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English 102 Spring 2012 Course Outline This is a tentative schedule we, as a class, will follow.

The instructor reserves the right to amend the schedule as needed. Week 1:

Introduction to Course Go over Syllabus

Syllabus Quiz Discuss Elements of Fiction Reading Assignment: Fiction: A & P, The Tell-Tale Heart Fiction Quiz #1: A & P, The Tell-Tale Heart Discuss A & P, The Tell-Tale Heart Writing About Literature: Format Board Pronouns (handout) Transitions (handout)

Week 2:

Week 3:

Fiction Essay #1: A & P, The Tell-Tale Heart Reading Assignment: Fiction: To Build a Fire, The Yellow Wallpaper

Week 4: Fiction Quiz #2: To Build a Fire, The Yellow Wallpaper Discuss To Build a Fire, The Yellow Wallpaper

Fiction Essay #2: To Build a Fire, The Yellow Wallpaper Reading Assignment: Fiction: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Young Goodman Brown

Week 5: Fiction Quiz #3: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Young Goodman Brown Discuss A Clean Well-Lighted Place, Young Goodman Brown

Fiction Essay #3: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Young Goodman Brown Reading Assignment: The Metamorphosis Fiction Quiz #4: The Metamophosis Discuss The Metamorphosis

Week 6:

Fiction Essay #4: The Metamorphosis Discuss Elements of Poetry Discuss: Dulce et Decorum Est, The Death of the Ball-Turret Gunner Reading Assignment: Poetry: The Chimney Sweeper, London, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day?, Neutral Tones, To His Coy Mistress, The Flea

Week 7:

Poetry Essay #1: Dulce et Decorum Est, The Death of the Ball-Turret Gunner: Explain the common theme of the poems, and cite and explain two elements of poetry that are used to express that theme from each poem; this is 70% of the research paper Switch readings when necessary

Week 8: Discuss The Chimney Sweeper, London, Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day?, Neutral Tones, My Last Duchess, To His Coy Mistress, The Flea or Poetry Reports Reading Assignment: Poetry: Richard Cory, To an Athlete Dying Young, To the StoneCutters, Ulysses

Discuss Richard Cory, To an Athlete Dying Young, To the Stone-Cutters, Ulysses or Poetry


Week 9:

Elements of Fiction and Poetry Exam

Poetry Essay #2: Explain the common theme of the poems, and cite and explain two elements of poetry that are used to express that theme from each poem; this is 70% of the research paper Student chooses which essay is research paper Reading Assignment: Oedipus the King Week 10:

Discuss Oedipus the King Drama Essay on Oedipus the King Discuss Research Paper Format (Handout) Grading Procedure (Handout) Format of a Literature Essay http://galenet.galegroup.com Thesis Statements Review Topic List and How to Approach MUST ATTACH ORIGINAL ESSAY (WEEK 10) TO BACK OF FINAL DRAFT OF RESEARCH PAPER! (OTHERWISE, IT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED)

Week 11:

Work on Research Paper Due: Introductions with Thesis Statements Absence or Failure of Adequate Completion Will Result in a Ten-Point Deduction from your Research Paper (unless prior arrangements have been made with your instructor). Works Cited Page MLA Documentation Assignment: Complete WebQuest: http://sites.google.com/site/mlaworkscitedpage/ Parenthetical Documentation In-Text Quotation Block Quotation Ellipses [sic]

Week 12:

Work on Research Paper Due: Works Cited Page You must bring in the sources used (or you are planning on using) in your research paper. Absence or Failure of Adequate Completion Will Result in a Ten-Point Deduction from your Research Paper for each missing component (unless prior arrangements have been made with your instructor). Due: Finished Research Paper with Works Cited Page (First Half of Class) Absence or Failure of Adequate Completion Will Result in a Ten-Point Deduction from your Research Paper for each missing component (unless prior arrangements have been made with your instructor). Due: Finished Research Paper with Works Cited Page (Second Half of Class) Absence or Failure of Adequate Completion Will Result in a Ten-Point Deduction from your Research Paper for each missing component (unless prior arrangements have been made with your instructor).

Week 13:

Week 14: Due: Works Cited Page (Final Draft)

Due: Research Paper (Final Draft)

Week 15: Return Research Papers and Give Final Grades

Return Research Papers and Give Final Grades

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