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Entries for editorials, news, papers, primary care, information in practice, clinical review, education and debate, quality improvement report, learning in practice, letters and reviews are indicated by the use of symbols (E), (N), (P), (PC), (IP), (C), (ED), (Q), (LP), (L), and (R) respectively. Series entries are made for the ABC series, Drug points, Extracts from "Best Treatments", Extracts from "Concise Clinical Evidence", Fillers, How does it work?, Lesson of the week, Personal view, Recent developments, Regular review, Science, medicine, and the future, 10-minute consultation and the other subject series. Articles in the BMJ Careers are also included in this index. A
Aasland OG, The Norwegian way BMJ Careers 326:s102 (29 March) Abbasi K et al, No more free lunches. 326:1155 (E) see Briffa E. 326:176 see Edwards N. 326:609 see Marcovitch H. 326:514 Abbasian C, My most unfortunate mistake. Courtesy towards NHS staff is a must. 326:372 Abbassi K, see Yamey G. 326:1100 Abbott, Peter Harry, Obituary (S Armstrong). 326:554 ABC of antithrombotic therapy Anticoagulation in hospitals and general practice (AD Blann, et al). 326:153 (C) Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances. Ipregnancy and cancer (B Jilma, et al). 326:37 (C) Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances. IIIn children, thrombophilia, and miscellaneous conditions (B Jilma, et al). 326:93 (C) ABC of diabetes Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and lipids (PJ Watkins) 326:874 (C) (correction, 327:17) The diabetic foot (PJ Watkins). 326:977 (C) Retinopathy (PJ Watkins). 326:924 (C) ABC of interventional cardiology Acute coronary syndrome: ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (ED Grech, et al). 326:1379 (C) Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (ED Grech, et al). 326:1259 (C) Chronic stable angina: treatment options (L O'Toole, et al). 326:1185 (C) Pathophysiology and investigation of coronary artery disease (ED Grech). 326:1027 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention: cardiogenic shock (J Ducas, et al). 326:1450 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention. I: History and development (ED Grech). 326:1080 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention. II: The procedure (ED Grech). 326:1137 (C) ABC of learning and teaching in medicine Applying educational theory in practice (DM Kaufman). 326:213 (C), 986 (L) Creating teaching materials (R Farrow). 326:921 (C) Curriculum design (D Prideaux). 326:268 (C), 823 (L) Educational environment (L Hutchinson). 326:810 (C) Evaluation (J Morrison). 326:385 (C) Learning and teaching in the clinical environment (J Spencer). 326:591 (C) One to one teaching and feedback (J Gordon). 326:543 (C) Problem based learning (DF Wood). 326:328 (C) Skill based assessment (S Smee). 326:703 (C) Teaching in large groups (P Cantillon). 326:437 (C) Teaching small groups (D Jaques). 326:492 (C) Web based learning (J McKimm, et al). 326:870 (C) Work based assessment (JJ Norcini). 326:753 (C) Written assessment (LWT Schuwirth, et al). 326:643 (C) Abeck D, see Mhrenschlager M. 326:105 Abel P, see Esmail A. 326:687 abortion, induced Nigeria, 20 000 deaths/year. 326:225 (L) US anti-abortionist convicted of obstetrician's murder (F Charatan). 326:678 (N) "partial birth abortion" outlawed (JH Tanne). 326:619 (N) Abraham S, see Joseph A. 326:1121 January-June 2003 Abraham VJ, see Joseph A. 326:1121 Abrams KR see Chilcott J. 326:522 see Cooper NJ. 326:1235 academic boycott, Israel. 326:713 (L), 714 (L) academic health centres, US, need major changes (JH Tanne). 326:354 (N) accidents see also mistakes Unknown Quantity (D Cohen) (Art). 326:505 (R) accidents, traffic see also transport congestion charging and walking (I Roberts). 326:345 (E), 884 (L) Jane Madeley (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s30 (25 January) ACE inhibitors, elderly, comparison with diuretics (S Gottlieb). 326:415 (N) acquired immunodeficiency syndrome see also HIV Africa aunt in Norway. A memorable patient (B Blomberg). 326:279 driven by poor medical practice (O Dyer). 326:466 (N) Australia, patient confidentiality over test results case (C Zinn). 326:1107 (N) developing countries antiretroviral treatment: peril of neglecting private providers (R Brugha). 326:1382 (ED) G8 support boosts global fund (F Fleck). 326:1106 (N) public health and company wealth (N Ford) (Developing world). 326:1296 India, lessons from Africa (M Potts, et al). 326:1389 (ED) South Africa, politics: beyond controversies (D Fassin, et al). 326:495 (ED) Uganda, vaccine trial begins (S Mayor). 326:414 (N) US Bush criticised for not giving money to Global Fund (S Macdonald). 326:299 (N) Bush legislates for $15bn (S Gottlieb). 326:1233 (N) HIV testing initiative (F Charatan). 326:950 (N) vaccine, may offer hope only for some ethnic groups (L Eaton). 326:463 (N) acrylamide, cancer risk and (D Singh). 326:303 (N) acupuncture see also alternative medicine training (C Lewis, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s152 (3 May) acute coronary syndrome, ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1259 (C) acute ischaemic stroke, therapeutic thrombolysis (C Warlow, et al). 326:233 (E) acute medicine, appendicitis, management. 326:49 (L), 50 (L) acute purulent rhinitis, antibiotic for. 326:502 (L) acute renal colic, treatment, primary-secondary care interface. 326:502 (L) acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1379 (C) Adam, Patrick Alan, Obituary (J Robbins). 326:1091 Adami H-O, see Tamimi RM. 326:1245 Adams K, see Freeman A BMJ Careers 326:s105 (29 March) Adams, Robert Macindoe, suspended for enrolling patients in drug trials without consent (O Dyer). 326:304 (N) Adeniran S, Metastatic tumour considered when finger lesion failed to heal (Minerva). 326:558 (R) Adr HJ, see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 Adhikari RK, see Christian P. 326:571 Adjei O, see Hoerauf A. 326:207 adjuvant therapy, survival improvement in early ovarian cancer (S Mayor). 326:181 (N) adolescence see also young adults Africa, public policies and AIDS orphans (A Bhargava, et al). 326:1387 (ED) mobile phone use has not replaced smoking. 326:161 (L) mortality in young offenders: Australian cohort study (C Coffey, et al). 326:1064 (P) Nigeria, sex behaviour (GB Slap, et al). 326:15 (P) obesity, British youth (HD McCarthy, et al). 326:624 (P) special health services needed (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1285 (N) adrenaline, given outside the context of life threatening allergic reactions (SL Johnston, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:589 (C) Adu D, et al, Interleukin -2 receptor monoclonal antibodies in renal transplantation: meta-analysis of randomised trials. 326:789 (P) adverse drug reactions anecdotes as evidence (J Aronson). 326:1346 (E) low dosage tricyclic antidepressants, effects and side effects. 326:499 (L), 500 (L) metformin contraindications (GC Jones, et al). 326:4 (E), 762 (L), 763 (L) monitoring (N Dunn) ( 0-minute consultation). 1 326:1018 (PC) patient helpline pilot (S Mayor). 326:951 (N) advertising, drugs see drug industry Afghanistan see also Asia post-conflict health care struggles (T Richards). 326:837 (N) (correction, 1079) Africa see also Angola; Burkina Faso; Gambia; Kenya; Malawi; Nigeria; Sierra Leone; Somaliland; South Africa; Togo; Uganda AIDS driven by poor medical practice (O Dyer). 326:466 (N) lessons for India (M Potts, et al). 326:1389 (ED) public policies and orphans (A Bhargava, et al). 326:1387 (ED) caesarean section rates (P Buekens, et al). 326:136 (P) drugs, EU clamps down on reimportation of cheap drugs meant for Africa. 326:285 (L) infant milk formulas: marketing compliance with international code (VM Aguayo, et al). 326:127 (P) tuberculosis, epidemic still growing (P Moszynski). 326:676 (N) women at high risk of death in pregnancy (L Eaton). 326:567 (N) age-related macular degeneration cholesterol lowering drugs and (R van Leeuwen, et al). 326:255 (P) review (A Chopdar, et al) 326:485 (C), 326:1458 (L) (correction, 327: ), 326:1459 (L) ageing see also elderly compensation. Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:579 good advice. Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:736 most pressing problem of our age (T Kirkwood) (Ageing). 326:1297 three stages of man's life. Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:1242 ageism see also discrimination difficult to identify (S Macdonald). 326:355 (N) time to deliver with dignity (S Davison, et al) (Ageing). 326:1300 Agell I Appraisal for the Apprehensive (Books). 326:664 (R) et al, An attachment in liaison psychiatry for hospital doctors BMJ Careers 326:s207 (21 June) Agent Orange, leukaemia and (C Marwick). 326:242 (N) Agostoni C, see Forsyth JS. 326:953 Aguayo VM, et al, Monitoring compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk AAS-AGU 1

Substitutes in west Africa: multisite cross sectional survey in Togo and Burkina Faso. 326:127 (P) Ahlqvist -Rastad J, see Melander H. 326:1171 Ahuja AT, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 air pollution, London. Endpiece (JH Baron). 326:1210 Aitken D, WHO responds. 326:217 (ED) Aitken M, et al, Trainees' attitudes to shift work depend on grade and specialty. 326:48 (L) Akgn S, et al, Doctors and managers. 326:1214 (L) Akhras F, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 Al-Ubaydli M Handhelds for Doctors (Books). 326:341 (R) How to become a publisher: part 1 BMJ Careers 326:s175 (24 May) How to become a publisher: part 2 BMJ Careers 326:s208 (221 June) So, you'd like a handheld computer BMJ Careers 326:s17 (18 January) Alayn S, see Buekens P. 326:136 Albert T, Readability of British and American medical prose. 326:711 (L) albumin, efficacy in critically ill patients (S Finfer, et al). 326:559 (E) alcohol based rubbing solutions, comparison with antiseptic soap. 326:50 (L) alcohol drinking doctors CHITS (DG Fowlie) (Have you heard about) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) Graeme Cunningham (R MacDonald) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s115 (29 March) perceptions of drinking alcohol while on call. 326:165 (L) doctors (R Charlton) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s114 (29 March) drugs as substit ute. One hundred years ago. 326:1207 screening, GP interview study. 326:336 (L), 337 (L), 550 (L) US, students and outlet density (R Dobson). 326:783 (N) Aldeen T, Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia (Minerva). 326:607 (R) Alden B, see Raffle AE. 326:901 Alderson P, et al, Survey of claims of no effect in abstracts of Cochrane reviews. 326:475 (P), 1267 (L) alendronate, Merck patent struck down (O Dyer). 326:243 (N) Alexander M, 'The focus is on patients' clinical needs and distress' (Perspectives). 326:1332 Alexander WD, see Jones GC. 326:4, 763 Ali IM, Low dosage tricyclic antidepressants in depression. 326:499 (L) Alijani A, et al, Instrument for objective assessment of appropriateness of surgical bed occupancy: validation study. 326:1243 (P) Alis J, et al, Life as a medical secretary a new learning experience for the aspiring consultant (Personal view). 326:403 (R) Allegra F, see Berth-Jones J. 326:1367 allergy clinical environmental medicine: career advice (A Honor) BMJ Careers 326:s149 (3 May) lack of specialists and alternative treatments: RCP report (O Dyer). 326:1415 (N) Alles, Eric Henry Camillus, Obituary (R Perumal). 326:603 alosetron, FDA warning of more deaths if relaunched, regulatory capture or victory for patients' rights? 326:51 (L), 52 (L) Als C, et al, Visible signs of illness from the 14th to the 20th century: systematic review of portraits (Through the artist's eye) 325:1499 (corrections, 326:212, 699) alteplase, stroke, beneficial (J Lenzer). 326:1234 (N) alternative medicine see also acupuncture; aromatherapy Australia, industry crisis after product recall (B Burton). 326:1001 (N) integration with conventional medicine may destroy appeal (A Coulter) (Comment). 326:1280 lack of allergy specialists and: RCP report (O Dyer). 326:1415 (N) pain management (B Berman) (Pain). 326:1320 altitude illness, symptoms and treatments (PW Barry, et al). 326:915 (C) Altman DG New edicts for letters. 326:985 (L)

et al, Statistics Notes. Interaction revisited: the difference between two estimates. 326:219 (ED) see Song F. 326:472 Alzheimer's disease detection in preclinical phase (K Palmer, et al). 326:245 (P) lumbar puncture in diagnosis (D Josefson). 326:950 (N) treatment slows moderat e to severe disease (JH Tanne). 326:784 (N) Ambler G, see Majeed A. 326:371 American trypanosomiasis, molecular epidemiology in guiding control strategies (MA Miles, et al) (Science, medicine, and the future). 326:1444 (C) Ammann AJ, Preventing HIV. 326:1342 (E) Amos, David, interview (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 326:s197 (14 June) Ana J Four futures for scientific and medical publishing. 326:933 (L) G7 countries are not to blame for Africa's brain drain. 326:502 (L) anaesthesiology, patient participation, limits (R Markham, et al). 326:863 (IP) analgesia, breast feeding effects in term neonates (R Carbajal, et al). 326:13 (P) Anand DV, et al, Finding the age of the patient's heart. 326:1045 (E) anaphylaxis, adrenaline given outside the context of life threatening allergic reactions (SL Johnston, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:589 (C) Anderson C, see Whitehouse A BMJ Careers 326:s192 (7 June) Anderson G, see Shulman KI. 326:960 Anderson J, see Pell JP. 326:134 Anderson P, see Heather N. 326:550 Anderson, Philip England, Obituary (P Ross). 326:227 Anderson W, The Cultivation of Whiteness: Science, Health and Racial Destiny in Australia (Books). 326:888 (R) Andraghetti R, see Roth CE. 326:447 Andrews NJ, see Ramsay ME. 326:365 Andrews PA, A patient who made me think. We should not play God. 326:634 anecdotes, evidence-based medicine (J Aronson). 326:1346 (E) aneurysm, woman with rash: Interactive case report, presentation (J Bligh). 326:588 (C) angina computerised evidence based guidelines and management of. 326:394 (L), 395 (L) treatment options: ABC of interventional cardiology (L O'Toole, et al). 326:1185 (C) angioplasty, acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1379 (C) angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, blood pressure and. 326:52 (L) Angola see also Africa child soldiers forgotten (P Moszynski). 326:1003 (N) animal research, India, activist removed from government committee (S Kumar). 326:68 (N) ankle injuries Ottawa rules overview (J Heyworth). 326:405 (E) accuracy to exclude ankle and mid-foot fractures: systematic review (LM Bachmann, et al) 326:417 (P) (correction, 327:17) 1147 (L) Annis, David, Obituary (AJ Robertson). 326:1462 Anonymous Cover note. Bakker van Eeklo. 326:695 Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating generalised anxiety disorder. Commentary: A patient's story of living with anxiety. 326:702 (R) Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating head lice. Commentary: A parent's story: "I felt lost and hysterical. 326:1258 (C) Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with a rash: case outcome. Commentary: Patients perspective. 326:804 (C) Me? A bully? (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s130 (12 April) anorexia nervosa, never say die (J Hester) (Personal view). 326:719 (R) antibiotics acute purulent rhinitis. 326:502 (L) sore throat GP prescription (S Kumar, et al). 326:138 (PC), 766 (L)

antibodies, interfering antibodies affecting immunoassays in women with rabbits (A Park, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:541 (C) anticholinergic drugs, overactive bladder: comparison with placebo (P Herbison, et al). 326:841 (P) anticoagulants, in hospitals and general practice: ABC of antithrombotic therapy (AD Blann, et al). 326:153 (C) anticonvulsants, epilepsy misdiagnosis in patients prescribed anticonvulsants for other reasons (M Oto, et al). 326:326 (C) antidepressants see also tricyclic antidepressants on internet (B Twisselmann) ( ebsite of the W week). 326:1042 (R) mortality, fatal toxicity. 326:600 (L) suicide and: Australia 1991-2000 (WD Hall, et al). 326:1008 (P) antihypertensives patient decisions. 326:103 (L) (correction, 321) patient pros and cons (J Benson, et al) (Research). 326:1314 spin doctors (J Lenzer). 326:170 (R) antioxidants, dementia prevention and (POEM*). 326 (31 May 2003) antiretrovirals, AIDS, systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence for increasing numbers of drugs. 326:337 (L) antisocial behaviour impact on health (J Shepherd, et al). 326:834 (E) mortality in young offenders: Australian cohort study (C Coffey, et al). 326:1064 (P) antithrombotic therapy ABC of antithrombotic therapy Anticoagulation in hospitals and general practice (AD Blann, et al). 326:153 (C) Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances. IPregnancy and cancer (B Jilma, et al). 326:37 (C) Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances. IIIn children, thrombophilia, and miscellaneous conditions (B Jilma, et al). 326:93 (C) Antoniou J, et al, 'I have a chronic illness and I would much rather see the same person all the time' (Response). 326:1313 anxiety, (A Tonks) (Extracts from "Best Treatments"). 326:700 (C) Anyanwu A, et al, Prognosis after heart transplantation. 326:509 (E), 1088 (L) aortic aneurysms, screening, men. 326:284 (L) apoptosis, dying we live (C Douglas) (Soundings). 326:455 (R) appendicitis, acute, management. 326:49 (L), 50 (L) Appleby JL Rethinking management. 326:221 (L) et al, Patients choosing their hospital. 326:407 (E) appraisal Appraisal for the Apprehensive: A Guide for Doctors (Chambers, et al) (Books). 326:664 (R) (R Chambers, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s218 (28 June) Aps, Chris, (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s93 (22 March) Aquino P et al, Choosing the right GP trainer BMJ Careers 326:s217 (28 June) et al, Working in a primary care trust BMJ Careers 326:s73 (8 March) see Jones P BMJ Careers 326:s181 (31 May) Arab countries, health policy: which way forward? (S Jabbour). 326:1141 (ED) Arava see leflunomide Argentina see also South America torture, silence, and medical teaching (L Justo) (Personal view). 326:1405 (R) Arieff AI, see Ayus JC. 326:382 arms see weapons Armstrong N, see Craig D. 326:445 arnica, no better than placebo (S Mayor). 326:303 (N) Arnold F, Patient power? (Personal view). 326:1042 (R) aromatherapy see also alternative medicine in dementia. 326:661 (L) Aronson J Anecdotes as evidence. 326:1346 (E) Dying for drugs (TV). 326:990 (R) When I use a word Dropsy. 326:491 The eyes have it. 326:639 Man hater. 326:216


January-June 2003

Wholly, holy, holey. 326:392 Arroll B see Elley CR. 326:793 see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 Arsenal FC, testicular cancer website (S Mayor) 326:1282 (N) (correction, 327:88) art funding, health v. arts funding. 326:660 (L), 661 (L) Medicine and Art (Emery, et al) (Books). 326:57 (R) nature and. One hundred years ago. 326:44 Arthur RR, see Roth CE. 326:447 Arulampalam W, et al, Medical school applications. 326:162 (L) Arya, Neil, (J Clark) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s86 (15 March) Ashcroft JS, Drug treatment of hypertension. 326:764 (L) Ashcroft R, see Hurwitz B. 326:598 Ashford and St Peter's Hospitals NHS Trust, CHI report on poor work relationships (R Coombes). 326:731 (N) Ashworth, Timothy Greville, Obituary (T Guha). 326:663 Asia see also Afghanistan; Bangladesh; Cambodia; China; Hong Kong; India; Iraq; Israel; Korea; Nepal; Pakistan; Singapore; South Korea; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Vietnam obesity epidemics (G Mudur). 326:515 (N) Asians, south see also ethnic groups broadcasters block Asian health soap opera (R Coombes) (TV). 326:110 (R) Askling J, see Jacobsson LTH. 326:1068 aspirin cancer prevention? (O Dyer). 326:565 (N) (correction, 699) cardiovascular diseases: polypill overview (A Rodgers). 326:1407 (E) combination of drugs (NJ Wald, et al). 326:1419 (P) coronary disease and, combination with clopidogrel improves outcomes (D Spurgeon). 326:464 (N) (correction, 699), 1211 (L) hyperlipidaemia, platelet responsiveness to aspirin (M Friend, et al). 326:82 (P) inappropriate prophylaxis for long haul flights (T Diggory). 326:1448 assisted fertilisation see in vitro fertilisation Asthana K, Doctors as servants of patients. 326:1269 (L) asthma children educational programmes (JP Guevara, et al) (Research). 326:1308 longitudinal study: outcome at age 42 (E Horak, et al). 326:422 (P) computerised evidence based guidelines and management of. 326:394 (L), 395 (L) glucocorticoids v. leukotriene receptor antagonists (FM Ducharme). 326:621 (P) inhaled corticosteroids, stepping down (G Hawkins, et al). 326:1115 (P) intravenous agonists are not indicated (POEM*). 326 (29 March 2003) management guidelines (PJ Rees). 326:346 (E), 1039 (L) telephone review, accessibility, acceptability, and effectiveness (H Pinnock, et al). 326:477 (PC), 1267 (L) atherosclerosis, electron beam computed tomography in detection (DV Anand, et al). 326:1045 (E) Atkin K, see Mason S. 326:1244 Atkins JL, et al, Antiretroviral therapy: new solutions bring new problems. 326:337 (L) Atkins, Paul, Obituary (J Goodwill, et al). 326:107 Atkins, Robert Coleman, Obituary (J Lenzer). 326:1090 Atlay, Bob, Linda Cardozo on (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s44 (8 February) atrial fibrillation persistent, rate control or rhythm control (CJ Boos, et al). 326:1411 (E) rate control is better than rhythm control. 326 (8 March 2003) attention deficit disorders US doctor warns of misuse of prescribed stimulants (C Marwick). 326:67 (N) funds withdrawal from schools (S Gottlieb). 326:1055 (N)

Attwood SEA, see Lewis CJ. 326:1148 Atun RA, Doctors and managers need to speak a common language. 326:655 (ED), 1214 (L) Auchterlonie IA, see Egger J. 326:975 audiovisual aids, poster presentations (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s46 (8 February) Audit Commission Primary Care Prescribing (S Macdonald). 326:677 (N) Waiting List Accuracy (S Hargreaves). 326:517 (N) work (R Hooke) BMJ Careers 326:s91 (22 March) Austin AS, see Johal SS. 326:440 Austoker J, Breast self examination. 326:1 (E), 710 (L), 711 (L) Australia see also Oceania AIDS, patient confidentiality and HIV test results (C Zinn). 326:1107 (N) alternative medicine, industry crisis after product recall (B Burton). 326:1001 (N) computed tomography crack down (C Zinn). 326:1350 (N) The Cultivation of Whiteness: Science, Health and Racial Destiny in Australia (Anderson) (Books). 326:888 (R) drug industry AMA accepts generic prescribing. 326:985 (L) IBS promotion (M Sweet) a ds). 326:1464 ( (R) general practice red tape crisis (C Zinn). 326:950 (N) two tier system for paying for consultations (C Zinn). 326:1002 (N) hormone replacement therapy: media survey (M Sweet) (The Press). 326:58 (R) mortality in young offenders: retrospective cohort study (C Coffey, et al). 326:1064 (P) pain, doctors told to use positive language (C Zinn). 326:301 (N) prostate screening row (S Chapman) (The Press). 326:605 (R) scheme for less well off bolstered (C Zinn). 326:570 (N) suicide and antidepressant prescribing: 1991-2000 (WD Hall, et al). 326:1008 (P) teething symptoms survey of child health professionals. 326:282 (L) treatment withdrawal, court rules food and hydration to be treatment (C Zinn). 326:1233 (N) vitamin B-12 and cardiovascular diseases (J Hung, et al). 326:131 (P), 1035 (L), 1036 (L) wellbeing of doctors British and Australian view (P Cross, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s112 (29 March). 326:1396 (L) rural GPs (R Sexton) BMJ Careers 326:s101 (29 March) authors charges: open sesame? (T Delamothe, et al). 326:945 (E) payment may be new science model (T Delamothe). 326:182 (N), 765 (L), 766 (L) autism causes of spectrum disorders (P Szatmari). 326:173 (E), 986 (L) Lorna Wing (M Raymond) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s209 (21 June) US, 10-fold increase (S Gottlieb). 326:71 (N) Avery T, Medication Errors (Books). 326:555 (R) aviation medicine, inappropriate aspirin prophylaxis (T Diggory). 326:1448 Awramenko M, see Ubach C. 326:1432 Aydin A, see Maas R. 326:21 Aylin P, et al, What hospital mortality league tables tell you. 326:1397 (L) Ayres P, Evidence-Based Public Health (Books). 326:1150 (R) Ayus JC, et al, Lesson of the week. Fatal dysnatraemia caused by elective colonoscopy. 326:382 (C), 1146 (L), 1147 (L) azithromycin, recurrent acute coronary syndromes (POEM*). 326 (7 June 2003)

Babb PJ, see Raffle AE. 326:901 Babington, Anthony Harrie William, Obituary (P Babington). 326:107 Babu KS

et al, Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 326:821 (L) et al, Non-invasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 326:177 (E) Bachmann LM et al, Accuracy of Ottawa ankle rules to exclude fractures of the ankle and mid-foot: systematic review 326:417 (P) (correction, 327:17). 326:1147 (L) et al, Simple presentation of test accuracy may lead to inflated disease probabilities. 326:393 (L) backache, massage treatment (E Ernst). 326:562 (E) Bckman L, see Palmer K. 326:245 bacteraemia, hospital cases in England linked to devices (R Dobson). 326:10 (N) bacterial meningitis management, in adults (J Cohen, et al). 326:996 (E) peripheral white cell count (POEM*). 326 (26 April 2003) bad news see also communication "I'm sorry for your trouble" (DC Riordan). 326:699 Bahl R, see Bhan MK. 326:146 Baig K Endpiece. An act of creation. 326:204 Endpiece. The art of surgery. 326:310 Bail KD, Electronic tagging of people with dementia. 326:281 (L) Bakaj, Peter, Obituary (S Shrestha). 326:934 Baker D, see Middleton E. 326:854 Baker M The Autonomous Patient (Books). 326:1338 (R) The Resourceful Patient (Books). 326:1338 (R) see Chambers R BMJ Careers 326:s193 (7 June) see Thornett A BMJ Careers 326:s213 (28 June) Baker R et al, Monitoring mortality rates in general practice after Shipman. 326:274 (ED), 1038 (L) see Tarrant C. 326:1310 Bal, Arun, interview (S Kumar) (Developing world). 326:1295 Baldwin E, Time for a fresh look at complementary medicine (Pain). 326:1322 Ballard K, see Rymer J. 326:322, 1398 Balzano A, see Manes G. 326:1118 Bamji AN, New edicts for letters. 326:985 (L) Banatvala JE see Melzer M. 326:552 see Van Damme P. 326:105 Banerjee, Anjan Kumar, institutional corruption in medicine. 326:501 (L) Bangladesh see also Asia smoking in adults: influences (J Bush, et al). 326:962 (PC) Bapat PP, Values and leadership. 326:657 (L) Barber J, see Bower P. 326:1247 Barber N, see Taxis K. 326:684 Barber SG, Overseas members of the BMA. 326:932 (L) Barbui C, see Furukawa TA. 326:500 Barker, Geoffrey Neish, Obituary (G Fox). 326:339 Barnes J, see Fahey T. 326:580 Barnett P, see Malcolm L. 326:653 Baron JH Endpiece. The atmosphere of London. 326:1210 Endpiece. Consultant reappraisal 2500 years ago. 326:548 Endpiece. A good physician versus no physician. 326:152 Fever. 326:24 Medicine and Art (Books). 326:57 (R) Barraclough K Complaints (Soundings). 326:557 (R) Medical heroes (Soundings). 326:111 (R) Orthopaedic surgeons and flaccid liberals (Soundings). 326:829 (R) Oxford Handbook of General Practice (Books). 326:56 (R) There is no evidence that... (Soundings). 326:1095 (R) Barratt H Performing arts medicine BMJ Careers 326:s21 (18 January) Practitioner to the performers BMJ Careers 326:s22 (18 January) Barrett JFR, Randomised controlled trial for twin delivery. 326:448 (L) Barrett's oesophagus, management (SJ Spechler). 326:892 (E) Barry PW, et al, Altitude illness. 326:915 (C)

January-June 2003


Barth JH, et al, Indiscriminate investigations have adverse effects. 326:393 (L) Bartlett C, see Hooper L. 326:224 Barton, Eric John, Obituary (H Connor). 326:54 Baruch G, see Moens V. 326:1252 Bashir S, see Whitehouse A BMJ Careers 326:s192 (7 June) Bassi LL, see Garattini S. 326:1199 Basso O, see Olesen AW. 326:476 Basson R, et al, The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction. 326:658 (L) Bastian H, Just how demanding can we get before we blow it? (Comment). 326:1277 bat rabies, immunisation of handlers (D Pounder). 326:726 (E) Battersby TA, et al, Self help smoking cessation in pregnancy. 326:447 (L) Bawden R, see Pinnock H. 326:477, 1267 Bayat A et al, Skin scarring. 326:88 (C), 765 (L) see Walter J BMJ Careers 326:s83 (15 March) see Walter J BMJ Careers 326:s133 (19 April) see Walter J BMJ Careers 326:s165 (17 May) Bayer, cerivastatin withdrawal: documents (C Marwick). 326:518 (N) Beadsworth M, et al, Photosensitivity induced by oral doxycycline (Minerva). 326:1274 (R) Bearn J, see Strang J. 326:959 Beasley DWC, see Solomon T. 326:865 Beaumont R, Effect of computerised evidence based guidelines. 326:394 (L) Beaumont W, Shocked by attitude to MRSA. 326:1328 (L) Bech BH, see Wisborg K. 326:420, 1269 Becker K, Preventing obesity. 326:102 (L) Beckett GJ, see Toft AD. 326:295, 1087 bed occupancy, objective assessment of appropriateness instrument (A Alijani, et al). 326:1243 (P) Bedford H et al, MMR: the onslaught continues (The Press). 326:718 (R) see Elliman D. 326:995 Beecham J, see Bower P. 326:1247 Beermann B, see Melander H. 326:1171 Behan PO, see Chaudhuri A. 326:1213 behaviour modification, counselling to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in low income adults (A Steptoe, et al). 326:855 (PC), 1458 (L) behavioural problems, sensory stimulation in. 326:661 (L) Behrens R, see Hoveyda N. 326:52 Beilby JP, see Hung J. 326:131, 1036 Belcher P, How not to do medical research (Personal view). 326:1221 (R) Bell A, Us and them (Personal view). 326:291 (R) Bell, Heward, Obituary (H Bell). 326:603 Bell R, see Petticrew M. 326:599 Bellomo R, see Finfer S. 326:559 Bender R, see Meyer G. 326:76 benign intracranial hypertension, diagnosis (KB Digre). 326:613 (E) benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, safe treatment (M Hilton, et al). 326:673 (E) benign sleep myoclonus, infants, mistaken for epilepsy (J Egger, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:975 (C) Benjamin IS, see Tekkis PP. 326:786 Bennett AMD, et al, Uvula swelling after laryngeal mask airway insertion (Minerva). 326:940 (R) Bennett, Gerald Charles Joseph, Obituary (L Doyal, et al). 326:1270 Bennett L, The next steps BMJ Careers 326:s103 (29 March) Benson J Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with a rash: case outcome. Commentary: View from primary care. 326:806 (C) et al, Keep taking the tablets (Research). 326:1314 Bentley E, see Jenkins D. 326:601 Berezcky S, see Frnert A. 326:628 Berger A Delayed immunisation and risk of pertussis in infants: unmatched case-control study. Science commentary: Pertussis immunisation. 326:853 (P) How does it work? Positron emission tomography. 326:1449 (C) Please Don't Break My Other Leg! (Books). 326:109 (R) What do you think of the BMJ's POEMs? 326:1228 (E)

Berglund L, see Dunder K. 326:681 Berkley JA, et al, Prognostic indicators of early and late death in children admitted to district hospital in Kenya: cohort study. 326:361 (P) Berman B, Integrative approaches to pain management: how to get the best of both worlds (Pain). 326:1320 Bero LA, see Lexchin J. 326:1167 Berqvist Y, see Frnert A. 326:628 Berridge V, et al, ed, Poor Health: Social Inequality before and after the Black Report (Books). 326:169 (R) Berry AR, EU working time directive. 326:929 (L) Bertele CV, see Garattini S. 326:1199 Berth-Jones J, et al, Twice weekly fluticasone propionate added to emollient maintenance treatment to reduce risk of relapse in atopic dermatitis: randomised, double blind, parallel group study. 326:1367 (PC) Best D, see Strang J. 326:959 BestTreatments, connecting doctors, patients, and evidence (B Nash, et al). 326:674 (E) Beswick, Isobel Porritt, Obituary (JE McLaughlin). 326:107 Beswick T, see Strang J. 326:959 lactam, monotherapy v. therapy for fever with neutropenia (M Paul, et al). 326:1111 (P) BetterCare, long-term care judgment: challenge to health care (AM Pollock, et al). 326:236 (E) Bexon N, see Mackay DM. 326:1035 Bhalla M, see Thami GP. 326:910 Bhan MK, et al, Management of the severely malnourished child: perspective from developing countries. 326:146 (C), 765 (L) Bhandari N, see Bhan MK. 326:146 Bhangu AA, Consent is crucial but don't go too far, for students' and patients' sakes. 326:1326 (L) Bhargava A, et al, Public policies and the orphans of AIDS in Africa. 326:1387 (ED) Bhatia G, see Davis RC. 326:883 Bhopal RS see Bush J. 326:962 see Gill PS. 326:880 Bhutta ZA, Values and leadership. 326:658 (L) bias diagnostic tests reporting: STARD initiative (PM Bossuyt, et al). 326:41 (ED), 601 (L) drug industry reporting new drug applications studies (H Melander, et al). 326:1171 (P) sponsorship of research (J Lexchin, et al). 326:1167 (P) effect of interpretive bias on research evidence (TJ Kaptchuk). 326:1453 (ED) bicycling, GPs (J Green) BMJ Careers 326:s53 (15 February) Bier block manipulation, angulated distal radial fracture (J Mountney) (Minerva). 326:344 (R) Bigombe B, see Bhargava A. 326:1387 Bijker B, see de Jong-van den Berg L. 326:254 bilateral renovascular disease, cardiorenal failure (A Brammah, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:489 (C) Bindman AB et al, Primary care in the United States. Organisation of primary care in the United States. 326:631 (PC) see Majeed A. 326:371, 799 Bindman J, see Rose D. 326:1363 Bingham, John, Obituary (R McRae). 326:107 biological warfare see also terrorism on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1151 (R) UK doctors warned after ricin poison found in police raid (S Mayor). 326:126 (N) smallpox interim guidelines. 326:447 (L) BioMed Central see also electronic publishing fees waived for university researchers (T Delamothe). 326:1350 (N) NHS free online access (C White). 326:568 (N) bioterrorism Bioterrorism: Guidelines for Medical and Public Health Management (Henderson, et al, eds) (Books). 326:665 (R) BMA warning: too few people know response (Z Kmietowicz). 326:516 (N), 762 (L) on internet (G Jones) (Website of the week). 326:230 (R) bipolar affective disorder elderly, lithium prescription comparison with valproic acid (KI Shulman, et al). 326:960 (P) qualification for job (D Rose) (Perspectives). 326:1331

Bird, David Robert, Obituary (N Jowett). 326:107 Bird M, see Moniz-Cook E. 326:661 Birk HO, et al, Volume of procedures and outcome of treatment. 326:280 (L) Birnie, Gordon Bell, Obituary (GJA Morris). 326:715 birth order, gestational age and risk of delivery related perinatal death in twins. 326:448 (L) birth weight Nepal, alternative maternal micronutrient supplements and (P Christian, et al). 326:571 (P) parental diabetes and offspring weight: intergenerational cohort study (E Hyppnen, et al). 326:19 (P) Bischoff T, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Bishop NL, see Patterson L. 326:1214 Bissenden J, see Forsyth JS. 326:953 biventricular pacing heart failure, new technologies (AWC Chow, et al) (Science, medicine, and the future). 326:1073 (C) for heart failure (RE Lane, et al). 326:944 (E) Bjrkman A, see Frnert A. 326:628 Blachford, Raymond Dudley, Obituary (J Harrison). 326:108 Black A, see Garside P. 326:611 Black N, Using clinical databases in practice. 326:2 (E) Black, Ronald, Obituary (A Black, et al). 326:398 Black, Sir Douglas, celebration of life. 326:504 Blackwell CC, et al, Risk factors for cot death increase danger from infection. 326:222 (L) bladder disorders, anticholinergic drugs: comparison with placebo (P Herbison, et al). 326:841 (P) Blaiklock, Richard ("Dick") Alexander, Obituary (P Irving, et al). 326:987 Blair M, see Alis J. 326:403 Blake DR, Alternative prescribing and negligence (Personal view). 326:455 (R) Bland JM, see Altman DG. 326:219 Bland M, Doctors and computers. 326:221 (L) Blann AD, et al, ABC of antithrombotic therapy. Anticoagulation in hospitals and general practice. 326:153 (C) Bligh J et al, Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with a rash presentation. 326:588 (C) case progression. 326:640 (C) case outcome. 326:804 (C) Bliss J, see Watson M. 326:598 Bloch TPS, Patient or client? 326:253 Blomberg B, A memorable patient. An aunt without health insurance. 326:279 blood donors, promotion among British Muslims (A Sheikh, et al) (Personal view). 326:1152 (R) blood glucose, increase during antihypertensive treatment as predictor of myocardial infarction (K Dunder, et al). 326:681 (P) blood pressure see also hypertension antihypertensive drugs: patient pros and cons (J Benson, et al) (Research). 326:1314 children, long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infant formulas and (JS Forsyth, et al). 326:953 (P) diuretics v. ACE inhibitors in elderly (S Gottlieb). 326:415 (N) intensive control in type 2 diabetes in England: cost analysis. 326:103 (L) (correction, 321) low dose combination treatment; RCT analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1427 (P) ramipril and. 326:52 (L) US, new guidelines (JH Tanne). 326:1104 (N) blood transfusion, EU standards for products (R Watson). 326:11 (N) Bloom S, see Chowdhury T BMJ Careers 326:s205 (21 June) Bloor K, et al, Impact of NICE guidance on laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernias: analysis of interrupted time series. 326:578 (P), 1144 (L) BMA/BMJ information fund, books and journal donation to less developed countries (T Groves, et al). 326:298 (E) BMJ see also eBMJ Christmas competition winners. 326:238 conflict of interest, readers' perceptions randomised trial. 326:883 (L) economic evaluations policy. 326:445 (L), 446 (L) forthcoming theme issues. 326:160, 376 interactive case reports (T Richards, et al). 326:564 (E)


January-June 2003

patient participation theme issue. 326:166 (L) POEMs: what do you think? (A Berger). 326:1228 (E) reader's consent (JO Drife) (Soundings). 326:1153 (R) specialist journal highlights (H Marcovitch, et al). 326:514 (E) BMJ Learning, launch (E Briffa, et al). 326:176 (E) BMJ USA, new editor (A Ferriman). 326:1418 (N) Letters to the editor edicts (S Davies). 326:63 (E), 985 (L), 986 (L) online poll results. 326:118 Questions and answers (T Delamothe). 326:1412 (E) Bochud P-Y, et al, Science, medicine, and the future. Pathogenesis of sepsis: new concepts and implications for future treatment. 326:262 (C) Bodenham AR, Ultrasound guided central venous access. 326:712 (L) Bodenheimer T, Primary care in the United States. Innovations in primary care in the United States. 326:796 (PC) body see human body Body World , Gunther von Hagen interview: scientist or showman? (D Singh). 326:468 (N) Boehm G, see Forsyth JS. 326:953 Boffard K, see Tai NRM. 326:338 Bojke C, see Sibbald B. 326:22 Bolton J, How can we reduce the stigma of mental illness? BMJ Careers 326:s57 (22 February) Bonaccorso S, et al, In praise of the "devil" (Personal view). 326:1220 (R) Bonard C, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Bond J, see Shaw FE. 326:73 bone marrow suppression, low dose methotrexate and (M Sosin, et al). 326:266 (C), 1145 (L) bone marrow transplantation, heart function improved (JH Tanne). 326:950 (N) Bonneux L, Screening populations at low risk carries high risks. 326:53 (L) Book Aid International bringing books to the world (H Toyama) BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) Sierra Leone, Somaliland and Malawi (K Carew, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) Boomsma DI, see Willemsen G. 326:396 Boos CJ, et al, Persistent atrial fibrillation: rate control or rhythm control. 326:1411 (E) Booth E, see Chambers R BMJ Careers 326:s110 (29 March) Bootle, Stuart, interview on diabetes (P Smith) (Doctors as patients). 326:1325 Borchardt J, et al, Lesson of the week. Treating hepatic hydrothorax. 326:751 (C) Borrowclough B, see Hinton CP. 326:1398 Bosanquet R, A parable of procurement (Personal view). 326:1043 (R) Bosch J, see Yusuf S. 326:52 Bosnia see also Europe war, identification of mass grave bodies (K Weaver). 326:1110 (N) Bossuyt PM, et al, Towards complete and accurate reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy: the STARD initiative. 326:41 (ED), 601 (L) Botha JL, see Smith LK. 326:81 botulism, wound, and subcutaneous drug use. 326:822 (L) Bouchier-Hayes, Thomas Anthony Ivan, Obituary (RP Craig). 326:603 Boulton M, see Tarrant C. 326:1310 Bourhill, Biddy Davidson, Obituary (C McKeown). 326:167 Bouter LM, see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 bovine spongiform encephalopathy, How the Cows Turned Mad (Schwartz) (Books). 326:1463 (R) bowel- see gastrointestinalBower P et al, Meta-analysis of data on costs from trials of counselling in primary care: using individual patient data to overcome sample size limitations in economic analyses. 326:1247 (PC) et al, Setting standards based on patients' views on access and continuity: secondary analysis of data from the general practice assessment survey. 326:258 (PC) Bowling JCR, et al, My most unfortunate mistake. The heights of folly. 326:803 Boynton PM Shapely centrefolds. 326:823 (L) The value of agony aunts (Personal view). 326:1465 (R) Bradbury AW, see Burns P. 326:584

Bradley, Fiona, Obituary (M Houston, et al). 326:715 Bradley MD, see Deeks JJ. 326:335 brain, vital signs to diagnose impaired consciousness. 326:396 (L) brain haemorrhage, babies, may not indicate violent abuse (O Dyer). 326:616 (N) (correction, 849) brain injuries, children, expert guidelines (JH Tanne). 326:1283 (N) Braithwaite J, see Iedema R. 326:771 Brammah A, et al, Lesson of the week. Bilateral renovascular disease causing cardiorenal failure. 326:489 (C) Brandling-Bennett H, see Kedar I. 326:696 Braspenning J, see Campbell SM. 326:816 Brawn R, see Watkins C. 326:1178 Bray CA, see MacKie RM. 326:367 Brearley, Marjorie Mary, Obituary (AB Neil). 326:767 breast cancers ATAC trial: interim results can be misleading. 326:1329 (L) (correction, 1460) cardiovascular diseases mortality more than 10 years after radiotherapy: Swedish cohort (S Darby, et al). 326:256 (P), 983 (L), 984 (L) fetal growth and subsequent risk, Swedish cohort (VA McCormack, et al). 326:248 (P) genetics, breast density and risk (S Gottlieb). 326:782 (N) lobular carcinoma incidence in 1990s (S Gottlieb). 326:678 (N) lumpectomy is as effective as mastectomy. 326:166 (L) mortality, mammography nearly halves (S Mayor). 326:949 (N) self examination (J Austoker). 326:1 (E), 710 (L), 711 (L) waiting times for test results have risen in past two years (C White). 326:1233 (N) web-based system for individualised survival estimation (J Lundin, et al). 326:29 (IP), 822 (L) breast diseases, Mike Dixon (S Chaudhry) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s45 (8 February) breast feeding see also infant milk formulas analgesic effects in term neonates (R Carbajal, et al). 326:13 (P) breast implants EU tougher rules (R Watson). 326:414 (N) Sweden, mortality (VCM Koot, et al). 326:527 (P), 1266 (L) breast surgery, oncoplastic subspecialty needed to meet demand (R Dobson). 326:1165 (N) Brett MT, see Raffle AE. 326:901 Brettenthaler R, et al, Open letter to health ministers at Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. 326:1085 (L) Brewer B, GMC health procedures BMJ Careers 326:s106 (29 March) Brewster MF, Meningoencephalitis due to primary HIV infection. 326:552 (L) Briant R, see Davis P. 326:79 Bridle C, see Riemsma RP. 326:1175 Bridson J, see Southall D. 326:343 Briffa E, et al, BMJ Learning. 326:176 (E) Brigden D, et al, Continuing professional development: choosing the right activity BMJ Careers 326:s184 (31 May) Briggs A, see Gray AM. 326:445 bright light therapy, in dementia. 326:661 (L) Brightwell RE, et al, Pressure index is important in peripheral arterial disease. 326:1399 (L) Brignall I, 'You matter to the last moment of your life' (Perspectives). 326:1335 Bristol Royal Infirmary, neonatal heart operations case: inquiry report, national service framework (AW Craft, et al). 326:891 (E) British Medical Association bioterrorism warning: too few people know response (Z Kmietowicz). 326:516 (N), 762 (L) Housing and Health (S Mayor). 326:1003 (N) non-therapeutic circumcision needs consent of both parents (D Singh). 326:782 (N) overseas members, should not forget. 326:103 (L), 932 (L) Racism in the Medical Profesion (D Singh). 326:1418 (N) British Medical Journal see BMJ Britten N see Benson J. 326:1314 see Kumar S. 326:138 bronchitis, children, longitudinal study: outcome at age 42 (E Horak, et al). 326:422 (P)

Bronner A, Monitoring marketing of infant formula feeds. 326:984 (L) Bronskill S, see Shulman KI. 326:960 Brown, Alfred Finlay, Obituary (G Dale). 326:503 Brown DA, Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. 326:1458 (L) Brown H, Netlines. 326:58 (R), 290 (R), 556 (R), 938 (R), 1151 (R), 1464 (R) Brown HM, Peer review should not be anonymous. 326:824 (L) Brown J, see Mason S. 326:1244 Brown P, Privatisation of water is high on Kyoto summit agenda. 326:617 (N) Brown PJB, et al, Randomised crossover trial comparing the performance of Clinical Terms Version 3 and Read Codes 5 byte set coding schemes in general practice. 326:1127 (IP) Brown T, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Brown, Thomas Albert, Obituary (N Brown). 326:767 Brown WS, Political campaigner (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s146 (26 April) Browne, Walter Martin, Obituary (H Saxton). 326:826 Brownscombe J, see Cross P BMJ Careers 326:s112 (29 March) Brownson RC, et al, Evidence-Based Public Health (Books). 326:1150 (R) Brueggemann A, see Harnden A. 326:480 Brugada syndrome, variable presentation, lessons from three generations with syncope (A Plunkett, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1078 (C) Bruggen P, On being a conscientious objector to military service in 1959 (Personal View). 326:557 (R) Brugha R, Antiretroviral treatment in developing countries: the peril of neglecting private providers. 326:1382 (ED) Brugha TS, Screening for depression in primary care. 326:982 (L) Brunekreef B, When Smoke Ran Like Water (Books). 326:452 (R) Bruns DE, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 Brunton, Frederick James, Obituary (K Dewbury, et al). 326:1091 Bryce E, see Yassi A. 326:1394 Buavirat A, et al, Risk of prevalent HIV infection associated with incarceration among injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand: case-control study. 326:308 (P) Buddhism, doctors' faiths (K-P Chan, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Buekens P, et al, Demographic and Health Surveys: caesarean section rates in sub-Saharan Africa. 326:136 (P) building design, reconfiguring health systems. 326:599 (L) Bullimore S, Batten down or fight? BMJ Careers 326:s216 (28 June) bullying behavioural change (E Paice, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s127 (12 April) how can deanery win battle? (B Hicks) BMJ Careers 326:s129 (12 April) me? A bully? (Anonymous) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s130 (12 April) in medicine (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 326:s125 (12 April) tips for bullied (A Houghton) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s130 (12 April) workplace (BR McAvoy, et al). 326:776 (E) bupropion, GlaxoSmithKline legal action to block new controls (M Sweet). 326:952 (N) Burgess I, Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating head lice. Commentary: How to advise a patient when over the counter products have failed. 326:1257 (C) Burkina Faso see also Africa infant milk formulas: monitoring marketing, compliance with International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (VM Aguayo, et al). 326:127 (P) Burnand B, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Burns P, et al, Management of peripheral arterial disease in primary care. 326:584 (C), 1399 (L) Burns SL, see Alijani A. 326:1243 Burry JN, Cover up and stay out of sun to prevent skin cancer. 326:1148 (L) Burton B Ban direct to consumer advertising, report recommends. 326:467 (N) Complementary medicines industry in crisis after recall of 1546 products. 326:1001 (N)

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et al, Unhealthy spin. 326:1205 (ED) Burton, Richard Michael ("Mike"), Obituary (R Britt, et al). 326:1149 Busch MJWM, see ten Tusscher MPM. 326:579 Bush J, et al, Understanding influences on smoking in Bangladeshi and Pakistani adults: community based, qualitative study. 326:962 (PC) Bushell, Ann Christina, Obituary (N Jowett). 326:107 Busuttil A, see Blackwell CC. 326:222 Buszewicz M, see Walters K. 326:740 Butler CD, How political should a general medical journal be? 326:821 (L) Butler PEM see Atkins JL. 326:337 see Hettiaratchy S. 326:1227 Bttner DW, see Hoerauf A. 326:207 Bydder S, New edicts for letters. 326:985 (L) Byford S, see Bower P. 326:1247 Bywaters, Eric George Lapthorne, Obituary (A Dixon). 326:1461

Caan W Personality and performance during a medical degree. 326:986 (L) see Stanton J BMJ Careers 326:s97 (29 March) caesarean section see also labour Africa, rates (P Buekens, et al). 326:136 (P) uterine rupture and (POEM*). 326 (8 February 2003) Cahill S, Electronic tagging of people with dementia. 326:281 (L) Calandra T, see Bochud P -Y. 326:262 Cambodia see also Asia Khmer "coining" produces bruising (J Fisher, et al) (Minerva). 326:830 (R) Cameron ID, see Kurrle SE. 326:930 Cameron PA, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 Cameron S, The Cheating Classes: How Britain's Elite Abuse their Power (Books). 326:605 (R) Campbell A, Why are miraculous cures mainly of cancer? 326:106 (L) Campbell B, et al, Safety and efficacy of interventional procedures. 326:347 (E) Campbell CM, Preventing obesity. 326:102 (L) Campbell DM, see Wilson BJ. 326:845 Campbell IA, see Ormerod LP. 326:550 Campbell J, see Bower P. 326:258 Campbell KL, see Alijani A. 326:1243 Campbell NC, see Murchie P. 326:84 Campbell R, et al, Discrepancies between patients' assessments of outcome: qualitative study nested within a randomised controlled trial. 326:252 (P) Campbell SM, et al, Improving the quality of health care. Research methods used in developing and applying quality indicators in primary care. 326:816 (ED) Canada see also United States cannabis legalisation plan (D Spurgeon) 326:1232 (N) (correction, 327:88) child abuse, shaken baby syndrome national prevention strategy (D Spurgeon). 326:239 (N) health policy, giving citizens a voice (J Maxwell, et al). 326:1031 (ED) pharmacies US anti-Glaxo campaign heats up (R Moynihan). 326:413 (N) US drugs buyers face prosecution (D Spurgeon). 326:618 (N) SARS 300 suspected cases (D Spurgeon). 326:897 (N) may have peaked (J Parry). 326:947 (N) safe place to visit (D Spurgeon). 326:948 (N) Toronto succumbs (D Spurgeon). 326:1162 (N) tobacco cigarette illegality for Nova Scotia under 19s (D Spurgeon). 326:69 (N) university criticised for accepting industry money (D Spurgeon). 326:519 (N) CancerBACUP, patients' charities often lack cash. 326:1328 (L) cancers antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances: ABC of antithrombotic therapy (B Jilma, et al). 326:37 (C) aspirin in prevention? (O Dyer). 326:565 (N) (correction, 699) Cancer Tales (M Desai, et al) (Play). 326:1151 (R) dietary acrylamide and (D Singh). 326:303 (N)

experience of dying in developed and developing countries (SA Murray, et al). 326:368 (PC), 1146 (L) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1151 (R) psychological coping, cancer survival. 326:598 (L), 599 (L) RNA interference, major initiative on human cancer genes (S Mayor). 326:299 (N) screening computed tomography (SJ Swensen). 326:894 (E), 1457 (L), 1458 (L) cumulative incidence of cervical abnormality and modelling of cases and deaths prevented (AE Raffle, et al) 326:901 (P) (correction, 327: ) symptoms of possible oncological significance: separating wheat from chaff. 326:397 (L) UK, improves control (S Mayor). 326:72 (N) UK nuclear medicine close to collapse: RCPL report (Z Kmietowicz). 326:619 (N) why are miraculous cures mainly of cancer? 326:106 (L) world rates set to double by 2020 (L Eaton). 326:728 (N) candidiasis, vulvovaginal, over the counter treatment (J Marrazzo). 326:693 (E) cannabis see also drug abuse Canada, legalisation plan (D Spurgeon) 326:1232 (N) (correction, 327:88) comparison with tobacco (JA Henry, et al). 326:942 (E) Cannell, Lewis Bernard, Obituary (J Malpas). 326:1401 Canter PH, The therapeutic effects of meditation. 326:1049 (E) Cantillon P ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Teaching in large groups. 326:437 (C) see McKimm J. 326:870 capital punishment, US, insane prisoners (S Gottlieb). 326:415 (N) Cappuccio FP et al, Application of Framingham risk estimates to ethnic minorities in United Kingdom and implications for primary prevention of heart disease in general practice: cross sectional population based study 325:1271 (correction, 326:432) see Steptoe A. 326:855 Car J, et al, Telephone consultations. 326:966 (IP) Carbajal R, et al, Analgesic effect of breast feeding in term neonates: randomised controlled trial. 326:13 (P) cardiac arrest see under myocardial infarction cardiac rehabilitation, national service framework standards (HM Dalal, et al). 326:481 (Q) cardiac surgery, treatment outcome, evaluation and improvement of quality and credibility of outcome database (LG Fine, et al). 326:25 (IP) cardiac troponin T, pulmonary embolism, severity assessment (K Janata, et al). 326:312 (P) Carding PN, see Leslie P. 326:433 cardiogenic shock, ABC of interventional cardiology (J Ducas, et al). 326:1450 (C) cardiorenal failure, bilateral renovascular disease and (A Brammah, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:489 (C) cardiovascular diseases see also coronary disease; myocardial infarction; stroke ABC of diabetes (PJ Watkins) 326:874 (C) (correction, 327:17) diuretics are as effective as ACE inhibitors and channel blockers (S Mayor). 326:7 (N) effect of risk scores on prescribing (LML Hall, et al). 326:251 (P), 882 (L) folate and vitamin B-12 and: Australian cohort study (J Hung, et al). 326:131 (P), 1035 (L), 1036 (L) mortality, more than 10 years after radiotherapy for breast cancer: Swedish cohort study (S Darby, et al). 326:256 (P), 983 (L), 984 (L) polypill overview (A Rodgers). 326:1407 (E) combination of drugs (NJ Wald, et al). 326:1419 (P) low dose combination treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: RCT analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1427 (P) quantifying effect of statins on: systematic review and meta-analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1423 (P) screening people with schizophrenia (DPJ Osborn, et al). 326:1122 (P)

statins and, in diabetes (S Mayor). 326:1348 (N) Cardozo, Linda, on Bob Atlay (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s44 (8 February) career advice changing culture to support doctors' careers (R Chambers, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s193 (7 June) crises (K Mohanna, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s35 (1 February) getting ahead (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s70 (1 March) how to be successful in your job (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s59 (22 February) impartial advice for doctors and medical students (R MacDonald, et al). 326:1225 (E) Informing choices (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 326:s191 (7 June) my beautiful career: part 2 (R MacDonald, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s33 (1 February) career choice preregistration house officers' views on medical school experience as job preparation (MJ Goldacre, et al). 326:1011 (P) UK medical graduates of 1999 and 2000: questionnaire surveys (TW Lambert, et al). 326:194 (P) Carew K, et al, Examples of where Book Aid International has helped BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) Carless J, see Rodger A. 326:909 Carlin JB, see Horak E. 326:422 Carlsson J, see Boos CJ. 326:1411 Carmichael J, Orthopaedic surgery BMJ Careers 326:s25 (25 January) Carnall D, "Free" medical publishing venture gets under way. 326:766 (L) Carney S, et al, Electroconvulsive therapy. 326:1343 (E) Carnwath T, et al, Heroin Century (Books). 326:400 (R) Carroll K, see Majeed A. 326:371 cars, syncope recommendations and clinical reality: survey of patients (R Maas, et al). 326:21 (P), 601 (L) Carter D, The surgeon as a risk factor. 326:832 (E) Carter, Frances (H Barratt) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s22 (18 January) Carthy P, see Watkins C. 326:1178 Cartier I, see Coste J. 326:733 Casaer P, see Forsyth JS. 326:953 Castille K, see Cooke M. 326:49 Castillo -Garzon MJ, et al, Faxing helps deaf people access health services in Spain. 326:824 (L) Catchpole M, see Cooke RPD. 326:1457 Cater R, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:689, 1439 Catto G, Who should pay for higher education? BMJ Careers 326:s65 (1 March) Catto, Graeme, interview (G Watts). 326:183 (N) Caulfield MJ, see Wilson S. 326:1436 Cave B, Discrimination in discretionary points award scheme. 326:1215 (L) celecoxib, efficacy and safety, upper gastrointestinal safety for treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 326:334 (L), 335 (L) Central Consultants Committee, Paul Miller interview (M Gould). 326:12 (N) central venous catheters, ultrasound guided access. 326:712 (L) cerebral palsy, what parents and doctors want to know (P Rosenbaum). 326:970 (C) cerivastatin, withdrawal: Bayer forced to release documents (C Marwick). 326:518 (N) cervical screening comparison of conventional cervical smear, monolayer cytology, and human papillomavirus DNA testing (J Coste, et al). 326:733 (P) cumulative incidence of cervical abnormality and modelling of cases and deaths prevented (AE Raffle, et al) 326:901 (P) (correction, 327:) on internet (J Clark) (Website of the week). 326:770 (R) "one stop" approach may help prevent cancers (S Mayor). 326:568 (N) Chadwick D, et al, Shared scheme for assessing drugs for multiple sclerosis. 326:1212 (L) Chagas' disease see American trypanosomiasis Chakravarthy U, see Chopdar A. 326:485, 1459 Chalder M, et al, Impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of other local healthcare providers: time series analysis. 326:532 (PC) Challacombe BJ, et al, Know your weed. 326:976


January-June 2003

Chalmers I Academic boycott of Israel. 326:714 (L) see Alderson P. 326:475 Chalmers J, et al, Patient privacy and confidentiality. 326:725 (E) Chalmers N, Ultrasound guided central venous access. 326:712 (L) Chaloner D, see Franks PJ. 326:165 Chaloner J, et al, Public access defibrillators. 326:163 (L) Chambers, Harry Wigfield, Obituary (M Chambers). 326:604 Chambers R Supporting GPs BMJ Careers 326:s100 (29 March) et al, Appraisal for the Apprehensive: A Guide for Doctors (Books). 326:664 (R) et al, Appraisal (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s218 (28 June) et al, Beating Stress in the NHS (Books). 326:717 (R) et al, Changing the culture to support doctors' careers BMJ Careers 326:s193 (7 June) et al, Recognising and managing stress (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s110 (29 March) see Mohanna K BMJ Careers 326:s35 (1 February) see Thornett A BMJ Careers 326:s213 (28 June) Chambers, Ruth, (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s218 (28 June) Chambers TL Balloney. 326:1438 My most unfortunate mistake. Sociable medicine. 326:384 Chan E, see Iseman MD. 326:551 Chan K et al, Doctors and their faiths BMJ -P, Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Chan KPM, et al, Media influence on suicide. 326:499 (L) Chan PKS, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Chan-Yeung M et al, Outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: case report. 326:850 (P), 1394 (L), 1395 (L), 1396 (L) et al (9), Severe acute respiratory syndrome 326:1393 (L) (correction, 327: ) Chance, Dawn Kharissa Elvira, Obituary (S Hodgett, et al). 326:987 Chandradeva K, see Hearn CM. 326:1457 Chao D, Time to show unity against SARS (Personal view). 326:938 (R) Chapman S Copying letters to patients. 326:449 (L) Fresh row over prostate screening (The Press). 326:605 (R) et al, Setting up an outcomes guarantee for pharmaceuticals: new approach to risk sharing in primary care. 326:707 (ED) Chapuis C, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Charatan F Anti-abortionist is convicted of murder of obstetrician. 326:678 (N) Bush proposes Medicare reform. 326:570 (N) Dozens of patients allege unnecessary heart surgery. 326:1055 (N) Endpiece Compensation. 326:579 Every knock. 326:441 Every old man's complaint. 326:879 Good advice. 326:736 I would accept even worse. 326:709 A necessity. 326:83 The three stages of a man's life. 326:1242 Two of the same. 326:844 Ephedra supplement may have contributed to sportsman's death. 326:464 (N) Fat Land (Books). 326:229 (R) Governors resist Bush plan to rein in Medicaid costs. 326:1230 (N) On the Natural History of Destruction (Books). 326:769 (R) Schering-Plough is accused of overcharging and of obstructing justice. 326:1233 (N) United States proposes new HIV testing initiative. 326:950 (N) US investigates 82 cases of monkeypox virus. 326:1350 (N) charities, often lack cash. 326:1328 (L) Charlton BG, Obituary for David Horrobin. 326:1088 (L)

Charlton R, Colleagues with alcohol problems (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s114 (29 March) Charnley, Godfrey, constructive dismissal over bullying case lost (O Dyer). 326:467 (N) Charteris DG, see Wong D. 326:1459 Chatterjee, Amal Kumar, Obituary (A Banerjee, et al). 326:886 Chatterjee G, Indian objection to export of human tissue for research. 326:225 (L) Chaturvedi P Medical community may be partly responsible for cancer misery. 326:1146 (L) Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. 326:282 (L) Chaudhry S, Breast is best (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s45 (8 February) Chaudhuri A, et al, Shared scheme for assessing drugs for multiple sclerosis. 326:1213 (L) Chauhan AJ, see Babu KS. 326:177, 821 Chen CW -S, see Hsieh Y-H. 326:1395 Cheng G, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Cherry, Jack, Obituary (A Simpson). 326:167 chest pain 42 year old man with acute chest pain: Interactive case report case presentation (G Sodeck, et al). 326:920 (C) case progression (G Sodeck, et al). 326:974 (C) case outcome (G Sodeck, et al). 326:1133 (C) contents (G Sodeck, et al). 326:1033, 1079 Chiamwongpat S, see Buavirat A. 326:308 Chilcott J, et al, Modelling the cost effectiveness of interferon beta and glatiramer acetate in the management of multiple sclerosis. 326:522 (P) child abuse brain haemorrhage in babies may not indicate violent abuse (O Dyer). 326:616 (N) (correction, 849) Canada, shaken baby syndrome national prevention strategy (D Spurgeon). 326:239 (N) Climbi enquiry national agency for children recommended (H Marcovitch). 326:293 (E) paediatrician calls for shake up in handling cases (L Eaton). 326:180 (N) protection lessons (D Hall). 326:293 (E) UK MPs call for smacking ban (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1414 (N) police lead on protecting children from criminal abuse (D Southall, et al) (Personal view). 326:343 (R) child and adolescent forensic psychiatry, career advice (A Lewis, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s167 (17 May) Child FJ see Evans AV. 326:1025 see Fuller LC. 326:539 child health International Child Health Care: A Practical Manual for Hospitals Worldwide (Southall, et al, eds). 326:936 (R) working parents (R MacDonald) (Website of the week). 326:170 (R) child health services looked after children, achieving health (CM Hill, et al). 326:560 (E) national service framework (AW Craft, et al). 326:891 (E) child soldiers, Angola (P Moszynski). 326:1003 (N) Childs S, see Raghunath A. 326:737 Chin SS, International Child Health Care (Books). 326:936 (R) China see also Asia marriage: pass medical first (T Hesketh). 326:277 (ED) pneumonia panic in Guangdong province (L Rosling, et al). 326:416 (N) SARS joins global effort (J Parry). 326:781 (N) precautionary measures (T Hesketh) (Personal view). 326:1095 (R) scientists must test wild animals for host (S Gottlieb). 326:1109 (N) still not open enough says WHO (J Parry). 326:1055 (N) WHO investigates fall in cases (J Parry). 326:1285 (N) WHO praises control measures (J Parry). 326:1350 (N) Chiodini PL, see Moore DAJ. 326:808 Chiswick M, This little life (TV). 326:665 (R)

CHITS, (DG Fowlie) (Have you heard about...) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) Chlamydia trachomatis on internet (A Gonzalez) (Website of the week). 326:1272 (R) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:58 (R) screening at community based contraceptive service for young people (V Moens, et al). 326:1252 (Q) chloramphenicol, old drugs for new bugs (S Pitlik). 326:235 (E) cholecalciferol see under vitamin D cholecystitis no reliable test or exam finding. 326 (12 April 2003) no reliable test or exam finding (POEM*). 326 (12 April 2003) cholesterol coronary disease, comparison of methods to identify individuals at increased risk from general population (S Wilson, et al). 326:1436 (PC) lipid lowering drug effectiveness in reducing serum cholesterol concentration (J Hippisley-Cox, et al). 326:689 (PC) screening, coronary disease: comparison of methods to identify individuals (S Wilson, et al). 326:1436 (PC) cholesterol-lowering drugs, age-related maculopathy risk and (R van Leeuwen, et al). 326:255 (P) Chopdar A, et al, Age related macular degeneration. 326:485 (C), 1458 (L), 1459 (L) Choudhari KA, A patient who changed my practice. Northern Ireland weather. 326:313 Choudhary RK et al, Managing acute appendicitis. 326:50 (L) et al, NICE guidance on laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernias. 326:1144 (L) Chow AWC, et al, Science, medicine, and the future. New pacing technologies for heart failure. 326:1073 (C) Chow PKH, see Tan Y-M. 326:1394 Chowdhury T, et al, A career in metabolic medicine BMJ Careers 326:s205 (21 June) Christian P, et al, Effects of alternative maternal micronutrient supplements on low birth weight in rural Nepal: double blind randomised community trial. 326:571 (P) Christianity, doctors' faiths (K-P Chan, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Christie B From hysterick disorders to biomedical research. 326:1056 (N) Health takes centre stage in election campaigns in Scotland and Wales. 326:900 (N) Scotland breaks rank to offer compensation to hepatitis C victims. 326:303 (N) Scotland to reorganise health care. 326:519 (N) Scottish royal colleges ask Blair to do more for Iraq's medical services. 326:1166 (N) Christie, Basil George Bagot, Obituary (D Montgomery, et al). 326:398 Christmas C, see Finucane T. 326:713 Christmas competition, winners. 326:238 chronic disease computerised evidence based guidelines and asthma/angina management. 326:393 (L) cough (GP Currie, et al) (10-minute consultation). 326:261 (PC), 1036 (L), 1037 (L) depressed patients need more than drugs and psychiatrists. 326:338 (L) disease management programmes: interventio ns meta-analysis. 326:397 (L) dysphagia: investigation and management (P Leslie, et al). 326:433 (C), 1147 (L), 1148 (L) low back pain (J Samanta, et al) (10-minute consultation). 326:535 (PC) management in less developed countries. 326:165 (L) young adults, communication management (B Young, et al). 326:305 (P), 1039 (L) chronic fatigue syndrome, head of ME association is sacked (O Dyer) 326:1232 (N) (correction, 327:88) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease national service framework? (D Price, et al). 326:1046 (E) non-invasive ventilation overview (KS Babu, et al). 326:177 (E), 821 (L) to treat respiratory failure resulting from (JV Lightowler, et al). 326:185 (P)

January-June 2003


ward-based for acute exacerbations of (PK Plant, et al). 326:956 (P) chronic pain, management in children and adolescents (C Eccleston, et al). 326:1408 (E) Chrystie I, see Melzer M. 326:552 Chuaratanaphong J, see Buavirat A. 326:308 ciclosporin, erythromelalgia induced by possible calcium channel blockade by (GP Thami, et al) (Drug points). 326:910 Cienfuegos JA, see Frhbeck G. 326:102 cinema, tobacco promotion exhibition (A Ferriman). 326:1104 (N) Cini E, see Coffey C. 326:1064 circumcision BMA says non-therapeutic circumcision needs consent of both parents (D Singh). 326:782 (N) internet self-circumcision kit (A Fox, et al) (Minerva). 326:992 (R) Citrome LL, Efficacy should drive atypical antipsychotic treatment. 326:283 (L) claims of no effect, survey in Cochrane review abstracts (P Alderson, et al). 326:475 (P), 1267 (L) Clancy C, see Stryer D. 326:1278 Clare J, Recommendations on syncope and driving must be observed. 326:602 (L) clarithromycin, pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia and (C Terzano, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1377 (C) Clark A, et al, Teaching fellow posts during vocational training in general practice BMJ Careers 326:s215 (28 June) Clark C, Perspectives on Health and Exercise (Books). 326:1041 (R) Clark D et al, Transitions in End of Life Care: Hospice and Related Developments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Books). 326:228 (R) see Pell JP. 326:134 Clark J Cervical cancer screening (Website of the week). 326:770 (R) GP contract delayed, but negotiations continue. 326:8 (N) Make peace not war (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s86 (15 March) North American style ( ebsite of the week). W 326:342 (R) Taking up cudgels for peace. 326:184 (N) Threat of war is affecting mental health of Iraqi children, says report. 326:356 (N) UK women too busy to exercise. 326:467 (N) Users' Guides to the Medical Literature (Books). 326:664 (R) Clark JE, Haemophilus influenzae type b epiglottitis. 326:285 (L) Clark NM, see Guevara JP. 326:1308 Clark O, see Lexchin J. 326:1167 Clark, Sally Cot Death Mothers: The Witch Hunt BBC2 (R Wilson) (TV). 326:402 (R) expert testimony and criminal courts (CM Milroy). 326:294 (E), 1037 (L) (correction, 1215), 1038 (L) freed after appeal court quashes convictions (C Dyer). 326:304 (N) Clarke AK, Methotrexate and bone marrow suppression. 326:1145 (L) Clarke P, see Gray AM. 326:445 Claxton K, see Chilcott J. 326:522 cleft lip, services still need to be improved. 326:1038 (L) Clifford TJ, A Life Course Approach to Women's Health (Books). 326:887 (R) Climbi, Victoria child protection lessons (D Hall). 326:293 (E) inquiry recommends national agency for children (H Marcovitch). 326:239 (N) paediatrician calls for shake up in handling child abuse cases (L Eaton). 326:180 (N) UK MPs call for smacking ban (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1414 (N) clinical competence see under performance clinical databases breast cancers, individualised survival estimation (J Lundin, et al) (Infopoints). 326:29 (IP), 822 (L) evaluation and improvement of quality and credibility of outcome database (LG Fine, et al). 326:25 (IP) individual survival prediction (N Black). 326:2 (E)

clinical directors, Chris Aps (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s93 (22 March) clinical environmental medicine, career advice (A Honor) BMJ Careers 326:s149 (3 May) clinical governance, fewer trusts find CHI reviews positive experience (S Mayor). 326:1349 (N) clinical information standards overview: why they matter (M Gardner). 326:1101 (E) Clinical Terms v. Read codes in general practice (PJB Brown, et al). 326:1127 (IP) use of Read codes in diabetes management: implications for establishing registers (J Gray, et al). 326:1130 (IP) clinical neurophysiology, career advice (A Mallik) BMJ Careers 326:s183 (31 May) clinical trials see also randomised controlled trials; research ethics from a bayesian and decision analytic perspective (RJ Lilford). 326:980 (ED), 1456 (L), 1457 (L) on internet (C Martyn) (Website of the week). 326:990 (R) EU legislation threatens (R Watson). 326:1348 (N) how can research ethics committees protect patients better? (S Garattini, et al). 326:1199 (ED) Clinicians for the Restoration of Autonomous Practice (CRAP) Writing Group, EBM: unmasking the ugly truth. 326:602 (L) cloning see also genetics, medical human cloning may be impossible (S Mayor). 326:838 (N) clothing, doctors should abandon ties and avoid nose rings (R Dobson). 326:1231 (N) CNN, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R) co-proxamol, suicide and, national mortality statistics and local non-fatal self poisonings (K Hawton, et al). 326:1006 (P) Coatsworth A, see Lee C. 326:284 Cobbe SM, see Pell JP. 326:163 Cochand-Priollet B, see Coste J. 326:733 Cochrane Collaboration, claims of no effect survey in abstracts (P Alderson, et al). 326:475 (P), 1267 (L) Cockwell P, see Adu D. 326:789 coffee maternal consumption during pregnancy and stillbirth/infant death in first year (K Wisborg, et al). 326:420 (P), 1268 (L), 1269 (L) Parkinson disease and (C Gale, et al). 326:561 (E) (correction, 614) Coffey C, et al, Mortality in young offenders: retrospective cohort study. 326:1064 (P) cognition, multifactorial interventions after falls in elderly with cognitive impairment and dementia (FE Shaw, et al). 326:73 (P) (correction, 699) cognitive behaviour therapy, in practice (Petre Jones, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s181 (31 May) Cohen D Graham Easton (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s14 (11 January) Unknown Quantity (Art). 326:505 (R) Cohen J, Management of bacterial meningitis in adults. 326:996 (E) Cohn A, see van Walraven C. 326:791 Coid J, et al, Should psychiatrists protect the public? 326:406 (E) Coldham T, Mental health is improved with teaching therapy. 326:1399 (L) Coldicott Y, et al, The ethics of intimate examinations teaching tomorrow's doctors. 326:97 (ED), 1326 (L), 1327 (L) Cole TJ, see McCarthy HD. 326:624 Coleman, Arthur H, Obituary (K Howard). 326:339 Colin-Thome, David, (O Mukhtar) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s6 (4 January) colistin, old drugs for new bugs (S Pitlik). 326:235 (E) Collier D, see Wilson S. 326:1436 Collins R, see Moore B. 326:50 Collis, John Leigh, Obituary (C Collis). 326:767 Colman, Jennifer Charity Commission says claim cannot proceed (C Dyer). 326:730 (N) GMC stalls on publication of report (S Hargreaves). 326:519 (N) lawyer backs GMC decision to bar (C Dyer). 326:567 (N) not re-elected to GMC (C Dyer). 326:1002 (N) colon cancers, look before you flush. 326:397 (L)

colonoscopy, fatal dysnatraemia (JC Ayus, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:382 (C), 1146 (L), 1147 (L) colorectal polyps, single, small adenoma low risk for recurrent polyphs (POEM*). 326 (25 February 2003) Colquhoun MC, Public access defibrillators. 326:163 (L) Commission for Health Improvement fewer trusts find CHI reviews positive experience (S Mayor). 326:1349 (N) Getting Better? (R Coombes). 326:1052 (N) Linda Patterson (S Dosani) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s94 (22 March) poor work relationships hamper care (R Coombes). 326:731 (N) Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health, Laura McMurtrie interview (G Watts). 326:520 (N) commitment of mentally ill see also mental health should psychiatrists protect the public? (J Coid). 326:406 (E) common cold Cold Wars: The Fight against the Common Cold (Tyrrell, et al) (Books). 326:57 (R) pleconaril: US media survey (G Schwitzer) (The Press). 326:1403 (R) communicable diseases, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1151 (R) communication see also bad news; doctor-patient relations; language analogies in medicine (JDR Rose) ( ersonal P view). 326:111 (R) Australia, doctors told to use positive pain language (C Zinn). 326:301 (N) body tells story (P de Zulueta) (Personal view). 326:666 (R) doctors must listen more (L Eaton). 326:1286 (N) health literacy and patients' understanding (A Vass) (Website). 326:1339 (R) management with young people who have a potentially life threatening chronic illness (B Young, et al). 326:305 (P), 1039 (L) "medical labels" preferred to lay language (R Dobson). 326:1105 (N) Please Don't Break My Other Leg! A Guide to Empathising with Patients (Mirvis) (Books). 326:109 (R) psychoses, engagement of patients. 326:549 (L), 550 (L) three words for happier working life (S Manallack) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s122 (5 April) Vietnamese child with asthma. A memorable patient (Y Ou). 326:1026 weather. A patient who changed my practice (KA Choudhari). 326:313 COMPETE investigators, see Willison DJ. 326:373 competing interest see conflict of interest complaints by patients The Cheating Classes (Cameron) (Books). 326:605 (R) 'health care is risky business' (P Walsh) (Perspectives). 326:1333 long-term care ruling prompts increase (S Mayor). 326:1416 (N) mediaeval Venice and now (K Barraclough) (Soundings). 326:557 (R) UK, procedure uncertain as health councils abolished (L Eaton). 326:302 (N) computed tomography atherosclerosis detection (DV Anand, et al). 326:1045 (E) Australia, crack down (C Zinn). 326:1350 (N) cancer screening (SJ Swensen). 326:894 (E), 1457 (L), 1458 (L) head injuries: NICE report (S Mayor). 326:1414 (N) computers see also handheld computers; information systems; medical informatics health information systems: South Africa (P Littlejohns, et al). 326:860 (IP) challenge and change (C Douglas) (Soundings). 326:171 (R) evidence based guidelines and management of asthma and angina in primary care. 326:394 (L), 395 (L) evidence based guidelines in primary care (N Rousseau, et al). 1088 (L), 326:314 (PC), 1087 (L) GPs, comparison with hospital doctors. 326:220 (L)


January-June 2003

NHS, ten ways to improve (A Majeed). 326:202 (IP), 1034 (L), 1035 (L) use by doctors. 326:221 (L), 222 (L) Confidential Enquiry into Stillbirths and Deaths in Infancy, Project 27/28 (S Mayor). 326:680 (N), 1211 (L) confidentiality see also ethics, medical AIDS, challenged over HIV test results: Australia (C Zinn). 326:1107 (N) patient privacy and (J Chalmers, et al). 326:725 (E) conflict of interest disclosure of financial competing interests in randomised controlled trials (CP Gross, et al). 326:526 (P) drug industry sponsorship of education could be replaced (R Moynihan). 326:1163 (N) sponsorship of research (J Lexchin, et al). 326:1167 (P) guidelines on relations between doctors and drug companies (E Wager). 326:1196 (ED) medical journals and pharmaceutical companies (R Smith). 326:1202 (ED) readers' perceptions. 326:883 (L) US, government guidelines (C Marwick). 326:782 (N) congestion charging see transport conscientious objectors, military service in 1959 (P Bruggen) (Personal view). 326:557 (R) consciousness, using vital signs to diagnose impaired consciousness. 326:396 (L) Conservative Party, doctor MP's advice (A Murrison) BMJ Careers 326:s141 (26 April) Constable BL, see Saeed R. 326:1319 consultants see also doctors appraisal is trying to achieve too much (W Riley) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s162 (10 May) contract constructive dialogue between doctors and managers needed (N Edwards, et al). 326:116 (E) doctors in chambers (P Garside, et al). 326:611 (E) failure: deep problems? (R Smith). 326:1097 (E) industrial action ballot requested (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1415 (N) patient participation (P Davies, et al). 326:1099 (E) quarter ready to resign (S Hargreaves). 326:569 (N) Reid vows to continue reform agenda (O Dyer). 326:1347 (N) rejection, rethinking management. 326:221 (L), 222 (L) threaten strike over stalemate (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1165 (N) UK government tries to "out manoeuvre" doctors (C White). 326:900 (N) discretionary awards overview: ethnic and sex bias (J Raftery). 326:671 (E) white/non-white and men/women (A Esmail, et al). 326:687 (P), 1214 (L), 1215 (L) education, review to consider shorter training (S Mayor). 326:242 (N) gadgets for (JO Drife) (Soundings). 326:291 (R) preferences for aspects of jobs (C Ubach, et al). 326:1432 (P) remuneration 3% rise (L Eaton). 326:1105 (N) unlikely to accept local deals (A Gulland). 326:240 (N) consultations see also doctor-patient relations; referrals Australia, two tier system for paying for GP consultations (C Zinn). 326:1002 (N) internet, knowledge transference for patients requiring specialised care (I Kedar, et al). 326:696 (IP) telephone (J Car, et al). 326:966 (IP) Consumers' Association, Patient Information (L Eaton). 326:302 (N) Contact a Family, useful information (MA Patton). 326:612 (E) continuing professional development see education, medical, continuing continuity of care "He treats you as a person not just like a number" (C Tarrant, et al) (Research). 326:1310

patients' views on general practice access and continuity (P Bower, et al). 326:258 (PC) contraceptives, UK, women face local advice difficulties (A Ferriman). 326:301 (N) contraceptives, oral third generation pill controversy and prescriptions among first time users (L de Jong-van den Berg, et al). 326:254 (P) thromboembolism and Yasmin (K van Grootheest, et al) (Drug points). 326:257 contraceptives, postcoital, holistic sexual health service (AMC Webb). 326:775 (E) Cook A, see Hurwitz B. 326:598 Cook, Stephanie, (K Hebert) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s78 (8 March) Cooke GA, Checklists for myocardial infarction should be precise. 326:448 (L) Cooke, Hilary Barbara Joy (ne Rose), Obituary (R Cooke, et al). 326:826 Cooke M, et al, Emergency pyramid is inverting already. 326:49 (L), 553 (L) Cooke RPD, et al, Maintaining perioperative normothermia. 326:1457 (L) Coombes R Broadcasters block Asian health soap opera (TV). 326:110 (R) CHI finds poor work relationships hamper care. 326:731 (N) Improvements in the NHS are patchy, report says. 326:1052 (N) War of words over Iraq (Journals). 326:230 (R) Cooper E, Roots versus risk (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s178 (24 May) Cooper, Ed, (E Cooper) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s178 (24 May) Cooper NJ et al, Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in treatment and prevention of influenza A and B: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. 326:1235 (P) see Chilcott J. 326:522 Cooper, Richard implications of gender revolution (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 326:s159 (10 May) (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s161 (10 May) Copello A, see Day E. 326:881 coping, cancer survival. 326:598 (L), 599 (L) Corbett, Kathleen May, Obituary (M Lyons). 326:340 Cordner S, see Coupland R. 326:943 Corkery J, see Schifano F. 326:80 Corney R, see Bower P. 326:1247 coronary bypass surgery, rating of heart surgeons' success (O Dyer). 326:1053 (N) coronary disease see also cardiovascular diseases incidence in London health authority, community register review (SJ Sutcliffe, et al). 326:20 (P) passive smoking and mortality: California (JE Enstrom, et al). 326:1057 (P) pathophysiology and investigation: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech). 326:1027 (C) prevention, lipid lowering in diabetes (AS Gami, et al). 326:528 (P) screening, comparison of methods to identify individuals at increased risk from general population (S Wilson, et al). 326:1436 (PC) secondary prevention: four year follow up in primary care (P Murchie, et al). 326:84 (PC) coronary syndromes, acute intervention has no effect on mortality (POEM*). 326 (4 January 2003) coroners, fuller verdicts after inquests (C Dyer). 326:1284 (N) Corrall R, see Smith J. 326:882 corsets, evil effects. One hundred years ago. 326:1017 corticosteroids see steroids cost effectiveness interferon beta and glatiramer acetate in multiple sclerosis management (J Chilcott, et al). 326:522 (P) neck pain, comparison of physiotherapy, manual therapy and GP care: economic evaluation (IBC Korthals-de Bos, et al). 326:911 (PC) non-insulin -dependent diabetes mellitus, blood glucose concentration and blood pressure. 326:103 (L) (correction, 321) ward based non-invasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PK Plant, et al). 326:956 (P)

Cost Effectiveness of Multiple Sclerosis Therapies Study Group, see Chilcott J. 326:522 Coste J, et al, Cross sectional study of conventional cervical smear, monolayer cytology, and human papillomavirus DNA testing for cervical cancer screening. 326:733 (P) Cotton M, see Ghani K BMJ Careers 326:s1 (4 January) Couderc S, see Carbajal R. 326:13 cough, chronic (GP Currie, et al) (10-minute consultation). 326:261 (PC), 1036 (L), 1037 (L) Coulter A The Autonomous Patient: Ending Paternalism in Medical Care (Books). 326:1338 (R) Killing the goose that laid the golden egg? (Comment). 326:1280 Coulthard MG, et al, Distinguishing between salt poisoning and hypernatraemic dehydration in children. 326:157 (ED) (correction, 497) Counsell CE, see Sudlow CLM. 326:388 counselling exercise, effectiveness in general practice (CR Elley, et al). 326:793 (PC) fruit and vegetable consumption in low income adults (A Steptoe, et al). 326:855 (PC), 1458 (L) meta-analysis of data on costs from trials of counselling in primary care (P Bower, et al). 326:1247 (PC) Coupland C, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:689, 1439 Coupland R, et al, People missing as a result of armed conflict. 326:943 (E) Cousins M, Referring to osteopathy (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s154 (3 May) Coventry C, see Hinton CP. 326:1398 Cowell, Mary Alexa Clayton ("Maureen"), Obituary (RL Brearley). 326:1401 Cowie MR, see Chow AWC. 326:1073 COX 2 inhibitors efficacy and safety, upper gastrointestinal safety for treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 326:334 (L), 335 (L) harms outweigh benefits for many patients (POEM*). 326 (15 March 2003) Cox LA, Mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections. 326:1265 (L) Cox NH, see Stanley B. 326:1174 Cox P, Getting back into medicine. 326:1370 Coyle B, see Degeling P. 326:649 Craft AW, The national service framework for children. 326:891 (E) Craig D, et al, New BMJ policy on economic evaluations. 326:445 (L) Cramb R, see Chowdhury T BMJ Careers 326:s205 (21 June) Crane H, Doctors' diagnosis: Depression (Doctors as patients). 326:1324 Crawford E, Enterprising Women: The Garretts and their Circle (Books). 326:401 (R) Crawshaw R, How 9/11 thinking can impair doctors' clinical judgment (Personal view). 326:829 (R) Cream, Jeffrey, High Court quashes GMC judgment (C Dyer). 326:678 (N) Creeden A, see Carew K BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) cremation, disposal of remains of fetuses of under 24 weeks' gestation. 326:338 (L) Cretin S, see Fine LG. 326:25 Creutzfeldt -Jakob disease Jonathan Simms: experimental treatment (O Dyer). 326:8 (N) transmission during neurosurgery: UK advice (S Mayor). 326:517 (N) Crighton, James Leuchars, Obituary (IL Crighton). 326:768 Crilly M, Thyroid function tests and hypothyroidism. 326:1086 (L) crime, paper thin division with art (R Davies). 326:327 Cripps RJ, Company defends "campaign to "counter" BMJ claims". 326:660 (L) critical care, albumin efficacy (S Finfer, et al). 326:559 (E) Critser G, Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World (Books). 326:229 (R) Crockett P, et al, How to negotiate effectively BMJ Careers 326:s49 (15 February) Croft SL, see Davies CR. 326:377 Crombie I, see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 Crook D, see Harnden A. 326:480 Cross P Christopher Lynch on Sir Alex Turnbull (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s208 (21 June)

January-June 2003


David Firth on Digby Tantam (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s52 (15 February) Disabled and working BMJ Careers 326:s185 (31 May) It's only money BMJ Careers 326:s67 (1 March) Linda Cardozo on Bob Atlay (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s44 (8 February) Making things happen (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s218 (28 June) Political practitioner (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s145 (26 April) To hell and back (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s114 (29 March) The truth is out there (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s161 (10 May) et al, The British and Australian view of wellbeing BMJ Careers 326:s112 (29 March). 326:1396 (L) Crosson FJ, Kaiser Permanente: a propensity for partnership. 326:654 (ED) Cruise A, Endpiece. Evidence based practice. 326:739 Crump SC, et al, Society of Homeopaths does not advise against vaccination. 326:164 (L) Crumplin G, EU reimporting drugs meant for Africa is only part of story. 326:285 (L) Cuba see also South America thrombolysis with recombinant streptokinase. 326:448 (L) Cunningham, Graeme, (R MacDonald) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s115 (29 March) Cunningham WF, see Illing J. 326:1019 Curran JD, Theme issue for medics and health informed public. 326:166 (L) curriculum, design: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (D Prideaux). 326:268 (C), 823 (L) Currie GP, et al, 10-minute consultation. Chronic cough. 326:261 (PC), 1036 (L), 1037 (L) Curtis S Screening for aortic aneurysm. 326:284 (L) see Buekens P. 326:136 Cuschieri A, see Alijani A. 326:1243 Cutio-Mas Y, see Espinosa-Brito AD. 326:164 cysticercosis, eradication (J Sotelo). 326:511 (E)

da Cruz L, see Wong D. 326:1459 Dalal HM, et al, Achieving national service framework standards for cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention. 326:481 (Q) Daly P, see Yassi A. 326:1394 Damstra RJ, see Berth-Jones J. 326:1367 Daniels JG, Booster campaign is no incentive for parents. 326:1460 (L) Daniyam CA, see Slap GB. 326:15 Darby, David James, Obituary (L Darby). 326:886 Darby S, et al, Mortality from cardiovascular disease more than 10 years after radiotherapy for breast cancer: nationwide cohort study of 90 000 Swedish women ( esearch pointers). 326:256 R (P), 983 (L), 984 (L) Dargan P, see Whelan K. 326:396 Davey Smith G Effect of passive smoking on health. 326:1048 (E) see Hooper L. 326:224 see Hyppnen E. 326:19 see Martin RM. 326:188 Davidson-Homewood J, see Watson M. 326:598 Davies CR, et al, Leishmaniasis: new approaches to disease control. 326:377 (C), 1037 (L) Davies E, Learning contracts (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s77 (8 March) Davies HTO et al, Trends in doctor-manager relationships. 326:646, 1214 (L) et al, Views of doctors and managers on doctor-manager relationships in the NHS. 326:626 (P), 1213 (L), 1214 (L) Davies, Michael John, Obituary (C Corbishley, et al). 326:1270 Davies MJ, Obesity may confound relation of early pregnancy loss to risk of heart disease. 326:1146 (L) Davies N, Medical experts and the criminal courts. 326:1038 (L) (correction, 1215) Davies P Poor Health (Books). 326:169 (R) Violence as a public health problem. 326:104 (L)

et al, Patients and the new contracts. 326:1099 (E) Davies PDO et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1396 (L) see Ormerod LP. 326:550 Davies R, Endpiece. Paper thin. 326:327 Davies S New edicts for letters to the editor. 326:63 (E), 985 (L), 986 (L) Obituary for David Horrobin. 326:1089 (L) Davis D, When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution (Books). 326:452 (R) Davis P, et al, Acknowledgement of "no fault" medical injury: review of patients' hospital records in New Zealand. 326:79 (P) Davis RC, et al, Barriers to managing heart failure in primary care. 326:883 (L) Davison C, see Aquino P BMJ Careers 326:s73 (8 March) Davison S, et al, Time to deliver with dignity (Ageing). 326:1300 Davoren PM, see Hague WM. 326:762 Dawson JS, Life Means Nothing Behind the Green Wall (Books). 326:887 (R) Dawson P, see Shaw FE. 326:73 Day E, et al, Spirituality and clinical care. 326:881 (L) de Arias AR, see Miles MA. 326:1444 de Cremoux P, see Coste J. 326:733 de Graaf L, see ten Tusscher MPM. 326:579 de Jong PTVM, see van Leeuwen R. 326:255 de Jong-van den Berg L, et al, Influence of the third generation pill controversy on prescriptions for oral contraceptives among first time users: population based study. 326:254 (P) de Lusignan S, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. Commentary: improve the quality of the consultation. 326:205 (IP) de Mallac MJ, Hansen's Disease: The Shared Paradigm (Books). 326:452 (R) de Nucci C, see Manes G. 326:1118 de Silva P, see Jayasinghe S. 326:553 De Stavola BL, see McCormack VA. 326:248 de Vet HCW see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 de Vevey M, see Verdon F. 326:1124 De Winter B, see Hendrickx K. 326:1327 de Zulueta P, The body tells a story (Personal view). 326:666 (R) deafness, Spain, faxing helps deaf people access health services. 326:824 (L) death see also mortality The Day I Died BBC2 (M O'Brien) (TV). 326:288 (R) every knock. Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:441 "peaceful"? (D Veale). 326:792 (correction, 910) Debnath D, "Author pays" as new science publishing model. 326:766 (L) Deeks JJ et al, Systematic review of celecoxib for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 326:335 (L) see Hawton K. 326:1006 see Song F. 326:472 deep vein thrombosis, diagnosis, investigation, and management (C Tovey, et al). 326:1180 (C) defibrillators, heart arrest outside hospital, impact on survival. 326:162 (L), 163 (L), 164 (L) Degeling P, et al, Medicine, management, and modernisation: a "danse macabre"? 326:649 (ED) Delamothe T "Author pays" may be the new science publishing model. 326:182 (N), 765 (L), 766 (L) Fees waived for university researchers publishing through BioMed Central. 326:1350 (N) The return of Questions and answers. 326:1412 (E) et al, Scientific literature's open sesame?. 326:945 (E) Delaney, Thomas Joseph, Obituary (TP Ormerod). 326:1040 Delatycki MB, see Tassiker R. 326:331 dementia confusion expertly managed (P Finucane, et al). 326:590 detection in preclinical phase (K Palmer, et al). 326:245 (P) elderly, withholding artificial administration of fluids and foods. 326:713 (L)

electronic tagging of people who wander. 326:281 (L) sensory stimulation in. 326:661 (L) dengue haemorrhagic fever, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R), 938 (R) Denmark see also Europe drug industry, Lundbeck broke advertising rules (O Dyer). 326:1004 (N) Densen-Gerber, Judianne, Obituary (JH Tanne). 326:1216 Department of Health Improving Services for People with Epilepsy (C White). 326:466 (N) Incident Arising in October 2002 from a Patient with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Middlesborough (S Mayor). 326:517 (N) Our Inheritance, Our Future (K Godfrey). 326:1413 (N) Promoting the Health of Looked After Children (CM Hill, et al). 326:560 (E) DePellegrin TL, see Singh JA. 326:774 depression doctors, how many doctors are sick? (J Stanton, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s97 (29 March) electroconvulsive therapy better than drugs (S Mayor S. 326:569 (N) identification in primary care: comparison of different methods (V Henkel, et al). 326:200 (PC), 982 (L), 983 (L) low-dose tricyclic antidepressants, effects and side effects. 326:499 (L), 500 (L) management as chronic disease. 326:338 (L) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors v. tricyclic antidepressants in primary care (S MacGillivray, et al). 326:1014 (PC) Mike Shooter interview (H Crane) (Doctors as patients). 326:1324 dermatitis fluticasone propionate/emollient maintenance treatment (J Berth-Jones, et al). 326:1367 (PC) shoes (N Nicolaou, et al) (Minerva). 326:172 (R) Desai M, et al, Cancer Tales (Play). 326:1151 (R) Desowitz RS, Federal Bodysnatchers and the New Guinea Virus: Tales of Parasites, People, and Politics (Books). 326:1271 (R) detoxification: opiate see opiate detoxification developing countries see also global health AIDS antiretroviral treatment: peril of neglecting private providers (R Brugha). 326:1382 (ED) back to basics: focus on exposure (E Pisani, et al). 326:1384 (ED) cancers, experience of dying: comparison with developed countries (SA Murray, et al). 326:368 (PC), 1146 (L) chronic disease management. 326:165 (L) Ed Cooper (E Cooper) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s178 (24 May) developed countries should not impose ethics on other countries. 326:225 (L) donating books and journals (T Groves, et al). 326:298 (E) drug industry Dying for Drugs C4 (J Aronson) (TV). 326:990 (R) EU cheaper drugs deal (R Watson). 326:1229 (N) Nigerians take to US courts (A Raufu). 326:899 (N) no deal in sight (F Fleck). 326:465 (N) US considers cheap drugs deal (F Fleck). 326:353 (N) Hippocratic oaths. 326:51 (L) liver cancers (AJ Hall, et al). 326:994 (E) management of severely malnourished child (MK Bhan, et al). 326:146 (C), 765 (L) neurocysticercosis eradication (J Sotelo). 326:511 (E) surgery training (K Ghani, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s1 (4 January) Dewar S, see Appleby JL. 326:407 Dhami S, Endpiece. Success. 326:642 Dhatariya K, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:1035 (L) diabetes ABC of diabetes Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and lipids (PJ Watkins) 326:874 (C) (correction, 327:17) The diabetic foot (PJ Watkins). 326:977 (C) Retinopathy (PJ Watkins). 326:924 (C)


January-June 2003

child camps: doctors can gain too (V Dublon, et al) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s210 (21 June) lipids lowering for primary prevention (AS Gami, et al). 326:528 (P) parental, and birth weight of offspring (E Hyppnen, et al). 326:19 (P) Read codes in management: implications for establishing registers (J Gray, et al). 326:1130 (IP) schizophrenia and, case-control study of independent effect of olanzapine and risperidone. 326:283 (L) statins cut cardiovascular events (S Mayor). 326:1348 (N) UK care strategy published (S Mayor). 326:121 (N), 881 (L) diabetes mellitus, non-insulin -dependent blood glucose concentration and blood pressure: cost analysis. 326:103 (L) (correction, 321) newly diagnosed (SM Smith) (10-minute consultation). 326:1371 (PC) diabetic retinopathy, (S Harding) ( xtracts from E "Concise Clinical Evidence"). 326:1023 (C) diagnosis general practice, moving beyond single and dual diagnosis (N Wright, et al). 326:512 (E), 1145 (L) myocardial infarction, impact of changing diagnostic criteria on incidence, management, and outcome (JP Pell, et al). 326:134 (P) NICE: diagnostic and treatment procedures assessment (Z Kmietowicz). 326:412 (N) reporting tests overview (SE Straus). 326:3 (E) STARD initiative (PM Bossuyt, et al). 326:41 (ED), 601 (L) diarrhoea, children, fast -track vaccine: new initiative (D Singh). 326:354 (N) Diemont WL, see ten Tusscher MPM. 326:579 Dieppe P see Campbell R. 326:252 see Jni P. 326:334 diet health and: WHO report (F Fleck). 326:515 (N) Parkinson's disease, high dairy diet (D Josefson). 326:10 (N) Diez-Caballero A, see Frhbeck G. 326:102 Diggory T, Inappropriate prophylaxis for long haul flights. 326:1448 dignity, human. Endpiece (R Richardson). 326:1077 Digre KB, Not so benign intracranial hypertension. 326:613 (E) Dillner L, see Nash B. 326:674 Dimmer C, see Goodare H. 326:1329 Dingwall HM, A History of Scottish Medicine (Books). 326:401 (R) directly observed treatment, tuberculosis, impact of DOTS v. DOTS-plus on multidrug resistant tuberculosis and tuberculosis deaths: decision analysis (TR Sterling, et al). 326:574 (P) disability advice on working (P Cross) BMJ Careers 326:s185 (31 May) I would accept even worse. Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:709 Netherlands, child's damages for having been born (T Sheldon). 326:784 (N) discharge see under patient discharge disciplinary problems see under malpractice discrimination see also ageism; racial discrimination; sexual discrimination ecumenical practice? (G Houghton). 326:529 disease called "man". Endpiece (R Richardson). 326:1179 management programmes: interventions for chronic illness: meta-analysis. 326:397 (L) registers: Read codes in diabetes management in London primary care group (J Gray, et al). 326:1130 (IP) distance learning, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (J McKimm, et al). 326:870 (C) diuretics cardiovascular medicine: as effective as ACE inhibitors and channel blockers (S Mayor). 326:7 (N) elderly, comparison with ACE inhibitors (S Gottlieb). 326:415 (N) Divitini M, see Hung J. 326:131, 1036 Dixon J, Foundation trusts. 326:1344 (E) Dixon, Mike, (S Chaudhry) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s45 (8 February)

Dixon-Woods M see Hsu RT. 326:530 see Stokes T. 326:1316 see Young B. 326:305 Djulbegovic B, see Lexchin J. 326:1167 DNA anniversary print published (L Eaton). 326:10 (N) DNA 50 Four Plus: Writing DNA (I Haivas) (Art). 326:827 (R) Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA (Maddox) (Books). 326:289 (R) tapestry of life (L Eaton). 326:678 (N) Dobson R Children with Tourette's syndrome given special screening of Harry Potter film. 326:466 (N) Doctors should abandon ties and avoid nose rings. 326:1231 (N) Dog bites are not more frequent at full moon. 326:1054 (N) GPs prescribe self help books for mental health problems. 326:1285 (N) Half the cases of bacteraemia in hospitals in England are linked to devices. 326:10 (N) Heart disease is costliest condition to treat. 326:679 (N) Heavy drinking among US students correlates with density of alcohol outlets. 326:783 (N) Is painting earliest portrayal of Down's syndrome? 326:126 (N) Lack of new drugs is reaching crisis point, says review. 326:119 (N) Lawyers may seek judicial review of panel reviewing paroxetine. 326:618 (N) Media misled the public over the MMR vaccine. 326:1107 (N) Moving house on medical grounds improves health. 326:898 (N) Over half of costs related to lung cancer is due to smoking, says US study. 326:69 (N) Pacemaker pinpoints time of death in murder case. 326:70 (N) Patients prefer "medical labels" to lay language, study finds. 326:1105 (N) Pharmaceutical industry is main influence in GP prescribing. 326:301 (N), 933 (L) Pro-tobacco editorial content of young men's magazines rises by 70% between 1991 and 2000. 326:182 (N) "Saviour sibling" is born after embryo selection in the United States. 326:1416 (N) Structure of the NHS mirrors feudal society. 326:353 (N) Subspecialty of oncoplastic breast surgery is needed to meet demand. 326:1165 (N) US body reviews errors in emergency departments. 326:620 (N) Welsh Labour party promises free prescriptions and free school breakfasts. 326:782 (N) Welsh NHS launches jobs website. 326:568 (N) WHO to create international human resources database on health care. 326:1004 (N) Women are less likely than men to have rehabilitation after a heart attack. 326:71 (N) Women facing prophylactic mastectomy need more advice. 326:731 (N) doctor-patient relations see also communication; consultations 'both sides need to keep the relationship going' (R Persaud) (Perspectives). 326:1337 caring doctor: may be bad for them (M Sweet). 326:355 (N) clothing, abandon ties and avoid nose rings (R Dobson). 326:1231 (N) confide in your doctor. Endpiece (D Kassimos). 326:869 continuity of care in general practice: importance (C Tarrant, et al) (Research). 326:1310 doctors are servants of patients: CMO speech (S Macdonald). 326:569 (N), 1269 (L) 'health care is risky business' (P Walsh) (Perspectives). 326:1333 inexplicable health problems, patient management (B Fischhoff, et al). 326:595 (ED) Korea, kindest insult (J Han) ( ersonal view). P 326:991 (L) pain management (E Mann) (Pain). 326:1320 psychoses, engagement of patients in consultations. 326:549 (L), 550 (L) tribute. Endpiece (E O'Brien). 326:743 doctors see also consultants; general practitioners; junior doctors; locums; overseas doctors;

preregistration house officers; staff and associate specialist doctors; staff grade doctors alcohol, perceptions of drinking while on call. 326:165 (L) burnout, caring may be bad for them (M Sweet). 326:355 (N) definition. Endpiece (MA Sweet). 326:318 "God and the doctor alike we adore...". Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:844 rules and guidelines on relations with drug companies (E Wager). 326:1196 (ED) Doctors in Difficulty working group, way forward? (M Wilks, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) doctors' role doctors struggle to define the essence of being doctor (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1352 (N) medicine in time of SARS (ACF Hui). 326:1067 The Physician (BJ Graham). 326:819 Doctors' Support Network, Lizzie Miller (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s114 (29 March) doctors, women see also women implications of gender revolution (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 326:s159 (10 May) dog bites, not more frequent at full moon (R Dobson). 326:1054 (N) Doherty TF, see Moore DAJ. 326:808 Doll R, see Trivedi DP. 326:469 Domanovits H, see Sodeck G. 326:920, 974, 1133 Donaldson L, Expert patients usher in a new era of opportunity for the NHS (Comment). 326:1279 Donaldson M, see Park A. 326:541 Donaldson O, see Edwards AG. 326:762 Donovan JL, see Hamdy FC. 326:1456 Doogan DP, The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction. 326:659 (L) Doorenbos CJ, et al, Lesson of the week. Danger of salt substitutes that contain potassium in patients with renal failure. 326:35 (C) Dorozynski A France cuts drug subsidies. 326:951 (N) France offers 800 reward for each new baby. 326:1002 (N) dos Santos Silva I, see McCormack VA. 326:248 Dosani S Beating Stress in the NHS (Books). 326:717 (R) Flexible training: moving on and up BMJ Careers 326:s85 (15 March) Heading up CHI (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s94 (22 March) Implications of the gender revolution in medicine BMJ Careers 326:s159 (10 May) James Jobanputra (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s69 (1 March) Practising medicine in a multicultural society BMJ Careers 326:s3 (4 January) Time out of Mind (Books). 326:1092 (R) Double DB, Encouraging insensitivity in doctors is not an option. 326:1038 (L) double patella syndrome, in woman (H Sharma, et al) (Minerva). 326:404 (R) Doublet -Stewart M, How political should a general medical journal be? 326:821 (L) Douek M, et al, Prospective randomised controlled trial of laparoscopic versus open inguinal hernia mesh repair: five year follow up. 326:1012 (P) Dougherty S, see Metcalfe S. 326:334 Douglas C Challenge and change (Soundings). 326:171 (R) Dying we live (Soundings). 326:455 (R) The end (Soundings). 326:1221 (R) Working together (Soundings). 326:771 (R) Dowd, Pauline, High Court quashes GMC judgment (C Dyer). 326:678 (N) Down syndrome, painting: earliest portrayal? (R Dobson). 326:126 (N) doxycycline intracranial hypertension (J Lochhead, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:641 (C) photosensitivity (M Beadsworth, et al) (Minerva). 326:1274 (R) Doyle Y, see Graves PB. 326:1037 Drife JO Gadgets for consultants ( oundings). 326:291 S (R) The king and I (Soundings). 326:607 (R) Married life uncovered (TV). 326:1219 (R) Reader's consent (Soundings). 326:1153 (R) Walking the walk (Soundings). 326:939 (R) driving, syncope recommendations and clinical reality: survey of patients (R Maas, et al). 326:21 (P), 601 (L)

January-June 2003


dropsy, etymology. When I use a word (J Aronson). 326:491 drug abuse see also cannabis; heroin doctors, CHITS (DG Fowlie) (Have you heard about...) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) Fiona Watson (V Katikireddi) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s169 (17 May) as substitute for drink. One hundred years ago. 326:1207 wound botulism and subcutaneous drug use. 326:822 (L) drug industry see also prescriptions, drug advertising Australia, IBS promotion (M Sweet) (ads). 326:1464 (R) Denmark: Lundbeck broke rules (O Dyer). 326:1004 (N) EU ministers reject proposal for limited direct to consumer advertising (R Watson). 326:1284 (N) journals should select drug advertisements more carefully. 326:1211 (L) New Zealand direct to consumer advertising ban recommended (B Burton). 326:467 (N) GPs call for end to direct to consumer advertising (R Watson). 326:1284 (N) Novartis code breach. 326:396 (L) picture breach (F Waechter). 326:1106 (N) therapeutic chain failure as cause of drug ineffectiveness (A Figueras, et al). 326:895 (E) use of the third party technique (B Burton, et al). 326:1205 (ED) BMJ special issue overview: influence on doctors (K Abbasi, et al). 326:1155 (E) overview: information (A Liberati, et al). 326:1156 (E) advised to publish unfavourable trial results (D Singh). 326:1163 (N) poll: transparency wanted (L Eaton). 326:1352 (N) prescribing behaviour of GPs who regularly see representatives (C Watkins, et al). 326:1178 (PC) research bias in reporting new drug applications studies (H Melander, et al). 326:1171 (P) World Medical Association reviews doctors' links (S Mayor). 326:1165 (N) developing countries Dying for Drugs C4 (J Aronson) (TV). 326:990 (R) Nigeria: US court case (A Raufu). 326:899 (N) no deal in sight (F Fleck). 326:465 (N) public health and company wealth (N Ford) (Developing world). 326:1296 US considers cheap drugs deal (F Fleck). 326:353 (N) US deal blocked (F Fleck). 326:9 (N) disease awareness campaigns rules (T Jackson) (Ads). 326:1219 (R) EU clamps down on reimports of African cheap drugs. 326:285 (L) Germany, Schering uses medical association to promote HRT (K Koch). 326:1161 (N) guidelines on relations wit h doctors (E Wager). 326:1196 (ED) Hungary, Lilly executives sacked after surveillance allegations (C Kovac). 326:730 (N) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:938 (R) (M Mllner) (Website of the week). 326:1220 (R) medical journals and: uneasy bedfellows (R Smith). 326:1202 (ED) patients relationships with organisations (A Herxheimer). 326:1208 (ED) talk direct with? (T Jones, et al) (Head to head). 326:1302 want to inform (L Eaton). 326:1286 (N) in praise of "devil" (S Bonaccorso, et al). 326:1220 (R) sponsorship news programmes (R Moynihan) (The Press). 326:1094 (R) research outcome and quality (J Lexchin, et al). 326:1167 (P)

sponsorship of education could be replaced: US (R Moynihan). 326:1163 (N) UK, main influence in GP prescribing (R Dobson). 326:301 (N), 933 (L) US 12% growth (S Gottlieb). 326:518 (N) The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers (Greider) (Books). 326:1218 (R) doctors' treatment switching rewards defended (C Marwick). 326:67 (N) seniors group attacks pharmaceutical industry "fronts" (R Moynihan). 326:351 (N) Drug points Bilateral anterior toxic optic neuropathy and the use of infliximab (MPH ten Tusscher, et al). 326:579 Erythromelalgia induced by possible calcium channel blockade by ciclosporin (GP Thami, et al). 326:910 Thromboembolism associated with the new contraceptive Yasmin (K van Grootheest, et al). 326:257 drug resistance, microbial malaria, atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride (A Frnert, et al). 326:628 (P) old drugs for new bugs (S Pitlik). 326:235 (E) drugs see also intravenous drugs; prescriptions, drug developing countries, outdated drugs may be useful. 326:51 (L) incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors (K Taxis, et al). 326:684 (P) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1464 (R), 58 (R) new crisis point (R Dobson). 326:119 (N) fewer (D Taylor). 326:408 (E) outcomes guarantee: new approach to risk sharing in primary care (S Chapman, et al). 326:707 (ED) Sri Lanka, availability for poor people. 326:553 (L) testing new pharmaceutical products in children (AG Sutcliffe, et al). 326:64 (E) (correction, 321), 712 (L) drugs, generic, geese of different feather (G Dunea) (Soundings). 326:231 (R) Drummond M, see Craig D. 326:445 Drury P, see Roth CE. 326:447 Dublon V, et al, Children's diabetic camps: doctors can gain too (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s210 (21 June) Ducas J, et al, ABC of interventional cardiology. Percutaneous coronary intervention: cardiogenic shock. 326:1450 (C) Ducharme FM, Inhaled glucocorticoids versus leukotriene receptor antagonists as single agent asthma treatment: systematic review of current evidence. 326:621 (P) Dudley N, Doctors and managers. 326:1213 (L) Duerden M, see Price D. 326:1046 Duerden MG, BMJ may have hyped CURE study. 326:1211 (L) Duman M, Expert patients programme recognises value of patients. 326:1329 (L) Duncan, James George, Obituary (AW Reid, et al). 326:886 Dunder K, et al, Increase in blood glucose concentration during antihypertensive treatment as a predictor of myocardial infarction: population based cohort study. 326:681 (P) Dunea G Educating the consumer Soundings). 326:889 ( (R) Geese of a different feather (Soundings). 326:231 (R) Speech that irritates (Soundings). 326:507 (R) Young doctors, old lawyers (Soundings). 326:1273 (R) Dunn N, 10-minute consultation. Adverse drug event. 326:1018 (PC) Dunnigan MG, et al, Downsizing of acute inpatient beds associated with private finance initiative: Scotland's case study. 326:905 (P) (correction, 1123) Durie MH, The health of indigenous peoples. 326:510 (E) Dutton GN, see Sidiki SS. 326:211 Dworkin RH, see Johnson RW. 326:748 Dyer C Biological father declared the legal father in IVF mix up. 326:518 (N)

Charity Commission says claim against GMC cannot proceed. 326:730 (N) Coroners will deliver fuller verdicts after inquests. 326:1284 (N) Couple at centre of IVF controversy begin treatment. 326:1106 (N) Couple wins right to select embryo. 326:782 (N) Court stands by decision on Gulf war syndrome. 326:1350 (N) Egg or sperm donation children will be entitled to more information. 326:240 (N) Fertilisation authority to challenge High Court tissue ruling. 326:11 (N) High Court again quashes GMC judgment. 326:678 (N) Hospital apologises for remarks following IVF mix-up. 326:1416 (N) Judge overrules mothers' objections to MMR vaccine. 326:1351 (N) Junior doctor is cleared of manslaughter after feeding tube error. 326:414 (N) Lawyer backs GMC decision to bar member from hearings. 326:567 (N) London GP cleared of serious professional misconduct. 326:898 (N) (correction, 1173) New slimmed down GMC takes shape. 326:1002 (N) Privy Council overturns GMC's erasure of psychiatrist. 326:1417 (N) Privy Council quashes GMC ruling. 326:243 (N) Privy Council says GMC procedure on restoration to register is flawed. 326:783 (N) Sally Clark freed after appeal court quashes her convictions. 326:304 (N) Swiss parliament may try to ban "suicide tourism". 326:242 (N) Dyer O Ambulance services to have access to telephone and email records. 326:619 (N) Aspirin could be used to prevent cancer. 326:565 (N) (correction, 699) Baghdad's hospitals struggle to cope with war wounded. 326:779 (N) Brain haemorrhage in babies may not indicate violent abuse. 326:616 (N) (correction, 849) Doctor who bungled abortion is allowed to continue working. 326:679 (N) Doctors forced to guard Baghdad hospitals after looting. 326:837 (N) Environmental hazards kill five million children a year. 326:782 (N) Family finds hospital willing to give experimental CJD treatment. 326:8 (N) GMC accuses doctor of research fraud. 326:616 (N) GMC announces its new lay appointments. 326:951 (N) GMC may be open to accusations of racial bias. 326:411 (N) GMC reprimands doctor for research fraud. 326:730 (N) GMC suspends doctor for research fraud. 326:352 (N) GP suspended for enrolling patients in drug trials without consent. 326:304 (N) Gynaecologist faces inquiry after woman nearly dies after abortion. 326:566 (N) Head of ME association is sacked 326:1232 (N) (correction, 327:88) Heart surgeons are to be rated according to bypass surgery success. 326:1053 (N) High Court strikes down Merck's patent on alendronate. 326:243 (N) Hundreds die in northern Iraq from land mines and unexploded munitions. 326:1166 (N) Iraq's hospitals struggle to provide a service. 326:899 (N) Lack of allergy specialists drives patients to alternative treatments. 326:1415 (N) Lundbeck broke advertising rules. 326:1004 (N) Medical council shake up gets under way. 326:567 (N) New health secretary vows to continue NHS reform agenda. 326:1347 (N) Patients will be reminded of appointments by text messages. 326:1281 (N) Poor security is biggest impediment to health care in Iraq. 326:1107 (N) Privy Council again overturns GMC ruling. 326:415 (N) Professor is replaced as lead scientist while GMC investigates his research. 326:1416 (N) Specialist ousted in research row. 326:839 (N)


January-June 2003

Spread of AIDS in Africa driven by poor postgraduate, US, drug industry sponsorship of medical practice, says report. 326:466 (N) education could be replaced (R Moynihan). Surgeon calls for legalisation of payment to 326:1163 (N) kidney donors. 326:1164 (N) education, medical, continuing Surgeon who alleged constructive dismissal over BMJ Learning launch (E Briffa, et al). 326:176 bullying loses case. 326:467 (N) (E) Tories propose a "patient's passport" for use i choosing right activity (D Brigden, et al) BMJ n NHS or private sector. 326:1283 (N) Careers 326:s184 (31 May) Two strains of the SARS virus sequenced. evidence based medicine, transferability of 326:999 (N) principles to improve educational quality: online dysnatraemia, colonoscopy and (JC Ayus, et al) course study (T Greenhalgh, et al). 326:142 (Lesson of the week). 326:382 (C), 1146 (L), (LP), 933 (L) 1147 (L) surgery, multisource feedback, assessment dyspepsia, empirical prescribing, test and treat v. method (C Violato, et al). 326:546 (ED) omeprazole (G Manes, et al). 326:1118 (P) education, medical, postgraduate dysphagia, investigation and management (P Leslie, flexible training, progress and barriers (S et al). 326:433 (C), 1147 (L), 1148 (L) Dosani) BMJ Careers 326:s85 (15 March) general practice, preregistration house officers: review of evidence (J Illing, et al). 326:1019 E (LP) Eagles, John Bryan, Obituary (JB Hobson). 326:167 ear, temperature measurements are not reliable junior doctors, streamlined training set for 2004 (R MacDonald). 326:467 (N) (POEM*). 326 (11 January 2003) Modernising Medical Careers (A Naftalin) BMJ Easton G, see MacDonald R. 326:1225 Careers 326:s189 (7 June) Easton, Graham, (D Cohen) (Profile) BMJ Careers education, medical, undergraduate 326:s14 (11 January) Eaton, Keith Kenneth, Obituary (DLJ Freed). funding global survey (P Cross) BMJ Careers 326:340 326:s67 (1 March) Eaton L African women at high risk of death in who should pay? (G Catto) BMJ Careers 326:s65 (1 March) pregnancy. 326:567 (N) AIDS vaccine may offer hope only for some primary care (S Howell) BMJ Careers 326:s119 (5 April) ethnic groups. 326:463 (N) educational programmes, asthma, teaching children Artists weave a tapestry of life. 326:678 (N) (JP Guevara, et al) (Research). 326:1308 Ballot on GP contract postponed. 326:617 (N) Commission warns against selling genetic tests Edwards AG, et al, Medical staff need to be aware of major incident planning. 326:762 (L) direct to the public. 326:781 (N) Consumers' Association calls for better Edwards M, see Park A. 326:541 Edwards N information for patients. 326:302 (N) et al, Doctors and managers: a problem without Doctors must listen more. 326:1286 (N) a solution? 326:609 (E), 1213 (L), 1214 (L) Drug companies want to inform patients. et al, Doctors and managers. 326:116 (E) 326:1286 (N) Edwards, Phyllis Mary, Obituary (D Walker). GPs take on a dental challenge. 326:900 (N) 326:398 Hospital consultants are to get 3% pay rise. Edwards R, see Kelly SP. 326:1458 326:1105 (N) Human genome project completed. 326:838 (N) Egberts ACG, see Heerdink ER. 326:600 (L) Limited edition DNA print published. 326:10 Egger J, et al, Lesson of the week. Benign sleep myoclonus in infancy mistaken for epilepsy. (N) 326:975 (C) Man and superman (Interview). 326:1287 NHS hampers patient empowerment, says Egger M, see May M. 326:822 Ekbom A, see Darby S. 326:256 professor. 326:1286 (N) Online medical publishing venture gets under El-Muttardi N, see Challacombe BJ. 326:976 Elder AT, Contraindications to use of metformin. way. 326:11 (N), 766 (L) 326:762 (L) Paediatrician calls for shake up in handling child elderly see also ageing abuse cases. 326:180 (N) Patient complaints procedure uncertain as health dementia, withholding artificial administration of fluids and foods. 326:713 (L) councils abolished. 326:302 (N) Readers want transparency in link between falls, multifactorial interventions in elderly with cognitive impairment and dementia (FE Shaw, et doctors and drug firms. 326:1352 (N) al). 326:73 (P) (correction, 699) Saddle up, partner (Comment). 326:1275 SARS could still affect the United Kingdom, lithium and valproic acid prescription patterns: shifting practice without evidence (KI Shulman, health secretary warns. 326:948 (N) et al). 326:960 (P) Select committee rejects proposals for high Nestor of medicine. One hundred years ago. street pharmacies. 326:1347 (N) 326:761 United Kingdom finally bans tobacco old man's complaint. Endpiece (F Charatan). advertising. 326:351 (N) 326:879 World cancer rates set to double by 2020:. polypharmacy. A memorable patient (B Hirst). 326:728 (N) 326:1251 eBMJ see also electives, medical students and bloodborne virus Ebrahim S infections, UK medical school questionnaires. see Frankel S. 326:1456 326:338 (L) see Hooper L. 326:224 electroconvulsive therapy see Martin RM. 326:188 better than drugs for short term depression (S Eccles MP Mayor S. 326:569 (N), 1269 (L) et al, Computerised evidence based guidelines in guidance looks set to curb its use (C White). primary care. 326:1088 (L) 326:1003 (N) et al, Effect of computerised evidence based patient perspectives, systematic review (D Rose, guidelines. 326:395 (L) et al). 326:1363 (P) see Rousseau N. 326:314 recommendations are likely to improve Eccles S, see Atkins JL. 326:337 standards (S Carney, et al). 326:1343 (E) Eccleston C, et al, Managing chronic pain in electron beam computed tomography, children and adolescents. 326:1408 (E) atherosclerosis detection (DV Anand, et al). eclamptic seizures, prevention and treatment. 326:50 326:1045 (E) (L) ecstasy, mortality in England and Wales: 1997-2000 electronic journals see also journals HINARI project, closing digital divide (R (F Schifano). 326:80 (P), 823 (L) Smith). 326:238 (E), 1035 (L) Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, move to PFI site: electronic medical records see also medical records exhibition (B Christie). 326:1056 (N) patients' consent preferences for research use education, medical see also schools, medical (DJ Willison, et al). 326:373 (IP), 1039 (L) intimate examinations, teaching tomorrow's doctors (Y Coldicott, et al). 326:97 (ED), 1326 primary care regression or progression? (J Hippisley-Cox, (L), 1327 (L) et al). 326:1439 (IP)

scope and quality of data (K Thiru, et al). 326:1070 (PC) electronic publishing see also BioMed Central; Public Library of Science; publishing Public Library of Science grant (L Eaton). 326:11 (N), 766 (L) electronic tagging, people with dementia who wander. 326:281 (L) Ellershaw J, et al, Care of the dying patient: the last hours or days of life. 326:30 (C), 552 (L) Elley CR, et al, Effectiveness of counselling patients on physical activity in general practice: cluster randomised controlled trial. 326:793 (PC) Elliman D et al, Safety and efficacy of combination vaccines. 326:995 (E) see Bedford H. 326:718 Elliott, Heather, Obituary (D Allen, et al). 326:108 Elliott, John Amsden, Obituary (C Ruck). 326:1091 Elliott MW see Lightowler JV. 326:185 see Plant PK. 326:956 Ellis A In this world (Film). 326:827 (R) Inertia on folic acid has caused unnecessary deaths. 326:1054 (N) UK travellers warned after first suspected case of new syndrome. 326:615 (N) Ellis G, see Herbison P. 326:841 Ellis H, Cold Wars (Books). 326:57 (R) Ellis SM, see McCarthy HD. 326:624 Elston JS, see Lochhead J. 326:641 Elton P, see Kelly SP. 326:1458 Elwyn G, see Wensing M. 326:877 email, beating "techno stress" (M Griffiths) ( ips T on...) BMJ Careers 326:s162 (10 May) embryo selection, couple wins right (C Dyer). 326:782 (N) emergency contraception see contraceptives, postcoital emergency medical services ambulance telephone and email records access (O Dyer). 326:619 (N) focus is on patients' clinical needs and distress (M Alexander) (Perspectives). 326:1332 heart arrest outside hospit al, defibrillators and impact on survival. 326:162 (L), 163 (L), 164 (L) hospital short term measures to meet targets (S Mayor). 326:1054 (N) referral to specialty (F Mohammed) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326.s201 walk -in centres and effect on primary healthcare services: before and after study (RT Hsu, et al). 326:530 (PC) time series analysis (M Chalder, et al). 326:532 (PC) when is emergency department not emergency department? 326:49 (N), 553 (L) Emery AEH, et al, Medicine and Art (Books). 326:57 (R) Emery JD, Effect of computerised evidence based guidelines. 326:394 (L) energy intake, pregnant women: boy/girl comparison (RM Tamimi, et al) (Research pointers). 326:1245 (P) Enkin M, et al, I am a good patient believe it or not (Good patient). 326:1293 Enkin MW, see Jadad AR. 326:1294 Enstrom JE, et al, Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians, 1960-98. 326:1057 (P) environmental disorders, married couples' risk of same disease. 326:396 (L) environmental hazards, five million children die a year (O Dyer). 326:782 (N) environmental pollution Bjrn Lomborg, scientific dishonesty accusations (C White). 326:120 (N) water supply privatisation high on Kyoto summit agenda (P Brown). 326:617 (N) When Smoke Ran Like Water: Tales of Environmental Deception and the Battle Against Pollution (Davis) (Books). 326:452 (R) Eogan MA, et al, Effect of fetal sex on labour and delivery: retrospective review. 326:137 (P) ephedra, may have contributed to sportsman's death (F Charatan). 326:464 (N) epiglottitis, haemophilus influenzae type b as cause of acute upper airway obstruction in children. 326:284 (L), 285 (L) epilepsy

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children, misdiagnosis rate "may not be unusual" (C White). 326:355 (N) Improving Services for People with Epilepsy (C White). 326:466 (N) misdiagnosis in patients prescribed anticonvulsant drugs for other reasons (M Oto, et al). 326:326 (C) UK action plan (E Reynolds). 326:349 (E) epistaxis, overlooked cause of massive haematemesis in cirrhosis (SS Johal, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:440 (C) Epstein RJ, Breast self examination. 326:710 (L) Epstein -Barr virus, multiple sclerosis risk (S Gottlieb). 326:731 (N) equipment, hospital bacteraemia, hospital cases in England linked to devices (R Dobson). 326:10 (N) new designs for familiar objects (J Smith). 326:11 (N) erectile dysfunction, incidence and patient characteristics before and after UK Viagra introduction (JA Kaye, et al). 326:424 (P) Ernst E, Massage treatment for back pain. 326:562 (E) Erwin PJ, see Gami AS. 326:528 erythromelalgia, induced by possible calcium channel blockade by ciclosporin (GP Thami, et al) (Drug points). 326:910 Esmail A, et al, Discrimination in the discretionary points award scheme: comparison of white with non-white consultants and men with women. 326:687 (P), 1214 (L), 1215 (L) Espinosa-Brito AD, et al, Public access defibrillators. 326:164 (L) Espinosa-Roca AA, see Espinosa-Brito AD. 326:164 essential drugs, on internet (H Brown) ( etlines). N 326:58 (R) Essex C, 'Copying letters to patients is coming to a clinic near you' (Perspectives). 326:1330 ethics, journals, editorial miscommunication pitfalls: Human Immunology (K Shashok). 326:1262 (E) ethics, medical see also confidentiality; euthanasia; Hippocratic oath; informed consent; torture; withdrawal of treatment clinical trials from a bayesian and decision analytic perspective, (RJ Lilford). 326:980 (ED), 1456 (L), 1457 (L) on internet (C Martyn) (Website of the week). 326:990 (R) developing countries, ethics should not be imposed. 326:225 (L) electronic tagging of people with dementia who wander. 326:281 (L) fetal surgery, applications (D Farmer). 326:461 (E) guidelines on relations between doctors and drug companies (E Wager). 326:1196 (ED) how can research ethics committees protect patients better? (S Garattini, et al). 326:1199 (ED) Huntington's disease, paternal risk and genetic status disclosure (R Tassiker, et al). 326:331 (ED) intimate examinations challenges in medical education (PA Singer). 326:62 (E) teaching tomorrow's doctors (Y Coldicott, et al). 326:97 (ED), 1326 (L), 1327 (L) ethnic groups see also Asians, south; indigenous peoples; racial discrimination; South Asians AIDS vaccine may offer hope only for some ethnic groups (L Eaton). 326:463 (N) Pakistani and Bangladeshi, influences on smoking in adults (J Bush, et al). 326:962 (PC) performance in OSCE examinat ion, qualitative and quantitative study (V Wass, et al). 326:800 (LP) stereotypical diagnosis (S Dosani) BMJ Careers 326:s3 (4 January) Etter J-F, Self help smoking cessation in pregnancy. 326:446 (L) Europe see also Bosnia; Denmark; France; Germany; Hungary; Italy; Netherlands; Norway; Russia; Slovakia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland European Union breast implant tougher rules (R Watson). 326:414 (N) developing countries, cheaper drugs deal (R Watson). 326:1229 (N) doctors in UK (C Herzmann) BMJ Careers 326:s9 (11 January)

legislation threatens clinical trials (R Watson). 326:1348 (N) ministers reject proposal for limited direct to consumer advertising (R Watson). 326:1284 (N) patients are entitled to primary care in any member country (T Sheldon). 326:1106 (N) safe blood products standards (R Watson). 326:11 (N) stem cell research threat (R Watson). 326:838 (N) UK groups fight to stop doctors working without registration (R Watson). 326:1416 (N) Working Time Direct ive, more doctors not answer (R MacDonald). 326:68 (N), 929 (L) Eustace, Thomas Henry, Obituary (J Eustace). 326:286 euthanasia see also ethics, medical; suicide, assisted Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy: An Argument Against Legalisation (Keown) (Books). 326:1218 (R) leaving mercy to heaven. A memorable patient (H Fox). 326:688 Netherlands murder verdict upheld on doctor who ended woman's life (T Sheldon). 326:1351 (N) only half of doctors report it (T Sheldon). 326:1164 (N) "tired of life" is not grounds for (T Sheldon). 326:71 (N) Evans AV, et al, Lesson of the week. Zosteriform metastasis from melanoma. 326:1025 (C) Evans J see Buavirat A. 326:308 see Goldacre MJ. 326:629, 1011 Evans PH, see Dalal HM. 326:481 Evans S, Short and long term mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections: registry based study. Commentary: matched cohorts can be useful. 326:360 (P) Everington S see Esmail A. 326:687 evidence based medicine anecdotes as evidence (J Aronson). 326:1346 (E) BestTreatments, connecting doctors, patients, and evidence (B Nash, et al). 326:674 (E) Buddha's advice. Endpiece (A Cruise). 326:739 computerised evidence based guidelines in primary care (N Rousseau, et al). 1088 (L), 326:314 (PC), 1087 (L) drug industry, bias in reporting new drug applications studies (H Melander, et al). 326:1171 (P) Fresno test of competence validation (KD Ramos, et al). 326:319 (LP) Mark Twain. Endpiece (M Twain). 326:212 (C) (correction, 910) maternal health care. 326:337 (L) policy making (S Macintyre). 326:5 (E) students' application of published evidence: randomised trial (A Schwartz, et al). 326:536 (LP) "there is no evidence that..." (K Barraclough) (Soundings). 326:1095 (R) transferability of principles to improve educational quality: online course in primary health care study (T Greenhalgh, et al). 326:142 (LP), 933 (L) unmasking ugly truth. 326:602 (L) Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (Guyatt, et al, eds) (Books). 326:664 (R) Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (Guyatt, et al, eds) (Books). 326:664 (R) Evidence in Diabetes Enquiry System (EVIDENS) Research Group, see Gami AS. 326:528 examinations see also objective structured clinical examinations examiner's morning (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings). 326:343 (R) Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills, advice (H Gentles) BMJ Careers 326:s76 (8 March) skill based assessment: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (S Smee). 326:703 (C) written assessments: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (LWT Schuwirth, et al). 326:643 (C) exercise general pract ice, effectiveness of counselling patients (CR Elley, et al). 326:793 (PC) Perspectives on Health and Exercise (McKenna, et al, eds) (Books). 326:1041 (R) UK women too busy (J Clark). 326:467 (N)

expert testimony, criminal courts and (CM Milroy). 326:294 (E), 1037 (L) (correction, 1315), 1038 (L) Extracts from "Best Treatments" Treating generalised anxiety disorder (A Tonks). 326:700 (C) Treating head lice (B Nash). 326:1256 (C) Extracts from "Concise Clinical Evidence", Diabetic retinopathy (S Harding). 326:1023 (C) eyes colouring agent used to enhance redness (S Srinivasan, et al) (Minerva). 326:720 (R) doublet words. When I use a word (J Aronson). 326:639 Eysenbach G "Free" medical publishing venture gets under way. 326:766 (L) Theme issue for medics and health informed public. 326:166 (L) Fagg, Christopher Grahame, Obituary (C Fagg). 326:340 Fahey T et al, Effect of computerised evidence based guidelines. 326:394 (L) et al, Quality of care for elderly residents in nursing homes and elderly people living at home: controlled observational study. 326:580 (PC) et al, Screening for depression in primary care. 326:982 (L) falls, elderly, multifactorial interventions in elderly with cognitive impairment and dementia (FE Shaw, et al). 326:73 (P) (correction, 699) family, withdrawal of life support and resolution of conflict. 326:713 (L) Farmer D, Fetal surgery. 326:461 (E) Frnert A, et al, Evidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria resistant to atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride: case reports. 326:628 (P) Farrar JJ, see Thwaites CL. 326:117 Farrell B, Findings for looked after children are not generalisable. 326:1088 (L) Farrell L Bag of bones (Soundings). 326:719 (R) Busted (Soundings). 326:403 (R) Count your blessings (Soundings). 326:59 (R) Much doth it profit a subtle doc Soundings). ( 326:1043 (R) Farrington D, see Shepherd J. 326:834 Farrow R ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Creating teaching materials. 326:921 (C) see Bligh J. 326:588, 640 Fassin D, et al, The politics of AIDS in South Africa: beyond the controversies. 326:495 (ED) fatigue, iron supplementation for unexplained fatigue in non-anaemic women (F Verdon, et al). 326:1124 (PC) Faulkner A, et al, Human tissue engineered products drugs or devices? 326:1159 (E) Favrat B, see Verdon F. 326:1124 fear of dark, stationary night blindness (SS Sidiki, et al). 326:211 (C) Fearon P, see Moens V. 326:1252 Feder G, see Wilson S. 326:1436 feedback ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (J Gordon). 326:543 (C) multisource, method of assessing surgical practice (C Violato, et al). 326:546 (ED) Feldman RA, see O'Brien SJ. 326:1265 Feldman S, Congestion charging. 326:884 (L) Feliciangeli MD, see Miles MA. 326:1444 female sexual dysfunction making of a disease (R Moynihan). 326:45 (ED), 658 (L), 659 (L), 660 (L) PR campaign to counter BMJ claims (R Moynihan). 326:120 (ED), 660 (L) Fendall L, see Battersby TA. 326:447 Ferguson E, et al, Pilot study of the roles of personality, references, and personal statements in relation to performance over the five years of a medical degree. 326:429 (LP), 986 (L) Ferguson MWJ, see Bayat A. 326:88 Ferriman A Chocolate cigarettes "recruit" children to smoking. 326:302 (N) Exhibition aims to bring home reality of smoking. 326:1104 (N)


January-June 2003

Exhibition shows celebrities' defining moments. 326:1164 (N) Former US assistant surgeon general to edit BMJ USA. 326:1418 (N) Medical Research Council and BMJ sponsor new photographic awards. 326:354 (N) Portrait of Isaac Marks unveiled. 326:784 (N) Wellcome exhibition explores magic, religion, beauty, and eroticism. 326:1352 (N) Wellcome Trust announces new award scheme. 326:356 (N) Women still have difficulty getting local contraceptive advice. 326:301 (N) fetal growth, subsequent breast cancer risk, Swedish cohort (VA McCormack, et al). 326:248 (P) fetal surgery, ethics and applications (D Farmer). 326:461 (E) fetus disposal of remains of fetuses of under 24 weeks' gestation. 326:338 (L) effect of fetal sex on labour and delivery: retrospective review (MA Eogan, et al). 326:137 (P) fever Baghdad (JH Baron). 326:24 neutropenia: lactam monotherapy v. combination therapy (M Paul, et al). 326:1111 (P) fiction, doctors in British fiction. One hundred years ago. 326:484 Fidler H, see Violato C. 326:546 Field, Edward Crosby, Obituary (I Hesketh). 326:1462 Figueras A, et al, Failures of the therapeutic chain as a cause of drug ineffectiveness. 326:895 (E) fillers see also POEM* Balloney (TL Chambers). 326:1438 A case of mistaken identity (O Quaba). 326:145 Confusion expertly managed (P Finucane, et al). 326:590 Cover note. Bakker van Eeklo (Anonymous). 326:695 An ecumenical practice? (G Houghton). 326:529 Endpiece An act of creation (K Baig). 326:204 The art of surgery (K Baig). 326:310 The atmosphere of London (JH Baron). 326:1210 A choice (J Sheather). 326:640 Compensat ion (F Charatan). 326:579 Confide in your doctor (D Kassimos). 326:869 Consultant reappraisal 2500 years ago (JH Baron). 326:548 The disease called "man" (R Richardson). 326:1179 Every knock (F Charatan). 326:441 Every old man's complaint (F Charatan). 326:879 Evidence based practice (A Cruise). 326:739 Good advice (F Charatan). 326:736 A good physician versus no physician (JH Baron). 326:152 How many days have you lost? (A Gormley). 326:758 Human dignity (R Richardson). 326:1077 I would accept even worse (F Charatan). 326:709 In praise of neurotics (M Proust). 326:1455 Man's chief occupation (HL Mencken). 326:192 Mark Twain on evidence based practice (M Twain). 326:212 (C) (correction, 910) Memory and intelligence (AP Radford). 326:583 A necessity (F Charatan). 326:83 Paper thin (R Davies). 326:327 Reality (D Slawson). 326:425 Success (S Dhami). 326:642 The three stages of a man's life (F Charatan). 326:1242 A tribute (E O'Brien). 326:743 Two of the same (F Charatan). 326:844 What's a doctor? 326:318 Fever (JH Baron). 326:24 Forthcoming BMJ themes issues (provisional dates and titles). 326:376 Getting back into medicine (P Cox). 326:1370 He died "peacefully" at home (D Veale). 326:792 (correction, 910) "I think I need a psychiatrist" (A Larner). 326:273

"I'm sorry for your trouble" (DC Riordan). 326:699 Inappropriate prophylaxis for long haul flights (T Diggory). 326:1448 Infopoints. A web-based system for individualised survival estimation in breast cancer (J Lundin, et al). 326:29 (IP), 822 (L) The instrument that determined my practice (SA Hannan). 326:747 Know your weed (BJ Challacombe, et al). 326:976 A lesson in prescribing (PJ West). 326:36 Medicine in the time of SARS (ACF Hui). 326:1067 A memorable patient An aunt without health insurance (B Blomberg). 326:279 Delivery from evil. 326:1022 The first of the fortunate (D Scarfe). 326:101 How a refugee community deals with adoption (R McGready). 326:873 Leaving mercy to heaven (H Fox). 326:688 Polypharmacy remains an issue in elderly patients (B Hirst). 326:1251 Using patients for teaching can enhance their lives (M Rhodes). 326:1255 The value of communication (Y Ou). 326:1026 You only see what you know (S Schfer). 326:583 My most unfortunate mistake Courtesy towards NHS staff is a must (C Abbasian). 326:372 The heights of folly (JCR Bowling, et al). 326:803 Sociable medicine (TL Chambers). 326:384 On writing prescriptions (SV Ramanan). 326:750 One hundred years ago Anaesthesia and swearing. 326:201 Art and nature. 326:44 Canada and the cigarette question. 326:542 Degrees and how not to give them. 326:961 Doctors in British fiction. 326:484 Drugs as substitutes for drink. 326:1207 Ether drinking in Russia. 326:40 The evil effects of the corset. 326:1017 Gatling and Guillotin. 326:276 The German Emperor and the medical profession. 326:623 Lord Balfour and vaccination. 326:78 The massacre of the innocents. 326:1072 A medical president. 326:799 Medicine and matrimony. 326:135 The Nestor of medicine. 326:761 Newspaper medicine. 326:923 The prevention of juvenile smoking. 326:1126 A "surgical marvel" at the London Hospital. 326:594 Up-to-date journalism. 326:1435 A vaccination compliment. 326:1366 The war against quackery in Germany. 326:366 Patient or client? (TPS Bloch). 326:253 A patient who changed my practice I should have known better (C Thomas). 326:920 Northern Ireland weather (KA Choudhari). 326:313 A patient who made me think. We should not play God (PA Andrews). 326:634 The patient's referral letter (W Murdoch). 326:206 The Physician (BJ Graham). 326:819 Using brown snakes to organise patient-free days (J Fraser). 326:92 Was it something you ate? (G Lindley). 326:87 The way things were? (RM Graham). 326:1069 When I use a word Dropsy (J Aronson). 326:491 The eyes have it (J Aronson). 326:639 Man hater (J Aronson). 326:216 Wholly, holy, holey (J Aronson). 326:392 When we use a word (R Kingston). 326:597 Where worlds meet (A Sheikh). 326:809 Fine LG, et al, How to evaluate and improve the quality and credibility of an outcome database: validation and feedback study on the UK Cardiac Surgery Experience. 326:25 (IP) Finer, Joseph, Obituary (NR Fieldman). 326:340 Finfer S, et al, Efficacy of albumin in critically ill patients. 326:559 (E)

finger metastatic tumour considered (S Adeniran, et al) (Minerva). 326:558 (R) rotational deformity from sucking (MH Wilson, et al) (Minerva). 326:1154 (R) Finlayson A, see Pell JP. 326:134 Finlayson BJ, Inversion of emergency pyramid. 326:553 (L) Finucane P, et al, Confusion expertly managed. 326:590 Finucane T, et al, Artificially giving nutrition and fluids is not one action. 326:713 (L) fires, free smoke alarms and, incidence. 326:165 (L) Firth, David, on Digby Tantam (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s52 (15 February) Firth-Cozens J Doctors, their wellbeing, and their stress. 326:670 (E) see Paice E BMJ Careers 326:s127 (12 April) Fischhoff B, et al, Managing patients with inexplicable health problems. 326:595 (ED) Fisher J, et al, Khmer "coining" produces unusual bruising (Minerva). 326:830 (R) Fitzgerald L, see Tassiker R. 326:331 Fitzmaurice DA, see Blann AD. 326:153 FitzPatrick D, see Faulkner A. 326:1159 Fitzpatrick M, Whiplash and Other Useful Illnesses (Books). 326:1092 (R) Flanagin A, see Rennie D. 326:563 Fleck F Anti-tobacco treaty rejected by t wo rich nations. 326:518 (N) No deal in sight on cheap drugs for poor countries. 326:465 (N) South Korean to head world's top health body. 326:241 (N) Support from G8 countries boosts cash for global fund. 326:1106 (N) US blocks deal on cheap drugs. 326:9 (N) US and Germany give late support to WHO tobacco accord. 326:1103 (N) US given more time to consider cheap drugs deal for poor nations. 326:353 (N) WHO accused of watering down tobacco treaty. 326:412 (N) WHO challenges food industry in report on diet and health. 326:515 (N) WHO faces funding controversy over new food fund. 326:414 (N) WHO to push for swift implementation of tobacco accord. 326:1162 (N) Fleischmann P, see Rose D. 326:1363 Fleming DM, see Ross AM. 326:1036 Fleming, Peter Robert, Obituary (RIS Bayliss). 326:286 Flett M, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:1034 (L) flexible training see under education, medical, postgraduate Flood, Charles Mackintosh, Obituary (R Flood). 326:287 fluid administration, dementia in elderly, withholding artificial administration of fluids and foods. 326:713 (L) fluticasone propionate, atopic dermatitis, maintenance treatment (J Berth-Jones, et al). 326:1367 (PC) Flynn S et al, Chemical addiction: Daniella's decisions BMJ Careers 326:s117 (5 April) et al, Disclosing personal health information: Daniella's dilemma BMJ Careers 326:s60 (22 February) et al, Inoculation injuries at work BMJ Careers 326:s12 (11 January) Fogarty A BMJ was out of touch with grass roots doctors on wellbeing. 326:1396 (L) Inversion of emergency pyramid. 326:553 (L) Ottawa ankle rules. 326:1147 (L) folic acid cardiovascular diseases: polypill overview (A Rodgers). 326:1407 (E) combination of drugs (NJ Wald, et al). 326:1419 (P) cardiovascular diseases and folate and vitamin B-12: Australian cohort study (J Hung, et al). 326:131 (P), 1035 (L), 1036 (L) inertia has caused unnecessary deaths (A Ellis). 326:1054 (N) Nepal, low birth weight and (P Christian, et al). 326:571 (P)

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Food and Drug Administration (US) alosetron mortality warning if relaunched, regulatory capture or victory for patients' rights? 326:51 (L), 52 (L) insists oestrogen products for menopause carry warning (S Gottlieb). 326:126 (N) food safety, WHO funding controversy (F Fleck). 326:414 (N) Food Standards Agency, high vitamin and mineral doses warning (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1001 (N) foodborne infections, mortality: registry based study (M Helms, et al). 326:357 (P), 1265 (L), 1266 (L) foot, ABC of diabetes (PJ Watkins). 326:977 (C) football myocardial infarction and admissions: database survey. 326:600 (L) subtle doctor (L Farrell) (Soundings). 326:1043 (R) Forbes A, see Griffiths P. 326:933 Forbes B, Doctors as servants of patients. 326:1269 (L) Forbes, John Ronald, Obituary (C Sissons). 326:768 Ford I see Hawkins G. 326:1115 see Pell JP. 326:163 Ford N, Public health and company wealth (Developing world). 326:1296 Ford R, see Grant CC. 326:852 Ford S, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:1034 (L) forecasts, busted (L Farrell) Soundings). 326:403 ( (R) foreign doctors, see overseas doctors forensic medicine, Forensic Medicine: Clinical and Pathological Aspects (Payne-James, et al, eds) (Books). 326:556 (R) forensic psychiatry, child and adolescent (A Lewis, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s167 (17 May) Forest P -G, see Maxwell J. 326:1031 Forrest ARW, Dataset on deaths related to taking ecstasy looks incomplete. 326:823 (L) Forrest CB, Primary care in the United States. Primary care gatekeeping and referrals: effective filter or failed experiment? 326:692 (PC) Forster P, Indian objection to export of human tissue for research. 326:224 (L) Forster RG, Disposal of remains of fetuses of under 24 weeks' gestation. 326:338 (L) Forsyth JS, et al, Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in infant formula and blood pressure in later childhood: follow up of a randomised controlled trial. 326:953 (P) foundation hospitals see also hospitals; National Health Service could be divisive MPs claim (M Limb). 326:10 (N) first wave unveiled (A Gulland). 326:1106 (N) governance for NHS foundation trusts (R Klein). 326:174 (E), 764 (L) health committee questions benefit to patients (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1000 (N) plans could spark pay spiral (W Moore). 326:356 (N) we've been here before (NW Goodman) (Personal view). 326:1153 (R) where next? (J Dixon). 326:1344 (E) Fowlie DG, CHITS (Have you heard about...) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) Fox A, et al, Internet self-circumcision kit (Minerva). 326:992 (R) Fox H, A memorable patient. Leaving mercy to heaven. 326:688 Fox KF, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 fractures, vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation and mortality (DP Trivedi, et al). 326:469 (P) France see also Europe Anglo French Medical Society (A Leitch) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s70 (1 March) drug subsidies cut (A Dorozynski). 326:951 (N) gene therapy, trials halted after leukaemia case (C Marwick). 326:181 (N) reward for new babies (A Dorozynski). 326:1002 (N) Francis R, see Napier JC. 326:1212 Frankel S et al, Ethics of clinical trials from bayesian perspective. 326:1456 (L) see Martin RM. 326:188 Franklin, Rosalind, Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA (Maddox) (Books). 326:289 (R) Franklyn JA, see Vanderpump MP. 326:1086

Franks PJ, et al, Risk assessment scales poorly predict pressure ulceration. 326:165 (L) Fraser J Using brown snakes to organise patient-free days. 326:92 see Stanley B. 326:1174 Fratiglioni L, see Palmer K. 326:245 Freeman A et al, Looking after doctor patients BMJ Careers 326:s105 (29 March) see Wilks M BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) Freeman G, see Tarrant C. 326:1310 Freemantle N, see Bloor K. 326:578 Freeth R, Working as a staff grade can be a positive experience (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s122 (5 April) French F, see Ubach C. 326:1432 French Society of Clinical Cytology Study Group, see Coste J. 326:733 Frenk J, WHO must help countries deal with non-communicable diseases and mental health. 326:122 (N) Fresno test of competence, validation (KD Ramos, et al). 326:319 (LP) Fretheim A, Current medical treatment for tuberculosis. 326:551 (L) Frieden TR, see Sterling TR. 326:574 Friedli K, see Bower P. 326:1247 Friend M, et al, Platelet responsiveness to aspirin in patients with hyperlipidaemia (Research pointers). 326:82 (P) Frimodt -Moeller C, see Birk HO. 326:280 Frizelle FA, et al, Mortality control charts. 326:1397 (L) Frhbeck G, et al, Preventing obesity. 326:102 (L) fruit behavioural counselling to increase consumption in low income adults (A Steptoe, et al). 326:855 (PC), 1458 (L) on internet (G Jones) (Website of the week). 326:888 (R) men, nine daily servings (S Gottlieb). 326:1003 (N) Fry A, et al, Preventing skin cancer. 326:114 (E), 1148 (L) Frye J, see Frizelle FA. 326:1397 Fryer, John, Obituary (J Lenzer). 326:662 Fuat A, et al, Barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management of heart failure in primary care: qualitative study. 326:196 (PC), 883 (L) Fuller LC, et al, Diagnosis and management of scalp ringworm. 326:539 (C) (correction, 849) Furber AS, Don't drink the water ( ersonal view). P 326:667 (R) Furukawa TA, et al, Low dosage tricyclic antidepressants in depression. 326:500 (L)

Gaelic football, subtle doctor (L Farrell) (Soundings). 326:1043 (R) Gaine WJ, No-fault compensation systems. 326:997 (E) Gale C Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating generalised anxiety disorder. Commentary: Putting research into practice. 326:701 (R) et al, Presumed Curable: An Illustrated Casebook of Victorian Psychiatric Patients in Bethlem Hospital (Books). 326:1150 (R) et al, Tobacco, coffee, and Parkinson's disease. 326:561 (E) (correction, 614) Gall JAM, Medical experts and the criminal courts. 326:1037 (L) Gambia see also Africa hepatitis B vaccination: efficacy after 14 years. 326:105 (L) Gami AS, et al, Systematic review of lipid lowering for primary prevention of coronary heart disease in diabetes. 326:528 (P) Garattini S, et al, How can research ethics committees protect patients better? 326:1199 (ED) Garbutt, Gerald, (T Okoro) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s38 (1 February) Gardner M, Why clinical information standards matter. 326:1101 (E) Garlick W, see Jones T. 326:1302 Garnett GP, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Garrett, Elizabeth, Enterprising Women: The Garretts and their Circle (Crawford) (Books). 326:401 (R) Garrett, Michael John, Obituary (P Garrett, et al). 326:1217

Garside P, et al, Doctors in chambers. 326:611 (E) Garvican L, see Littlejohns P. 326:860 gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, Helicobacter pylori prevalence: systematic review (A Raghunath, et al). 326:737 (P), 1460 (L) gastrointestinal cancers, UK, sharp decline in deaths (K Godfrey). 326:728 (N) gastrointestinal diseases, diagnosis and management of ischaemic disorders (J Sreenarasimhaiah). 326:1372 (C) gastrointestinal infections, foodborne, mortality: registry based study (M Helms, et al). 326:357 (P), 1265 (L), 1266 (L) Gatehouse, David, Obituary (J Mason). 326:934 Gatling, Richard Jordan, One hundred years ago. 326:276 Gatrad AR, see Sheikh A. 326:1152 Gatsonis CA, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 Gau, Donald William, Obituary (H McDermott). 326:1217 Gaze H, Doctors' diagnosis: multiple sclerosis (Doctors as patients) 326:1323 (correction, 327:26) Gbinigie, Andrew bungled abortion but allowed to continue working (O Dyer). 326:679 (N) gynaecologist faces inquiry after woman nearly dies after abortion (O Dyer). 326:566 (N) Geary MP, see Eogan MA. 326:137 Geddes J, see Carney S. 326:1343 Gee BC, et al, Oxygen mask and theatre light cause nose trauma in porphyria cutanea tarda sufferer (Minerva). 326:890 (R) (correction, 1123) Gee C, see Whitehouse A BMJ Careers 326:s192 (7 June) Geesink I, see Faulkner A. 326:1159 gene therapy Horizon BBC2 "Trial and Error" (A Kent) (TV). 326:506 (R) on internet (B Twisselmann) ( ebsite of the W week). 326:506 (R) trials halted after leukaemia case in France (C Marwick). 326:181 (N) what next? (ET Juengst). 326:1410 (E) General Medical Council Graeme Catto interview (G Watts). 326:183 (N) Jennifer Colman Charity Commission says claim cannot proceed (C Dyer). 326:730 (N) lawyer backs GMC decision to bar (C Dyer). 326:567 (N) not re-elected to GMC (C Dyer). 326:1002 (N) stalls on publication of report (S Hargreaves). 326:519 (N) Jeffrey Cream, High Court quashes judgment (C Dyer). 326:678 (N) election results (C Dyer). 326:1002 (N) health procedures (B Brewer) BMJ Careers 326:s106 (29 March) Surendra Misra, Privy Council quashes ruling (C Dyer). 326:243 (N) new lay appointments announced (O Dyer). 326:951 (N) Privy Council restoration to register procedure is flawed (C Dyer). 326:783 (N) racial bias accusations (O Dyer). 326:411 (N) no closer to understanding (S Hargreaves). 326:518 (N) shake up gets under way (O Dyer). 326:567 (N) Steven Walker, Privy Council ruling (O Dyer). 326:415 (N) general practice see also primary care trusts; primary health care alcohol drinking, screening and brief GP experiences interview study. 326:336 (L), 337 (L), 550 (L) anticoagulation: ABC of antithrombotic therapy (AD Blann, et al). 326:153 (C) Australia red tape crisis (C Zinn). 326:950 (N) two tier system for paying for consultations (C Zinn). 326:1002 (N) contract accepted (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1415 (N) ballot opens (A Gulland). 326:1230 (N) ballot postponed (L Eaton). 326:617 (N) bold initiative (P Shekelle). 326:457 (E) confusion continues (A Gulland). 326:1054 (N) delay but negotiations continue (J Clark). 326:8 (N)


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failure: deep problems? (R Smith). 326:1097 (E) GP "contractus interruptus" vote (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1105 (N) more information about earnings (A Gulland). 326:676 (N) negotiators go on road (A Gulland). 326:519 (N) no practice will lose out (A Gulland). 326:730 (N) patient participation (P Davies, et al). 326:1099 (E) rises of 10-50% over three years (A Gulland). 326:465 (N) Doctor of the Year 2002 (K Hebert) BMJ Careers 326:s62 (22 February) education batten down or fight? (S Bullimore) BMJ Careers 326:s216 (28 June) Ruth Chambers (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s218 (28 June) choosing right GP trainer (P Aquino, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s217 (28 June) pick 'n' mix career options (A Thornett, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s213 (28 June) teaching fellow posts (A Clark, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s215 (28 June) exercise, effectiveness of counselling patients (CR Elley, et al). 326:793 (PC) lipid lowering drugs, effectiveness in reducing serum cholesterol concentration (J Hippisley-Cox, et al). 326:689 (PC) mortality, monitoring rates after Shipman (R Baker, et al). 326:274 (ED), 1038 (L) moving beyond single and dual diagnosis (N Wright, et al). 326:512 (E), 1145 (L) neck pain, cost effectiv eness comparison of physiotherapy, manual therapy and GP care (IBC Korthals-de Bos, et al). 326:911 (PC) Oxford Handbook of General Practice (Simon, et al) (Books). 326:56 (R) preregistration house officers, review of evidence (J Illing, et al). 326:1019 (LP) resensitisation (T Yellon) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s46 (8 February) return to (E Muller) BMJ Careers 326:s37 (1 February) schizophrenia, cardiovascular disease screening (DPJ Osborn, et al). 326:1122 (P) school health services and (D Haslam). 326:234 (E) setting standards based on patients' views on access and continuity (P Bower, et al). 326:258 (PC) staffing, England short of 970 GPs (S Mayor). 326:243 (N) walk -in centres and: time series analysis (M Chalder, et al). 326:532 (PC) general practitioners see also doctors antibiotics for sore throat? grounded theory interview study (S Kumar, et al). 326:138 (PC), 766 (L) be called consultants? (M Lakhani) BMJ Careers 326:s160 (10 May) computer use comparison with hospital doctors. 326:221 (L), 222 (L) job satisfaction and retirement intentions: English survey (B Sibbald, et al). 326:22 (PC) prescribing behaviour of doctors who regularly see drug industry representatives (C Watkins, et al). 326:1178 (PC) generalised anxiety disorder, (A Tonks) ( xtracts E from "Best Treatments"). 326:700 (C) generic drugs, Australian Medical Association accepts. 326:985 (L) genetic screening see also screening safeguards needed now to prevent unethical genetic selection. 326:53 (L) genetic testing Human Genetics Commission new controls on supply of genetic tests to public (S Mayor). 326:354 (N) warns against public selling (L Eaton). 326:781 (N) genetics, medical see also cloning breast cancers, breast density (S Gottlieb). 326:782 (N) cancers, major initiative (S Mayor). 326:299 (N) George Radda interview (G Watts). 326:732 (N) Huntington's disease, paternal risk and genetic status disclosure (R Tassiker, et al). 326:331 (ED)

indigenous peoples' health (MH Durie). 326:510 (E) Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience and What Makes Us Human (Ridley) (Books). 326:1402 (R) Our Inheritance, Our Future (K Godfrey). 326:1413 (N) Gent N, see Chaloner J. 326:163 Gentles H, Putting them through their PACES BMJ Careers 326:s76 (8 March) George K, see Joseph A. 326:1121 Georgeu G, see Challacombe BJ. 326:976 Germany see also Europe doctors' "work to rule" protest (A Tuffs). 326:303 (N) Emperor and medical profession. One hundred years ago. 326:623 hip fractures, effect of increased use of hip protectors in nursing homes (G Meyer, et al). 326:76 (P), 930 (L), 931 (L) hospital curtails services because of deficit (A Tuffs). 326:11 (N) organ transplantation, surgeon suspended (A Tuffs). 326:1164 (N) Schering uses medical association to promote HRT safety (K Koch). 326:1161 (N) surgeon is investigated about trading of organs (A Tuffs). 326:568 (N) (correction, 849) tobacco keen to water down WHO agreement. 326:1055 (N) late support for WHO anti-tobacco treaty (F Fleck). 326:1103 (N) war against quackery. One hundred years ago. 326:366 Gerner-Smidt P, see Helms M. 326:357 Ghani K, et al, Surgical training in the developing world BMJ Careers 326:s1 (4 January) Ghatei M, see Park A. 326:541 Ghodse AH, see Schifano F. 326:80 Ghys PD, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Gil P, see Frnert A. 326:628 Gilbert, Harold, Obituary (P Gilbert). 326:108 Giles I, see Haq I BMJ Careers 326:s157 (10 May) Gill J, see Plunkett A. 326:1078 Gill PS, et al, Racism and health. 326:880 (L) Gillanders, Lewis, Obituary (I Gillanders). 326:663 Gilmore A, see McKee M. 326:941 Glanville J, see Craig D. 326:445 Glasspool JA, see Davies P. 326:1099 Glasziou PP, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 glatiramer acetate multiple sclerosis drug assessment: risk sharing scheme problems (CLM Sudlow, et al). 326:388 (ED), 1212 (L), 1213 (L) management (J Chilcott, et al). 326:522 (P) glaucoma prevention, intraocular pressure treatment (R Wormald). 326:723 (E) 'this added to my multiple myopia' (LM Irwig) (Perspectives) 326:1336 (correction, 327:26) GlaxoSmithKline Italy, bribery investigations (F Turone). 326:413 (N) legal action to block smoking cessation controls (M Sweet). 326:952 (N) US campaign heats up (R Moynihan). 326:413 (N) Glenny A-M, see Song F. 326:472 Global Forum for Health Research, initiatives to help health research and care. 326:502 (L) global health see also developing countries; World Health Organization Arab countries, which way forward? (S Jabbour). 326:1141 (ED) cancers, world rates set to double by 2020 (L Eaton). 326:728 (N) G8 support boosts AIDS/tuberculosis/malaria cash. 326:1106 (N) indigenous peoples (MH Durie). 326:510 (E) research priorities (R Labonte, et al). 326:722 (E), 1399 (L) zinc deficiency, ignored by organisations (AS Prasad). 326:409 (E) glucocorticoids, asthma, comparison with leukotriene receptor antagonists (FM Ducharme). 326:621 (P) Gnani S, see Goldfield N. 326:744 Goddard J, see Hill CM. 326:364 Godfrey K Genetics white paper heralds "a revolution in health care". 326:1413 (N)

Sharp decline in UK deaths from bowel cancer predicted. 326:728 (N) Godlee F, see Delamothe T. 326:945 Goel V, et al, Corkscrew oesophagus due to oesophageal dysmotility (Minerva). 326:508 (R) Goh DL, see Yeoh SC. 326:1394 Goldacre MJ et al, Media criticism of doctors: review of UK junior doctors' concerns raised in surveys. 326:629 (P) et al, Preregistration house officers' views on whether their experience at medical school prepared them for their jobs: national questionnaire survey. 326:1011 (P) see Lambert TW. 326:194 see Roberts SE. 326:193, 1086 Goldblatt P, see Baker R. 326:274 Goldfield N, et al, Primary care in the United States. Profiling performance in primary care in the United States. 326:744 (PC), 1460 (L) Goldsmith C, see Willison DJ. 326:373 Golsch S, see Berth-Jones J. 326:1367 Gomez FJ, see Castillo -Garzon MJ. 326:824 Gmez-Ambrosi J, see Frhbeck G. 326:102 Gonzalez A Chlamydia (Website of the week). 326:1272 (R) Medicine without doctors "Treat Yourself" (Art). 326:1338 (R) Passive smoking (Website of the week). 326:1094 (R) Refugee Doctors (Radio ). 326:1463 (R) see Desai M. 326:1151 Gonzalez LS, Referees make journal clubs fun. 326:106 (L) Goodare H, et al, ATAC trial: reports of interim results can be misleading. 326:1329 (L) (correction, 1460) Goodbourn C, see Thakerar A. 326:50 Goodhall, John Francis, Obituary (M Sweet-Escott). 326:604 Goodman NW, Foundation hospitals: we've been here before (Personal view). 326:1153 (R) Gordon J, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. One to one teaching and feedback. 326:543 (C) Gordon, Ronald Rodger, Obituary (J Dewhurst). 326:1461 Gordon, Walter, Obituary (S Jessop). 326:768 Gormley A, Endpiece. How many days have you lost? 326:758 Gossop M, see Strang J. 326:959 Gottlieb S ACE inhibitors are better first choice than diuretics for elderly patients, study says. 326:415 (N) Bush legislates for $15bn to be spent on AIDS. 326:1233 (N) CDC reports first case of vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. 326:783 (N) Chinese scientists must test wild animals to find the host of SARS. 326:1109 (N) Creationists accuse biology professor of discrimination. 326:354 (N) Epstein -Barr virus may increase risk of multiple sclerosis. 326:731 (N) FDA insists oestrogen products for menopause carry a warning. 326:126 (N) Genetic factors may underlie link between breast density and cancer risk. 326:782 (N) Long term, low intensity warfarin helps against deep vein thrombosis. 326:516 (N) Men should eat nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day. 326:1003 (N) Oral sex may transmit HIV. 326:730 (N) Rates of lobular carcinoma increased markedly in the 1990s. 326:678 (N) Senior citizens to get part of drug costs paid under new plan. 326:1351 (N) Sigmoidoscopy screening every five years may be too frequent. 326:949 (N) Survival after partial lung transplants is as good as after full lung transplants. 326:1285 (N) US court rules that insane prisoners can be executed. 326:415 (N) US drug sales grew 12% last year. 326:518 (N) US health care should focus on 20 areas. 326:182 (N) US may withdraw funds from schools that exclude children for not taking treatment. 326:1055 (N) US study shows 10-fold increase in autism over the past 20 years. 326:71 (N)

January-June 2003


Gough MJ, Walk-in centres are often first line contact for rape victims. 326:1215 (L) Gough S, see Burns P. 326:584 Gould KF, Mastectomy is not always so bad. 326:166 (L) Gould M No shrinking violet. 326:12 (N) Patients to get a greater say in England's health care. 326:70 (N) Gould MM, see Fine LG. 326:25 Gowrie-Mohan S, see Harper CM. 326:721 Graff M, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Graham BJ, The Physician. 326:819 Graham L, see Pietroni P. 326:1304 Graham RM, The way things were? 326:1069 Grams GD, see Phillips WR. 326:1329 Granath F see Darby S. 326:256 see Koot VCM. 326:527 Grant A, see Murray SA. 326:368 Grant CC, et al, Delayed immunisation and risk of pertussis in infants: unmatched case-control study. 326:852 (P) Grant E, see Murray SA. 326:368 Grant M, Closing the digital divide. 326:1035 (L) Grantham, Vincent Alpe, Obituary (D Hadfield, et al). 326:167 Grassly NC, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Gravelle H, see Sibbald B. 326:22 Graves, Frederick Thomas, Obituary (R Harris). 326:935 Graves PB, Doyle Y, Chronic cough. 326:1037 (L) Gray AM, et al, New BMJ policy on economic evaluations. 326:445 (L) Gray J et al, Use of Read codes in diabetes management in a south London primary care group: implications for establishing disease registers. 326:1130 (IP) see Majeed A. 326:371 Gray JAM, The Resourceful Patient (Books). 326:1338 (R) Gray R, see Chadwick D. 326:1212 Gray RD, see Currie GP. 326:261 Grech ED ABC of interventional cardiology Pathophysiology and investigation of coronary artery disease. 326:1027 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention. I: History and development. 326:1080 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention. II: The procedure. 326:1137 (C) et al, ABC of interventional cardiology Acute coronary syndrome: ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. 326:1379 (C) Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction. 326:1259 (C) see Ducas J. 326:1450 see O'Toole L. 326:1185 Green J, The cycling GP BMJ Careers 326:s53 (15 February) Greenhalgh T Doing simple things well (Soundings). 326:991 (R) Mornings (Soundings). 326:343 (R) PIGPEN therapy for head lice (Soundings). 326:1405 (R) War and causality (Soundings). 326:667 (R) et al, Transferability of principles of evidence based medicine to improve educational quality: systematic review and case study of an online course in primary health care. 326:142 (LP), 933 (L) Greenwood RH, et al, National service framework for diabetes leaves questions open. 326:881 (L) Greet R, Free smoke alarms: a fire officer responds. 326:165 (L) Gregor P, see Fahey T. 326:394 Gregory, Keith Morley, Obituary (J Gregory, et al). 326:604 Greider K, The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers (Books). 326:1218 (R) Gribbin J, Science: A History 1543-2001 (Books). 326:341 (R) Griffiths E, Just who are tomorrow's doctors? BMJ Careers 326:s4 (4 January) Griffiths, John Lawson, Obituary (B Griffith). 326:167 Griffiths M Beating "techno stress" (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s162 (10 May)

Getting ahead (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s70 (1 March) Giving poster presentations ( ips on...) BMJ T Careers 326:s46 (8 February) How to be successful in your job ( ips on...) T BMJ Careers 326:s59 (22 February) How to increase productivity (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s92 (22 March) Leading a team (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s210 (21 June) Networking (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s6 (4 January) Griffiths P, et al, Applying evidence is problem not just for educational quality. 326:933 (L) Griffiths SJ, et al, Meningioma causing bony erosion of the skull (Minerva). 326:112 (R) Grimshaw J see Eccles MP. 326:395, 1088 see Rousseau N. 326:314 Grimshaw JM, see Thomas RE. 326:397 Grob GN, The Deadly Truth: A History of Disease in America (Books). 326:606 (R) Grobbee DE, see Koot VCM. 326:527 Gronbach, Elizabeth Stuart (ne Ross), Obituary (JM Watson). 326:826 Gross CP, et al, Disclosure of financial competing interests in randomised controlled trials: cross sectional review. 326:526 (P) Grossmann G, see Egger J. 326:975 groups large: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (P Cantillon). 326:437 (C) small: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (D Jaques). 326:492 (C) Grove ML, Methotrexate and bone marrow suppression. 326:1145 (L) Groves T, et al, Donating books and journals to less developed countries. 326:298 (E) Grum CM, see Guevara JP. 326:1308 Gual A, see Heather N. 326:550 Guest DG, Four futures for scientific and medical publishing. 326:932 (L) Guevara JP, et al, Learning about asthma (Research). 326:1308 Guglielmetti M, see Meier C. 326:311 guidelines doctors' relations with drug companies (E Wager). 326:1196 (ED) evidence based guidelines in primary care (N Rousseau, et al). 326:314 (PC), 1087 (L), 1088 (L) pulmonary embolism management (K Janata) 326:1341 (E) (correction, 327: ) safety and efficacy of interventional procedures (B Campbell, et al). 326:347 (E) "There's none so blind as the double blind" (A Seaton) (Personal view). 326:889 (R), 1211 (L) Guillotin, Joseph, One hundred years ago. 326:276 Gulf war syndrome, High Court stands by decision (C Dyer). 326:1350 (N) Gulland A Ballot on GP contract opens. 326:1230 (N) Blair says whole of NHS should be opened up to competition. 326:1106 (N) Confusion over GP contract continues. 326:1054 (N) Consultants unlikely to accept local pay deals, says BMA. 326:240 (N) First wave of foundation hospitals unveiled. 326:1106 (N) GPs to get more information about earnings under the new contract. 326:676 (N) GPs to get rises of 10-50% over three years. 326:465 (N) Health authorities face big payouts after ombudsman's ruling. 326:466 (N) Labour wants to make patients honour their duty to NHS. 326:1283 (N) Negotiators go on the road to explain the proposed GP contract. 326:519 (N) No practice will lose out under new GP contract, agreement says. 326:730 (N) Supplementary benefits? (Media). 326:1339 (R) Gunnell D, see Martin RM. 326:188 Gupta AR, see Gross CP. 326:526 Gupta, Devendra Kumar, Obituary (G Gilfillan). 326:54 Gupta R, see Brigden D BMJ Careers 326:s184 (31 May) Gurling, Kenneth John, Obituary (H Gurling). 326:1149 Gustafson D, see vretveit J. 326:759

Guyatt G et al, eds, Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (Books). 326:664 (R) et al, eds, Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice (Books). 326:664 (R) gynaecology, where are we now? (J Ramsay) BMJ Careers 326:s43 (8 February)

Habib MI, Look before you flush. 326:397 (L) Hackam DG, Drug treatment of hypertension. 326:764 (L) Hadridge P, see MacDonald R BMJ Careers 326:s33 (1 February) haemophilia, children with single swollen joint (B Nolan, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:151 (C) haemophilus influenzae type b epiglottitis as cause of acute upper airway obstruction in children. 326:284 (L), 285 (L) vaccination booster campaign (PT Heath, et al). 326:1158 (E), 1460 (L) Hague WM, et al, Contraindications to use of metformin. 326:762 (L) Haivas I DNA 50 Four Plus: Writing DNA (Art). 326:827 (R) Doctors' wellbeing (Website of the week). 326:718 (R) Roll Back Malaria campaign still has a long way to go. 326:951 (N) Hall AJ, Wild CP, Liver cancer in low and middle income countries. 326:995 (E) Hall D Child protection lessons from Victoria Climbi. 326:293 (E) see Stark C. 326:499 Hall L, see Leese GP. 326:882 Hall LML, et al, Controlled trial of effect of documented cardiovascular risk scores on prescribing. 326:251 (P), 882 (L) Hall P, see Darby S. 326:256 Hall W Heroin Addiction Care and Control (Books). 326:400 (R) Heroin Century (Books). 326:400 (R) Hall WD, et al, Association between antidepressant prescribing and suicide in Australia, 1991-2000: trend analysis. 326:1008 (P) Halvorsen R, see Lewis C BMJ Careers 326:s152 (3 May) Ham, John Clifford, Obituary (AJ Barry, et al). 326:108 Hamdy FC, et al, Ethics of clinical trials from bayesian perspective. 326:1456 (L) Hamid A, et al, Topical prostaglandin and eyelash growth (Minerva). 326:1044 (R) Hamilton CM, et al, Spending (slightly) less on health and more on the arts. 326:660 (L) Hamilton R, see Sidiki SS. 326:211 Hamilton WT, et al, GPs can separate oncological wheat from chaff. 326:397 (L) Hammersley V, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:1439 Hammond P, The whole truth (Last laugh). 326:1340 (R) Han J, The kindest insult (Personal view). 326:991 (L) hand transplantation, extending boundaries (S Hettiaratchy, et al). 326:1226 (E) Handa S, see Sosin M. 326:266, 1145 handheld computers see also computers basics (M Al-Ubaydli) BMJ Careers 326:s17 (18 January) Handhelds for Doctors (Al-Ubaydli) (Books). 326:341 (R) Hands L, Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with a rash: case outcome. Commentary: Vascular surgeon. 326:805 (C) handwashing, alcohol based solution v. antiseptic soap. 326:50 (L) Hankins C, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Hanna GB, see Alijani A. 326:1243 Hannaford P, see Wilson BJ. 326:845 Hannan SA, The instrument that determined my practice. 326:747 Hansen L, Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in treatment and prevention of influenza A and B: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials. Commentary: We need to determine who benefits most from flu treatments. 326:1239 (P) Hapgood R, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:1439


January-June 2003

Haq I, et al, A career in rheumatology BMJ Careers 326:s157 (10 May) harassment, tackling (M Patterson) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s170 (17 May) hardcore smoking see smoking Harding S, Extracts from "Concise Clinical Evidence". Diabetic retinopathy. 326:1023 (C) Hardy JN, Beyond single and dual diagnosis in general practice. 326:1145 (L) Hardyman R, et al, Media influence on suicide. 326:498 (L) Hargreaves S Exodus (Art). 326:716 (R) GMC stalls on publication of Colman report. 326:519 (N) Lack of care homes blamed for delays in discharge of old people. 326:352 (N) Law against asylum seekers may have public health impact. 326:1108 (N) NICE guidelines address social aspect of schizophrenia. 326:679 (N) No closer to understanding racial bias, admits GMC. 326:518 (N) Playing the waiting game as bombs drop on Iraq. 326:675 (N) A quarter of consultants ready to resign. 326:569 (N) Questions remain over lack of UN role in humanitarian aid in Iraq. 326:729 (N) Three trusts deliberately misreported data, says Audit Commission. 326:517 (N) Transparency is key to rationing debate, delegates told. 326:691 (N) "Weak" safety culture behind errors, says chief medical officer. 326:300 (N) Harnden A, et al, Near patient testing for influenza in children in primary care: comparison with laboratory test. 326:480 (PC) Harnett AN, Cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer. 326:984 (L) Harper CM, et al, Maintaining perioperative normothermia. 326:721 (E), 1457 (L) Harrison A Handhelds for Doctors (Books). 326:341 (R) Working as a hospital locum BMJ Careers 326:s81 (15 March) see Appleby JL. 326:407 Harrison S, see Davies HTO. 326:646 Harrop E, Paediatric clinical pharmacology training should not be left in its infancy (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s170 (17 May) Hartl P, et al, Interactive case report. A 42 year old man with acute chest pain: case outcome. Commentary: Patient's view. 326:1133 (C) Harvey I see Bower P. 326:1247 see Watkins C. 326:1178 Hashmi, Raj IVF case authority to challenge High Court ruling (C Dyer). 326:11 (N) couple begin treatment (C Dyer). 326:1106 (N) Haslam D, "Schools and hospitals" for "education and health". 326:234 (E) Haslegrave M, et al, Ethics dialogue between rich and poor countries is overdue. 326:225 (L) Hassey A, see Thiru K. 326:1070 Hassn AMF, see Choudhary RK. 326:50, 1144 Hatcher S, see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 Havard J, see Haslegrave M. 326:225 Haviland J, see Watson M. 326:598 Hawker MJ, Spirituality and clinical care. 326:881 (L) Hawkins G, et al, Stepping down inhaled corticosteroids in asthma: randomised controlled trial. 326:1115 (P) Hawton K, et al, Co -proxamol and suicide: a study of national mortality statistics and local non-fatal self poisonings. 326:1006 (P) Hay-Sm ith J, see Herbison P. 326:841 Haycock GB, see Coulthard MG. 326:157 Hayes SF, Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption. 326:1458 (L) Hayward AC see Harnden A. 326:480 see Rodger A. 326:909 Hayward R, VOMIT (victims of modern imaging technology) an acronym for our times (Personal view). 326:1273 (R) Hazari, Hiral, cleared of manslaughter after feeding tube error (C Dyer). 326:414 (N) He FJ, see MacGregor GA. 326:222

head, squamous cell carcinomas. 326:282 (L) head injuries, computed tomography: NICE report (S Mayor). 326:1414 (N) head lice PIGPEN therapy (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings). 326:1405 (R) treatment (B Nash) (Extracts from "Best Treatments"). 326:1256 (C) health, racism and (K McKenzie). 326:65 (E), 880 (L) health care rationing, transparency is key to debate, delegates told (S Hargreaves). 326:691 (N) health information, patient access boosts performance (D Stryer, et al) (Comment). 326:1278 health policy Arab world, which way forward? (S Jabbour). 326:1141 (ED) evidence based policy making (S Macintyre). 326:5 (E) funding, health v. arts funding. 326:660 (L), 661 (L) health promotion, antisocial lifestyle and health (J Shepherd, et al). 326:834 (E) health services Complexity and Healthcare: An Introduction (Sweeney, et al, eds) (Books). 326:228 (R) funding, spend (slightly) less on health and more on arts. 326:660 (L), 661 (L) health staffing Human Resources for Health 2003 database (R Dobson). 326:1004 (N) Richard Cooper (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s161 (10 May) Heaney D, see McKinstry B. 326:1267 Hearn CM, et al, Maintaining perioperative normothermia. 326:1457 (L) heart, finding age of patient's heart (DV Anand, et al). 326:1045 (E) heart diseases costliest condition to treat (R Dobson). 326:679 (N) deprivation increases cardiac risk in women (D Josefson). 326:302 (N) "non-barking" dogs: Sherlock Holmes' case of missing data. 326:882 (L) reduction, UK lags behind many European countries (Z Kmietowicz). 326:242 (N) women, fail to recognise risk (Z Kmietowicz). 326:355 (N) heart failure biventricular pacing (RE Lane, et al). 326:944 (E) new pacing technologies (AWC Chow, et al) (Science, medicine, and the future). 326:1073 (C) optimal serum digoxin concentration (POEM*). 326 (17 May 2003) primary health care, barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management (A Fuat, et al). 326:196 (PC), 883 (L), 884 (L) systolic blood pressure is best predictor (POEM*). 326 (5 April 2003) heart function, bone marrow transplantation and improvement (JH Tanne). 326:950 (N) heart surgery, "marvel" at London Hospital ( ne O hundred years ago). 326:594 heart transplantation, prognosis (A Anyanwu, et al). 326:509 (E), 1088 (L) Heath I, see Wright N. 326:512 Heath PT et al, Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine booster campaign. 326:1158 (E), 1460 (L) see McVernon J. 326:285 Heather N, et al, Some screening is necessary to identify excessive drinkers early in primary care. 326:550 (L) Heaton P, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:1034 (L) Hebert K Gold medal medic (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s78 (8 March) Tackling a double career (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s186 (31 May) Hedegaard M, see Wisborg K. 326:420, 1269 Heerdink ER, et al, Channelling new antidepressants to problem patients may be factor in fatal toxicity. 326:600 (L) Hegerl U, see Henkel V. 326:200, 983 Heitmann BL, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 Helicobacter pylori dyspepsia and, test and treat v. omeprazole treatment (G Manes, et al). 326:1118 (P)

prevalence in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: systematic review (A Raghunath, et al). 326:737 (P), 1460 (L) Helms M et al, Mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections. 326:1266 (L) et al, Short and long term mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections: registry based study. 326:357 (P), 1265 (L), 1266 (L) Hempling, Stephen, interview about multiple sclerosis (H Gaze) (Doctors as patients) 326:1323 (correction, 327:26) Hemsted, Edmund Henry, Obituary (JB Hemsted). 326:503 Henderson, Carol Ann (ne Ainsworth), Obituary (W Henderson). 326:1462 Henderson DA, et al, eds, Bioterrorism: Guidelines for Medical and Public Health Management (Books). 326:665 (R) Hendrickx K, et al, How medical students are being taught at University of Antwerp. 326:1327 (L) Hendry C, see Malcolm L. 326:653 Heney D, see Young B. 326:305 Henkel V, et al, Identifying depression in primary care: a comparison of different methods in a prospective cohort study. 326:200 (PC), 982 (L), 983 (L) Henriksen TB, see Wisborg K. 326:420, 1269 Henry JA, et al, Comparing cannabis with tobacco. 326:942 (E) Henschke P, see Finucane P. 326:590 hepatitis B vaccines, Gambia, efficacy after 14 years. 326:105 (L) hepatitis C, Scotland, compensation (B Christie). 326:303 (N) hepatitis vaccines, liver cancers, low and middle income countries (AJ Hall, et al). 326:994 (E) Herbert CP, A curriculum can be latent and informal. 326:823 (L) Herbert K, Top doc BMJ Careers 326:s62 (22 February) Herbison P, et al, Effectiveness of anticholinergic drugs compared with placebo in the treatment of overactive bladder: systematic review. 326:841 (P) herd immunity, meningococcal C vaccines in England: database analysis (ME Ramsay, et al). 326:365 (P) Herkner H, Interactive case report. A 42 year old man with acute chest pain: case outcome. Commentary: Challenge for emergency physicians. 326:1134 (C) hernia, hiatus, allows colon to enter thoracic cavity (B Sriharsha, et al) (Minerva). 326:292 (R) hernia, inguinal laparoscopic surgery: NICE guidance (K Bloor, et al). 326:578 (P), 1144 (L) laparoscopic v. open inguinal hernia mesh repair: follow up (M Douek, et al). 326:1012 (P) heroes medical (K Barraclough) (Soundings). 326:111 (R) necessity. Endpiece (F Charatan). 326:83 heroin see also drug abuse Heroin Addiction Care and Control: The British System 1916-1984 (Spear, et al, eds) ( ooks). B 326:400 (R) Heroin Century (Carnwath, et al) (Books). 326:400 (R) loss of tolerance and overdose mortality after inpatient opiate detoxification (J Strang, et al). 326:959 (P) strategies for preventing overdose (KA Sporer). 326:442 (ED) herpes, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:290 (R) herpes zoster treatment (RW Johnson, et al). 326:748 (C) zosteriform metastasis from melanoma (AV Evans, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1025 (C) Herrera G, see Akgn S. 326:1214 Herridge, Colin Francis, Obituary (A Sayal-Bennett). 326:826 Herxheimer A Relationships between the pharmaceutical industry and patients' organisations. 326:1208 (ED) et al, The prevention and treatment of jet lag. 326:296 (E) Herzig L, see Verdon F. 326:1124

January-June 2003


Herzmann C, European doctors in the United Kingdom BMJ Careers 326:s9 (11 January) Hesketh T China in the grip of SARS (Personal view). 326:1095 (R) Getting married in China: pass the medical first. 326:277 (ED) Hester J, Never say die ( ersonal view). 326:719 P (R) Hettiaratchy S, et al, Extending the boundaries of transplantation. 326:1226 (E) Heymann TD, Fatal dysnatraemia caused by elective colonoscopy. 326:1147 (L) Heyworth J, Ottawa ankle rules for the injured ankle. 326:405 (E) Hickie IB, see see Hall WD. 326:1008 Hicks B, How can a deanery win the battle against bullying? BMJ Careers 326:s129 (12 April) Hicks C, see Nash B. 326:674 Higgins EM, see Fuller LC. 326:539 Hill CM et al, Achieving health for children in public care. 326:560 (E) et al, Cross sectional survey of meningococcal C immunisation in children looked after by local authorities and those living at home. 326:364 (P), 1088 (L) Hill MD, Case fatality rates after hospital admission for stroke. 326:1085 (L) Hillenbrand, Fritz Karl Michael, Obituary (P Hillenbrand). 326:227 Hillier R, A memorable patient. Delivery from evil. 326:1022 Hilton M, et al, Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 326:673 (E) Hilton S, see Steptoe A. 326:855 HINARI, closing digital divide (R Smith). 326:238 (E), 1035 (L) Hindle A, et al, Managing acute renal colic. 326:502 (L) Hinduism, doctors' faiths (K-P Chan, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Hinton A, see Jarrett DRJ. 326:48 Hinton CP, et al, Making decisions about hormone replacement therapy. 326:1398 (L) hip fractures, effect of increased use of hip protectors in nursing homes (G Meyer, et al). 326:76 (P), 930 (L), 931 (L) Hippisley-Cox J et al, Cross sectional survey of effectiveness of lipid lowering drugs in reducing serum cholesterol concentration in patients in 17 general practices. 326:689 (PC) et al, The electronic patient record in primary care regression or progression? A cross sectional study. 326:1439 (IP) Hippocratic oath see also ethics, medical developing countries. 326:51 (L) Hirst B, A memorable patient Polypharmacy remains an issue in elderly patients. 326:1251 Hirst J, Charities and patient groups should declare interests. 326:1211 (L) history of medicine Medicine's Strangest Cases (O'Donnell) (Books). 326:169 (R) The Theatre of Life and Death (J Marshall) (Art). 326:1271 (R) HIV see also acquired immunodeficiency syndrome "gay plague" row (K Howard, et al). 326:454 (R) prevention overview (AJ Ammann). 326:1342 (E) back to basics: focus on exposure (E Pisani, et al). 326:1384 (ED) testing new strategies for increasing detection (J Read, et al). 326:1066 (P) screening uptake after "opt-out" consent change (B Stanley, et al). 326:1174 (P) transmission, oral sex? (S Gottlieb). 326:730 (N) HIV infections acute meningoencephalitis and meningitis and. 326:552 (L) antiretroviral drugs, systematic review and meta-analysis of evidence for increasing numbers of drugs. 326:337 (L) prisoners, risk among injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand (A Buavirat, et al). 326:308 (P) student electives and, UK medical school questionnaires. 326:338 (L) Hoare, Samantha Irene (ne White), Obituary (N Samaniego). 326:988

Hochhauser M, Readability of British and American medical prose. 326:711 (L) Hockman, Nathaniel, Obituary (CC Mahendra). 326:340 Hodges C-L, see Davies HTO. 326:626 Hodson J, et al, Quantitative ultrasound and risk factor enquiry as predictors of postmenopausal osteoporosis: comparative study in primary care. 326:1250 (PC) Hoerauf A, et al, Science, medicine, and the future. Onchocerciasis. 326:207 (C) Hoffmann C, see Kamps BS. 326:1402 Hofman A, see van Leeuwen R. 326:255 Hogenboom M, Nature via Nurture (Books). 326:1402 (R) Hogg W, see Martin CM. 326:1460 hogweed, photosensitive effect. Know your weed (BJ Challacombe, et al). 326:976 Holbrook AM, see Willison DJ. 326:373 Holdcroft A, et al, Recent developments. Management of pain. 326:635 (C) Holden J, et al, Shipman proposals will alter general practice profoundly. 326:280 (L) holism, etymology. When I use a word (J Aronson). 326:392 Holland, John, Obituary (R Dreaper). 326:935 Holmes, Sherlock, "non-barking" dogs: case of missing data. 326:882 (L) Holton, Andrew, epilepsy misdiagnosis rate "may not be unusual" (C White). 326:355 (N) Holzer M, see Janata K. 326:312 homoeopathy arnica is no better than placebo (S Mayor). 326:303 (N) career advice (K Ryan) BMJ Careers 326:s151(3 May) liquorice and (G Lindley). 326:87 Society of Homeopaths does not advise against vaccination. 326:164 (L) Hong Kong see also Asia on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R) SARS case report (M Chan-Yeung, et al). 326:850 (P), 1394 (L) epidemiological link 326:1393 (L) (correction, 327: ) may have peaked (J Parry). 326:947 (N) Honor A, Clinical environmental medicine BMJ Careers 326:s149 (3 May) Hoogenboom R, see Wass V. 326:800 Hooke R, Working for the Audit Commission BMJ Careers 326:s91 (22 March) Hooper L, et al, Long term effects of advice to reduce dietary salt. 326:224 (L) Hope PG, Doctors and managers. 326:1213 (L) Hopewell JP, Transplantation has no rival. 326:1088 (L) Hopkinson NS, Academic boycott of Israel. 326:713 (L) Horak E, et al, Longitudinal study of childhood wheezy bronchitis and asthma: outcome at age 42. 326:422 (P) hormone replacement therapy Australia, media survey (M Sweet) (The Press). 326:58 (R) cardiovascular disease risk (POEM*). 326 (15 February 2003) decision making (J Rymer). 326:322 (C), 1398 (L) ischaemic heart disease in women and (E Lkkegaard, et al). 326:426 (PC) Schering uses German medical association to promote HRT (K Koch). 326:1161 (N) Wyeth, secret briefing on research prior to publication (R Moynihan). 326:1161 (N) Horrobin, David, Obituary (C Richmond). 326:885 (correction, 1091), 1088 (L), 1089 (L) Horsfield P, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:1439 Hoskins, Evan Osmond Leyshon, Obituary (H Saxton, et al). 326:340 hospitals see also foundation hospitals anticoagulation: ABC of antithrombotic therapy (AD Blann, et al). 326:153 (C) average length of stay, delayed discharge, and hospital congestion. 326:48 (N), 49 (N) final months before closure (C Douglas) (Soundings). 326:1221 (R) mobile phones, not hazardous? (SG Myerson, et al). 326:460 (E) mortality league tables (B Jacobson, et al). 326:777 (E), 1397 (L) patient choice (JL Appleby, et al). 326:407 (E) reconfiguring health systems. 326:599 (L)

short term measures to meet targets (S Mayor). 326:1054 (N) smoke free hospitals (M McKee, et al). 326:941 (E) Houghton A Bullying in medicine BMJ Careers 326:s125 (12 April) Getting that all important job: part 2 BMJ Careers 326:s176 (24 May) Getting that all important job: p one BMJ art Careers 326:s143 (26 April) What to do if you are being bullied (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s130 (12 April) Houghton G, An ecumenical practice? 326:529 Hourihane JO'B, Competing interests. 326:883 (L) housing Housing and Health (S Mayor). 326:1003 (N) moving on medical grounds improves health (R Dobson). 326:898 (N) Hoveyda N, et al, More travel advice and fewer vaccinations are needed. 326:52 (L) Hoving JL, see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 How does it work?, Positron emission tomography (A Berger). 326:1449 (C) Howard AJ, et al, Mortality from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. 326:501 (L) Howard K, et al, Magazine's HIV claim rekindles "gay plague" row. 326:454 (R) Howd, Ronald James, Obituary (L Le Dune). 326:988 Howden CW, see Leontiadis GI. 326:1460 Howe A, et al, Media influence on suicide. 326:498 (L) Howell S, Teaching undergraduates in primary care BMJ Careers 326:s119 (5 April) Howie J, Managing acute appendicitis. 326:49 (L) Howitt A, Interactive case report. A 42 year old man with acute chest pain: case outcome. Commentary: Questions for general practice. 326:1134 (C) Hsieh C-C, see Tamimi RM. 326:1245 Hsieh Y-H, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1395 (L) Hsu RT, et al, Effect of NHS walk-in centre on local primary healthcare services: before and after observational study. 326:530 (PC) Huang B, see Slap GB. 326:15 Hudson J, see Groves T. 326:298 Hugenholtz GWK, see Heerdink ER. 326:600 (L) Hughes, Arthur Swindale ("Stubbs"), Obituary (JH Hammond). 326:398 Hughes C Crash test doctor (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s30 (25 January) Medical manager (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s93 (22 March) Never say never (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s54 (15 February) Hughes, Hugh, Obituary (L Williams). 326:886 Hui ACF, Medicine in the time of SARS. 326:1067 Hui DS, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Hull A, see Crockett P BMJ Careers 326:s49 (15 February) Hull AM, et al, Organising a reunion (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s68 (1 March) Hulman G, A tabloid story (Personal view). 326:231 (R) Hulse JA, see Plunkett A. 326:1078 human body, shapely centrefolds? 326:823 (L) Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority see also in vitro fertilisation challenge High Court tissue ruling (C Dyer). 326:11 (N) Human Genetics Commission new controls on supply of genetic tests to public (S Mayor). 326:354 (N) warns against selling genetic tests to public (L Eaton). 326:781 (N) Human Genome Project, completed (L Eaton). 326:838 (N) Human Immunology, editorial miscommunication pitfalls (K Shashok). 326:1262 (E) human papillomavirus virus, cervical screening, comparison with conventional cervical smear, monolayer cytology and HPV DNA testing (J Coste, et al). 326:733 (P) human tissue engineered products: regulation (A Faulkner, et al). 326:1159 (E) Isaacs report brains were removed without consent (S Mayor). 326:1051 (N)


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public response will slow neurological research (S Mayor). 326:1051 (N) humanitarian aid drugs for developing countries. 326:51 (L) Iraq, UN role (S Hargreaves). 326:729 (N) Humphrey C, see Walters K. 326:740 Hundrup YA, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 Hung ANW, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 Hung J, et al, Folate and vitamin B-12 and risk of fatal cardiovascular disease: cohort study from Busselton, Western Australia. 326:131 (P), 1035 (L), 1036 (L) Hungary see also Europe Lilly executives sacked surveillance allegations (C Kovac). 326:730 (N) Syrian doctor expelled for allegedly supporting Hamas (C Kovac). 326:1002 (N) Hungin APS see Fuat A. 326:196 see Raghunath A. 326:737 Hunt GM, et al, Outcome in people with open spina bifida at age 35: prospective community based cohort study. 326:1365 (P) Hunt N, see Murray GK. 326:449 Hunter D, see Petticrew M. 326:599 Huntington's disease, paternal risk and genetic status disclosure: clinical, legal, and ethical viewpoints (R Tassiker, et al). 326:331 (ED) Hupert J, see Schwartz A. 326:536 Hurst SA, et al, Assisted suicide and euthanasia in Switzerland: allowing a role for non-physicians. 326:271 (ED) Hurwitz B, et al, Erectile dysfunction: NHS should meet current need before preventing future medical needs. 326:598 (L) Hussain-Gambles M, see Mason S. 326:1244 Hutchinson A, see Campbell SM. 326:816 Hutchinson L, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Educational environment. 326:810 (C) Huynh T, et al, Routine telephone review of asthma. 326:1267 (L) Hymas N, see Murray GK. 326:449 hyperlipidaemia, platelet responsiveness to aspirin (M Friend, et al). 326:82 (P) hypernatraemia, distinguishing salt poisoning from dehydration in children (MG Coulthard, et al). 326:157 (ED) (correction, 497) hypertension see also blood pressure ABC of diabetes (PJ Watkins) 326:874 (C) (correction, 327:17) benign intracranial, diagnosis (KB Digre). 326:613 (E) blood glucose increase during antihypertensive treatment as predictor of myocardial infarction (K Dunder, et al). 326:681 (P) drug treatment (B Williams). 326:61 (E), 764 (L) pregnancy, risk of hypertension and stroke in later life (BJ Wilson, et al). 326:845 (P) pulmonary, treatment (AJ Peacock). 326:835 (E) salt and, long term effects of dietary reduction advice. 326:222 (L), 223 (L), 224 (L) hypnotherapy, hype or healing? (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 326:s154 (3 May) hypothermia, perioperative maintenance (CM Harper, et al). 326:721 (E), 1457 (L) hypothyroidism mimicking intra-abdominal malignancy. 326:393 (L) thyroid function tests and overview (AD Toft, et al). 326:295 (E), 1086 (L), 1087 (L) stimulating hormone in assessment of severity (C Meier, et al). 326:311 (P), 1086 (L) Hyppnen E, et al, Parental diabetes and birth weight of offspring: intergenerational cohort study. 326:19 (P)

ice pack, unsupervised application causes full thickness burns (V Narayanan) (Minerva). 326:1096 (R) Iedema R, et al, The reification of numbers: statistics and the distance between self, work, and others (Personal view). 326:771 (R) Illing J, et al, Preregistration house officers in general practice: review of evidence. 326:1019 (LP) Ilott I, see Rafferty AM. 326:833 imaging, VOMIT (victims of modern imaging technology) (R Hayward) (Personal view). 326:1273 (R)

immunisation, Nigeria, programme sees results (A Raufu). 326:121 (N) immunoassays, interfering antibodies affecting immunoassays in women with rabbits (A Park, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:541 (C) impact factors, quality of general medical journals. 326:283 (L), 931 (L) impotence, Viagra daily dose recommended to prevent (R Moynihan). 326:9 (N), 598 (L) Improving Patients' Experience Conference, NHS should be less paternalistic (S Macdonald). 326:618 (N) Improving the quality of health care Methods for incorporating patients' views in health care (M Wensing, et al). 326:877 (ED) Research methods used in developing and applying quality indicators in primary care (SM Campbell, et al). 326:816 (ED) Using research to inform quality programmes (J vretveit, et al). 326:759 (ED) in vitro fertilisation see also Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority black twins born to white parents, biological father declared legal father (C Dyer). 326:518 (N) donation children will be entitled to more information (C Dyer). 326:240 (N) embryo selection couple begin treatment (C Dyer). 326:1106 (N) couple wins right (C Dyer). 326:782 (N) St George's Hospital, apology for remarks after IVF mix -up (C Dyer). 326:1416 (N) India see also Asia AIDS, lessons from Africa (M Potts, et al). 326:1389 (ED) animal rights activist removed from government committee (S Kumar). 326:68 (N) arsenic poisoning from water wells (S Kumar). 326:466 (N) Arun Bal interview (S Kumar) (Developing world). 326:1295 genetically modified potato controvery (G Mudur). 326:1351 (N) health services corruption (S Kumar). 326:10 (N) human tissue for research: objections. 326:224 (L), 225 (L) kidney trafficking in Punjab (S Kumar). 326:180 (N) macroeconomics and health commission (S Kumar). 326:126 (N) maternal health care, promoting evidence based practice. 326:337 (L) nimesulide, still available (S Kumar). 326:70 (N), 713 (L) patient empowerment: seen and not heard (S Kumar) (Developing world). 326:1295 polio vaccine programme (G Mudur). 326:354 (N) suicide, evaluation of rates using verbal autopsies: 1994-9 (A Joseph, et al). 326:1121 (P) waterborne disease burden is underestimated (G Mudur). 326:1284 (N) indigenous peoples see also ethnic groups health (MH Durie). 326:510 (E) induction courses, overseas doctors (Y-L Ong) BMJ Careers 326:s5 (4 January) inequalities in health assertive patients increase them (H Bastian) (Comment). 326:1277 general practice, multiple morbidity (N Wright, et al). 326:512 (E), 1145 (L) Poor Health: Social Inequality before and after the Black Report (Berridge, et al, eds) (Books). 326:169 (R) inexplicable health problems, patient management (B Fischhoff, et al). 326:595 (ED) infant, low-birth weight This Little Life BBC2 (TV). 326:665 (R) Nepal, alternative maternal micronutrient supplements and (P Christian, et al). 326:571 (P) infant milk formulas long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation and blood pressure in later childhood (JS Forsyth, et al). 326:953 (P) monitoring marketing overview (T Waterston, et al). 326:113 (E), 984 (L) west Africa, compliance with International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (VM Aguayo, et al). 326:127 (P)

infant, newborn maternal coffee consumption and stillbirth/infant death in first year (K Wisborg, et al). 326:420 (P), 1268 (L), 1269 (L) rheumatoid arthritis, perinatal characteristics and risk of (LTH Jacobsson, et al) (Research pointers). 326:1068 (P) massacre of innocents. One hundred years ago. 326:1072 US, safe havens (JH Tanne). 326:678 (N) infants, newborn, confidential enquiry recommends clinical networks (S Mayor). 326:680 (N), 1211 (L) infliximab, optic neuropathy and (MPH ten Tusscher, et al) (Drug points). 326:579 influenza near patient testing in children in primary care: comparison with laboratory test (A Harnden, et al). 326:480 (PC) prevention and treatment overview (K Sthr, et al). 326:1223 (E) neuraminidase inhibitors (NJ Cooper, et al). 326:1235 (P) information, double standards from drug companies and opinion leaders (A Liberati, et al). 326:1156 (E) information systems see also computers South Africa, hard lessons still to be learnt (P Littlejohns, et al). 326:860 (IP) informed consent see also ethics, medical clinical trials ethics from a bayesian and decision analytic perspective (RJ Lilford). 326:980 (ED), 1456 (L), 1457 (L) on internet (C Martyn) (Website of the week). 326:990 (R) Macindoe Adams suspended for enrolling patients without consent (O Dyer). 326:304 (N) HIV infection and meningoencephalitis. 326:552 (L) HIV screening uptake and (B Stanley, et al). 326:1174 (P) Isaacs inquiry brains were removed without consent (S Mayor). 326:1051 (N) public response will slow neurological research (S Mayor). 326:1051 (N) patients' preferences for research use of electronic medical records (DJ Willison, et al). 326:373 (IP), 1039 (L) war images (JA Singh). 326:774 (E), 1215 (L) Informing choices, career advice (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 326:s191 (7 June) infusion device errors, National Patient Safety Agency plans (C White). 326:1053 (N) inguinal hernias laparoscopic surgery: NICE guidance (K Bloor, et al). 326:578 (P), 1144 (L) laparoscopic v. open inguinal hernia mesh repair: follow up (M Douek, et al). 326:1012 (P) inherited disorders, Contact a Family useful information (MA Patton). 326:612 (E) inpatients, Scotland, private finance initiative and downsizing of acute inpatient beds (MG Dunnigan, et al). 326:905 (P) (correction, 1123) integrative medicine see under alternative medicine intelligence emotional (B McMullen) BMJ Careers 326:s19 (18 January) spiritual (B McMullen) BMJ Careers 326:s51 (15 February) intensive care on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:290 (R) withdrawal of life support and resolution of conflict with families. 326:713 (L) inter-professional relations, courtesy towards NHS staff is a must. My most unfortunate mistake (C Abbasian). 326:372 interaction, difference between two estimates (DG Altman, et al) (Statistics Notes). 326:219 (ED) Interactive case report A 42 year old man with acute chest pain case presentation (G Sodeck, et al). 326:920 (C) case progression (G Sodeck, et al). 326:974 (C) contents (G Sodeck, et al). 326:1033, 1079 case outcome (G Sodeck, et al). 326:1133 (C) A 66 year old woman with a rash presentation (J Bligh). 326:588 (C) case progression (J Bligh, et al). 326:640 (C) contents. 326:706 (C), 752 (C)

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case outcome (J Bligh, et al). 326:804 (C) interfering antibodies, immunoassays in women with rabbits and (A Park, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:541 (C) interferon beta multiple sclerosis and drug assessment: risk sharing scheme problems (CLM Sudlow, et al). 326:388 (ED), 1212 (L), 1213 (L) management (J Chilcott, et al). 326:522 (P) interleukin -2 receptor monoclonal antibodies, renal transplantation: meta-analysis (D Adu, et al). 326:789 (P) International Classification of Diseases, clinical information standards: why they matter (M Gardner). 326:1101 (E) internet ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (J McKimm, et al). 326:870 (C) consultations, knowledge transference for patients requiring specialised care (I Kedar, et al). 326:696 (IP) patient hospital access (F Arnold) (Personal view). 326:1042 (R) US, bogus websites to hijack browsers (R Moynihan). 326:463 (N) interprofessional relations pain management (E Mann) (Pain). 326:1320 rudeness: cycle of abuse goes on. 326:106 (L) interventional cardiology ABC of interventional cardiology Acute coronary syndrome: ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (ED Grech, et al). 326:1379 (C) Acute coronary syndrome: unstable angina and non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (ED Grech, et al). 326:1259 (C) Chronic stable angina: treatment options (L O'Toole, et al). 326:1185 (C) Pathophysiology and investigation of coronary artery disease (ED Grech). 326:1027 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention: cardiogenic shock (J Ducas, et al). 326:1450 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention. I: History and development (ED Grech). 326:1080 (C) Percutaneous coronary intervention. II: The procedure (ED Grech). 326:1137 (C) interviews getting that all important job: part 2 (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 326:s176 (24 May) patients, better than surveys for generating change (C Mahony). 326:618 (N) telephone, how to handle (H Morani) BMJ Careers 326:s13 (11 January) intimate examinations ethical challenges in medical education (PA Singer). 326:62 (E) teaching tomorrow's doctors (Y Coldicott, et al). 326:97 (ED), 1326 (L), 1327 (L) intracranial hypertension, doxycycline-induced (J Lochhead, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:641 (C) intraocular pressure, treatment and prevention of glaucoma (R Wormald). 326:723 (E) intravenous drugs see also drugs errors, ethnographic study of incidence and severity (K Taxis, et al). 326:684 (P) National Patient Safety Agency plans to cut errors (C White). 326:1053 (N) investigations, rational, cost effective use, indiscriminate investigations have adverse effects. 326:393 (L) Iraq see also Asia depleted uranium risk s (P Moszynski). 326:952 (N) land mines and unexploded munitions (O Dyer). 326:1166 (N) poor security is biggest impediment to health care (O Dyer). 326:1107 (N) Scottish royal colleges ask Blair to do more for medical services (B Christie). 326:1166 (N) UN role in humanitarian aid (S Hargreaves). 326:729 (N) war Amnesty condemns allies' use of cluster bombs (P Moszynski). 326:780 (N) Baghdad's hospitals struggle to cope (O Dyer). 326:779 (N) child mental health (J Clark). 326:356 (N)

doctors' activities to promote peace (J Clark). 326:184 (N) doctors forced to guard Baghdad hospitals after looting (O Dyer). 326:837 (N) health community joins anti war march (S Macdonald). 326:414 (N) hospitals struggle to provide service (O Dyer). 326:899 (N) medical journals' role (R Coombes) (Journals). 326:230 (R) open letter to Tony Blair. 326:220 (L) (correction, 397) second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third (I Roberts) (Personal view). 326:171 (R) Gino Strada interview (F Turone). 326:244 (N) waiting game as bombs drop (S Hargreaves). 326:675 (N) iron supplements, unexplained fatigue in nonanaemic women (F Verdon, et al). 326:1124 (PC) irritable bowel syndrome ad puts drug promotion under scrutiny (M Sweet) (ads). 326:1464 (R) alosetron: FDA mortality warning if relaunched, case study. 326:51 (L), 52 (L) Irvine, Robin ("Bobby") Eliot, Obituary (T Strouthidis, et al). 326:227 Irwig LM 'This added to my multiple myopia' (Perspectives) 326:1336 (correction, 327:26) see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 ischaemic colitis, diagnosis and management (J Sreenarasimhaiah). 326:1372 (C) ischaemic heart disease hormone replacement therapy in women and: prospective observational study (E Lkkegaard, et al). 326:426 (PC) patient care quality and practice size (A Majeed, et al). 326:371 (PC) spontaneous loss of early pregnancy and risk in later life (GCS Smith). 326:423 (P), 1146 (L) statins and: systematic review and meta-analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1423 (P) value of low dose combination treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: RCT analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1427 (P) Iseman MD, et al, Current medical treatment for tuberculosis. 326:551 (L) Islam doctors' faiths (K-P Chan, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) hospital visiting considerations. Where worlds meet (A Sheikh). 326:809 Isles C, see Brammah A. 326:489 Ismael EA, see Carew K BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) Isola J, see Lundin J. 326:29 Israel see also Asia academic boycott. 326:713 (L), 714 (L) healthcare reforms (J Siegel-Itzkovich). 326:70 (N) kidney donation, payment considered (J Siegel-Itzkovich). 326:126 (N) Italy see also Europe drug industry, GSK bribery investigations (F Turone). 326:413 (N) fraud 175 doctors and managers guilty (F Turone). 326:243 (N) anti-fraud measures (F Turone). 326:566 (N) Ives NJ, see Adu D. 326:789

Jabbour S, Health and development in the Arab world: which way forward? 326:1141 (ED) Jackson, Charles, Informing choices, the inside story (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 326:s191 (7 June) Jackson, Richard Douglas, Obituary (G Turnbull). 326:54 Jackson, Rupert, Obituary (C Moulton). 326:450 Jackson T The Cheating Classes (Books). 326:605 (R) MMR: more scrutiny, please (The Press). 326:1272 (R) Mystery of the imported plagues ( he Press). T 326:342 (R) Regulator spells out rules on disease awareness campaigns (Ads). 326:1219 (R) SARS art (Website of the week). 326:1404 (R) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (Website of the week). 326:937 (R)

Traffic congestion (Website of the week). 326:402 (R) Jacob KS, see Joseph A. 326:1121 Jacob, Lynne, Obituary (SB Bittiner). 326:398 Jacobs A How political should a general medical journal be? 326:821 (L) Readability of British and American medical prose. 326:711 (L) et al, Consumption of coffee during pregnancy. 326:1268 (L) Jacobs PJC, see ten Tusscher MPM. 326:579 Jacobson B, et al, Hospital mortality league tables. 326:777 (E), 1397 (L) Jacobsson LTH, et al, Research pointers. Perinatal characteristics and risk of rheumatoid arthritis. 326:1068 (P) Jacobsson ME, see Jacobsson LTH. 326:1068 Jadad A, see Enkin M. 326:1293 Jaffar S, see Rodger A. 326:909 Jain S, et al, Allergy to cinnabar tattoo pigment (Minerva). 326:1466 (R) Jamal, Goran GMC accusation of research fraud (O Dyer). 326:352 (N), 616 (N) GMC reprimand for research fraud (O Dyer). 326:730 (N) James D, see Ferguson E. 326:429 Janata K Managing pulmonary embolism 326:1341 (E) (correction, 327: ) et al, Cardiac troponin T in the severity assessment of patients with pulmonary embolism: cohort study. 326:312 (P) Jannoun U, see Skew P BMJ Careers 326:s89 (22 March) Jaques D, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Teaching small groups. 326:492 (C) Jardine I, Reconfiguring health systems. 326:599 (L) Jarman B, see Aylin P. 326:1397 Jarrett DRJ, et al, Delayed discharge and hospital congestion. 326:48 (L) Jarvis MJ, et al, Prevalence of hardcore smoking in England, and associated attitudes and beliefs: cross sectional study. 326:1061 (P) Jayasinghe S Mind and body split. 326:601 (L) et al, State can make drugs available cheaply to poor people. 326:553 (L) Jemec GB, Football may influence when patients see a doctor. 326:600 (L) Jenkins D, et al, Patient outcomes and population context affect test accuracy. 326:601 (L) Jennings RM, see Moore DAJ. 326:808 Jensen LP, see Birk HO. 326:280 Jepson, Ewart Martin, Obituary (JF Newcombe). 326:988 Jepson RG, et al, Difficulties in giving fully informed consent. 326:1039 (L) jet lag, prevention and treatment (A Herxheimer, et al). 326:296 (E) Jick H, see Kaye JA. 326:424 Jilma B et al, ABC of antithrombotic therapy. Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances. II In children, thrombophilia, and miscellaneous conditions. 326:93 (C) et al, ABC of antithrombotic therapy. Antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances. I pregnancy and cancer. 326:37 (C) job applications disclosing personal health information Daniella's case (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s60 (22 February) Daniella's decisions (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s117 (5 April) getting that all important job part 1 (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 326:s143 (26 April) part 2 (A Houghton) BMJ Careers 326:s176 (24 May) job satisfaction, GPs: English survey (B Sibbald, et al). 326:22 (PC) Jobanputra, James, (S Dosani) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s69 (1 March) Joenler M, see Birk HO. 326:280 Joensuu H, see Lundin J. 326:29 Joffe M "Evidence of absence" can be important. 326:1267 (L) et al, Congestion charging. 326:884 (L)


January-June 2003

Johal SS, et al, Lesson of the week. Epistaxis: an overlooked cause of massive haematemesis in cirrhosis. 326:440 (C) Prince John, The Lost Prince (I McClure) (TV). 326:229 (R) Johnson C, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:1439 Johnson RW, et al, Treatment of herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia. 326:748 (C) Johnston A, see Wilson S. 326:1436 Johnston SL, et al, Lesson of the week. Adrenaline given outside the context of life threatening allergic reactions. 326:589 (C) joints, unsuspected haemophilia in children with single swollen joint (B Nolan, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:151 (C) Jollie C, see McKimm J. 326:870 Jones A, see Whelan K. 326:396 Jones DR, see Baker R. 326:274 Jones G Bioterrorism (Website of the week). 326:230 (R) Eating fruit and vegetables (Website of the week). 326:888 (R) Jones GC, et al, Contraindications to the use of metformin. 326:4 (E), 762 (L), 763 (L) Jones HM, Low dosage tricyclic antidepressants in depression. 326:499 (L) Jones P, et al, Contraindications to use of metformin. 326:763 (L) Jones Petre et al, Cognitive behaviour therapy in practice BMJ Careers 326:s181 (31 May) see Aquino P BMJ Careers 326:s217 (28 June) Jones R, see Wass V. 326:800 Jones RG, see Barth JH. 326:393 Jones, Robert Vernon Holmes, Obituary (D Pereira Gray, et al). 326:340 Jones T, et al, Should drug companies be allowed to talk directly to patients? (Head to head). 326:1302 Jordan RE, see Law MR. 326:1427 Josefson D Arkansas bans selling of clean urine to beat drug testing. 326:300 (N) Latest HRT trial results show risk of dementia. 326:1232 (N) Lumbar punctures may aid in diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. 326:950 (N) Parkinson's in men may be linked to high dairy diet. 326:10 (N) Sleep deprivation increases cardiac risk in women. 326:302 (N) Smallpox vaccination confers long lasting immunity. 326:1164 (N) Tooth pulp may be a good source of stem cells. 326:950 (N) Joseph A, et al, Evaluation of suicide rates in rural India using verbal autopsies, 1994-9. 326:1121 (P) Joseph KS, Quality of impact factors of general medical journals. 326:283 (L), 931 (L) Joshi VK, Squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. 326:282 (L) journals see also electronic journals; publishing clubs, referees make clubs fun. 326:106 (L) drug industry double standards in information and opinion leaders (A Liberati, et al). 326:1156 (E) uneasy bedfellows (R Smith). 326:1202 (ED) editorial miscommunication pitfalls: Human Immunology (K Shashok). 326:1262 (E) editorial misconduct (R Smith). 326:1224 (E) libraries face higher costs (S Mayor). 326:840 (N) (correction, 1079) market is "anticompetitive", says expert (R Smith). 326:182 (N) politics general medical journals. 326:820 (L), 821 (L) role in Iraq war (R Coombes) ( ournals). J 326:230 (R) Jovanovic Z, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 Jowett, John Henry Gordon, Obituary (N Jowett). 326:54 Judaism, doctors' faiths (K-P Chan, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Judson DH, Bureaucracy hinders prompt care. 326:714 (L) Juengst ET, What next for human gene therapy? 326:1410 (E) Jugie M, see Carbajal R. 326:13 Jung RT see Hall LML. 326:251 see Leese GP. 326:882

Jni P, et al, Systematic review of celecoxib for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 326:334 (L) junior doctors see also doctors education, streamlined training set for 2004 (R MacDonald). 326:467 (N) hours more doctors is not answer to EU Working Time Directive (R MacDonald). 326:68 (N), 929 (L) trainees' attitudes to shift work depend on grade and specialty. 326:48 (L) media criticism, review of concerns (MJ Goldacre, et al). 326:629 (P) jurisprudence see also malpractice BetterCare, long-term care judgment: challenge to health care (AM Pollock, et al). 326:236 (E) Godfrey Charnley, constructive dismissal over bullying case lost (O Dyer). 326:467 (N) Sally Clark expert testimony and criminal courts (CM Milroy). 326:294 (E), 1037 (L) (correction, 1215), 1038 (L) freed after appeal court quashes convictions (C Dyer). 326:304 (N) Jeffrey Cream, High Court again quashes GMC judgment (C Dyer). 326:678 (N) egg or sperm donation children will be entitled to more information (C Dyer). 326:240 (N) Raj Hashmi couple begin IVF treatment (C Dyer). 326:1106 (N) couple wins ight to embryo selection (C r Dyer). 326:782 (N) Hiral Hazari, cleared of manslaughter after feeding tube error (C Dyer). 326:414 (N) Geeta Nargund, St George's Hospital apology for remarks after IVF mix-up (C Dyer). 326:1416 (N) paroxetine, lawyers may seek judicial review of panel (R Dobson). 326:618 (N) Jonathan Simms, experimental CJD treatment (O Dyer). 326:8 (N) Steven Walker, Privy Council overules GMC ruling (O Dyer). 326:415 (N) Justo L, Argentina: torture, silence, and medical teaching (Personal view). 326:1405 (R)

Kabat GC, see Enstrom JE. 326:1057 Kaczmarski EB, see Ramsay ME. 326:365 Kadis S, see Leontiadis GI. 326:1460 Kahan M, see Midmer D BMJ Careers 326:s111 (29 March) Kai J, see Bush J. 326:962 Kallichurum, Soromini, Obituary (YK Seedat). 326:450 Kamath S, see Jilma B. 326:37, 93 Kamerow, Douglas, BMJ USA new editor (A Ferriman). 326:1418 (N) Kamps BS, et al, SARS Reference (Website). 326:1402 (R) Kane P, Obituary for David Horrobin. 326:1089 (L) Kannus PA, Effectiveness of hip protectors. 326:930 (L) Kanon S, see Aguayo VM. 326:127 Kaplan, Jonathan, (S Spencer) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s121 (5 April) Kaptchuk TJ, Effect of interpretive bias on research evidence. 326:1453 (ED) Kapur N, et al, Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with a rash: case outcome. Commentary: Dermatology. 326:806 (C) Karam K, Partnerships with the drug industry would be constructive. 326:123 (N) Karantana A, see Edwards AG. 326:762 Kassimos D, Endpiece. Confide in your doctor. 326:869 Katib Y, see van Walraven C. 326:791 Katikireddi V, Dealing with drugs (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s169 (17 May) Katona C, et al, Medical school applications. 326:161 (L) Katona M, see Katona C. 326:161 Katona P, see Katona C. 326:161 Katz J, see Christian P. 326:571 Kaufman DM, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Applying educational theory in practice. 326:213 (C), 986 (L) Kaul R, Racism and health. 326:880 (L) Kaushal, Chander Shekhar, Obituary (A Roy). 326:604

Kaushik NC, What examination is not intimate? 326:1326 (L) Kavalier F, Wine (Books). 326:555 (R) Kawachi I, Levelling the playing field for regulation of nicotine. 326:115 (E) Kaye JA, et al, Incidence of erectile dysfunction and characteristics of patients before and after the introduction of sildenafil in the United Kingdom: cross sectional study with comparison patients. 326:424 (P) Kaye P, see Davies CR. 326:377 Kaye PV, Spending (slightly) less on health and more on the arts. 326:661 (L) Keane DP, see Eogan MA. 326:137 Keaney F, see McCambridge J. 326:336 Kedar I, et al, Internet based consultations to transfer knowledge for patients requiring specialised care: retrospective case review. 326:696 (IP) Keeley D, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:1034 (L) Keiding N, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 Keighley B, Medical politics BMJ Careers 326:s143 (26 April) Kelleher KM, see Kedar I. 326:696 Kelly SP, et al, Age related macular degeneration 326:1458 (L) (correction, 327: ) Kelsey T, see Aylin P. 326:1397 Kendall J, see Samanta J. 326:535, 859 Kendall M, see Murray SA. 326:368 Kendell, Robert Evan, Obituary. 326:286 Kennedy I, Patients are experts in their own field (Comment). 326:1276 Kennedy J, see Degeling P. 326:649 Kenny RA, see Shaw FE. 326:73 Kent A, Horizon: Trial and Error (TV). 326:506 (R) Kent J, see Faulkner A. 326:1159 Kenya see also Africa cancers, experience of dying: comparison with developed countries (SA Murray, et al). 326:368 (PC), 1146 (L) mortality prognostic indicators in children admitted to district hospital (JA Berkley, et al). 326:361 (P) Keogh BE, see Fine LG. 326:25 Keown J, Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy: An Argument Against Legalisation (Books). 326:1218 (R) Kerr D, Involving patients can work in home blood glucose testing. 326:103 (L) (correction, 321) Kerr, Susan Jean England, Obituary (L Foreman). 326:54 Kerridge RK, Effectiveness of trained nurses in preoperative assessment. 326:600 Kerse N, see Elley CR. 326:793 Kersley S, Wellbeing: reality or dream? BMJ Careers 326:s109 (29 March) Keshavjee K, see Willison DJ. 326:373 Kesmodel U, see Wisborg K. 326:420, 1269 Khadjesari Z, see Bloor K. 326:578 Khan MA, see Gami AS. 326:528 Khan R, see Whitfield RJ. 326:551 Khan SA, Care of dying patients. 326:552 (L) Khatry SK, see Christian P. 326:571 Khaw KT, see Trivedi DP. 326:469 Khoury GA, Mortality control charts. 326:1397 (L) Kidd KS, Spending (slightly) less on health and more on the arts. 326:661 (L) kidney failure, acute, salt substitutes containing potassium and (CJ Doorenbos, et al). 326:35 (C) kidney transplantation Germany, surgeon investigated (A Tuffs). 326:568 (N) (correction, 849) India, trafficking in Punjab (S Kumar). 326:180 (N) interleukin-2 receptor monoclonal antibodies: meta-analysis (D Adu, et al). 326:789 (P) Israel, considers paying donors (J Siegel-Itzkovich). 326:126 (N) UK, surgeon calls for payment legalisation (O Dyer). 326:1164 (N) Kinder, Cyril Hugh, Obituary (AR Mundy). 326:988 King MB see Bower P. 326:1247 see Osborn DPJ. 326:1122 Kingston R, When I use a word. 326:597 Kinnear, Angus Ian, Obituary (D Beer). 326:167 Kirk EP, Embryo selection for complex traits is impracticable. 326:53 (L) Kirk R, The other war (Personal view). 326:937 (R) Kirkwood T, The most pressing problem of our age (Ageing). 326:1297

January-June 2003


Kisely S, The exiled tribe: don't forget overseas members of the BMA. 326:103 (L), 931 (L) Kivell D, see Grant CC. 326:852 Kjaer M, et al, eds, Textbook of Sports Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects of Sports Injury and Physical Activity (Books). 326:1041 (R) Klazinga N, see Plochg T. 326:657 Kleijnen J, see Craig D. 326:445 Klein R, Governance for NHS foundation trusts. 326:174 (E), 764 (L) Klesmer J, Mortality in Swedish women with cosmetic breast implants. 326:1266 (L) Klimov AN, see Plavinski SL. 326:1240 Kmietowicz Z Advice on withholding food and water breaks the law, group claims. 326:780 (N), 1215 (L) BMA warns that too few people know response to a terrorist attack. 326:516 (N), 762 (L) Consultants threaten strike over contract stalemate. 326:1165 (N) Doctors struggle to define the essence of being a doctor. 326:1352 (N) England is in a sexual health crisis, MPs say. 326:1281 (N) Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating head lice. Commentary: Information for patients: removal of lice and eggs by combing. 326:1258 (C) Food watchdog warns against high doses of vitamins and minerals. 326:1001 (N) GPs accept contract, but consultants ask for ballot on industrial action. 326:1415 (N) GPs vote for "contractus interruptus". 326:1105 (N) Health committee questions benefit of foundation hospitals to patients. 326:1000 (N) Hospitals must be child friendly, says report. 326:840 (N) Medicines Control Agency must be more open. 326:119 (N) MPs call for smacking to be outlawed. 326:1414 (N) New Zealand GPs call for end to direct to consumer advertising. 326:1284 (N) NICE to start assessing diagnostic and treatment procedures. 326:412 (N) Short term measures to meet NHS targets cannot be sustained. 326:1229 (N) Some operating theatres are used only eight hours a week. 326:1349 (N) Teenagers need special health services. 326:1285 (N) UK lags behind many European countries in reducing deaths from heart disease. 326:242 (N) UK nuclear medicine is close to collapse, experts warn. 326:619 (N) Women fail to recognise risk of heart disease. 326:355 (N) Kneebone R, see Nestel D. 326:1327 Knight A, Employing users who turn back into patients is difficult. 326:449 (L) Knowler WC, see Jacobsson LTH. 326:1068 Knox, Alexander Mavor, Obituary (CH Cameron). 326:398 Knudsen JL, see Birk HO. 326:280 Knuiman MW, see Hung J. 326:131, 1036 Knuppel RA, Perhaps medicine should now be considered a trade. 326:986 (L) Koch K, Schering uses German medical association to promote HRT. 326:1161 (N) Koes BW, see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 Kohli B, see Aquino P BMJ Careers 326:s73 (8 March) Kohll S, see Lagnado M. 326:933 Kohnen R, see Henkel V. 326:200 Kohner E, Extracts from "Concise Clinical Evidence". Diabetic retinopathy. Commentary: Treatment of diabetic retinopathy. 326:1024 (C) Koivusilta L, et al, Mobile phone use has not replaced smoking in adolescence. 326:161 (L) Kolb E, see Bachmann LM. 326:417 Koller MT, see Bachmann LM. 326:417 Kon OM, see Henry JA. 326:942 Koot VCM, et al, Total and cause specific mortality among Swedish women with cosmetic breast implants: prospective study. 326:527 (P), 1266 (L) Korb L, Arms sales, health, and security. 326:459 (E) Korea see also Asia kindest insult (J Han) (Personal view). 326:991 (L)

Korthals-de Bos IBC, et al, Cost effectiveness of physiotherapy, manual therapy, and general practitioner care for neck pain: economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial. 326:911 (PC) Kovac C Drug company executives sacked after allegations of illegal surveillance. 326:730 (N) Syrian doctor expelled from Hungary for allegedly supporting Hamas. 326:1002 (N) Kretzschmar C, see Maas R. 326:21 Kristiansen IS, Competing interests. 326:883 (L) Kropach, Koloman, Obituary (J Rathbone). 326:450 Krosnar K, Report says 100 Roma women have been forcibly sterilised in Slovakia. 326:302 (N) Kruijthof K, see Plochg T. 326:657 Krumholz HM, see Gross CP. 326:526 Kuh D, et al, eds, A Life Course Approach to Women's Health (Books). 326:887 (R) Kumar M see Agell I BMJ Careers 326:s207 (21 June) see Mitchell A. 326:599 Kumar S Animal rights activist is removed from government committee. 326:68 (N) Drug linked to child deaths is still available in India. 326:70 (N), 713 (L) Health care is among the most corrupt services in India. 326:10 (N) India sets up a commission on macroeconomics and health. 326:126 (N) Millions more at risk of arsenic poisoning than previously thought. 326:466 (N) Police uncover large scale organ trafficking in Punjab. 326:180 (N) Seen and not heard (Developing world). 326:1295 et al, Why do general practitioners prescribe antibiotics for sore throat? Grounded theory interview study. 326:138 (PC), 766 (L) Kunkler IH Cardiovascular mortality after radiotherapy for breast cancer. 326:983 (L) Ethics of clinical trials from bayesian perspective. 326:1457 (L) Rethinking management. 326:221 (L) Kurinczuk JJ, see Hsu RT. 326:530 Kurrle SE, et al, Effectiveness of hip protectors. 326:930 (L) Kuruvath S, et al, Teeth fully developed in brain teratoma (Minerva). 326:772 (R) Kvedar JC, see Kedar I. 326:696 Labb S, see Coste J. 326:733 Labonte R, et al, Setting global health research priorities. 326:722 (E), 1399 (L) labour see also caesarean section; pregnancy effect of fetal sex on labour and delivery (MA Eogan, et al). 326:137 (P) Labour Party Howard Stoate (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s145 (26 April) patients' duty to NHS (A Gulland). 326:1283 (N) Lack A, Discrimination in discretionary points award scheme. 326:1214 (L) Laerum H, et al, Doctors' use of electronic medical records systems in hospitals: cross sectional survey 323:1344 (IP) (correction, 326:488) Laggner AN, see Janata K. 326:312 Lagiou P, see Tamimi RM. 326:1245 Lagnado M, et al, Seven steps to evidence based general practice. 326:933 (L) Lahiri A, see Anand DV. 326:1045 Laing GD, et al (6), Polyspecific snake antivenom may help in antivenom crisis. 326:447 (L) Lakhani M Doctors and managers. 326:656 (L) Should general practitioners be called consultants? BMJ Careers 326:s160 (10 May) Lam CWK, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Lambert MF, et al, Barriers to managing heart failure in primary care Lambert PC, see Hsu RT. 326:530 Lambert TW et al, Career choices of United Kingdom medical graduates of 1999 and 2000: questionnaire surveys. 326:194 (P) see Goldacre MJ. 326:629, 1011 Lane JA, see Hamdy FC. 326:1456 Lane RE et al, Biventricular pacing for heart failure. 326:944 (E)

see Chow AWC. 326:1073 Lang I, Interactive case report. A 42 year old man with acute chest pain: case outcome. Commentary: Cardiovascular management. 326:1135 (C) Lange JH, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1396 (L) Langford E, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 language see also communication patients prefer medical to lay (R Dobson). 326:1105 (N) speech that irritates (G Dunea) (Soundings). 326:507 (R) Lanigan A, see Horak E. 326:422 laparoscopy acute appendicitis management. 326:49 (L), 50 (L) inguinal hernia comparison with open inguinal hernia mesh repair: follow up (M Douek, et al). 326:1012 (P) NICE guidance: analysis of interrupted time series (K Bloor, et al). 326:578 (P), 1144 (L) Laporte J-R, see Figueras A. 326:896 LaPorte RE, see Lange JH. 326:1396 Lapotaire J, Time out of Mind (Books). 326:1092 (R) Larcher V, see Sutcliffe AG. 326:64 (E) (correction, 321) Larner A, "I think I need a psychiatrist". 326:273 lasers, untreatable eye injury from YAG laser (M Ramchandani, et al) (Minerva). 326:456 (R) Latif, Abdul, Obituary (N Latif). 326:663 Laughlin, John, Obituary (S Goss). 326:554 Launer J, Narrative-based Primary Care: A Practical Guide (Books). 326:56 (R) Laurance J, Pure Madness: How Fear Drives the Mental Health System (Books). 326:109 (R) Laurence M, see Brown PJB. 326:1127 Lavars C, see Huynh T. 326:1267 Lavelle, Mary, Obituary (S Nicholas). 326:167 Law J, see Smith AF. 326:1396 Law MR et al, Long term effects of advice to reduce dietary salt. 326:223 (L) et al, Quantifying effect of statins on low density lipoprotein cholesterol, ischaemic heart disease, and stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. 326:1423 (P) et al, Value of low dose combination treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: analysis of 354 randomised trials. 326:1427 (P) see Wald DS. 326:1035 see Wald NJ. 326:1419 Lawlor DA, et al, Socioeconomic position in childhood and adulthood and insulin resistance cross sectional survey using data from British women's heart and health study 325:805 (correction, 326:488) Laws TA, Parents are not homogeneous. 326:1039 (L) Lay-Yee R, see Davis P. 326:79 Le Gals C, see Coste J. 326:733 leadership, values and. 326:657 (L), 658 (L), 659 (L), 660 (L) league tables, hospital mortality (B Jacobson, et al). 326:777 (E), 1397 (L) Learmonth I, see Squires B. 326:710 learning see also teaching ABC of learning and teaching in medicine Applying educational theory in practice (DM Kaufman). 326:213 (C), 986 (L) Creating teaching materials (R Farrow). 326:921 (C) Curriculum design (D Prideaux). 326:268 (C), 823 (L) Educational environment (L Hutchinson). 326:810 (C) Evaluation (J Morrison). 326:385 (C) Learning and teaching in the clinical environment (J Spencer). 326:591 (C) One to one teaching and feedback (J Gordon). 326:543 (C) Problem based learning (DF Wood). 326:328 (C) Skill based assessment (S Smee). 326:703 (C) Teaching in large groups (P Cantillon). 326:437 (C) Teaching small groups (D Jaques). 326:492 (C) Web based learning (J McKimm, et al). 326:870 (C) Work based assessment (JJ Norcini). 326:753 (C)


January-June 2003

Written assessment (LWT Schuwirth, et al). 326:643 (C) BMJ interactive case reports (T Richards, et al). 326:564 (E) contracts (E Davies) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s77 (8 March) Leaver, David Graham, Obituary (S Leaver, et al). 326:886 LeClerq SC, see Christian P. 326:571 Lee AJ, see Bowling JCR. 326:803 Lee BW, see Yeoh SC. 326:1394 Lee C, et al, Haemophilus influenzae type b epiglottitis. 326:284 (L) Lee DTS, see Chan KPM. 326:499 Lee E, see Yeoh SC. 326:1394 Lee, Jong-Wook new WHO head (F Fleck). 326:241 (N) (G Yamey, et al). 326:1100 (E) Lee JW, Resources should be decentralised to countries. 326:123 (N) Lee M, Consuming alcohol on duty may have adverse consequences. 326:165 (L) Lee N, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Lee S, see Chan KPM. 326:499 Lee WR, New edicts for letters. 326:985 (L) Lee-Jones, Michael, Obituary (P Kay, et al). 326:168 Leenen, Henk, Obituary (T Sheldon). 326:226 Leese B, see Mason S. 326:1244 Leese GP et al, Cardiovascular risk scores and prescribing in diabetes. 326:882 (L) see Hall LML. 326:251 Leese M, see Rose D. 326:1363 leflunomide, arthritis drug safety? (R Moynihan). 326:565 (N) Lehmann HP, see Sterling TR. 326:574 Leiblum S, see Basson R. 326:658 Leibovici L, see Paul M. 326:1111 Leinster SJ, Medical school applications. 326:162 (L) leishmaniasis, disease control, new approaches (CR Davies, et al). 326:377 (C), 1037 (L) Leitch A, Medical French is an asset (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s70 (1 March) Lelliott J, The Cultivation of Whiteness (Books). 326:888 (R) Leman JA, see MacKie RM. 326:367 length of hospital stay, delayed discharge, hospital congestion and. 326:48 (N), 49 (N) Lennon D, see Grant CC. 326:852 Lenzer J Independent panel finds alteplase beneficial for acute stroke patients. 326:1234 (N) Lay campaigners for prostate screening are funded by industry. 326:680 (N), 1211 (L) Spin doctors soft pedal data on antihypertensives. 326:170 (R) Whistleblower charges drug company with deceptive practices. 326:620 (N) Leon DA, see McCormack VA. 326:248 Leontiadis GI, et al, Helicobacter pylori in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease needs comparator. 326:1460 (L) leprosy, Hansen's Disease: The Shared Paradigm (de Mallac) (Books). 326:452 (R) Leslie P, et al, Investigation and management of chronic dysphagia. 326:433 (C), 1147 (L), 1148 (L) Lessard JE, Mortality from methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. 326:501 (L) Lesson of the week Adrenaline given outside the context of life threatening allergic reactions (SL Johnston, et al). 326:589 (C) Assessing the severity of malaria (DAJ Moore, et al). 326:808 (C) Benign sleep myoclonus in infancy mistaken for epilepsy (J Egger, et al). 326:975 (C) Bilateral renovascular disease causing cardiorenal failure (A Brammah, et al). 326:489 (C) Clarithromycin and pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia (C Terzano, et al). 326:1377 (C) Danger of salt substit utes that contain potassium in patients with renal failure (CJ Doorenbos, et al). 326:35 (C) Doxycycline induced intracranial hypertension (J Lochhead, et al). 326:641 (C) Epistaxis: an overlooked cause of massive haematemesis in cirrhosis (SS Johal, et al). 326:440 (C)

Fatal dysnatraemia caused by elective colonoscopy (JC Ayus, et al). 326:382 (C), 1146 (L), 1147 (L) Fear of the dark in children: is stationary night blindness the cause? (SS Sidiki, et al). 326:211 (C) Interfering antibo dies affecting immunoassays in women with pet rabbits (A Park, et al). 326:541 (C) Low dose methotrexate and bone marrow suppression (M Sosin, et al). 326:266 (C), 1145 (L) Misdiagnosis of epilepsy in patients prescribed anticonvulsant drugs for other reasons (M Oto, et al). 326:326 (C) Treating hepatic hydrothorax (J Borchardt, et al). 326:751 (C) Unsuspected haemophilia in children with a single swollen joint (B Nolan, et al). 326:151 (C) Variable presentation of Brugada syndrome: lessons from three generations with syncope (A Plunkett, et al). 326:1078 (C) Zosteriform metastasis from melanoma (AV Evans, et al). 326:1025 (C) Lester N, Pure Madness (Books). 326:109 (R) letters BMJ, new edicts (S Davies). 326:63 (E), 985 (L), 986 (L) copies of doctors' letters. 326:449 (L) 'copying letters to patients is coming to a clinic near you' (C Essex) (Perspectives). 326:1330 I should have known better. A patient who changed my practice (C Thomas). 326:920 leukaemia Agent Orange and (C Marwick). 326:242 (N) gene therapy trials halted after case in France (C Marwick). 326:181 (N) leukotriene receptor antagonists, asthma, comparison with glucocorticoids (FM Ducharme). 326:621 (P) Leung W-C, Gaining experience in different teaching methods BMJ Careers 326:s27 (25 January) Levine R, see Ayus JC. 326:382 Levy BS, et al, eds, Terrorism and Public Health: A Balanced Approach to Strengthening Systems and Protecting People (Books). 326:989 (R) Lewis A, A career in forensic child and adolescent psychiatry BMJ Careers 326:s167 (17 May) Lewis, Beatrice, Obituary (SI Lewis). 326:1462 Lewis C, et al, Training in acupuncture BMJ Careers 326:s152 (3 May) Lewis CJ, et al, Investigating and managing chronic dysphagia. 326:1148 (L) Lewis P, The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction. 326:659 (L) Lewis T, et al, Patient centred approach may help in hypertension. 326:103 (L) Lexchin J, et al, Pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and research outcome and quality: systematic review. 326:1167 (P) Leydon G, see Hardyman R. 326:498 Leyshon, Viner Nicholl, Obituary (S Wilmot). 326:663 liaison psychiatry, attachment for hospital doctors (I Agell, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s207 (21 June) Liberati A, et al, Information from drug companies and opinion leaders. 326:1156 (E) libraries, higher costs for academic journals (S Mayor). 326:840 (N) (correction, 1079) Lichterman BL, The Deadly Truth (Books). 326:606 (R) Liebeskind DS, Case fatality rates after hospital admission for stroke. 326:1085 (L) Lightowler JV, et al, Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation to treat respiratory failure resulting from exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis. 326:185 (P) Lijmer JG, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 Lilford RJ, Ethics of clinical trials from a bayesian and decision analytic perspective: whose equipoise is it anyway? 326:980 (ED), 1456 (L), 1457 (L) Lim V, et al, Drug points. Leflunomide can potentiate the anticoagulant effect of warfarin 325:1333 (correction, 326:432) Limb M, Foundation trusts could be divisive, MPs claim. 326:10 (N) Lind L, see Dunder K. 326:681 Lindberg J, see Frnert A. 326:628 Lindegrdh N, see Frnert A. 326:628 Lindley G, Was it something you ate? 326:87

Lingam S, see Brigden D BMJ Careers 326:s184 (31 May) Lintonen T, see Koivusilta L. 326:161 Lip GYH see Blann AD. 326:153 see Jilma B. 326:37, 93 lipids coronary diseases and, lowering in diabetes (AS Gami, et al). 326:528 (P) effectiveness of lipid lowering drugs in reducing serum cholesterol concentration (J Hippisley-Cox, et al). 326:689 (PC) Lipkin D, see Anand DV. 326:1045 Lipman T, Computerised evidence based guidelines in primary care. 326:1087 (L) Lithell HO see Dunder K. 326:681 see McCormack VA. 326:248 lithium, elderly, prescription comparison with valproic acid (KI Shulman, et al). 326:960 (P) Little P, see Kumar S. 326:138 Littlejohns P, et al, Evaluating computerised health information systems: hard lessons still to be learnt. 326:860 (IP) Liu JL, Quality of impact factors of general medical journals. 326:931 (L) Livden JK, see Berth-Jones J. 326:1367 liver cancers, low and middle income countries (AJ Hall, et al). 326:994 (E) liver cirrhosis, epistaxis: overlooked cause of massive haematemesis (SS Johal, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:440 (C) Lloyd-Williams M, see Clark A BMJ Careers 326:s215 (28 June) lobular carcinomas, incidence, 1990s (S Gottlieb). 326:678 (N) Lochhead J, et al, Lesson of the week. Doxycycline induced intracranial hypertension. 326:641 (C) Lockwood DNJ Hansen's Disease (Books). 326:452 (R) see Moore DAJ. 326:808 Lockyer J, see Violato C. 326:546 locums see also doctors working as hospital locum (A Harrison) BMJ Careers 326:s81 (15 March) Loefler I The population trap Personal view). 326:507 ( (R) Towards the cessation of smoking (Soundings). 326:1465 (R) Lkkegaard E, et al, Relation between hormone replacement therapy and ischaemic heart disease in women: prospective observational study. 326:426 (PC) Lomax, Peter, Obituary (E Lomax). 326:399 Lombarts K, see Plochg T. 326:657 Lomborg, Bjrn, scientific dishonesty accusations (C White). 326:120 (N) London air pollution. Endpiece (JH Baron). 326:1210 coronary disease incidence in health authority, community register review (SJ Sutcliffe, et al). 326:20 (P) pulmonary tuberculosis diagnostic delays: 1998-2000 (A Rodger, et al). 326:909 (P) Londoo, Juan Luis, Obituary (JP Uribe). 326:715 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, infant formula supplementation and blood pressure in later childhood (JS Forsyth, et al). 326:953 (P) long-term care Bettercare judgment: challenge to health care (AM Pollock, et al). 326:236 (E) health authorities face big payouts after ombudsman's ruling (A Gulland). 326:466 (N) UK complaints (S Mayor). 326:1416 (N) Longson, Donald, Obituary (TB Stretton, et al). 326:504 looked after children achieving health (CM Hill, et al). 326:560 (E) meningococcal C vaccines, local authorities and those living at home (CM Hill, et al). 326:364 (P), 1088 (L) Looker DN, see Howard AJ. 326:501 Lopez-Saura PA, Thrombolysis with recombinant streptokinase in Cuba. 326:448 (L) Lord, Myra (ne Wharf), Obituary (S Lord). 326:1217 Lot L, see Slap GB. 326:15 low back pain, chronic (J Samanta, et al) (10-minute consultation). 326:535 (PC) low density lipoproteins, statins and: systematic review and meta-analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1423 (P)

January-June 2003


Lowe BS, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Lucey, John Desmond, Obituary (RP Cookson). 326:227 Lumb, Geoffrey Norman, Obituary (P O'Boyle). 326:1462 lumbar puncture, Alzheimer's disease diagnosis (D Josefson). 326:950 (N) Lundbeck, broke advertising rules (O Dyer). 326:1004 (N) Lundin J, et al, Infopoints. A web-based system for individualised survival estimation in breast cancer. 326:29 (IP), 822 (L) Lundin M, see Lundin J. 326:29 lung cancers incidence for south Asians: population based register study (LK Smith, et al). 326:81 (P) passive smoking and mortality: California: 1960-98 (JE Enstrom, et al). 326:1057 (P) smoking and, costs (R Dobson). 326:69 (N) lung transplantation, partial v. full survival comparison (S Gottlieb). 326:1285 (N) Lutchman RD, Rethinking management. 326:222 (L) Lynch, Christopher, on Sir Alex Turnbull (P Cross) (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s208 (21 June) Lynch RM, Screening for aortic aneurysm. 326:284 (L) Maas R, et al, Syncope, driving recommendations, and clinical reality: survey of patients. 326:21 (P), 601 (L) MacAuley D, Textbook of Sports Medicine (Books). 326:1041 (R) McAuley L, see Thomas RE. 326:397 McAvoy BR, et al, Workplace bullying. 326:776 (E) McCabe CJ et al, New BMJ policy on economic evaluations. 326:446 (L) see Chilcott J. 326:522 McCabe R, et al, Engaging patients with psychosis in consultations. 326:550 (L) McCambridge J et al, General practitioner screening for excessive alcohol use. 326:336 (L) see Strang J. 326:959 McCarthy HD, et al, Central overweight and obesity in British youth aged 11-16 years: cross sectional surveys of waist circumference. 326:624 (P) McClure I The Lost Prince (TV). 326:229 (R) Mr Placebo (Play). 326:453 (R) The Reith lectures 2003: The Emerging Mind (Radio ). 326:936 (R) McClure, Ian Alexander, Obituary (JD Brown). 326:826 McColl E see Eccles MP. 326:395, 1088 see Rousseau N. 326:314 McCormack VA, et al, Fetal growth and subsequent risk of breast cancer: results from long term follow up of Swedish cohort. 326:248 (P) McCulloch P, see Tekkis PP. 326:786 MacDonald, Evelyn Morag, Obituary (R Rayner). 326:504 MacDonald R Cheers to Canada's finest (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s115 (29 March) Childcare for working parents (Website of the week). 326:170 (R) Hypnotherapy: hype or healing? BMJ Careers 326:s154 (3 May) Informing choices: the inside story BMJ Careers 326:s191 (7 June) The lowdown on international recruitment BMJ Careers 326:s197 (14 June) More doctors is not the answer to the EU Working Time Directive. 326:68 (N), 929 (L) Streamlined training for junior doctors is set for 2004. 326:467 (N) Your career after PLAB (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s202 (14 June) et al, Impartial careers advice for doctors and medical students. 326:1225 (E) et al, My beautiful career: part 2 BMJ Careers 326:s33 (1 February) Macdonald S Ageism is difficult to identify. 326:355 (N) Bush criticised for not giving AIDS money to Global Fund. 326:299 (N) Charity to promote links between creativity and serious illness. 326:618 (N)

Doctors are servants of patients, says chief medical officer. 326:569 (N), 1269 (L) Health community joins anti war march in London. 326:414 (N) Increased drug spending is creating funding crisis, report says. 326:677 (N) NHS should be less paternalistic, conference is urged. 326:618 (N) MacDougall J, The ethics of intimate examinations teaching tomorrow's doctors. Commentary: Teaching pelvic examination putting the patient first. 326:100 (ED) Macfarlane F, see Greenhalgh T. 326:142 McGale P, see Darby S. 326:256 MacGillivray S et al, Efficacy and tolerability of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors compared with tricyclic antidepressants in depression treated in primary care: systematic review and meta-analysis. 326:1014 (PC) see Fahey T. 326:982 McGoldrick S, Obituary for David Horrobin. 326:1089 (L) McGready R, A memorable patient. How a refugee community deals with adoption. 326:873 McGregor, Archibald Mckenzie, Obituary (C McGregor). 326:399 MacGregor GA, et al, Long term effects of advice to reduce dietary salt. 326:222 (L) McGrouther DA, see Bayat A. 326:88 McGuire H, see Furukawa TA. 326:500 Macintyre S, Evidence based policy making. 326:5 (E) McKay C, see Steptoe A. 326:855 Mackay DM, et al, Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:1035 (L) McKay J, see Currie GP. 326:261 McKee M et al, Smoke free hospitals. 326:941 (E) see Jacobson B. 326:778 McKeith IG, see Shaw FE. 326:73 McKenna J, et al, eds, Perspectives on Health and Exercise (Books). 326:1041 (R) McKenzie K, Racism and health. 326:65 (E), 880 (L) MacKie RM, et al, Effect of public education aimed at early diagnosis of malignant melanoma: cohort comparison study. 326:367 (P) McKimm J, et al, ABC of learning and teaching. Web based learning. 326:870 (C) McKinley RK, see Stokes T. 326:1316 MacKinnon, David Livingston, Obituary (MD MacKinnon). 326:935 McKinstry B, et al, Routine telephone review of asthma. 326:1267 (L) Macklin JP, see Jones GC. 326:4, 763 McLarty, Isobel Jean, Obituary (GM Lowdon). 326:451 McLean F, Patients' charities often lack cash. 326:1328 (L) McLellan A, see Edwards N. 326:609 McLennan JL, Overseas members of the BMA. 326:932 (L) MacLeod, Ronald Crum, Obituary (D MacLeod). 326:399 McMahon AD, see Hawkins G. 326:1115 McManus IC, Pilot study of the roles of personality, references, and personal statements in relation to performance over the five years of a medical degree. Commentary: How to derive causes from correlations in educational studies. 326:432 (LP) McManus P, see see Hall WD. 326:1008 McMullen B Emotional intelligence BMJ Careers 326:s19 (18 January) Spiritual intelligence BMJ Careers 326:s51 (15 February) McMurdo MET, see Alijani A. 326:1243 McMurtrie, Laura, interview (G Watts). 326:520 (N) McNamara, Henry Pearson, Obituary (I McNamara, et al). 326:287 McNee W, see Metcalfe S. 326:334 McNicholas T, see Harper CM. 326:721 McQueen D, Shapely centrefolds. 326:823 (L) macular degeneration, age related (A Chopdar, et al) 326:485 (C), 326:1458 (L)) (correction, 327: ), 326:1459 (L) maculopathy, cholesterol lowering drugs and (R van Leeuwen, et al). 326:255 (P) McVernon J, et al, Haemophilus influenzae type b epiglottitis. 326:285 (L) McWilliams, Daniel Joseph ("Donal"), Obituary (I Archer, et al). 326:168

Maddern G, see Campbell B. 326:347 Maddox B, Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA (Books). 326:289 (R) Madeley, Jane, (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s30 (25 January) Maden T, see Coid J. 326:406 Magee ND, et al, Scurvy risk in food faddists (Minerva). 326:60 (R) magnesium sulphate, eclamptic seizures, prevention and treatment. 326:50 (L) Magrini N, see Liberati A. 326:1156 Maguire H, see Rodger A. 326:909 Mahony C, Interviews with patients better than surveys for generating change. 326:618 (N) Maier W, see Henkel V. 326:200 Mair, Geoffrey Ian, Obituary (R Sloan). 326:108 Majeed A Inversion of emergency pyramid. 326:553 (L) Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. 326:202 (IP), 1034 (L), 1035 (L) et al, Association between practice size and quality of care of patients with ischaemic heart disease: cross sectional study. 326:371 (PC) et al, Primary care in the United States. Innovations in primary care in the United States. Commentary: What can primary care in the United States learn from the United Kingdom? 326:799 (PC) see Bindman AB. 326:631 see Goldfield N. 326:744 see Gray J. 326:1130 Makris M, see Nolan B. 326:151 malaria assessment of severity (DAJ Moore, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:808 (C) atovaquone and proguanil hydrochloride resistance: case reports (A Frnert, et al). 326:628 (P) Roll Back Malaria campaign still has long way to go (I Haivas). 326:951 (N) Malavige GN, Chronic cough. 326:1037 (L) Malawi see also Africa Book Aid International (K Carew, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) medical schools: problems and achievements. 326:51 (L) Malcolm L, et al, Building a successful partnership between management and clinical leadership: experience from New Zealand. 326:653 (ED) malignant melanomas, public education aimed at early diagnosis (RM MacKie, et al). 326:367 (P) Malins, Richard Melville, Obituary (T Wadsworth). 326:54 Malleson A, Whiplash and Other Useful Illnesses (Books). 326:1092 (R) Malleson P, see Eccleston C. 326:1408 Mallewa M, see Solomon T. 326:865 Mallik A, Clinical neurophysiology BMJ Careers 326:s183 (31 May) Malmstrm P-U, Time to abandon testing for microscopic haematuria in adults? 326:813 (ED) Malnick S, see Borchardt J. 326:751 malnutrition, management of severely malnourished child: developing countries' perspective (MK Bhan, et al). 326:146 (C), 765 (L) malpractice see also jurisprudence; mistakes Robert Macindoe Adams, suspended for enrolling patients in drug trials without consent (O Dyer). 326:304 (N) alternative prescribing and (DR Blake) (Personal view). 326:455 (R) Anjan Kumar Banerjee, institutional corruptio n in medicine. 326:501 (L) Bristol neonatal heart operations case: inquiry report, national service framework (AW Craft, et al). 326:891 (E) Andrew Gbinigie bungled abortion but allowed to continue working (O Dyer). 326:679 (N) gynaecologist faces inquiry after woman nearly dies after abortion (O Dyer). 326:566 (N) Goran Jamal GMC accusation of research fraud (O Dyer). 326:352 (N), 616 (N) GMC reprimand for research fraud (O Dyer). 326:730 (N) Enrique Mateu-Lopez, Privy Council overturns GMC's erasure of psychiatrist (C Dyer). 326:1417 (N) Nottingham City Hospital organ disposal case: tabloid story (G Hulman) (Personal view). 326:231 (R)


January-June 2003

Timothy John Peters, institutional corruption in medicine. 326:501 (L) Adil Mahmud Raji, Privy Council rules that GMC restoration to register procedure is flawed (C Dyer). 326:783 (N) Mohammed Naeem Shaukat, GMC suspension for research fraud (O Dyer). 326:352 (N) Harold Shipman, proposals will alter general practice profoundly. 326:280 (L) Michael Silver, cleared of serious professional misconduct (C Dyer). 326:898 (N) (correction, 1173) Mamdani M see Shulman KI. 326:960 see van Walraven C. 326:791 mammography see also screening breast cancer mortality nearly halved (S Mayor). 326:949 (N) managers constructive dialogue between doctors and managers needed (N Edwards, et al). 326:116 (E) doctors and: improving relationship overview: can learn from each other (R Smith). 326:610 (E), 1213 (L), 1214 (L) overview: constructive dialogue (N Edwards, et al). 326:609 (E), 1213 (L), 1214 (L) clinical networks (H Thomas). 326:655 (ED) common language (RA Atun). 326:655 (ED), 1214 (L) on internet (M Mullner) ( ebsite of the W week). 326:666 (R) Kaiser Permanente: propensity for partnership (FJ Crosson). 326:654 (ED) mind gap (DB Nash). 326:652 (ED) modernisation: "danse macabre"? (P Degeling, et al). 326:649 (ED) New Zealand experience (L Malcolm, et al). 326:653 (ED) trends in doctor-manager relationships (HTO Davies, et al). 326:646, 1214 (L) views on NHS doctor-manager relationship (HTO Davies, et al). 326:626 (P), 1213 (L), 1214 (L) letters. 326:656 (L) Manallack S, Three words to help you have a happier working life (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s122 (5 April) Manasciewicz R, Breast self examination. 326:711 (L) Mandel JS, see Buavirat A. 326:308 Manes G, et al, Empirical prescribing for dyspepsia: randomised controlled trial of test and treat versus omeprazole treatment. 326:1118 (P) Mangat, Khushbal Singh, Obituary (G Heyse-Moore). 326:168 mankind, chief occupation. Endpiece (HL Mencken). 326:192 Mann E, Managing pain (Pain). 326:1320 Mant A, see Hall WD. 326:1008 Mant D, see Harnden A. 326:480 Marchetti P, How political should a general medical journal be? 326:820 (L) Marcovitch H Climbi inquiry recommends national agency for children. 326:239 (N) et al, BMJ family highlights. 326:514 (E) marijuana see cannabis Marinker M, et al, Not to be taken as directed. 326:348 (E) Markham R, et al, Limits to patient choice: example from anaesthesia. 326:863 (IP) Marks D, et al, Cost effectiveness analysis of different approaches of creening for familial hypercholesterolaemia 324:1303 (P) (correction, 327: ) Marks, Isaac, portrait unveiled (A Ferriman). 326:784 (N) Marks N Journalists debate the limits of horror (The Press). 326:828 (R) Keeping up appearances (TV). 326:770 (R) Marlowe K, Opiate withdrawal and botulism: stigma delayed treatment. 326:822 (L) Marrazzo J, Vulvovaginal candidiasis. 326:693 (E) marriage China, pass medical first (T Hesketh). 326:277 (ED) couples' risk of same disease. 326:396 (L) medicine and matrimony. One hundred years ago. 326:135 medicine as wife. Endpiece (J Sheather). 326:640

Mr and Mrs: The Wrights BBC2 (JO Drife) (TV). 326:1219 (R) Marsden AK, see Pell JP. 326:163 Marsh J, see Hodson J. 326:1250 Marsh K, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Marshall J, The Theatre of Life and Death (Art). 326:1271 (R) Marshall MN see Campbell SM. 326:816 see Edwards N. 326:116, 609 Marshall P, see Tassiker R. 326:331 Martel L, Sore throats, why the dilemma? 326:766 (L) Martin C, see Castillo-Garzon MJ. 326:824 Martin CM, et al, Doctors' performance needs to be discussed. 326:1460 (L) Martin D, Cycle of abuse goes on. 326:106 (L) Martin JE, Low dosage tricyclic antidepressants in depression. 326:500 (L) Martin, Margaret Wylie (ne Thomas), Obituary (R Martin). 326:826 Martin RM, et al, NHS waiting lists and evidence of national or local failure: analysis of health service data. 326:188 (P), 763 (L) Martin S, et al, Increase in resources should lead to reduced waiting times. 326:763 (L) Martyn C Complexity and Healthcare (Books). 326:228 (R) Patient power in randomised controlled trials (Website of the week). 326:990 (R) Personality types (Website of the week). 326:453 (R) see Gale C. 326:562 Marwick C Bayer is forced to release documents over withdrawal of cerivastatin. 326:518 (N) Drug companies defend rewards to doctors for switching treatments. 326:67 (N) FDA halts gene therapy trials after leukaemia case in France. 326:181 (N) Link found between Agent Orange and leukaemia. 326:242 (N) US doctor warns of misuse of prescribed stimulants. 326:67 (N) US government issues guidelines on conflicts of interest in research. 326:782 (N) Maryon-Davis A, see Ullah W. 326:710 Mascie-Taylor H, Doctors and managers. 326:656 (L) Maskalyk J, SARS Reference (Website). 326:1402 (R) Mason AC, Screening for cancer with computed tomography. 326:1457 (L) Mason S, et al, Representation of South Asian people in randomised clinical trials: analysis of trials' data. 326:1244 (P) mass media criticism of doctors: review of UK junior doctors' concerns (MJ Goldacre, et al). 326:629 (P) debate on limits of horror of war (N Marks) (The Press). 326:828 (R) Graham Easton (D Cohen) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s14 (11 January) suicide, influences on. 326:498 (L), 499 (L) war images and informed consent (JA Singh, et al). 326:774 (E), 1215 (L) massage, back pain treatment (E Ernst). 326:562 (E) Massey K, see Whitehouse A BMJ Careers 326:s192 (7 June) mastectomy lumpectomy is as effective in breast cancers. 326:166 (L) women need more advice (R Dobson). 326:731 (N) maternal health care see also obstetrics on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1151 (R) promoting evidence based practice. 326:337 (L) walking the walk (JO Drife) (Soundings). 326:939 (R) maternal-fetal exchange see also pregnancy coffee consumption and stillbirth/infant death in first year (K Wisborg, et al). 326:420 (P), 1268 (L), 1269 (L) Mateu-Lopez, Enrique, Privy Council overturns GMC's erasure of psychiatrist (C Dyer). 326:1417 (N) Mather L, see Riemsma RP. 326:1175 Mather M, see Hill CM. 326:364, 560 Mather, Northage John de Ville, Obituary (G Hay). 326:604

Matheson, Alasdair Burnett, Obituary (L Moffat). 326:451 Mathew, Halley, Obituary (J Anathhanam, et al). 326:1217 mattresses, sudden infant death and, used mattress survey: Scotland. 326:222 (L) Mauron A, see Hurst SA. 326:271 Maxwell J, et al, Giving citizens a voice in healthcare policy in Canada. 326:1031 (ED) Maxwell S, see Degeling P. 326:649 Maxwell SR, see Oliver JJ. 326:1211 May M, et al, Parametric survival models may be more accurate than Kaplan-Meier estimates. 326:822 (L) Mayet J, see Lane RE. 326:944 Maynard A, see Bloor K. 326:578 Mayor S Adjuvant chemotherapy improves survival in early ovarian cancer. 326:181 (N) AIDS vaccine trial begins in Uganda. 326:414 (N) Arsenal helps publicise testicular cancer website 326:1282 (N) (correction, 327:88) Commission plans new controls on supply of genetic tests to the public. 326:354 (N) Diuretics are as effective as ACE inhibitors and channel blockers. 326:7 (N) ECT may be better than drugs for short term depression. 326:569 (N) England short of 970 GPs. 326:243 (N) Fewer trusts find CHI reviews a positive experience. 326:1349 (N) Government publishes strategy to improve diabetes care. 326:121 (N), 881 (L) Helpline for patients to report adverse reactions is piloted. 326:951 (N) Hospitals take short term measures to meet targets. 326:1054 (N) Human cloning may be impossible. 326:838 (N) Inquiry finds brains were removed without consent. 326:1051 (N) Libraries face higher costs for academic journals. 326:840 (N) (correction, 1079) Mammography screening nearly halves breast cancer mortality. 326:949 (N) NICE recommends greater use of CT imaging for head injuries. 326:1414 (N) Occupational injuries to NHS staff in England increase by a quarter. 326:1002 (N) "One stop" approach may help prevent cervical cancer. 326:568 (N) Poor housing continues to affect health adversely. 326:1003 (N) Public response to the Isaacs report will slow neurological research. 326:1051 (N) Report calls for clinical networks to improve babies' survival. 326:680 (N) Researchers launch major initiative to hunt human cancer genes. 326:299 (N) Review to consider shorter training for consultants in England. 326:242 (N) Ruling on long term care prompts 50% rise in complaints. 326:1416 (N) Statins cut cardiovascular events b a quarter in y people with diabetes. 326:1348 (N) Trial shows that homoeopathic arnica is no better than placebo. 326:303 (N) UK doctors warned after ricin poison found in police raid. 326:126 (N) UK government advises tighter measures to reduce risk of CJD transmission during neurosurgery. 326:517 (N) UK improves cancer control. 326:72 (N) World body reviews doctors' links to drug industry. 326:1165 (N) Mead N, see Bower P. 326:258 measles, mumps and rubella vaccine experts question latest research. 326:164 (L) judge overrules mothers' objections (C Dyer). 326:1351 (N) media misled public (R Dobson). 326:1107 (N) onslaught continues (H Bedford, et al) (The Press). 326:718 (R) press survey (T Jackson) (The Press). 326:1272 (R) social distribution: England 1991-2001 (E Middleton, et al). 326:854 (P) Mdecins Sans Frontires Act Now to Get Malaria Treatments that Works to Africa (I Haivas). 326:951 (N) Russia, calls for release of kidnapped worker (T Sheldon). 326:729 (N) medical informatics see also computers

January-June 2003


clinical information standards: why they matter (M Gardner). 326:1101 (E) Clinical Terms v. Read codes in general practice (PJB Brown, et al). 326:1127 (IP) medical libraries, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:58 (R) medical records see also electronic medical records bag of bones (L Farrell) ( oundings). 326:719 S (R) confidentiality ambulance telephone and email records access (O Dyer). 326:619 (N) patient privacy and (J Chalmers, et al). 326:725 (E) way things were? (RM Graham). 326:1069 Medical Research Council see also research George Radda interview (G Watts). 326:732 (N) medical secretaries, new learning experience for aspiring consultant (J Alis, et al) (Personal view). 326:403 (R) Medicines Control Agency, must be more open (Z Kmietowicz). 326:119 (N) Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, regulation of human tissue engineered products (A Faulkner, et al). 326:1159 (E) meditation, therapeutic effects (PH Canter). 326:1049 (E) Meeran K, see Park A. 326:541 Meier C, et al, Serum thyroid stimulating hormone in assessment of severity of tissue hypothyroidism in patients with overt primary thyroid failure: cross sectional survey. 326:311 (P), 1086 (L) Meijer G, see Melander H. 326:1171 Meijer WEE, see Heerdink ER. 326:600 (L) Melander H, et al, Evidence b(i)ased medicine selective reporting from studies sponsored by pharmaceutical industry: review of studies in new drug applications. 326:1171 (P) melanoma, zosteriform metastasis (AV Evans, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1025 (C) melatonin, jet lag, prevention and treatment (A Herxheimer, et al). 326:296 (E) Melichar JK, Doctors and computers. 326:220 (L) Mellor, Frank Robert Geoffrey, Obituary (R Horler). 326:886 Mellor PA, The inside story on prison health care (Personal view). 326:59 (R) Meltzer, Fanny Ethel (ne Awerbuck), Obituary (M Meltzer). 326:1217 Melzer M, et al, Meningoencephalitis due to primary HIV infection. 326:552 (L) memantine, slows moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease (JH Tanne). 326:784 (N) memory electroconvulsive therapy: patient perspectives (D Rose, et al). 326:1363 (P) intelligence and. Endpiece (AP Radford). 326:583 men aortic aneurysms, screening. 326:284 (L) nine daily fruit and vegetable servings (S Gottlieb). 326:1003 (N) Menchise A, see Manes G. 326:1118 Mencken HL, Endpiece. Man's chief occupation. 326:192 meningioma, bony erosion of skull and (SJ Griffiths, et al) (Minerva). 326:112 (R) meningococcal C vaccines children looked after by local authorities and those living at home (CM Hill, et al). 326:364 (P), 1088 (L) herd immunity in England: database analysis (ME Ramsay, et al). 326:365 (P) meningoencephalitis, HIV infection and. 326:552 (L) Menninger R, Stress: defining the personal equation BMJ Careers 326:s107 (29 March) menopause, US, FDA insists oestrogen products carry warning (S Gottlieb). 326:126 (N) mental disorders patient participation in undergraduate psychiatry teaching (K Walters, et al). 326:740 (PC), 1399 (L) stigma reduction? (J Bolton) BMJ Careers 326:s57 (22 February) mental health see also commitment of mentally ill doctors, how many are sick? (J Stanton, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s97 (29 March) GPs prescribe self help books (R Dobson). 326:1285 (N) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1464 (R)

media survey (A Bell) (Personal view). 326:291 (R) mind and body split. 326:601 (L) Pure Madness: How Fear Drives the Mental Health System (Laurance) (Books). 326:109 (R) mental health services patient participation. 326:449 (L) reinstitutionalisation (S Priebe, et al). 326:175 (E), 824 (L) Menzies R, see Grant CC. 326:852 Merck, alendronate patent struck down (O Dyer). 326:243 (N) Mergl R, see Henkel V. 326:200, 983 mesothelioma, mortality in Britain increases (C White). 326:1417 (N) meta-analysis, validity of indirect comparison for estimating efficacy of competing interventions (F Song, et al). 326:472 (P) metabolic medicine, career advice (T Chowdhury, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s205 (21 June) metastases, zosteriform metastasis from melanoma (AV Evans, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1025 (C) Metcalfe S, et al, Systematic review of celecoxib for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. 326:334 (L) Metchnik L, see Borchardt J. 326:751 metformin, contraindications (GC Jones, et al). 326:4 (E), 762 (L), 763 (L) methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus mortality in England and Wales: death certificate analysis. 326:501 (L) shocked by attitude of doctors. 326:1328 (L) methotrexate, low dose, and bone marrow suppression (M Sosin, et al). 326:266 (C), 1145 (L) Meyer G et al, Effect on hip fractures of increased use of hip protectors in nursing homes: cluster randomised controlled trial. 326:76 (P), 930 (L), 931 (L) et al, Effectiveness of hip protectors. 326:931 (L) Michaeli D, Doctors and managers. 326:1214 (L) Michala S, see Sindos M. 326:1268 Michaud A, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Michelson J, Evidence b(i)ased medicine. 326:602 (L) microhaematuria, non-contrast computed tomography is preferable for evaluation (POEM*). 326 (22 February 2003) microscopic haematuria, testing in adults: time to abandon? (P -U Malmstrm). 326:813 (ED) Middleton E, et al, Comparison of social distribution of immunisation with measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, England, 1991-2001. 326:854 (P) Midgley G, see Fuller LC. 326:539 Midmer D Presentation magic BMJ Careers 326:s120 (5 April) Role playing BMJ Careers 326:s28 (25 January) et al, Running on empty: an educational workshop BMJ Careers 326:s111 (29 March) midwifery, research (AM Rafferty, et al). 326:833 (E) Miles MA, et al, Science, medicine, and the future, American trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) and the role of molecular epidemiology in guiding control strategies. 326:1444 (C) Miller DH, Modelling the cost effectiveness of interferon beta and glatiramer acetate in the management of multiple sclerosis. Commentary: Evaluating disease modifying treatments in multiple sclerosis. 326:525 (P) Miller E, see Ramsay ME. 326:365 Miller, Lizzie, (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s114 (29 March) Miller M, see Friend M. 326:82 Miller, Paul, interview (M Gould). 326:12 (N) Milroy CM, Medical experts and the criminal courts. 326:294 (E), 1037 (L), 1038 (L) Mindell J see Jacobson B. 326:778 see Joffe M. 326:884 Minz S, see Joseph A. 326:1121 miracles, can they happen? 326:106 (L) Mirvis V, Please Don't Break My Other Leg! A Guide to Empathising with Patients (Books). 326:109 (R) Mishra B, see Plunkett A. 326:1078 misogyny, etymology. When I use a word (J Aronson). 326:216

Misra, Surendra, Privy Council quashes GMC ruling (C Dyer). 326:243 (N) mistaken identity, father and son (O Quaba). 326:145 mistakes see also accidents; malpractice ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors (K Taxis, et al). 326:684 (P) Hiral Hazari, cleared of manslaughter after feeding tube error (C Dyer). 326:414 (N) Andrew Holton, epilepsy misdiagnosis rate "may not be unusual" (C White). 326:355 (N) infusion devices, National Patient Safety Agency plans (C White). 326:1053 (N) learning from (R Puttha, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s177 (24 May) Medication Errors: Lessons for Education and Healthcare (Naylor) (Books). 326:555 (R) sociable medicine. My most unfortunate mistake (TL Chambers). 326:384 UK, "weak" safety culture (S Hargreaves). 326:300 (N) Mitchell A, et al, Psychological coping and cancer. 326:599 (L) Mitchell ARJ, see Myerson SG. 326:460 Mitchell, James Edward ("Sam"), Obituary (D Mitchell, et al). 326:287 Mitchell L, see Fahey T. 326:394 Mitchell P, see Kelly SP. 326:1458 Mitchell PB, see see Hall WD. 326:1008 Mitra, Byomkes ("Sona"), Obituary (L Mitra, et al). 326:399 Mbak K, see Helms M. 326:357 mobile phones see also telephones; text messaging hospitals, not hazardous? (SG Myerson, et al). 326:460 (E) role in healthcare? (B Pal) (Personal view). 326:607 (R), 1148 (L) use has not replaced smoking in adolescence. 326:161 (L) Mocumbi P, Regions with a high disease burden should be prioritised. 326:124 (N) Modernising Medical Careers implications for specialist registrars (A Poole) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s194 (7 June) summary (A Naftalin) BMJ Careers 326:s189 (7 June) Moens V, et al, Opportunistic screening for Chlamydia at a community based contraceptive service for young people. 326:1252 (Q) Moesgaard F, see Birk HO. 326:280 Moffatt CJ, see Franks PJ. 326:165 Mohammed F, Making an emergency referral to a specialty (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326.s201 Mohammed I, Issues relating to abortions are complicated in Nigeria. 326:225 (L) Mohammed M, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Mohanna K et al, Career crises BMJ Careers 326:s35 (1 February) see Chambers R BMJ Careers 326:s193 (7 June) Moher D, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 Mhrenschlager M, et al, Case report showed Muehrcke's nails, not Beau's lines. 326:105 (L) Mohsen R, see McCormack VA. 326:248 Mlbak K, see Helms M. 326:1266 Molini V, see Coste J. 326:733 Mller H-J, see Henkel V. 326:200 Molloy MS, EU working time directive. 326:929 (L) molluscum contagiosum, in young boy (S Taibjee, et al) (Minerva). 326:232 (R) Momm F, et al, Radiotherapy recolours grey hair (Minerva). 326:668 (R) Moniz-Cook E, et al, Sensory stimulation in dementia. 326:661 Monk, Paul, (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s54 (15 February) monolayer cytology, cervical screening, comparison with conventional cervical smear and human papillomavirus DNA testing (J Coste, et al). 326:733 (P) Montelukast, chronic urticaria (POEM*). 326 (18 January 2003) Montgomery AA, see Fahey T. 326:394, 580 Montori VM, see Gami AS. 326:528 Moore B, et al, Preventing and treating eclamptic seizures. 326:50 (L) Moore DAJ, et al, Lesson of the week. Assessing the severity of malaria. 326:808 (C) Moore K, see Herbison P. 326:841


January-June 2003

Moore L see Chalder M. 326:532 see Watkins C. 326:1178 Moore, Patricia Theresa, Obituary (A Moore, et al). 326:54 Moore W, Plans for foundation trusts could spark pay spiral. 326:356 (N) Moorhead, Peter, Obituary (R Dreaper). 326:1091 Moorhead S, Engaging patients with psychosis in consultations. 326:549 (L) Moorman PW, see van Wyk JT. 326:395 morale, junior doctors, review of media criticism concerns (MJ Goldacre, et al). 326:629 (P) Moran NF, Preventing and treating eclamptic seizures. 326:50 (L) Morani H, How to handle being at the receiving end of a telephone interview BMJ Careers 326:s13 (11 January) More RS, see Boos CJ. 326:1411 Moreno JD, ed, In the Wake of Terror: Medicine and Morality in a Time of Crisis (Books). 326:989 (R) Morgan JF, Doctors as servants of patients. 326:1269 (L) Morgan M, see Howard AJ. 326:501 Morley, Patricia, Obituary (JKK Davidson, et al). 326:988 Morris JK see Law MR. 326:1427 see Wald DS. 326:1035 Morris, Keith Maxwell, Obituary (HP Doig). 326:935 Morrison FS, see Hull AM BMJ Careers 326:s68 (1 March) Morrison J, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Evaluation. 326:385 (C) Morrissey FJ, Regulatory bodies can root out corruption. 326:501 (L) mortality see also death antidepressants. 326:600 (L) cardiovascular diseases, more than 10 years after radiotherapy for breast cancer: Swedish cohort study (S Darby, et al). 326:256 (P), 983 (L), 984 (L) control charts for comparing performance of surgical units (PP Tekkis, et al). 326:786 (P), 1397 (L) ecstasy, England and Wales, 1997-2000 (F Schifano). 326:80 (P), 823 (L) foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections (M Helms, et al). 326:357 (P), 1265 (L), 1266 (L) general practice, monitoring rates after Shipman (R Baker, et al). 326:274 (ED), 1038 (L) hospital league tables (B Jacobson, et al). 326:777 (E), 1397 (L) methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in England and Wales. 326:501 (L) Russia, social factors and 1990s increase (SL Plavinski, et al). 326:1240 (P) stroke, after admission to hospital (SE Roberts, et al). 326:193 (P), 1085 (L), 1086 (L) tobacco and, prospective study of Californians, 1960-98 (JE Enstrom, et al). 326:1057 (P) young offenders: retrospective cohort study (C Coffey, et al). 326:1064 (P) Mortimer PP, Mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections. 326:1265 (L) Morton AP, Involving community may be way forward post -Shipman. 326:1038 (L) Morton V, et al, Effect of regression to the mean on decision making in health care. 326:1083 (ED) Moss A, see Buavirat A. 326:308 Moszynski P Amnesty condemns allies' use of cluster bombs. 326:780 (N) Child soldiers forgotten in Angola. 326:1003 (N) Royal Society warns of risks from depleted uranium. 326:952 (N) TB epidemic is still growing in Africa and in eastern Europe. 326:676 (N) motivation, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (L Hutchinson). 326:810 (C) Motley R, Doctors and managers. 326:1213 (L) mountain sickness, heights of folly. My most unfortunate mistake (JCR Bowling, et al). 326:803 Mountney J, Bier block manipulation of angulated distal radial fracture (Minerva). 326:344 (R) Moxon R, see McVernon J. 326:285 Moynihan R Anti-Glaxo campaign heats up in United States. 326:413 (N)

The Big Fix (Books). 326:1218 (R) Blurring the boundaries (The Press). 326:1094 (R) Company launches campaign to "counter" BMJ claims. 326:120 (N), 660 (L) Drug company secretly briefed medical societies on HRT. 326:1161 (N) Drug company sponsorship of education could be replaced at a fraction of its cost. 326:1163 (N) FDA officials argue over safety of new arthritis drug. 326:565 (N) Health professionals challenge US smallpox vaccination plan. 326:179 (N) Industry group created bogus websites to hijack browsers. 326:463 (N) The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction. 326:45 (ED), 657 (L), 658 (L), 659 (L), 660 (L) Urologist recommends daily Viagra to prevent impotence. 326:9 (N) US seniors group attacks pharmaceutical industry "fronts". 326:351 (N) Who pays for the pizza? Redefining the relationships between doctors and drug companies 1: Entanglement. 326:1189 (ED) 2: Disentanglement. 326:1193 (ED) Mucci LA, see Tamimi RM. 326:1245 Mudur G Asia grapples with obesity epidemics. 326:515 (N) Controversy grows over India's genetically modified potato. 326:1351 (N) India launches massive polio vaccine programme. 326:354 (N) Indian objection to export of human tissue for research. 326:224 (L) India's burden of waterborne diseases is underestimated. 326:1284 (N) Muehrcke's nails, not Beau's lines. 326:105 (L) Mhlhauser I, see Meyer G. 326:76, 931 Muir R, see Chalmers J. 326:725 Mukhtar O, David Colin -Thome (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s6 (4 January) Muliyil JP, see Joseph A. 326:1121 Mller B, see Meier C. 326:311 Muller E, Returning to general practice BMJ Careers 326:s37 (1 February) Mllner M Cost effectiveness of physiotherapy, manual therapy, and general practitioner care for neck pain: economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial. Commentary: Bootstrapping simplifies appreciation of statistical inferences. 326:914 (PC) Doctors and the drug industry (Website of the week). 326:1220 (R) Doctors and managers ( ebsite of the week). W 326:666 (R) see Janata K. 326:312 multiple myeloma, treatment shows promise (JH Tanne). 326:1054 (N) multiple sclerosis drug assessment, risk sharing scheme problems (CLM Sudlow, et al). 326:388 (ED), 1212 (L), 1213 (L) Epstein -Barr virus (S Gottlieb). 326:731 (N) management, cost -effectiveness of interferon beta and glatiramer acetate (J Chilcott, et al). 326:522 (P) Stephen Hempling interview (H Gaze) (Doctors as patients) 326:1323 (correction, 327:26) Murchie P, et al, Secondary prevention clinics for coronary heart disease: four year follow up of a randomised controlled trial in primary care. 326:84 (PC) murder, pacemaker pinpoints time of death (R Dobson). 326:70 (N) Murdoch W, The patient's referral letter. 326:206 Murphy JJ, see Fuat A. 326:196 Murphy, Patrick, Obituary (G McEnery). 326:1401 Murray GK, et al, Copying letters to patients. 326:449 (L) Murray SA, et al, Dying from cancer in developed and developing countries: lessons from two qualitative interview studies of patients and their carers. 326:368 (PC), 1146 (L) Murrison A, Is there a doctor in the House? BMJ Careers 326:s141 (26 April) Murtagh J, see McAvoy BR. 326:776 musculoskeletal medicine, career advice (P Skew, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s89 (22 March)

museums, London, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R) Muslims, blood donors, promotion (A Sheikh, et al) (Personal view). 326:1152 (R) Mwangi I, see Berkley JA. 326:361 myalgic encephalomyelitis see under chronic fatigue syndrome Myburgh J, see Finfer S. 326:559 Myerson SG, et al, Mobile phones in hospitals. 326:460 (E) myocardial infarction see also cardiovascular diseases acute ST segment elevation: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1379 (C) blood glucose concentration increase during antihypertensive treatment as predictor of (K Dunder, et al). 326:681 (P) impact of changing diagnostic criteria on incidence, management, and outcome (JP Pell, et al). 326:134 (P) management, improvement. 326:448 (L) non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1259 (C) outside hospital, defibrillators and impact on survival. 326:162 (L), 163 (L), 164 (L) rehabilitation, less likely for women than men (R Dobson, et al). 326:71 (N) World Cup football and admissions: database survey. 326:600 (L) myotonic dystrophy, you only see what you know. A memorable patient (S Schfer). 326:583

Naftalin A, Unfinished Business and Modernising Medical Careers BMJ Careers 326:s189 (7 June) nails, Beau's lines after antimitotic drugs. 326:105 (L) Nair K, see Willison DJ. 326:373 naloxone, heroin dependence, strategies for preventing overdose (KA Sporer). 326:442 (ED) Nandhra H, see Murray GK. 326:449 Napier JC, et al, Shared scheme for assessing drugs for multiple sclerosis. 326:1212 (L) Narayanan V, et al, Ice pack unsupervised application causes full thickness burns (Minerva). 326:1096 (R) Nargund, Geeta, St George's Hospital apology for remarks after IVF mix-up (C Dyer). 326:1416 (N) narrative-based medicine, Narrative-based Primary Care: A Practical Guide (Launer) (Books). 326:56 (R) Nash B Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating head lice. 326:1256 (C) et al, Connecting doctors, patients, and the evidence. 326:674 (E) Nash DB, Doctors and managers: mind the gap. 326:652 (ED) Nathan, Peter Wilfred, Obituary (J Lawrie). 326:604 National Audit Office, A Safer Place to Work (C White). 326:678 (N) National Health Service see also foundation hospitals Biomed Central, free online access (C White). 326:568 (N) Blair says should be opened up to competition (A Gulland). 326:1106 (N) computer use by doctors. 326:221 (L), 222 (L) funding, increased drug spending crisis (S Macdonald). 326:677 (N) Getting Better? (R Coombes). 326:1052 (N) "Improving Patients' Experience" (S Macdonald). 326:618 (N) information technology: ten ways to improve (A Majeed). 326:202 (IP), 1034 (L), 1035 (L) occupational injuries in England increase (S Mayor). 326:1002 (N) procurement parable (R Bosanquet) (Personal view). 326:1043 (R) short term measures to meet targets cannot be sustained (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1229 (N) structure mirrors feudal society (R Dobson). 326:353 (N) treatment outcome and volume of procedures. 326:280 (L) violence, up by 13% (C White). 326:678 (N) waiting lists and evidence of national or local failure: analysis of health service data (RM Martin, et al). 326:188 (P), 763 (L)

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National Institute for Clinical Excellence diagnostic and treatment procedures assessment (Z Kmietowicz). 326:412 (N) Head Injury (S Mayor). 326:1414 (N) laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernias (K Bloor, et al). 326:578 (P), 1144 (L) multiple sclerosis drug assessment, risk sharing scheme problems (CLM Sudlow, et al). 326:388 (ED), 1212 (L), 1213 (L) safety and efficacy of interventional procedures (B Campbell, et al). 326:347 (E) Schizophrenia (S Hargreaves). 326:679 (N) thrombolysis, NICE recommends greater use. 326:448 (L) National Patient Safety Agency, infusion device errors plans (C White). 326:1053 (N) Naylor R, Medication Errors: Lessons for Education and Healthcare (Books). 326:555 (R) Naylor RA, see Arulampalam W. 326:162 Nazareth I, see Osborn DPJ. 326:1122 Ncayiyana DJ, Academic boycott of Israel. 326:714 (L) Neal DE, see Hamdy FC. 326:1456 near patient testing, influenza in children in primary care: comparison with laboratory test (A Harnden, et al). 326:480 (PC) Neary R, see Chapman S. 326:707 neck, squamous cell carcinomas. 326:282 (L) neck pain, cost effectiveness, comparison of physiotherapy, manual therapy and GP care (IBC Korthals-de Bos, et al). 326:911 (PC) Needham G, see Ubach C. 326:1432 needlestick injuries, inoculation injuries at work (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s12 (11 January) negligence, no-fault compensation, time for UK to introduce pilot system? (WJ Gaine). 326:997 (E) negotiation, effectiveness (P Crockett, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s49 (15 February) Nepal see also Asia alternative maternal micronutrient supplements and low birth weight (P Christian, et al). 326:571 (P) Nesheim B The ethics of intimate examinations -I, teaching tomorrow's doctors. Commentary: Respecting the patient's integrity is the key. 326:100 (ED) Nestel D, et al, Integrated approach to teaching and learning clinical skills. 326:1327 (L) Nethercott DR Personality and performance during a medical degree. 326:986 (L) Spirituality and clinical care. 326:881 (L) Netherlands see also Europe disabled child's damages for having been born (T Sheldon). 326:784 (N) euthanasia murder verdict upheld on doctor who ended woman's life (T Sheldon). 326:1351 (N) only half of doctors report it (T Sheldon). 326:1164 (N) "tired of life" is not grounds for (T Sheldon). 326:71 (N) health s rvice is asked to draw up smallpox e contingency plans (T Sheldon). 326:414 (N) Mdecins Sans Frontires, calls for release of kidnapped worker (T Sheldon). 326:729 (N) Netlines, (H Brown). 326:58 (R), 290 (R), 556 (R), 938 (R), 1151 (R), 1464 (R) networking, (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s6 (4 January) Neuberger J, Care of the dying patient: the last hours or days of life. Commentary: a "good death" is possible in the NHS. 326:34 (C) neuraminidase inhibitors effect in treatment and prevention of influenza A and B (NJ Cooper, et al). 326:1235 (P) influenza prevention and treatment (K Sthr, et al). 326:1223 (E) neurocysticercosis, eradication (J Sotelo). 326:511 (E) neurolinguistic programming keys to success (J Walter, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s165 (17 May) temperament and character types (J Walter, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s133 (19 April) verbal communication (J Walter, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s83 (15 March) neurosciences, The Reith lectures 2003: The Emerging Mind BBC R4 (I McClure) Radio ). ( 326:936 (R) neurosis, in praise of. Endpiece (M Proust). 326:1455

neurosurgery, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, transmission: UK advice (S Mayor). 326:517 (N) neutropenia, lactam monotherapy v. combination therapy (M Paul, et al). 326:1111 (P) Neville E, British Thoracic Society corrects damaging impression. 326:1211 (L) New Zealand see also Oceania drug industry direct to consumer advertising ban recommended (B Burton). 326:467 (N) GPs call for end to direct to consumer advertising (R Watson). 326:1284 (N) manager-doctor partnership (L Malcolm, et al). 326:653 (ED) "no fault" medical injury: patient record review (P Davis, et al). 326:79 (P) pertussis vaccination, delayed immunisation and risk in infants (CC Grant, et al). 326:852 (P) Newill, Robert George Douglass, Obituary (A Newill). 326:603 newspapers, medicine. One hundred years ago. 326:923 Newton CRJC, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Newton J see Eccles MP. 326:1088 see Rousseau N. 326:314 Ng MHL, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 NHS Confederation, Re-reviewing the Reviewers (S Mayor). 326:1349 (N) NHS Direct, audit, men and elderly. 326:710 (L) Nicholas S, see Groves T. 326:298 Nicholson KG see Cooper NJ. 326:1235 see Zambon M. 326:669 Nicolaou N, et al, Shoe dermatitis (Minerva). 326:172 (R) nicotine, regulation (I Kawachi). 326:115 (E) Nielson S, see Tai NRM. 326:338 Nigeria see also Africa abortion, 20 000 deaths/year. 326:225 (L) immunisation programme sees results (A Raufu). 326:121 (N) research by drug companies, US court case (A Raufu). 326:899 (N) sex behaviour of adolescents (GB Slap, et al). 326:15 (P) nimesulide, India, still available (S Kumar). 326:70 (N), 713 (L) Nin DCP, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 Nixon J, see Craig D. 326:445 no fault compensation New Zealand, review of patients' hospital records (P Davis, et al). 326:79 (P) time for UK to introduce pilot system? (WJ Gaine). 326:997 (E) Noble MA, see Yassi A. 326:1394 Nolan B, et al, Lesson of the week. Unsuspected haemophilia in children with a single swollen joint. 326:151 (C) non-compliance see under patient compliance non-consultant career grades see staff and associate specialist doctors non-invasive ventilation chronic obstructive pulmonary disease overview (KS Babu, et al). 326:177 (E), 821 (L) respiratory failure: Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis (JV Lightowler, et al). 326:185 (P) non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1259 (C) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, poor pain relief for corneal abrasions (POEM*). 326 (24 May 2003) Norcini JJ, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Work based assessment. 326:753 (C) Normand C, New BMJ policy on economic evaluations. 326:446 (L) Norris, Joan Gladys Harcourt, Obituary (S Harcourt -Webster). 326:399 Northern Ireland, weather. A patient who changed my practice (KA Choudhari). 326:313 Norton R, see Finfer S. 326:559 Norway see also Europe wellbeing of doctors (OG Aasland) BMJ Careers 326:s102 (29 March) Norwell N, Text messaging raises medicolegal issues. 326:1148 (L) Notcutt WG, Care of dying patients. 326:552 (L) Nottingham City Hospital, organ disposal case: tabloid story (G Hulman) (Personal view). 326:231 (R)

Novartis advertising regulations picture breach (F Waechter). 326:1106 (N) code breach after doctors say "invented" disease. 326:396 (L) Novelli W, Letter from America (Ageing). 326:1301 Novotny TE, see McKee M. 326:941 Nuffield-Rand Cardiac Surgery Demonstration Project Group, see Fine LG. 326:25 nursing modernisation: "danse macabre"? (P Degeling, et al). 326:649 (ED) preoperative assessment, effectiveness of appropriately trained nurses. 326:600 (L) research (AM Rafferty, et al). 326:833 (E) nursing homes see also residential homes hip fractures, effect of hip protectors (G Meyer, et al). 326:76 (P), 930 (L), 931 (L) quality of care, comparison with elderly at home (T Fahey, et al). 326:580 (PC) Nyren O, see Koot VCM. 326:527

Oakeshott P, see Hunt GM. 326:1365 Obel EB, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 obesity Asia, epidemics (G Mudur). 326:515 (N) Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World (Critser) ( ooks). 326:229 B (R) prevention, population strategies. 326:102 (L) objective structured clinical examinations see also examinations ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (S Smee). 326:703 (C) ethnic groups' performance, qualitative and quantitative study (V Wass, et al). 326:800 (LP) O'Brien E, Endpiece. A tribute. 326:743 O'Brien, John Joseph, Obituary (self written). 326:227 O'Brien, John Richard, Obituary (PJ Green). 326:168 O'Brien M, The Day I Died (TV). 326:288 (R) O'Brien SJ, et al, Mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections. 326:1265 (L) obstetrics see also maternal health care where are we now? (J Ramsay) BMJ Careers 326:s43 (8 February) occupational injuries, NHS, English increase (S Mayor). 326:1002 (N) occupational medicine, workplace bullying (BR McAvoy, et al). 326:776 (E) Oceania see also Australia; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea O'Connell MP, see Eogan MA. 326:137 O'Connor JPB, et al, Managing acute renal colic. 326:502 (L) O'Donnell M, Medicine's Strangest Cases (Books). 326:169 (R) O'Donnell S, see Holden J. 326:280 O'Driscoll BR Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 326:821 (L) Senior medical staff need to be included in severe asthma. 326:1039 (L) oesophageal dysmotility, corkscrew oesophagus (V Goel, et al) (Minerva). 326:508 (R) offenders see under antisocial behaviour Ogada, Thomas Ariba, Obituary (K Somers). 326:451 Ogden J, Cultural revolution in care delivery. Case study: t'ai chi in Dagehnam (Learning from patients). 326:1304 Ogston S, see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 O'Hagan A, see Chilcott J. 326:522 O'Halloran C, see Illing J. 326:1019 O'Hehir F, see Ferguson E. 326:429 Ojajarvi J, Alcohol handrubs v soap. 326:50 (L) Okoro T, Midlife medicine BMJ Careers 326:s38 (1 February) olanzapine, diabetes and, patients with schizophrenia. 326:283 (L) Oldfield WLG, see Henry JA. 326:942 O'Leary MJ, Intensivists are becoming gatekeepers to intensive care. 326:713 (L) Olesen AW, et al, Research pointers. Risk of recurrence of prolonged pregnancy. 326:476 Olinsky A, see Horak E. 326:422 Oliver J, see Hague WM. 326:762 Oliver JJ, et al, Journals should select drug advertisements more carefully. 326:1211 (L) Olsen J, see Olesen AW. 326:476


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omeprazole, dyspepsia, test and treat v. omeprazole treatment (G Manes, et al). 326:1118 (P) on call consultant preferences for aspects of jobs (C Ubach, et al). 326:1432 (P) doctors' perceptions of drinking alcohol while on call. 326:165 (L) onchocerciasis, (A Hoerauf, et al) (Science, medicine, and the future). 326:207 (C) one to one teaching, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (J Gordon). 326:543 (C) O'Neill DJ, Electronic tagging of people with dementia. 326:281 (L) Ong KL, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 Ong Y-L, Running an induction course BMJ Careers 326:s5 (4 January) Ooi MH, see Solomon T. 326:865 operating theatres, UK, only used 8 hours/week (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1349 (N) opiate detoxification, loss of tolerance and overdose mortality after (J Strang, et al). 326:959 (P) optic neuropathy, use of infliximab (MPH ten Tusscher, et al) (Drug points). 326:579 oral sex, HIV transmission (S Gottlieb). 326:730 (N) organ transplantation see also transplantation Germany, surgeon suspended (A Tuffs). 326:1164 (N) Orlando M, see Fine LG. 326:25 Ormerod LP, et al, Current medical treatment for tuberculosis. 326:550 (L) Orr D, see Gray J. 326:1130 orthopaedics career advice (J Carmichael) BMJ Careers 326:s25 (25 January) Jane Madeley (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s30 (25 January) surgeons and flaccid liberals (K Barraclough) (Soundings). 326:829 (R) Osborn DPJ, et al, Participation in screening for cardiovascular risk by people with schizophrenia or similar mental illnesses: cross sectional study in general practice. 326:1122 (P) oseltamivir, influenza prevention and treatment (K Sthr, et al). 326:1223 (E) O'Shea S, see Melzer M. 326:552 Oshowo A, see Douek M. 326:1012 Osier FHA, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Osler, Sir William, The Quotable Osler (Silverman, et al, eds) (Books). 326:289 (R) Osman IS, see Brightwell RE. 326:1399 osteoarthritis cabbage leaves for relief? (MR Utting, et al) (Minerva). 326:1406 (R) knee, asymptomatic meniscal tears are as common as symptomatic ones. 326 (19 April 2003) osteopathy, referrals (M Cousins) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s154 (3 May) osteoporosis, quantitative ultrasound and risk factor enquiry as predictors of postmenopausal osteoporosis (J Hodson, et al). 326:1250 (PC) Oto M, et al, Lesson of the week. Misdiagnosis of epilepsy in patients prescribed anticonvulsant drugs for other reasons. 326:326 (C) O'Toole L, et al, ABC of interventional cardiology, Chronic stable angina: treatment options. 326:1185 (C) otorhinolaryngology instrument that determined my practice (SA Hannan). 326:747 on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R) on internet (M Mllner) (Website of the week). 326:1220 (R) Ott SM, Making decisions about hormone replacement therapy. 326:1398 (L) Ottawa rules see under ankle injuries Ottesen B, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 Otto M, How the Cows Turned Mad (Books). 326:1463 (R) Ou Y, A memorable patient. The value of communication. 326:1026 Ouedraogo AN, see Aguayo VM. 326:127 out of hours care, walk-in centres and: time series analysis (M Chalder, et al). 326:532 (PC) outcomes guarantees, drugs: new approach to risk sharing in primary care (S Chapman, et al). 326:707 (ED) ovarian cancers, adjuvant therapy and survival improvement (S Mayor). 326:181 (N) over the counter drugs, vulvovaginal candidiasis (J Marrazzo). 326:693 (E)

overactive bladder, anticholinergic drugs: comparison with placebo (P Herbison, et al). 326:841 (P) overseas doctors see also doctors BMA 326:103 (L), 931 (L) David Amos interview (R MacDonald) BMJ Careers 326:s197 (14 June) European doctors in UK (C Herzmann) BMJ Careers 326:s9 (11 January) running induction courses (Y-L Ong) BMJ Careers 326:s5 (4 January) Elitham Turya (A Weidmann) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s202 (14 June) vretveit J, et al, Improving the quality of health care. Using research to inform quality programmes. 326:759 (ED) Owen JL, see Plant PK. 326:956 Owen L, see Jarvis MJ. 326:1061 Owen, Thomas Meurig, Obituary (D Marsden). 326:55 Owen-Smith V, see Howe A. 326:498 Oxley M, see Crump SC. 326:164 Oyefeso A, see Schifano F. 326:80

pacemakers, pinpoints time of death in murder case (R Dobson). 326:70 (N) PACES see Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills pacing, heart failure, new technologies (AWC Chow, et al) (Science, medicine, and the future). 326:1073 (C) paediatrics, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:58 (R) Page K, see Goodare H. 326:1329 Page-Shafer K, see Buavirat A. 326:308 Pai SA Federal Bodysnatchers and the New Guinea Virus (Books). 326:1271 (R) Science (Books). 326:341 (R) see Chan K-P BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Paice E et al, Who's a bully then? BMJ Careers 326:s127 (12 April) see Aitken M. 326:48 pain Australia, doct ors told to use positive language (C Zinn). 326:301 (N) chronic pain management in children and adolescents (C Eccleston, et al). 326:1408 (E) integrative approaches to pain management (B Berman) (Pain). 326:1320 management (A Holdcroft, et al) (Recent developments). 326:635 (C) management (E Mann) (Pain). 326:1320 Pakistan see also Asia smoking in adults: influences (J Bush, et al). 326:962 (PC) Pal B, The doctor will text you now: is there a role for the mobile telephone in healthcare? (Personal view). 326:607 (R), 1148 (L) Palestine, Syrian doctor expelled from Hungary for allegedly supporting Hamas (C Kovac). 326:1002 (N) Palmer JBD, Alosetron for irritable bowel syndrome. 326:51 (L) Palmer K, et al, Detection of Alzheimer's disease and dementia in the preclinical phase: population based cohort study. 326:245 (P) Palmer RH, Alosetron for irritable bowel syndrome. 326:52 (L) Pang T, Setting global health research priorities. 326:1399 (L) Papi C, see Mackay DM. 326:1035 Papper, Emanuel M, Obituary (JH Tanne). 326:503 Papua New Guinea see also Oceania chronic disease management. 326:165 (L) paracetamol, suicide and, study of national mortality statistics and local non-fatal self poisonings (K Hawton, et al). 326:1006 (P) parasitic diseases, Federal Bodysnatchers and the New Guinea Virus: Tales of Parasites, People, and Politics (Desowitz) (Books). 326:1271 (R) parasuicide, suicide rate 22 years after parasuicide. 326:499 (L) parents, cerebral palsy, what parents and doctors want to know (P Rosenbaum). 326:970 (C) Park A, et al, Lesson of the week. Interfering antibodies affecting immunoassays in women with pet rabbits. 326:541 (C) Parke-Davis, whistleblower charges with deceptive practices (J Lenzer). 326:620 (N) Parker CA, see Berth-Jones J. 326:1367

Parkin D, see Eccles MP. 326:395 Parkinson disease high dairy diet (D Josefson). 326:10 (N) Singapore, Simon Shorvon ousted in research row (O Dyer). 326:839 (N) tobacco, coffee, and (C Gale, et al). 326:561 (E) (correction, 614) paroxetine journalism that makes a difference? (G Watts) (TV). 326:1093 (R) lawyers may seek judicial review of panel (R Dobson). 326:618 (N) must not be given to patients under 18 (F Waechter). 326:1282 (N) Parrott S, see Plant PK. 326:956 Parry G, et al, Volume of procedures and outcome of treatment. 326:280 (L) Parry J China is still not open enough about SARS, says WHO. 326:1055 (N) China joins global effort over pneumonia virus. 326:781 (N) Hong Kong and US scientists believe illness is a coronavirus. 326:727 (N) Hong Kong virus spreads worldwide. 326:677 (N) SARS may have peaked in Canada, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. 326:947 (N) SARS shows no sign of coming under control. 326:839 (N) SARS virus identified, but the disease is still spreading. 326:897 (N) Spread of SARS slows. 326:1232 (N) United Kingdom has its first confirmed case of SARS. 326:1103 (N) WHO investigates China's fall in SARS cases. 326:1285 (N) WHO issues global alert on respiratory syndrome. 326:615 (N) WHO praises China's control measures for SARS. 326:1350 (N) WHO warns that death rate from SARS could reach 10%. 326:999 (N) Parry, John Niall Meredydd, Obituary (DJ Llewellyn). 326:504 Parsons, Helen Louise, Obituary (R Tippetts, et al). 326:168 Partik B, see Sodeck G. 326:920, 974, 1133 Partridge J, et al, Skin scarring: new insights may make adjustment easier. 326:765 (L) passive smoking effect on health (G Davey Smith). 326:1048 (E) on internet (A Gonzalez) (Website of the week). 326:1094 (R) mortality and, Californian study (JE Enstrom, et al). 326:1057 (P) Patel, Kantilal Chaturbhai, Obituary (NK Patel). 326:1270 Paterson-Brown S, see Ghani K BMJ Careers 326:s1 (4 January) patient admission, myocardial infarction and World Cup football: database survey. 326:600 (L) patient care, ischaemic heart disease: association with practice size (A Majeed, et al). 326:371 (PC) patient compliance brandy, bridge and other patient dilemmas (M Sweet) (Good patient). 326:1291 drugs, putting concordance into practice (M Marinker, et al). 326:348 (E) When we use a word (R Kingston). 326:597 patient discharge inappropriate discharge from hospital: what do we know? (N Vetter). 326:927 (ED) residential homes' shortage blamed for delays (S Hargreaves). 326:352 (N) patient education, US (G Dunea) (Soundings). 326:889 (R) patient groups, relationships between the pharmaceutical industry and patients' organisations (A Herxheimer). 326:1208 (ED) patient information Consumers' Association calls for better information (L Eaton). 326:302 (N) expert patients programme recognises value of patients. 326:1329 (L) patient participation anaesthesia: limits (R Markham, et al). 326:863 (IP) antihypertensive drug decisions. 326:103 (L) BMJ theme issue for medics and health informed public. 326:166 (L) Canada, giving citizens a voice (J Maxwell, et al). 326:1031 (ED)

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cultural revolution in care delivery (P Pietroni, et al) (Learning from patients). 326:1304 empowerment: fact or fiction? 326:710 (L) greater say in England's health care (M Gould). 326:70 (N) hormone replacement therapy (J Rymer). 326:322 (C), 1398 (L) hospital internet access (F Arnold) ( ersonal P view). 326:1042 (R) how to choose doctors (G Dunea) (Soundings). 326:1273 (R) Improving the quality of health care (M Wensing, et al). 326:877 (ED) interviews better than surveys for generating change (C Mahony). 326:618 (N) Laura McMurtrie interview (G Watts). 326:520 (N) mental health services delivery and evaluation. 326:449 (L) research ethics committees: how can they protect patients better? (S Garattini, et al). 326:1199 (ED) undergraduate psychiatry teaching (K Walters, et al). 326:740 (PC), 1399 (L) patient rights, hospital choice (JL Appleby, et al). 326:407 (E) patient safety infusion device errors plans (C White). 326:1053 (N) interventional procedures (B Campbell, et al). 326:347 (E) patients BMJ interactive case reports (T Richards, et al). 326:564 (E) BMJ special issue overview: motivation for issue (L Eaton) (Comment). 326:1275 overview: alternative medicine: integration with conventional medicine may destroy appeal (A Coulter) (Comment). 326:1280 overview: boosting performance (D Stryer, et al) (Comment). 326:1278 overview: how demanding can we be? (H Bastian) (Comment). 326:1277 overview: patients are experts in own fields (I Kennedy) (Comment). 326:1276 ageing: most pressing problem of our age (T Kirkwood) (Ageing). 326:1297 The Autonomous Patient: Ending Paternalism in Medical Care (Coulter) (Books). 326:1338 (R) Arun Bal interview (S Kumar) (Developing world). 326:1295 "being removed without knowing why is very distressing" (R Saeed, et al) (Response). 326:1319 'both sides need to keep the relationship going' (R Persaud) (Perspectives). 326:1337 brandy, bridge and other patient dilemmas (M Sweet) (Good patient) 326.1291p cultural revolution in care delivery (P Pietroni, et al) (Learning from patients). 326:1304 doctors' diagnosis: multiple sclerosis (H Gaze) (Doctors as patients) 326:1323 (correction, 327:26) doctors must listen more (L Eaton). 326:1286 (N) empowerment: seen and not heard (S Kumar) (Developing world). 326:1295 expert patients: new era of NHS opportunity (L Donaldson) (Comment). 326:1279 'focus is on patients' clinical needs and distress' (M Alexander) (Perspectives). 326:1332 GP list removal: patients' accounts (T Stokes, et al) (Research) 326:1316 (correction, 327:26) 'having a diagnosis is a qualification for the job' (D Rose) (Perspectives). 326:1331 "he treats you as a person not just like a number" (C Tarrant, et al) (Research). 326:1310 health literacy and patients' understanding (A Vass) (Website). 326:1339 (R) I am a good patient believe it or not (AR Jadad, et al) (Good patient). 326:1293 "I have a chronic illness and I would much rather see the same person all the time" (J Antoniou) (Response). 326:1313 integrative approaches to pain management: best of both worlds (B Berman) (Pain). 326:1320

involving patients in a primary care research meeting worked well. 326:1329 (L) keep taking the tablets (J Benson, et al) (Research). 326:1314 Labour wants to make patients honour their duty to NHS (A Gulland). 326:1283 (N) learning about asthma (JP Guevara, et al) (Research). 326:1308 letter from America (W Novelli) (Ageing). 326:1301 managing pain (E Mann) (Pain). 326:1320 need to read research? (R Smith) (Research). 326:1307 NHS hampers patient empowerment (L Eaton). 326:1286 (N) public health and company wealth (N Ford) (Developing world). 326:1296 Christopher Reeve interview (L Eaton) (Interview). 326:1287 The Resourceful Patient (Gray) (Books). 326:1338 (R) should drug companies be allowed to talk directly to patients? (T Jones, et al) (Head to head). 326:1302 'this added to my multiple myopia' (LM Irwig) (Perspectives) 326:1336 (correction, 327:26) time to deliver with dignity (S Davison, et al) (Ageing). 326:1300 Tories propose "passport" (O Dyer). 326:1283 (N) "Treat Yourself" (A Gonzalez) (Art). 326:1338 (R) 'we must accept that health care is a risky business' (P Walsh) (Perspectives). 326:1333 whole truth (P Hammond) (Last laugh). 326:1340 (R) 'you matter to the last moment of your life' (I Brignall) (Perspectives). 326:1335 or client? (TPS Bloch). 326:253 discrepancies between outcome assessments: qualitative study (R Campbell, et al). 326:252 (P) electroconvulsive therapy perspectives (D Rose, et al). 326:1363 (P) how can research ethics committees protect patients better? (S Garattini, et al). 326:1199 (ED) views on general practice access and continuity (P Bower, et al). 326:258 (PC) Paton NI, see Wilder-Smith A. 326:1393 Pattenden J, see Riemsma RP. 326:1175 Patterson L, et al, Doctors and managers. 326:1214 (L) Patterson, Linda, (S Dosani) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s94 (22 March) Patterson M, Tacking harassment (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s170 (17 May) Patton GC, see Coffey C. 326:1064 Patton MA, Useful information about rare inherited disorders. 326:612 (E) Patton R, et al, General practitioner screening for excessive alcohol use. 326:337 (L) Paul M, et al, lactam monotherapy versus lactam-aminoglycoside combination therapy for fever with neutropenia: systematic review and meta-analysis. 326:1111 (P) Payne-James J, et al, eds, Forensic Medicine: Clinical and Pathological Aspects (Books). 326:556 (R) Paynter S, see Rodger A. 326:909 peace see under war Peacock AJ, Treatment of pulmonary hypertension. 326:835 (E) Peake MD, see Smith LK. 326:81 Pearce, Christopher Jonathan, Obituary (R Bayliss). 326:1091 Pearlman E, see Hoerauf A. 326:207 Peat IM, Enterprising Women (Books). 326:401 (R) Peck, Bernard Joseph, Obituary (RD Cohen). 326:399 Pcoud A, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Pedersen AT, see Lkkegaard E. 326:426 peer review fifth international congress (D Rennie). 326:563 (E) little evidence for effectiveness (C White). 326:241 (N), 824 (L) Peeters PHM, see Koot VCM. 326:527 Peile E Interactive case report. A 66 year old woman with a rash: case outcome. Commentary:

Learning from interactive case reports. 326:807 (C) Interactive case report. A 42 year old man with acute chest pain: case outcome. Commentary: More to be learnt from discussion than diagnosis. 326:1136 (C) see Richards T. 326:564 Pell ACH, see Pell JP. 326:134 Pell JP et al, Impact of changing diagnostic criteria on incidence, management, and outcome of acute myocardial infarction: retrospective cohort study. 326:134 (P) et al, Public access defibrillators. 326:163 (L) see Smith GCS. 326:423 Pelosi A, see Stark C. 326:499 penicillin, first of the fortunate. A memorable patient (D Scarfe). 326:101 percutaneous coronary intervention cardiogenic shock: ABC of interventional cardiology (J Ducas, et al). 326:1450 (C) I: History and development: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech). 326:1080 (C) II: The procedure: ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech). 326:1137 (C) performance coronary bypass surgery, rating of heart surgeons' success (O Dyer). 326:1053 (N) doctors, work based assessment: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (JJ Norcini). 326:753 (C) medical students, personality, references, and personal statements and (E Ferguson, et al). 326:429 (LP), 986 (L) patient access to health information (D Stryer, et al) (Comment). 326:1278 surgery, outcome determinants (D Carter). 326:832 (E) surgical units, mortality control charts for comparing performance (PP Tekkis, et al). 326:786 (P), 1397 (L) US NY doctors' volume of work (JH Tanne). 326:416 (N) primary care: primary health care (N Goldfield, et al). 326:744 (PC), 1460 (L) performing arts medicine career advice (H Barratt) BMJ Careers 326:s21 (18 January) Frances Carter (H Barratt) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s22 (18 January) perioperative complications, normothermia maintenance (CM Harper, et al). 326:721 (E), 1457 (L) peripheral vascular diseases, management in primary health care (P Burns, et al). 326:584 (C), 1399 (L) Perkins-Porras L, see Steptoe A. 326:855 Perry IJ, Long term effects of advice to reduce dietary salt. 326:223 (L) Persaud R, 'Both sides need to keep the relationship going' (Perspectives). 326:1337 personal care see continuity of care Personal view Alternative prescribing and negligence (DR Blake). 326:455 (R) Analogies in medicine (JDR Rose). 326:111 (R) Argentina: torture, silence, and medical teaching (L Justo). 326:1405 (R) The body tells a story (P de Zulueta). 326:666 (R) China in the grip of SARS (T Hesketh). 326:1095 (R) The doctor will text you now: is there a role for the mobile telephone in healthcare? (B Pal). 326:607 (R), 1148 (L) Don't drink the water (AS Furber). 326:667 (R) Foundation hospitals: we've been here before (NW Goodman). 326:1153 (R) How 9/11 thinking can impair doctors' clinical judgment (R Crawshaw). 326:829 (R) How not to do medical research (P Belcher). 326:1221 (R) How popular perceptions of risk from SARS are fermenting discrimination (J Schram). 326:939 (R) In praise of the "devil" (S Bonaccorso, et al). 326:1220 (R) The inside story on prison health care (PA Mellor). 326:59 (R) The kindest insult (J Han). 326:991 (L)


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Life as a medical secretary a new learning experience for the aspiring consultant (J Alis, et al). 326:403 (R) Never say die (J Hester). 326:719 (R) On being a conscientious objector to military service in 1959 (P Bruggen). 326:557 (R) A parable of procurement (R Bosanquet). 326:1043 (R) Patient power? (F Arnold). 326:1042 (R) The police should take the lead on protecting children from criminal abuse (D Southall, et al). 326:343 (R) The population trap (I Loefler). 326:507 (R) Promoting blood donation among British Muslims (A Sheikh, et al). 326:1152 (R) The reification of numbers: statistics and the distance between self, work, and others (R Iedema, et al). 326:771 (R) The second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third (I Roberts). 326:171 (R) A tabloid story (G Hulman). 326:231 (R) "There's none so blind as the double blind". Discuss (A Seaton). 326:889 (R), 1211 (L) Time to show unity against SARS (D Chao). 326:938 (R) Us and them (A Bell). 326:291 (R) The value of agony aunts (PM Boynton). 326:1465 (R) VOMIT (victims of modern imaging technology) an acronym for our times (R Hayward). 326:1273 (R) The other war (R Kirk). 326:937 (R) personality medical students, performance, references, and personal statements and (E Ferguson, et al). 326:429 (LP), 986 (L) neurolinguistic programming (J Walter, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s133 (19 April) types, on internet (C Martyn) (Website of the week). 326:453 (R) pertussis vaccination, delayed immunisation and risk in infants (CC Grant, et al). 326:852 (P) Peters NS, see Lane RE. 326:944 Peters T, see Hamilton WT. 326:397 Peters, Timothy John Peters, institutional corruption in medicine. 326:501 (L) Peto R, see Darby S. 326:256 Petroianni A, see Terzano C. 326:1377 Petticrew M Why certain systematic reviews reach uncertain conclusions. 326:756 (ED) et al, Psychological coping and cancer. 326:599 (L) see Hamilton CM. 326:660 Pfizer, journals should select drug advertisements more carefully. 326:1211 (L) Pharma Web, on internet (H Brown) ( etlines). N 326:556 (R) pharmacies, The Control of Entry Regulations and Retail Pharmacy Services in the UK (L Eaton). 326:1347 (N) pharmacology, education, paediatric training (E Harrop) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s170 (17 May) Phelps K, Australian Medical Association accepts generic prescribing. 326:985 (L) Phillips WR, et al, Involving patients in a primary care research meeting worked well. 326:1329 (L) philosophy, mind-body split. 326:601 (L) Philp I, see Davison S. 326:1300 physical activity see exercise physical punishment, smacking, UK MPs call for ban (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1414 (N) physical therapy, probably effective for patellofemoral pain (POEM*). 326 (1 March 2003) physiotherapy, cost effectiveness, comparison with manual therapy and GP care for neck pain: economic evaluation (IBC Korthals-de Bos, et al). 326:911 (PC) Pickering M, see Chan K-P BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) pictures, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1464 (R) Piercy J, see Ryan J. 326:1144 Pietroni P, et al, Cultural revolution in care delivery (Learning from patients). 326:1304 Pinder D, see Hilton M. 326:673 Pinnock H, et al, accessibility, acceptability, and effectiveness in primary care of routine telephone review of asthma: pragmatic, randomised controlled trial. 326:477 (PC), 1267 (L)

Piot P, Comparing national health systems should continue. 326:124 (N) Pisal N, see Sindos M. 326:1268 Pisani E, et al, Back to basics in HIV prevention: focus on exposure. 326:1384 (ED) Pitlik S, Old drugs for new bugs. 326:235 (E) PLAB see Professional and Linguistics Assessments Board (PLAB) placebos, Mr Placebo (I McClure) ( lay). 326:453 P (R) Plant PK, et al, Cost effectiveness of ward based non-invasive ventilation for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: economic analysis of randomised controlled trial. 326:956 (P) platelets, aspirin responsiveness in patients with hyperlipidaemia (M Friend, et al). 326:82 (P) Plavinskaya SI, see Plavinski SL. 326:1240 Plavinski SL, et al, Social factors and increase in mortality in Russia in the 1990s: prospective cohort study. 326:1240 (P) Playboy, shapely centrefolds? 326:823 (L) Playfair, Henry Ronald, Obituary (J Playfair). 326:663 pleconaril, US media survey (G Schwitzer) (The Press). 326:1403 (R) Plochg T, et al, Doctors and managers. 326:657 (L) Plumb L, see Greenhalgh T. 326:142 Plummer WP, Screening for depression in primary care. 326:982 (L) Plunkett A, et al, Lesson of the week. Variable presentation of Brugada syndrome: lessons from three generations with syncope. 326:1078 (C) pneumonia, China, panic in Guangdong province (L Rosling, et al). 326:416 (N) POEM* see also fillers Acute intervention has no effect on mortality in patients with acute coronary syndromes. 326 (4 January 2003) Antioxidants don't prevent dementia. 326 (31 May 2003) Asymptomatic meniscal tears are as common as symptomatic ones. 326 (19 April 2003) Azithromycin doesn't prevent recurrent acute coronary syndromes. 326 (7 June 2003) Harms outweigh benefits of COX 2 for many patients. 326 (15 March 2003) HRT and antioxidant vitamins increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. 326 (15 February 2003) Intravenous agonists are not indicated in severe acute asthma. 326 (29 March 2003) Measurements of ear temperature are not reliable. 326 (11 January 2003) Montelukast helps chronic urticaria. 326 (18 January 2003) No reliable test or exam finding for acute cholecystitis. 326 (12 April 2003) Non-contrast computed tomography is preferable for evaluating asymptomatic microhaematuria. 326 (22 February 2003) The optimal serum digoxin concentration in men with stable heart failure in sinus rhythm is 0.5 to 0.8 ng/ml. 326 (17 May 2003) Peripheral white cell count can't identify infants who don't have bacterial meningitis. 326 (26 April 2003) Physical therapy is probably effective for patellofemoral pain. 326 (1 March 2003) Prophylactic zanamivir is effective for flu. 326 (22 March 2003) Rate control is better than rhythm control in atrial fibrillation. 326 (8 March 2003) Regular use of inhaled steroids does not increase the risk of bone loss in postmenopausal women. 326 (10 May 2003) Single, small adenoma low risk for recurrent colon polyphs. 326 (25 January 2003) Systolic blood pressure predicts heart failure best. 326 (5 April 2003) Tropical NSAIDs offer poor pain relief for corneal abrasions. 326 (24 May 2003) Uterine fibroids are common in middle aged women. 326 (3 May 2003) Uterine rupture is associated with a history of caesarean section, even without labour. 326 (8 February 2003) Vitamin K works faster orally than subcutaneously. 326 (1 February 2003) poisoning, self, co-proxamol and, study of national mortality statistics and local non-fatal self poisonings (K Hawton, et al). 326:1006 (P)

police, lead on protecting children from criminal abuse (D Southall, et al) (Personal view). 326:343 (R) poliomyelitis vaccine, India, programme (G Mudur). 326:354 (N) politics balloney (TL Chambers). 326:1438 Doctor MP's advice (A Murrison) BMJ Careers 326:s141 (26 April) general medical journals. 326:820 (L), 821 (L) Howard Stoate (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s145 (26 April) medical (B Keighley) BMJ Careers 326:s143 (26 April) Richard Taylor (WS Brown) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s146 (26 April) Pollard AJ, see Barry PW. 326:915 Pollard M, see Schifano F. 326:80 Pollock AM et al, The BetterCare judgment a challenge to health care. 326:236 (E) see Dunnigan MG. 326:905 Pollock, John Jackson, Obituary (A Munn). 326:451 Poloniecki JD, see Tekkis PP. 326:786 polyarthralgia, (J Samanata, et al) (10-minute consultation). 326:859 (PC) polypill see under cardiovascular diseases Poole A, The implications of Modernising Medical Careers for specialist registrars (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s194 (7 June) Pope C, see Coldicott Y. 326:97 population Bjrn Lomborg, scientific dishonesty accusations (C White). 326:120 (N) trap (I Loefler) (Personal view). 326:507 (R) porphyria, oxygen mask and theatre light cause nose trauma (BC Gee, et al) (Minerva). 326:890 (R) (correction, 1123) Porta M Evidence b(i)ased medicine. 326:602 (L) Quality of impact factors of general medical journals. 326:931 (L) portfolio careers, general practice (A Thornett, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s213 (28 June) Porthouse J, see Torgerson D. 326:930 positron emission tomography, how does it work? (A Berger). 326:1449 (C) poster presentations, (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s46 (8 February) postherpetic neuralgia, treatment (RW Johnson, et al). 326:748 (C) potassium salt substitutes, renal failure dangers (CJ Doorenbos, et al). 326:35 (C) Potts A, The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction. 326:658 (L) Potts M, et al, Tackling India's HIV epidemic: lessons from Africa. 326:1389 (ED) Pougher C, see Battersby TA. 326:447 Poulter N, see Wilson S. 326:1436 Pound P, How political should a general medical journal be? 326:821 (L) Pounder D, Bat rabies. 326:726 (E) poverty see also socioeconomic factors counselling and fruit and vegetable consumption in low income adults (A Steptoe, et al). 326:855 (PC), 1458 (L) Power C, see Hyppnen E. 326:19 Power I, see Holdcroft A. 326:635 Poyner, Kenneth George, Obituary (C Zuckerman). 326:55 Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills, advice (H Gentles) BMJ Careers 326:s76 (8 March) practice guidelines see guidelines Pradhan EK, see Christian P. 326:571 Prasad AS, Zinc deficiency. 326:409 (E) Prasad J, see Joseph A. 326:1121 pre-eclampsia, thromboembolism risk (C van Walraven, et al) (Research pointers). 326:791 (P) (correction, 1362) pregnancy see also labour; maternal-fetal exchange antithrombotic therapy in special circumstances: ABC of antithrombotic therapy (B Jilma, et al). 326:37 (C) average energy intake among women: boy/girl comparison (RM Tamimi, et al) (Research pointers). 326:1245 (P) coffee, maternal consumption and stillbirth/infant death in first year of life (K Wisborg, et al). 326:420 (P), 1268 (L), 1269 (L) effect of fetal sex on labour and delivery: retrospective review (MA Eogan, et al). 326:137 (P)

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risk of recurrence of prolonged pregnancy (AW Olesen, et al) (Research pointers). 326:476 Ron Mueck: Making Sculpture at the National Gallery (J Quin) (Art). 326:769 (R) smoking cessation: effectiveness of self help approach. 326:446 (L), 447 (L) spontaneous loss of early pregnancy and ischaemic heart disease risk in later life (GCS Smith, et al). 326:423 (P), 1146 (L) pregnancy complications, birth order, gestational age and risk of delivery related perinatal death in twins. 326:448 (L) prenatal diagnosis see also screening Huntington's disease, paternal risk and genetic status disclosure: clinical, legal, and ethical viewpoints (R Tassiker, et al). 326:331 (ED) preoperative assessment, effectiveness of appropriately trained nurses. 326:600 (L) preregistration house officers see also doctors general practice, review of evidence (J Illing, et al). 326:1019 (LP) views on whether medical school experience prepared them for their jobs (MJ Goldacre, et al). 326:1011 (P) Prescott GJ, see Wilson BJ. 326:845 Prescott R, see Illing J. 326:1019 prescriptions, drug see also drug industry; drugs antidepressants and suicide: Australia 1991-2000 (WD Hall, et al). 326:1008 (P) drug industry is main influence in GP prescribing (R Dobson). 326:301 (N), 933 (L) dyspepsia, test and treat v. omeprazole (G Manes, et al). 326:1118 (P) effect of documented cardiovascular risk scores on prescribing (LML Hall, et al). 326:251 (P), 882 (L) lesson in prescribing (PJ West). 326:36 non-compliance, putting concordance into practice (M Marinker, et al). 326:348 (E) prescribing behaviour of GPs who regularly see drug industry representatives (C Watkins, et al). 326:1178 (PC) third generation pill controversy and prescriptions for oral contraceptives among first time users (L de Jong-van den Berg, et al). 326:254 (P) Wales, Labour party promises free prescriptions (R Dobson). 326:782 (N) writing (SV Ramanan). 326:750 presentations, advice (D Midmer) BMJ Careers 326:s120 (5 April) pressure ulcers, prediction, routine use of risk assessment scales. 326:165 (L) preventive medicine antisocial lifestyle and health (J Shepherd, et al). 326:834 (E) Labour Party and patients' duty to NHS (A Gulland). 326:1283 (N) malignant melanomas, public education aimed at early diagnosis (RM MacKie, et al). 326:367 (P) Prevost AT, see Brown PJB. 326:1127 Price D et al, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 326:1046 (E) see Pinnock H. 326:477, 1267 see Pollock AM. 326:237 see Thomas M. 326:1036 Prideaux D, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Curriculum design. 326:268 (C), 823 (L) Priebe S et al, Reinstitutionalisation in mental health care. 326:175 (E), 824 (L) see McCabe R. 326:550 primary care trusts see also general practice opportunities for clinicians (P Aquino, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s73 (8 March) Primary care in the United States Innovations in primary care in the United States (T Bodenheimer). 326:796 (PC) Organisation of primary care in the United States (AB Bindman, et al). 326:631 (PC) Primary care gatekeeping and referrals: effective filter or failed experiment? (CB Forrest). 326:692 (PC) Profiling performance in primary care in the United States (N Goldfield, et al). 326:744 (PC), 1460 (L) primary health care see also general practice acut e renal colic, primary-secondary care interface. 326:502 (L) asthma, routine telephone review (H Pinnock, et al). 326:477 (PC), 1267 (L)

computerised evidence based guidelines, management of asthma and angina. 326:394 (L), 395 (L) computerised evidence based guidelines (N Rousseau, et al). 326:314 (PC), 1087 (L), 1088 (L) coronary disease, secondary prevention: four year follow up (P Murchie, et al). 326:84 (PC) counselling, meta-analysis of data on costs from trials (P Bower, et al). 326:1247 (PC) David Colin-Thome (O Mukhtar) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s6 (4 January) depression identification: comparison of different methods (V Henkel, et al). 326:200 (PC), 982 (L), 983 (L) management as chronic disease. 326:338 (L) drugs prescribing (S Macdonald). 326:677 (N) education, teaching undergraduates (S Howell) BMJ Careers 326:s119 (5 April) electronic medical records regression or progression? (J Hippisley-Cox, et al). 326:1439 (IP) scope and quality of data (K Thiru, et al). 326:1070 (PC) evidence based medicine, transferability of principles to improve educational quality: online course study (T Greenhalgh, et al). 326:142 (LP), 933 (L) heart failure: barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management (A Fuat, et al). 326:196 (PC), 883 (L), 884 (L) influenza, near patient testing in children (A Harnden, et al). 326:480 (PC) ischaemic heart disease, patient care quality and practice size (A Majeed, et al). 326:371 (PC) peripheral arterial disease management (P Burns, et al). 326:584 (C), 1399 (L) research methods used in developing and applying quality indicators: Improving the quality of health care (SM Campbell, et al). 326:816 (ED) walk -in centres and services: before and after observational study (RT Hsu, et al). 326:530 (PC) Prince CB, Computerised evidence based guidelines in primary care. 326:1087 (L) Pringle M, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:689, 1439 prison health services, inside story (PA Mellor) (Personal view). 326:59 (R) prisons, HIV infected prisoners, HIV risk among injecting drug users in Bangkok, Thailand (A Buavirat, et al). 326:308 (P) private finance initiative, Scotland, downsizing of acute inpatient beds (MG Dunnigan, et al). 326:905 (P) (correction, 1123) private medicine Blair says NHS should be opened up to competition (A Gulland). 326:1106 (N) consultant preferences for aspects of jobs (C Ubach, et al). 326:1432 (P) problem based learning, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (DF Wood). 326:328 (C) Proctor S, see Pinnock H. 326:477, 1267 productivity, (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s92 (22 March) Professional and Linguistics Assessments Board (PLAB) Elitham Turya (A Weidmann) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s202 (14 June) your career after (R MacDonald) ( ips on...) T BMJ Careers 326:s202 (14 June) Professor Z, Life Means Nothing Behind the Green Wall (Books). 326:887 (R) prognosis after heart transplantation (A Anyanwu, et al). 326:509 (E), 1088 (L) indicators of early and late death in children admitted to Kenya district hospital (JA Berkley, et al). 326:361 (P) prolonged pregnancy, risk of recurrence (AW Olesen, et al) (Research pointers). 326:476 Prosser, Alison Sarah Jane, Obituary (RJ Burden). 326:935 prostaglandins, eyelash growth and (A Hamid, et al) (Minerva). 326:1044 (R) prostate cancers advanced scanning techniques help staging (D Spurgeon). 326:1418 (N) screening Australia: row (S Chapman) (The Press). 326:605 (R)

impact of aggressive screening and treatment on mortality. 326:53 (L) lay campaigners are funded by industry (J Lenzer). 326:680 (N), 1211 (L) prostate specific antigen test, must be repeated before biopsy (S Gottlieb). 326:1231 (N) Protheroe J, see Fahey T. 326:580 Protter MDA, Values and leadership. 326:657 (L) Proust M, Endpiece. In praise of neurotics. 326:1455 pseudo-science, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1151 (R) psychiatric hospitals, Presumed Curable: An Illustrated Casebook of Victorian Psychiatric Patients in Bethlem Hospital (Gale, et al) (Books). 326:1150 (R) psychiatry attachment in liaison psychiatry for hospital doctors (I Agell, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s207 (21 June) "I think I need a psychiatrist" (A Larner). 326:273 patients' experiences of undergraduate teaching (K Walters, et al). 326:740 (PC), 1399 (L) should psychiatrists protect the public? (J Coid). 326:406 (E) psychoses, engagement of patients in consultation. 326:549 (L), 550 (L) public health, Evidence-Based Public Health (Brownson, et al) (Books). 326:1150 (R) Public Library of Science see also electronic publishing new grant (L Eaton). 326:11 (N), 766 (L) publishing see also electronic publishing; journals author charges new science model? (T Delamothe). 326:182 (N), 765 (L), 766 (L) open sesame? (T Delamothe, et al). 326:945 (E) drug industry, double standards in information (A Liberati, et al). 326:1156 (E) editors call for responsibility in publishing "dangerous" research (T Radford). 326:411 (N) four futures. 326:932 (L), 933 (L) hormone replacement therapy, Wyeth secret briefing to medical societies (R Moynihan). 326:1161 (N) how to become a publisher part 1 (M Al-Ubaydli) BMJ Careers 326:s175 (24 May) part 2 (M Al-Ubaydli) BMJ Careers 326:s208 (21 June) journals and drug companies: uneasy bedfellows (R Smith). 326:1202 (ED) pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive see chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pulmonary embolism cardiac troponin T, severity assessment (K Janata, et al). 326:312 (P) management (K Janata) 326:1341 (E) (correction, 327: ) pulmonary hypertension, treatment (AJ Peacock). 326:835 (E) pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia, clarithromycin and (C Terzano, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1377 (C) Purves IN, Effect of computerised evidence based guidelines. 326:394 (L) Puttha R, et al, Learning from mistakes BMJ Careers 326:s177 (24 May)

Quaba O, A case of mistaken identity. 326:145 quality of health care elderly residents in nursing homes and elderly people living at home (T Fahey, et al). 326:580 (PC) heart failure in primary health care: barriers to accurate diagnosis and effective management (A Fuat, et al). 326:196 (PC), 883 (L), 884 (L) Improving the quality of health care Methods for incorporating patients' views in health care (M Wensing, et al). 326:877 (ED) Research methods used in developing and applying quality indicators in primary care (SM Campbell, et al). 326:816 (ED) Using research to inform quality programmes (J vretveit, et al). 326:759 (ED) quality improvement cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention, achieving national service framework standards (HM Dalal, et al). 326:481 (Q)


January-June 2003

evaluation and improvement of quality and et al, Herd immunity from meningococcal credibility of outcome database (LG Fine, et al). serogroup C conjugate vaccination in England: 326:25 (IP) database analysis. 326:365 (P) Quilty B, see Campbell R. 326:252 see Heath PT. 326:1158 Quin J, Ron Mueck: Making Sculpture at the see McVernon J. 326:285 National Gallery (Art). 326:769 (R) Ramsdale DR, see Grech ED. 326:1259, 1379 Quinn M, see Raffle AE. 326:901 randomised controlled trials see also clinical trials Quintero-Mndez Y, see Espinosa-Brito AD. how can research ethics committees protect 326:164 patients better? (S Garattini, et al). 326:1199 (ED) representation of South Asians (S Mason, et al). R 326:1244 (P) Rab MA, Setting global health research priorities. Rankin J, see Bush J. 326:962 326:1399 (L) rabbits, interfering antibodies affecting Ransome-Kuti, Olikoye, Obituary (A Raufu). 326:1400 immunoassays in women with (A Park, et al) rape, management of victims (J Wilken, et al). (Lesson of the week). 326:541 (C) 326:458 (E), 1215 (L) rabies immunisation of bat handlers (D Pounder). rare inherited disorders, useful information (MA Patton). 326:612 (E) 326:726 (E) Thailand. A memorable patient (R Hillier). rashes 66 year old woman: Interactive case report 326:1022 racial discrimination see also discrimination; ethnic presentation (J Bligh). 326:588 (C) case progression (J Bligh, et al). 326:640 (C) groups contents. 326:706 (C), 752 (C) consultants and discretionary awards outcome (J Bligh). 326:804 (C) overview (J Raftery). 326:671 (E) white/non-white and men/women (A Esmail, Ratchford, Andrew, Obituary (M Walker). 326:168 Raufu A et al). 326:687 (P), 1214 (L), 1215 (L) GMC racial bias accusations (O Dyer). 326:411 Nigerian immunisation programme sees results. 326:121 (N) (N) GMC report: no closer to understanding (S Nigerians in drug trial take their case to US court. 326:899 (N) Hargreaves). 326:518 (N) Raya JA, see Castillo -Garzon MJ. 326:824 health and (K McKenzie). 326:65 (E), 880 (L) Racism in the Medical Profesion (D Singh). Raychaudhuri, Kunal, Obituary (TW Fenton). 326:1401 326:1418 (N) South Asians, representation in randomised Raymond M From devastated mother to pioneering researcher controlled trials (S Mason, et al). 326:1244 (P) BMJ Careers 326:s209 (21 June) Radda, George, interview (G Watts). 326:732 (N) Radford AP, Endpiece. Memory and intelligence. Tabloids blame asylum seekers for GP shortages (The Press). 326:290 (R) 326:583 Radford T, Editors call for responsibility in Rayner CFJ, see Whitfield RJ. 326:551 Reacher M, Bioterrorism (Books). 326:665 (R) publishing "dangerous" research. 326:411 (N) Read codes radiography clinical information standards: why they matter Ottawa ankle injuries rules (M Gardner). 326:1101 (E) overview (J Heyworth). 326:405 (E) accuracy to exclude ankle and mid-foot comparison with Clinical Terms in general practice (PJB Brown, et al). 326:1127 (IP) fractures: systematic review (LM Bachmann, implications for et al) 326:417 (P) (correction, 327:17). diabetes management: establishing registers (J Gray, et al). 326:1130 326:1147 (L) (IP) radiology, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). Read J, et al, New strategies for increasing the 326:290 (R) detection of HIV: analysis of routine data. radiotherapy, recolours grey hair (F Momm, et al) 326:1066 (P) (Minerva). 326:668 (R) Radvanyi, Nicholas, Obituary (P Meisner). 326:768 readability, British and US medical prose. 326:711 (L) Rafferty AM, et al, Research in nursing, midwifery, Reardon DC, Violence as a public health problem. and the allied health professions. 326:833 (E) 326:104 (L) Raffle AE, et al, Outcomes of screening to prevent cancer: analysis of cumulative incidence of Recent developments, Management of pain (A Holdcroft, et al). 326:635 (C) cervical abnormality and modelling of cases and deaths prevented 326:901 (P) (correction, 327: ) Rees PJ, New guidelines on the management of asthma. 326:346 (E), 1039 (L) Raftery J, Ethnic and sex bias in discretionary Rees S, see Strang J. 326:959 awards. 326:671 (E) Raghunath A, et al, Prevalence of Helicobacter Reeve, Christopher, man and superman (L Eaton) (Interview). 326:1287 pylori in patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: systematic review. 326:737 (P), 1460 (L) Reeve E, see Chapman S. 326:707 referrals see also consultations Rahman A, Cycle of abuse goes on. 326:106 (L) Rainer TH, et al, Evaluation of WHO criteria for acute renal colic, primary-secondary care interface. 326:502 (L) identifying patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome out of hospital: prospective bureaucracy hinders prompt care. 326:714 (L) patient's referral letter (W Murdoch). 326:206 observational study. 326:1354 (P) Raja AJ, Bioethics are difficult to balance. 326:1215 refugees community adoption in Thailand. A memorable (L) patient (R McGready). 326:873 Rajaratnam G, see Chapman S. 326:707 Rajesh G, Engaging patients with psychosis in Exodus: exhibition (S Hargreaves) (Art). 326:716 (R) consultations. 326:549 (L) Rajgopal, Jairam Madura, Obituary (SM Amin). In this World (A Ellis) (Film). 326:827 (R) mystery of imported plagues (T Jackson) (The 326:55 Press). 326:342 (R) Raji, Adil Mahmud, Privy Council rules that GMC restoration to register procedure is flawed (C public health impact of law (S Hargreaves). 326:1108 (N) Dyer). 326:783 (N) Refugee Doctors R4 (A Gonzalez) (Radio ). Ram FSF, see Lightowler JV. 326:185 326:1463 (R) Ramanan SV, On writing prescriptions. 326:750 Ramchandani M, et al, Untreatable eye injury from tabloids blame asylum seekers for GP shortages (M Raymond) (The Press). 326:290 (R) YAG laser (Minerva). 326:456 (R) refusal: patient see under patient compliance ramipril, blood pressure and. 326:52 (L) Ramos KD, et al, Validation of the Fresno test of regression to the mean, effect on decision making in health care (V Morton, et al). 326:1083 (ED) competence in evidence based medicine. 326:319 rehabilitation, after heart attack: less likely for (LP) women than men (R Dobson, et al). 326:71 (N) Ramsay CR, see Thomas RE. 326:397 Ramsay J, Obstetrics and gynaecology: where are Reid I, see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 Reid, John, new health secretary vows to continue we now? BMJ Careers 326:s43 (8 February) NHS reform agenda (O Dyer). 326:1347 (N) Ramsay ME reinstitutionalisation, mental health care (S Priebe, et al). 326:175 (E), 824 (L)

Reitsma JB, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 religion and medicine doctors' faiths (K-P Chan, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) minister returns to medicine (P Cox). 326:1370 spirituality and clinical care. 326:881 (L) removal of patients "Being removed without knowing why is very distressing" (R Saeed, et al) (Response). 326:1319 patients' accounts: qualitative study (T Stokes, et al) (Research) 326:1316 (correction, 327:26) renal dialysis, should not play God. A patient who made me think (PA Andrews). 326:634 renal diseases, on internet (H Brown) ( etlines). N 326:556 (R), 938 (R) renal transplantation see kidney transplantation Rendle VA, see see Hall WD. 326:1008 Rennie D et al, Fifth international congress on peer review and biomedical publication. 326:563 (E) see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 representatives: drug industry see drug industry research see also clinical trials; Medical Research Council conflict of interest, disclosure of financial interests in randomised controlled trials (CP Gross, et al). 326:526 (P) drug industry advised to publish unfavourable results (D Singh). 326:1163 (N) sponsorship and research outcome and quality (J Lexchin, et al). 326:1167 (P) drugs, fewer new drugs (D Taylor). 326:408 (E) effect of interpretiv e bias on (TJ Kaptchuk). 326:1453 (ED) global health priorities (R Labonte, et al). 326:722 (E), 1399 (L) how not to do it (P Belcher) ( ersonal view). P 326:1221 (R) industry sponsorship guidelines on relations (E Wager). 326:1196 (ED) how can research ethics committees protect patients better? (S Garattini, et al). 326:1199 (ED) journal editors call for responsibility in publishing "dangerous" research (T Radford). 326:411 (N) nursing, midwifery, and allied health professions (AM Rafferty, et al). 326:833 (E) patients: need to read research? (R Smith) (Research). 326:1307 US conflict of interest guidelines (C Marwick). 326:782 (N) industry is deeply involved in funding (JH Tanne). 326:179 (N) using research to inform quality programmes: Improving the quality of health care (J vretveit, et al). 326:759 (ED) Research pointers Average energy intake among pregnant women carrying a boy compared with a girl (RM Tamimi, et al). 326:1245 (P) Mortality from cardiovascular disease more than 10 years after radiotherapy for breast cancer: nationwide cohort study of 90000 Swedish women (S Darby, et al). 326:256 (P), 983 (L), 984 (L) Perinatal characteristics and risk of rheumatoid arthritis (LTH Jacobsson, et al). 326:1068 (P) Platelet responsiveness to aspirin in patients with hyperlipidaemia (M Friend, et al). 326:82 (P) Risk of recurrence of prolonged pregnancy (AW Olesen, et al). 326:476 Risk of subsequent thromboembolism for patients with pre-eclampsia (C van Walraven, et al). 326:791 (P) (correction, 1362) residential homes see also nursing homes meningococcal C vaccines, children looked after by local authorities and those living at home (CM Hill, et al). 326:364 (P), 1088 (L) shortage blamed for elderly discharge delays (S Hargreaves). 326:352 (N) retinopathy, ABC of diabetes (PJ Watkins). 326:924 (C) retirement, GPs: English survey (B Sibbald, et al). 326:22 (PC) reunions, organising (AM Hull, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s68 (1 March) revalidation Graeme Catto interview (G Watts). 326:183 (N)

January-June 2003


consultants, 2500 years ago. Endpiece (JH Baron). 326:548 Rew D, Surgical oncology BMJ Careers 326:s41 (8 February) Reynolds E, Sudden death in the shadows of epilepsy. 326:349 (E) rheumatoid arthritis, perinatal characteristics and risk of (LTH Jacobsson, et al) (Research pointers). 326:1068 (P) rheumatology, career advice (I Haq, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s157 (10 May) rhinitis, antibiotics for acute purulent rhinitis. 326:502 (L) Rhodes M, A memorable patient, Using patients for teaching can enhance their lives. 326:1255 Richards T Afghanistan struggles to build post -conflict health care. 326:837 (N) (correction, 1079) et al, Learning from our patients and each other. 326:564 (E) Richards-Jones, Carys, Obituary (A Maddocks). 326:1217 Richardson DA, see Shaw FE. 326:73 Richardson J, see Howe A. 326:498 Richardson, John, Obituary (J Mackie). 326:55 Richardson M, "Author pays" as new science publishing model. 326:765 (L) Richardson R Endpiece, The disease called "man". 326:1179 Endpiece. Human dignity. 326:1077 New edicts for letters. 326:986 (L) ricin, UK doctors warned after found in police raid (S Mayor). 326:126 (N) Ridley M, Nature via Nurture: Genes, Experience and What Makes Us Human (Books). 326:1402 (R) Riemsma RP, et al, Systematic review of the effectiveness of stage based interventions to promote smoking cessation. 326:1175 (PC) Riley S, see Spencer HL. 326:1147 Riley SG, et al, "Purple urine bag syndrome" (Minerva). 326:1222 (R) Riley W, Consultant appraisal is trying to achieve too much (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s162 (10 May) Rimpel A, see Koivusilta L. 326:161 Ring J, see Mhrenschlager M. 326:105 ringworm, diagnosis and management (LC Fuller, et al). 326:539 (C) (correction, 849) Rink E, see Steptoe A. 326:855 Riordan DC, "I'm sorry for your trouble". 326:699 Risk A, "Author pays" as new science publishing model. 326:765 (L) risk assessment scales, pressure ulcer prediction. 326:165 (L) risk factors age-related maculopathy risk, cholesterol lowering drugs (R van Leeuwen, et al). 326:255 (P) breast cancers, breast density (S Gottlieb). 326:782 (N) cardiovascular diseases effect of risk scores on prescribing (LML Hall, et al). 326:251 (P), 882 (L) folate and vitamin B-12 and: Australian cohort study (J Hung, et al). 326:131 (P), 1035 (L), 1036 (L) hypertension, hypertension in pregnancy and hypertension/stroke in later life (BJ Wilson, et al). 326:845 (P) ischaemic heart disease hormone replacement therapy in women and (E Lkkegaard, et al). 326:426 (PC) spontaneous loss of early pregnancy (GCS Smith, et al). 326:423 (P), 1146 (L) multiple sclerosis, Epstein-Barr virus (S Gottlieb). 326:731 (N) Parkinson disease, high dairy diet (D Josefson). 326:10 (N) risk management, doing simple things well (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings). 326:991 (R) risperidone, diabetes and, patients with schizophrenia. 326:283 (L) Ritchie LD, see Murchie P. 326:84 Rizo CA, see Enkin M. 326:1293 RNA interference, major initiative to hunt human cancer genes (S Mayor). 326:299 (N) road traffic accidents see accidents, traffic Robb PJ, Establish reason why purulent rhinitis is persistent first. 326:502 (L) Roberts C see Coldicott Y. 326:97 see Wass V. 326:800

Roberts I Congestion charging and the walking classes. 326:345 (E), 884 (L) In the Wake of Terror (Books). 326:989 (R) The second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third (Personal view). 326:171 (R) Terrorism and Public Health (Books). 326:989 (R) Roberts IG, How political should a general medical journal be? 326:820 (L) Roberts J, see McCabe CJ. 326:446 Roberts M see Grant CC. 326:852 see Horak E. 326:422 Roberts N, see Mackay DM. 326:1035 Roberts SE, et al, Case fatality rates after admission to hospital with stroke: linked database study. 326:193 (P), 1085 (L), 1086 (L) Roberts T, New BMJ policy on economic evaluations. 326:445 (L) Roberts-Harry D, Cleft lip and palate services still need to be improved. 326:1038 (L) Robertson CF, see Horak E. 326:422 Robertson R, see Jepson RG. 326:1039 Robertson S, see Brammah A. 326:489 Robinson E see Elley CR. 326:793 see Watkins C. 326:1178 Robson J, see Wilson S. 326:1436 Rochon P, see Shulman KI. 326:960 Rodger A, et al, Delay in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, London, 1998-2000: analysis of surveillance data. 326:909 (P) Rodger JC, see Pell JP. 326:134 Rodger MA, see van Walraven C. 326:791 Rodgers A, A cure for cardiovascular disease? 326:1407 (E) Rodier G, see Roth CE. 326:447 Roland M, see Bower P. 326:258 role playing, (D Midmer) BMJ Careers 326:s28 (25 January) Rollnick S General practitioner screening for excessive alcohol use. 326:336 (L) see McCambridge J. 326:336 Rose D 'Having a diagnosis is a qualification for the job' (Perspectives). 326:1331 et al, Patients' perspectives on electroconvulsive therapy: systematic review. 326:1363 (P) Rose JDR, Analogies in medicine ( ersonal view). P 326:111 (R) Rosell S, see Maxwell J. 326:1031 Rosenbaum P, Cerebral palsy: what parents and doctors want to know. 326:970 (C) Rosenberg E, Narrative-based Primary Care (Books). 326:56 (R) Rosenfeld JA, Evidence b(i)ased medicine. 326:602 (L) Rosenfeld JO, Rosalind Franklin (Books). 326:289 (R) Rosenvinge, Gerald Oliver, Obituary (H Rosenvinge, et al). 326:227 Rosling L, et al, Pneumonia causes panic in Guangdong province. 326:416 (N) Rosling M, see Rosling L. 326:416 Ross A, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Ross AM, Fleming DM, Chronic cough. 326:1036 (L) Ross JS, see Aguayo VM. 326:127 Rossiter A see Flynn S BMJ Careers 326:s12 (11 January) see Flynn S BMJ Careers 326:s60 (22 February) see Flynn S BMJ Careers 326:s117 (5 April) Roth CE, et al, WHO advocates investment in global infrastructure for outbreaks such as smallpox. 326:447 (L) Round AP, see Hamilton WT. 326:397 Rousseau N et al, Practice based, longitudinal, qualitative interview study of computerised evidence based guidelines in primary care. 326:314 (PC), 1087 (L), 1088 (L) see Eccles MP. 326:395, 1088 Rowan J, see Hague WM. 326:762 Rowe J, Sensory stimulation in dementia. 326:661 Rowell A, see Burton B. 326:1205 Royal College of General Practitioners Inequalities Standing Group, see Wright N. 326:512 Royal College of Physicians of London Allergy (O Dyer). 326:1415 (N)

Protecting Smokers, Saving Lives (I Kawachi). 326:115 (E) Royal Society, Desk Study on the Environment in Iraq (P Moszynski). 326:952 (N) Royle P, Getting serious about SAS doctors BMJ Careers 326:s200 (14 June) rudeness, cycle of abuse goes on. 326:106 (L) Rudnicka AR, see Law MR. 326:1423 rugby, Brendan Venter (K Hebert) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s186 (31 May) Rumsey N, see Partridge J. 326:765 Rundall TG, see Davies HTO. 326:626 Russell, Alexander, Obituary (B Valman). 326:1149 Russell J see Greenhalgh T. 326:142 see Walters K. 326:740 Russell-Jones R, see Evans AV. 326:1025 Russia see also Europe ether drinking. One hundred years ago. 326:40 Mdecins Sans Frontires calls for release of kidnapped worker (T Sheldon). 326:729 (N) mortality, social factors and 1990s increase (SL Plavinski, et al). 326:1240 (P) Russo G, Leishmaniasis also occurs in Mediterranean countries. 326:1037 (L) Rustin MHA, see Kapur N. 326:806 Rutten-van Mlken MPMH see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 Rutter, Lewis Daniel, Obituary (N Rutter). 326:168 Ryan J, et al, NICE guidance on laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernias. 326:1144 (L) Ryan K, Working as a medical homoeopath BMJ Careers 326:s151(3 May) Ryan MJ, see Roth CE. 326:447 Ryan, Peter John, Obituary (R Ryan). 326:554 Ryder SD, see Johal SS. 326:440 Rymer J, et al, Making decisions about hormone replacement therapy. 326:322 (C), 1398 (L)

Sachs M, Monitoring marketing of infant formula feeds. 326:984 (L) Sacks R, see Buavirat A. 326:308 Saeed R, et al, "Being removed without knowing why is very distressing" (Response). 326:1319 Saha K, Use of nimesulide in Indian children must be stopped. 326:713 (L) St Barts Hospital, charges for advice. One hundred years ago. 326:1435 St George's Hospital, apology for remarks after IVF mix-up (C Dyer). 326:1416 (N) Salisbury C, see Chalder M. 326:532 Sallam I, WHO must strengthen partnerships at a global level. 326:125 (N) Salmon D, Medical school applications. 326:162 (L) Salmon, Leslie Frederick William, Obituary (OH Shaheen). 326:768 salt, systematic review of long term effects of advice to reduce dietary intake in adults. 326:222 (L), 223 (L), 224 (L) salt poisoning, distinguishing from hypernatraemic dehydration in children (MG Coulthard, et al). 326:157 (ED) (correction, 497) salt substitutes, potassium and renal failure dangers (CJ Doorenbos, et al). 326:35 (C) Salvador J, see Frhbeck G. 326:102 Salzberg R, see Brettenthaler R. 326:1085 Samanata J, et al, 10-minute consultation. Polyarthralgia. 326:859 (PC) Samanta A, see Samanta J. 326:535, 859 Samanta J, et al, 10-minute consultation. Chronic low back pain. 326:535 (PC) sample size, meta-analysis of data on costs from trials of counselling in primary care (P Bower, et al). 326:1247 (PC) Samuels M, see Southall D. 326:343 Sanders A, see Ferguson E. 326:429 Sandford-Smith J, Outdated drugs may be useful. 326:51 (L) Sandler M, et al, eds, Wine: A Scientific Exploration (Books). 326:555 (R) Sargant, David Graham, Obituary (H Sargant). 326:399 SARS see sudden acute respiratory syndrome Saunders BP, et al, Fatal dysnatraemia caused by elective colonoscopy. 326:1146 (L) Savulescu J, see Tassiker R. 326:331 Saxena S, et al, Socioeconomic and ethnic group differences in self reported health status and use of health services by children and young people in England: cross sectional study 325:520 (P) (correction, 327: )


January-June 2003

scalp ringworm, diagnosis and management (LC Fuller, et al). 326:539 (C) (correction, 849) Scarfe D, A memorable patient. The first of the fortunate. 326:101 Schfer S, A memorable patient. You only see what you know. 326:583 Schafer S, see Ramos KD. 326:319 Schering-Plough Germany, medical association used to promote HRT safety (K Koch). 326:1161 (N) US, overcharging and justice obstruction charges (F Charatan). 326:1233 (N) Schifano F, et al, Review of deaths related to taking ecstasy, England and Wales, 1997-2000. 326:80 (P), 823 (L) schizophrenia cardiovascular disease screening (DPJ Osborn, et al). 326:1122 (P) diabetes and, case-control study of independent effect of olanzapine and risperidone. 326:283 (L) engagement of patients in consultation. 326:549 (L), 550 (L) NICE guidelines (S Hargreaves). 326:679 (N) Schneider H, see Fassin D. 326:495 school health services, general practice and (D Haslam). 326:234 (E) schools, SARS, UK boarding school policies are confused. 326:929 (L) schools, medical see also education, medical applications, critical situation. 326:161 (L), 162 (L) electives and HIV, UK questionnaires. 326:338 (L) Malawi, problems and achievements. 326:51 (L) organising reunions (AM Hull, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s68 (1 March) preregistration house officers' views on whether school experience prepared them for jobs (MJ Goldacre, et al). 326:1011 (P) selection of students, gender balance (E Griffiths) BMJ Careers 326:s4 (4 January) Schopflin, Katalin Eva, Obituary (N Marks). 326:1040 Schram J, How popular perceptions of risk from SARS are fermenting discrimination (Personal view). 326:939 (R) Schroter S, see Smith R. 326:883 Schuchert A, see Maas R. 326:21 Schug S, see Davis P. 326:79 Schuwirth LWT, et al, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Written assessment. 326:643 (C) Schwartz A et al, Medical students' application of published evidence: randomised trial. 326:536 (LP) see Chambers R BMJ Careers 326:s110 (29 March) Schwartz M, How the Cows Turned Mad (Books). 326:1463 (R) Schwitzer G, How the media left the evidence out in the cold (The Press). 326:1403 (R) science on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:58 (R) Science: A History 1543-2001 (Gribbin) (Books). 326:341 (R) Science, medicine, and the future American trypanosomiasis (Chagas' disease) and the role of molecular epidemiology in guiding control strategies (MA Miles, et al). 326:1444 (C) New pacing technologies for heart failure (AWC Chow, et al). 326:1073 (C) Onchocerciasis (A Hoerauf, et al). 326:207 (C) Pathogenesis of sepsis: new concepts and implications for future treatment (P -Y Bochud, et al). 326:262 (C) scientific fraud Anjan Kumar Banerjee, institutional corruption in medicine. 326:501 (L) Bjrn Lomborg, accusations (C White). 326:120 (N) Goran Jamal GMC accusation of research fraud (O Dyer). 326:352 (N), 616 (N) GMC reprimand for research fraud (O Dyer). 326:730 (N) Mohammed Naeem Shaukat, GMC suspends (O Dyer). 326:352 (N) Scotland Edinburgh Royal Infirmary move to PFI site: exhibition (B Christie). 326:1056 (N) health care reorganisation (B Christie). 326:519 (N)

health takes centre stage in election campaigns (B Christie). 326:900 (N) hepatitis C compensation (B Christie). 326:303 (N) A History of Scottish Medicine (Dingwall) (Books). 326:401 Partnership for Care, working together (C Douglas) (Soundings). 326:771 (R) private finance initiative, downsizing of acute inpatient beds (MG Dunnigan, et al). 326:905 (P) (correction, 1123) sudden infant death and, used mattress survey. 326:222 (L) Scott A see Davis P. 326:79 see Ubach C. 326:1432 Scragg R, see Grant CC. 326:852 screening see also genetic screening; mammography; prenatal diagnosis alcohol use, GP experiences' interview study. 326:336 (L), 337 (L), 550 (L) aortic aneurysms, men. 326:284 (L) cancers computed tomography (SJ Swensen). 326:894 (E), 1457 (L), 1458 (L) cumulative incidence of cervical abnormality and modelling of cases and deaths prevented (AE Raffle, et al) 326:901 (P) (correction, 327: ) cardiovascular diseases, people with schizophrenia (DPJ Osborn, et al). 326:1122 (P) Chlamydia , community based contraceptive service for young people (V Moens, et al). 326:1252 (Q) coronary disease, comparison of methods to identify individuals at increased risk from general population (S Wilson, et al). 326:1436 (PC) HIV, uptake after "opt-out" consent change (B Stanley, et al). 326:1174 (P) prostate cancers, impact of aggressive screening and treatment on mortality. 326:53 (L) sigmoidoscopy, every five years may be too frequent (S Gottlieb). 326:949 (N) Scullion J, see Pinnock H. 326:477, 1267 Scurlock, Henry Peter, Obituary (H Scurlock). 326:55 scurvy, risk in food faddists (ND Magee, et al) (Minerva). 326:60 (R) Seaton A, "There's none so blind as the double blind". Discuss ( ersonal view). 326:889 (R), P 1211 (L) Sebald WG, On the Natural History of Destruction (Books). 326:769 (R) Seck AMC, More resources should go into core funding. 326:122 (N) Seddon DJ, Delayed discharge and hospital congestion. 326:49 (L) seizures, preventing and treating eclamptic seizures. 326:50 (L) Selby M, Informed consent failed to protect me. 326:1326 (L) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, depression, comparison with tricyclic antidepressants in primary care (S MacGillivray, et al). 326:1014 (PC) self help groups, smoking cessation in pregnancy: effectiveness. 326:446 (L), 447 (L) self treatment, "Treat Yourself" (A Gonzalez) (Art). 326:1338 (R) Selvam, Ramasamy, Obituary (BT Kurien). 326:663 senior house officers foundation programmes in action (A Whitehouse, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s192 (7 June) Unfinished Business (A Naftalin) BMJ Careers 326:s189 (7 June) Senn SJ Competing interests. 326:883 (L) Ethics of clinical trials from bayesian perspective. 326:1456 (L) Sepp K, see Heather N. 326:550 sepsis, pathogenesis: new concepts and implications for future treatment (P -Y Bochud, et al) (Science, medicine, and the future). 326:262 (C) Seroxat see paroxetine severe acute respiratory syndrome overview: rehearsal for flu pandemic? (M Zambon, et al). 326:669 (E) overview: revisited (M Zambon). 326:831 (E), 1396 (L) art (T Jackson) (Website of the week). 326:1404 (R)

Canada 300 suspected cases (D Spurgeon). 326:897 (N) may have peaked (J Parry). 326:947 (N) safe place to visit (D Spurgeon). 326:948 (N) Toronto succumbs a second time (D Spurgeon). 326:1162 (N) China joins global effort (J Parry). 326:781 (N) still not open enough says WHO (J Parry). 326:1055 (N) WHO investigates fall in cases (J Parry). 326:1285 (N) wild animals: test for host (S Gottlieb). 326:1109 (N) discrimination, popular perceptions of risk (J Schram) (Personal view). 326:939 (R) epidemiology Hong Kong virus spreads worldwide (J Parry). 326:677 (N) no sign of coming under control (J Parry). 326:839 (N) spread slows (J Parry). 326:1232 (N) haematological manifestations: retrospective analysis (RSM Wong, et al). 326:1358 (P) Hong Kong case report (M Chan-Yeung, et al). 326:850 (P), 1394 (L) epidemiological link 326:1393 (L) (correction, 327: ) may have peaked (J Parry). 326:947 (N) on internet (F Waechter) (Website of the week). 326:1152 (R) (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1464 (R) (T Jackson) (Website of the week). 326:937 (R) medicine in time of SARS (ACF Hui). 326:1067 mortality, WHO warns that could reach 10% (J Parry). 326:999 (N) SARS Reference (Kamps, et al, eds) (Website). 326:1402 (R) Singapore (R Kirk) (Personal view). 326:937 (R) time to show unity (D Chao) ( ersonal view). P 326:938 (R) UK boarding school policies are confused. 326:929 (L) could still affect (L Eaton). 326:948 (N) first confirmed case (J Parry). 326:1103 (N) travellers warned (A Ellis). 326:615 (N) virology coronavirus? (J Parry). 326:727 (N) two virus strains sequenced (O Dyer). 326:999 (N) virus identified but disease still spreading (J Parry). 326:897 (N) WHO global alert (J Parry). 326:615 (N) WHO identification criteria: evaluation (TH Rainer, et al). 326:1354 (P) Seville, Robert Heywood, Obituary (PV Harrison). 326:504 Seviour, Paul, Doctor of the Year 2002 (K Hebert) BMJ Careers 326:s62 (22 February) Sevitt, Ivor, Obituary (M Hyatt). 326:663 sex behaviour adolescents in Nigeria (GB Slap, et al). 326:15 (P) female sexual dysfunction making of a disease (R Moynihan). 326:45 (ED), 549 (L), 658 (L), 660 (L) PR campaign to counter BMJ claims (R Moynihan). 326:120 (ED), 660 (L) sex education James Jobanputra (S Dosani) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s69 (1 March) value of agony aunts (PM Boynton) ( ersonal P view). 326:1465 (R) Sexton R, Maintaining the wellbeing of rural GPs BMJ Careers 326:s101 (29 March) sexual discrimination see also discrimination consultants and discretionary awards overview (J Raftery). 326:671 (E) white/non-white and men/women (A Esmail, et al). 326:687 (P), 1214 (L), 1215 (L) sexual health emergency contraception (AMC Webb). 326:775 (E) English crisis, committee evidence (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1281 (N) Shah P, Visual field smiling face (Photofinish) 323:1498 (correction, 326:212)

January-June 2003


shaken baby syndrome, Canada, national prevention strategy (D Spurgeon). 326:239 (N) Sharma H, et al, Double patella syndrome (Minerva). 326:404 (R) Sharma VK, see Leontiadis GI. 326:1460 Sharp D see Chalder M. 326:532 see Hamilton WT. 326:397 Sharp N Episode 5: The coroner's postmortem (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s7 (4 January) Episode 6: Martha tries her hand at supervision (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s15 (11 January) Episode 7: Who was in charge of the condom? (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s23 (18 January) Episode 8: Has Martha finally flipped? (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s31 (25 January) Episode 9: New management for Murkton Moor (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s39 (1 February) Episode 10: Patients before paperwork (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s47 (8 February) Episode 11: A nice meal out with the Millstones? (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s55 (15 February) Episode 12: Two medical meetings (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s63 (22 February) Episode 13: The return of CHI (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s71 (1 March) Episode 14: A bad night's sleep (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s79 (8 March) Episode 15: A few rounds (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s87 (15 March) Episode 16: A wonderful flawed vision (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s95 (22 March) Episode 17: An injection of the truth (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s96 (29 March) Episode 18: The marvellous Professor Millstone (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s123 (5 April) Episode 19: Martha's appraisal (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s131 (12 April) Episode 20: The cupboard, creme eggs, and lottery tickets (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s139 (19 April) Episode 21: The visit of the Magi (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s147 (26 April) Episode 22: The heavy squad (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s155 (3 May) Episode 23: An unfortunate accident (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s163 (10 May) Episode 24: Martha in court (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s171 (17 May) Episode 25: An obstetric emergency (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s179 (24 May) Episode 26: The return of the heavy squad (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s187 (31 May) Episode 27: The gnome at the end of the garden (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s195 (7 June) Episode 28: A taste of your own medicine (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s203 (14 June) Episode 29: David finds out (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s211 (21 June) Episode 30: Marital therapy (Soap opera) BMJ Careers 326:s219 (28 June) Shashok K, Pitfalls of editorial miscommunication. 326:1262 (E) Shaukat, Mohammed Naeem, GMC suspension for research fraud (O Dyer). 326:352 (N) Shaw FE, et al, Multifactorial intervention after a fall in older people with cognitive impairment and dementia presenting to the accident and emergency department: randomised controlled trial. 326:73 (P) (correction, 699) Shaw J see Adu D. 326:789 see Marinker M. 326:348 Shaw KM, see Greenwood RH. 326:881 Shaw, Ronald ("Ronnie"), Obituary (T Shaw, et al). 326:287 Shawe, Gerard David Horace, Obituary (DJ Shawe, et al). 326:935 Sheather J, Endpiece. A choice. 326:640 Shebbe M, see Berkley JA. 326:361 Sheikh A Where worlds meet. 326:809 et al, Promoting blood donation among British Muslims (Personal view). 326:1152 (R) see Car J. 326:966 see Chan K-P BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) see Pinnock H. 326:477, 1267

Shekelle P, New contract for general practitioners. 326:457 (E) Sheldon T Being "tired of life" is not grounds for euthanasia. 326:71 (N) Charity calls for the release of its kidnapped worker. 326:729 (N) Court awards damages to disabled child for having been born. 326:784 (N) Court upholds murder verdict on doctor who ended woman's life. 326:1351 (N) Dutch health service is asked to draw up smallpox contingency plans. 326:414 (N) EU patients are entitled to primary care in any member country. 326:1106 (N) Euthanasia, Ethics and Public Policy (Books). 326:1218 (R) Only half of Dutch doctors report euthanasia. 326:1164 (N) Shepherd J Violence as a public health problem. 326:104 (L) et al, The impact of antisocial lifestyle on health. 326:834 (E) Shepperd S, see Harnden A. 326:480 Shipman, Harold monitoring general practice mortality rates after Shipman (R Baker, et al). 326:274 (ED), 1038 (L) proposals will alter general practice profoundly. 326:280 (L) Shooter, Mike, interview on depression (H Crane) (Doctors as patients). 326:1324 Shorvon, Simon ousted in research row in Singapore (O Dyer). 326:839 (N) replaced as lead scientist while GMC investigates research (O Dyer). 326:1416 (N) Shrestha SR, see Christian P. 326:571 Shulman KI, et al, Changing prescription patterns for lithium and valproic acid in old age: shifting practice without evidence. 326:960 (P) Si LCY, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 Sibbald B, et al, National survey of job satisfaction and retirement intentions among general practitioners in England. 326:22 (PC) sick doctors alcohol problems, Graeme Cunningham (R MacDonald) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s115 (29 March) alcohol problems (R Charlton) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s114 (29 March) CHITS (DG Fowlie) (Have you heard about...) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) disclosing personal health information Daniella's case (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s60 (22 February) Daniella's decisions (S Flynn, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s117 (5 April) Doctors in Difficulty working group (M Wilks, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) GMC health procedures (B Brewer) BMJ Careers 326:s106 (29 March) how many doctors are sick? (J Stanton, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s97 (29 March) looking after doctor patients (A Freeman, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s105 (29 March) next steps (L Bennett) BMJ Careers 326:s103 (29 March) Staffordshire scheme (R Chambers) BMJ Careers 326:s100 (29 March) Sidiki SS, et al, Lesson of the week. Fear of the dark in children: is stationary night blindness the cause? 326:211 (C) Siegel-Itzkovich J Israel considers paying people for donating a kidney. 326:126 (N) Israeli committee maps out healthcare reforms. 326:70 (N) Sierra Leone see also Africa Book Aid International (K Carew, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) sigmoidoscopy, screening every five years may be too frequent (S Gottlieb). 326:949 (N) sildenafil see Viagra Silver, Michael, cleared of serious professional misconduct (C Dyer). 326:898 (N) (correction, 1173) Silverman ME, et al, eds, The Quotable Osler (Books). 326:289 (R) Simkin S, see Hawton K. 326:1006 Simmonds H, Novartis was not in breach of code for "inventing" disease. 326:396 (L)

Simms, Jonathan, experimental CJD treatment (O Dyer). 326:8 (N) Simon C, et al, Oxford Handbook of General Practice (Books). 326:56 (R) Simpson D, Autism spectrum disorder is not as certain as implied. 326:986 (L) Simpson E, see Pell JP. 326:134 Simpson JA, see Murchie P. 326:84 Simpson S, see Bower P. 326:1247 Sims PA Overseas members of the BMA. 326:932 (L) Papua New Guinea needs law and order above all. 326:165 (L) Sindos M, et al, Consumption of coffee during pregnancy. 326:1268 (L) Singapore see also Asia SARS, other war (R Kirk) ( ersonal view). P 326:937 (R) Simon Shorvon ousted in research row (O Dyer). 326:839 (N) replaced as lead scientist while GMC investigates research (O Dyer). 326:1416 (N) Singer PA, Intimate examinations and other ethical challenges in medical education. 326:62 (E) Singh D BMA says non-therapeutic circumcision needs consent of both parents. 326:782 (N) Dietary acrylamide may not cause cancer. 326:303 (N) Drug companies advised to publish unfavourable trial results. 326:1163 (N) Initiative will fast -track vaccine for childhood diarrhoea. 326:354 (N) Racism rife in the medical profesion, BMA report says. 326:1418 (N) Scientist or showman? 326:468 (N) Singh Dishan, Ottawa ankle rules. 326:1147 (L) Singh JA, et al, Images of war and medical ethics. 326:774 (E), 1215 (L) Singh S, see Jones P BMJ Careers 326:s181 (31 May) Sirel JM, see Pell JP. 326:163 Skene L, see Tassiker R. 326:331 Skew P, et al, Musculoskeletal medicine BMJ Careers 326:s89 (22 March) skill based assessment, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine (S Smee). 326:703 (C) skin cancers, prevention (A Fry, et al). 326:114 (E), 1148 (L) skin scarring, (A Bayat, et al). 326:88 (C), 765 (L) Skinner AC, Effectiveness of trained nurses in preoperative assessment. 326:600 Slack M, see McVernon J. 326:285 Slap GB, et al, Sexual behaviour of adolescents in Nigeria: cross sectional survey of secondary school students. 326:15 (P) Slawson D, Endpiece. Reality. 326:425 sleep disorders benign sleep myoclonus in infancy mistaken for epilepsy (J Egger, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:975 (C) deprivation increases cardiac risk in women (D Josefson). 326:302 (N) Sleight P, see Yusuf S. 326:52 Slovakia see also Europe Roma women forcible sterilisations (K Krosnar). 326:302 (N) smacking, UK MPs call for ban (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1414 (N) smallpox Netherlands, health service smallpox contingency plans (T Sheldon). 326:414 (N) UK interim guidelines. 326:447 (L) vaccination long lasting immunity (D Josefson). 326:1164 (N) US plan: professional challenge (R Moynihan). 326:179 (N) Smee S, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Skill based assessment. 326:703 (C) Smeeth L, see Wright N. 326:512 Smirnov A, see Borchardt J. 326:751 Smit D, see Rainer TH. 326:1354 Smith A see Markham R. 326:863 see Whitfield RJ. 326:551 Smith AF, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1396 (L) Smith, Desmond, Obituary (PMS Gillam). 326:451 Smith G, see Douek M. 326:1012 Smith GCS, et al, Spontaneous loss of early pregnancy and risk of ischaemic heart disease in


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later life: retrospective cohort study. 326:423 (P), 1146 (L) Smith J, et al, Cardiovascular risk scores and prescribing in diabetes. 326:882 (L) Smith Jane New designs for familiar objects. 326:11 (N) see Rennie D. 326:563 Smith JE, Prisons, too, are institutions for psychiatric care. 326:824 (L) Smith JP, see Arulampalam W. 326:162 Smith LA, see Deeks JJ. 326:335 Smith LK, et al, Recent changes in lung cancer incidence for south Asians: a population based register study. 326:81 (P) Smith P, Doctors' diagnosis: Diabetes (Doctors as patients). 326:1325 Smith PC, see Martin S. 326:763 Smith R Closing the digital divide. 326:238 (E), 1035 (L) Do patients need to read research? (Research). 326:1307 Editorial misconduct. 326:1224 (E) The failures of two contracts. 326:1097 (E) The market for medical journals is "anticompetitive, " says expert. 326:182 (N) Medical journals and pharmaceutical companies: uneasy bedfellows. 326:1202 (ED) New BMJ policy on economic evaluations. 326:446 (L) What doctors and managers can learn from each other. 326:610 (E), 1213 (L), 1214 (L) et al, Competing interests. 326:883 (L) see Abbasi K. 326:1156 see Bonaccorso S. 326:1220 see Delamothe T. 326:945 see Rennie D. 326:563 Smith SA, see Gami AS. 326:528 Smith, Sam Pullar, Obituary (D Anderson). 326:399 Smith SM, 10-minute consultation, Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. 326:1371 (PC) Smith, Vernon Hope Obituary (SK McVernon). 326:287 Obituary (V Marmion). 326:1401 Smith WCS, see Wilson BJ. 326:845 smoke alarms, fires and, incidence. 326:165 (L) smoking see also tobacco adolescence mobile phone use has not replaced smoking. 326:161 (L) prevention. One hundred years ago. 326:1126 Bangladeshi and Pakistani adults: influences (J Bush, et al). 326:962 (PC) chocolate cigarettes "recruit" children (A Ferriman). 326:302 (N) prevalence of hardcore smoking in England, and associated attitudes and beliefs: cross sectional study (MJ Jarvis, et al). 326:1061 (P) smoke free areas do not harm profits (R Watson). 326:1232 (N) hospitals (M McKee, et al). 326:941 (E) social costs are trip le those of illicit drugs (C Zinn). 326:242 (N) smoking cessation effectiveness of stage based interventions (R Riemsma, et al). 326:1175 (PC) filthy habit of smoking (I Loefler) (Soundings). 326:1465 (R) GlaxoSmithKline legal action to block bupropion controls (M Sweet). 326:952 (N) pregnancy, effectiveness of self-help approach. 326:446 (L), 447 (L) snakes patient-free days (J Fraser). 326:92 polyspecific antivenom. 326:447 (L) Snomed, clinical information standards: why they matter (M Gardner). 326:1101 (E) Soares-Weiser K, see Paul M. 326:1111 Society of Homeopaths, does not advise against vaccination. 326:164 (L) socioeconomic factors see also poverty Russia, 1990s mortality increase (SL Plavinski, et al). 326:1240 (P) Sodeck G et al, Interactive case report. A 42 year old man with acute chest pain case presentation. 326:920 (C) case progression. 326:974 (C) contents. 326:1079 (C) case outcome. 326:1133 (C) see Hartl P. 326:1133

Solomon A, see Chan K-P BMJ Careers 326:s135 (19 April) Solomon T, et al, West Nile encephalitis. 326:865 (C) (correction, 1173) Somaliland see also Africa Book Aid International (K Carew, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) Sommer A, see Christian P. 326:571 Song F, et al, Validity of indirect comparison for estimating efficacy of competing interventions: empirical evidence from published meta-analysis. 326:472 (P) Soo K-C, see Tan Y-M. 326:1394 Sood V, see Ullah W. 326:710 sore throat, GP antibiotics prescription? grounded theory interview study (S Kumar, et al). 326:138 (PC), 766 (L) Sorensen R, see Iedema R. 326:771 Sosin M et al, Lesson of the week. Low dose methotrexate and bone marrow suppression. 326:266 (C), 1145 (L) see Davis RC. 326:883 Sotelo J, Neurocysticercosis. 326:511 (E) South Africa see also Africa AIDS, politics: beyond controversies (D Fassin, et al). 326:495 (ED) computerised information systems: hard lessons still to be learnt (P Littlejohns, et al). 326:860 (IP) South America see also Argentina; Cuba South Asians see also ethnic groups lung cancer incidence: population based register study (LK Smith, et al). 326:81 (P) representation in randomised controlled trials (S Mason, et al). 326:1244 (P) South Korea see also Asia Jong-Wook Lee: new WHO head (F Fleck). 326:241 (N) (G Yamey, et al). 326:1100 (E) South M, On teething symptoms. 326:282 (L) Southall D et al, eds, International Child Health Care: A Practical Manual for Hospitals Worldwide (Books). 326:936 (R) et al, The police should take the lead on protecting children from criminal abuse (Personal view). 326:343 (R) Southon FCG, Rethinking management. 326:221 (L) Sowden AJ, see Riemsma RP. 326:1175 Spain see also Europe faxing helps deaf people access health services. 326:824 (L) winter holiday (JO Drife) (Soundings). 326:607 (R) Spear HB, et al, eds, Heroin Addiction Care and Control: The British System 1916-1984 (Books). 326:400 (R) Spechler SJ, Managing Barrett's oesophagus. 326:892 (E) specialist registrars, implications of Modernising Medical Careers (A Poole) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s194 (7 June) specialties, medical, career choice, UK medical graduates of 1999 and 2000 (TW Lambert, et al). 326:194 (P) Spedding R, see Hindle A. 326:502 Spence SA, Presumed Curable (Books). 326:1150 (R) Spencer HL, et al, Investigating and managing chronic dysphagia. 326:1147 (L) Spencer J, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Learning and teaching in the clinical environment. 326:591 (C) Spencer S, Been there, done that... (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s121 (5 April) Spiegel J, see Labonte R. 326:722 spina bifida, outcome in adults at age 35 (GM Hunt, et al). 326:1365 (P) sponsorship see under drug industry Sporer KA, Strategies for preventing heroin overdose. 326:442 (ED) sport Paul Monk (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s54 (15 February) Stephanie Cook (K Hebert) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s78 (8 March) sports medicine ephedra, contribution to sportsman's death (F Charatan). 326:464 (N) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R)

Textbook of Sports Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Aspects of Sports Injury and Physical Activity (Kjaer, et al, eds) (Books). 326:1041 (R) Springett, Victor Henry, Obituary (Self written). 326:935 Spurgeon D Advanced scanning techniques help doctors stage prostate cancer. 326:1418 (N) Canada insists that it is a safe place to visit. 326:948 (N) Canada reports more than 300 suspected cases of SARS. 326:897 (N) Canadian government is attacked for plan to legalise marijuana 326:1232 (N) (correction, 327:88) Cigarette possession becomes illegal for Nova Scotia's under 19s. 326:69 (N) Combined aspirin and clopidogrel treatment improves outcomes, study finds. 326:464 (N) (correction, 699), 1211 (L) Shaken baby syndrome requires a national prevention strategy. 326:239 (N) Toronto succumbs to SARS a second time. 326:1162 (N) University is criticised for accepting tobacco money. 326:519 (N) US buyers of drugs from Canadian pharmacies face prosecution. 326:618 (N) squamous cell carcinomas, head and neck. 326:282 (L) Squires B, et al, Empowerment of patients fact or fiction? 326:710 (L) Sreenarasimhaiah J, Diagnosis and management of intestinal ischaemic disorders. 326:1372 (C) Sri Lanka see also Asia drug availability for poor people. 326:553 (L) Sridhar CB, et al, Model for Bangalore helped disseminate information to doctors in India. 326:337 (L) Sriharsha B, et al, Hiatus hernia allows colon to enter the thoracic cavity (Minerva). 326:292 (R) Srinivasan S, et al, Colouring agent used to enhance eye redness (Minerva). 326:720 (R) stable angina, treatment options: ABC of interventional cardiology (L O'Toole, et al). 326:1185 (C) staff and associate specialist doctors see also doctors getting serious about (P Royle) BMJ Careers 326:s200 (14 June) staff grade doctors see also doctors positive experience (R Freeth) (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s122 (5 April) Staffordshire GP Support scheme, (R Chambers) BMJ Careers 326:s100 (29 March) Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy initiative (PM Bossuyt, et al). 326:41 (ED), 601 (L) reporting diagnostic tests (PM Bossuyt, et al). 326:41 (ED), 601 (L) Stanley B, et al, Uptake of HIV screening in genitourinary medicine after change to "opt-out" consent. 326:1174 (P) Stanton J, et al, How many doctors are sick? BMJ Careers 326:s97 (29 March) Staphylococcus aureus, US vancomycin resistant case (S Gottlieb). 326:783 (N) STARD steering group, see Bossuyt PM. 326:41 Stark C, et al, Death risk other than from suicide is raised in self harm. 326:499 (L) statins age-related maculopathy risk and (R van Leeuwen, et al). 326:255 (P) cardiovascular diseases: polypill overview (A Rodgers). 326:1407 (E) combination of drugs (NJ Wald, et al). 326:1419 (P) cardiovascular events cut in people with diabetes (S Mayor). 326:1348 (N) LDL cholesterol concentrations and: systematic review and meta-analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1423 (P) stationary night blindness, fear of dark (SS Sidiki, et al). 326:211 (C) statistics on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:938 (R) "non-barking" dogs: Sherlock Holmes' case of missing data. 326:882 (L) reification of numbers (R Iedema, et al) (Personal view). 326:771 (R) Statistics Notes, Interaction revisited: the difference between two estimates (DG Altman, et al). 326:219 (ED) Staub J-J, see Meier C. 326:311

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Steen IN, see Shaw FE. 326:73 Steen N, see Eccles MP. 326:395 Stefan, Marcus Aurelius (Aurel), Obituary (E Sheldon). 326:988 Steger AC, see Tekkis PP. 326:786 stem cell transplantation Christopher Reeve interview (L Eaton) (Interview). 326:1287 UK, EU threat (R Watson). 326:838 (N) US, AMA approval (JH Tanne). 326:1417 (N) Stephens C, Open letter to Tony Blair: Call to prevent escalating violence. 326:220 (L) (correction, 397) Steptoe A, et al, Behavioural counselling to increase consumption of fruit and vegetables in low income adults: randomised trial. 326:855 (PC), 1458 (L) Sterchi R, see Jni P. 326:334 sterilisation, sexual, Slovak Republic, Roma women forcible sterilisations (K Krosnar). 326:302 (N) Sterling TR, et al, Impact of DOTS compared with DOTS-plus on multidrug resistant tuberculosis and tuberculosis deaths: decision analysis. 326:574 (P) Sterne J see Frankel S. 326:1456 see May M. 326:822 Sterne JAC, see Martin RM. 326:188 steroids asthma, stepping down inhaled steroids (G Hawkins, et al). 326:1115 (P) bone loss in postmenopausal women (POEM*). 326 (10 May 2003) Steurer J, see Bachmann LM. 326:393, 417 Steven, Colin Monteith, Obituary (M Steven). 326:1462 Steven, Grace Blain (ne Aitken), Obituary (M Steven). 326:1462 Stewart, Elaine Oenone (ne Earengey), Obituary (RM Stewart). 326:108 Stewart J, see Grant CC. 326:852 Stewart, Mary ("May") Donaldson, Obituary (GV Seccombe). 326:287 stillbirth, maternal coffee consumption and stillbirth/infant death in first year (K Wisborg, et al). 326:420 (P), 1268 (L), 1269 (L) Stoate, Howard, (P Cross) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s145 (26 April) Stock K, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 Sthr K, Preventing and treating influenza. 326:1223 (E) Stoker DL, see Douek M. 326:1012 Stokes T, et al, Patients' accounts of being removed from their general practitioner's list: qualitative study (Research) 326:1316 (correction, 327:26) Stover J, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Strachan J, Overseas members of the BMA. 326:932 (L) Strada, Gino, interview with (F Turone). 326:244 (N) Strang J et al, Loss of tolerance and overdose mortality after inpatient opiate detoxification: follow up study. 326:959 (P) see McCambridge J. 326:336 Straus SE, Reporting diagnostic tests. 326:3 (E) stress, psychological Beating Stress in the NHS (Chambers) (Books). 326:717 (R) beating "techno stress" (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s162 (10 May) doctors overview (J Firth-Cozens). 326:670 (E) defining personal equation (R Menninger) BMJ Careers 326:s107 (29 March) recognising and managing (R Chambers, et al) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s110 (29 March) Stricker BHCh, see van Leeuwen R. 326:255 stroke see also cardiovascular diseases alteplase beneficial (J Lenzer). 326:1234 (N) hypertension in pregnancy and risk of hypertension and stroke in later life (BJ Wilson, et al). 326:845 (P) mortality after admission to hospital (SE Roberts, et al). 326:193 (P), 1085 (L), 1086 (L) prevention: ramipril and blood pressure. 326:52 (L) statins and: systematic review and meta-analysis (MR Law, et al). 326:1423 (P) therapeutic thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke (C Warlow, et al). 326:233 (E)

value of low dose combination treatment with blood pressure lowering drugs: analysis of 354 randomised trials (MR Law, et al). 326:1427 (P) Stryer D, et al, Boosting performance measure for measure (Comment). 326:1278 Stubi C-LF, see Verdon F. 326:1124 Stubley J, see Davis RC. 326:883 students, medical application of published evidence: randomised trial (A Schwartz, et al). 326:536 (LP) electives and HIV, UK medical schools' questionnaires. 326:338 (L) mature Gerald Garbutt (T Okoro) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s38 (1 February) Paul Monk (C Hughes) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s54 (15 February) performance, roles of personality, references, and personal statements (E Ferguson, et al). 326:429 (LP), 986 (L) secretarial work (J Alis, et al) (Personal view). 326:403 (R) Studer J-P, see Verdon F. 326:1124 sub-Saharan Africa, caesarean section rates (P Buekens, et al). 326:136 (P) subarachnoid haemorrhage, Time out of Mind (Lapotaire) (Books). 326:1092 (R) success, Endpiece (S Dhami). 326:642 Succop PA, see Slap GB. 326:15 sudden acute respiratory syndrome see severe acute respiratory syndrome sudden death, epilepsy, UK action plan (E Reynolds). 326:349 (E) sudden infant death Cot Death Mothers: The Witch Hunt BBC2 (R Wilson) (TV). 326:402 (R) mattresses and, used mattress survey: Scotland. 326:222 (L) Sudlow CLM, et al, Problems with UK government's risk sharing scheme for assessing drugs for multiple sclerosis. 326:388 (ED), 1212 (L), 1213 (L) Sugarman PA, Mind and body split. 326:601 (L) suicide antidepressants and: Australia 1991-2000 (WD Hall, et al). 326:1008 (P) co-proxamol and, study of national mortality statistics and local non-fatal self poisonings (K Hawton, et al). 326:1006 (P) India, evaluation of rates using verbal autopsies: 1994-9 (A Joseph, et al). 326:1121 (P) media influences on. 326:498 (L), 499 (L) rate 22 years after parasuicide. 326:499 (L) Sweden, cosmetic breast implants (VCM Koot, et al). 326:527 (P), 1266 (L) suicide, assisted see also euthanasia Switzerland allowing role for non-physicians (SA Hurst, et al). 326:271 (ED) parliament may try to ban "suicide tourism" (C Dyer). 326:242 (N) Sullivan F see Fahey T. 326:394, 982 see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 see Thiru K. 326:1070 Summerfield D, Fighting "terrorism" with torture. 326:773 (E) Sundar S, see Davies CR. 326:377 Sunderland S, see Wilson BJ. 326:845 Sung JJY see Rainer TH. 326:1354 see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Suresh D, see Sridhar CB. 326:337 surgery Life Means Nothing Behind the Green Wall (Professor Z) (Books). 326:887 (R) multisource feedback, method of assessing surgical practice (C Violato, et al). 326:546 (ED) outcome determinants (D Carter). 326:832 (E) training in developing world (K Ghani, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s1 (4 January) surgery, operative art of surgery. Endpiece (K Baig). 326:310 mortality control charts for comparing performance of surgical units (PP Tekkis, et al). 326:786 (P), 1397 (L) surgery, plastic, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R) surgical oncology, career advice (D Rew) BMJ Careers 326:s41 (8 February) survival analysis breast cancers

individualised survival estimation (J Lundin, et al) (Infopoints). 326:29 (IP), 822 (L) web-based system for individualised estimation (J Lundin, et al). 326:29 (IP), 822 (L) clinical databases, individual survival prediction (N Black). 326:2 (E) Sutcliffe A, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 Sutcliffe AG, et al, Testing new pharmaceutical products in children. 326:64 (E) (correction, 321), 712 (L) Sutcliffe SJ, et al, Incidence of coronary heart disease in a health authority in London: review of a community register. 326:20 (P) Sutton AJ, see Cooper NJ. 326:1235 Sutton, David, Obituary (R Davies). 326:934 Swanson BA, Reconfiguring health systems. 326:599 (L) swearing, anaesthesia and. One hundred years ago. 326:201 Swedberg G, see Frnert A. 326:628 Sweden see also Europe cosmetic breast implants, mortality (VCM Koot, et al). 326:527 (P), 1266 (L) life and work (J von Rosen) BMJ Careers 326:s173 (24 May) Sweeney K et al, eds, Complexity and Healthcare: An Introduction (Books). 326:228 (R) see Wilson T. 326:656 Sweet M Being a caring doctor may be bad for you. 326:355 (N) Brandy, bridge and other patient dilemmas (Good patient). 326:1291 GlaxoSmithKline takes legal action to block new controls on its smoking cessation drug. 326:952 (N) IBS ad puts drug promotion under scrutiny (ads). 326:1464 (R) Lessons from the HRT story (The Press). 326:58 (R) Swensen SJ, Screening for cancer with computed tomography. 326:894 (E), 1457 (L), 1458 (L) Swerdlow, Mark, Obituary (C Richmond). 326:987 Switzerland see also Europe assisted suicide allowing role for non-physicians (SA Hurst, et al). 326:271 (ED) parliament may try to ban "suicide tourism" (C Dyer). 326:242 (N) medical president. One hundred years ago. 326:799 Sykora K, see Shulman KI. 326:960 symptoms, possible oncological significance: separating wheat from chaff. 326:397 (L) syncope Brugada syndrome variable presentation, lessons from three generations (A Plunkett, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:1078 (C) driving recommendations and clinical reality: patient survey (R Maas, et al). 326:21 (P), 601 (L) systematic reviews, uncertain conclusions (M Petticrew). 326:756 (ED) Szatmari P, The causes of autism spectrum disorders. 326:173 (E), 986 (L) Szekely, Mary Marguerite ("Peggy") (ne Lynch), Obituary (I Murray). 326:451

t'ai chi, in Dagehnam (J Ogden) (Learning from patients). 326:1304 Tai NRM, et al, Host should also protect students on electives from HIV. 326:338 (L) Taibjee S, et al, Molluscum contagiosum in 19 month old boy (Minerva). 326:232 (R) Tait G, see Brammah A. 326:489 Tam JS, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Tamimi RM, et al, Average energy intake among pregnant women carrying a boy compared with a girl (Research pointers). 326:1245 (P) Tan Y-M, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1394 (L) Tanne JH American Medical Association approves stem cell research. 326:1417 (N) Experts issue guidelines for treating childhood brain injury. 326:1283 (N) Industry is deeply involved in funding US research. 326:179 (N) New Yorkers are given details on doctors' volume of work. 326:416 (N)


January-June 2003

Patients' own marrow cells improve heart function. 326:950 (N) "Safe havens" for unwanted babies could reduce infanticide. 326:678 (N) Task force says US academic health centres need major changes. 326:354 (N) Treatment for multiple myeloma shows promise. 326:1054 (N) Treatment slows moderate to severe Alzheimer's disease. 326:784 (N) US guidelines say blood pressure of 120/80 mm Hg is not "normal". 326:1104 (N) US Senate outlaws "partial birth abortion". 326:619 (N) When Jesica died (The Press). 326:717 (R) Tantam, Digby, David Firth on (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s52 (15 February) Tappenden P, see Chilcott J. 326:522 Taracena CAH, How political should a general medical journal be? 326:820 (L) Tarnow-Mordi W, see Parry G. 326:280 Tarrant C, et al, "He treats you as a person not just like a number" (Research). 326:1310 Tassiker R, et al, Prenatal diagnosis requests for Huntington's disease when the father is at risk and does not want to know his genetic status: clinical, legal, and ethical viewpoints. 326:331 (ED) Tate, Patricia Mary Tate (ne Tomlins), Obituary (C Tomlins). 326:504 tattoo, cinnabar allergy (S Jain, et al) (Minerva). 326:1466 (R) Taxis K, et al, Ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors. 326:684 (P) Taylor D, Fewer new drugs from the pharmaceutical industry. 326:408 (E) Taylor G, see Illing J. 326:1019 Taylor, Richard, (WS Brown) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s146 (26 April) teaching see also learning methods, experience in different ones (W-C Leung) BMJ Careers 326:s27 (25 January) patient involvement can enhance their lives. A memorable patient (M Rhodes). 326:1255 patients' experiences of undergraduate psychiatry teaching (K Walters, et al). 326:740 (PC), 1399 (L) presentation advice (D Midmer) BMJ Careers 326:s120 (5 April) teaching methods, role playing (D Midmer) BMJ Careers 326:s28 (25 January) teamwork, leading a team (M Griffiths) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s210 (21 June) Teasdale S Ten ways to improve information technology in the NHS. Commentary: Clinical focus might make it work. 326:206 (IP) see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:1439 teeth fully developed in brain teratoma (S Kuruvath, et al) (Minerva). 326:772 (R) pulp: good source of sem cells (D Josefson). t 326:950 (N) teething, symptoms survey of child health professionals. 326:282 (L) tegaserod, Australia, ad puts drug promotion under scrutiny (M Sweet) (ads). 326:1464 (R) Tekkis PP, et al, Mortality control charts for comparing performance of surgical units: validation study using hospital mortality data. 326:786 (P), 1397 (L) telephones see also mobile phones asthma, accessibility, acceptability, and effectiveness (H Pinnock, et al). 326:477 (PC), 1267 (L) consultations (J Car, et al). 326:966 (IP) interviews, how to handle (H Morani) BMJ Careers 326:s13 (11 January) television Asian health soap opera blocked (R Coombes) (TV). 326:110 (R) doctor presenters: keeping up appearances (N Marks) (TV). 326:770 (R) 10-minute consultation Adverse drug event (N Dunn). 326:1018 (PC) Chronic cough (GP Currie, et al). 326:261 (PC), 1036 (L), 1037 (L) Chronic low back pain (J Samanta, et al). 326:535 (PC) Newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (SM Smith). 326:1371 (PC) Polyarthralgia (J Samanata, et al). 326:859 (PC)

ten Tusscher MPM, et al, Drug points, Bilateral anterior toxic optic neuropathy and the use of infliximab. 326:579 ter Riet G, see Bachmann LM. 326:393, 417, 1147 terminal care last hours or days of life (J Ellershaw, et al). 326:30 (C), 552 (L) Transitions in End of Life Care: Hospice and Related Developments in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (Clark, et al) (Books). 326:228 (R) 'you matter to the last moment of your life' ( I Brignall) (Perspectives). 326:1335 Ternullo JL, see Kedar I. 326:696 terrorism see also biological warfare fighting with torture (D Summerfield). 326:773 (E) In the Wake of Terror: Medicine and Morality in a Time of Crisis (Moreno, ed) (Books). 326:989 (R) journal editors call for responsibility in publishing "dangerous" research (T Radford). 326:411 (N) Netherlands, health service smallpox contingency plans (T Sheldon). 326:414 (N) Terrorism and Public Health: A Balanced Approach to Strengthening Systems and Protecting People (Levy, et al, eds) (Books). 326:989 (R) Terzano C, et al, Lesson of the week, Clarithromycin and pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia. 326:1377 (C) testicular cancers, Arsenal FC, helps publicise website (S Mayor) 326:1282 (N) (correction, 327:88) tetanus, preventing and treatment (CL Thwaites). 326:117 (E) Tettenborn M, Post -marketing surveillance is needed for off licence use of drugs in children. 326:712 (L) Tewari, Sisir Kumar, Obituary (TA Mahmood, et al). 326:287 text messaging see also mobile phones appointment reminders (O Dyer). 326:1281 (N) role in healthcare? (B Pal) (Personal view). 326:607 (R), 1148 (L) textbooks, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:1464 (R) Thailand see also Asia community adoption. A memorable patient (R McGready). 326:873 HIV risk among injecting drug users (A Buavirat, et al). 326:308 (P) rabies. A memorable patient (R Hillier). 326:1022 Thain J, see Murchie P. 326:84 Thakerar A, Goodbourn C, Alcohol handrubs v soap. 326:50 (L) Thalava R, see Puttha R BMJ Careers 326:s177 (24 May) Thami GP, et al, Drug points. Erythromelalgia induced by possible calcium channel blockade by ciclosporin. 326:910 Thapar MM, see Frnert A. 326:628 theatre, performing arts medicine (H Barratt) BMJ Careers 326:s21 (18 January) Theivendra A, see Ullah W. 326:710 thiazide diuretics, hypertension drug treatment (B Williams). 326:61 (E), 764 (L) Thiru K, et al, Systematic review of scope and quality of electronic patient record data in primary care. 326:1070 (PC) Thomas C, A Patient who changed my practice. I should have known better. 326:920 Thomas H Clinical networks for doctors and managers. 326:655 (ED) GMC guidance on withholding life prolonging treatment. 326:1215 (L) Thomas M, et al, Chronic cough. 326:1036 (L) Thomas, Marjorie Paula, Obituary (C Thomas). 326:663 Thomas RE, et al, Unit of analysis errors should be clarified in meta-analysis. 326:397 (L) Thompson DR, see Rafferty AM. 326:833 Thomson NC, see Hawkins G. 326:1115 Thornett A et al, Pick 'n' mix career options for GPs BMJ Careers 326:s213 (28 June) see Chambers R BMJ Careers 326:s193 (7 June) thromboembolism new contraceptive Yasmin and (K van Grootheest, et al) (Drug points). 326:257

risk for patients with pre-eclampsia (C van Walraven, et al) (Research pointers). 326:791 (P) (correction, 1362) thrombolysis acute ischaemic stroke (C Warlow, et al). 326:233 (E) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:290 (R) myocardial infarction, improvement of management. 326:448 (L) NICE recommends greater use. 326:448 (L) Thwaites CL, et al, Preventing and treating tetanus. 326:117 (E) thyroid function tests hypothyroidism and overview (AD Toft, et al). 326:295 (E), 1086 (L), 1087 (L) stimulating hormone in assessment of hypothyroidism severity (C Meier, et al). 326:311 (P), 1086 (L) time, how many days have you lost? Endpiece (A Gormley). 326:758 Tissot J, see Verdon F. 326:1124 To KF, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 tobacco see also smoking Canada, possession illegal for teenagers (D Spurgeon). 326:69 (N) cannabis comparison (JA Henry, et al). 326:942 (E) Parkinson disease and (C Gale, et al). 326:561 (E) (correction, 614) WHO accord accused of watering down treaty (F Fleck). 326:412 (N) open letter to health ministers. 326:1085 (L) push for swift implementation (F Fleck). 326:1162 (N) US and Germany keen to water down (R Watson). 326:1055 (N) tobacco industry advertising exhibition on cinema promotion (A Ferriman). 326:1104 (N) pro-tobacco editorial content of young men's magazines rises (R Dobson). 326:182 (N) UK ban (L Eaton). 326:351 (N) Canada, university criticised for accepting tobacco money (D Spurgeon). 326:519 (N) Tobi H, see de Jong-van den Berg L. 326:254 Toft AD, et al, Thyroid function tests and hypothyroidism. 326:295 (E), 1086 (L), 1087 (L) Togo see also Africa infant milk formulas: monitoring marketing, compliance with International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (VM Aguayo, et al). 326:127 (P) Tonks A Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating generalised anxiety disorder. 326:700 (C) Extracts from "Best Treatments". Treating generalised anxiety disorder. Commentary: Information for patients receiving cognitive therapy. 326:702 (R) Integrated approach to teaching and learning skills. 326:1327 (L) The making of a disease: female sexual dysfunction. 326:659 (L) Toon P, see Greenhalgh T. 326:142 Torgerson DJ et al, Effectiveness of hip protectors. 326:930 (L) see Morton V. 326:1083 torture see also ethics, medical Argentina, silence, and medical teaching (L Justo) (Personal view). 326:1405 (R) US, fighting terrorism (D Summerfield). 326:773 (E) Touquet R, see Patton R. 326:337 Tourette's syndrome, Harry Potter film screening (R Dobson). 326:466 (N) Tovey C, et al, Diagnosis, investigation, and management of deep vein thrombosis. 326:1180 (C) Toyama H, Bringing books to the world BMJ Careers 326:s75 (8 March) Tracz SM, see Ramos KD. 326:319 Tran CTT, see Shulman KI. 326:960 transplantation see also organ transplantation extending boundaries (S Hettiaratchy, et al). 326:1226 (E) transport see also accidents, traffic congestion: on internet (T Jackson) (Website of the week). 326:402 (R)

January-June 2003


congestion charging and walking (I Roberts). 326:345 (E), 884 (L) travel, more advice and fewer vaccinations needed. 326:52 (L) Traynor M, see Rafferty AM. 326:833 Treasure T, see Anyanwu A. 326:509 treatment outcome determinants of surgery (D Carter). 326:832 (E) evaluation and improvement of quality and credibility of outcome database (LG Fine, et al). 326:25 (IP) patient discrepancies: qualitative study (R Campbell, et al). 326:252 (P) volume of procedures and. 326:280 (L) treatment withdrawal advice on withholding food and water breaks the law, group claims (Z Kmietowicz). 326:780 (N), 1215 (L) artificial administration of fluids and foods in elderly people with dementia. 326:713 (L) Australia, court rules food and hydration to be treatment (C Zinn). 326:1233 (N) Trichopoulos D, see Tamimi RM. 326:1245 tricyclic antidepressants see also antidepressants depression, comparison with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in primary care (S MacGillivray, et al). 326:1014 (PC) effects and side effects in depression. 326:499 (L), 500 (L) suicide and, study of national mortality statistics and local non-fatal self poisonings (K Hawton, et al). 326:1006 (P) Trittibach P, see Meier C. 326:311 Trivedi DP, et al, Effect of four monthly oral vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) supplementation on fractures and mortality in men and women living in the community: randomised double blind controlled trial. 326:469 (P) Trotter CL, see Ramsay ME. 326:365 trusts experiences of CHI reviews (S Mayor). 326:1349 (N) waiting list data deliberately misreported: Audit Commission report (S Hargreaves). 326:517 (N) truth, reality. Endpiece (D Slawson). 326:425 Tsoi L, Consumption of coffee during pregnancy. 326:1268 (L) tuberculosis Africa, epidemic still growing (P Moszynski). 326:676 (N) current medical treatment. 326:550 (L), 551 (L) diagnostic delays: London 1998-2000 (A Rodger, et al). 326:909 (P) directly observed treatment, impact of DOTS v. DOTS-plus on multidrug resistant tuberculosis and tuberculosis deaths: decision analysis (TR Sterling, et al). 326:574 (P) Tucker J, see Parry G. 326:280 Tuffs A German doctors "work to rule" n protest over i government plans. 326:303 (N) German hospital curtails services because of deficit. 326:11 (N) German surgeon is investigated about trading of organs. 326:568 (N) (correction, 849) Surgeon suspended in transplant row. 326:1164 (N) Tumwine J, see Waterston T. 326:113 Tunstall-Pedoe H, Failing to bark and barking. 326:882 (L) Turnbull, Sir Alex, Christopher Lynch on (P Cross) (The doctor who influenced me most) BMJ Careers 326:s208 (21 June) Turner DA, see Cooper NJ. 326:1235 Turner G see Goldacre MJ. 326:1011 see Lambert TW. 326:194 Turner, John ("Jack") Ferens, Obituary (A Turner). 326:554 Turner T, see Priebe S. 326:175 Turone F Italian courts find 175 doctors and managers guilty of fraud. 326:243 (N) Italian police investigate GSK Italy for bribery. 326:413 (N) Italy introduces anti-fraud measures. 326:566 (N) Preparing for the worst. 326:244 (N) Turpie AGG, et al, ABC of antithrombotic therapy. Venous thromboembolism: treatment strategies. 325:948 (C) (correction, 326:156, 1362) Turya, Elitham, (A Weidmann) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s202 (14 June)

Twaddle S, see Hawkins G. 326:1115 Twain M, Endpiece. Mark Twain on evidence based practice. 326:212 (C) (correction, 910) twins, birth order, gestational age and risk of delivery related perinatal death in twins. 326:448 (L) Twisselmann B Antidepressants (Website of the week). 326:1042 (R) Gene therapy (Website of the week). 326:506 (R) Medicine's Strangest Cases (Books). 326:169 (R) type 2 diabetes mellitus see diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent Tyrrell D, et al, Cold Wars: The Fight against the Common Cold (Books). 326:57 (R) Ubach C, et al, What do hospital consultants value about their jobs? A discrete choice experiment. 326:1432 (P) Udwin, Edgar Leon, Obituary (HR Rollin). 326:108 Uganda see also Africa AIDS, vaccine trial begins (S Mayor). 326:414 (N) Ullah W, et al, Men and older people are less likely to use NHS Direct. 326:710 (L) ultrasonography guided central venous access. 326:712 (L) osteoporosis, quantitative ultrasound and risk factor enquiry as predictors of postmenopausal osteoporosis (J Hodson, et al). 326:1250 (PC) Unfinished Business, senior house officers (A Naftalin) BMJ Careers 326:s189 (7 June) United Nations, Iraq, role in humanitarian aid (S Hargreaves). 326:729 (N) United States see also Canada abortion anti-abortionist convicted of obstetrician's murder (F Charatan). 326:678 (N) "partial birth abortion" outlawed (JH Tanne). 326:619 (N) academic health centres need major changes (JH Tanne). 326:354 (N) AIDS Bush criticised for not giving money to Global Fund (S Macdonald). 326:299 (N) Bush legislates for $15bn (S Gottlieb). 326:1233 (N) HIV test ing initiative (F Charatan). 326:950 (N) alcohol, student drinking correlation with outlet density (R Dobson). 326:783 (N) arthritis drug safety? (R Moynihan). 326:565 (N) attention deficit disorders doctor warns of misuse of prescribed stimulants (C Marwick). 326:67 (N) funds withdrawal from schools that exclude children for not taking treatment (S Gottlieb). 326:1055 (N) autism, 10-fold increase (S Gottlieb). 326:71 (N) blood pressure, new guidelines (JH Tanne). 326:1104 (N) capital punishment, insane prisoners (S Gottlieb). 326:415 (N) creationists accuse biology professor of discrimination (S Gottlieb). 326:354 (N) The Deadly Truth: A History of Disease in America (Grob) (Books). 326:606 (R) drug industry 12% growth (S Gottlieb). 326:518 (N) anti-Glaxo campaign heats up (R Moynihan). 326:413 (N) buyers from Canadian pharmacies face prosecution (D Spurgeon). 326:618 (N) deal blocked (F Fleck). 326:9 (N) developing countries no deal in sight (F Fleck). 326:465 (N) time to consider cheap drugs deal (F Fleck). 326:353 (N) doctors' treatment switching rewards defended (C Marwick). 326:67 (N) Schering-Plough overcharging and justice obstruction charges (F Charatan). 326:1233 (N) sponsorship of education could be replaced (R Moynihan). 326:1163 (N) drug testing, Arkansas urine selling ban (D Josefson). 326:300 (N) elderly AARP report (W Novelli) (Ageing). 326:1301

group attacks pharmaceutical industry "fronts" (R Moynihan). 326:351 (N) emergency department errors reviewed (R Dobson). 326:620 (N) health care should focus on 20 areas (S Gottlieb). 326:182 (N) infanticide, safe havens (JH Tanne). 326:678 (N) internet, bogus websites to hijack browsers (R Moynihan). 326:463 (N) Kaiser Permanente: propensity for partnership (FJ Crosson). 326:654 (ED) Medicaid elderly to get part of drug costs paid (S Gottlieb). 326:1351 (N) governors resist Bush plan (F Charatan). 326:1230 (N) Medicare, US proposes reform (F Charatan). 326:570 (N) mistakes, Jesica Santillan's death (JH Tanne) (The Press). 326:717 (R) New Yorkers are given details on doctors' volume of work (JH Tanne). 326:416 (N) patient education (G Dunea) (Soundings). 326:889 (R) patients allege unnecessary heart surgery (F Charatan). 326:1055 (N) Primary care in the United States gatekeeping and referrals (CB Forrest). 326:692 (PC) innovations (T Bodenheimer). 326:796 (PC) organisation (AB Bindman, et al). 326:631 (PC) profiling performance (N Goldfield, et al). 326:744 (PC), 1460 (L) prostate cancers, screening campaign group is funded by industry (J Lenzer). 326:680 (N), 1211 (L) research government conflict of interest guidelines (C Marwick). 326:782 (N) industry is deeply involved in funding (JH Tanne). 326:179 (N) smallpox vaccination plan, professional challenge (R Moynihan). 326:179 (N) stem cell research, AMA approval (JH Tanne). 326:1417 (N) tobacco keen to water down WHO treaty (R Watson). 326:1055 (N) late support for WHO treaty (F Fleck). 326:1103 (N) passive smoking mortality: California (JE Enstrom, et al). 326:1057 (P) vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus case (S Gottlieb). 326:783 (N) war, clinical judgment impairment (R Crawshaw) (Personal view). 326:829 (R) universities, degrees and how not to give them. One hundred years ago. 326:961 University Challenge, GPs v. dentists (L Eaton). 326:900 (N) University of Michigan, on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:556 (R) unstable angina, ABC of interventional cardiology (ED Grech, et al). 326:1259 (C) uranium, Iraq, Royal Society warns of depleted uranium risks (P Moszynski). 326:952 (N) Urbani, Carlo, Obituary (F Fleck). 326:825 urine, "purple urine bag syndrome" (SG Riley, et al) (Minerva). 326:1222 (R) urticaria, Montelukast helps (POEM*). 326 (18 January 2003) uterine fibroids, common in middle aged women (POEM*). 326 (3 May 2003) Utting MR, et al, Cabbage leaves for osteoarthritis relief? (Minerva). 326:1406 (R) uvula, swelling after laryngeal mask airway insertion (AMD Bennett, et al) (Minerva). 326:940 (R) vaccination compliment. One hundred years ago. 326:1366 haemophilus influenzae type b, booster campaign (PT Heath, et al). 326:1158 (E), 1460 (L) on internet (H Brown) (Netlines). 326:290 (R) Lord Balfour and. One hundred years ago. 326:78 Vacher-Lavenu M-C, see Coste J. 326:733 valproic acid, elderly, prescription comparison with lithium (KI Shulman, et al). 326:960 (P) values, leadership and. 326:657 (L), 658 (L), 659 (L), 660 (L)


January-June 2003

Van Damme P, et al, Vaccine induced protection against hepatitis B. 326:105 (L) van den Berg P, see de Jong-van den Berg L. 326:254 van der Vleuten CPM see Schuwirth LWT. 326:643 see Wass V. 326:800 van Eeklo, Bakker. Cover note (Anonymous). 326:695 van Griensven GJP, see Buavirat A. 326:308 van Grootheest K, et al, Drug points. Thromboembolism associated with the new contraceptive Yasmin. 326:257 van Hooteghem O, see Berth-Jones J. 326:1367 van Leeuwen R, et al, Cholesterol lowering drugs and risk of age related maculopathy: prospective cohort study with cumulative exposure measurement. 326:255 (P) van Leth F, Identifying malnourished children may not be easy. 326:765 (L) van Meer R, Engaging patients with psychosis in consultations. 326:549 (L) van Tulder MW see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 van Walraven C, et al, Research pointers. Risk of subsequent thromboembolism for patients with pre-eclampsia. 326:791 (P) (correction, 1362) van Wijk MAM, see van Wyk JT. 326:395 van Wyk JT, et al, Effect of computerised evidence based guidelines. 326:395 (L) van Zwanenberg T, see Illing J. 326:1019 vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus, US case (S Gottlieb). 326:783 (N) Vanderpump MP, et al, Thyroid function tests and hyperthyroidism. 326:1086 (L) vascular diseases, bilateral renovascular disease causing cardiorenal failure (A Brammah, et al) (Lesson of the week). 326:489 (C) Vasireddy A, see Ullah W. 326:710 Vass A Forensic Medicine (Books). 326:556 (R) Health literacy and patients' understanding (Website). 326:1339 (R) Vastrup P, see Helms M. 326:357, 1266 Veale D, He died "peacefully" at home. 326:792 (correction, 910) Veale, William Frederick de Coverly, Obituary (D Veale). 326:768 Veerapen S, see Carbajal R. 326:13 vegetables behavioural counselling to increase consumption in low income adults (A Steptoe, et al). 326:855 (PC), 1458 (L) on internet (G Jones) (Website of the week). 326:888 (R) men, nine daily servings (S Gottlieb). 326:1003 (N) Veit F, see Coffey C. 326:1064 Venter, Brendan, (K Hebert) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s186 (31 May) ventilators, mechanical, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cost -effectiveness of ward based non-invasive ventilation in (PK Plant, et al). 326:956 (P) Ventura R, see Maas R. 326:21 Verdon F, et al, Iron supplementation for unexplained fatigue in non-anaemic women: double blind randomised placebo controlled trial. 326:1124 (PC) Verdon, Patricia Elizabeth, Obituary (J Verdon). 326:1040 Verma D, see Chopdar A. 326:485, 1459 Vermeij CG, see Doorenbos CJ. 326:35 Verne J, see Fry A. 326:114 vertigo, benign paroxysmal positional, safe treatment (M Hilton, et al). 326:673 (E) Vetter N, Inappropriately delayed discharge from hospital: what do we know? 326:927 (ED) Viagra erectile dysfunction incidence and patients characteristics before and after UK introduction (JA Kaye, et al). 326:424 (P) urologist recommends daily dose to prevent impotence (R Moynihan). 326:9 (N), 598 (L) Vidler V, see Nolan B. 326:151 Vielh P, see Coste J. 326:733 Vietnam see also Asia SARS, may have peaked (J Parry). 326:947 (N) Ville Y, see Carbajal R. 326:13 Vimpani GV, Violence as a public health problem. 326:105 (L) Vingerling JR, see van Leeuwen R. 326:255 Vink JM, see Willemsen G. 326:396

Violato C, et al, Multisource feedback: a method of assessing surgical practice. 326:546 (ED) violence NHS staff, up by 13% (C White). 326:678 (N) tackling harassment (M Patterson) (Tips on...) BMJ Careers 326:s170 (17 May) World Report on Violence and Health . 105 (L), 326:104 (L), 105 (L) vitamin B-12, cardiovascular diseases and: Australian cohort study (J Hung, et al). 326:131 (P), 1035 (L), 1036 (L) vitamin D, effect of vitamin D (cholecalciferol) 3 supplementation on fractures and mortality (DP Trivedi, et al). 326:469 (P) vitamin K, works faster orally than subcutaneously (POEM*s). 326 (1 February 2003) vitamins Food Standards Agency warns against high doses (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1001 (N) industry hits back at negative coverage (A Gulland). 326:1339 (R) von Hagen, Gunther, interview with: scientist or showman? (D Singh). 326:468 (N) von Rosen J, Living and working in Sweden BMJ Careers 326:s173 (24 May) Vondeling H, see Korthals-de Bos IBC. 326:911 Vora A, see Nolan B. 326:151 Vrieling T, see van Grootheest K. 326:257 Vucenik I, see Friend M. 326:82 vulva candidiasis over the counter treatment (J Marrazzo). 326:693 (E) intraepithelial neoplasia (T Aldeen) (Minerva). 326:607 (R) Waechter F Drug company accused of breaking advertising regulations. 326:1106 (N) Paroxetine must not be given to patients under 18. 326:1282 (N) SARS revisited (Website of the week). 326:1152 (R) Wager E, How to dance with porcupines: rules and guidelines on doctors' relations with drug companies. 326:1196 (ED) Wailoo A, see Cooper NJ. 326:1235 waist circumference, obesity in British youth aged 11-16 years (HD McCarthy, et al). 326:624 (P) waiting lists evidence of national or local failure: analysis of health service data (RM Martin, et al). 326:188 (P), 763 (L) trusts deliberately misreport data: Audit Commission report (S Hargreaves). 326:517 (N) waiting times breast cancers, results wait rises (C White). 326:1233 (N) operating theatre use audit and (Z Kmietowicz). 326:1349 (N) Wald DS, et al, Folate and risk of cardiovascular disease. 326:1035 (L) Wald NJ et al, A strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease by more than 80%. 326:1419 (P) see Law MR. 326:223, 1423, 1427 see Wald DS. 326:1035 Waldron G, NICE guidance on laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernias. 326:1144 (L) Wales health takes centre stage in election campaigns (B Christie). 326:900 (N) Labour party promises free prescriptions and free school breakfasts (R Dobson). 326:782 (N) NHS launches jobs website (R Dobson). 326:568 (N) walk-in centres effect on local primary healthcare services: before and after observational study (RT Hsu, et al). 326:530 (PC) impact on workload of other local healthcare providers: time series analysis (M Chalder, et al). 326:532 (PC) Walker A, see Riemsma RP. 326:1175 Walker J, see McKinstry B. 326:1267 Walker M, see van Walraven C. 326:791 Walker N, see Pisani E. 326:1384 Walker NL, see Pell JP. 326:163 Walker, Steven, Privy Council overules GMC ruling (O Dyer). 326:415 (N) Wallace, Sheila, Obituary (J Wilson). 326:886 Waller J, see Jarvis MJ. 326:1061 Walsh D, see Smith GCS. 326:423

Walsh E, see Edwards AG. 326:762 Walsh J, see Potts M. 326:1389 Walsh P, 'We must accept that health care is a risky business' (Perspectives). 326:1333 Walshe KMJ, New structures of governance are needed. 326:764 (L) Walter J et al, Neurolinguistic programming: the keys to success BMJ Careers 326:s165 (17 May) et al, Neurolinguistic programming: temperament and character types BMJ Careers 326:s133 (19 April) et al, Neurolinguistic programming: verbal communication BMJ Careers 326:s83 (15 March) Walters K, et al, Teaching as therapy: cross sectional and qualitative evaluation of patients' experiences of undergraduate psychiatry teaching in the community. 326:740 (PC), 1399 (L) war Angola, child soldiers forgotten (P Moszynski). 326:1003 (N) arms sales, health, and security (L Korb). 326:459 (E) causality and (T Greenhalgh) (Soundings). 326:667 (R) images of war and informed consent (JA Singh, et al). 326:774 (E), 1215 (L) Iraq doctors' activities to promote peace (J Clark). 326:184 (N) health community joins anti war march (S Macdonald). 326:414 (N) how 9/11 thinking can impair doctors' clinical judgment (R Crawshaw) (Personal view). 326:829 (R) how political should general medical journals be? 326:820 (L), 821 (L) journalistic debate on limits of horror (N Marks) (The Press). 326:828 (R) medical journals' role (R Coombes) (Journals). 326:230 (R) open letter to Tony Blair. 326:220 (L) (correction, 397) second gasoline war and how we can prevent the third (I Roberts) (Personal view). 326:171 (R) threat and child mental health (J Clark). 326:356 (N) waiting game as bombs drop (S Hargreaves). 326:675 (N) Jonathan Kaplan (S Spencer) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s121 (5 April) missing people after (R Coupland, et al). 326:943 (E) Neil Arya (J Clark) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s86 (15 March) On the Natural History of Destruction (Sebald) (Books). 326:769 (R) Ward C, see Ellershaw J. 326:30 Wardlaw J, see Warlow C. 326:233 Wardle J, see Jarvis MJ. 326:1061 warfarin count your blessings (L Farrell) (Soundings). 326:59 (R) deep vein thrombosis, long term low intensity (S Gottlieb). 326:516 (N) Warlow C, et al, Therapeutic thrombolysis for acute ischaemic stroke. 326:233 (E) Warmington V, see Brown PJB. 326:1127 Warnke A, see Meyer G. 326:76, 931 Wass V, et al, Effect of ethnicity on performance in a final objective structured clinical examination: qualitative and quantitative study. 326:800 (LP) water supply privatisation high on Kyoto summit agenda (P Brown). 326:617 (N) terrorist attack (AS Furber) (Personal view). 326:667 (R) waterborne disease, India, burden is underestimated (G Mudur). 326:1284 (N) Waterhouse J, see Herxheimer A. 326:296 Waterston T, et al, Monitoring the marketing of infant formula feeds. 326:113 (E), 984 (L) Watkins C, et al, Characteristics of general practitioners who frequently see drug industry representatives: national cross sectional study. 326:1178 (PC) Watkins PJ ABC of diabetes. Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and lipids 326:874 (C) (correction, 327:17) ABC of diabetes. The diabetic foot. 326:977 (C)

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ABC of diabetes. Retinopathy. 326:924 (C) Watson, Fiona, (V Katikireddi) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s169 (17 May) Watson M, et al, Psychological coping and cancer. 326:598 (L) Watson MS, see Wilson BJ. 326:845 Watson R EU agrees deal on cheaper drugs for developing world. 326:1229 (N) EU health ministers reject proposal for limited direct to consumer advertising. 326:1284 (N) EU legislation threatens clinical trials. 326:1348 (N) EU parliament calls for tougher rules on breast implants. 326:414 (N) EU sets standards for safe blood products. 326:11 (N) Euro MPs threaten UK stem cell research. 326:838 (N) Groups fight to stop doctors working without registration. 326:1416 (N) Smoke free areas do not harm profits, survey shows. 326:1232 (N) US and Germany are keen to see tobacco agreement watered down. 326:1055 (N) Watt IS, see Riemsma RP. 326:1175 Watts G Genes, genes, genes. 326:732 (N) Is this journalism that makes a difference? (TV). 326:1093 (R) Restoring the profession's self esteem. 326:183 (N) Second coming for patient power. 326:520 (N) weapons, arms sales, health, and security (L Korb). 326:459 (E) Weaver K, Identifying the fallen. 326:1110 (N) Weaver L, A History of Scottish Medicine (Books). 326:401 Webb AMC, Emergency contraception. 326:775 (E) Webb L, see Schifano F. 326:80 websites see under internet Wedzicha JA, see Lightowler JV. 326:185 Weeks AD, Closing the digital divide. 326:1035 (L) Weidmann A, Taking the tough route (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s202 (14 June) Weinrib CE, see Kedar I. 326:696 Weir DM, see Blackwell CC. 326:222 Welch J, see Wilken J. 326:458 wellbeing of doctors overview (J Firth-Cozens). 326:670 (E) Australia, rural GPs (R Sexton) BMJ Careers 326:s101 (29 March) British and Aust ralian view (P Cross, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s112 (29 March). 326:1396 (L) educational workshop (D Midmer, et al) BMJ Careers 326:s111 (29 March) on internet (I Haivas) (Website of the week). 326:718 (R) Norway (OG Aasland) BMJ Careers 326:s102 (29 March) reality or dream? (S Kersley) BMJ Careers 326:s109 (29 March) stress: defining personal equation (R Menninger) BMJ Careers 326:s107 (29 March) Wellcome, Henry, Medicine Man exhibition (A Ferriman). 326:1352 (N) Wellcome Trust, new award scheme (A Ferriman). 326:356 (N) Wellwood JM, see Douek M. 326:1012 Welsh L, see Horak E. 326:422 Wensing M, et al, Improving the quality of health care. Methods for incorporating patients' views in health care. 326:877 (ED) Wessely S, see Fischhoff B. 326:595 west Africa, infant milk formulas: monitoring marketing, compliance with International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (VM Aguayo, et al). 326:127 (P) West KP, see Christian P. 326:571 West Nile encephalitis, review (T Solomon, et al). 326:865 (C) (correction, 1173) West PJ, A lesson in prescribing. 326:36 Weston PMT, see O'Connor JPB. 326:502 Wheatley K, see Adu D. 326:789 Wheeler, Michael, Obituary (KM Wheeler). 326:1217 Whelan K, et al, Drug misuse should always be considered in young people with impaired consciousness. 326:396 (L) Whelan, Ranger Michael, Obituary (TR Whelan, et al). 326:554 whiplash injuries, Whiplash and Other Useful Illnesses (Malleson) (Books). 326:1092 (R)

whistleblowing Nottingham City Hospital organ disposal case: tabloid story (G Hulman) (Personal view). 326:231 (R) Parke-Davis charged with deceptive practices (J Lenzer). 326:620 (N) White C Annual deaths from mesothelioma in Britain to reach 2000 by 2010. 326:1417 (N) Deal brokered for free online access to NHS research. 326:568 (N) Environmentalist accused of scientific dishonesty. 326:120 (N) Government tries to "out manoeuvre doctors" over pay. 326:900 (N) Little evidence for effectiveness of scientific peer review. 326:241 (N), 824 (L) New guidance on ECT looks set to curb its use. 326:1003 (N) Rate of misdiagnosis of childhood epilepsy "may not be unusual". 326:355 (N) Reported incidence of violence against NHS staff up by 13%. 326:678 (N) UK agency unveils plans to cut infusion device errors. 326:1053 (N) UK government's epilepsy plan "fundamentally flawed". 326:466 (N) Waiting times for breast cancer test results have risen in past two years. 326:1233 (N) White E, see Rafferty AM. 326:833 White J, see Harnden A. 326:480 White M, see Bush J. 326:962 Whitehouse A, et al, Senior house officer foundation programmes in action BMJ Careers 326:s192 (7 June) Whitfield RJ, et al, Current medical treatment for tuberculosis. 326:551 (L) Whitmarsh S, see Sosin M. 326:1145 Whitty CJM, see Moore DAJ. 326:808 whooping cough vaccination see pertussis vaccination Widdowson SM, Doctors and managers. 326:1213 (L) Wild C, see Smith AF. 326:1396 Wild CP, see Hall AJ. 326:994 Wilder-Smith A, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1393 (L) Wilken J, et al, Management of people who have been raped. 326:458 (E), 1215 (L) Wilkes S, see Day E. 326:881 Wilkins D, see Antoniou J. 326:1313 Wilks M, et al, "Doctors in Difficulty": a way forward? BMJ Careers 326:s99 (29 March) Willatts P, see Forsyth JS. 326:953 Willemsen G, et al, Assortative mating may explain spouses' risk of same disease. 326:396 (L) Williams B Drug treatment of hypertension. 326:61 (E), 764 (L) see MacGillivray S. 326:1014 Williams CB, see Saunders BP. 326:1146 Williams J, WHO needs a global health alliance, which should be called the Mandela plan. 326:125 (N) Williams SJ, Depressed patients need more than drugs and psychiatrists. 326:338 (L) Williams TI, Doctors and managers. 326:1214 (L) Willison DJ, et al, Patients' consent preferences for research uses of information in electronic medical records: interview and survey data. 326:373 (IP), 1039 (L) Wilmshurst P, Institutional corruption in medicine 325:1232 (correction, 326:333) Wilson BJ, et al, Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy and risk of hypertension and stroke in later life: results from cohort study. 326:845 (P) Wilson J, see Horak E. 326:422 Wilson JA, see Leslie P. 326:433 Wilson MH, et al, Rotational deformity of finger caused by sucking (Minerva). 326:1154 (R) Wilson R Cot Death Mothers: The Witch Hunt (TV). 326:402 (R) see Rymer J. 326:322, 1398 Wilson S, et al, Comparison of methods to identify individuals at increased risk of coronary disease from the general population. 326:1436 (PC) Wilson T, et al, Doctors and managers. 326:656 (L) Winblad B, see Palmer K. 326:245 Winceslaus SJ, see Read J. 326:1066 Windridge K, see Tarrant C. 326:1310 Windridge KC see Stokes T. 326:1316

see Young B. 326:305 wine, Wine: A Scientific Exploration (Sandler) (Books). 326:555 (R) Wing, Lorna, (M Raymond) (Profile) BMJ Careers 326:s209 (21 June) Winkler F, see Pietroni P. 326:1304 Winocour P, see Greenwood RH. 326:881 Winter, Gerald Bernard, Obituary (JJ Murray, et al). 326:826 Wisborg K, et al, Maternal consumption of coffee during pregnancy and stillbirth and infant death in first year of life: prospective study. 326:420 (P), 1268 (L), 1269 (L) Witcome L, see Clark A BMJ Careers 326:s215 (28 June) withdrawal of treatment see also ethics, medical life support and resolution of conflict with families. 326:713 (L) Witman Y, see Plochg T. 326:657 Wolf FM, see Guevara JP. 326:1308 Wolfe R, see Coffey C. 326:1064 Wolfe S, see Pinnock H. 326:477, 1267 women see also doctors, women acute appendicitis management. 326:49 (L), 50 (L) fail to recognise heart disease risk (Z Kmietowicz). 326:355 (N) iron supplements for unexplained fatigue in non-anaemic women (F Verdon, et al). 326:1124 (PC) less likely than men to have rehabilitation after heart attack (R Dobson, et al). 326:71 (N) A Life Course Approach to Women's Health (Kuh, et al, eds) (Books). 326:887 (R) sleep deprivation increases cardiac risk (D Josefson). 326:302 (N) UK local contraceptive advice difficulties (A Ferriman). 326:301 (N) too busy to exercise (J Clark). 326:467 (N) Wong CK, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Wong D, et al, Age related macular degeneration. 326:1459 (L) Wong G, see Greenhalgh T. 326:142 Wong I, Policies on SARS in UK boarding schools are confused. 326:929 (L) Wong RSM, et al, Haematological manifestations in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome: retrospective analysis. 326:1358 (P) Wood DA, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 Wood DF, ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. Problem based learning. 326:328 (C) Wood, Martin John, Obituary (C Ellis). 326:1401 Wood SF, see Hawkins G. 326:1115 Woods D, The Quotable Osler (Books). 326:289 (R) Woof R, see Lewis T. 326:103 Wooff D, see Raghunath A. 326:737 Woolas, Kenneth Dixon, Obituary (RP Woolas). 326:554 Woolf, Steven, BMJ North American editor (A Ferriman). 326:1418 (N) Woollard MF, Public access defibrillators. 326:162 (L) workload, walk -in centres, impact on other lo cal healthcare providers: time series analysis (M Chalder, et al). 326:532 (PC) World Health Organization see also global health diet and health report (F Fleck). 326:515 (N) environmental hazards kill five million children a year (O Dyer). 326:782 (N) food funding controversy (F Fleck). 326:414 (N) global alert on respiratory syndrome (J Parry). 326:615 (N) HINARI project, closing digital divide (R Smith). 326:238 (E), 1035 (L) Human Resources for Health 2003 database (R Dobson). 326:1004 (N) infant milk formulas, marketing breach (T Waterston, et al). 326:113 (E), 984 (L) leadership election, candidate interviews. 326:122 (N) Jong-Wook Lee: new head (F Fleck). 326:241 (N) (G Yamey, et al). 326:1100 (E) response to BMJ series (D Aitken). 326:217 (ED) SARS China's control measures praised (J Parry). 326:1350 (N) evaluation of identification criteria (TH Rainer, et al). 326:1354 (P) warns that mortality could reach 10% (J Parry). 326:999 (N)


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tobacco accused of watering down treaty (F Fleck). 326:412 (N) push for swift implementation of accord (F Fleck). 326:1162 (N) US and Germany give late support (F Fleck). 326:1103 (N) tuberculosis, impact of DOTS v. DOTS-plus on multidrug resistant tuberculosis (TR Sterling, et al). 326:574 (P) World Report on Violence and Health . 105 (L), 326:104 (L), 105 (L) World Medical Association, drug industry links review (S Mayor). 326:1165 (N) Wormald R, Treatment of raised intraocular pressure and prevention of glaucoma. 326:723 (E) Wright G, see Napier JC. 326:1212 Wright, John Kenneth, Obituary (B Peach). 326:1091 Wright L, see Malcolm L. 326:653 Wright M, see Sutcliffe SJ. 326:20 Wright N, et al, Moving beyond single and dual diagnosis in general practice. 326:512 (E), 1145 (L) Wright SG, see Moore DAJ. 326:808 writing act of creation. Endpiece (K Baig). 326:204 North American style (J Clark) (Website of the week). 326:342 (R) readability of British and US medical prose. 326:711 (L) Wu A, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Wyatt JC, see Littlejohns P. 326:860 Wyatt S, see Tovey C. 326:1180 Wyeth, secret briefing on HRT research prior to publication (R Moynihan). 326:1161 (N) Wyke S, see McKinstry B. 326:1267 Wykes T, see Rose D. 326:1363 Wylie, Thomas Alan, Obituary (S Wylie, I Murray). 326:55 Wyman, Arthur Lewis, Obituary (C Madge, et al). 326:1401 Wynn A, see Hippisley-Cox J. 326:1439

Yamey G Multidrug resistant tuberculosis (Website of the week). 326:606 (R) et al, New leader, new hope for WHO. 326:1100 (E) see Howard K. 326:454 Yassi A, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1394 (L) Yate P, see Jones P. 326:763 Yellon T, Resensitisation: how working in general practice can make you human again (The way I see it) BMJ Careers 326:s46 (8 February) Yeoh SC, et al, Severe acute respiratory syndrome. 326:1394 (L) Yikona J, Sustaining medical education is difficult in poor countries. 326:51 (L) Yip PSF, see Chan KPM. 326:499 young adults see also adolescence communication management in potentially life threatening chronic illness (B Young, et al). 326:305 (P), 1039 (L) smoking, pro-tobacco editorial content of young men's magazines rises (R Dobson). 326:182 (N) Young B, et al, Managing communication with young people who have a potentially life threatening chronic illness: qualitative study of patients and parents. 326:305 (P), 1039 (L) Young DJ, Beyond single and dual diagnosis in general practice. 326:1145 (L) Young, Donald Herron, Obituary (M Young). 326:227 Yu LM, see Wong RSM. 326:1358 Yu WC, see Chan-Yeung M. 326:850 Yusuf S, et al, Preventing stroke with ramipril authors' reply. 326:52 (L)

Zambon M Severe acute respiratory syndrome revisited. 326:831 (E), 1396 (L) et al, Sudden acute respiratory syndrome. 326:669 (E) see Harnden A. 326:480 zanamivir influenza prevention and treatment (K Sthr, et al). 326:1223 (E) prophylaxis is effective for flu (POEM*). 326 (22 March 2003) Zelicoff AP, Screening for cancer with computed tomography. 326:1458 (L) Zethelius B, see Dunder K. 326:681 zinc deficiency, ignored by global health organisations (AS Prasad). 326:409 (E) Zink TM, see Slap GB. 326:15 Zinn C Australia proposes two tier system for paying for GP consultations. 326:1002 (N) Australian government bolsters medical scheme for less well off. 326:570 (N) Australian GPs face red tape crisis, commission says. 326:950 (N) Court rules food and hydration to be treatment. 326:1233 (N) Doctors told to use positive language in managing pain. 326:301 (N) New South Wales cracks down on commercial scanning. 326:1350 (N) Patient confidentiality challenged over HIV test results. 326:1107 (N) Social costs of smoking are triple those of illicit drugs. 326:242 (N) Ziyaie D, see Alijani A. 326:1243 Zuckerman D, Mortality in Swedish women with cosmetic breast implants. 326:1266 (L) Zylicz Z, Transitions in End of Life Care (Books). 326:228 (R)

January-June 2003


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