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Section 1 Learning and Teachers, and the Teaching and Learning Context A: Teaching and Learning Contexts

Types of Contexts

Task 1
1- In what context will you be doing the CELTA course? a- Lesson in group b- Multilingual groups c- Open groups d- Full time course e- Mixed ability groups f- Mixed gender groups g- Large class h- Day class i- Teachers with English speaking background 2- Do you know what context you will be teaching in after you finish the course? a- Lesson in group b- Monolingual groups c- closed groups d- Full time/ part time courses e- Mixed ability groups f- Mixed gender groups g- Large class h- Day/ evening class i- Teachers with English speaking background


The learners' cultural, linguistic and educational background

Adult learners

Task 2
1- Think about why you decided to teach adults. Adult learners bring a very different set of skills, knowledge, and expectations to the classroom than do children. Those differences can be tapped by the instructor to make the class more fruitful and productive for the learners. For example, the adult learner is primarily independent/self-directed in what he/she learns. The adult learner has

considerable experience to draw upon; by fact this provides opportunities for the adults to practice the language through working together and sharing their ideas/experiences in small groups. The adult learner is motivated from with him/herself; however challenging, it is fun to design a specially tailored reward system appealing to his/her motives behind learning English. Last but not least, discipline is smoothly and effortlessly achieved inside the class. 2- Think about what you, as an adult, bring to this learning situation. In the case of adult learning situation, the teacher primarily guides them through the tasks and ensures smooth transition through the different skills to be developed. For example, since adults are independent learners, I can provide them with handouts and materials that can help them learn on their own after the session is over. In addition to this, with the learners coming to class with variant life experiences, the teacher can provide equal opportunities for the learners to talk about why an idea/concept is or is not important to them depending on their background in life. 3- Look at your answers to questions 1 and 2 and use these ideas to help you write down what characterizes adult learners. y Characteristic #1: Adult learners are independent, self- motivated students y Characteristic #2: Adult learners have variant background life experiences that can enrich their discussions and help them practice the language on a wide scale. y Characteristic #3: Adult learners are also self- disciplined. Finding out about learners

Task 3
1- What would you want to find out about a group of learners that you had to teach so that you could plan your work? 1- Their age 2- Their gender 3- Educational backgrounds 4- Their career prospective 5- Their level of proficiency with the language. 6- Their motives behind learning the language 7- Their priorities when it comes to the four skills of learning. 2- How would you find out? 1- An application form would provide age, gender, educational background and career prospective. 2- A placement test should show their proficiency level 3- A needs' questionnaire might help with specifying their needs and what they expect from the course.



Motivation for learning English

Task 4
If you were teaching a group of learners, each of whom had different motivations for learning English, which learners would be the most challenging in terms of motivation? abcdeD: The ones who are studying to be able to pass public exams in an English-speaking country to so socialize with neighbors to involve themselves in their children's schooling to be able to understand English films, TV and song because of pressure from family The qualities and skills of a good language teacher

Task 5
Look at the list of qualities and skill that a teacher might have. Which do you think learners most often rate as top five? 12345builds rapport is patient gives clear information and feedback paces lessons to match the learners is sensitive to the culture and backgrounds of the learners

Section 2 Language Analysis and Awareness A Grammar

Task 6
Make a list of associations you have with the word "grammar" y y y y pattern fun rules form

Task 7
Look at the following sentences and decide which are correct. Write a correct version of the examples that are incorrect 1- We've been looking for you for ages 2- I've been to the movies last night (Correction: I went to the movies last night) 3- He often come late. (Correction: He often comes late) 4- They were waiting by the fountain. 5- Can I have a coffee black, please? (Correction: Can I have a black coffee, please? 6- People with 12 items or less can queue here. (Correct) (Incorrect) (Incorrect) (Correct) (Incorrect) (Correct)

Task 8

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