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Marketing management Code: 205 Section A: One sentence/word answer 1. Who coined the 4Ps of Marketing, name the person_____________. 2. Helmet is an example of ______________demand of product. 3. Hiking the existing price of product to balance between demand and supply is way to manage ___________demand of a product. 4. In marketing digital market is also known as _________.

Give one example of metamarketing____________.

6. Luxury car is an example of __________needs. 7. ____________reflects persons judgment of a products perceived performance in relationship to expectations. 8. Define holistic marketing in one line. 9. Gods own country is a tag line to promote which tourist place of which country. 10.Proactive marketing orientation was concept coined by whom_____________. 11.Market that evolves through the natural market segment emerges from the groups of consumers with shared preferences. 12.Answer in one line Super segment. 13.Answer in one line Customer based brand equity? 14.Most product life-cycle curves are portrayed as _______. 15.Who doubts on the pioneering stage, name them ____________? 16.Answer in one line the term Harvesting? 17.Another name of Product mix is _______________?

18. Product

cannibalization can occur inter/intra environment. Y/N.

19.Initially Coco cola came with ____________bottle offered to mass market. 20.Name the First Company came with the concept of micromarketing. 21.State in one line the difference between segment and sector. 22.Do you agree with this Marketers does not create segments Y/N. 23.Within segment fiction happens or not Y/N. 24.In one line tell how naked solution differs from discretionary options. 25.Give one example of preference segment. 26.Diffused segment is scattered over whole market depicting that customer have__________. 27.Another name of Clustered preferences is ________. 28.Define concentrated marketing. 29.Characterized niche marketing. 30.In niche marketing price sensitivity is low Y/N. 31.Hermann Simon duded global niche leaders as ______. 32.Another form of Local Marketing is _____. 33.Segment Acid test is used by marketers as ________strategy. 34.Segment by segment invasion plan is to identify which act of a company?
35. HLL

positioned its product Knorr soup against which product of Nestle?

36.Give one example of augmented level of Product? 37.Depending upon the experience and performance of the doctor the services which he/she renders is exempted from the price sensitivity. This is an example of shopping goods; you have to tell in which category of shopping goods it does falls? 38._______goods are purchased without any planning or buying efforts. 39.__________parts enters no further changes in formation of core product. 40.Define conformance quality in one line?

41. IKEA

Furniture company belongs to which country?

42.What does product width refers_________? 43.Market profile tells about what________? 44.Define line stretching in one line? 45.How many brands totally HLL carries?
46. Tide

and Livon are the brand of Which company? is brand of which company?

47. Detol

48.What is the market share of Surf? 49.Give one example of bundle pricing? 50.Companies typically ________their product lines of tight demand and _________their lines in periods of slow demand. 51.Intel most profitable chips are__________. 52.Captive Product pricing is done when some products requires________. 53.When pure bundling does occurs when_________. 54.When and where Toyota started? 55.What is reference pricing? In one line. 56.What is price quality inference? 57.What is partial cost recovery? 58.When customers have many product options for single need than price sensitivity will be________. 59.Define experience curve in one line________. 60. Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Who has given this definition?

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