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Image sources: Japan ( C ) Perfect Science Doug Leber

Testingin Japan using Breaker , Clearps , Balance , Alpha , Breaking Pattern , Water of Life, Planet Water , Life Essence , Gels Perfect , Bath , Turkish Spa in a Bath ( ) Alderson Clinic Turkish Spa in Your Bath ( )

Mr James Trider Full -Circle tech

Starazanna (tm) The Royal Kadin Systems Line Resea

Talk in Florida on Perfect Science research in Grape Vine , Sarasota , Florida , Japan , South America , France , Norway , Croatia , Sweden , Turkey , Chicago , New Mexico , LA , Mount Shasta , Rio , Mexico , Austria , New Zealand , Ireland Saudi Arabia , Egypt , Switzerland , and all over the world using Perfect Science Since 1980 's Perfect Science , Royal Flush AD , Perfect Aqua . Pan Thor , and on going Royal Kadin Perfect Science Inc , Lets take a look right here, this is what the test looked like in that June test, what you can see here are some readings, and theyre averaging they may be a little bit hard to see but it doesnt go up to the full 100 scale its been a little chopped off bit here for the picture but a lot of the readings are between 60 and 70, and we have a number of indicator drops which is the white that comes on down that shows weaknesses. That shows well down below 50. This is the Parkinsons condition, still very strong.

Here s what it looks like just eight days or ten days later or so, and now everything is right at 50. That s what this value is here. Its the perfect reading that we strive for with the formulas. Thats from this level here with many drops, and stressed area, and right to 50 in just about a week. So these accelerate our progress. Heres another case: a 73 year old female with fairly advanced Alzheimers disease, mental deterioration, needs constant supervision and loss of bowel control. We havent seen a lot of dramatic improvement with Alzheimers once its progressed past a certain point. We have eight tests we are looking at. Here, at May 11th , started out with Clear as the best formula. Heavy metals, aluminum, mercury and gold, up in the limbic system of the brain is what we have showing up. Electrical current stress is going on as well, with some metals in the mouth. We have some jaw, dental cavitation issues to deal with, so surgery was done to clear out the dental focus that was disturbing neurotransmitter function and other organs. Clearps ( TM ) Perfect Science using the Ayterion systems then was continued; dose increased a little bit at this point that was about four weeks, another month later. Clear PS (TM ) continued to be the best formula, and at this point we had an overaccelerated detoxing process, with some diarrhea. Mercury wasnt showing at all anymore. I couldnt find it wherever I looked. But aluminum was still showing as a major toxin; and thats been associated often with Alzheimers. Then aluminum then came on here a couple of months later about 2 _ months later here. Breaker( TM ) Perfect Science was the next formula, plus we added a mineral formula as well. We had some imrprovement mood swings are better, diarrheas getting better. Then a month after that we shifted back to Clear, plus the micro mineral formula. Theres some sleep trembles, etc. mentioned here at the next one in December, two months later. Clear is there, the dose is increasing; the micro minerals continue. Theres a noticeable improvement in the physical level of function; the bowels are better; the readings are looking much better; however, in her case the Alzheimers situation still continues to deteriorate. That has stabilized recently, but in that case, but again the Alzheimers is one where we havent seen any real clear improvement with the mental, but theres lots of other things that can improve. Here is that first test. We had readings in the 60s to the 70s, several indicator drops after we went on the formula, we had a lot of readings averaging, with no drops, in the upper 50s into the upper 60s, so theres an improvement 50 is our ideal value. Here we have the next test where we have a number of 50s, especially on the left side those are all good. For the most part, with a few drops, so theres improvement here. Heres another one where everything is 50 except the bladder is up with some stress. The last test in this series here everything is very stable and consistent, symmetrical at about 58, so thats following the Alzheimers. We have one last case here. This is a malem, 55 years old. Hes had mastoiditis, three surgeries mastoidectomy, perforated eardrum. He came in because he had bleeding from the ear for about the last month. He decided hed better do something about that. We took a look at things here. Hed been on good nutritional and dietary support, but we started him with Breaker at 2 oz. four times a day, plus the minerals. Coming back in twelve days, he was feeling worse, having severe headaches, lethargy, constipated. We found that the dose had become too

strong. He went a number of days in which the dose worked well, and then because he had a toxic focal problem in the mastoid bone, that got released and became too much of an overload at the dose he was at. In his case, we cut the dose down, and within a day or two, he was feeling much better; energy was up. At the high dose, the bleeding stopped. We go back to the low dose, went on that for a little while longer, and we have with the Breaker at the lower dose, feeling better, no longer in a healing crisis, no fatigue, ears not draining. Then after a while, the ear started to drain again, and he felt the dose had come back up to work more strongly, and so, that went on up, that continued. We had one situation in July when we had about eight days of 105 degrees or higher in Dallas. He was driving to work in a car with no air conditioner. We had a number of people that all had an extremely overaccelerated detox their readings were in the 40s. So at normal doses were becoming too strong and we saw that all across the board, an unusual situation. It was very noticeable. So he was part of that situation that went on there. He shifted to Balance then, went to Clear, went to Alpha and then improved quite a lot here. Heres the first reading. He was in pretty good health except for this ear problem. We had the one big drop on the liver, and here, after being on the formula a little bit, we had no drops, still around 50. Here we had the next one right here many 50s. Heres another one with many 50s and some drops. Thats one of the things we learned just from that , sometimes when the dose becomes too strong, well get an aggravation we need to adjust that and keep some control with some methods, so we like to have the electrodermal screening to be able to steer and readjust the doses as those are needed. Heres a summary right here. With bacteria, it seemed to be Clear, Alpha, Breaker were the top formulas. Chemical toxins: Alpha, Breaker, Balance and Clear. Fungal toxins: Alpha, number 1, then Clear. Metals: Clearps first, then Alpha. Parasites: Clear first, then Alpha. Viruses: Alpha, Breaker, Balance. Perfect Science Often the Balance doesnt show up as much here because some of these are people with more serious problems. With those that are healthier, Balance tends to show up a little bit more often. Okay, they accelerated detoxification; sometimes in two or three weeks, we get what Id expect in two or three months with the homeopathic. Be careful of the sensitivity for dosages. We can get an overaccelerated detox if we go too strong with the formulas but sometimes they dont take enough formula. In order to mobilize toxins, we need enough of the formula to carry it all out and transport. So it can go both ways: either giving too little can result in aggravation; or giving too much can result in the aggravation. THAT where the testing is important to make the decision. In some ways it simplifies what were doing with these just few formulas, to cover a wide range of issues, without having to get specific as we do with the homeopathics. I see this as a good basic therapy, a kind of foundation that covers many things that you dont even know are there, but this will deal with that detoxing. But when we need specific help, we have a whole range of specific formulas, whether its nutritional or homeopathic complexes that can be used to target specific things; help with hormonal balances, neurotransmitters and something heavier with the worms and parasites, something that needs stronger formulas. IN THIS CASE Breaking The Patterns , Clearing , Nancyion , Annadoyuk , and the gels take six spoons a day or more , best to following using Life

Essence , Breaker , or Water of Life, drink lot of spring water during the day . All so use Perfect Waters Nose Spray any time in the day . Our findings are that they re very powerful and theyre safe. If someone has an aggravation and they stop, it goes right away. It covers many, many differ conditions, set out to detox. Just be careful that you have a method to test and work with that. We have a number of other studies that we would like to do to find out more specifically on these formulas. Use Turkish Spa in your bath any time we have in gallon size just a few caps fills and you will be well rewarded detox at a level no one has ever seen before . You will all so clean the water . Any of you here that are interested in participating in working with that in some research and making use of the products, can get in touch with me and with the Perfect Science group - we can be found in the exhibit hall area there. Ill be doing a workshop this afternoon, where well be doing a more specific demonstration of how we actually test for the doses, test for the protocols and work through that. One additional technology we have added is a footbath device that restructures water, and lets the body detoxify through the skin, bypassing the kidney and liver. We incorporate the water formulas; they drink it and put some in the water bath for the footbath. Thats another application. The mineral formulas that we talked about,Mr Jim Trider , Ms Terry Welch , Nancy Welch , Deborah Furst , David Morse and Dr. Drucker will be presenting a lot more information on that later on today. Its not printed in your book here, but Drucker will be talking about that; its part of the overall program that were working with. Well give you a little information about another approach that has some similarities. Its energetic medicine but its not homeopathic, per se, but its working with this basis of detoxifying. Thats what were trying to do, get the body detoxified, energized and back to normal. With that Ill had it back to Dan and I thank you for your attention. We have on going research contact us 1-815-302-3941 1- 817-793-4955 Testing

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