Pronto Concept: Event Management in India

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In this changing scenario, time has come when Specialization has become the most important word to perform any activity. Be it from Human Resource to Hotel management, from catering to consultancy, from merchandise to real estate. Similar is a new field in the making known as Event Management Services and company providing these services is known as Event Management Company (EMC).
IMAGINE a ramp that creaks like a rickety staircase, arc lights that blink

incessantly, smoke bombs that refuse to explode, models who trip on the catwalk, a music system that is an acoustic nightmare, and a jury that gets into a mix-up in the run-up to the results. It is such fiascos that make us knock on the doors of an event manager, the Mr. Fix-it who carries an event from inception to fruition, taking care of all the hiccups.
As the name suggests, event management is all about planning, organizing

and executing an event, which facilitates brand bonding with the consumer. The event, of course, could take the form of an exhibition, an exposition, a concert, a rock show or a cricket match.

A regular event management company has five departments 1)CLIENT SERRICING It involves interaction with the client and understanding his needs. 2)PRODUCTION It involves managing back-end jobs like stage fabrication, sound and lights, projections etc.

3)CREATIVE It involves visualization and formulation of the appropriate message and the relevant ambience. 4)OPERATION It involves dealing with vendors and managing the artists. 5)SALES AND MARKETING It involves gathering marketing intelligence and making the sales pitch.

E E T AAE E T NUT Y VN MNGMN I DSR LF C C E T G I E Y L SAE M ut a ry t i 4 % Gw r t o h 1% 6

Dc n g el i i n 0 %

I touto n dci n r Gw r t o h M ui y a rt t Dc n g el i i n

I tout n dci r o n 8% 0

The pie diagram clearly shows that the maximum response of the respondents was for Introduction stage as the Industrial Life Cycle stage of Event Management Industry in India.. Since no one believes that Event Management Industry is in Declining stage, therefore, there is no portion of declining stage in the pie chart, hence not visible


Water harvesting In the present scenario management and distribution of water has become centralized. People depend on government system, which has resulted in disruption of community participation in water management and collapse of traditional water harvesting system.

As the water crisis continues to become severe, there is a dire need of reform in water management system and revival of traditional systems. Scientific and technological studies needs to be carried out to assess present status so as to suggest suitable mitigative measures for the revival to traditional system/wisdom. Revival process should necessarily be backed by people's initiative and active public participation.

Living creatures of the universe are made of five basic elements, viz., Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Sky, Obviously, water is one of the most important elements and no creature can survive without it. Despite having a great regard for water, we seem to have failed to address this sector seriously. Human being could not save and conserve water and it sources, probably because of its availability in abundance. But this irresponsible attitude resulted in deterioration of water bodies with respect to quantity and quality both. Now, situation has arrived when even a single drop of water matters. However. " better late than never", we have not realized the seriousness of this issue and initiated efforts to overcome those problems. System of collection rainwater and conserving for future needs has traditionally been practiced in India. The traditional systems were time-tested wisdom of not only appropriate technology of Rainwater Harvesting, but also water management systems, where conservation of water was the prime concern. Traditional water harvesting systems were Bawaries, step wells, jhiries, lakes, tanks etc. These were the water storage bodies to domestic and irrigation demands. People were themselves responsible for maintenance to water sources and optimal use of water that could fulfill their needs.

RAIN WATER HARVESTING Rainwater harvesting is the process of collecting, filtering and storing water from roof tops, paved and unpaved areas for multiple uses. The harvested water can also be used for potable purposes after testing and treatment. The surplus water after usage can be used for recharging ground water aquifer through artificial recharge techniques. This can also result in improving the quality of the ground water e.g. lower fluoride content in ground water. Rainwater harvesting mechanisms are designed after assessing the site conditions such as incident rainfall, subsurface strata and their storage characteristics, infiltration test and by building suitable structures to collect and store rainwater. Rainwater harvesting system provides a source of soft, high quality water, reduce dependence on wells and other sources, and, in many contexts, are cost effective. Rainwater harvesting system can range in size from a simple PVC tank to a contractor designed and built sump - costing thousand of rupees. Rainwater system are inherently simple in form. Harvesting rainwater is not only water conserving, it is also energy saving since the energy input required to operate a centralized water system can be bypassed. A range of filters for different filtration rates have also been designed using different filter media.

The Potential


The total amount of water that is received in the form of rainfall over an area is called the rainwater endowment of that area. Out of this, the amount that can be effectively harvested is called the water harvesting potential.

Influencing factor
Among the several factors that influence the rainwater harvesting potential of a site, eco-climatic conditions and the catchment characteristics are considered to be the most important.

a. Rainfall
i)Quantity: Rainfall is the most unpredictable variable in the calculation and hence, to determine the potential rainwater supply for a given catchment, reliable rainfall data are required, preferably for a period of at least10 years. Also, it would be far better to use rainfall data from the nearest station with comparable conditions. ii) Pattern: The number of annual rainy days also influences the need and design for rainwater harvesting. The fewer the annual rainy days or longer the dry period, the more the need for rainwater collection in a region. However, if the dry period is too long, big storage tanks would be needed to store rainwater. Hence in such regions, it is more feasible to use rainwater to recharge groundwater aquifers rather than for storage.


b. Catchment area characteristics

Runoff depends upon the area and type of the catchment over which it falls as well as surface features. All calculations relating to the performance of rainwater catchment systems involve the use of runoff coefficient to account for losses due to spillage, leakage, infiltration, catchment surface wetting and evaporation, which will all contribute to reducing the amount of runoff. (Runoff coefficient for any catchment is the ratio of the volume of water that runs off a surface to the volume of rainfall that falls on the surface).

Runoff coefficients for various catchment surfaces

Type of Catchment Roof Catchments 0.8- 0.9 -Tiles - Corrugated metal sheets Ground surface coverings - Concrete - Brick pavement Untreated ground catchments - Soil on slopes less than 10 per cent - Rocky natural catchments Untreated ground catchments - Soil on slopes less than 10 per cent - Rocky natural catchments 1.0 - 0.3 0.2 - 0.5 0.0 - 0.3 0.2 - 0.5 0.6- 0.8 0.5- 0.6 0.7- 0.9 Coefficients

Source : Pacey, Arnold and Cullis, Adrian 1989, Rainwater Harvesting: The collection of rainfall and runoff in rural areas, Intermediate Technology Publications, London Based on the above factors the water harvesting potential of a site could be estimated using the formula given below.

Water harvesting potential = Rainfall (mm) x Area of catchment x Runoff coefficient

Proficiency Of Custom Software Development In It Sector


For a business, it is necessary to provide something new to the customers. It can be software, which is specifically meant to serve their business needs or personal needs. Let us discuss business needs first. For business houses, custom software development service includes programming, designing and consultancy services. This is the need of the times and one need to well verse with different aspects of software developmentand see that clients from all verticals are benefited from it. Many of us would be thinking why for ourpersonal needs we would require software. Personal software programs are required for managing theaccounts, and for storing all important information like passwords, security numbers, etc. In India there are many proficient companies engaged in custom software development in IT sector. They have experience, expertise in providing complete software solutions to the clients. In custom software Development Company, firstly look whether they can meet your needs well or not. For example, if you want software for business to business then see can they offer you with applicationfacility or not. They should have the aptitude for making managements systems for Supply Chain,Product Catalog, content management, knowledge based management, etc. For any business office, automation software is very important, so see whether they have the expertise to develop software programs or not? For your Business to consumer business, order they should have experience in developing customized shopping cart software, order entry and fulfillment systems. If you are a financial investment company or for your finance department you are looking

for software then see their competency in developing a software that can used for making budgets, financial analyzing , valuation, forecasting, and final reporting. Secondly do they have the knowledge f developing software for different industry verticals or not. Beside the experience of company in developing customized software, it is necessary to check theirrecord of accomplishment in terms of functionality, management of the project, deadlines, and cost.These are some factors that tell help us in knowing about the proficiency of company in developmentof Custom Software Development in IT Sector.


A History of Information Technology and Systems. Four basic periods was characterized by a principal technology used to solve the input, processing, output and communication problems of the time were 1.Premechanical, 2.Mechanical,

3. Electromechanical, and 4. Electronic

1. The Premechanical Age: 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.

This is the first period were writing and alphabetscommunication existed where first humans communicated only through speaking and picture drawings. Later in 3000 B.C., the Sumerians in Mesopotamia (what is today southern Iraq) devised cuniform. Around 2000 B.C., Phoenicians created symbols .The Greeks later adopted the Phoenician alphabet and added vowels; the Romans gave the letters Latin names to create the alphabet we use today. Paper and Pens--input technologies came into existence. Sumerians' input technology was a stylus that could scratch marks in wet clay. About 2600 B.C., the Egyptians write on the papyrus plant around 100 A.D., the Chinese made paper from rags, on which modern-day papermaking is based. Books and Libraries: Permanent Storage Devices also came into force. Religious leaders in Mesopotamia kept the earliest "books" .The Egyptians kept scrolls Around 600 B.C., the Greeks began to fold sheets of papyrus vertically into leaves and bind them together. The First Numbering Systems was also started to be used Egyptian system was the numbers 1-9 as vertical lines, the number 10 as a U or circle, the number 100 as a coiled rope, and the number 1,000 as a lotus blossom. The first numbering systems similar to those in use today were invented between 100 and 200 A.D. by Hindus in India who created a nine-digit numbering system. Around 875 A.D., the concept of zero was developed.

2. The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840

The First Information Explosion was by Johann Gutenberg who invented the movable metal-type printing process in 1450.This by development of book indexes and the widespread use of page numbers. Then the first general purpose "computers" actually people who held the job title "computer: one who works with numbers."


3. The Electromechanical Age: 1840 - 1940.

The discovery of ways to harness electricity was the key advance made during this period. Knowledge and information could now be converted into electrical impulses. In the beginning of telecommunication around late 18th century Voltaic battery was found later in early 1800s telegram was used. Again in the the year 1835 Samuel Morse developed Morse Code in which dots & dashes were used. In the year 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented Telephone & Radio which is still in existence. Followed by the discovery that electrical waves travel through space and can produce an effect far from the point at which they originated. These two events led to the invention of the radio by Guglielmo Marconi in 1894. Then Electromechanical computing was invented by Herman Hollerith and IBM.

4. The Electronic Age: 1940 - Present.

The first tries was in early 1940s which led to findings of Electronic vacuum tubes. Then Eckert and Mauchly found first high speed General-Purpose Computer using Vacuum Tubes called Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) in 1946. Then many machines came into existence later personal computer was invented later even super computers have been used, now laptops & palm tops are widely used.

Size of Information Technology industry

The size of India's IT industry has grown significantly over the years. The size of this sunshine industry of India grew from 150 million US Dollars to 50 billion US Dollars

between 1990-1991 and 2006-2007. The growth of the IT industry has been very high in the last few years. The size of the Information Technology industry of India was 5.7 billion US Dollars in 1999-2000. After the turn of the century the industry experienced exponential growth to reach the 50 billion mark by 2006-2007.

The size of the IT industry grew consistently during the period - 1995-2000 1995-1996 - 1224 million US Dollars 1996-1997 - 1755 million US Dollars 1997-1998 2670 million US Dollars 1998-1999 - 3900 million US Dollars 1999- 2000 - 5700 million US Dollars 2000-2001 - 8750 million US Dollars

The top players in Information Technology sector

1. TCS 2. Infosys 3. Wipro 4. HP 5. IBM 6. Satyam 7. HCL 8. Patni

9. Polaris 10. Cisco 11. KPIT Cummins 12. Kanbay 13. Microsoft 14. Dell 15. Larsen and Toubro 16. Compare Infobase 17. Accenture 18. i-Flex Solutions 19. Cognizant 20. Ombs

Past sales and profit trends

Average Annual Sales - 163.9504crores Average PBT - 0.123025crores Average PAT - 0.107223 Average Quick ratio - 2.92295858 Average Debt Equity Ratio - 0.343136095 Average Current Ratios - 19.00729885

Capacity utilization of IT sector

The ability of real business cycle models to generate reasonable aggregate fluctuations depends on the time series properties of technology shocks measured by the change of total factor productivity. Three specifications of a non-parametric

productivity analysis which correct to different degrees for variations of capacity utilization are compared in this article using data for three- and four-digit US manufacturing industries during the years 1958-1996. The results show that correcting for utilization generally leads to substantially smaller technology shocks that are less strongly correlated with growth of output and hours. Moreover, the probability of technological regress is considerably lower after the correction. The capacity utilization was at 82.4 percent in May 2008, now stands at 70.4 percent.

Government Initiatives
The government set up the National Taskforce on Information Technology and Software Development with the objective of framing a long term National IT Policy for the country. Enactment of the Information Technology Act, which provides a legal framework to facilitate electronic commerce and electronic transactions.

The government-led National e-Governance Programme, has played an important role in increasing internet penetration in rural India.

Government attitude to the information sector

Due to changes in information technology it has the potential for impacting the way in which individuals are coming forward to participate in politics, such as future online voting and registration, and obtain information from government. But still because there is no proper access to technology, the Internet may only increase turnout rates or information among those who are already being using to vote or become engaged, broadening the gulf between those groups that do and do not participate. Being consistent with cross-national accounts of the digital divide (Norris 2001), our data on willingness to use IT for political purposes reveals a democratic divide - individuals with higher education and income are more supportive of digital democracy, and are more

likely to participate in politics online. Our research suggests the Internet may increase the participation gap based on education and income, while reducing the disparities in participation based on age. Overall support for different forms of political participation varies from a low of 48% for online voting, to a high of 78% for searching for government information online. Education emerged as the most important factors in the democratic division. Support for online voting and online registration were 19 and 22 percentage points higher among individuals with a college degree compared to those with only a high school diploma, holding other factors constant. This information reveals existing disparities in civic participation, which are largely associated with educational differences. This suggests that in order to close the democratic divide in cyberspace, as well as traditional politics, education will be crucial as well as access to technology.



After being established a decade ago, Pronto Concept has seen a tremendous growth in its over all business functioning. In the initial phase of our business operations, we have been providing event management services only to tech shows but now we are an expert special events management service provider, generally for all types of events. And as far as our business set up is concerned, Pronto Concept has a large resource of skilled man power to meet all the varied requirements of our clients, as per their expectations. We take extreme pride in implementing a very sophisticated management set up at Pronto Concept, which has immensely helped us in streamlining our whole business functioning and achieve better growth rate in longer term.

Apart from this, in our whole business processes, we have developed such mechanisms through which one can get the proper reasoning, behind every business decision taken by us. This is something which has proved beneficial not for us, as a business organization but also for our employees to know about the organization in which they are working in a better way. This helps them in developing a comfort level, which works as a catalyst behind the better simulation between our employees & management professionals. At Pronto Concept, we understand the importance of having an asset of loyal employees, to witness an accelerated exponential growth rate in longer term.

Pronto Concept is a leader in offering best services for explicit types of events which primarily include entertainment shows. With the rapidly growing entertainment sector, the need of having a proven even management services provider was always be there. With an aim to fill this space, we have forayed in the diversified sector of event management services. And we take extreme pride in claiming that till now we have live

up to the expectations of our clients. And the biggest testimony of this fact is our growing base of satisfied customers in India & abroad.

In a bid to tap the untapped potential of this industry, we are in the process of implementing our newly developed expansion plans which primarily consists: opening up of our new branches across other leading industrial cities besides metro cities and some of the big names in the list of growing industrial centers in India are: Kanpur, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Kochi, Mangalore etc. This step, taken by us, will set up us as a market leader among the leading event management service providers in India. And what to say about our large gamut of graphic design services, in which we are offering total solutions from top to bottom related to a full fledged graphic design service. To conclude, we can say, over the years of providing better services to our clients, pronto Concept has established itself as a trusted exhibition organiser in India, as far as our top quality event management services are concerned and an innovative graphic designer services provider in India (a designation which is in line of our reputation as a most unique & innovative graphic designing solution provider to our clients from India & abroad).


Mr. Vinaykumar B.R.








INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONSPronto concept provides solutions for manufacturing Automobile components w.r.t machining and work holding. We have provided solutions to many companies like Bosch/ Mico - Bangalore, Kennametal Wedia, Integral Components, Toyota, TATA motors, Cummins, Wipro, GE Medicals, LMW, Automotive Axles, Rane TRW etc.



PRODUCT AND SERVICES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Software Development Rainwater harvesting Human resource services Burgular alarm system Water level controller Data processing 2d/3d animation Pay per click Software testing Industry solution Website designing Search engine optimization Domain hosting

14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Email and SMS marketing BPO services Graphic and logo design Multimedia presentation Internet marketing

Web Service We offer world class web designing services inclusive of website design, web page design etc. All companies have launched themselves on websites. It is absolutely essential that you have a website which can attract audience - that is intuitive, informative and efficient. It is also necessary that you have an affordable web designing and web development package to meet these needs. Web site should have lasting effect on the minds of the people. The web design services offered by us empower individuals, teams and organizations in most efficient manner. We deliver high quality web solutions and website services through our motivated and qualified specialist teams which are focused on exceeding clients' expectations every time. Our website design services will get you the results that you always wanted. Our websites are clean, clear and customized to your needs! Keeping in mind the requirements of our client; we develop the website, giving top priority to the intended audience/market and overall user experience. Corporate website Web design Brand website Logo maker E-commerce website Content writer


Corporate website Plush Offices,Great Brands and Lousy Corporate Websites? A Corporate Website is a round-the- clock 'e-ambassdor'. It needs to be inline with the present day web trends, always evolving and communicating with the people of the organization. Creating a Corporate Websites entails much more than just juxtaposing designs and words.Its about showcasing your company's ideas, people, products and services through elements such as Corporate Blogging, Live Webcasts, Industry New Feeds, Response Management, Online Financial Reports and Corporate e-Newsletters. Its about creating experiences for your diverse shakeholders--an art we have mastered over years.

Brand website As per the latest internet usage trends, the net savvy, brands conscious "Millenial Generation" is on a lookout on your brand online. Internet users leverage the web to Know More and, the more time a consumer spend on your websites, the higher is the purchase intent and brand affinity. Therefore, a brand website is a critical customer touch-point, effective in information dissemination, brand building, increasing purchase internet and streamlining marketing initiatives. In addition to your Brand Site, we work on extensive Online Visibility Campaign Interactive Utilities like Widgets, Facebook Applications, Games, Flip Brouchers and virals to make sure your brand stands from the clutters and is truly aspirational!

E-commerce website

The web today is an important channel for transacting little surprise then, online retail sales are witnessing a phenomenal growth year after year. Its time all retailers looked at integrating internet as one of their sales channels. It is all the more relevant because a presence online makes an impact both online and offline. We, at OMBS, can handle all aspects of your online store. We can offer a robust and engaging e-commerce storefront, well populated by product images and descriptions, multiple payment options, response management through email and chat support, logistic managements, and online marketing through emails, search engines, portals and social media marketing.

Web design We offer world class web designing services inclusive of website design, web page design etc. All companies have launched themselves on websites. It is absolutely essential that you have a website which can attract audience - that is intuitive, informative and efficient. It is also necessary that you have an affordable web designing and web development package to meet these needs. Web site should have lasting effect on the minds of the people. The web design services offered by us empower individuals, teams and organizations in most efficient manner. We deliver high quality web solutions and website services through our motivated and qualified specialist teams which are focused on exceeding clients' expectations every time. Our website design services will get you the results that you always wanted. Our websites are clean, clear and customized to your needs! Keeping in mind the requirements of our client; we develop the website, giving top priority to the intended audience/market and overall user experience. Logo maker Just like a flag represents a country, a logo represents a company. Logo creates a lasting impression and helps you to gain more customers. How logos can help a company:

Customers loyalty can be greatly influenced by logo.

Logos can make you look more professional.

You will be judged by people in many ways that you present yourself to them.

Pay Per Click campaign management In this plan, you can advertise on world's largest search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Rediff, Youtube, Orkut, Facebook, etc. Pay per Click means if your ad is shown on any of the websites and someone clicks on that advertisement, then you have to

pay. You only pay when your potential customer clicks to learn more about your product or service. In order to help our clients, we target specific words for their products and services so that maximum visitors can be grabbed. ADVERTISE TODAY AND GET TRAFFIC TODAY. If someone wants to search any property in Chandigarh then keywords could be.....

Property in Chandigarh, Chandigarh Property, Apartment in Chandigarh, Affordable price house in Chandigarh. Why should you choose us? OMBS creates more value from every PPC advertising Rupee you spend.

OMBS is he frontrunner and specializes in building, optimizing and managing efficient SEO campaigns. We serve plenty of our customer base which is increasing day by day only because we know what you want.

E-mail marketing One Stop Trading / Name it and Have it. We are the first company who will provide a database along with email campaigns. Marketing in simpler terms is defined as the management process for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer requirements profitably. However, with unrealistic expectation of power technology, today our markets are set apart by hyper-competition. People have different notions about the new economy as companies have started

regulating their marketing practices to meet new conditions like e-business and CRM (Customer Relationship Management). The new technological capabilities have led to launch various services like E-mail Marketing, Online buying and various other customer centric services. The current market downtown presents challenges and a prospect for better marketing strategies like Email Marketing, which describes company effort to inform, communicate, promote, and sell its products and by far is the most important as well as the most common form of online marketing.

Email Marketing has urbanized as a powerful tool in the recent years, reason being it is Effective

Email is the hottest way to communicate. You can use email newsletters to your marketing advantage if done right and not just Spam. Too often email marketing is waved off because people think it may backfire, making customers angry. However, you can make email work for you. There is a way to communicate with people and gain customers, without infringing on their time or annoying them. Email marketing helps curtail marketing and sales Costs while enhancing existing customer relationships thereby enabling you to practically communicate and manage your customers with ease. In addition, it is an Effective mode of communication, which can be carried out between you and your prospective customer as Fast as you want. Effective sales return come only after you have shaped a relationship with your prospect, earned their trust, and made them want to listen to you and this is exactly what we do. We have been a leader among email service providers and offer state of art Email Marketing solution. We provide full service solutions for clients and send email campaigns for them, and help our clients achieve better business results through email marketing. Benefits of Email Marketing Put the power of Email Marketing in to your Business and see how it benefits you. We trust that the most booming email marketing strategies are those that merge a number of marketing disciplines to deliver maximum impact through an integrated solution. Therefore, we take a holistic approach to create effective marketing campaigns to get your message right across with following benefits:Cost effectively

Wide Reach (Cover maximum audience with short time)

Our Email Campaigns are performed as (PROCESS) Getting a list of email databases through Internet or buying databases. Creating template and copy for the email Campaign.

Sending Emails at a particular date and for duration of time.

Monitoring the Traffic increase and Campaign Performance.

Replying to Emails Generated from this campaign

Analyzing the success of Campaign.

Sending the second set of database .

Existing database campaign

Online display advertising Online Advertising is a form of promotion that is done with the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers.

Online display ads - which is called simply banner ads - have now grown-up. They are better targeted to visitors, include more interaction, and are using the same pricing structures that helped search ads become popular. While it's unlikely that display ads will ever pass search ads in terms of market size, with the help of Google, Yahoo and MSFT, they are certainly destined to claim a strong second place

Sms campaing

If you want to run your campaign through SMS then you are at the right place. We can help you in doing your campaign where you want to do. It could be on gender basis whether male or female, any particular country or city or region. We run all types of campaigns. Eg. If you want to target people of Chandigarh of age group 18-30 years. We provide such type of specific campaigns also. Lead genration We provide lead to all kinds of businesses in their respective areas. We provide lead by promoting them on various search engines like Yahoo, Google, Orkut, MSN, Facebook, Youtube, etc. We give them edge in their relevant businesses through: Our Database SMS Campaign

E-mails Online Promotion Online Campaign We take care of all online and internet promotion needs for all kind of businesses.

Animation is the filming a sequence of drawings or positions of models to create an illusion of movement. It is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision. What is 3-D Computer Animation?

A 3-D computer animation is fundamentally a dynamic illustration created on a computer.

Method: -Like traditional cel-animation, a computer animation consists of a series of individual still images. Unlike cel-animation, these images are created on a computer and stored one at a time in the computer. When they are viewed at the normal playback speed of 30 frames per second, the result is a moving picture, or animation. The graphic images can then be recorded onto videotape or laser disc to create video animations. It is important to remember that the computer is only a tool used to improve the generation and the accuracy of the animation.

Benefits Provided by 3-D Computer Animation

A computer animation can graphically simplify complex concepts and it can convey complex interrelationships which are difficult to visualize. Animations are able to take thousands of disparate facts and compress them into a compact package, which can be presented in a coherent manner.

3-D computer animation captures attention A computer animation can re-create an event, which is too expensive or too dangerous to reproduce, such as an aircraft accident. It can re-create a scene which has been altered or which no longer exists, such as a building which has been demolished. When used as an illustrative tool, computer animation can help the presenter maintain focus. A speaker who might otherwise be uncomfortable has a tool to enhance his speech so that he can provide a more thorough, confident and interesting presentation. Often computer animation can enhance the credibility of the speaker more than a recitation of credentials. Five useful presentation techniques are available in 3-D computer animation which are not provided by traditional visual aids: Viewpoint can be dynamically changed so that objects and events can be viewed from virtually any vantage point. For instance, the audience can be transported to the scene of an event and shown the scene from above, from the side and even from below. Motion develops a precise chronology of events illustrating complex relationships of time and space. Events can be shown in slow motion while changes which took days or even years can be condensed into a few minutes. Detailing helps direct the audience's attention to a particular part of a mechanism or moment in an event. The camera can zoom in on details and color can be used to highlight important features. The action can also be paused to allow the viewer to focus on the most critical moments while maintaining the context of the event. Dissolves are used to make visual obstructions fade or vanish, thereby allowing the audience to go where it is physically impossible to go with a normal camera (such as

inside an engine or a human body). Photographs or live video can be dissolved into computer animations to remind the viewer that the animation is accurate and based upon events in the real world Morphing is a special effect, which allows one object to transform into another right before the observer's eyes.

According to production levels, possibilities and differences of obtained results computer made animations are technically divided into two parts: two and threedimensional animation. In this respect, it seems logical to start with the classical definition of animation. Its definition is to create many stable images which show an object in a movement and to direct us to think as if it moves by the help of playing these images one after the other. Another definition is In traditional frame-by-frame animation, the illusion of motion is created by filming a sequence of hand-painted cells and they playing the images back at high speeds, typically 14 to 30 frames per second As it is understood from these definitions, it is necessary to create image frames, which are related to each other to form an animation presentation. In early times, this operation was being made by hand and called traditional animation. Every frame was drawn one by one and then painted by hand on paper, celluloid or film. Even the assistants were comforting the animator by drawing and painting the in-between frames, which complete the movement while the experienced animators were drawing the key frames. With this method it is obvious that a 3-4 minute long animation is very troublesome and requires a lot of time when it is thought that a minute animation requires 12-24 frames per second. Another operation, which also needs high care, is to take, photograph each frame one by one by using a movie camera.

The traditional animation process Storyboards: -

Traditionally-animated productions, just like other forms of animation, usually begin life as a storyboard, which is a script of sorts written with images as well as words, similar to a giant comic strip. The images allow the animation team to plan the flow of the plot and the composition of the imagery. The storyboard artists will have regular meetings with the director, and may have to redraw or "re-board" a sequence many times before it meets final approval.

Voice recording Before true animation begins, a preliminary soundtrack or "scratch track" is recorded, so that the animation may be more precisely synchronized to the soundtrack. Given the slow, methodical manner in which traditional animation is produced, it is almost always easier to synchronize animation to a pre-existing soundtrack than it is to synchronize a soundtrack to pre-existing animation. A completed cartoon soundtrack will feature music, sound effects, and dialogue performed by voice actors. However, the scratch track used during animation typically contains just the voices, any vocal songs that the characters must sing along to, and temporary musical score tracks; the final score and sound effects are added in post-production. In the case of most pre-1930 sound animated cartoons, the sound was post-synched; that is, the sound track was recorded after the film elements were finished by watching the film and performing the dialogue, music, and sound effects required. Some studios, most notably Fleischer Studios, continued to post-synch their cartoons later, which allowed for the presence of the "muttered ad-libs" present in many Popeye the Sailor and Betty Boop cartoons. Although virtually all American animation is now pre-synched (and has been since the 1930s), nearly all Japanese animation (anime) is post-synched.


Often, an animatic or story reel is made after the soundtrack is created, but before full animation begins. An animatic typically consists of pictures of the storyboard synchronized with the soundtrack. This allows the animators and directors to work out any script and timing issues that may exist with the current storyboard. The storyboard and soundtrack are amended if necessary, and a new animatic may be created and reviewed with the director until the storyboard is perfected. Editing the film at the animatic stage prevents the animation of scenes that would be edited out of the film; as traditional animation is a very expensive and time-consuming process, creating scenes that will eventually be edited out of the completed cartoon is strictly avoided. Design and timing Once the animatic has been approved, it and the storyboards are sent to the design departments. Character designers prepare model sheets for all important characters and props in the film. These model sheets will show how a character or object looks from a variety of angles with a variety of poses and expressions, so that all artists working on the project can deliver consistent work. Sometimes, small statues known as maquettes may be produced, so that an animator can see what a character looks like in three dimensions. At the same time, the background stylists will do similar work for the settings and locations in the project, and the art directors and color stylists will determine the art style and color schemes to be used. While design is going on, the timing director (who in many cases will be the main director) takes the animatic and analyzes exactly what poses, drawings, and lip movements will be needed on what frames. An exposure sheet (or X-sheet for short) is created; this is a printed table that breaks down the action, dialogue, and sound frameby-frame as a guide for the animators. If a film is based more strongly in music, a bar sheet may be prepared in addition to or instead of an X-sheet. Bar sheets show the relationship between the on-screen action, the dialogue, and the actual musical notation used in the score.


Layout begins after the designs are completed and approved by the director. The layout process is synonymous with the blocking out of shots by a cinematographer on a liveaction film. It is here that the background layout artists determine the camera angles, camera paths, lighting, and shading of the scene. Character layout artists will determine the major poses for the characters in the scene, and will make a drawing to indicate each pose. For short films, character layouts are often the responsibility of the director. The layout drawings are spliced into the animatic, using the X-sheet as a guide. Once the animatic is made up of all layout drawings, it is called a Leica reel. The term originates from the Disney Studio in the 1930s, from the frame format used by Leica cameras.

Animation Once the Leica reel is finally approved by the director, animation begins. In the traditional animation process, animators will begin by drawing sequences of animation on sheets of paper perforated to fit the peg bars in their desks, often using colored pencils, one picture or "frame" at a time. A key animator or lead animator will draw the key drawings ("key" in the sense of "important") in a scene, using the character layouts as a guide. The key animator draws enough of the frames to get across the major points of the action; in a sequence of a character jumping across a gap, the key animator may draw a frame of the character as he is about to leap, two or more frames as the character is flying through the air, and the frame for the character landing on the other side of the gap. Timing is important for the animators drawing these frames; each frame must match exactly what is going on in the soundtrack at the moment the frame will appear, or else the discrepancy between sound and visual will be distracting to the audience. For example, in high-budget productions, extensive effort is given in making sure a speaking character's mouth matches in shape the sound that character's actor is producing as he or she speaks. (Try making "ah," "ooh" and "ee" sounds out loud, and

note how your mouth will subconsciously form a different shape for each sound; good animators must pay attention to such seemingly trivial things). As they are working on a scene, a key animator will usually prepare a pencil test of the scene. A pencil test is a preliminary version of the final animated scene; the pencil drawings are quickly photographed or scanned and synced with the necessary soundtracks. This allows the animation to be reviewed and improved upon before passing the work on to his assistant animators, who will go add details and some of the missing frames in the scene. The work of the assistant animators is reviewed, penciltested, and corrected until the lead animator is ready to meet with the director and have his scene sweatboxed, or reviewed by the director, producer, and other key creative team members. Similar to the storyboarding stage, an animator may be required to redo a scene many times before the director will approve it. In high-budget animated productions, often each major character will have an animator or group of animators solely dedicated to drawing that character. The group will be made up of one supervising animator, a small group of key animators, and a larger group of assistant animators. For scenes where two characters interact, the key animators for both characters will decide which character is "leading" the scene, and that character will be drawn first. The second character will be animated to react to and support the actions of the "leading" character. Once the key animation is approved, the lead animator forwards the scene on to the clean-up department, made up of the clean-up animators and the inbetweeners. The clean-up animators take the lead and assistant animators' drawings and trace them onto a new sheet of paper, taking care in including all of the details present on the original model sheets, so that it appears that one person animated the entire film. The inbetweeners will draw in whatever frames are still missing in between the other animators' drawings. This procedure is called tweening. The resulting drawings are again pencil-tested and sweatboxed until they meet approval. At each stage during pencil animation, approved artwork is spliced into the Leica reel. This process is the same for both character animation and special effects animation, which on most high-budget productions are done in separate departments. Effects

animators animate anything that moves and is not a character, including props, vehicles, machinery and phenomena such as fire, rain, and explosions. Sometimes, instead of drawings, a number of special processes are used to produce special effects in animated films; rain, for example, has been created in Disney films since the late1930s by filming slow-motion footage of water in front of a black background, with the resulting film superimposed over the animation.

Backgrounds While the animation is being done, the background artists will paint the sets over which the action of each animated sequence will take place. These backgrounds are generally done in gouache or acrylic paint, although some animated productions have used backgrounds done in watercolor, oil paint, or even crayon. Background artists follow very closely the work of the background layout artists and color stylists (which is usually compiled into a workbook for their use), so that the resulting backgrounds are harmonious in tone with the character designs. Traditional ink-and-paint and camera Once the clean-ups and in between drawings for a sequence are completed, they are prepared for photography, a process known as ink-and-paint. Each drawing is then transferred from paper to a thin, clear sheet of plastic called a cel, so called because they were once made out of celluloid (acetate is now used). The outline of the drawing is inked or photocopied onto the cel, and gouache or a similar type of paint is used on the reverse sides of the cels to add colors in the appropriate shades. In many cases, characters will have more than one color scheme assigned to them; the usage of each one depends upon the mood and lighting of each scene. The transparent quality of the cel allows for each character or object in a frame to be animated on different cels, as the cel of one character can be seen underneath the cel of another; and the opaque background will be seen beneath all of the cels.


A camera used for shooting traditional animation. When an entire sequence has been transferred to cels, the photography process begins. Each cel involved in a frame of a sequence is laid on top of each other, with the background at the bottom of the stack. A piece of glass is lowered onto the artwork in order to flatten any irregularities, and the composite image is then photographed by a special animation camera, also called rostrum camera. The cels are removed, and the process repeats for the next frame until each frame in the sequence has been photographed. Each cel has registration holes, small holes along the top or bottom edge of the cel, which allow the cel to be placed on corresponding peg bars before the camera to ensure that each cel aligns with the one before it; if the cells are not aligned in such a manner, the animation, when played at full speed, will appear "jittery." Sometimes, frames may need to be photographed more than once, in order to implement superimpositions and other camera effects. Pans are created by either moving the camera, cels, or backgrounds one step at a time over a succession of frames. As the scenes come out of final photography, they are spliced into the Leica reel, taking the place of the pencil animation. Once every sequence in the production has been photographed, the final film is sent for development and processing, while the final music and sound effects are added to the soundtrack. Again, editing is generally not done in animation, but if it is required it is done at this time, before the final print of the film is ready for duplication or broadcast.

The popularity of traditional animation production, which was described above and the increase in perception of some messages by the spectators made the developing technologies inevitable to be used, especially the animation. When computer technology was applied to the animation production, in the beginning, traditional animation point of view was not left aside; developments were reached in transferring two dimensional animation production to computer in terms of time and technical easiness.

Computers and traditional animation Though the process described above is the traditional animation process, painting cels is becoming increasingly rare as the computer moves into the animation studio, and the outline drawings are as mentioned in most cases scanned into the computer and filled with digital paint instead of transferred to cels and then colored by hand. The drawings are composited in a computer program on many transparent "layers" much the same way as they are with cels, and made into a sequence of images which may then be transferred onto film or converted to a digital video format. It has even become possible for animators to draw directly into a computer using a graphics tablet or a similar device, where the outline drawings are done in a similar manner as they would be on paper. The development of such paperless 2D animation, or "tablet animation", is likely to replace the traditional pencil and paper not too far into the future, as mentioned in this article, just as cels and traditional paint was replaced when digital ink and paint was fully introduced in the 90's. Some of the advantages are the possibility and potential of controlling the size of the drawings while working on them, drawing directly on a multiplane background and eliminating the need of photographing line tests and scanning. Though traditional animation is now commonly done with computers, it is important to differentiate computer-assisted traditional animation from 3D computer animation, such as Toy Story and ReBoot. However, often traditional animation and 3D computer animation will be used together, as in Don Bluth's Titan A.E. and Disney's Tarzan and Treasure Planet. DreamWorks executive Jeffrey Katzenberg coined the term "tradigital

animation" to describe films produced by his studio which incorporated elements of traditional and computer animation equally, such as Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. Interestingly, many modern video games such as Viewtiful Joe, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and others use "cel-shading" animation filters to make their full 3D animation appear as though it were drawn in a traditional cel style. This technique has recently also been used in the animated movie Appleseed, and was integrated with cel animation in the FOX animated series Futurama. Intro To 3-D computer animations 3-d computer animation is the projecting of two-dimensional pictures one after the other which are rendered in the means of width, length and depth in the space supplied by computer softwares. 3-d computer animation has some characteristics that are different from the traditional animation in terms of method and techniques. By the users commands, the computer calculates the details like movement, color, light, and perspective of the objects on the created visual stage accurately and gives the outcome as an image. Animator plans the model, which is thought to be on the stage with architecture sensitiveness, chips into shape with a skill of sculpture, makes it move in aesthetic way by the help of observation, experience and creativeness. While doing this work, his/her brush is digitalizes like mouse and keyboard, his/her canvas is computer screen. His other tools are like modeling, metamorphosis, giving movement; primitive objects, camera, lighting and color materials that the software enables.


The term organisation can be studied as a structure and also as a process. In a static sense, organisation is a structure. A group of people functions within this structure and try to accomplish certain objectives. Organisation is a structure for the conduct of business activities efficiently. In the words of Kast and Rosenzweig, "structure is the established pattern of relationships among the component parts of the organisation". In this sense, Organisation structure refers to the network of relationships among individuals and positions in an Organisation.

Organization Structure Suggests Its Framework

Just as human beings have skeletons that define their parameters likewise organisations have structures that define their parameters. While preparing an architectural plan, an architect considers different factors such as space, cost, time, special features and resources. In the same way, a manager is expected to take into account factors such as channels of communication, before designing Organisation structure. Organisation structure specifies which individuals will work as subordinates to which superiors. It defines the interpersonal relationships that should exist between individuals and work. Such invisible framework is intended to promote co-ordination in the functions and activities of members of the group. Because of specific assignments of authority and responsibility, each person will look after his part of pre-established plans in proper relation to the parts of others in the group. Organisation suggests the structure within which people associate for the attainment of an objective



The administration function Administration is a support function required by all businesses and this does not mean just doing keyboarding or ling. Senior administrators carry out a wide range of tasks, from monitoring budgets to interviewing new staff for their departments. Routine administrative tasks include opening the mail, preparing and ling documents, sending emails and faxes. Others require more creativity and exibility, such as arranging travel or important events, from staff meetings to visits by foreign customers. Most administrators also deal with external customers who judge the business on the way their enquiry is handled. Poor or sloppy administration can be disastrous for a companys image and reputation. A lost order, badly typed letter, important message that is not passed on or wrong date scheduled for a meeting can cause problems and may lose customers. Efcient administration means that everything runs smoothly and managers can concentrate on the task of running the business. In a small organisation, an administrator is often a jack-of-all-trades who can turn a hand to anything from checking and paying invoices to keeping the rms website up to date. In a larger rm administration may be carried out in every department, rather than just one. A sales administrator may make overseas travel

arrangements whereas an administrator in human resources would arrange job interviews.

The customer service function All businesses must look after customers or clients who have an enquiry, concern or complaint. Today, customer expectations are high. When people contact a business they expect a prompt, polite and knowledgeable response. Unless they get a high level of service they are likely to take their business elsewhere in the future. For this reason, many businesses have customer service staff or a customer service department where trained staff handle enquiries and complaints positively and professionally. This does not mean that other staff can ignore customers and their needs. It simply means that one group specialise in assisting customers. Organisations that manufacture and sell complex industrial products usually employ technical specialists or engineers in customer service to give detailed advice and information. An example is BAE Systems, which sells aeroplanes such as the Euroghter and Hawk jets. Answering queries related to these products obviously needs specialist knowledge. Similarly, computer suppliers like Dell or PC World, and Internet service providers like BT, have trained IT specialists to handle customer problems whether from other businesses or from individuals. Customer service staff also deal with complaints and problems. Most businesses have a special procedure for dealing with customer complaints, to ensure these are dealt with quickly and consistently. In some cases, action is needed to make sure the problem does not occur again. Customer service staff must also be aware of the legal rights of customers and this means having a knowledge of consumer law.

The human resources (HR) function

The human resources of a business are its employees. Wise organizations look after their staff on the basis that if they are well trained and committed to the aims of the business, the organisation is more likely to be successful. HR is responsible for recruiting new employees and ensuring that each vacancy is lled by the best person for the job. This is important because the recruitment process is expensive and timeconsuming. Hiring the wrong person can be costly and cause problems both for the individual and the rm. Normally, new employees attend an induction programme which tells them about the business, their rights and responsibilities as employees, the company rules and the requirements of their new job. Arranging appropriate training and assisting with the continuous professional development of staff is another aspect of HR. Training may be carried out in-house or staff may attend external courses. HR aims to ensure that the business retains good, experienced staff. Analysing staff-turnover gures will show the rate at which people leave the organisation. If these are high, it is important to identify and remedy any problem areas. Whilst people may leave for justiable reasons, such as moving to another area or for promotion elsewhere, dissatisfaction with the job or the company should be investigated. Some organisations hold exit interviews to nd out staff views on the business when they leave. Employees normally have basic expectations of their employer. They expect to be treated and paid fairly, to have appropriate working conditions, to have training opportunities, which will improve their promotion prospects, and support if they are ill or have serious personal problems. They also want a varied and interesting job and praise when they have worked particularly hard or well. These factors help motivation, which means staff are keen to work hard and this benets everyone. HR can help this process by monitoring working conditions, having staff welfare policies and ensuring that company pay rates are fair and competitive. Many organisations have staff associations, which monitor the views and conditions of staff and make these known. In other businesses trade unions may represent the workers, especially on pay and conditions. Senior HR staff liaise with these organisations, keep them informed of changes and developments and are also involved in any negotiations with senior management. Today, all employees and employers have legal rights and responsibilities in relation to health and safety, data protection (which restricts the type of information which can be held on employees and customers and

how it is used) and employment. HR staff must ensure that the business complies with current laws and stays up to date with legal changes and developments.

Marketing Function Another way to understand marketing is through the marketing mix which consists of four Ps. Product Who are our customers? What do they want to buy? Are their needs changing? Which products are we offering and how many are we selling? What new products are we planning? In which areas are sales growing and how can we sustain this? For which products are sales static and how can we renew interest? Which sales are falling and what, if anything, can we do?

Price How much should we charge? Should we reduce the price at the start to attract more customers or charge as much as we can when we can? Can we charge different prices to different types of customers? What discounts can we give? What services or products should we give away or sell very cheaply and what benets would this bring?

Promotion How can we tell people about our products? Should we have specialist sales staff? Where should we advertise to attract the attention of our key customers? How else can we promote the product should we give free samples or run a competition? Where and how can we obtain free publicity? Should we send direct mail shots and, if so, what information should we include?

Place How can we distribute our product(s)? Should we sell direct to the customer or through retailers? Do we need specialist wholesalers or overseas agents to sell for us? What can we sell over the telephone? How can the Internet help us to sell more?

All these questions are considered by marketing staff. They start by identifying future customer needs. Products are then developed (or adapted) or services offered to meet these needs. If this is done well, it gives the company an edge over its competitors. This happened when Apple introduced the iPod. It is no use developing new products or services if no one knows about them. Marketing is therefore responsible for the promotional activities which tell the customer what is available, such as by advertising, sales promotions and publicity campaigns. The company website is a major way of communicating with prospective and actual customers and the style and content is usually the responsibility of marketing staff who ensure it is kept up to date. They may also send regular newsletters to registered users of their site by email. Monitoring the popularity of the website and obtaining information on the customers who use it may be undertaken by the company or outsourced to a specialist agency. The sales function Sales is a crucial function for all businesses. It is pointless having superb products or services if no one buys them. For that reason, most businesses have sales targets as part of their aims and objectives. Meeting these is the responsibility of the sales staff or sales team. The job of the sales staff varies, depending upon the industry. Shops that sell basic products, such as chocolates or magazines do not need to do much selling. Most customers call in to buy something, choose the goods they want, pay and leave. Customers expect more help and advice if they want to buy a complex or expensive item, such as a television or car. Stores which sell these types of products therefore need trained sales staff who are friendly, knowledgeable and can describe and/or demonstrate their products and link these to the customers specic needs. Business buyers also expect a high-quality service and in-depth advice and information. They may want to buy highly complex and expensive industrial equipment and need to negotiate special nance arrangements particularly if they are overseas buyers. Business buyers will also expect discounts for bulk purchases. Sales representatives often travel to meet potential customers, as well as routinely visiting existing customers to ensure their needs are being met. Employing a skilled sales force is expensive, especially if they are paid bonuses or commission. However, there are many benets as an effective sales person can convert many

enquiries into rm sales and build strong links with customers to encourage repeat business. The production function Production refers to the manufacture or assembly of goods. Production staff must ensure that goods are produced on time and are of the right quality. Quality requirements can vary considerably. Whilst an error of 0.5 mm would not matter much for a chair or table, for an iPod or DVD player it would be critical. Checking quality does not mean just examining goods after they have been produced. Today quality is built-in at every stage of the process, starting with the raw materials. Many buyers set down a detailed specication for the goods they order, such as Marks and Spencer which sets down precise standards for all its producers. For clothing, this includes the type and weight of material and the thread and fastenings too. Buying raw materials is done by specialist purchasing staff, who take out contracts with regular suppliers and make sure that the terms of the contract are met, in relation to delivery, cost, quantity and quality. They also ensure that all items are checked on delivery and refer any problems back to the supplier. The materials must be purchased at a competitive price. This is not necessarily the cheapest price, but takes account of other factors, such as the reliability of the supplier, the quality required and the delivery date. Raw materials will be stored near to the production area in a separate area. If a manufacturer uses a large number of parts such as a car producer storage can be very expensive, in terms of the space required and the manpower to oversee the stock. For this reason, many manufacturers today operate a just-in-time (JIT) system. This involves having an agreement with specic suppliers to provide small quantities, quickly, when they are needed. This benets both parties. The suppliers know that they have a regular buyer. The manufacturer no longer needs to store large quantities of goods or worry about having sufcient stocks on the premises all the time. When a process cannot be automated, teams of operators may work together and take responsibility for a sequence of operations. This makes the job more interesting and makes it easier to ensure high quality. This system is also more exible because changes can easily be introduced at any stage by giving instructions to specic teams. It is therefore used by many car manufacturers who often want to vary certain models.

The production function also includes all the following aspects of production: production planning involves deciding what will be made, when, and which machines and operators will be used. A realistic timescale must be predicted, bearing in mind other jobs that are in progress production control means constantly checking progress to make sure that production plans are met and taking remedial action if problems occur. This could be because of machinery breakdown, substandard raw materials or labour shortages. machine utilisation control is concerned with minimizing problems by keeping all the equipment and machinery in good working order. This involves checking to ensure none is overloaded or overused, without being routinely checked and maintained. This is important because if a machine malfunctions it may produce damaged goods. If it breaks down altogether then production of that product will cease. Because this aspect is so important, many organisations have a maintenance plan, which shows the dates on which machines will be out of operation for inspection and servicing. These dates are then taken into consideration when production plans are made. staff utilisation control concentrates on making sure all the staff are working effectively and efciently and concentrating their efforts on key production areas and targets. This is very important inindustries which are labour-intensive and use more people than machines, such as assembling circuit boards or sewing jeans. nal quality checks make certain that the product is of the correct standard. This can be done in several ways. Each item may be examined by hand or passed through a machine which checks that the size and tolerance is correct. Alternatively, items may be selected for inspection on a random sampling basis. This would be the case if a large number of identical items is being produced, such as cups or biros. Production is also involved in preparing items for dispatch. This may involve simply packing the nished items such as household goods or clothing and transporting them to the dispatch section. In other cases, it may involve various nishing processes. For example, paper is produced in huge rolls. These may be transported intact but usually the paper is cut, boxed and packaged. It then looks like the paper you see in a stationery store.





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Strong Funding Less Investments Huge Profit Margin High Quality & Price Performance Large Pool of Knowledge Workers Untapped market

1. 2. 3. 4.

Seasonal Parties Less Experience in the business Lack of Package Orientation Gap in demand and supply of

Project Management Skills 5. lacking targeting Global Market



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Change in social environment Improving business Global Market Domestic Demand Ecommerce / Ebusiness

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Increasing Competition Conflicts in parties Government Interference Rising cost of infrastructure Lack of Speed



FINDINGS: a. Pronto concept services are not clear to their client.
b. Pronto concept have a huge business opportunity in rain water harvesting in

states like karnataka.

c. Most of the marketer know about the websites.

d. Most of the organizations need a website for their business but some of the Small businessmen dont need any website.

e. Online advertisement is one of the best and cost effective methos of


f. Pronto concept have a huge potential in software development due to its skilled employees.

g. Event services offered by pronto concept need a good marketing team so as to tap the untapped market .

h. Training offered by the pronto concept for mechanics and tool handling is of

good quality and upto quality standard.


A. Company should concentrate more giving maximum security which is very much required for the website owners. B. As company is involved into 3D logo designing so it can also diversify itself into printing the letter heads, visiting cards, CDs.

C. The company can setup separate department for maintenance of website as the company may get many orders even for it. D. As the company has got effective software engineers it can try to create effective softwares which will be killer product for the industry.

E. The company can print brochures for advertising its services and works done by them as it will impress new customers. F. The company can send one sample while sending quote to the customers. G. The company needs to promote and advertise its services of event management to the targeted organizations and clients.



From the above study, analysis and observations we can come to the conclusion that there are many players in the website marketing sector, software development and event services. It has got good market to grow and compete in this technological world. There are many business organizations who do not have their official website, some of them are not aware of this new marketing tool and some of them are in half mind to invest for designing their website and it would be easy to attract them as most of the business organizations expect low priced and unique designed website which Pronto Concept is already doing. As event management services provided by the company are of good quality standard they have lot of potential to be leader in this field also. It is also good time to grow for the company in this sector.


BIBLIOGRAPHY Marketing Management by Philip Kotler
Principles and practices of management by Peter Drucker.

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