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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes January 10, 2012 January 12, 2012 President Dave Fletcher convened the meeting at 2:00 PM in the Activities Room of the Athletic Center. ATTENDANCE: In addition to Dave Fletcher, Deal Hembree, Vice President; Roger Douglas, Treasurer; Jim Molinari, Tournament Chair; Chuck Zunker, Handicap Chair; and Ray Milewsky, Social Chair were present. Dave Schultze, Greens Committee Representative; Steve Jones, Secretary, and Michael Peters, Member-at-Large were absent. John Gunby, Head Golf Professional, represented Club Management. OPENING REMARKS: In his opening remarks, Dave addressed the issue of the minutes from last months meeting. Deal Hembree moved and Ray Milewsky seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was unanimous. Dave also presented a synopsis of the December Board of Governors meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Deal Hembree presented a draft of the member survey. Board members recommended minor changes, which Deal will incorporate into the document and provide electronically to the Board for a final review. Once changes are incorporated, Deal will coordinate with Ray Milewsky to post the survey on the MGA website. Goal for receiving completed surveys from the membership is March 1, 2012. NEW BUSINESS: Expenditure of remaining 2011 MGA funds. Treasurer Roger Douglas provided a financial report showing the Association had $3475.29 in organizational accounts as of December 31, 2011. After discussion, Jim Molinari moved, Ray Milewsky seconded, and the Board unanimously approved to spend remaining 2011 funds as follows: o Two portable scoreboards for use by the professional staff to display tournament results: $500 (Procurement action: Professional staff complete.) o Small plaques or stickers for the scoreboards stating, Presented by the Mens Golf Association or words to that effect: Not to exceed $50, total. (Procurement action: Dave Fletcher.) o Two electronic shoe cleaners to be placed outside the Pro Shop, one at the bottom of the stairs leading from the cart staging area, and one near the door leading from the street: Approximately $900 each, total $1800. (Procurement action: Professional staff.) o A plaque to be placed at the flag pole in front of the clubhouse stating the pole was donated by the MGA: Not to exceed $400. (Procurement action: Dave Fletcher.)

o 2012 Rules of Golf booklet, one for each MGA member. AGA provides the booklets at no cost, we must pay shipping: Estimated $50. (Procurement action: Chuck Zunker.) o Approved estimated expenditures total $2800, leaving an estimated $675 remaining. The Board will review actual expenditures at or before its February meeting and determine how to expend the remaining funds. Audit Committee. MGA By-laws require an annual audit of MGA books Ray Milewsky and at least one non-MGA director will perform the audit in conjunction with Roger Douglas. Board members were tasked to solicit a volunteer from the general membership to serve on the Audit Committee. The intent is to find a volunteer and have the audit conducted prior to the February 2012 board meeting. Meeting dates and frequency. Deal Hembree moved, Ray Milewsky seconded, to change monthly Board of Directors meetings to the first Thursday of every month at 9:30 AM from the first Tuesday at 2:00 PM. Deals motion included changing the frequency of general membership meetings to semiannual from quarterly. The motion passed unanimously. The Board discussed resumption of the Territorial Cup competition among clubs in the Prescott area Prescott Lakes, Hassayampa, Stoneridge, Talking Rock, Prescott Country Club, and Antelope Hills. John Gunby agreed to contact golf professionals at the other clubs to ascertain the level of interest in resuming the competition.

MANAGEMENT: John Gunby reported the new golf car fleet should arrive in four-to-six weeks. John also distributed a schedule of Wednesday Mens Day events for January and February. A two-month schedule will be posted in the Pro Shop near the handicap computer. Sign-up sheets will be posted near the computer three weeks in advance.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Greens: Dave Schultze reported, via Dave Fletcher: o New chair of the Greens Committee is Dave Potthast. Dave Schultze will continue as MGA Greens Committee Representative. o Fairway aerification will begin on or about February 13 and will be done a few holes at a time. o Work will be done to reduce strain on carts by lowering the first ground level boards at bridge entrances to allow for a smoother entry. o Greens Committee agreed to recommend the use of mats on the practice area to supplement the grass. Number and placement of mats will be determined next year, based on availability of funds.

o Irrigation is being upgraded along the lake beside the 18th fairway. This is a cosmetic fix to keep the grass next to the hazard green, providing a more attractive view from the clubhouse and deck. Social: Ray Milewsky reported discussions are underway with management regarding resumption of golfers socials. Handicap: Chuck Zunker reminded that the deadline for joining or rejoining the MGA is January 31. Handicap posting privileges will be suspended for those male golfers who have not joined as either regular members or associate members by that date. An email reminder will be sent to all male golf members the week of January 15. Tournament: Jim Molinari led a discussion regarding tournament sponsorships. The Board determined the MGA would retain or resume sponsorship of the following 2012 tournaments: MGA Kick-off, Mysterious Masters, Monster Day, Mens MemberMember, MGA Presidents Cup, and Mens Member-Guest.

TREASURERS REPORT: As noted above, Roger Douglas reported the MGA had $3475.29 as of December 31, 2011. The Association has an additional $1004.42 in the Member-Guest account. VICE PRESIDENT: Deal Hembree had nothing additional to report. MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Mike Peters reported, via Dave Fletcher, that the Hole-in-One fund has been divided into separate mens and womens funds. As of December 1, 106 men are participating. NEXT MEETING: The next Board meeting will be on Thursday, February 2, 2012, at 9:30 AM, in Ballroom A of the clubhouse. All members are welcome to attend. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM. Respectfully submitted,

Dave Fletcher President and Acting Scribe

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