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Round 1: The way it all started What were you inspired by? What moved you? How did you feel? Who were you?

Journey to myself

Round 2: My most powerful :me What happened? What moved you to do so? How did you feel? How did others feel? Who were you?

Journey to myself

Round 3: The toughest :me for me What happened? Is this complete or incomplete for you? How did you feel? How did others feel? Who were you?

Journey to myself




How you FEEL? Angry? Vengeful? Powerless? Out of control? How you ACT? Defensive? Aggressive? Paralysed? Resigned? Withdrawn? - DEFENSIVE CYCLE -




How you FEEL? Empowered? Content? SaDsed? Happy? How you ACT? AsserDve? RaDonal? ConstrucDve? Plan? - CREATIVE CYCLE -

Reaction: ENGAGE

Plan audaciously
What is the new peak you are aLer?


Paired Future Interview sharing

Where are you? How does it feel? What is important to you? Who is with you? How did you get here? What were the major journey points that lead you here? What was easy? What was challenging? How did you breakthrough the challenges? What were the key people who played a role in your life? What do you see possible for yourself now?

Execute boldly
What is the next best thing you want to do?

Adapt joyously
What do you need to let go o? What will keep you tuned in?


When things break down

I used to resent the interrupDons in my work unDl I realized the interrupDons were my work. You cant control the unexpected, but you can control your response to it. Aikido Principle

CreaDng my personal Base Camp

Who will be your Council of Elders?
Draw on a paper ve chairs and who will be there?

Who will be your sources of energy?

Formula 1

What are the key choices I need to make to progress my journey? What support can I get from my peers?

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