. Bakul - Rakta Kumudini 9. Neelotpala - Kumud 10. Jatipush - Lavang 11. Arkksheer - Arkapatra 12. Pushkarmula - Kootha 13. Langli - Kushtha 14. Sthaunekya - Kushtha 15. Chavika - Pipplimula 16. Gajapippli - Pipplimula 17. Somaraji - Chakramarda Phala 18. Daruhaldi - haldi

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

19. Rasanjam - Darhahdi 20. Saurashtri - Sphatika 21. Talispatra - Swarna Talis 22. Bhargi - Talispatra 23. Ruchak Lavan - Kantkari Mula 24. Madhuyashti - Dhataki 25. Amlavetas - Chukra 26. Draksha - Kashmari Phal 27. Draksha - Bandhuk Pushp 29. Kasturi - Kankol 30. Karpoor - Granthiparna 31. Kumkum - Nava Kusunbh Pushp 32. Shewatachandan - Karpur 33. Chandan - Raktachandan 34. Karpoor - Rakta Chandan 35. Rakta Chandan - Ushir 36. Ativisha - Musta 37. Haritika - Amlaka 38. Naag Keshar - Padma Keshar 39. Meda Mahameda - Shatavari 40. Jeevak & Rishpak - Vidori 41. Kakoli & Ksheer Kakoli - Ashvagandha 42. Riddhi & Vriddhi - Varahi Kanda 43. Varahi Kanda - Charma Kasaluk 44. Bhallatak - Rakta Chandan 45. Bhallatak - Chitrak 46. Ikshu - Nala 47. Swarna - Swarna Makshika 48. Makshika - Swasna Gairikam 49. Swarna and Raupya Bhasma - Kant Lauha bhasma 50. Kant Loarha - Teekshna lanha 51. Mukta - Muktashukti 52. Madhu - Jeernaguda 53. Mishri - Shaskara 54. Sharkara - Khand 55. Ksheer - Mugda Yash Rasa References: - Different Nighantu Text

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