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GROUP MEMBERS: Sachi Shah Pranav Karnawat Shrishti Agrawal Tanya Agrawal SuryaVeer Jadeja

Project Proposed Project which we have proposed to do is Consumer behaviour while buying mobile phones. Brief Description of the project Cell phones have become a part of everyday lives and mobile device is the bridge to social world. According to the market survey, it is estimated that market size for mobile phones are 80,000(in units) and it generates revenue of 6 to 8 billion per annum. This market is mainly dominated by 3 key brands while Nokia is the market leader. Within past 2-3 years gray market captured 25%- 30% of the total market share from the key players, but with new rules and regulations introduced by TRC it is expected that gray market would shrink while demand for branded phones will increase. This market is mainly segmented by the income level while lower income group contributes around 70% of total revenue. Market penetration is about 10% and 90% is still to be explored.[1] So, by seeing the growth of this sector, it is worth testing the feasibility and viability of different criteria on basis of which consumer chose to purchase cell phones. The current research focuses on what are the criteria on which the students and professionals look into while purchasing a cell phone.

Objectives of the project The concept of buying behavior is of prime importance in marketing and has evolved over the years. It is important to understand consumer buying behavior as it plays a vital role in creating an impact on purchase of products. The human wants are unlimited and always expect more and more. Mobile handsets are no exception to this behavior. This lead to constant modifications of mobile handset and today we see a new model coming into the market practically every month. Hypothesis of the research are: H1: The affect of cultural, social, personal and psychological factors in influencing consumers buying behavior. H2: Consumers preference of a particular brand over another H3: Relationship between occupation of a person and features of mobile handset H4: The role of promotions/ad in decision making H5: The demographic influence on consumers behavior

Literature Survey As the mobile phone typology has changed, so have the clichs. Advanced users (forerunner and intense) the trendsetters of the mobile phone market - are no longer business executives in gray suits making international calls from airports. Today they are young people wearing Nike trainers downloading games and taking pictures with their handsets. However, whoever they might be, the advanced users adopt a similar attitude to technical innovation: they like it and are ready to spend money to acquire it. They represent a premium marketing target for all players in the mobile industry. Most flagship products and advertising are aimed at this group. Conversely, uninvolved users are not a priority target. Nevertheless, like the premium users, their attitude towards technology is highly predictable: they reject it. A few years ago, they never thought they would ever own a mobile phone. Now that they have one, they hardly use it. These extreme cases seem to be crystallized by technological innovation through two opposite attitudes: unconditional adoption or rejection. Consequently, technology remains a powerful marketing driver. The question remains how to address the other half of the market, those people who, while not reluctant to innovate, are not ready to follow the path of the early adopters.

Methodology: Type of Research:  Descriptive research  Conclusive research Type of data collection A. Primary data 1. Quantitative 1.1.1. Telephone 1.1.2. Personal 1.1.3. Electronic 2. Survey B. Secondary data

Sample Size: For the study we have taken a sample size of 300people whose response we will be taking through questionnaire. Sampling Technique: We would be using Stratified Random sampling while collecting the data. Schedule: Objective to be accomplished Drafting questionnaire data collection Analysis of the facts understood and interpreted. Reporting of the survey facts, analysis limitation and conclusion on the research done Target Deadline 20th December 2011 15th January 2012 30th January 2012 10th February 2012


 Research is restricted to Ahmedabad only and doesnt show the global scenario.  Every time it may not be possible to reach to the interviewee physically. Hence telephonic/ verbal interview may be used. There could be loss of data because of communication barriers.  The interviewee may also not disclose all the information.

Bibliography  Donald R. Copper, P. S. (2010). Business Research. New Delhi: McGraw Hill Education.  Naresh K. Malhotra, S. D. (2010). Marketing research. New Delhi: Pearson.  William G. Zikmund, B. J. (2009). Marketing research. New Delhi: Cengage Learning.

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