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Review Test for Unit III (1450-1750)

DIRECTIONS. The following test is designed to test your knowledge of Unit 3. You should familiarize yourself with the Questions and be able to explain why your answer is the correct one and why the remaining options are not correct. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the following quote In contrast to the sea-based empires developing in Europe, land-based empires remained as important political forces between 1450-1750. All had huge land armies. These empires developed relatively independently from western influence, and to some extent they counterbalanced the growth of European power and colonization. 1. The empires described in the quote above built their power most directly on a. b. c. d. the mandate of heaven the technology of gunpowder control of Silk Road trade parliamentary principles d. to allow Christian missionaries to evangelize in the cities of the east coast e. to start a navigators school in Portugal

5. All of the following are common problems that the Muslim Empires of 1450-1750 shared EXCEPT: a. Sunni-controlled governments whose power was seriously challenged by a Shia minority b. inadequate transportation and systems for their armies c. unruly warrior elites that challenged the government d. inadequate bureaucracies that could not adequately govern or keep in touch with citizens e. the rise of European rivals who ultimately built stronger militaries than they did 6. Which of the following European powers established hegemony over the Indian Ocean trade during the 16th century? a. Dutch c. Spanish e. French b. English d. Portuguese

2. The quote accurately describes all of the following empires EXCEPT a. Han China c. Safavid Empire e. Russian Empire b. Ottoman Empire d. Mughal Empire

3. Sikhism is accurately defined as a religion that a. was native to Japan, but shared similar beliefs to Daoism b. flourished primarily in Southeast Asia c. originated in the Ottoman Empire as another major split in Islam d. originated in India, with a blend of Muslim and Hindu beliefs e. developed in Central America as a protest to Spanish-imposed Christianity 4. Which of the following decisions by the Portuguese most directly affected the Arab African cities of the east coast of Africa? a. to trade only from coastal centers b. to monopolize the Indian Ocean trade c. to set up an African trading network that included the interior trade routes of the Sahara

7. A dividing line drawn by the Pope to separate Portuguese and Spanish claims was established through the a. Edict of Nantes b. Treaty of Westphalia c. Treaty of Tordesillas d. Treaty of Paris e. Council of Trent 8. By the 16th century the center of commercial activity for Europeans had shifted from the Mediterranean to the

a. Black Sea c. Pacific Ocean e. Atlantic Ocean

b. Baltic Sea d. Indian Ocean

Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following picture

11. The successful return of Magellans ship Victoria to Spain in 1522 signaled that a. the Spanish were not to be the dominant force in the Americas b. Europeans were now positioned to make themselves masters of the oceans c. the English would come to dominate territories around the world d. Spain was now able to dominate trade with Asia e. Spain would soon eclipse England as the most powerful European power 12. The Portuguese were able to assert control over the Indian Ocean trade because a. they took over Aden, the city that centrally controlled most of the trade b. the constant warfare in the region allowed the disruption of traditional trade systems c. Portuguese trade goods were vastly superior to anything found in the region d. the people they traded with were nave and easily taken advantage of e. their ships and weapons were militarily superior to the lightly armed merchant dhows 13. All of the following factors contributed to the success of the Spanish in quickly creating a vast empire in the Americas EXCEPT: a. The Spanish assembled a large army that quickly overran the Western Hemisphere. b. The long isolation of the Americas made its inhabitants vulnerable to European diseases. c. The Spanish had superior military technology. d. They were motivated by their desire to convert the natives to Christianity. e. Only two empires great distances apart were strong enough to militarily challenge the Spanish. 14. The Renaissance philosophy of humanism emphasizes the importance of a. religious rather than secular teachings

9. Whose beard is being cut in the picture above? a. a French army officer during the French and Indian War b. a German mercenary during the American Revolution c. a Russian boyar during the reign of Peter the Great d. an Ottoman vizier by an English conqueror e. a Spanish naval officer during the conquest of his Armada 10. What is the main reason that the individuals beard is being cut? a. to make him comply with an official order intended to make his country modernize b. to make him pay homage to a conquering ruler c. at his request, to enable him to be named by his ruler as a member of the highest elite group d. as a requirement for all men who fight in the military e. as part of a sanitation measure in major ports of call along long-distance trading routes

b. the accomplishments and capabilities of individual human beings c. trade as the primary method of building wealth d. technological innovations e. the Muslim influence on the development of European thought

Question 15 & 16 are based on the following image

18. What was the main reason that the Edo court practiced alternate attendance? a. to contain the influence of Christian missionaries b. to ensure the samurais loyalty to the emperor c. to evaluate military preparedness d. to show deference to their overlords, the Chinese Qing family e. to ensure that the daimyos would be unable to overthrow the shogun 19. What was the main purpose of Zheng Hes voyages? a. to prove the seaworthiness of the Chinese ships b. to search for a passage to the Americas c. to defeat the pirates of Malacca so that sea travel would once again be safe d. to extend Chinas influence by bearing gifts and exacting tribute e. to visit Mecca and Muhammads grave 20. All of the following are reasons why discovery voyages ceased after Zheng Hes death EXCEPT: a. The sponsoring emperor also died. b. Confucian court officials resisted crosscultural contacts and trade. c. Court officials did not believe that Chinese sailors were sufficiently skilled to voyage any further than they did. d. War broke out in the Western provinces, so the government needed to spend money there. e. Court officials criticized Zheng Hes voyages for not being profitable. 21. Which of the following most clearly differentiates the period from 1450 to 1750 from earlier periods? a. decline of manorialism in western Europe b. the rise of the Seijuk Turks as a world power c. the inclusion of the Americas in the global trade network d. the opening of Japan to trade with the West

15. The main reason that this building was constructed between 1632 and 1649 was to serve as a. a place of worship for people of many faiths b. a palace for the ruler c. a mausoleum for the rulers dead wife d. an administrative building for the government e. a center of long-distance trade 16. The building was constructed in a place ruled by the a. Russian tsar c. Gupta emperor e. Mughal emperor b. Ottoman sultan d. Mongol khan

17. Which of the following was an important reason why the Ming Empire weakened and fell by the mid-1600s? a. A serious change of climate made southern China too hot to raise rice. b. The bulk of the Silk Road trade was captured and controlled by the Muslim Empires. c. The Portuguese and English were successful in capturing several of their southern ports. d. The Mongols regained power and resumed their attacks from the north and west. e. The last, but strongest, Ming ruler was killed by the Japanese.

e. the replacement of Romanesque architecture with the Gothic style in western Europe 22. By the end of the period from 1450 to 1750 the governments of Great Britain and France had which of the following characteristics in common? a. Both nations were constitutional monarchies. b. The power to levy taxes was controlled by the monarch in both nations. c. Neither nation had wide class differences. d. Both nations were absolute monarchies. e. Both nations had strong centralized governments 23. We have seen that kings take the place of God, who is the true father of the human species. We have also seen that the first idea of power which exists among men is that of the paternal power; and that kings are modeled on fathers. The above definition of kingship BEST fits the monarch of which of the following countries between 1450 and 1750? a. England c. Germany e. France b. Ireland d. Italy

24. The immediate reason for Luthers protest against the Catholic Church was a. the churchs practice of excommunication b. the churchs ban on usury c. the Papal refusal to permit Luther to marry d. church-sponsored sale of indulgences e. his support for German nationalism 25. Which of the following expresses Martin Luthers main philosophical disagreement with the Roman Catholic Church? a. He did not believe in infant baptism, a common practice of the church. b. He believed that the clergy were not well qualified to serve the church because their main concern was getting rich. c. He believed that the Church equated good works with salvation, and ignored the importance of faith. d. He disagreed with the churchs position that during communion the bread and wine literally changed into the body and blood of Jesus. e. He believed in predestination, and the church condemned this belief. 26. The Spanish Armadas defeat signaled the a. decline of Spains military dominance in Europe b. beginning of Spains global dominance c. end of the era of European naval power d. success of the Muslim invasion of western Europe e. rise of French military dominance in Europe 27. The Copernican universe at first found more critics than supporters largely because a. Copernicus was wrong b. it directly challenged popular beliefs c. Copernicus could not prove his theories empirically d. people did not trust his data because it came from Islamic scholars e. it challenged the intellectual synthesis of classical and biblical authorities.

28. Which of the following best describes the historical significance of the early modern period (1450-1750) in Europe? a. It was an era when the lives of ordinary Europeans improved significantly. b. In this era, women made much progress in gaining equality with men. c. Most European governments shifted from absolutism to constitutional monarchies. d. The balance of world power shifted from other areas of the world to European countries. e. Populations decreased, allowing standards of living to improve for those that survived. 29. Coercive labor systems were predominant in all of the following areas of the New World between 1450 and 1750 EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. e. the southern English colonies the northern English colonies the Caribbean Portuguese Brazil Spanish colonies of Central and South America

30. Which of the following groups had the highest social status in New Spain? a. peninsulares c. mestizos e. Amerindians b. creoles d. mulattoes

31. What was the Middle Passage? a. mid-priced tickets for the middle classes for passage from Europe to the Americas b. the route across the Central American isthmus that connected the gold and silver routes from Peru on the Pacific side to the Atlantic Ocean c. the trade route from the Caribbean to New England that carried molasses and sugar d. the trade route from Africa to the Americas where ships carried mainly slaves e. the route from European countries to the West African coast

32. Which of the following were products native to the New World that contributed the most to the Columbian Exchange? a. b. c. d. e. chocolate and bananas potatoes and corn (maize) horses and cows sugar and molasses wheat and rice

33. Why were women more in demand than men in the trans-Saharan slave trade? a. Women made better house servants than men did. b. Women were sold along with their children, so buyers got more slaves for their money. c. The slaves were destined to become concubines in lands that practiced polygamy. d. The women were less likely to die on the long trek across the desert to ports on the Mediterranean. e. The men were more likely to run away from their masters than the women.

34. Slave systems became much more prevalent in the New World during the 17th and early 18th century primarily as a result of the production of a. tobacco c. gold and silver e. sugar b. cotton d. corn

35. In which area(s) of the New World did slaves experience a natural increase (more births than deaths) during the 18th century? I. North America II. Caribbean III. Brazil a. I only c. II and III only e. I, II, and III b. I and II only d. I and III only

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