Ageing Boilers: 3rd October

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Metallurgical Failures of Ageing Boilers

Eric Vreugde
Consulting Metallurgist
Metserve International
Ensure boiler tube integrity, reliability, fitness-for-service, and
safety in your boiler plant pressure equipment by learning how
- Dicgnc:e wcler-luLe Lci|er fci|ure mechcni:m:
- Excmine ci:ec:e: cf pre::ure ve::e|: c::cciclec wilh in-:ervice melc||urgicc| cging
- /ccpl p|cnl fci|ure inve:ligclicn lechniue:
- /nc|y:e lhe fcclcr: cffecling lhe |ife cf Lci|er ccmpcnenl:
- lmp|emenl prccecure: lc miligcle cegrccclicn.
- Icc|: fcr celeclicn cf cegrccclicn.
- F|cn fcr fulure euipmenl repcir cnc/cr rep|ccemenl
Register for this interactive course and ...
- Fcrlicipcle in cc:e-:lucy Lc:ec :e::icn: fccu::ing cn lhe key cegrccclicn mechcni:m: c::c-
ciclec wilh wcler luLe Lci|er ccmpcnenl:.
- Lecrn hcw lnfcrmclicn cLlcinec frcm in-:ervice in:peclicn cnc ccncilicn c::e::menl, mcy Le
u:ec lc cLlcin c prcgnc:i: cf ycur wcler-luLe Lci|er :ervicecLi|ily, lhereLy c::i:ling in p|cnning
fcr cpprcpricle ccrreclive cnc prevenlive cclicn
- Gcin c lhcrcugh uncer:lcncing cf :hcrl cnc |cng-lerm cverhecling, vcricu: ccrrc:icn mechc-
ni:m:, cnc lheir icenlificL|e chcrccleri:lic:
Who Should Attend?
Ihe mccu|e: cre cimec cl p|cnl engineer:, mcinlencnce mcncger:, p|cnl in:peclcr:
re:pcn:iL|e fcr mcncging lhe inlegrily cf cgeing Lci|er /prcce:: euipmenl.
Course Overview
Did you know that...
IuLe fci|ure:, re:u|ling frcm erc:icn, ccrrc:icn, :hcrl-lerm cverhecling, fcligue, |cng-lerm cver-
hecling cr mcnufccluring cefecl: mcy Le ccn:icerec lhe mc:l ccmmcn :curce cf wcler-luLe
Lci|er ccwnlime.
ll i: generc||y cckncw|ecgec lhcl c :ing|e luLe fci|ure, reuiring cn e:limclec fcur ccy: cf
repcir wcrk, ccn re:u|l in :ignificcnl |c:: cf revenue, cpcrl frcm lhe c::cciclec repcir cc:l:.
8ci|er luLe fci|ure: ccnlinue lc Le lhe |eccing ccu:e cf ccwnlime fcr :lecm pcwer p|cnl:. /
recenl Lci|er luLe fci|ure :lucy hc: :hcwn lhcl Lci|er luLe fci|ure: cre :li|| lhe |eccing ccu:e cf
fcrcec culcge: in ccc|-firec Lci|er:. Uncer cne :el cf :ervice cnc cpercling ccncilicn:, c pcr-
licu|cr cefecl mcy Le inccn:euenlic| cnc exlreme|y un|ike|y lc ccu:e cr ccnlriLule lc c :erv-
ice fci|ure. Uncer cnclher :el cf ccncilicn:, lhe :cme cefecl ccn Le exlreme|y hczcrccu: cnc
ccn ccu:e cn in:lcnl ruplure |eccing lc cn exp|c:icn, fire cnc ccmcge cnc lhereLy enccnger
lhe |ife cnc hec|lh cf wcrker:.
Fe:ecrch hc: :hcwn lhcl lc gel c Lci|er Lcck cn |ine cnc recuce cr e|imincle fulure fcrcec
culcge: cue lc luLe fci|ure, il i: exlreme|y impcrlcnl lc celermine cnc ccrrecl lhe rccl ccu:e.
/ luLe fci|ure i: u:uc||y c :ymplcm cf clher prcL|em:. ln cccilicn lc evc|ucling lhe fci|ure il:e|f,
il hc: Leen fcunc lhcl cn inve:ligclicn inlc c|| c:pecl: cf Lci|er cperclicn |eccing lc lhe fci|ure
i: reuirec in crcer lc fu||y uncer:lcnc lhe ccu:e. ln mcny cc:e:, lhe fie|c inve:ligclicn ccn
i:c|cle lhe rccl ccu:e lhcl |ec lc lhe luLe fci|ure. Scmelime: c repcirec luLe i: pul Lcck in
:ervice, cn|y lc Le fcrcec cff-|ine Ly cnclher |eck. Iherefcre, icenlifying cnc ccrrecling lhe rccl
ccu:e i: e::enlic|.
Ihi: lrcining ccur:e hc: Leen :pecic||y ce:ignec lc give ycu c prcclicc| uncer:lcncing cf lhe
luLe fci|ure: lhcl cccur in Lci|er:, why lhey hcppen, cnc hcw lc prevenl lhem frcm re:u|ling in
cclc:lrcphic fci|ure:. Ycu wi|| c|:c wc|k cwcy wilh lhe pcwer lc icenlify lhe mechcni:m: cf
ccmcge, prevenlicn/miligclicn mec:ure:, cnc in:peclicn cnc mcnilcring reccmmencclicn:
u:ec fcr ri:k Lc:ec in:peclicn in Lci|er:.
About Your Expert Course Leader
Eric Vreugde, Mr. Eric Vreugce, lhe Fcuncer cf Mel:erve lnlernclicnc|, i: cne
cf lhe lcp nclicnc| cnc inlernclicnc| :pecker:, ccn:u|lcnl cnc melc||urgi:l. He
hc: cver 35 yecr: experience in lhe refining, pcwer, chemicc|, |egc|, pcper cnc
engineering :eclcr:.
He :lcrlec hi: ccreer in 170 cnc hc: Leen prcvicing :ervice: cn lhe rccl ccu:e
fci|ure cnc|y:i:, melc|: :e|eclicn, prcL|em :c|ving cnc inve:ligcling :uilcLi|ily-fcr-:ervice c: we||
c: lhe |ife :pcn cf euipmenl: cnc ccmpcnenl:. He c|:c hc: ccncuclec cver huncrec: cf
Lci|er: cnc mcre lhcn 4000 fci|ure cnc|y:i: cver lhe yecr:.
Eric whc wc: Lcrn cnc ecucclec in lhe Nelher|cnc: hc: c|:c ccncuclec cccicenl inve:ligc-
licn, ri:k c::e::menl invc|ving Lci|er:, pre::ure ve::e|: cnc mcchinery cf vcricu: lype:.
Eric hc: puL|i:hec :everc| inlernclicnc| pcper: re|clec lc melc||urgicc| lcpic:. Hi: rencwnec
experli:e i: reccgnizec Ly lcp-lier inlernclicnc| ccmpcnie:.
Diseases of Pressure Vessels
- Creep cnc :lre:: ruplure
- Creep c|c::ificclicn cf ccmcge
- lnlegrily cpercling winccw:
- Sphercici:clicn
- /ppecrcnce cf mcrphc|cgy cf ccmcge
- Grcphili:clicn
- Frevenlicn/miligclicn
- ln:peclicn cnc mcnilcring lechniue
- ln :ilu rep|icclicn
Day schedule
07:30 Fegi:lrclicn cnc Fefre:hmenl:
08:30 Cpening cnc We|ccme
08:45 Ccur:e Slcrl:
10:00 Fefre:hmenl: cnc Nelwcrking
12:00 Lunch
15:00 Shcrl 8reck cnc Nelwcrking
1:30 Enc cf Dcy
Boiler Tube Failure Diagnosis
- Part 1
- Lcng lerm cverhecling
- Di::imi|cr melc| we|c fci|ure {DMW)
- Effecl: cf cepc:il:
- Cxygen ccrrc:icn
- Ccu:lic-re|clec crccking
- Shcrl lerm cverhecling
- Fec:cn: fcr ccncucling c melc||urgicc|
- 8ci|er exp|c:icn
- Summcry
Failure Investigation
- Whcl i: c fci|ure
- Fec:cn: why fci|ure: cccur
- Fci|ure mechcni:m:
- Whcl i: c fci|ure inve:ligclicn
- Why finc lhe rccl ccu:e
- Hcw lc crgcni:e c fci|ure inve:ligclicn
- Gclhering infcrmclicn
- Hcw lc prclecl cnc cccumenl lhe fci|ure
- Feccmmencclicn: cnc ccrreclive cclicn:
- Ihe Dc: cnc Dcnl:
Boiler Tube Failure Diagnosis
- Part 3
- Grcphili:clicn
- Slecm L|cnkeling
- Ccu:lic cllcck
- /cic cllcck
- Melc||ic ccpper cepc:il:
- IuLe fci|ure cnc|y:i: melhccc|cgy
- Frcclicc| Cc:e Slucy
- Excerci:e:
- Grcup Di:cu::icn:
Boiler Tube Failure Diagnosis
- Part 2
- F|cw ccce|erclec ccrrc:icn {F/C)
- Slre:: ccrrc:icn crccking
- Hycrcgen ccmcge
- Ihermc| fcligue
- Ccrrc:icn fcligue
- Ccu:lic gcuging
- Slecm culling
- Mcleric| ceficiency
- Summcry
- Iype: cf fci|ure
About the Conference Zone
The Conference Zone :lcrlec cpercling in Sculh /fricc in 2005 c: c fu||y 8|cck Eccncmic Empcw-
ermenl {8EE) cccrecilec crgcni:clicn :pecic|i:ing in :lrclegic Lu:ine:: ccmmunicclicn: cnc
prcvicing re:ecrch
criven infcrmclicn. The Conference Zone cpp|ie: inlegrclec mcrkeling ccmmunicclicn mecium:
:uch c: Lu:ine:: ccnference:, :emincr:, fcrum: cnc lrcining wcrk:hcp: lc ccmmuniccle :lrcle-
gic Lu:ine::
infcrmclicn lc lhe privcle cnc puL|ic :eclcr:. The Conference Zone c|:c prcvice: |ecrning :c|u-
licn: lhcl inlegrcle lhe :lrclegic cnc cperclicnc| cimen:icn: lcgelher wilh lhe pecp|e cimen:icn
lc cchieve:
- Slrclegic c|ignmenl wilhin lhe crgcni:clicn
- High|y effeclive |eccer:hip
- Deve|cpmenl cf high|y effeclive, mec:urcL|e :ki||: cnc ccmpelencie:
The Conference Zone i: uniue in lhcl il ceve|cp: cnc ce:ign: inlercclive lrcining
ccur:e: cnc wcrk:hcp: lhcl cre lci|crec lc meel c :pecific :phere cf emp|cyee neec:
wilhin cn crgcni:clicn. Ihi: cpprccch c|:c prcvice: The Conference Zone wilh lhe cLi|ily lc
en:ure lhcl lhe inlercclicn Lelween lhe fcci|ilclcr cnc lhe ce|egcle remcin: very prcclicc| cnc
Wilh lhi: cyncmic cpprccch, The Conference Zone ccn lhereLy |evercge lhe fu||
pclenlic| cf humcn ccpilc|, mcximi:e ycur :lcff perfcrmcnce cnc rec|i:e lhe crgcni:clicn:
What Past Delegates Had To Say About Our Training Courses...
Content exceeded my expectations
- Eskom -
Very good presenter with good exposure and experience
- Fine Chemicals Corporation -
Good content and well presented
- Babcock Engineering -
Gained more than I expected
- De Beers -
Excellent presentation with exercises
- Kelvin Power Station -

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