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Human Resource Development

Assignment No 1

Moeed Ali Khan (080484) BSCS 08

Dated: 22 December 2011

During World War-II training departments were established in many large companies. Earlier training programs focused on skilled training but Human Resource Development includes training and development, organization development, career development and processes. HRD is part of human resource management systems. HRD interventions are basically attempts to change employee behavior. The factors include external factors (economic, governmental and competitive issues) and internal factors (motivation, attitudes and ability). In HRD programs ones learning can be maximized by following HRD models defined by managers. Different learning principles i.e. contiguity, the law of effect and practice basically enhance our understanding of the learning process. The trainee characteristics that may be positive or negative also play significant role in any learning process. Many technological interventions are transforming now days in which training and HRD interventions are conducted. HRD process model has different need assessments which are performed on three levels: organization, task and person. Organization analysis deals with where in the organization there is need of HRD or training. Task analysis deals with what kind of tasks are needed to be included in training and person analysis deals with who in the organization needs to be trained. When a new employee joins an organization he/she faces many challenges so they should learn those new skills in order to perform their job more effectively. Many socializations tactics are used by the organization that finds out the attitudes and behaviors of new employees but new employees have to be assisted by using employee orientation programs. This helps out new employees to have an overview what they might expect from the organization. Once a program is designed for the trainee the next step is to determine the best schedule. The training programs include OJT, classroom and self-paced training or it can be computer based training as now days technology can come up with any revolutionary programs and systems. These are basically technical skills programs and are mostly job specific. HRD programs have to be evaluated to make effective decisions as the purpose of HRD evaluation is to determine whether HRD and training programs have achieved their defined objectives or not. As we know that interviews, surveys, observation, tests and simulations can be used for the evaluation of human resource development. The role of manager is very important in order to ensure that employees perform their tasks effectively. It has been found that managers who are effective in coaching are more knowledgeable about employee performance and can help employees adjust to changes in goals, tasks and expectations. Training programs that use role playing and behavioral modeling can help supervisors and managers to acquire skills like interpersonal skills, affirming and building trust. HRD managers and staff must establish working relationships with line managers to coordinate HRD programs and processes throughout the organization.

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