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Summary Princess Academy Vi Tran by Shannon Hale In the beginning, when Miri was born her mother died

after a week because Miris mom was sick. Miris mom didnt want to let go Miri when Miri was still in her mothers stomache,though Miri had no memory of it save what she created in her imagination ,she thought of that week when she was held by her mother as the precious thing she owned and she kept the idea of it tight to her heart.Miris grandfather is ancient.Marda [sister]always said she could not resist Miris low throaty laugh and defied the mountain itself not to rumble as well, but Miri liked her sisters laugh than a belly full of soup. The linder of the current quarry had been uncovered the day she was born, and her father had wanted to name her after a stone.Miris mom refused. I dont want a daughter named after a stone, she had said choosing instead to name her Miri after the flower that conquered rock and climb to face the sun.Miris mom always says, and everyone knows that shes never wrong. Liana with her large eyes acknowledged the prettiest girl in the villaged.Bena, Peder, and Liana is friends with Miri.Liana and Bena are two years older than Peder, but lately he was the boy that mostly pretended to smile at Miri.Go Ahead. She ran the other way, wearing through the crowd of waiting quarry workers to find Marda, and she did not look back. Even in a large group, Marda felt anxious standing alone. After days of supplication, the priests perform a rite to divine which city or town is the home of the future princess. Then the prince meets all the noble daughters of that place and chooses his bride. Only Miri could go to

Princess Academy because Miri is not older than the prince but Marda is turning 18 in the 3rd month and the prince is turning 18 in the 5th month so Marda cant go .As is the tradition the king commanded an academy be created for the purpose of preparing the potential ladies given these circumstances, the prince agreed the academy could be lodged in the old ministers house near the mountain pass. One year from now the prince will ascend the mountain and attend the academy ball. He himself will select his bride from among the girls. Next, when Miri was already in princess academy Miri missed the case of always knowing exactly what she was trying to say, and she missed the agitation of his nearness when her fingers felt thick and clumsy and her mouth dried. Miri had also missed Marda and Pa and Marda and Pa also missed Miri.Miri focused on her tablet and studied twice as hard. Several days later, Olana [teacher] took a book from the shelf and handed it to some older girls. Though Katar [friend] read better than the rest, sounding them out word by word. Britta[friend in princess academy] as well could barely get through a sentence .Her ruddy cheeks turned even redder.Miri considered that she had been mistaken and Britta had never been able to read. What a shame!Olana took the book from Britta to Miri.The book was history of Dan land, the dark brown had tried and failed to read before.Olana opened the book to the second page and pointed to a paragraph.Miris tongue felt like it was made of clay. She cleared her throat, gripped the book and began. Well girls, said

Olana when Miri finished. If the prince was coming tomorrow, you know who could wear a silver gown. One afternoon two or three years earlier, Miri and Peder had sat on a grazing hill above the village. They were young enough that Miri had had not yet begun to worry that her nails were dirty and broken or that Peder was bored with her words.Miri spent the rest of the hour doing the chores to try it out. She made up songs as she often did not only sing aloud, but focusing on the sound of her song. For nearly three months the focus had been on reading but now Olana introduced other subjects;Danlander history, Commerce Geography, and Kings and Queen. The next morning, Lana introduced the rules for clinometric negotiations, starting with State the problem and ending with Invite Mutual acceptance, then rushed through the long list of general principles of Diplomacy.Miri tried to imagine the kind of life where fishing was a holiday game instead of a way to get food. Each night as Miri lay on her pallet, she held on to the thought that she was one night closer to telling her pa and the villagers about Commerce. In order to beat Katar at first in the academy, Miri knew she would have to be an expert on everything Olana had taught. The lesson on Diplomacy had been vague and rushed, so the next rest day during personal study,Miri read a chapter on Diplomacy in Dan Lander Commerce puzzling over the rules and how one might actually used them. Then the next day before they planned on making the trek for spring holiday. Lana announced a test.Miri had asked that what the princes name is. Asked Gerti, settling her kettle in the coals.Steffan said Britta. How did you know that asked Liana?

Britta Shrugged. Everyone knows down there said Katar in a high mocking voice. The next morning the girls walked back to the academy. This time no soldiers pressed them from behind but Miri guessed she was not the only one feeling jittery. They talked over their Diplomacy strategy, many of the girls offered ideas. Rid and other sixteen-years old were vocal and supportive, but Bena refused to speak again after she declared that, Miri would fail, and Katar stayed in her usual spot alone. Finally, itd had been a sunny the day before and melted snow filled with up the old quarry holes, so you couldnt tell flat ground from the pits. Peder had just turned around to taunt Miri when, whoosh!Miri mimed at Peder dropping down. Honestly, said Britta the academy feels more like home to her than her second cousins house. Arent they kind to you said Britta said Miri?Theyre not unkind, said Britta. When Britta arrived, she brought food and supplies so she wouldnt be a burden, but she still feels .I dont know, not unwelcome, just unwanted. Do you, miss your real parents? said Britta. Does that make me a bad person? I miss other people from the lowlands-a woman who used to take care of me, a family that lived near by, but Miris father was always gone and my mother wasMiri shrugged, unable to finish her sentence. Then later the girls were learning the dances for the ball. The girls had taken a test .Everyone scored very well on their portion of the exam.Olana had said that at dinner she will calculate the scores for the exam and after she will announce who passed and will be an academy princess.Olana read the parchment with the orders of the score

starting from the lowest score. Most of the girls seem to mind their place and was pleased to hear that they would be going to the ball. Olana stopped reading before Miri heard her own name. The last five girls were Katar, Esa, Liana, Bena and Miri were so close, Olana couldnt determine who the leader was. So Olana allowed tem to decide.Katars shoulders slumped, Miri felt her leg shaking again as her class mates s whispered their votes to Olana one by one. When the last girl had sat down, Olana smiled. Over half of the class voted for the same girl, a clear majority.Miri come forward. Olana put her hand on Miris shoulder and said the academy princess and the girls cheered. Miris own heart felt sore, like a burnt fingertip. She saw now that she would do whatever she needed fight to dying, or lower his mallet, or even believe Peders strange tale of quarry-speech spoken miles away. He had run through a snowstorm in the middle of the night to save his little girl. Then the next night the girls had their ball. During the ball Prince Steffan had danced with Britta and the Prince Steffan had a great time with Britta. Then Prince Steffan was ready to decide who he was going to choose and he said that he picked Britta. Prince Steffan said that you are all invited to my wedding in the spring.Miri was feeling jealous because she didnt get picked but she actually wasnt. Then Olana gave a picture frame to give it to Miri because Olana wanted Miri to have it. So then Miri came to talk to Britta and they had fun with each other and they lived happily ever after.

The End

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