Nov 16 2011 Meeting Minutes

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conservrnq natural resou-lees

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Board Membem in Attendance

Mrs. Anne Bennett, Mr. Jeff DeWeese, Mr. fuchard Freisinger, Mt. Lynn Laird.

Mr. Joshua McElhaney, District Conservationist; Mrs. Debbie Williams, Natural Resources Conservation, Ms. Susan Marcus, Guest; Mr. Matthew Marcus, Guest.

Call to Order Mr. Lynn Laird called the meeting to order at 8:10am. Those present stated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in unison.

A moment silence was held. Minutes of the Last Meeting Mrs. Anne Bennett made a motion to accept October's Board minutes. Mr. Jeff DeWeese seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed. Acknowledgement of Public Notice
The meeting advertisement was noted.

Treasurerts Report Mrs. Anne Bennett gave the Treasurer's Report. Mr. Richard Freisinger made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report. Mr. DeWeese seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed. Reports report on the Fall Festival at A.K. Sutter. He stated the seeds that were given by the Board to the Fourth grade classes were appreciated. The classes also made signs from recycled boards to sell. The boards were painted with gardening messages, and a seed pack was attached to the signs. They were able to taise over $400.00 for thetr community garden project. Mr. DeWeese stated that Floral Tree Gardens sponsoted the Mr. DeWeese gave

sign project.

Mr. Laird added the teachers wete also pleased rvith the educational material the Board gave
them. Mr. Joshua McElhaney gave the District Conservationist report.

Mr. McElhaney distdbuted Mr. James Clements, OAWP, reports. Mr. McElhaney read the letter he received from Thtee fuvers RC&D regrding their funding support for projects will be on hold.

of now,

Old Business
Mr. Dan Cain in
a recent email to Mrs. Debbie Williams stated that he had resigned


the Septemb er 2011 meeting. All Board members present at the September meeting recalled Mr. Cain commenting that he was going to resign but would continue to the end of his elected period. Mr. Laird stated he believed an official letter written to the Govemor must be submitted for his resignation. Until further notice, Mr. Cain is still considered and active Board member.

Mr. McElhaney stated the Awards Committee did meet and two names were mentioned for Conservation Farmer of the Year. After further discussion it was decided Mr. Jeremy Koehn should receive the award. Mr. DeWeese made a motion to recognize Mr. Jeremy Koehn as the 2011 Conservation Farmer of the Year. Mr. Freisinger seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed. Mr. DeWeese made
a motion to draft a resolution for approval at the next Board meeting thanking Mrs. Pam Elliott's donation of bags that are being used to distribute seeds to the schools Mrs. Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried unopposed.

The Christmas Board meeting will be held at Fran's Country Kitchen Wednesday, December 27 at 8:00 am. Mr. Laird requested couple of the past Conservation Farmer's of the Year be invited. It was also requested Mr. Brent Yoder and Mr. Keith Wilkins be invited.

New Business
Mr. McElhaney stated an invoice came in for the NACD dues. After a brief discussion, Mr. DeWeese made a motion to send them a letter stating the Board had no budget therefore they are unable to pay dues. Mrs. Bennett seconded the motion. The motion carried

Mr. McElhaney stated an invoice/form for the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (Special District Fee) was received. Mrs. Bennett will complete the form with



With no further business before the Board, Mr. DeWeese made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mrs. Bennett seconded the motion. Mr. Laird adiourned the meeting at9:15 am.

Mr. Jeff DeWeese, Secretary

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