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Awareness of Different Types of Bullying

(Bluewave Swift

All bullying has common themes ( see What is Bullying? at for more information) but the underlying issues may be very different. Research by Dan Olweus found: Typical types of Behaviour include: Aggressive Behaviour Anxious Behaviour Passive Behaviour

Characteristics may be one of the following, depending on the type of behaviours seen: low empathy / insensitive to feelings insecure / friendless genuine guilt for actions Ensuring you understand the type of behaviour seen and the underlying cause/ characteristic will ensure you choose the effective behaviour change strategy. The incorrect interpretation or blanket response may lead to an ineffective response and bullying may continue. Some anti bullying strategies have had bad press for seemingly doing nothing to improve the situation. It may be that an inappropriate intervention was chosen due to this lack of understanding. In addition it is important to consider different types of victims/ targets. Certain types have been identified: Chronic passive or active / provocative Different stand out for whatever reason Accidental in the wrong place at the wrong time Disability / Special Needs Background race, religion, language, culture, class Sexual Different prevention and support will be relevant for these different types of pupils Further Links: Olweus, D. (1993). Bullying at school: What we know and what we can do. (Oxford: Blackwell) Google Books link: D Olweus (1999) 'Sweden' in P K Smith and others (editors) 'The Nature of School Bullying: a cross-national perspective' Ofsted Bullying : Effective action in secondary schools Act Against Bullying: How to cope with cyber bullying
Education Leeds

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Educational Action Challenge Homophobia (EACH): Resources to request or download for schools supporting the key messages of EACH Education for All (Stonewall): Resources to request and download, as well as reports for teachers and young people on how to tackle homophobia in education Kidscape : Information and guidance to download on cyber bullying Mencap: Download an information leaflet on Bulling and Children with a learning Disability Miss Dorothy.Com: Safety tips for children and young people on how be safe on the internet, at home and on the streets
National healthy Schools: 4.6 To meet this standard, schools and settings are required to ensure: Staff feel supported and are able to identify and manage bullying. Links for further details: Leeds Healthy School Standard: National Healthy Schools Anti Bullying Guidance:
Contacts Your designated Healthy Schools and Wellbeing consultant Tel: Email: See Directory for details

Inclusion Chartermark Leadership and Management

2 b: The school actively combats discrimination and monitors the outcomes. Links for further details: InfoBase quick link code D444
Contacts Jean Basson, ISEN Training and Support Co-ordinator, SEN And Inclusion Support Services Tel: 0113 395 1044 Email:

e safety and cyberbulling

There is an e-safety strategy and safe usage processes for Leeds on which anyone can access to look at good practice. In addition the CEOP site and the Think You know sites will help and guide pupils, schools and parents through the whole of cyberbullying Links for further details: 5 smart rules for staying safe online Why do you need to be safe online
Education Leeds

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Awareness of different types of Bullying Wave 1

Contacts LLN portal for all links Til Wright, Head of Service Safeguarding, Looked After and Vulnerable Children



0113 3951235

Further Information about specific types of bullying

The arts offer a safe space for children & young people to explore difficult and complex issues, like different types of bullying and their impact. Involvement in a creative process will enable pupils to develop a variety of skills and capacities such as problem-solving, collaboration, communication and empathy. ArtForms is the music and arts team in Education Leeds. We can work with schools to develop arts programmes which support learning in agendas such as Anti-Bullying. We can create bespoke packages or broker relationships with the arts and cultural sector across a range of specialisms, including: visual art, drama, dance, photography and film. Example - The Power of Me - a partnership project with the anti-bullying champion. This project sent a team of artists (photographer, drama practitioner, graphic designer and writer) into schools to work with primary and high school pupils. The artists used different approaches to explore with participants issues relating to individual power and responsibility. The pupils ideas, experiences and work was used to produce a high quality resource pack for teachers. Links for further details:
Contacts Sarah Westaway, Arts Manager Tel: 0113 230407 Email:

Integrated Childrens Services Staff Training: Bullying and its impact on stress in school Target Group: Aims:
SENCo/ Class Teachers in Primary and High Schools including PRUs and SILCs

To consider definition of bullying, why children may engage in bullying behaviours and how this may impact on stress levels of the individual and settings as a whole. Links for further details:
Contacts Gemma Allen Tel: 0113 3951045 Email:

Education Leeds

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Awareness of different types of Bullying Wave 1

For specific information on bullying related to SEN and disabilities, bullying related to appearance or health conditions, bullying related to sexual orientation, bullying of young carers or looked-after children, or otherwise linked to home circumstances, sexist or sexual bullying and cyberbullying. Links for further details:

Anti Bullying Policy Training

This training will take you through the steps you need to take to develop an effective anti bullying policy that is owned by the school community and reflects school practice. Steps to take include: Awareness Raising and Consultation Establishing a Working Party Writing an Anti-Bullying Policy Implementing the Anti-Bullying Policy and Strategies Monitoring, Reviewing and Evaluating Session one: Prevention and Protection: Split session (1) Cyber Bullying an overview and (2) Inclusive Community Approaches to anti bullying work in schools An overview of Cyber bullying and how to involve the whole school community effectively. How to organise and work with an inclusive working party, good school practice, roles and responsibilities, how to bring it together, recording and reporting, creating different versions for different audiences (parent and pupil friendly versions of the policy) Session two: Prevention and Protection: Split session: (1) Disability Bullying an overview (2) Are you meeting legal requirements with your anti bullying policy and practice An Overview of Disability Bullying and Do you know what bullying is? Are you legally covered (ensuring you address what is legislation) recording and reporting Session three: Prevention and Protection: Split session (1) Racial Bullying an overview (2) Effective Responses to bullying behaviour An overview of racial bullying and How to match the right response to the incident, working towards prevention before the reaction/cure, understanding different types of bullying and the different responses Links for further details:
Contacts Healthy Schools Admin Tel: 0113 2144051 Email:

National Strategies
The Primary and Secondary SEAL resources produced by National Strategies provides a curriculum resource outlining discrete learning opportunities to tackle the Anti-bullying theme. Available at The SEAL resource produced by National Strategies provides a curriculum resource outlining discrete learning opportunities to tackle the Anti-bullying theme. Available at The SEAL resource produced by National Strategies provides a curriculum resource outlining discrete learning opportunities covering the 5 domains of self-awareness, empathy, motivation, managing feelings and social skills. Available at Links for further details:
Education Leeds

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Awareness of different types of bullying Wave 1

Gaynor Pettigrew, Secondary Behaviour and Attendance Consultant

Education Leeds

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Awareness of different types of bullying Wave 1

Contacts Sally Hughes, National Strategies Adviser Mary Strode, Primary Consultant for SEAL Karen Knepper, Primary Consultant for SEAL Louise Greatrex, Secondary Behaviour and Attendance Consultant

Tel: 0113 2144068


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