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L*tt*;rm 5*rvt**nryL*ael
March18,2011 Kevin Willson 105WatkinsCircle -193'1. Taylors,SC 29681

4828i LoopCentral Drive lF{ouston, 770ti1 T.X Telephc,ne (E00) 999-8501 Fax (713) 218-31',tl


Loan#: Property:

1699048 I 105'Watkins Circle Taylors,5C29687

DearMr. Willson: Litton Loan Servicing ("Litton") received your inquiry'orL L,P March T, 2011,regarding referenced thr: loan. Please advised be thatpreviours letters sentby Litton contained incorrect andparlialinfornration regarding the loan's investor. The letters shouldhaveindicated r;urrent that thLe br:rLeficiLal holderof the loan is U.S. Bank NationalAssociation, Successot al; rto Trustee, Bank of .America, Nal.ional Association successor merger as by to LaSalleBank NationalAssociation, Trustee, Ownit.Mortgzge as for Loan'Irust, Ownit MortgageLoan Asset-Backed Cerlificates, Series 2006-5. We regretthe confusion this mLay havecaused. Please notethat Litton irscurrentlyservicing loan on br:halfof the invrlstor.Please the forwardany questions or concems regarding referenced ttre loanto our office. your clairrrtlLat Regarding Litton hassentyou partialresponses questions to contained your previous in correspondence, resltectful[y we request you submita request that s;pecifrlng questions haveand you the documentation needed.Pleaser this request fax to the aften send by lion ol'our Customer Assistance and Resolution Tearn (11.r)218-3111. at The loan is cr:rr-r:ntly thirty-orrc(3 I ) monthsdelinquentancldue f,cl tlheSlpt"e;inber 200Ethrough 1, March l,20lI regularinstallrrLents. Also, dueto the delirrquency, properrty referred foreclosure the was for proceedings. Shouldycu requirepayoffor reinstatement please arnounts, contact Litton's foreclosure counsel, Rogers, Townsend Thomas, & P.C.,at (803)771-7900. Shouldyou havr:questions, please contact Foreclosurr;: our f)epartnrent (800)999-8501. at Sincerely, Customer Assisl.ance Reso,lution and Team LITTON LOANISERV]ICING IS A DEBT COLLECI OTT.THIS LE'|TER IS AN AT'|EMPT TO LP COLLECT YOIJR DEE|TAND ANY INFORMATIOT\IOBTAINI]D WILL BE USED FOR TIIAT PURPOSE. IF YOU ARE NOT OBLIGAIED ON THE DEBT OR III TI]E DI]EIT HAS BEEN DISCI]ARGED IN A BANKRTIPTCY PROCEEDN.IG, THIS IS FOR INFOIWTATION\.]- PLIRPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT AN ATTEMPT TO ASSESI] OR COLLECT THE DEBT F]ROMYOU F'ERSONALLY.
D o cI D : 6 1 1 8 i 7

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