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A one day conference:

Contributing to the prevention of violent extremism

The background

In 2008, the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) launched their Learning together to be safe toolkit to help schools contribute to the prevention of violent extremism.

So what does preventing violent extremism mean?

In short, Prevent is about stopping people from becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism. Schools are recognised as having a valuable contribution to make and the Prevent strategy emphasises the importance of working with children and young people if we are to make a difference in the longer term. To support the inclusion of schools, we have been given funding by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) to raise greater awareness of Prevent within the wider education community. The aim of this one-day conference is to provide primary and secondary school headteachers and governors with a greater awareness and understanding of the Governments Preventing Violent Extremism strategy and to gain knowledge of the products available, such as the national toolkit.

The one-day conference will include:

A keynote speaker The journey so far (Nottingham) Choice of attending two out of four workshops (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)

A 3-course lunch will be provided with refreshments throughout the day. Conference packs will also be provided on the day and organisations involved in the delivery of this agenda will also be present. We hope that you will be able to attend and look forward to seeing you on the 12th March.

Inspector Louise Jordan Delivery Manager Prevent Nottinghamshire Police Emma Orrock Community Safety Executive Co-ordinator Nottingham City Council

The agenda

9.30am 9.45am 9.45am 10.00am 10.00am 10.30am 10.30am 10:45am

Arrival, registration & refreshments Welcome from Supt Steven Cooper, Prevent lead, Nottinghamshire Police Keynote speaker The Journey So Far Speaker: Emma Orrock, Community Safety Executive Co-ordinator, Nottingham City Council Case study Refreshments Workshops (choice of 4) Lunch Workshops (choice of 4 repeated) Refreshments Evaluation & closing remarks from Supt Steven Cooper, Prevent lead, Nottinghamshire Police Conference close

10.45am 11:00am 11.00am 11.30am 11.30am 12.30pm 12.30pm 1.45pm 1.45pm 2.45pm 2.45pm 3.00pm 3.15pm 3.45pm


The Workshops

Act Now
Act Now is a table top exercise where participants are given information relating to a fictional town, an extremist groups activities and a subsequent terrorist attack. After each new piece of information, participants are asked to discuss what they would do next as they adopt the role of a police officer for the duration of the exercise. Act Now is an excellent workshop that works through a difficult topic in a safe environment and helps improve cohesion and is suitable for age groups from secondary school onwards.

Learning together to be safe - the role of schools in contributing to the prevention of violent extremism
This workshop will explore the DCSFs expectations of the role of schools in contributing to the prevention of violent extremism. It will set out the policy background and provide an opportunity to reflect on the links to the wider community cohesion agenda, schools self-evaluation and the Ofsted inspection framework. violentextremism/ toolkitforschools

The communities role in preventing violent extremism (PVE) and building resilience
This workshop will look at the importance of involving young people and women in the development and delivery of the PVE agenda. The workshop will also examine some of the local initiatives undertaken by young people and women in Nottingham, and how these support the Prevent agenda. Muslim community members will be present on the day to discuss the initiatives. and Watch Over Me

The and Watch Over Me programmes are designed to be delivered by the teacher and supported by the local police, fire service and football clubs, whose representatives can take part in the appropriate safety lessons whenever possible. This not only adds interest for young people, it also helps to build valuable community relationships at an early age and makes children aware of the people in the community who are there to help them and keep them safe.

Conference administrator
Jeffrey Lewis Phone: 0115 9158674 Email:

Nottingham City Council

Emma Orrock, Community Safety Executive Co-ordinator - Prevent lead Phone: 0115 9158789 Email: Alison Day, Principal Primary Advisor Prevent representative for schools Phone: 0115 9150625 Email:

Nottinghamshire Police
PC Karen Davies, Prevent Community Engagement Officer Phone: 0115 8445033 Email: PC Debrah Rawsthorne, Prevent Community Engagement Officer Phone: 0115 8445033 Email: PC Lisa Crouch, Diversity Officer Phone: 0115 8445033 Email:

Conference: Contributing to the prevention of violent extremism Venue: Nottingham Belfry Hotel Date: 9:30am - 3:45pm, 12th March
Name(s): School:
Workshops will be allocated on a first come first served basis, you will be contacted if either of your chosen workshops are full.

Please tick two workshops you would like to attend:

ACT NOW The communities role in preventing violent extremism (PVE) and building resilience Learning together to be safe - the role of schools in contributing to the prevention of violent extremism primary school and Watch Over Me secondary school

Do you have any special dietary requirements?

Please cut out and return by Friday 12th February using the enclosed addressed envelope or contact the conference administrator on 0115 915 8674 or

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