!2 Months Research

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12 months Research


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EQITER H-O-H Creates an environment that allows: Balancing pH. Heavy detoxification of internal water system. Transforming and balancing of emotions & feelings. Balance brings awareness of all around pt five sense 's by detoxify the body and help when you drink a lot of water afterwards Recommended/suggested dosage 4-12 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken at bedtime and first thing in the Am when you wake up For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

CLEARING THE AMYGDALA Creates an environment that allows:

Enhancing the process of transformation of the informational overload. Clearing and transforming the web of self-consistent interactions.

Recommended/suggested dosage 4-12WWW.perfectscience.com perfectscience@gmail.com oz. (60240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken at bedtime. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.) Can be chilled in refrigerator. You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows: Transforming patterns adopted through physical and emotional experiences. Clearing the path for new creativity.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day or at bedtime.

For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

AMYGDALENE- SPRITZEN Creates an environment that allows: Balancing the body and clearing pathways and networks. Creating a higher energy and purify the body.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water, Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day or at bedtime.

For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.) Can be chilled in refrigerator. You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed. EMPOWERMENT Creates an environment that allows: Empowering all aspect of the physical and emotional bodies. Transforming issues. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60 cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day or at bedtime. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

BALANCING Creates an environment that allows: Balancing in the physical and energy bodies to accept the new purified energy. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.) Can be chilled in refrigerator. You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.

ALPHA Creates an environment that allows: Purifying the neuro- connections. Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken at bedtime. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

BREAKER Creates an environment that allows: Transforming and clearing viruses. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day.

For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally. Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.) Can be chilled in refrigerator. You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows: Transforming by bringing the internal electronic water to harmony and healing. Natural relaxing and calming. Transforming poisons to bionutrients. Balancing genetic information and the building of proteins. Balancing inner water. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

BIAMY H-O-H Creates an environment that allows: Transforming and correcting dissimilar internal water. Balancing pH. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc- 240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day. For best results include:

Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally. Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.) Can be chilled in refrigerator. You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.

ANDOY H-O-H Creates an environment that allows: Transforming of body energy centers. Clearing energetic blockages. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken during the day or at bedtime. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

NEURO H2O Creates an environment that allows: Clearing and transforming naturally the inner water bringing about a free internal vortex. Transforming and balancing emotions, feelings and automatic motor operation in the physical body. Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc). Taken at bedtime. For best results include: Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water. Gel to be applied to skin liberally. Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)

Can be chilled in refrigerator. You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.

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