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Jrg Pcher

my summary On Wednesday more than 25 million of visitors will be not be able to use the English website of Wikipedia, and Cheezeburger, but will see a black page with information on the "Stop Online Piracy Act" and the "Protect Intellectual Property Act". The goal of this campaign is to urge readers to vote against a "clumsily drafted legislation that is dangerous for an open Internet". input text The service will be the highest profile name to join a growing campaign starting at midnight Eastern Time on Wednesday that will see it black out its page so that visitors will only see information about the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA). The information will urge Wikipedia readers to contact their local congressman to vote against the bills. Other smaller sites leading the campaign include and Cheezeburger. "This is a quite clumsily drafted legislation which is dangerous for an open Internet", said Wales in an interview. The decision to black out the site was decided by voting within the Wikipedia community of writers and editors who manage the free service, Wales said. The English language Wikipedia receives more than 25 million average daily visitors from around the world, according to comScore data. readable text The/DET service/NN will/MD be/VB the/DET highest/JJS profile/NN name/NN to/TO join/VB a/DET growing/NN campaign/NN starting/VBG at/IN midnight/NN Eastern/NNP Time/NNP on/IN Wednesday/NNP that/IN will/NN see/VBP it/PRP black/JJ out/IN its/PRPS page/NN so/IN that/DET visitors/NNS will/MD only/RB see/VB information/NN about/IN the/DET controversial/JJ Stop/NN Online/NNP Piracy/NN Act/NNP (/LRB SOPA/NNP )/RRB and/CC the/DET Protect/VB Intellectual/NNP Property/NNP Act/NNP (/LRB PIPA/NNP )/RRB ./PP The/DET information/NN will/MD urge/VB Wikipedia/NNP readers/NNS to/TO contact/VB their/PRPS local/JJ congressman/NN to/TO vote/VB against/IN the/DET bills/NNS ./PP Other/JJ smaller/JJR sites/NNS leading/VBG the/DET campaign/NN include/VBP and/CC Cheezeburger/NNP ./PP This/DET is/VBZ a/DET quite/RB clumsily/RB drafted/VBN legislation/NN which/WDT is/VBZ dangerous/JJ for/IN an/DET open/JJ Internet/NN ,/PPC said/VBD Wales/NNP in/IN an/DET interview/NN ./PP The/DET decision/NN to/TO black/JJ out/IN the/DET site/NN was/VBD decided/VBN by/IN voting/NN within/IN the/DET Wikipedia/NNP community/NN of/IN writers/NNS and/CC editors/NNS who/WP manage/VBP the/DET free/JJ service/NN ,/PPC Wales/NNP said/VBD ./PP The/DET English/JJ language/NN Wikipedia/NNP receives/VBZ more/JJR than/IN 25/CD million/CD average/NN daily/JJ visitors/NNS from/IN around/IN the/DET world/NN ,/PPC according/VBG to/TO comScore/NN data/NNS ./PP



Jrg Pcher

word list onlin | other smaller sites | language wikipedia | grow | languag | average daily visitors | campaign | wikipedia readers | piracy act | sopa | property act | name | wednesdai | open internet | english language wikipedia | daily visitors | wikipedia | | profile name | time | commun | free service | page so that visitors | editor | will | voting within the wikipedia community of writers | interview | act | cheezeburg | decision | piraci | inform | site | bill | averag | comscor | million average daily visitors from around the world | reader | online piracy act | page | local congressman | wales in an interview | intellectu | internet | drafted legislation | data | intellectual property act | profil | wale | wikipedia community | legisl | midnight eastern time on wednesday that will | growing campaign | midnight eastern time | world | eastern time | smaller sites | midnight | pipa | controversial stop online piracy act | writer | visitor | congressman | stop online piracy act | stop | properti | comscore data | vote | highest profile name | servic | eastern | information about the controversial stop online piracy act | tagger summary service/NN will/MD be/VB profile/NN name/NN join/VB growing/NN campaign/NN midnight/NN Eastern/NNP Time/NNP Wednesday/NNP will/NN see/VBP page/NN visitors/NNS will/MD see/VB information/NN Stop/NN Online/NNP Piracy/NN Act/NNP (/LRB SOPA/NNP )/RRB and/CC Protect/VB Intellectual/NNP Property/NNP Act/NNP (/LRB PIPA/NNP )/RRB ./PP information/NN will/MD urge/VB Wikipedia/NNP readers/NNS contact/VB congressman/NN vote/VB bills/NNS ./PP sites/NNS campaign/NN include/VBP and/CC Cheezeburger/NNP ./PP is/VBZ drafted/VBN legislation/NN which/WDT is/VBZ Internet/NN ,/PPC said/VBD Wales/NNP interview/NN ./PP decision/NN site/NN was/VBD decided/VBN voting/NN Wikipedia/NNP community/NN writers/NNS and/CC editors/NNS who/WP manage/VBP service/NN ,/PPC Wales/NNP said/VBD ./PP language/NN Wikipedia/NNP receives/VBZ 25/CD million/CD average/NN visitors/NNS world/NN ,/PPC comScore/NN data/NNS ./PP
weggelassen: det, in, jj, jjr, jjs, prp, prps, rb, to, vbg Anfhrungszeichen fhren zu Exception! Wrter wie "onlin", "languag", "average", "legisl", "properti", "servic", "intellectu", "piraci" ??? Verschiedenste Fehler beim Parsing: "growing" ist in diesem Kontext /VBG "Stop Online ... Act" /VB /JJ /NN "average" in diesem Kontext /JJ "Eastern Time" /NN /NN ? "will" /MD "Intellectual Property Act" /JJ /NN /NN "comScore" /NNP "black out" /VB "voting" /VBG

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