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Grade:_____________ Group: ___________________ Roll number: ___________________ I.- Match the columns 1.- I have a toothache 2.- I have a weight problem 3.-I have an earache 4.-I have a fever 5.- I have a headache 6.- I have a cough II.- Read and circle T (true) or F (false). Mike Tyson is an ex-boxer. Hes fat because he doesnt take any exercise. He never goes to the gym in the mornings; he watches TV or videos instead. For lunch he has hamburgers and French fries. He smokes 20 cigarettes a day, so he always has a cough, and he usually has a headache. Mike, you should change your habits! says his doctor. 7.-Mike runs in the park everyday 8.-He never eats junk food 9.-He doesnt eat junk food 10.-His doctor thinks he shouldnt change his lifestyle T T T T F F F F ____a) take an aspirin and see the doctor. ____b) go to the dentist. ____c) take an aspirin and rest ____d) see a nutritionist. ____e) take some cough syrup. ____f) see the ear, nose and throat.

III.- Choose the piece of advice for each of the following health problems. Write the answers in the parenthesis. 11.- You have a terrible stomachache a) Why dont you drink a cup of coffee? b) You should drink a cup of tea c) Drink a soda 12.- You have a severe pain on your back a) If I were you I would trying putting some ointment on b) Try not to drink cold water c) You shouldnt drink a glass of water 13.- You are sick and you dont feel well a) Try studying more b) Dont play the guitar c) See a doctor ( ) ( ) ( )

14.- You have a toothache a) Dont eat chocolates b) Why dont you eat junk food c) You should watch TV 15.- You have a severe pain in your eyes a) Make an appointment with the dentist b) Make an appointment with the ophthalmologist c) Make an appointment with the engineer IV.- Read the text and choose the correct answer for each question.

Pedro is at home now. He cant go to school today because he is feeling very sick. He has a running nose, watery eyes and he cant sleep well either. Hes very hot and hes coughing a lot. His mom is on the phone calling the doctors office. 16.- Pedros mom is asking for: a) Some medicine b) An appointment c) Just saying hello to the doctor 17.- Pedros problem is: a) He has a toothache b) He has a stomachache c) He has a cold 18.- Can Pedro go to school been sick? a) Yes, He can b) No, He cant 19.- Do you go to school when you are sick? a) Yes, I do b) No, I dont V.- Match the columns SHOULD Go to the dentist Drink a herbal tea Drink some pepto Get a massage Take an aspirin PROBLEM Stomachache Headache Cold Toothache Backache SHOULDNT go out when is cold carry heavy things eat tacos watch TV eat chocolates

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