Class 4 Winter Break HW (2011-2012)

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Angels School, Sec 45, Gurgaon

Session 2011-12
Winter Break Homework
Class IV

Instructions for the Holiday Home work:-

Note:-Holidays homework carries marks in CCE; hence submission of work
post vacation is compulsory for all students.
1. Start the revision for all the subjects as per the syllabus of the Formative
Assessment -4.
2. Written Homework of all the subjects: - Hindi, English,, Science &
Mathematics is to be done in the CW notebooks.
3. The Holiday work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner.
4. The child will be assessed for the Handwriting, presentation, neatness,
completion of all the given questions, indexing of the work.
5. Questions must be done in the given sequence.
6. Use good quality pencil, eraser to maintain the tidiness in the notebooks.
7. For the project, wherever it is mentioned in the Question, strictly adhere to
8. India is a land of varied heritage and culture. The child of today should be
familiar to these heritage sites so that he can proudly call himself an
Indian. During this break, lets not waste time but plan out trips to such
places to enrich their knowledge bank and know Incredible India.

Winter Break Holiday Homework

NAME-___________ ROLL NO._____SEC____DATE___________

Q1:-Frame adverbs from the following adjectives:-

Adjective Adverb

Q2:-Underline the adverb and state their kind:- (where, when and how)

1. I think I have left my keys downstairs.___________
2. Ashish finished his work quickly.___________
3. I went to my friends house yesterday._________
4. I will meet my uncle tomorrow.___________
5. God is everywhere._____________
6. The baby cried out loudly.__________
7. It is very foggy today.___________
8. The teacher will come soon.__________


TEACHERS SIGN____________TEACHERS REMARKS_____________

Winter break Holiday Homework
Class IV (MATHS)

Practice Chapter-18 Geometry thoroughly and make the model of 3-D shapes.
Do the work neatly and completely as it carries marks.

Roll no 1 to 4 model of a Cube
Roll no 5 to 8 model of a Cylinder
Roll no 9 to 12-- model of a Cone
Roll no 13 to 16-- model of a Sphere
Roll no 17 to 19-- model of a Rectangle

Winter break Holiday Homework

ENERGY thoroughly and write 10 questions (5 from each lesson) for the QUIZ along
with answers in science activity notebook.

The questions should be short answer type questions (either one word answer or one
sentence).Do the work neatly and completely as it carries marks.

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St. Angels School
Class Winter Holiday Homework
Class- IV
Social Science

A: Project Work (compulsory) carrying 10 marks

Q1.The task given below is based on the Means of Transport & Communication. Each student is
given the task to prepare a model or collage as per their roll no. (DO THE WORK ON THE GIVEN
HALF CHART PAPER or on Card Board.)

A. Roll No 1 to10

Prepare a model of Means of Transport (Take help from CH 16)
a. Take a card board of half chart paper size
b. Make Roadways, Waterways, Airways (using colour, dust etc)
c. Place the means of transport of the respective way.
d. Make boat, ship, aeroplane using paper & train, car, bus using match
box or anything suitable.
e. Decorate with artificial plants, houses on both the sides of the roads.

B. Roll No - 11 to 19

Make a collage on the Means of Communication (Take help from CH 17)

a. Visit nearest Post office and collect Postcard, Stamp, Inland letter, Money order
form etc
B. collects cut-outs of news and advertisements from Newspaper & Magazine
C. collect Email, Fax print out

Using these entire things make a collage.

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