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ABSTRACT: The "3G" technology allows us to make the choice of exploring the telecommunication thro'high speed internet access,videophones,gsm,cdma,bluetooth

technology. This is suitable for voice and data applications including online multimedia and mobile e-commerce. In this manner it provides the "GLOBAL ROAMING". It enables us to transfer the info. at the rate of 2.05 Mbps which is much more than those offered by other standards like (.5G to 2.5G).It can also provide the tele-conference between many persons thro' Tdd & Fdd.The full -fledged use of EDGE is obtained in the "3G" technology. It even provides the use of Mpeg players in mobiles. This devolopment took place from anolog to the wireless technology. These technologies is helping the accelerate the evolution to "3G" mobile phones and infrastructure by providing the design tools, test equipment, and consulting services that are crucial for 3G mobile phone and infrastructure development, manufacturing, deployment, and operation. Inspite of this great devolopment in technology some well advanced countries like U.S. have not been using these wireless technologies.As ,they are provided with tele communications at the cheaper cost. Of all these applications of 3G communication the cost is not concerned much by the users. This "3G" is guaranteed as fun-ride in future thro' out.

3G TECHNOLOGY . The dream of 3G is to unify the world's mobile computing devices through a single, worldwide radio transmission standard. Imagine being able to go anywhere in the world secure in the knowledge that your mobile phone is compatible with the local system, a scenario known as "global roaming". Unfortunately, the process of unifying the numerous international standards has proved to be extremely difficult. After difficult negotiation, a 3G "standard" called IMT-2000 emerged as a rather unsatisfactory compromise. IMT-2000, in fact, represents several incompatible standards lumped together under one banner. The hope of IMT-2000 is that phones using these different standards will be able to move seamlessly between all networks, thus providing global roaming. The rather fragmented nature of IMT-2000 has resulted in a proliferation of confusion acronyms (e.g., TDMA, UMTS, EDGE) often referred to as "alphabet soup". Possibly the most important acronym to remember is "UMTS": this is the 3G standard for Europe and Japan.

UMTS is the successor to the current ultra-successful GSM mobile phone standard in Europe. UMTS is being very heavily sold as the 3G standard (some sources use the terms "3G" and "UMTS" synonymously, though this is really not correct and just adds to the confusion). The main global competitor to UMTS is CDMA2000, the 3G standard developed in the U.S. by Qualcomm. UMTS and CDMA2000 look set to battle it out for global supremacy. However, other less-publicised standards will not let those two have it all their own way. It is hoped that the following guide will act as a roadmap through the confusing subject of 3G standards. Let's start by stepping back a "G"... What is 3G Technology?


Wireless videophones and high-speed Internet access are a reality with the worlds first third generation mobile services, which were launchedon October 1 by NTT DoCoMo in Tokyo, Japan. What is 3G wireless? 3G wireless networks are capable of transferring data at speeds of up to 384Kbps. Average speeds for 3G networks will range between 64Kbps and 384Kbps, quite a jump when compared to common wireless data speeds in the U.S. that are often slower than a 14.4Kb modem. 3G is considered high-speed or broadband mobile Internet access, and in the future 3G networks are expected to reach speeds of more than 2Mbps. . Why is the U.S. so far behind the rest of the world?

The U.S. lags behind the rest of the world when it comes to wireless technologies for a number of reasons. The telecommunications infrastructure in the U.S. is more developed than many European and Asian countries. As a result, the demand for wireless devices has been lower in the U.S because consumers have other low-cost options.

Also, the U.S. has a number of competing technical standards for digital services, while European and Asian countries are predominately centered around one group of standards in the global systems for mobile communication (GSM) family. DIVISION MODES OF 3G Macro Cells, Micro Cells, and Pico Cells The 3G network might be divided up in hierarchical fashion: # # # Macro cell - the area of largest coverage, e.g., an entire city. Micro cell - the area of intermediate coverage, e.g., a city centre. Pico cell - the area of smallest coverage, e.g., a "hot spot" in a hotel or airport.

Why is there this sub-division of regions? It is because smaller regions (shorter ranges) allow higher user density and faster transmission rates. This is why they are called "hot spots". DEVELOPMENT OF EDGE THRO 3G. EDGE (Enhanced Data for Global Evolution) is another 2.5G upgrade path from GSM. EDGE is attractive for American operators as it is possible to upgrade to EDGE from both TDMA (IS-136) networks as well as from GSM. You might see the full EGDE standard referred to as UWC-136. EDGE data rates are three times faster than GPRS. Realistically, the maximum rate that EDGE will be able to achieve will be 150Kbps. Even so, EDGE might be used for some pseudo-3G networks (the minimum cut-off data rate for 3G systems is 144Kbps) though this is not generally regarded as a bona fide 3G solution (see here). As EDGE would be cheaper than a full-blown 3G solution, this makes it attractive, especially for operators which cannot afford a licence for the full 3G radio spectrum. Most notably, AT&T has announced it is to use EDGE. AT&T has claimed a maximum data rate of 384Kbps for EDGE, although experts point out that "this is based on the ideal scenario of one person using the network standing next to a base station"(!) (see here). AT&T's wireless division, after receiving a $9.8 billion stake from Japan's NTT DoCoMo i-mode service, plans to overlay the 3G standard, W-CDMA, onto their EDGE networks in the American market . Deploying EDGE might prove surprisingly complex - it's more than just a software upgrade. It may require additions to the hardware subsystems of base stations, changes to base station antennas, and possibly require the construction of new base stations. For these reasons, some GSM operators might not adopt EDGE but might migrate from GSM or GPRS directly to the 3G standard (W-CDMA, considered later).

TYPES OF 3G. 3G technologies are turning phonesand other devicesinto multmedia players, making it possible to download music and video clips. The new service is called the FREEDOM OF MOBILE MULTIMEDIA ACCESS (FOMA). # FOMA: FOMA services are available in a 20-mile radius around the center of Tokyo, the company plans to introduce it to other Japanese cities by the end of the year. But services and phones are expensive and uptake of this market is expected to be slow.

NEW FOMA HANDSET # W-CDMA: It uses wideband CODE DIVISON MULTIPLE ACCESS (W-CDMA) technology to transfer data over its networks. W-CDMA sends data in a digital format over a range of frequencies, which makes the data move faster, but also uses more bandwidth than digital voice services. W-CDMA is not the only 3G technology; competing technologies include CDMAOne, which differs technically, but should provide similar services. The terrestrial part of UMTS (i.e., non-satellite) is known as UTRA (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access - don'tcha just love acronyms made from other acronyms!). The FDD component of UTRA is based on the W-CDMA standard (a.k.a. UTRA FDD). This offers very high (theoretical!) data rates up to 2Mbit/sec (the rumour is that the achievable rate is far lower: W-CDMA systems have been plagued with technical difficulties). The TDD component of UTRA is called TDCDMA (or UTRA TDD) and will be considered later. The standardisation work for UMTS is being carried-out under the supervision of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). THIRD GENERATION WIRELESS A group of wireless technologies that move from circuit-switched communications to wireless broadband,high-speed, packet-based networks. These are preceded by first generation analog, and second-generation digital, communication technologies. The most interesting & useful aspect of 3G wireless technology is its ability to unify existing cellular standards such as GSM, CDMA and TDMA THE 3G STANDARD- THE 3G CHOICE IS CDMA In 1999, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) approved an industry standard for third-generation (3G) wireless networks. This standard, called International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000), consists of 5 operating modes, including 3 based on Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology. These 3G CDMA modes are most commonly known as CDMA2000, WCDMA and TD-SCDMA.Since 3G CDMA efficiently provides high quality voice services and high-

speed packet data access, it is the preferred technology for 3G. And of all the 3G operating modes, WCDMA and CDMA2000 are by far the most dominant in terms of current commercial services, operator deployment plans and vendor support. TDMAVS CDMA We have considered how a mobile phone can send and receive calls at the same time (via an uplink and a downlink). Now we will examine how many users can be multiplexed into the same channel (i.e., share the channel) without getting interference from other users, a capability called multiple access. For 3G technology, there are basically two competing technologies to achieve multiple access: TDMA and CDMA. # TDMA: TDMA is Time Division Multiple Access. It works by dividing a single radio frequency into many small time slots. Each caller is assigned a specific time slot for transmission. Again, because of the rapid switching, each caller has the impression of having exclusive use of the channel. # CDMA: CDMA is Code Division Multiple Access. CDMA works by giving each user a unique code. The signals from all the users can then be spread over a wide frequency band. The transmitting frequency for any one user is not fixed but is allowed to vary within the limits of the band. The receiver has knowledge of the sender's unique code, and is therefore able to extract the correct signal no matter what the frequency. This technique of spreading a signal over a wide frequency band is known as SPREAD SPECTRUM . The advantage of spread spectrum is that it is resistant to interference - if a source of interference blocks one frequency, the signal can still get through on another frequency. Spread spectrum signals are therefore difficult to jam, and it is not surprising that this technology was developed for military uses. Finally, let's consider another robust technology originally developed by the military which is finding application with 3G:PACKET SWITCHING,CIRCUIT SWITCHING. Circuit Switching vs. Packet Switching The physical path connecting the users at the two Traditional connections for voice communications require a ends of the line, and that path stays open until the conversation ends. This method of connecting a transmitter and receiver by giving them exclusive access to a direct connection is called circuit switching Most modern networking technology is radically different from this traditional model because it uses packet data. Packet data is information which is: chopped into pieces (packets),given a destination address, mixed with other data from other sources, transmitted over a line with all the other data, reconstituted at the other end. Packet-switched networks chop the telephone conversation into discrete "packets" of data like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, and those pieces are reassembled to recreate the original conversation. Packet data was originally developed as the technology behind the Internet.

A data packet.

The major part of a packet's contents is reserved for the data to be transmitted. This part is called the payload. In general, the data to be transmitted is arbitrarily chopped-up into payloads of the same size. At the start of the packet is a smaller area called a header. The header is vital because the header contains the address of the packet's intended recipient. This means that packets from many different phone users can be mixed into the same transmission channel, and correctly sorted at the other end. There is no longer a need for a constant, exclusive, direct channel between the sender and the receiver. Packet data is added to the channel only when there is something to send, and the user is only charged for the amount of data sent. For example, when reading a small article, the user will only pay for what's been sent or received. However, both the sender and the receiver get the impression of a communications channel which is "always on". On the downside, packets can only be added to the channel where there is an empty slot in the channel, leading to the fact that a guaranteed speed cannot be given. The resultant delays pose a problem for voice transmission over packet networks, and is the reason why internet pages can be slow to load. CDMA2000

RELIANCE LAUNCHES 1ST 3G CDMA IN INDIA. The chief competitor to Europe's UMTS standard is San Diego-based Qualcomm's CDMA2000 (Qualcomm have done quite well out of CDMA - see here). The standardisation work for CDMA2000 is being carried-out under the supervision of the Third Generation Partnership Project 2, (3GPP2). The CDMA Development Group offers advice to 3GPP2. Even though "W-CDMA" and "CDMA2000" both have "CDMA" in their names, they are completely different systems using different technologies. However, it is hoped that mobile devices using the two systems will be able to talk to each other. CDMA2000 has two phases: phase one is 1XRTT (144 Kbps) (also known as 1X), and this can be upgraded to phase two, 3XRTT (2Mbps) (also known as 3X).

The next evolutionary step is to the two CDMA2000 1X EV ("EV" = "Evolution") standards. CDMA2000 1X EV-DO ("Data Only") will use separate frequencies for data and voice. The following step is to CDMA2000 1X EV-DV ("Data and Voice") which will integrate voice and data on the same frequency band. South Korea's SK Telecom launched the world's first 3G system in October 2000. Their system is based on CDMA2000 1X. They were followed by LG Telecom and KT Freetel (both Korean). Operational 3G systems based on CDMA2000 1X are now appearing around the world. Verizon has launched CDMA2000 1X in major east and west coast markets in the US (their socalled Wireless Express), and are starting trials of 1X EV-DO in the Washington, D.C. area. Sprint have just launched the first nationwide CDMA2000 1X service called PCS Vision. Their latest phone is the Sanyo VM4500 which allows you to record 15-second videos and send them to other PCS Vision phones. TD-CDMA/TD-SCDMA The UMTS standard also contains another radio transmission standard which is rarely mentioned: TD-CDMA (a.k.a. TDD UTRA because it is the TDD component of UTRA). TD-CDMA was developed by Siemens. While W-CDMA is an FDD technology (requiring paired spectrum), TD-CDMA is a TDD technology and thus can use unpaired spectrum (see the section on 3G Technology for an explanation of TDD and FDD). TDD is well-suited to the transmission of internet data (see the section on symmetric transmission vs. asymmetric transmission for an explanation). China has more mobile phone users than any other country in the world, so anything China does in 3G cannot be ignored. The Chinese national 3G standard is a TDD standard similar to TD-CDMA: TD-SCDMA. TD-SCDMA was developed by the China Academy of Telecommunications Technology (CATT) in collaboration with Siemens. TD-SCDMA elimates the uplink/downlink interference which affects other TDD methods by applying "terminal synchonisation" techniques (the "S" in TD-SCDMA stands for "synchronisation"). Because of this, TD-SCDMA allows full network coverage over macro cells, micro cells, and pico cells. Hence, TD-SCDMA stands alongside W-CDMA and CDMA2000 as a fully-fledged 3G standard. The 3GPP have extended the TD-CDMA standard to include TD-SCDMA as an official IMT-2000 standard. TD-SCDMA will not have it all its own way in China: it may find it difficult to compete with W-CDMA and CDMA2000, unless Chinese politics plays a part. ADVANTAGES 3rd Generation Wireless Networks A new breed of wireless networks with higher speed and capacity than 2G that are being planned, designed and deployed in different countries now (2002). These networks are in higher frequency band (2 GHz and beyond) with larger bandwidth (around 5 MHZ) than 2G will provide higher speeds up to 2 Mbps in a fixed or stationary wireless environment and at 384Kbps in a mobile environment. hope to converge towards one international standard for 3G. This is unlikely to be fulfilled soon because of vendors' self interests, existing infrastructure dependencies and migration steps like 2.5G GSM/GPRS, 1xRTT CDMA, Edge, etc. before a common UMTS network becomes pervasive.

PROCESS OF TRANSFER APPLICATIONS OF 3G: # ITS USAGE: Millions of users worldwide : In October 2000, South Korea's SK Telecom launched the world's first commercial IMT-2000 3G service using CDMA2000 1X. NTT DoCoMo of Japan launched one year later, based on WCDMA. SK Telecom was first again with CDMA2000 1xEV-DO in January 2002, offering wireless access to multimedia content at broadband speeds. Each of these technologies now has millions of active users. Around the world, 3G CDMA operators are generating revenues and increasing their average revenues per users (ARPUs) from 3G CDMA data applications. Network operators & telecommunications service providers are embracing the recently adopted global third generation (3G) wireless standards in order to cater to emerging user demands and to offer new services to their customers.3G wireless technology represents a shift from voice-centric services to multimedia-oriented like video, voice, data, fax services.

MULTIMEDIA ACCESSING. BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY #what is Bluetooth technology and why it is important for so many types of consumer electronics devices. Since it was first officially standardized in 1999, the Bluetooth market has grown to more than 35 million devices per year. You will find out how Bluetooth devices can automatically locate nearby Bluetooth devices, authenticates them, discover their capabilities, and the process used to setup connections with them. You will learn how the use of standard profiles allows Bluetooth devices from different manufacturers to communicate with each other and work together in the

same way. This book explains how Bluetooths spread spectrum technology allows Bluetooth devices to share the frequency band with wireless LANs, microwave ovens, cordless telephones and more. blue application programming with java:.. Bluetooth technology allows a variety of devices, from cell phones to PDAs to desktop computers, to communicate with each other without connecting them via cables. Bluetooth has more applications in the mobile and embedded devices area where, according to industry observers, 80% of mobile phones will support Java by 2006. The reason for this is two-fold: the number of Java developers (and their technology demands) are increasingly on the rise and the standard Application Programming Interface (API) for Bluetooth technology was just defined for the Java programming language in February 2002. This book explains how to program to this API, gives details on why it was created, how it will help exploit the power of Java and Bluetooth, and show how to create an implementation of a device.

1ST WORLDS I-MATE PDA PHONE Getting started wih bluetooth:.. As the world continues to become more mobile and business is conducted in the blink of an eye, a new system is taking communication one step further. Bluetooth technology unites computing with telecommunication. This innovative breakthrough eliminates the need for cables by using short-range radio links. Equipped with features such as robustness, low complexity, low power and low cost, this technology incorporates any digital device, including PDAs and printers, into the Bluetooth system. Getting Started with Bluetooth teaches you concepts about Bluetooth specifications, devices, and architecture, giving you the knowledge to gain a competitive edge! Bluetooth operation and use:. Packed with priceless experience, Bluetooth Operation and Use cuts the time it takes you to Implement wireless cable for phones, other handhelds, and portables Build futuristic Bluetooth appsfor refrigerators that update PDA shopping lists, PDAs that survey local stores for the best prices, and as many others as you can dream up Examine operational characteristics in detail Solve security issues Get technical insights on Bluetooth's coexistence with other wireless devices Find the facts you want on packet structure, paging, host interfacing, and designing and testing the Bluetooth module Probe the math behind the specifications for further research . Future Bluetooth uses: One of the ways Bluetooth technology may become useful is in Voice over IP. When VOIP becomes more widespread, companies may find it necessary to employ telephones physically similar to today's analogue telephone hardware. Bluetooth may then end up being used for communication between a cordless phone and a computer listening for VOIP and with an infrared PCI card acting as a base for the

cordless phone. The cordless phone would then just require a cradle for charging. Bluetooth would naturally be used here to allow the cordless phone to remain operational for a reasonably long period. Will 3G Really Be the Next Big Wireless Technology? FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY In the late 1970s and early 1980s, consumer wireless communications began to take off. The early mobile phones used first-generation technology, which was analog, circuitbased, narrowband, and suitable only for voice communications. For the past few years, commercial wireless devices have used second-generation technology, which is digital, circuit-based, narrowband, and suitable for voice and limited data communications. The key question now is: What comes next? Many vendors and industry observers have assumed that the next important wireless approach will be 3G technology, suitable for voice and advanced data applications, including online multimedia and mobile e-commerce. While 3G is generally associated with mobile wireless, it could also be used with fixed wireless, such as LMDS and MMDS (local and multichannel multipoint distribution services). 3G promises transmission speeds of up to 2.05 Mbits per second in stationary applications, 384 Kbits per second for slow-moving users, and 128 Kbits per second for users in vehicles. 3G is thus considerably faster than 2 and 2.5G technology, 3G wireless technology promises maximum data rates of 2.05 Mbits per second, which is much more than the throughput that 2.5G and 2G approaches offer. 3G technology comprises three primary standards: W-CDMA (wideband codedivision multiple access), CDMA2000, and TD-CDMA (time-division CDMA). Each standard is based on and provides an upgrade path for |t least one of today's primary wireless interfaces: TDMA (timedivision multiple-access), GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), and CDMA. Referring to the 3G standards, Sam Samra, senior director of the CDMA Developers'Group, said, "They have some commonalities, [but] they are not fully compatible with each other at the air-interface (radio-transmission) level. The modulation is done differently." 3G standards The basic 3G standards were developed largely by the private sector rather than formal standards organizations. However, the International Telecommunication Union has adopted International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT-2000) to formally standardize the already developed 3G-wireless flavors, to let them offer a consistent set of services throughout the world, and to provide a roadmap for upgrades. Most of Europe and Japan have settled on W-CDMA, an upgrade to the GSM standard widely used in those areas. Korea, an early 3G adopter, will use W-CDMA and CDMA2000, according to Samra. TD-CDMA probably will be used only in China, where the specification was developed, he noted. The US is working with all three major 3G standards. When a region adopts a single standard, users can "roam" with the technology throughout the area and there is no splintering of support and usage. However, others say multiple standards let users adopt the technology with which they prefer to work and determine which, if any, should become dominant. However, leading US carriers, such as AT&T, already appear to be leaning toward WCDMA, which could make it the dominant global 3G technology in the near future. DOUBTS,DELAYS AND SETBACKS: The first carriers trying to implement 3G have experienced numerous problems and delays, not all directly related to the wireless technology itself.

Last spring, British Telecommunications postponed the rollout by subsidiary Manx Telecom of the world's first commercial 3G phone network on the Isle of Man, an island of about 75,000 residents located between northern England and Ireland. In December, Manx finally switched on its full 3G network, the first in Europe to go live. Also last spring, Japan's NTT DoCoMo planned to introduce its next-generation mobile system, based on W-CDMA. However, the company decided to delay commercial activation of the system until 1 October 2001. Meanwhile, NTT DoCoMo had to recall a number of 3G videophones because of a software malfunction. And Vodafone, the world's biggest wireless carrier, said recently it may not be able to launch 3G services until 2003, largely because there has been a shortage of handsets. These delays have caused the 3G concept to lose steam in the marketplace recently, noted Ken Hyers, senior analyst with the mobile-commerce service at Cahners In-Stat, a market research firm. "I would say these problems have brought a healthy dose of realism to the market. This is new technology being aggressively deployed, and there will be bugs," said senior analyst Charles Golvin with Forrester Research. "The net result is that timetables, uptake projections, and application deployment are now more reasonable." THREATS TO 3G:.. A variety of factors will decide whether 3G will succeed as the nextgeneration wireless technology. In discussing this, AT&T's Henry repeated the saying that the frequent determinants of a technology's success are "60 percent government regulation, 40 percent economics, and the rest, technology." In other words, he said, the best technology doesn't always win, and technological factors don't always decide the outcome. With this in mind, a number of factors appear key to the battle over next-generation wireless technology. For example, the US government has been having trouble finding available 3G spectrum to sell to service providers. The US Defense Department, government agencies, schools, and health facilities are using some of the spectra identified as potentially suitable for 3G, as are other types of wireless communications. However, after the September 11 terrorist attacks, the US military is not likely to give up its share of potential 3G spectrum for videoconferencing on mobile phones, said Chief Executive Officer Jane Zweig of The Shosteck Group, a consultancy specializing in wireless technology.

3G radio transmission technologies (RTTs). Simplex vs. Duplex When people use walkie-talkie radios to communicate, only one person can talk at a time (the person doing the talking has to press a button). This is because walkie-talkie radios only use one communication frequency - a form of communication known as simplex: # Simplex: Using a walkie-talkie you have to push a button to talk one-way. Of course, this is not how mobile phones work. Mobile phones allow simultaneous two-way transfer of data - a situation known as duplex (if more than two data streams can be transmitted, it is called multiplex): # Duplex: Allows simultaneous two-way data transfers. The communication channel from the base station to the mobile device is called the downlink, and the communication from the mobile device back to the base station is called the uplink.

/*How can duplex communication be achieved?*/ # TDD and FDD. Wireless duplexing has been traditionally implemented by dedicating two separate frequency bands: one band for the uplink and one band for the downlink (this arrangement of frequency bands is called paired spectrum). This technique is called Frequency Division Duplex, or FDD. The two bands are separated by a "guard band" which provides isolation of the two signals: # FDD: # Symmetric Transmission vs. Asymmetric Transmission Data transmission is symmetric if the data in the downlink and the data in the uplink is transmitted at the same data rate. This will probably be the case for voice transmission - the same amount of data is sent both ways. However, for internet connections or broadcast data (e.g., streaming video), it is likely that more data will be sent from the server to the mobile device (the downlink). Uses paired spectrum - one frequency band for the uplink, one frequency band for the downlink. # COMPARISION WITH OTHER STANDARDS # 2G Standards

The existing mobile phone market is referred to as the "second generation" of digital mobile communications, or "2G" (analogue mobile phones were "1G"). The European market is controlled by the Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) digital wireless standard. This uses TDMA as its radio transmission technology (RTT) (see the section on 3G Technology for a description of TDMA). GSM has proven to be the great success story of mobile standards as it has become the unifying standard in Europe - it is possible to use one phone throughout Western Europe. Because of the number of wireless users are in Europe this has greatly strengthened GSM's position as the basis for a potential global standard. The hegemony of GSM has resulted in Finland's Nokia and the UK's Vodafone becoming the powerhouses of the wireless economy. In North America the situation is not nearly so unified. The situation is divided three-ways between GSM, a TDMA-based system from AT&T Wireless (IS-136), and a CDMA system called CDMAone (IS-95A) from Sprint and Verizon. This confusion of standards has resulted in the reduced popularity of "cellphones" in the US. 2G data transmission rates do not exceed 9.6Kbps (kilobits per second). This is not nearly fast enough to achieve complex 3G functionality. # 2.5G Standards The transition from 2G to 3G is technically extremely challenging (requiring the development of radically new transmission technologies), and highly expensive (requiring vast capital outlay on new infrastructure). For both of these reasons it makes sense to move to 3G via intermediate 2.5G standards. 2.5G radio transmission technology is radically different from 2G technology because it uses packet switching (see the section on 3G Technology for an explanation of packet switching). GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is the European 2.5G standard, the upgrade from GSM. GPRS overlays a packet-switched architecture onto the GSM circuit-switched architecture. It is a useful evolutionary step on the road to 3G because it gives telecoms operators experience of operating packet networks, and charging for packet data. Data transfer rates will reach 50Kbps.

# 3G Standards The 3G standard was created by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and is called IMT-2000. The aim of IMT-2000 is to harmonize worldwide 3G systems to provide global roaming. However, as was explained in the introduction to this section, harmonizing so many different standards proved extremely difficult. As a result, what we have been left with is five different standards grouped together under the IMT-2000 label: #W-CDMA #TD-CDMA/TD-SCDMA #UWC-136 #DECT At this point, the definition of what is and what isn't "3G" becomes somewhat murky. Of these five standards, only three allow full network coverage over macro cells, micro cells and pico cells and can thus be considered as full 3G solutions: W-CDMA, CDMA2000, and TD-SCDMA. Of the remainder, DECT is used for those cordless phones you have in the house, and could be used for 3G short-range "hot-spots" (hence, it could be considered as being "part of a 3G network"), but it does not allow full network coverage so is not considered further here. And UWC-136 is another name for EDGE which is generally considered to be a 2.5G solution and was considered in the previous section. Evolution From 2G to 3G Current 2G GSM networks ---->Wideband CDMA (W-CDMA) for 3G Current TDMA networks (e.g. AT&T's TDMA network) -----> W-CDMA IS-95 (Non-Wideband CDMA) ----> cdma2000 Pressures from the market and user organization will lead to interoperation between WCDMA and cdma2000 networks. However vendors and network carriers will posture and shout for the superiority of their respective technologies. Ideally we should have one standard and one network technology that is superior but that is asking for an ideal business world. We urge user organizations to exert their natural right to force carriers to build one logical 3G network with roaming and interoperability even if this network consists of multiple physical networks. Status Of 3G Network Plans in North America (January 2002) 3G GSM Trials by Microcell - a wireless network service provider in Canada is piloting a 3G network in Montreal now (1999-2000). Go to MobileInfo.Com's interview with Microcell Network Planning executives on the status and findings from this trial. 3G networks, when fully implemented (2 to 5 years), will move mobile computing to a new level of performance and capacity. Meanwhile, wireless applications should be implemented carefully. Choose your communications middleware vendor who will allow you to migrate to future networks without application-level changes. Continue to invest in optimizing your wireless network traffic. approximately 25-38 Kbps with GPRS or faster speed with 1xRTT CDMA alternative is more than adequate speed for well-designed transaction-based applications. These interim 2.5G networks can be, in fact, good enough for many optimized multi-media applications where use of graphics is to enhance the current wireless data application user interface. Rich multi-media applications will be affordable in terms of capacity and price only in future. For a reliable production-level national footprint, 3G networks will take longer than industry forecasts. There is significant market development work, business case work for huge investments required and finally engineering work for implementing networks. Each step takes time. First you will see GPRS or Edge in GSM sector. CDMA 1xRTT (Qualcomm technology) that provides higher #CDMA2000

spectral efficiency is being implemented by a number of carriers in USA and Europe. By 2003-2005 timeframe, you will see 3G coverage only in high-population areas. There is still lack of uniform standards and differences in technologies being employed especially in North America. User organizations should plan for using the capacity of future wireless networks only after detailed analysis of service providers network implementation plans, planned coverage and agreements with other network operators to provide national coverage under one umbrella. Perhaps hybrid network strategy is your best bet. No single network technology or operator will meet all your wireless network needs. North America will continue to have multiple technologies and standards Europe will stay ahead for the next four years. 3G standards will be adopted earlier in Europe and Japan before North America. Wireless multi-media applications must be carefully analyzed from business case point of view. Only selected few applications will become affordable on projected cost structure. However widespread use of wireless multi-media as a general-purpose business application will stay as a target opportunity for the next 6-8 years. We also feel that based on queuing theory projections of similar telecommunications systems, effective data rate will drop significantly below 350 Kbps forecasts with large number of users per cell. Nonetheless, 3G will bring a quantum improvement from where we are. If you are a wireless network provider, do plan for these networks quickly. They are going to happen as fast as network service providers can roll them out. If you do not do it, your competitor will do it. If you are a network service provider, price these wireless data services (2.5 G and 3G) low and breakeven period longer. You should be in it for the long haul. Please keep in mind what happened to Iridium. If you are in an end user organization, develop your applications carefully - optimize data stream, user interface, transaction flow, minimize multi-media, allow for wireless network interruptions, disconnected mode, and persistent transaction recovery. Put your best design team on wireless application - it is not a piece of cake as some would have you believe. # DISADVANTAGES OF 3G: 3G wireless services also require additional bandwidth (compared to 2G services), but many U.S. wireless companies do not have licenses for enough airwaves to provide such services. # 3G CONCEPT PHONE The term 3G is short for third-generation wireless technology-a technology that will help bring together two of the world's fastest-growing industries-mobile communications and the wireless Internet. Advanced 3G handsets will allow users to access music, photos, and videos while on the move. The long-term goal of 3G technology is to create a unified worldwide standard that allows for global roaming. However, with the numerous standards in existence today, reaching this goal will definitely be a challenge. # CONCLUSION: AS, the 2.5G offers data rates up to 115Kbps. 3G is preffered. # Evolution to 3G: Where We've Been, Where We're Going The road to third-generation technologies will twist and turn, but one thing is for certain: it' s going to be a fun ride.

Today there are a variety of mobile phone standards operating throughout the globe. Consumers cannot travel from one country to the next without having multiple phones in tow to comply with these multiple standards. However, a new standard is in the works-one that not only brings us closer to the concept of global roaming, but also provides a bigger data/voice pipeline to accelerate Internet-enabled mobile devices. This emerging standard, now in development and soon to begin initial deployment, is known as 3G. 3G technologies open up a whole new world of possibilities for wireless operators, now that wireless networks are not restricted to voice-only systems. The data capabilities of 3G systems allow operators to take advantage of the explosive growth potential the Internet has provided to traditional wireline operators over the last five years. For example, consider the convergence of digital camera technology and mobile phones, which allows for near-instantaneous swapping of photo files. Or, the inclusion of MPEG3 players in mobile phones, which enables MPEG3 downloads and playback on the go. Where We Have Been. The first generation of cellular phones was based on frequency modulated (FM) analog technology. Most countries developed their own systems, but while these phones allowed for roaming within one region, they could not be used across different countries. Where Are We Now? Today, the various 2G technologies are attempting to migrate to the 3G standards. The migration path from GSM to 3G is largely dependent on what spectrum is available. If operators can secure a new spectrum in the IMT-2000 band, the 3G technology of choice will be Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA). W-CDMA is the radio access technology selected by ETSI for wideband radio access to support 3G multimedia services. If a new spectrum is not secured in the IMT-2000 band, the migration path is to the Enhanced Data for Global Evolution (EDGE) system. EDGE is a new air modulation technology that is considered a "stepping stone" to 3G wireless communications. This technology can be overlaid on top of an existing spectrum to support data rates up to 384 kbps. # FUTURE OF 3G The 3G wireless world is accelerating. 3G Technology mobile communications is changing the way the world communicates. Called 3G Wireless (for 3rd generation), these technologies will allow development of new 3G mobile phones, wireless systems, and devices that combine voice, Internet, and multimedia services. Agilent Technologies is helping accelerate the evolution to 3G mobile phones and infrastructure by providing the design tools, test equipment, and consulting services that are crucial for 3G mobile phone and infrastructure development, manufacturing, deployment, and operation.

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