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LVVTA Low Volume Vehicle Standard 90-20(02) (Exhaust Noise Emissions) Page 1 of 21

Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association Incorporated

Low Volume Vehicle Standard
(Exhaust Noise Emissions)
This low volume vehicle standard corresponds with Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Equipment
Amendment 2007.

2nd Amendment - effective from: 1 June 2008

Signed in accordance with clause 1.5 of the Low Volume Vehicle Code, on ……………………….…………………
on behalf of Land Transport New Zealand: on behalf on the LVVTA:

……………………………….………………………… ……………………….…………………………………

The Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association Incorporated (LVVTA) represents ten hobbyist and specialist
groups who are dedicated to ensuring that their members’ vehicles, when scratch-built or modified, meet the highest
practicable safety standards. The information in these standards has stemmed from work undertaken by LVVTA
founding member groups that commenced prior to 1990 and has been progressively developed as an integral part of
NZ Government safety rules and regulations by agreement and in consultation with Land Transport New Zealand.
As a result, the considerable experience in applied safety engineering built up by LVVTA members over the past
fifteen years can be of benefit to members of the NZ public who also wish to build or modify light motor vehicles.

Availability of low volume vehicle standards

Low volume vehicle standards are developed by the LVVTA, in consultation with Land Transport New Zealand, and are
printed and distributed by the LVVTA. Information on the availability of the low volume vehicle standards may be obtained
by writing to the LVVTA at: Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc.), P O Box 202-104, Southgate, Auckland,
New Zealand. The standards are also available to the public free of charge from the LVVTA website;

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Purpose of this standard Page 3

Section 1 Scope and application of this standard 3

1.1 Scope of this standard 3

1.2 Application of this standard 4

Section 2 Technical requirements of this standard 4

2.1 Exhaust system requirements 4

2.2 Test site requirements 5

2.3 Field calibrator requirements 6

2.4 Sound level meter requirements 7

2.5 Tachometer requirements 7

2.6 Engine speed selection requirements 8

2.7 Vehicle preparation requirements 10

2.8 Test procedure requirements 11

2.9 Decibel level requirements 17

2.10 Reporting requirements 18

Section 3 Exclusions to this standard 19

Section 4 Vehicles that are not required to be certified to 19

this standard
4.1 Vehicles that are not subject to objective noise testing 19

Section 5 Terms and definitions within this standard 20

The content of this document remains the property of the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association
(Inc.), and no part of it may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.

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Exhaust Noise Emissions (90-20[02])

Purpose of this standard
The purpose of this low volume vehicle standard is to specify a set of technical
requirements, together with an associated testing process, for measuring exhaust noise
emissions from new scratch-built vehicles, and from modified and scratch-built light
vehicles that have been referred by an authorised vehicle inspector - during either used
entry or in-service compliance - or member of the NZ Police, for an objective exhaust
noise emission test. The standard provides a test method and procedure that has been
derived from international best practice, which is applied in controlled conditions, and
which will result in an accurate, repeatable, and legally-defensible outcome.

Section 1 Scope and application of this standard

1.1 Scope of this standard

1.1(1) This low volume vehicle standard applies to all light vehicles other than
those specified in 1.1(2), that are:

(a) production vehicles which are required to undergo an objective

exhaust noise emission test for the purpose of either:

(i) achieving entry compliance on or after 19 July 2006; or

(ii) maintaining in-service compliance on or after 1 June 2008;


(b) scratch-built low volume vehicles that are first registered or re-
registered in New Zealand on or after 1 December 2008.

1.1(2) This low volume vehicle standard does not apply to:

(a) powered bicycles of Class AB; or

(b) a vehicle that is not powered by an internal combustion engine; or

(c) a production vehicle that retains the vehicle manufacturer’s

original equipment exhaust system in unmodified condition; or

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(d) a vehicle that has been referred for objective exhaust noise
emission testing solely on the basis of exhaust leaks or an exhaust
system that is in poor condition; or

(e) those vehicles specified in section 4.

1.2 Application of this standard

1.2(1) A light vehicle that is required to undergo an objective exhaust noise

emission test as in 1.1(1), must comply with all applicable technical and
procedural requirements contained in section 2 of this low volume vehicle

NOTE: A vehicle specified in 1.2(1) does not necessarily become a low volume vehicle, however in
the interest of brevity, such a vehicle is referred to throughout this standard as a low volume

Section 2 Technical and procedural requirements of this


2.1 Exhaust system requirements

Exhaust system design and condition

2.1(1) An exhaust system fitted to a low volume vehicle must be:

(a) of a good design using materials suitable for the purpose; and

(b) in good condition and free of leaks; and

(c) securely attached to the vehicle, using a mounting system that

enables all necessary engine movement without stressing the
exhaust system.

2.1(2) The body of a low volume vehicle must, in the areas adjacent to the
vehicle’s exhaust system, be sufficiently sealed so as to prevent the entry
of any exhaust gases into the passenger compartment.

Exhaust system interference

2.1(3) An exhaust system fitted to a low volume vehicle must be designed,

constructed, and fitted in such a way that:

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(a) the exhaust system, or components within the exhaust system,

cannot be removed, altered, or interfered with, without the use of
hand tools; or

(b) the performance or operation of the exhaust system cannot be

altered from inside the vehicle, or whilst the vehicle is in motion,
in such a way that the decibel levels specified in 2.9 are exceeded,
unless the vehicle is fitted with such a system as original
equipment to the vehicle in question by a high volume vehicle

NOTE: The requirement specified in 2.1(3)(b) means that a multi-mode exhaust system cannot be
designed into a scratch-built vehicle or retro-fitted into a modified production vehicle, unless
the maximum permissible decibel levels in 2.9 are not exceeded in any available mode.

Exhaust system protection & external projections

2.1(4) Sections of an exhaust system which extend beyond the outer

longitudinal extremity of the vehicle, or the outer sidewall of the tyres,

(a) not present any sections of open exhaust tubing or sharp edges
facing toward the front of the vehicle; or

(b) have any sections of exposed exhaust adjacent to points of

occupant entry and exit adequately heat-shielded, to prevent burn
injuries in the event of being contacted by occupants entering or
exiting the vehicle.

Exhaust system positioning

2.1(5) An exhaust system fitted to a low volume vehicle must be positioned so

that it:

(a) is isolated from the passenger compartment; and

(b) terminates in a position where the outer end of the exhaust pipe
is not directly underneath the passenger compartment.

2.2 Test site requirements

2.2(1) A test site used in the application of this standard must be an open
outdoor site that:

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(a) is predominantly flat, particularly within the immediate test area;


(b) incorporates within a radius of not less than 3 metres (10 feet)
from the sound level meter microphone:

(i) a space free from large sound-reflecting surfaces

including buildings, walls, billboards, vehicles, trees, or
shrubs; and

(ii) a solid surface such as concrete or asphalt, free of any

loose or sound-absorbing material.

2.2(2) Exhaust noise emission testing on a low volume vehicle may be carried
out under a canopy, provided that no part of the canopy, including its
supports, are within 3 metres (10 feet) of the sound level meter

NOTE: Accurate and repeatable exhaust noise emission test results can only be obtained by using a
location with a solid ground surface and no major sound reflecting surfaces, such as a large
car park.

2.3 Field calibrator requirements

2.3(1) A field calibrator used in the application of this standard must be:

(a) specifically approved and issued for that purpose by the Low
Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc); and

(b) in good operating condition; and

(c) re-calibrated by an approved calibration laboratory at intervals

specified by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association

NOTE 1: As a general rule, calibration intervals for field calibrators will be as specified by the
equipment manufacturer, in accordance with ISO Standard 5130:2006.
NOTE 2: Field calibrators referred to in 2.3(1), whilst issued by LVVTA, are purchased and supplied for
the purpose of objective exhaust noise testing by Land Transport New Zealand.
NOTE 3: The process of collection, re-calibration, and re-issue of the field calibrators, as required by
2.3(1)(c), will be arranged by LVVTA and Land Transport NZ.

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2.4 Sound level meter requirements

2.4(1) A sound level meter used in the application of this standard must be:

(a) a Class-1, Type-0 or Type-1 meter, specifically approved and

issued for that purpose by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical
Association (Inc); and

(b) in good operating condition; and

(c) re-calibrated by an approved calibration laboratory at intervals

specified by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association

NOTE 1: As a general rule, calibration intervals for sound level meters will be as specified by the
equipment manufacturer, in accordance with ISO Standard 5130:2006.
NOTE 2: Sound level meters referred to in 2.4(1), whilst issued by LVVTA, are purchased and
supplied for the purpose of objective exhaust noise testing by Land Transport New Zealand.
NOTE 3: The process of collection, re-calibration, and re-issue of the sound level meters, as required
by 2.4(1)(c), will be arranged by LVVTA and Land Transport NZ.

2.4(2) A Low Volume Vehicle Certifier may use a Type-2 sound level meter in
conjunction with the test process prescribed by this low volume vehicle
standard, provided that the Type-2 sound level meter is:

(a) used only for the purpose of establishing a vehicle’s approximate

exhaust noise level prior to a full test conducted in accordance
with this low volume vehicle standard being carried out; and

(b) specifically approved and issued for that purpose by the Low
Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc); and

(c) in good operating condition.

NOTE: The use of a Type-2 sound level meter is strictly limited to preliminary ‘quick-check’ work. The
aim of allowing this is to reduce costs and inconvenience to the vehicle owner leading up to the
full test, so that the likelihood of a ‘pass’ when applying the full test in accordance with this low
volume vehicle standard is maximised. No written approval may be provided by a Low Volume
Vehicle Certifier through the use of a Type-2 meter, or a ‘quick check’ process.

2.5 Tachometer requirements

2.5(1) A tachometer used in the application of this standard must where

practical, be proven by calibration to be within +/- 2% accurate, and be:

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(a) specifically approved and issued for that purpose by the Low
Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc); and

(b) in good operating condition; and

(c) re-calibrated by an LVVTA-approved instrument calibration

laboratory at intervals specified by the Low Volume Vehicle
Technical Association (Inc).

NOTE 1: A tachometer referred to in 2.5(1)(a), whilst issued by LVVTA, is purchased and supplied for
the purpose of objective exhaust noise testing by Land Transport New Zealand.
NOTE 2: The process of collection, re-calibration, and re-issue of the tachometers, as required by
2.5(1)(c), will be arranged by LVVTA and Land Transport NZ.

2.5(2) A tachometer used in the application of this standard may be either:

(a) a calibrated remote inductive pick-up tachometer issued by the

Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc); or

(b) where a tachometer specified in 2.5(2)(a) will not enable a reliable

engine speed reading to be received due to the type of ignition
system used within the vehicle, a calibrated infra-red tachometer
issued by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc);

(c) where neither tachometer specified in 2.5(2)(a) nor 2.5(2)(b) will

enable a reliable reading to be received, the vehicle’s original
equipment tachometer.

NOTE 1: An approved tachometer may be used either as the means by which to measure engine
speed during the exhaust noise emission test, or as a means by which to verify the vehicle’s
original equipment tachometer.
NOTE 2: An infra-red meter will almost always read the engine speed from a bold white marking or
piece of reflective tape placed on the engine’s crankshaft pulley. This option however, may
necessitate an assistant to help the LVV certifier.

2.6 Engine speed selection requirements

Engines other than a motorcycle engine

2.6(1) The engine speed for the exhaust noise emission test of an engine other
than a motorcycle engine, must, for the duration of each test, be within a
tolerance of +/- 5% of either:

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(a) in the case of an engine that has a manufacturer’s engine speed

maximum power (ESMP) that is known to the LVV certifier,
75% of that figure; or

(b) in the case of an engine that does not have a manufacturer’s

ESMP that is known to the LVV certifier, or the manufacturer’s
ESMP has become irrelevant because the engine is now outside
of its original specification:

(i) 4500 RPM if the engine is a rotary engine; or

(ii) 4000 RPM if the engine has five or less cylinders; or

(iii) 4800 RPM if the engine has five or less cylinders and is
of a double over-head camshaft and variable valve timing
engine design; or

(iv) 3200 RPM if the engine has six cylinders; or

(v) 3000 RPM if the engine has eight cylinders; or

(vi) 4000 RPM if the engine has more than eight cylinders; or

(vii) 2500 RPM if the engine is a diesel engine;


(c) in the case where a low volume vehicle certifier believes the
engine speeds specified in 2.6(1)(b) are unreasonably high, taking
into account the type and age of the engine, he may apply an
engine speed for the purpose of the sound level test at which he
believes is appropriate for the engine, and at which the engine
may be safely operated.

Motorcycle engines

2.6(2) The engine speed for the exhaust noise emission test of a motorcycle
engine, must, for the duration of each test, be within a tolerance of +/-
5% of either:

(a) in the case of an engine that has a manufacturer’s engine speed

maximum power (ESMP) that is known to the LVV certifier,
50% of that figure; or

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(b) in the case of an engine that does not have a manufacturer’s

ESMP that is known to the LVV certifier, or the manufacturer’s
ESMP has become irrelevant because the engine is now outside
of its original specification:

(i) 6000 RPM if the engine is a 2-stroke single-cylinder

engine; or

(ii) 5000 RPM if the engine is a 2-stroke multi-cylinder

engine; or

(iii) 3000 RPM if the engine is a 4-stroke single-cylinder

engine; or

(iv) 2500 RPM if the engine is a 4-stroke twin-cylinder engine

with 2 valves per cylinder; or

(v) 4000 RPM if the engine is a 4-stroke twin-cylinder engine

with 3 or more valves per cylinder; or

(vi) 4500 RPM if the engine is a 4-stroke engine that has

three or more cylinders;


(c) in the case where a low volume vehicle certifier believes the
engine speeds specified in 2.6(2)(b) are unreasonably high, taking
into account the type and age of the engine, he may apply an
engine speed for the purpose of the sound level test at which he
believes is appropriate for the engine, and at which the engine
may be safely operated.

2.7 Vehicle preparation requirements

2.7(1) The engine in a low volume vehicle which undergoes an exhaust noise
emission test, must, prior to the commencement of the test, be brought
up to normal operating temperature.

2.7(2) A low volume vehicle which undergoes an exhaust noise emission test
must be positioned centrally within a test site that meets the
requirements specified in 2.2, and must:

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(a) be stationary; and

(b) have the parking brake applied; and

(c) have the gear selector positioned either:

(i) in the case of a manual transmission-equipped vehicle, in

neutral; or

(ii) in the case of a automatic transmission-equipped vehicle,

in park;


(d) in the case of a two-wheeled vehicle that does not have a neutral
gear position, have the driving wheel off the ground; and

(e) have the air conditioning system, if fitted, turned off; and

(f) have the engine hood, if fitted, closed.

NOTE: A vehicle specified in 2.7(2)(d) will have to be safely and securely supported during the testing

2.8 Test procedure requirements

Background noise testing

2.8(1) The combination of wind or other background noise present at an

exhaust noise emission test, if any, must:

(a) be at least 10 dBA below the sound level of the vehicle being
tested; and

(b) be measured both prior to, and after the completion of, the
exhaust noise emission test process.

NOTE: Wind can cause high readings to be displayed on a sound level meter, and consistent vehicle
noise measurements cannot be made when wind is affecting the readings. By meeting the
requirements specified in 2.8(1), any additional noise caused by wind and any other sources
producing background noise will not adversely affect the exhaust noise emission testing

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Field calibration checking

2.8(2) A sound level meter used in the application of this standard must,
before and after each exhaust noise emission test:

(a) undergo a field calibration check against a field calibrator issued

by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc); and

(b) record a difference between the two checks of not more than 0.5

NOTE 1: If more than 0.5 dBA difference is recorded between the two calibration checks specified in
2.8(2), the test must be disregarded and carried out again.
NOTE 2: A field calibrator referred to in 2.8(2) is part of the sound level meter equipment, and whilst
issued by LVVTA, is purchased and supplied for the purpose of objective exhaust noise
testing by Land Transport New Zealand.

Microphone set-up and positioning

2.8(3) The sound level meter microphone, when testing a low volume vehicle
for exhaust noise emissions, in all cases, including those specified in
2.8(4) to 2.8(8), must:

(a) be protected by a foam wind-shield at all times during the noise

emission test set-up and testing process; and

(b) be positioned at: (see diagrams 2.1 and 2.2)

(i) a distance from the exhaust outlet of 500 mm (+/- 10

mm), except where the vehicle meets the criteria specified
in 2.8(7); and

(ii) an angle of 45 degrees (+/- 5 degrees) to the direction of

gas flow, always using the position furthest from the
vehicle’s longitudinal centreline; and

(iii) the same height as the exhaust outlet, however not closer
to the ground than 200 mm.

NOTE: Where a vehicle’s exhaust outlet is closer to the ground than 200 mm, the microphone must be
positioned no lower than 200 mm from the ground. This is in order to avoid ‘sound bounce’
affecting the test results.

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Diagram 2.1 Microphone positioning for single exhaust outlet (side view)

Diagram 2.2 Microphone positioning for single exhaust outlet (plan view)

Microphone positioning with two exhaust outlets

2.8(4) In the case of a low volume vehicle with two exhaust outlets, and the
two outlets are less than 300 mm apart, the outlets must be treated as
one and measured together, with the sound level meter microphone
positioned at the exhaust outlet that is furthest from the vehicle’s
longitudinal centerline.

2.8(5) In the case of a low volume vehicle with two exhaust outlets, and the
two outlets are more than 300 mm apart, the outlets must be treated as
two separate outlets and measured individually, with the highest sound
level recorded taken as the figure. (see diagram 2.3)

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Diagram 2.3 Microphone positioning for twin exhaust outlets

Microphone positioning with other unusual exhaust outlets

2.8(6) In the case of a low volume vehicle that has an exhaust outlet located at
an angle to the vehicle’s longitudinal centreline, the sound level meter
microphone must be positioned at the point which is furthest from the
engine. (see diagram 2.4)

Diagram 2.4 Microphone positioning for angled exhaust outlets

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2.8(7) In the case of a low volume vehicle that has an exhaust outlet that
terminates under the vehicle body, the sound level meter microphone
must be positioned as closely as practical to the outlet, however the
sound level meter microphone must not: (see diagram 2.5)

(a) be positioned any closer to the vehicle body than 200 mm; and

(b) have any part of the vehicle obstructing a clear path between it
and the exhaust outlet, and may, in order to achieve a clear path,
be positioned at less than 45 degrees to the direction of gas flow,
provided that the sound level meter microphone is no closer to
the exhaust outlet than 500 mm.

NOTE: The microphone must never be positioned closer to the vehicle body than 200 mm. This is in
order to avoid ‘sound bounce’ affecting the test results.

Diagram 2.5 Microphone positioning for exhaust outlets that terminate under vehicle body

Testing multi-mode exhaust systems

2.8(8) In the case of a low volume vehicle that is fitted with a multi-mode
exhaust system and a manual exhaust control, the exhaust noise
emission test must be carried out with the mode switch in all positions,
with the highest sound level recorded taken as the test figure.

Sound level meter setting

2.8(9) When testing a low volume vehicle for exhaust noise emissions:

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(a) the sound level meter microphone must be self-supported; and

(b) the sound level meter must be set at:

(i) ‘curve-A’ or ‘A-weighted’ sound pressure level; and

(ii) ‘fast response’, or ‘time weighting F’.

Sound level meter activation and recording

2.8(10) During exhaust noise emission testing on a low volume vehicle, no

person may be present within a radius of 3 meters (10 feet) of the
vehicle undergoing sound level testing, other than:

(a) the low volume vehicle certifier; and

(b) if required, one additional person appointed by the low volume

vehicle certifier to assist with the exhaust noise emission test.

2.8(11) During exhaust noise emission testing of a low volume vehicle, the
sound level meter must record the exhaust noise level held constantly
for a period of not less than one second at the selected engine speed
specified in 2.6(1), and throughout the deceleration period back to idle.

Interpretation of sound level test results

2.8(12) The figure recorded for each exhaust noise emission test of a low
volume vehicle must be to one decimal point.

2.8(13) The result of an exhaust noise emission test of a low volume vehicle
must be calculated from the average of three separate and consecutive
measurements, each of which must be within 2 dBA of each other.

2.8(14) The final decibel figure established for a low volume vehicle after an
exhaust noise emission test, and application of any applicable factoring
specified in 2.9, must be rounded to the nearest whole dBA value.

NOTE: If the recorded dBA figure is from 92.1 to 92.4, the final figure shall be 92 dBA; if the recorded
figure is from 92.5 to 92.9, the final figure shall be 93 dBA.

2.8(15) An unusual or unrelated noise spike or peak that occurs when carrying
out an exhaust noise emission sound level test on a low volume vehicle
must not be taken into account as part of the test results, in which case
the test must be repeated until a satisfactory result is achieved.

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NOTE: A noise spike or peak referred to in 2.8(15) does not include an exhaust over-run ‘boom’, but
rather is intended to apply to unusual or intermittent one-off sounds unrelated to the exhaust
noise from the surrounding environment, such as a loud bang, aircraft flying past, or a barking
dog. Rattling noises such as those made at certain engine speeds by number plates or non-
exhaust heat-shields during the test can also cause an unwanted spike or peak.

2.9 Decibel level requirements

Decibel limits

2.9(1) The maximum permissible decibel level emitted by a low volume vehicle
tested in accordance with this standard, must not, except for in the case
of where factoring must be applied for one or more of the situations
specified in 2.9(2) to 2.9(4), exceed:

(a) in the case of a moped, 91 dBA; or

(b) in the case of a motorcycle with an engine capacity of 125 cc or

less, 96 dBA; or

(c) in the case of a motorcycle with an engine capacity of more than

125 cc, 100 dBA; or

(d) in the case of an MA, MB, MC, MD1, MD2, or NA-class

production vehicle that was manufactured before 1 January 1985,
95 dBA; or

(e) in the case of a scratch-built low volume vehicle of scratch-built

sub-category ‘Historic Replica’, or scratch-built sub-category
‘Reproduction’ that is a replication or reproduction of a vehicle
manufactured before 1 January 1985, 95 dBA; or

(f) in the case of an MA, MB, MC, MD1, MD2, or NA-class

production vehicle that was manufactured on or after 1 January

(i) if first registered in New Zealand before 1 June 2008, 95

dBA; or

(ii) if first registered in New Zealand on or after 1 June 2008,

90 dBA.

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NOTE 1: The decibel figures specified in 2.9(1) are the figures set by the Government, as specified in
the Traffic Regulations 1976, and updated by Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Equipment
Amendment 2007, and may change from time to time as Government policy dictates. Such
changes will be reflected in an amendment to this low volume vehicle standard.
NOTE 2: ‘dB’ refers to ‘decibels’, and the ‘A’ denotes ‘A-weighted decibels’, which is an adjustment
process that takes into account the varying sensitivity of the human ear, to different decibel
levels at different frequencies. Low frequency sounds are quieter to the human ear. The ‘A’
weighting curve primarily takes into account the 500-10,000 Hz frequency range.

Decibel factoring for specific situations

2.9(2) A factor of 4 dBA may be added to the decibel level specified in 2.9(1),
in order to compensate for the increased background noise caused by
the close proximity of the engine to the exhaust outlet, in the case of a
low volume vehicle, other than a motor-cycle, that has either:

(a) the engine positioned to the rear of the driver; or

(b) the exhaust outlet positioned within 1.5 metres (5 feet) of the

2.9(3) A factor of 2 dBA may be added to the decibel level specified in 2.9(1),
in the case of a low volume vehicle that incorporates a particular type of
engine, or engine equipment or componentry, that emits an unusually
high level of mechanical sound, if the low volume vehicle certifier
believes that the exhaust noise emission figure may be influenced by that
engine type, equipment, or componentry.

NOTE: An engine type referred to in 2.9(3) is typically a diesel engine or an air-cooled engine, and the
componentry or equipment referred to in 2.9(3) may include cooling fans, mechanical belt-
driven superchargers, gear-driven camshafts and balance shafts, belt-driven primary drives,
and dry clutches. In order for such componentry to have an influence on the exhaust noise
emission testing, it will generally either have no effective shielding surrounding it, or be
positioned within 2.0 metres (6 feet) of the sound level meter microphone.

2.10 Reporting requirements

2.10(1) The documented reporting of an exhaust noise emission test on a low

volume vehicle must incorporate:

(a) the make, model, year, colour, and VIN of the vehicle to which
the exhaust noise emission test has been applied; and

(b) the location of the test site; and

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(c) the make, model, and serial number of the sound level meter
used; and

(d) the background noise level measured before and after the tests;

(e) the selected engine operating speed used for the test; and

(f) the applicable decibel limit from 2.9(1) that applies to the vehicle
for the test; and

(g) a clear indication of whether the subject vehicle has passed or

failed the test; and

(h) reference to this low volume vehicle standard; and

(i) a detailed description of the subject vehicle’s exhaust system,

which records the length, diameter, type, and material of the
various components used within the system, and the basic shape,
configuration, and positioning of the system; and

(j) a schematic illustration of the subject vehicle’s exhaust system;


(k) at least one clear photograph of the subject vehicle’s exhaust


Section 3 Exclusions to this standard

No exclusions are applicable to this low volume vehicle standard.

Section 4 Vehicles that are not required to be certified to

this standard

4.1 Vehicles that are not subject to objective noise testing

4.1(1) A vehicle is not required to be certified to this standard, if the vehicle is


© Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc.) 1 June 2008

LVVTA Low Volume Vehicle Standard 90-20(02) (Exhaust Noise Emissions) Page 20 of 21

(a) a production vehicle which is required to undergo an objective

exhaust noise emission test for the purpose of either:

(i) achieving entry compliance on or after 19 July 2006; or

(ii) maintaining in-service compliance on or after 1 June



(b) a scratch-built low volume vehicle that is first registered or re-

registered in New Zealand on or after 1 December 2008.

Section 5 Terms and definitions within this standard

A-weighted is an adjustment to measured or calculated sound pressure levels that
decibels accounts for the varying sensitivity of human hearing to sound at
different frequencies.

Class in relation to a sound level meter, describes its accuracy as defined by

the relevant international standards. Type 1 is more accurate than Type
2. The ANSI S1.4 and older IEC 60651 standards refer to the level of
accuracy as ‘Type’, whereas the new standard IEC 61672 refers to the
level of accuracy as ‘Class’.

dB is an abbreviation for a ‘decibel’, which is a logarithmic measurement

unit that describes a sound's relative loudness, though it can also be used
to describe the relative difference between two power levels. A decibel is
one tenth of a Bel. In sound, decibels generally measure a scale from 0
(the threshold of hearing) to 120-140 dB (the threshold of pain). A 10dB
difference is required to double the subjective volume. Generally, if the
distance from the noise source is doubled, the noise level will be 6dB
lower. A 2-3dB difference over a broad frequency range is noticeable to
most people.

dBA means A-weighted decibels.

Engine speed means the rotational engine speed at which the engine develops its
at maximum maximum amount of power.

ESMP is an abbreviation for ‘engine speed at maximum power’.

© Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc.) 1 June 2008

LVVTA Low Volume Vehicle Standard 90-20(02) (Exhaust Noise Emissions) Page 21 of 21

Hz means Hertz, or cycles per second.

Motor-cycle means a vehicle of Table-A class LA, LB, LC, LD, and LE.

Muffler means a device for reducing the noise of the exhaust gases before they
are released into the air through the tailpipe.

RPM is an abbreviation for ‘revolutions per minute’, which means the number
of times an engine’s reciprocating assembly turns in one minute.

Scratch-built means a vehicle which is an authentic replica of a specific make and

Historic model of production motor vehicle that was manufactured before 1960,
Replica low which uses components, systems, materials, and engineering processes
volume throughout its construction that are appropriate to the period in which
vehicle the vehicle is styled, and either:

(a) is an accurate historical representation of a vehicle built from a

period of motoring history before 1960; or

(b) is not readily distinguishable from an original example of the

vehicle being replicated.

Scratch-built means a vehicle which is clearly recognisable as a reproduction of a

Reproduction specific make and model of production motor vehicle, and maintains an
low volume actual or approximate silhouette of the vehicle being reproduced, and
vehicle uses an amalgamation of period and modern components, systems,
materials, and engineering processes throughout its construction.

Tachometer means an instrument by which the rotational speed of an engine is


Type in relation to a sound level meter, see the definition for ‘Class’.

© Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association (Inc.) 1 June 2008

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