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Tuning DB2

This section details how to tune DB2 after you have completed the Service Request Manager installation. Service Request Manager provides scripts that can be used to tune DB2. The use of these scripts is strictly optional and contain configuation parameters that might not be ideal for all environments. However, you can modify these scripts to suit your particular configuration and workload. Prior to modifying these scripts, you should make a backup copy of the original script. The following database configuration parameters will be set: v DFT_QUERYOPT 2 v LOCKLIST 15000 DEFERRED v MAXLOCKS 60 v PCKCACHESZ 12600 v DBHEAP 2000 v CATALOGCACHE_SZ 800 v LOGBUFSZ 256 v UTIL_HEAP_SZ 10000 v APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ 16384 DEFERRED v STMTHEAP 16384 v APPLHEAPSZ 2048 v STAT_HEAP_SZ 8196 v CHNGPGS_THRESH 40 v MAXFILOP 200 v LOGFILSIZ 2048 DEFERRED v LOGPRIMARY 10 v LOGSECOND 15 DEFERRED The following database manager configuration parametes will also be set: v PRIV_MEM_THRESH 32767
Chapter 16. Post Installation


v NUMDB 2 The DB2 tuning scripts are found in the <CCMDB_HOME>/scripts/database directory, and must be run by a user with database administration authority. Windows db2tuning.cmd [ dbName [ dbInstance ] ]

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